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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Apr 1937, p. 9

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's&r.jv v.' m. • , V f it 4, i U.y^ T/^!f r^^ **?' ^;ki *<•,.*«• * i.% -'» *-^V-*V,r £* -*•-•'* • / i *1 *"*' > 'b '*§* #'* -"* **. ' " ", '"J ' «. * 4*.^ £*< 1 * ' *^-* *" ^ -1$ „' £**-?-**: ^jf.' ^ **"» r*'. , * . * , - yf*'\ '>*; •'•,- . •' .' »•;i « /.; * ^ r - ^. "" ' ^ *** " tf * " ' O \--;^'-P _.; f, Official Report of the Proceedings lor the Fiscal Year Ending April 1,1937. !:-?•• ^: •;'jg" *",. '** ~ - ^ *;afe ' * -f * SUPPLEMENT TO- McHENRY PLAINDEALER, McHenry,Ill. sir Thursday, April 22, 193?. Special April Meeting, " 1936 r Lkfy • ?;?V^ The Honorable Board of Supervisors ~ of AicUem y County, Illinois met in Special Session pursuant to a call signed by more than one-third of its members at the court House in the City Of Woodstock on Tuesday, the 2ist day of April, A. i_>. 1936, at ten o'clock .A. MThe meeting was called to. order by Paul Rosenthal, the retiring Chairman, and the roll being called by the Clerk, the following members responded to their names to-wit: supervisors L.. A. Stockwell, C. M. Palmer, F. E. Beck, N, B. Clawson, E. C. Hughes, K. F, Kuecker, Chas. H. Ackman, Joseph heramer. Hoy J. Stewart, J. K, Harrison/ H. M- Turner, J. G. Stevens, Frank May, S. ft. 1-Teund, A. H, Hale, John J. Filipt and Assistant Supervisors, A. B. Mo* Conn ell and Paul Rosenthal, constituting a quorum. The retiring Chairman, Paul Rosenthal, stated tnat he appreciated very much the cooperation given him by the members of the Board and various committees together with the County Officers during hjkB term as Chairman that is now at a close, and stated that the next order of business to come before this meeting was the election of a Chairman for the ensuing year, and asked for nominations for said office. Bur. Hemmer of Grafton Twp. addressed the Board and stated that he and Supr. Stevens of Richmond Twp. were elected Supervisors at the tome timet and according to an pld rule of the Board of choosing their Chairman from the members oldest in point of service who have not had the honor, he wished at this time, to preserve harmony on the Board, to place in nomination J. G. Stevens, the Supervisor from Richmond Twp. for Chairman for the ensuing year. The nomination was duly seconded by Supr. Freund. The Chairman then called for further nominations and there being no further nominations, it was regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Hale that the nominations be closed. Motion declared unanimouBuly carried, and the Supervisor from Richmond Twp. was declared to be the unanimous choice of the members of the Board for Chairman for the ensuing year, and the Clerk cast tne .unanimous vote of the members present for Supr. M G. Stevens for said ortice. The result of the election being annouhced, the newly elected Chalrmas was escorted to the Chair by the retiring Chairman, Paul Rosenthal. Supr. Stevens then thanked the members foi the very great honor bestowed upon him, and stated that he would endeavor , to Oil the office in honor to the members of the Board and people of McHenry County. The records of the Special March meeting, IMC, were read and on motion approved. The following report of the County Treasurer was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: Oonnty Treasure!** Beport for Month of March, 1936 X#O4&pt0 Bal. on hand Mar. lst^ 1936 $76,020.14 Personal Prop. Back Taxes $ 69.19 Penalties and < Fees S.84 Highway Fund 68.00 Inheritance Taxes ... 5,332.09 Motor Fuel Tax 59.68 Anticipation Warrants .'.....20,000.00 .28,640.51 McHenry County to meet and defray the ordinary expenses of the County, and it U necessary at this time to provide a fund to meet all such expenses by issuing and disposing of anticipation warrants to be drawn against the County tax levied in the year of 1915 In the way and manner provided by the Statute of this State for the Issuing and disposing of warrants. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of llcHenry that the" County Treasurer of this County be and he is hereby authorised and' directed to issue and sell as needed, anticipation warrants to an amount net Thot the County Superintendent or Highways act am general overseer of tu» work and as cleik of - the road and bridge committee. We furtner recommend that the right of way for roads built I torn the gasoline tax tunds be secured by the regular Right of Way Committee and that emergency matters that may devetop In the administration of said road Improvements be handled by the Road and Bridge cotnmittee. We further recommend that the policy adopted by this Board, at the special October 1»31 meeting, namely pi the Road and Bridge committee, ordering to exceed the sum of $20,000 against 1 orders drawn semi-monthly for road pie County Tax levied in the year 1935, ' work and materials under contract en but In no event shall the anticipation warrant Issued exceed 75 pet cent of, the amounts of the appropriation tax levied for the year 1935; that said warrants shall be issued as needed In the sum of $5000 each and each bond to be so drawn so that the same shall draw Interest at the lowest available rate not I to exceed 6 per cent per annum from 'the time of Its issuance until paid or ! until notice is given that said warrant ' is recalled for payment, which anticipation warrants are Issued for the purpose of creating a fund from which payment of the ordinary and necessaary expenses of said County may be paid, j BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such anticipation warrants shall when I drawn show upon their face that they ' are payable solely out of the tax, when .collected, and not otherwise* Respectfully submitted. JOSEPH HEMMER ROY J. STEWART ••• • • E. C. HUGHES ' • ^N. B. CLAWSON (JOHN J. FILIP ^ ^ Total receipts for March ' Grand Total Receipts $104,660.81 BxpenOltures County Orders 913,77 3.1* Highway Orders «... 5,953.20 Motor Fuel Tax 859.16 Bounty Orders -- 14.20 Court Reporter 20.0# Dox Tax, 1935 Sheep Claims....2,648.50 Mother's Pension 1,170.00 Erad. T. B. in cattle. 326.40 Inheritance Taxe( ---- -- 20.00 Institute Fund -- 28.50 Insanity 18.00 Disputed Taxes ...I-- 750.00 Pauper Fund # ..... 5,600.11 Probating fUlcers 90.00 ....Salaries 768.50 Total Disbursements ......32,039.71 Bal. on hand Mar. 31st, 1936' . in all funds ^ ...72,621.19 Grand Total $104,660.81 The above and foregoing report is true and correct accoruing to my best knowledge and belief. LESTER EDINGER, Co. Tre«s. , Subscribed and sworn to before m» this 17th day of April, 1936. (Seal) R. D. WOODS, Co. Clerk It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Supr. Clawson that the report of the County Treasurer be adopted by this Board. And the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried* bupr. Hemmer, Chairman of the Finance Committee, asked the Committee to Settle with the Treasurer if they had any refcommendatloti" to make in regard to the moneys received by the present County Treasurer from Harry F. Peteit. Supr. Palmer, Chairman of the Committee to Settle with the Treasurer, stated that his Committee did. not prepare a written report for this meeting. but that he would move at this time that $5198.08 received from the ex- County Treasurer by the present County Treasure'r and being held by him in a special account be transferred to the General Fund to be appropriated for general use. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Beck and the roll being called was declared unapimouusly carried. The Committee on Licenses made the following report which on motion of Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Harrison was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: April 20, 1936. Mr. Chaiarman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your License Oonimittee~~to whom was referred applications for Liquor Licenses for the year 1936, would beg leave to report as follows: That Alcoholic Liquor Licenses have been issued to the following: 50, Sam Salvesen Jr., McHenry R. F. D. 2 i ......$76.00 61, Albert H. Watson, McHenry R. F. D. 2 --..f7a.00 £2, Ben Tingree, Crystal Lake 75.00 (3, Edward J. Miller, McHenry k. F. D. 2 75.00 54, John Krause Marengo RFD 1.... 75.00 66, Walter Irion, Richmond 75.00 67, William Steflfens, Silver, Lake 75.00 58, Claus Ander, McHenry 76.00 69, Joe Friend. McHenry ....- 75.00 That Bottled Beer License* ' have been issued to the following: 55, Glenn E. Harrison, Woodstock, R. F. D. 25.00 That the total amount turned over to the County Treasurer on fees collected for County Licenses for the year previous to this report is $3,575.00 That the total amoutUL. to be turned over to the County Tr*$surer by the Countv Clerk upon the approval of this report is *7«0.0o All of which is respectfullv submitted. J. G. STEVENS, Chairman. ; L. A. STOCK WELT. " JOHN J. FTlrIP • ' ' • 1||ie Committee on Finance presented tl» following report, to-wit: Btport of Finance Committee -V Woodstock. 111., April 21. 1936 ®WHiEREAS, there Is not at this time sufficient iponey ta the Treasury ot It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Hale and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman that ffte report of the Committee on Finances' be appiovea and the resolution authorising the issuance of lax Anticipation Warrants be adopted by this Board. And tne roll being called Suprs. Stockwell, Palmer, Beck, Clawson, Hughes, Kuecker, Ackman, Hemmer, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, May, Freund, Hale, r illp, and Asst. Suprs. McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye, nay none. Motion declored carried. The Committee on Roads and Bridges presented the following report which on motion of Supr. Freund and duly seconded by Supr. May and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Suupervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned members of the road and bridge committee tor said county, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That we met on the 11th day of April, 1936 at Woodstock, Illinois and auuited bills, chargeable to the McHenry County Patrol System of roads, of a general nature including supplies and repairs and overhauling County owned machinery and labor on the County Tool House buildings totaling a suni of ....$1739.70 Bills chargeable to the various secstions"~ of the County Patrol System of roads for labor ana materials at rates heretofore approved by this board were audited as follows: • . . Section 1 ' $64.38 Section 2 : 61-80 Section S 249.*5 Section 4 - --...... 143.41 Sections 6. 6 Section 8 -- - IMI Section 9 ------• 111.14 Section U .,um....i--r-r-- 353.7b Section 12 --..--. 169.00 Section IS - --38.50 Section 14 j 1 Section 16 ---- 369.t>9 Sections 16, 18 191.06 Section 17 -- -- • 24,3.96 Total $4193.47 Owing to the lateness of the tax bills being sent out and there being not sufficient cash In the road and bridge fund to pay all of said bills it was decided to recommend that the County Treasurer be empowered to procure sufficient funds for payment ot said Mils in anticipation of the collection of the County Highway Tax, if he deems same, nefressary, and that he then pay said bills as soon as possible. Your committee aiso audited and ordered paid out of the motor fuel tax funds items as follows: State. Aid Rt. 13-13A-- Sec. 4, maintenance, labor ,,,$32.25 Sec. 4, maintenance material 2.97 Sec. 7, maintenance, labor 10.16 Sec. 7-1-T engineering labor - 58.12 We decided to change the road patrolman on section 5-6 at Spring Grove, Illinois and appointed Arthur Oxtoby a% the new patrolman. We decided to recommend the continuance of the workman's compensation and public liability and property damage and automobile insurance on the County employees in the same Company as last year The Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company and that said Insurance be awarded to Richard C. Burton of Richmond, Illinois. Last December the County'B Chevrolet truck was run into and badly damaged and we recommend that the State's Attorney start suit to recover fair damage settlement in the matter and we also recommend that the Chairman of this Board be hereby empowered on behalf of McHenry County, Illinois, to accept settlement of said damages if satisfactory arrangements in his judgment are made through the State's Attorney for this County. Word was received by the committee that the Illinois Commerce Commission has granted the proposed new railroad crossing on State Aid Route 8-A section 6 M. F. T. the proposed concrete road as an extension of Main St. in Crystal Lake, liynois, south to State Bond Issue Route 19. Wc recommend that said tered into by this Board, to the extent of ninety per cent of amounts due, be continued, and tr,at said policy be further extended to include the wor* being done In this CoUnty from the J motor fuel tax funds, by day labor construction. We further recommend the continuance of existing agreements and methods in road matters for the ensuing year or until such time as the new road and bridge committee shall make different recommendations for approval of this board. This committee had an opportunity to buy through the J. D. Adams Co. three used Euclid scrapers for *50u.0U wttich is less than the price of one wheo new, and we decided to recommend their purchase for McHenry County as they arc needed for grading work. The matter ot this season's road improvement work was discussed and the lollowing thoughts were brought out which may be vi some help to tne next road and bridge committee: There is at the present time about $62800 not obligated in the motor fuel tax fund at Springfield for this County- The hereinbefore mentioned Crystal Lake concrete road improvement wiu probably take $37000 of this M. F. T. fund, and there would be left. ahoUt $258u0 or probably just about enuufih money to pay for the right of way w extension of Route 67 east to CniUI Lake, the State having proposed to build said road. There would then be available tor the County M. F. T. road program the collections for the next seven month* or about $86,000 If the law remains ga at present and there are no xurthMr diversions for relief. This would J«*t about build the asphalt tops 41 tne RldgeAeld road and the Greenwood Road by next November 1st. These are contract jobs and could not be counted on for employment of the County Highway workers. There would then be available for the County patrolmen and the grading and crushing gangs of County workers only the County nighway Tax fund whtfeh yields about $8600 and if the present force of workers i* kept they could work only half time or eise one half w the force would have to be laid oft, and section 8 M. F. T. at Spring Grove} costing about $8000; and section 10 Sr. F. T. at Hartland costing about $14099; and section 11, M. F. T. at Huntley costing about $16000 all dgy labor construction Jobs with plans all comjuete and approved and ready for construction could not be built thii year. We think the above matters should" be thought over by the entire Board. We Have received and turned over to the County Treasurer for the road fund from the State Treasurer refund on gasoline used in tractors on datal Hi B-476VIS --• ..T.. MM1» Your- eoamtttec eetlwstee -H^i ikere wttl tail necessary for the cars of the McHenry County Patrol system of roads an appropriation from the County highway tax funds the sum of $5000 unttt the May meeting of this Board. 411 w&icn is -«*-r°ntfii1lfar fuhmfflfr - ™ x H HALE ' ' E. F. KUECKER ' • FRA N K MAY ; ^ F. E. BECK ' • JOSEPH HEMMER 8npr. Harrison, a much heeded an# thft the County Home Committee had authorised the County (superintendent, Mr. Alien, to rent the land and on a share basis there would be no cash involved The following resolution on Right of Way, Engineering tfefvice, was presented and read ami on. motion ot supr Harrison and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman had the roll being caiied was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit. °.T fc? known as the special Committee on Lake & Harris 72.93 Ifox River Grove Coal & Lbr W. D Hall Lbr. Co. : S4.«l Frank E. Bohl .... frred W. BarloW .........a«7.<9 Duensing Bros. ; Wm. Bell 10.00 a. & P. (2000 Mohawk «->• • Western in. Gas & 81. Co. 13.54 A. & P. <C. L.) _ Ray Wilkinson 11 13 National Tea Co. (Q L.) ..: Mrs. Jacob Aaeder 22.00 National Tea Co. (Alg.) .: . ^ Moge & son 66.32 Zace T. B. San., (T. B. & paup) Lordans Cash Groc, 56.47 j Chicago Ind. Home, depend, child. 401.46 City of Harvard 4.89 ! T. B. Patient Paup. ifim*. County Home Committee, stated that ttoxious Weeds and that saiu conmutUie there waa a 40 tract 01 land au- oe instructed to meet witn tne Boone Jacent to the County farm that the County Committee and report back to County •could rant a^i that it was very this Board at its next regular meeting. Beaolwtton J. C. Bates C. Campanelli ............... til. Nonh. Utilities CO. . Dr. N. L. Seeyle Mrs. John Chapmafl > Geo, I. Walker Bernice Sherman V 4k'general discussion was_ had by the members of the Board with regard to purchase of right of way and the care and maintenance of secondary roads, but no action taken. The Committee on McHenry County Home presented the following report which on motion of Supr. Hemmer and duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: April 8, 1936 Mr. Chairman and members or the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, your County Home Committee respectfully submits the following report for the month of March 1936, audited and paid April 8, 1986. Frank S. Beti Company, med. and hospital supplies $26^9 E. F. Baccus, elec. work and fix. 16.56 Woodstock Heating Co., pipe & fix. 6.92 Walter Wagner, grinding 8.20 Royal Blue, groceries 81.47 PfeilTer Phamacy, medicine 26.65 C. F. Gumprecht, drill and repairs 173.15 Thome & Son, clothes 9.15 The Bohn Hdw. Co., hardware .... 27.92 Montgomery Ward A Co., clothes, St.$4 61.44 Motion declared unanimously carried. Tne Chairman appointed to act as said committee Suprs Palmer, Clawtson and Hughes, eupr. Casper thanked the members ot the Board for their splendid cooperation. Tne Cnalrman called upon Jlev. M KC. Vetter, Superintendent of a Children s Home at Addison, Illinois, Who addressed the Board and stated that some time ago without any promise from the then County Judge or McHenry County of w. •. „ , remuneration he received in his home Strain Bros. WHEREAS, there now available for the nine Warfe. children from Hartland Fr»d«.rika Deithloft the use of McHenry County, Illinois, Twp. and that the children were all do- Mrs. Tom Jacobs out of the Motor Tax. of 1929. the lag line and he wondered if the Board D. Hereley A Sons ""S-J&o'JJi'J ^ , . would consider assisting his Institution Frank S. Beta Co. WHfcRfciAS, it is permissible under in a financial way for mating for said Or H J Schmid saJd Motor Fuel Tax Law, approved children. After some discussion the John C. Powers ~CI_ March 25, 1929, to purchase Right of matter was continued for investigation. Earle Stafford _ Way for the improvement ot State Aid the committee on Claims, juslbor, The Fair " ">ad8> • _ „ „„ „ Fees and Supplies made the following Thrift Shop"™".™"!«-i-JZZZ WHEREAS, the: Right of Way Com- report which on motion of Supr. Kueck- Lush Vermilya Co. Aittee of the Koaro of Supervisors or er and duly seconded by Supr. Beck and Henry Kolti A Sons ^ ..... Mtaenry County, Illinois, have secured the roll being called was declared unani- a A P Co the , engineering service 0f Wayne . mousdy adopted, to-wit: *Aldeii Mentser to the totlewvig Highway Dedl- I " -- datlena for the improvement of 8tate Dr. E. Thomas Brand ... April 21, A. D. 1936 E. R. Gast Aid Routes Number#. 11 and 10, Mo-;Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Lush VermU»a Co7~."!!" !"*! 4?"** 1W J *e Bowa of supervisors. Wm. E. Van Der Veen is** T" T®*** *• ~ fI L. 1 our Committee on Labor, Fees and L. G. Nigh : W#|yne Mentser, eftgt. service ....|U.tflBup. Claims would beg leave to report Hebron Cash Grocery , Lester Edlnger, TfeM. McHenry ,that they have examined all claims pre- Coral ttounty. 111-, treasurer s fee .... ^ .14 sented to them, and recommend the Dr. E. Thomas Brand MhM AAA Bomte 1®, •. m. X. Boute •? payment of the following, and that the W c. Kulle 10.00 Ottawa Sanatorium ...... .... 44.89 .... lo.oo Ottawa Sanatorium ........... 181>fK .... 7.50 Ottawa Sanatorium ....... 147.42 .. 50.00 Ottawa Sanatorium a - - ,r -Va v, 49.86 .....10.00 Ottawa SanatOrluni' $1 • 10.0u Hartland-- ; ' 52.00 ShurtlefT & Qo.' y ^ .y^ ... 59.43 Lush,, Vermilya ,A-:'©?!., liM 12-00 • Dunham-- ... 38.4o Chas. Amblifer 6.00 Geo. I Walker 3.25 Strain Broe. i-wj.™... 7.50 Lush Vt-rmilya *50 W. ,L>. Ha!! Lbr. Co. I... 18.97 Esmond & Douglaa .... 11.72 Seneca-- " -- 8.08 -shuttles' CJv .... .73:92 R. J. Leisch 46. "" iaou ' A11 of which is respectfully submitted. 10-°« D. M. WRIGHT FRANK MAY i?' A. H. HALE ^ 1 H. M. TURNER .. CHAS. H. ACKjfAN 1 2 4. ff 13.78 49.26 1 ,v f'--* 5v r €% '."M- 6.0# 13.21 10.06 22.69 22.25 8.42 Board of supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, that, the above amount of Kl^48 of the Motor fcuel Tax of 1929 used for the purchase of said right 6( way above mentlWied, and, IT FURTHER RE»OLVED. that tlaymond. D. WoOds, County Clerk, |s ktrwy directed to certliy a copy of this Wsolution to the Department of Public orks and BuildlHgn, Division of Highways, Springfield, Illinois, for its approval tor voucher. The following refolution on Right ot WUr, Kecordtng Dedications was presented and read and on motion of Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by &uyr. Kuecker and the roll being called wks ed unanimously adopted, to-wit: were- is now available for t¥e use of McHenTy County, lllinoin, out of the Motor Fu# Tax 01 1989, the sum of $C7S.S0 and. \YHKREA8, It ^ ermlssible under Law, approved nrchase Right of sent of State Aid Mid Motor Fuel Iftrch 26, 1929, to Way for the lmprovi Roada, and. WHERKA8, the Right of Way Com- -mlttee of the Hoard »of Supevisors of ^toHenry County, Illwoia, have Secured (he Mlgnaturea to the following Highway DeAcatlons for the improvement or (Hate Aid' Route* Number 4A-7-8B-11-14 "Vfxie ar'tTS". To Will T. Conn, QwUlty Recorder f«r Beoorging IT .^dloitions $336.09 To Will T. Conn, CoVBBty/Hecorder tor recordlhg 22 reUasas To Leater SMIager., Ob: Tread., Treas. fee --, 7.4® P. F. Pettlbone A Co., Co. Treas. Grafton-- » "i' ~ $$9.81 Sherman Hospital P. F. Pettlbone A Co., Co. Treas. Dr. J. C. Sculley . • •rt* -- 61.78 w. L. Farley Prank Thomber Co., Co. Ctk. state Bank of Huntley _®rld-J^d sup ;.... 63.60 Mrs. Hazel Nyhan ........ Frank Thomber Co., Oo. Clk. John G. Hanson -•-- ' elec. sup 457.SS Van Ness Gcoc. Frank Thornber Co., clr. clk. 161.86 c. F. Meyer • „ , Frank Thornber CO.. shf. ott. sUp. 4$.4t Enos Conley La,^yera Co' °P- Pub- Co- Judcy. Clanton A Schoof ^"bry fit William Works _.. R. D. Woods, Co. Clk. co. clk. criminal cases $412.20, 00. clk., ins. dependt $86.00 ..4 97JO Dr. A. s. Romberger, Co. Clk., Ina. dep. P. Dioero Dr. T. F. Forrest, Co. Clk., ina, dep. P. Dicero L. V. Kilts, Co. Clk., prtg. A sup. L. V. Kilts. Clr. Clk. (.09 6.0 4.00 111. Bell Tel. Cot- C. H. jail tel. •hf. $11.76 Co. <44.80 Wm. J. Brown, c; H. jail rep Thftrne A Son, ~ahf. Jail sup. clo. McHenry Plalndealer, Co. Clk. elec. sup. ballots Woodstock D. Sentinel, supr. prtg. 726.60 46.26 5 1874.00 feT reobrding 7 dedicaMooa ..-.$ 35.00 To Lester Edlnger., Co. Treas-, Treas. fee -- -- 0.71 v ^ $ 86.71 a a. m. t, tk Wk & dfr To Will T.- Conn, County Recorder ' for recording 1 dedication $ 6.00 To Lester Edlnger., Co. Trees., Treas. fee -- 0.10 $ 6.19 a a, n, mm. 1,11 in To will T. conn. County Recorder for reoordlng 23 dedications ....$116.09 To Will T Conn, County Recorder for recording 3 releases -- 6.66 To Lester Edihger., Co. Treas., Treas. fee -- 2.44 flSS.99 m. A. Bt. n. See. * v. r. T. To Will T. Conn, County Recorder for recording 8 delications --$ 16.00 To Lester Edlnger., Co. Treas., Treas. fee -- 0,30 $ 16.30 g, a, 4A, 1, j, 1, M To Will T, Conn, county Recorder for recording 3 dedications ....$ 16.00 To Will T. Conn, County Recorder for recording 3 releases 4.89 To Lester ttdinger., Ca Trees., Treas. fee -- 0.4% shoes, blankets, etc. Brevs Bakery, bread F. W. Woolworth, towels, oilcloth and notions Sawyer Biscuit Co.. crackers 18.91 20.03 John Sexton A Co., canned good 104.94 Seward Sea Food Service, fish -- 8.75 Woodstock Wholesale Co., tob. .. 40.67 Rosenthal Lumber and Fuel Co., fuel, feed and bldg. material . ..194.77 Public Service Co., electricity 91.06 Boyce Bros., gas and oil 18.91 A. W. Wagner, hardware -- *1.84 Kelly-Williamson Co., sootremover and spray gun--..--. 16.10 Superior Oil Co., fuel oil 84.39 Albert Tessefidorf, gas 61.40 International Chem. Co., dlsinf. .... 6.29 Oelwein Chem. Co., hog mineral.... 20.90 J. W. Griswold, hospital laundry 6.00 Hall A Eckert, lumber 6.24 road be advertised for bids and that the Corn Belt Hatcheries, chicken feed 49.20 County Clerk and the Chairman of this f. Cichocki, shoes and shoe repairs 9.67 Board of Supervisors be hereby authorized to sign said contract on behalf of McHenry County, Illinois, with the advice and consent x>t the Road and Bridge Committee. Your Committee recommends the following method of control of the County expenditures for roads for which the County is responsible for the ensuiug year. At meetings of this Board of Supervisors, 'the road and bridge commitlcc shall make an estimate of the amount of funds, within the tax levy for that purpose, needed to carry on the building and maintaining of the roads for which the County is responsible, from time to time. If said estimate is approved by this Board, it shall be considered as a limit on the authorized expenditures of the County Road and Bridge committee, over which limit said Gentlemen: Bowman Bros. Shoe Store, boots and shoes ••*2 The ShurtlefT Co.. fuel and building material 89.01 Til. Bell Tel. Co., telephone 18.10 Willis Disbrow, paper, hardware and groceries 28-58 Johnson Drug A Elec., medicine .... 4.15 W. P. Allen, petty cash 47.27 Geo. Nystrom, carpenter work .. . 90.00 Wm. P. Allen and wife, salary ....150.00 Guy Putty, cook 75.00 Arthur Wendt, help 45.00 Olaf Horgeson, farm nana: 40.00 Elva Borgeson. help 80.00 Susan A merman, nurSe -- 65.00 Virginia Doughart, nurse- . 55.00 Margaret Gtlmore, nurse . 55.00 "tl,«»l 12 To the Board of Supervisors: committee shall not step. From said funds appropriated, the said road and bridge committee may issue orders on the County Treasurer, Signed by not less than three members of said Committee to pay for the general road bills including salaries for patrolmen and msd -workers, gravel, gravel hauling, labor, lumber, posts, road signs, snow removal, repairs and supplies for County owned machinery, machinery rental, small tools, cement, culverts and bridges, paint, insurance on County road workers, machinery and buildings, print- •iner. fuel, grease, oil. gasoline, and incidentals. --- - - - . That the road and bridge Committee be authorised to meet monthly to pay bills and transact business of office. That a trip of inspection of1 County roads be taken by the committee and that so far as possible the nearest member of the committee iMMutt* euMtrgMioy matters*';.' vi-.,v Your County Home Committee met at the Countv Home April 8th, audited the bills for the month of March and drew orders for the same. Permanent expense ....$455.03 Running expense 843.37 Clothing ... 43.83 Medicine' , w -- 5 3 . 4 0 Hospital --,• -- 51.10 Dieting 246.63 Fuel j ; *'.- •Ti'..-' i 1 -r - 157.00 *0.67 >1,891.12 On a survey* of the farm We saw the spring pig crop, consisting of 104 little pigs. The old seeder has also been traded in on a new drill. ctfully submitted. r A. H. hale J. E. HARRISON * . *1 J. G. STEVENS ROY J. STEWART A. B. McCONNEJUU Committee , - " . : v - - . . J 20.20 673.30 THEREFORE, be it resolved by said Board of Supervisors of McHenry Coun ty, Illinois, that the above amount of $678.20 of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1929, be used for the recording of said right of way above mentioned, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that R. D. Woods, County Clerk, Is hereby directed to verify a copy of this resolution to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, Springfield, Illinois, for Its approval for voucher. The Chairman called Upon Dr. Erickson, a Veterinarian, who addressed the Board and stated that he wished to present an application for the office ot County Veterinarian that would be vacated April 30th due to the resignation of Dr. Hess. The Chairman informed Mr. Erickson that he did not believe that any action would be taken on said matter today. The Clerk presented lists of claims against the County and it was thereupon regularly moved by Suttr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Palmer that all standing Committees of this Boilrd take charge of the business before this meeting; that tlfe Chair be Instructed to appoint the same standing committees and the same number on each committee unless otherwise changed by the Board as constituted the working force of the Board for the past year and that all bills or claims including election expense bills for Judges and clerks be relerred to the proper committees and that the Board adjourn to 1:30 o'clock P. M. for committee work. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. ltW O'CLOCK r. K. Board met pursuant to adjournment and on roll call the same members responded to their names, constituting a quorum. The Chairman Stated that there was a committee of the Board of Supervisors of Boone County present at the meeting and called upon Supr. Casper. Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of said. County, who addressed the Board and stated that for the past three years the Board of Supervisors of Boone County had a committee of their members work in conjunction with tne various thistle commissioners in each township to further the eradication ot Canada thistles and noxious weeds. Supr. Casper further stated that they had been receiving wonderful results and were now branching out to adjoining counties with the object in mind of cooperating with the various counties in thin improvement. He then outlined in detail the method Used in his County in the eradication of Canada thistles. A general discussion was then ha<K,in regard to said itte*, after which it was moved by Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. McCppuell that the Chair appoint a committee of three to Woodstock D. Sentinel, co. treas. prtg \Voodstock D. Sentinel, co. clk. elec. sup 3.20 Woodstock D. Sentinel, Co. 8urv. 31.22 Harvard Herald, clr. clk 22.25 Harvard Herald, co. clk. elec. sup. 2.00 Harvard Herald, Co. clk. prtg. A tup Herald Pubg. Co., Crystal Lake Co. Treas., prtg. fund .............. Herald Pubg. Co., supr. prtg. Herald Pubg. Co., co. clk. elec. aup Henry A. Nulle, shf. per diem, fee# serv Ora i. Nulle, shf. per die$B, fees serv Richard Bstikhua, C. H. sup .... Dorr-- Dr. E. Thos. Brand' Dr. C. 1?'. Baccus ........ ...... Wilcox A Koblents ...... Thorne A Son ; bmith Bros. (McHenry)' Rldgefleld Farm Sup. Co. , (w, ivay Abbott W. H. Torgeson „ k< ar Ka>' Northrop I'aa be<cher Bros ?'lin Stone & Sweetland „ Mrs. Etta Carlson -- R. O. Andrew , Dacy Lbr. Co £. o. .Miuiner A Co. Hall & Eckert- 1 eople s toupply Co, .......... Pingel & Koch ............. Eckert A Bending --.. Ray Abbott E. C. Bodenschats ; J. W. Gilbert 61.10 ... 12.55 18.97 ...296.00 14.32 11.-M 17.10 10.32 19.44 . 67.25 ............ ,It was thereupon regularly moved tjf*'.' Supr. Hale and duly seconded by SujH 'Harrison than the report of the Count? .Jc" Poor Committee be adopted by this Board and that $6,60o,«0 be transferred • from the General Fund to the Pauper ?,:V Fundi to pay said claims. And the r«Ml J?'?*! , being called said motion was declared •o.eo . unanimously carried. _n I Supr. Harrison addressed the Boarf ?•"'« an<* 8tated that,.,Poor Claims from his *« t* j°wnsh'P for the past month was larga'ftn ®r than usual due to the severe illness 2 r n ' °' a eh"d by the name of King who 6-6J was found by him in his Township In a very deplorable condition, and that upoa examination of said child by the County Physician, it was found that unless she receive immediate medical attention, her, life would be lost, and that, he ordered1 her taken to the County Hospital when she was getting along very nicely. The Committee on Election preassrtaft the following report, to-wlt: • Beport of Committee % State of Illinois, McHenry County, SWr' Board of Supervisors, April zi, 1936. Mr. Chairman - and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee to whom was referred the Election Expense Bills wouM beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: Riley ... - .$ Marengo 1 ...... ' .• Stafford & Son oyal Blue A P. (C, Lake) A P. (Cass St.) «.- A. A P. (Benton St.) .... Dr. W, H. Newton t.. Greenwood-- g60 'Dr. E. Thos. Brand ....-- ' Eckert A Bending 4 £4 Hall A Eckert 15 00 Ji- Harrison A ttoaa , Marengo 4 • -- J'-OO > Dunham ... 32.#<> Chemung 1 5i.o. Chemung 2 •• i Chemung 3 "" I Alden ... .. 35.0. | Hartland ....... 65.00 seneca . 1.80 _.... O.00 .. 10.»8 20.0s 50.00 Behtofl Mtg. -Co.,' C. H. eup. .... 20o.00 J. ®- Harrison IS. J. Field Hrd., C. H. sup. Karl O. Frits, C. H. sup. Ludwig V.'ilsoQ Co., <J. H. sup. Shf. Feed. Pris.-- E. G. Shinner A Co, Hoesley's Bakery P. E. Conway Plngel A Koch ..... W. C. Nulle West. Un. Gas A EI. Co Marinda Bates Henry G. Fisher, shf. batlift . Howard Freeman, shf. bailiff . Howard Freeman, shf. dpty. Richard Farrell, shf. dpty Homer H. Mann, shf. dpty. ............ Martin Ekelund. shf. dpty. ........... Clyde Miner, shf. dpty Loren Edinger, shf. dpty ..... Charles J. Williams, shf. dpty...... National Re-employ., C. H. sup.... Hoy Ins. Agency, Ins. fund 166.00 . 15.01 86.14 20-.52 C. L. Tryon, Co. Hwy. Maintl ....334.73 i,ohn. 11 48 Hebron 1 <1 Dr. E. Thos. Brand ™* 1AM •«. W. Wright , ti. P. Schaeier A Son tj.32 : Hebron Lbr. Co 20*77 • Johnson --.--. 16 07 Royal Blue .49 07 Kueck Bros. -- 44 37 w- Merry -- 6 11 ^'a-vln A Merwln .r... 2 Oo ' Richmond-- . 16 00 'H. L. Ehorn ....-- 20 00 W. L. Speaker .u--........ g 00 Barker Lbr. Co.' ~ 4.00 L.- J- Burton -- --- **" 4 00 Wm. Johnstone ......... 4 00 Mrs. H. Turner -, .... 8^o Chas. Wolff -- 4 go Burton-- 4 00 Dr. E. Thos. Brand J7 97 N. N. Weber Est. ; --™. 66.50 Tibbitts, Cameron Lbr. Co. -- 1 tt.o4 I Nunda 2 6V.81 Nunda 3 9.00 lu.ili 16.04 ^ ..... 3.20 65.00 r^.:..:*5.oo ™....--.. 26.19 ....... 36.44 .... ..... 21.38 ....... 15.00 1 37.09 31.96 L. A. Stockwell, supr. sal. A mil. tel. $1.10 D. M. Wright, supr...sal. and mil. 89.60 C. M. Palmer, supr. sal. A mil 87.90 F. E. Beck, supr. sal. A mil. tel. $3.90 37.20 N. B. Clawson, supr. sal. A mil 78.70 E. F. Kuecker, supr. sal. A mil 31.70 Chas. H. Ackman, supr. sal. A mil. 58.10 Wm. A. Bishop Joseph-Hemmer supr. sal. A mil. 6.80 .Mrs. Wayne Jackson Roy J. Stewart-supr. sal. A mil. '"""" Frank May 27 go Ehorn's Funeral - Toppens Drug Stops .. McHenry-- Dr. E. Thos. Brand --• Dr. Mary E. King S. H. Freund Geo. Hohenstein telephone $2T6 J. E. Harrison, supr. sal. A mil. H. M. Turner, supr. sal. A mil J. G. Stevens, supr. sal. A mil. tele. $1.80 Frank May, supr. sal. A mil 8. H. Freund. supr. sll. A mil. A. H. Hale, supr. sal. A mil. ... John J. Fllip, supr. sal. A mil 27.50 A. B. McConnell, supr. sal. A mil. 9.00 Paul Rosenthal, supr. sal. A mil. 4^.85 Henry A. Nulle, shf. per diem fees and services 100.00 Ora. S. Nulle, shf. feed, pris 100.00 Philip E. Blerdeman, ahf. dpty 125.00 Vestie Muldoon, C. H. jail sal 125.00 Daisy V. Moore, sup. schs. asst. and clerk hire 113.75 A. A. Crissey, pro. officer 75.00 City of Woodstock, C. H. Jail lgt. and water 1.-- S. A. Rt. 13-13A Sec. 4 8. A. Rt. 20 Sec. 6-1 8. A. Rt. 2 Sec. 7 S. A. Rt. 11 Sec. 11 ...... S. A. Rt. 11 SBI Rt 47 ... S. A. Rt 1 SBI Rt 67 Thos. J. Shackell, co. clk. elec. sup. 32.00 W. S. Battern, co. clk. elec. sup 5.00 J. T. Kitchen, co. clk. elec. bup 5.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. L. A- STOCKWELL J. G.vSTEVKNS H. M. TURNER S. H. FREUND JOHN J. FILIP The Committee on Claims. County Poor presented the following report, towlt: April 21, 1936. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: ' Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and. that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed,. to^irlt: Riley-- VH. Patterson ,;..........,..,^~~.~-^...$31.98 Wilbur Fredrick --33.48 Ernest Wolf --- F. Levin Marengo-- Dr. E." Thos. Brand D. M. Wright .......... ShurtlefT Co. Central Grocery , Brown A Pepper Warren Jordan John Rands --....- E. H. Kamhola. ..TSsn? Triangle Groc. .„.-- Harry Easton --.-- v-- H. Patterson Co. ............. West. Un Gas A EleC. Co. A. M. Wallace Patrick Bros. -- Hyde Cash Coal Co. John Burton --- ShurtlefT Farm Store Chemung-- Or. IS* Thoe. Brand Matt Welter 84.16 ! A. W. Smith A Co. ...--..... 14.19 I* E- Hawley 16.60 W. H. Toppem ........... Anna Freund 52.20 Barblan Bros. ...... 29 90 Smith Bros.- 6.20 I Joe M. Regner 26.40 I Arth Smith Peter J. Schaefer Alexander Lbr. Co. McHenry Lbr. Co. ---., Nunda-- •• Dr. E. Thos Brand Dr. E. Thos Brand Rosenthal Lbr. A O. W. Hart Mame I. Hoellen A. H. Hale -- T. W. Gieseke McHenry Co. Farm Assn. ....... l'eter J. Schaefer -- Dr. F. L. Aldford, ..... Chas. A. Mason --.....--_-- Mrs. H. B. Wilcox .,r. Paul Barman :-- J. R. Osmun ..... ...---- -- Gertru d e B runkhorst ..................... Peter Nelson - ------~ Phil Huffman • National Tea Co. ........... A. A P- < McHenryl -- A. A P. (C. L.) ...j......-..---.-. West. Un. Oas A El. Co. -- G. D- Crabtree -- ClifJ Wlngate Admr.*^ ---- F. W. Kr'Cfger Alma Nelson -----S-- Sherman Hospital ---- -- Chas. Johnson - Edw. C. Buhrow . ,H. F. Meier ,...C. V. Colby ... Algonquin- Alexander H»r. Co, Alexander Lbr. Co. Shield of Quality C. Franke & Co --........... Wm. Wascher ... ...-- Bmil Vodnansky Est, --- Edw. C. Buhrow Margaret McGarry ">-- Diercks I>br. Co. ... 27.00 ... 28.41 ... 88.23 ... 4.00 ... .95 .130.00 ~ 1.15 .. 70.00 .. 50.00 ... 18.75 ... 10.00 .. 60.00 .. 35.00 ... 10.00 .. 8.35 .. 22.13 .. 3.10 ._ 20.00 bi.ov 12.00 .. 16.0" Coral Grafton Grafton Dorr Dorr Dorr Dorr Greenwood Hebron Richmond Burton McHenry McHenry oHenry Nunda 7141 mH 74.19 77.99 77.T9 78.90 72.79 ?!R 72.79 72.79 Tt.49 66.60 66.60 66.69 TIM 72.29 as UM 11.i* Tt. 80 Tt-60 7*.00 Y,M 72.89 Algonquin 1 Algonquin 2 Algonquin 8 Algonquin 4 Algonquin 5 Total $2347.9(1 All of which is respectfully submitted F. E. BECK, Chairman • - ' . C M . P A L M E R - ' . - -. • f - H. FREUND' ' ;'W\ -JOSEPH HEM M»R. -n I . - .• It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Wright that the report of the Committee on Elections be adopted by this Board and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders to the Supervisors fair the payment of said claims. And ths roll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried. The Committee on Eradication of TP. B. in Cattle presented the following port on motion of Supr. Palmer duly seconded by Supr. Wright and roll being called was declared mously adopted, to-wit: 66.06 98.75 4 2 0 40.04 88./5 _... 41.96 79.0 42.00 61.81 22.19 64.82 ™ 10.01 10.00 18.00 81.0 2 27.Jn 10.73 10.00 50.71 11.dB 25.00 29.90 .. 84.00 100 00 .. 64.44 i5.oo .. IO.OO ... 10.00 ... 19.30 ... 65.18 ... 10.00 ... 12.00 ... 12.50 ... 10.00 ... 8.00 .. 1000 .. 12.00 .; 15.00 .. 8.00 7.00 .. 6.50 .. 17.00 . 3.38 . 12.00 .. 15.00 2i.u0 25.00 118.31 : 6.00 63.00 i2.ot» rr 1500 .. 47.01 . 15.46 . 26.00 . 54.11 . 53.60 .. 62.84 .. 20.00 .. 10.00 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry Coupty, Illinois: The undersigned members of the lie* Henry County Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Committee for said Countjf would beg leave to submit the following 13.00 j report on the matters before them: A report of the months work WSg read and approved, the bills were pi"S» sented and also passed and paid. The resignation of Dr. George Wl Hess as County Veterinarian to take efc ' ' \ j$ ' * - feet April 30, 1936 was presented to ths Committee and was accepted by the unanimous consent of the full committee present. E. F. KUECKER, Chairman « J. E. HARRISON fl % , A. B. MCCONNELL ** Supr. Ackman staled that he had -A man In his Township who was employed on the Section who upon examination., was found to have Tuberculosis and it was recommended that he be sent t* the Ottawa Sanatorium, but in his opiBr ion the patient could be taken care «f cheaper at his home and he wondersd if the Board would object to such ant arrangement. After some discussion H was decided that said matter be left up to Supr Ackman and the County Nurse. Mabol Hobbs. A petition from approximately §t residents* of Seneca Twp. requesting thfe improvement of the Fox Farm Road was presented and read and upon motlea duly made and carried was referred to the Road and Bridge Committee for report. A resolution presented by the PubUo Service Company of Northern Illimdfe seeking permission to extend their linfK upon and along State Aid Route 1 together with a resolution presented tlSf the Illinois Northern Utilities Company requesting permission to construct the(£ lines on State Aid Roads In McHenry County were presented and read arid upon motion duly made and carried 8.00 were referred t 1 the Koad and Bridal T_. B. Robbln 10.00 j Committee and the State's Atty. for u(£ Kdward Vlnlcky --_i~--65.00 vestigation and report A. Marek i..„ . 14 00 | The clerk presented statements m McHenry Co. Farm. Co. Op. 27.31 (condition of the Marengo State Baafe I'. Borger-Son .. Joseph Vlcek John D. DIanis A SOh Joseph Smida 42.43! Jos. Kodydek ' Cary Bakery A Gro< Arthur F. Harden Dr. J. C. Sculley ... Wereke-Wahleh _....--.. J. J. Caster O. W. Hart ^ ...J.. Henry Brel: Harry H. Hansen Jos. Kos Dr F. J. Theobald May G. Hale ... Mrs. M. Burnett u.. C. Franke & Co Rosenthal Lbr. A Fu«l Kerns & Pianis Heir 7.45 ... 5.00 ... 16.00 .... 16.00 ... 12 00 ... 10.00 .. 10.00 . 15.00 .. 15.00 . 50.00 , I'l.Ods . 10.00 . 15.0C . 66 56 . 15.00 . 7.50 12.00 . 26.27 SS.20 . 20.31 r~W' State Bank of Huntley. State Bank « Woodstock, First Nat 1. Bank of Woodstock, Cary State Bank .and the Ftrtt State Bank of Harvard, at the close ot the business March 4th, 1936, whid% were on motion drfy made and carried ordered placed on file. , " The clerk presented and read a certg fled copy of an order of the Illinois Commerce Commission in the matter of Petition for Permission to cross traefcfr of Chicago, Northwestern Railway Cornpany at grade and to widen an existing crossing nejtr Crystal Lake. McHenP> County. Illinois, which was on motion Of Asst. Supr. Rosenthal and duly seconded tyy Supr. Hale approved and ordered of record, to-wlt: starch 30. l$m 1X.0' *- 1 C ounty of•' -M- -c -M enry", HUmm.• -vt. e..<wwi||N --V j-',. ' rV %!'. " • t ' t - . • ^ J

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