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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Apr 1937, p. 11

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fit,. »<-1' V3/'* >' • - -fvy » ' • • sssxs *- - -r^», * £* ^ 3*»> -Btf; * ' - w\.~ ' *'w >• 'srr-", /,-r' V<r,. . - / ,1 -•!$& '""^0^ •'•'.? ft Ays -ps' / ( •• •"«' r THB BOARD OP 8UP1IIV180RS, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS '§f"y •<» JS. j '" s;< -v. . Vstttlom Td the Board of Supervisor* tut Ho- Henry Cbbnty. Illinois: L The undersigned commfsploner of highways of the Town of Riley, In said County, would respectfully "represent that the bridge at the site known as the Terk Bridge over a branch of Coon Crtenk oh the public Highway that ex- Undb easterly and westerly through •Action It ill said Town has washed out and failed and needs to be replaced by a new bMdge forwhlch work the Town of Rlltey la rssponsibto. That the cost of a flew concrete brides would toe $1200.00: that the population Of said Town Is lens than 15000; that the cost of said bridge is more than four bants on the one hundred dollars mi tha latest assessment roll; and that thte t%x levy of the road and bridge tax for tiro years last passed In said Town Was In each ytear for the full amount allowed by law to be raised thereon, for alt roads and bridge purposes, except for damages Incurred In laying out, altering Or vacating roads, or for ditches to drain roads, the whole of which levy is needed for the ordinary repair of road £ and bridges in said Town. WHEREAS, the said commissioner of highways petitions your honorable Board to deem it expedient to build said bridge at the entire expense of said County, and that you appropriate from tha County Treasury, a sufficient sum Of motttev to meet the cost of said bridge And (hat you direct the County Superintendent of Highways of said County to prepare plans and specifications for Said improvement, all as provided by Article V, section 34 of the Road and Bridge Laws of Illinois. , Dated this 4th day ofMay, A. IX 1936. ?; .•••• ARTHUR L. KRAFT. ' ,stf: . \1 .. « ...Airthur X. Khift, commissioner, of highways for the Town of Riley, McHenry County, 111. State of 111., Couhty of McHehry, ss.,-. Arthur L. Kraft, commissioner of highways for the town of Riley, in said County, being first sworn on oath say* that the facts stated in the foregoing petition are true to his knowledge, and ihfct the matter is an emergency one. ARTHUR L. KRAFT. Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 4th day of May A. D. 1936. fSeal) L. W; ACKMAN, Notary Pub. It. wiM regularly moved by Supr. stoqkwtelt ana duly seconded by Supr. Harrison tfyat the chair appoint a cotniplttee of three Supervisors to meet With the Highway Commissioner • f Riley Township ana the Superintendent of Highways in regard to said matter givii?£ said committee full power to act, and the roll being called said motion wai declared unanimously carried. The clerk presented several communicat( Pns from the State of Illinois, Department of TUblic Works and Buildings, togetrer with the monthly reports of the County Clerk and Circuit Clerk Which . #ere on motion duly made and carried, ordered placed on file. 8Upr. Stewart addressed the Board Md statedthat three of the districts in tha Dorr Election Precinct were running dver a thousand votes each and under the law paid Township was entitled to 0. redisricting at said election precinct frn'a IhoVed that said matter be referred to thte tCommIttee on Elections for their investigation and recommendation. Said motion Was duly seconded by Supr. Wright and declared unanimously carried. Supr. Beck addressed the Board and Stgted that there was some confusion between the Supervisors on standard time and the supervisors on daylight saving time as to when the Board meeting was to start and moved that during the summer months, Board meetings be called ffir 9:30 central standard time. Bald motion was duly seconded by Supr. Stogkwell and declared unanimously carried- There being no further business to come before said meeting. It was regularly" moved by Supr. Hale and duly steeonlfcd by SUpf. Wright to adjouurn. potion carried. Thereupon the Board a rhted. x, a-risVEwS. CMlHhati. Attest: R. D. WOODS, Clerk. m. Regular June Meeting, 1936 . Board of-Sspervlsom of Mclttenry County, met in regular session at the court house in the City of WbqdSttiCk. on Monday, the 8th day of Jttfcw A. D. 1936, at nine-thirty o'clock jite meeting was called to order by the Chairman; J. G. Stevens, and the roll being called by the Clerk, the follofcjhg members responded to their nfmbb^to-Wit: Suprs. L. A. Stockwell, D. Mi Wright C. M. Palmer, F. E. Beck, N. B. Clawson. E. C. Hughes, E. F. KUfckter, Chas. H. Ackman, Joseph Hem- Ihter, R. J. Stewart, J. E. Harrison, H. *1. /Turner, J. O. Stevens, Frank Mav, 8. H. Preund, a. H. Hale, John J. Fllip, and Assistant Suprs. A. B. McConnell And Paul Rosenthal consituting a full records of thte last preceding masting were read and on motion approved and ordered placed on file. .file semi-annual reports of the Treas- Urter, County Clerk. Circuit Clerk and Sbtrftt were presented and upon motion Of 8dt>r. Freund and seconded by Supr. Turner Were referred to the proper ^oinmittee for report. •vUi4 Committee on Elections presented tftf fbllowing report, to-wit: f June 8th, 1936 lirmsn 'and Gentlemen of the of Supervisors: Fbtir Committee on Elections to whom VU Hferred the matter of redistrict- Mg the Dorr Election Precinct in Mc- Henty County would beg leave to subihlt the following report on the matter before them: Tour Committee met from time to time and upon Investigation found xroip the records In the office of the County Clerk of McHenry County that tha' Dorr Election Precinct polled the fOliajWlnlr number of votes In each district, tolWit: Pir« .District. 1984 election, 9S0 votes. Second. District, 1934 election, 978 votes. ThiM District, 1934 election, 999 votes. FoiiVtb District, 193 4 election, 167 . votes. Firsi District, 1932 election, 1069 votes. 9ecottd "District, 1932 election, 1118 votes Third District, 1932 election, 1143 votes. Fourth District, 1932 election, 194 votes. AtoBt under the Statutes of the State Of; Illinois as now made and provdled. the Township of Dorr Eletcion Precinct should be divided Into districts so that ea«h district shall contain as near as may be practical 500 voters and not mpre in any case than 800 voters, and that said districts shall be composed of Continuous territory and in as compact form as can be for the convenience of the electors voting therein. < Tour committee would therefore recommend that the Dorr Election precinct be redivided and redistricted as follow*, to-wit: Beginning at the point where the center line of State Highway Route Xo. >0, (also known as McHenry Avenue) is Intersected by the North line of Section • in Dorr Township; thence in a Southwesterly direction following the center line of said State Highway and said McHenry Avenue to an intersection with the eenter line of Madison Street in the City of Woodstock. Illinois; thence Southerly following the center line of said Madison Street to its intersection with the center line of East Judd Street: thence Westerly following th» center line of East Judd Street to its intersection with the center line of Benton Street; thence Southerly following the center line of said Benton Street to its Intersection with the center line of Cass Street: thence Westerly following the center line of said Cass street to an intersection wflh the center line of Dean Street, when extended Northerly through the City Park; thence Southerly following the center line of Dean Street and said line extended as aforesaid to Its intersection with the center line of South Street; thence Essterly following the center line of said South Street to its intersection with the center line of Madison Street aforesaid; thence Southerly following the center line of said Madison Street and said line exte.-sded to Jatersetttloa with tbe center llae M Kimball Avenue; thence Easterly following the center line of said Kimball |Avenue to its intersection with the : centfer line of the State Highway Route No. 19, also known as U. S. No. 14; thence in a southeasterly ^direction following the center line of said highway, known as U. S. No. 14' to its intersection with the East and WestQuarter Section line in Section 16, Dorr Township; thence East on the Quarter Section line through Sections 16 and 15 to the Section line between Section 14 and 15, Dorr Township; thence North on Section line to the comer common to Sections 2, 3, 10 and 11; thence EJast on the Section line to the SouthWOSt corner of Section 1, Dorr TownShlp; thence North on the East lihe of Utla Section 1 to the Northeast corner thArfeof; thence West on the Section line being on the line between Greenwood and Dorr Townships to the place of beginning. Be known as Dorr Election District Number one (1). * Beginning at the point where the center line of St&te Highway Route No. 20 (also known as McHenry Avenue) is intersected by the North line of Section 4 in Dorr Township; thence ir a Southwesterly direction following the center line of said State Hlghway and. safd McHenry Avehue to ah Intersection with the center line of Madison Street ih. the City of Woodstock. Illinois; thence Southerly following the center line of said Madison Street to its intersection with the center line of East Judd Street; thence Westerly following the Center line of East Judd Street to its Intersection with the renter line of Benton Street; thence Southerly following the center line of said Benton Stret to its Intersection with the center line of Cass Street; thence Westerly following tbe center line of said Cass Street to Its Intersection with the center line of Main Street; thence Northerly following the center line of said Main Street to an intersection with the center line of the Right of Way of the Chicago and North Western Railway Company: thence in a Northerly direction fol lowing the center line of said railroad right of way to its intersection with the Township line between the townships of Dorr and Greenwood: thence East on said Township line to the place of beginning. Be known as Dorr Election rDlstrlct Number two (2). ^ ' Beginning at the point where thte center line of the Right of Way of the Chicago and North Western Railway Company Intersects the Township line between Greenwood and Dorr Town ships; thence In a Southeasterly dlrec tion following the center line of said Right of Way to an intersection with the center line of Main Street in the City of Woodstock, Illinois, when extended North; thenpe South following the center line of Main Street and said line extended to an intersection with the center line of Jackson Street when extended Easterly thence Westerly following the center line of said Jackson Street and said line extended as aforesaid to the center line of Throop Street; thence South following the center line of said Throop Street to its intersection with the center line of South Street: thence in a Westerly direction folowing the center line of said South Street (also known as the Marengo Road) to an intersection with the West line of Dorr Townsrlp; thence North on the West line of Dorr Town ship to the Northwest corner thereof thence East on the North line of Dorr Township to the place of beginning. Be known as Dorr Ejection District Number three „(8). / Beginning at the point where the West line of Section 7, Dorr, Township is itersented by the center line of the Marengo Road (also known as 8outh Street); thence In a Northeasterly dl rection following the center line of said highway to an intersection with the center line of Throop Street in the City of Woodstock, Illinois: thence North following the center of line of said Throop Street to its intersection with the center line of Jackson Street thence East following the center line of said Jackson Street and said liri® extended to the intersection with the center line of Dean Street when extended North; thence South following the center line of Dean Street and said center line extended as aforesaid to'Its Intersection- with the center line of South Street; thence East following the denter line of said South Street to itn Intersection with the center line of Madison Street;1 thence South following the center line of Madison Street and said line extended to an intersection with the center line of Kimball Avenue thence East following the center line of said Kimball Avenue to the center line of the State Highway Route No 19 (also known as U. S. No. 14); thence in a southeasterly direction following the center line of said highway aforesaid to an intersection with the East and West Quarter Section line in Section 1'6, Dorr Township; thence East on said Quarter Section line to the line between Sections 15 and 16 in said Township: thence South on the Section line to the corner common to Sections 21, 22, 27 and 28; thence West on the Section line to,, the North and South Quarter Section line through Section 28; thenc£\South on the Quarter Section line through the center of Sections 28 and 33 to the South boundary of Dorr Township; thence West on the Township line to the Southwest comer of Dorr Township: thence North on the West boundary of Dorr Township to the place of beginning. ' Be known as Dorr Election District Number four (4). • Beginning at tbe Southeast corner of Section 1, Dorr Township; thence West on the Section line tQu the Southwest corner of Section 2 in said Township thence South on the Section line to the Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 15; thence West on the Quarter Section line to the Quarter corner between Sections 15 and 16: thence South on the Section line to the Southeast corner of Section 21; thence West on the Section line to the Quarter orner between Sections 21 and 2» thence South on the Quarter Section line through Sections 28 and 33 to the South boundary of Dorr Township: thence East on the South boundary of Dorr Township to the Southeast corner thereof; thence North on the Eastern boundary of Dorr Township to the place of beginning. Be known as Doirr Election District Number Hive (5). All of the above and foregoing being situ.ited in Township 44, Range 7, East of the Third Principal Meridian. Mc- Henrv County, Illinois. which is respectfully submitted. ^ '.FRANK MAY il^r'^H. M. TURNER iilLLlU. , ROT J. STEWART k • ;;A. B. McCONNEL • E. C. HUGHES to whom was referred the matter of [the bid of Geo. Welch, of Dundee, 1111- repaJrlng and decorating the t-est room j nolS. In the sum of 133923.20 Was the in the Court H6Use f<>r tha use of the!lowest bid received, but same was about Old Age PeHsloh Boartf would beg leave . $4,000 above the estimate of cost, to submit the following report oh the j Vour committee decided to delay the matters before them: < | award of the contract and to trohimuni- Your Commlkee upprt investigation cate With the State Department of'Pubfound that the rest ttx>hi was In a Very {lie Work* and Bhildings in the matter bad condition and needed more repairs 'of ratalng th*#stihiat»> of cost. Approval than they had anticipated, but felt that , of raising the estimate and of awarding due to the crowded condition of the of the contract has not been recMved. Court Hous« that it Was auite neceSsAry. Your Committee found that the flbo.- Tas in a state of decay anl the ceiling and sida Walls together wilh the heating pipes, ladies' toilet and rest room, needed extensive repairs and ordered same done. The j>r«>ject is nearly, completed ^nd ready .for occupahcy afid y<Jur Committee invites the niSthbet-s of the Boird to make ah inspection of said itttbrovement, and would recommend thilt th# bills presented at this meeting for repairs and improvemtmli be approved. All of which Is reebectfully submitted. ROY J. StoWART v. i k vms£.. •x-.t 0* The Committee on licenses made the We believe that under present conditions we wOtaM not receive a lbwer bid on the proposed Improvement were we to re-aaveHiiNi the Job. The estimate of cost in thte original resolution passed by this Board at the February meeting 1933, and .approved by the State Division of HI§nways, wa? J22.0000. We attsuhne that thte said State Department will approve thte aWnrd of the contract, of the Mtid Oeo. Welch and therefore recora^heiid that a supplemehtal resolution be paSsed by this Board containing an appropriation of $ir»,000 to care of the advancb in prices of the past thtee years, together with a fund for possible eatras and for neceesary engineering ah.d Inspection costs. A request was made to the committee to raise the wages of the County's road Workers. The matter was discussed and it Was brought oUt thst the drop in vM- »434.«5 10.00 8.19 in section 12 Town of Riley. Would be*, 0f the following, and that the Clerk be leave to submit the following report on directed to Issue orders on the County the mStters before them: Treasurer to the Claimants for the sev- That we met At the site of said cul- etal »<mounts allowed, as WlloWs, to-wit: ert on the 13th day of May, 1936 together with the Highway commissioner Chicago Ind. Home for Child., of the Town of Riley, and decided to , children grant the prayer of the petition und put . "'d People* Rest Home; T. B. in a 6 ft. diameter galvanised corrugat- ' • sr.. Pauper 90.00 ed metal culvert pipe, forty feet lonfc, Ottawa Sanatorium, T. B. it Paup. 64.45 instead of a concrete culvert, and lay Ottawa Sanatorium. T. B. ft Paup. 65.05 same In place, the Town of Riley to do Ottawa Sanatorium. T. B- A Phun. 86.83 the tilting of the approachtes. We then Ottawa Sanatorium, T. B. A Paup. 63.38 instructed the County Supt. of Hifih-' ways to secure bids on said culvert . Ernest Wolf -- pipe and install the pipe on which the : .V,*11 Jl,rs lowest bid was received. ' _ _ The bid of the W. Q, O'fTteAlt Of I1U- 1 K- TTho* Br*niL Illinnls JJ.esk 1 n..°?s • R1 HI. Nor. Utilities ... Frederika Delthloff . J. C. Bates C. Campanelll fr,r^'^n., rer«V7 ^ Xt uatlon of proWsrty has decreased the ° _ „ . ® t i i x f u n d s a v a i l a b l e f o r r o a d . W o r k , a u d nois, at Springfield, Illlhnls for one 78 inch diameter, 40 ft. length, 10 gauge ArmcO Ingot Iron pipe delivered And rolled into ditch for |417.20 was the lowest bid received.. Your Committee fgaln met at the site 'Wm. Zell f said bridge on the 2nd day of June k- T. VosS 938 und found said cUlvert completed J;'Tom Jacobs and decided to accept said improvement, |*^r?l0te and we recommend that the County i J-ush vermisya Co. -- Clerk draw orders on the County Treas*- ! "Mu-y Kolti ft 80*1#^ '^,-.^,^^-4. ury for payment of said bills for the j Strain Bros. labor and materials involved In Install- • ing said new culvert an follows: jEntr>ond ft I>ougias ._......_,.^j.;.i.„*.. W. Q. O NeaM Co. of Illinois, 48 fLUlian C.' Alton ' - - Pbalen ft Davidson Assistant Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Supr. Hetiitner ..Was declared unahimously adopted, to-wit:' that if higher viges are paid the number of workmen will have to be cut doWn accordingly or the hours will have to b« cut. We decided to recommend to this Board that on the Motor Fuei Tax work the Wages of machine I operators ^nd truck drivers be raised June tlh. l9S#. Mr. Chairman and ^Gentlemen «?f the Board of Supervisors: . _ , Tour License Corijmlttee to Whom fcras < from 37 cents per hour, Which Includes referred applications for Liquor LI-'t cents per "hour for an allowance rense^ for the year 136. would beg leave toward transportation to and from to report as folows: Th*t Alcoholic Li- work, to 50 cents per hour, and .that thte auor Licenses havte been Issued to the following: . 73, John Hallisy, Hartland $75.00 74, Fred H. SchUga?t, Cary 75.00 75, L..A. Dennlson, Harvard 78.00 76, Edward W. Anderson, Stfrmlt Grove R. F. D .TV*> 77, E. Williams. Rlngwood H.S0 78, Harry Fredericks, McHenry R. F. D. , 75. •• 79, John W. Kllday, BcHenry RFD 75.00 80, Joseph Stasch, McHehry RFD 75.00 81, Anna Hehnlng, McHbnry RFD 75 00 33. Jerry R. Kubovy, Rlngwood h. v. D itM 84, Grace Welsbaum, McHtenry R. F. D. -7«.M 85, Peter Porteh. Cl-ystil Lake R. F. D - 88.-C. J. Conway, Woodstock 87. George Hterman, Waucondn R. F. D - 88, C. Ben jacoby. crystal Lakte • B- F"- D. ..........13.WV g»rvi.ivii •«. «s That Bottled Beer Licenses have been Sections 5. 8a -- issued to the rollo^lhg: Sections 7, |« 82, W. J. Nolan, HArvard RFO 2 -.88.00 Section 8 That Trahsfer Licenses havte bteett Is- Section 9 sued to the following: Section 11 73, John F. Aylward from John F. Section 18 Hallisy M.OO Stection 1J 77. Paul Leonard frbm E. Wllllims 88.00 gsctlon 14 ThAt Dance Hall Licenses have been Section 15 ....-- issued to the following: Stection 18, Is - W. J. Nolan. Harvard R. P. D. ^ 88.00 Section IT ...... (""harles A. Bowers, MarengO RFD 81.00 Frank Nell, JohnSbttrfc 15.00 ThAt the total Amount :*united ovter 10 the County Treasurer on ftees collected for County Licenses for the yeAr. previous to this report is $5170.00 That the tdtal amount to Mi turned over to the County Treasurer by the County Clerk upon the approval of this report is $1265.00 All Of which is re*T»ectfullV submitted. " JOHN J. FILlP. Chairmkrt. L. A. STOCKWELL PAUL ROSENTHAL 0 tl.00 T5.00 wAge* of the two foremen be also In creased 18 cents per hour on work uhder the Motor Fuel Tax Funds. We then Inspected the road from Sing' ers Corner to Crystal Lake, and the road from Crystal Lake to McHenry and found same in reasonably good condition Your Committee again met at Wood stock, Illinois, on the 8th day of June 1986 and aiidited and ordered paid bills chargeable to the McHenry County Pfcthol System of Roads as a whole including Insurance, supplies and repairs for County owned machinery to a total Of <31203.8S Bills chargeable to the various Sections of the County patrol System of Roads for labor and materials %t rates heretofore approved by this Boajra were Audited and ordered paid as follOWS: Section 1 -- -- .$ 88.06 Section $ 2jr.."4 Section 4 ...a--. tf.TS " 88.72 •Sl.M 450 9R 171.14 188 95 1.60 Iff/"" 884 ie.4« 103.62 The Committee on Lands and tvots presented the following report* to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemeh -of the Board of SuperlVSOri, JHcHenry Cbutttir, Illinois: ^ . The undersigned thembWrS of the Lands and Lots committee for said Countv would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. ' That we rtiet at the call of-the Chair man on the 29th day of May 1938 at the County FAlr Grolipds In Woodstock. Illinois, on the mAtter of the construction or Route 47 of the State Bond ltesue System through said Fair Grounds. We decided that sewer nnd water pipes should be laid acrosB said Route 47 in line with said Calhoun Street in the near future and before the pavement is installed. The cost of..the pipes an.l installation of same entirely across the right of way of said Route 4T was estimated to be about JSBu.oo. We thougnt thai the City of Woodstock and the State Department of Public Works and Buildings ought to be consulted in the matter and might be willing to cooperate in the matter. s>td decided to negotiate with said parties Oh said mAtter. All of Which Is respectfully submitted. H. M. TURNER A. H. HA LB ^ E. F. KUEC8CER > D. JK. WRIGHT JOHN 3. FILIP tt Was thereupon regularly Moved by SutVr. Wright and duly secrttided by Supr. May that the report of the Committee on Elections be adopted by this Board and the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried. The Committee on Public Buildings presented the fallowing reports which on motion of Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker and the roll being" called were declared unanimously adopted to-wit: ^ ' June 8th, 1838. To tbe Chairman and members of the Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: Your Committee on Public Buildings met with the County Supervisor of Insurance and found upon investigation that the Tornado Insurance amount were not equal to Fire Insurance amounts as approved by Supervisors at the Special January meeting held January 14th and ordered same equalized and directed the said Supervisor of Insurance to prepare forms and have policies issued. All of which is resoectf'illy submitted. BOY J. STEWAST CHAS. H. ACKMAN Sj*H; FREUND MTA. STOCKWELL. -- A. B. McCONNELL June 8th, 1936. To the Chairman and members of the Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: •,'.'-rYour- Committee on Pj It was thereupoh regularly moved by Supr. Harrison ind duly seconded by Supr. Stewart that the report of the Committee on LandS-And Lots be adopted bv this Board. And the roll being called said motion was declarted unanimously carried. 8tate's Attorntey, Li^mltey, IMrteStehtted the following report, tO-Wlt: * To the Honorable Board of Supervisors; Gentlemen: I, herewith* respectfully submit a report of the expenditure* midte by me from January llth, .1988 to thte 8th day of June A. D. list. State of 111.. County of McHenry, ss. I, Vincent 3. Lumley. 8UHb'b Attorney of McHenry County, Illinois, being first duly sWorn on oath, deftose c*nd say that the several Items knentloned below are Just and true expenditures made by me in connection with the administration of my office out of moneys set over to me by this Board Of ShpterVlstfrs ft»r such purposes. 1936--Jan. 14-- Appropriation from Board of Bupervi^s^ ---^y-~--~»-8iQM0 1936-- ' Zion Office Supply, paper III. Bell Tel. Co., Jan. ft Feb. ....58.88 June 3-- 111. Bell Tel. Co., Mar., Apr. And May ~r-nA W.« LaChance Office Supply, !*|>ter .... 8.18 June 5-- National Office 8upply, letter Ale 1-M Fred Walters, rent „_....300.00 Total DisbursterttetatS ..-- .l$443.03 Bees pltalatlntei Total amount received ;-- J100.00 Total amount paid out 448.03 Balance due State's Attortiey .... 848-03 VINCENT S. LtTMLEY. State's Atty. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of June A D 1986. (Seal) BEATRICE C BOPP. N". P. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Hetnmer *nd duly seconded by Supr. Palmer that the report or the State's Attorney be adopted by this Board and that the Clerk be directed to issue an order to the State's Atty. cn the, County Treasurer for balance due in the amount of 3343.03, and the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried. The Committee on Roads and Bridges presented the following report which on motion of Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. ClaWSOn and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of tile Board of Supervisors, McHenry Oounty, Illinois: The undersigned members of the Road and Bridge Confutes for said County would beg leAve to submit the following report on thte matters before them. . That we met at Woodstock, Illinois, on the 14th day of Mar 1*88 and received bids for the proposed concrete road OS an extension of Main Street in Crystal Lake. Illinois, south to State Bond Issue Route 19, known as Section Total ...$8888.83 We decidted nbt to Start Any precedent of otling roads. bUt to offer no objections to rbsidehts putting on oil at their own expense. A request wis made for sch6ol signs In the vicinity of I^awrence, and we decided to establish no preefdent furnishing School signs, but to offer ho objection ir school authorities desire to place signs in the road right of way that do not obstruct traffic. We have received and turned over to the County Treasurer an order from the Town Of Greenwood for crushed gravel of 8840.00. Your Committee estimates thst there will be necessary for the care of the MctTenry County Patrol System Roads an appropriation from the Coun ty Highway Tax Funds the sum 01 83000 until the July meeting of this Board. All of Which I* respectfully submitted S. H. FREUND .. FRANK MAY " 'I, K. HAKKlSOir JOSEPH rtEMMRR D. M. WRTv.HT PAGE THREE • "•••?" r; Committee on County Poor be by this Board And that tfioOO rtO be propriated and transferred from General Ifund to the Pntiper Fund that the Clerk be directed to IsS orders to the Supervisors in pajrmteli of said claims, and the roll being calltet said motion was declared uttAmmoasi ew. • Lineal ft. of 72 In. culvert pipe 3417.20 Treasurer Town of Riley, for i men 7 hrs. labor preparing bed for qui vert 8,80 Total cost. J.,.--,........8487.00 Payment of thte AtSovte bills Will dis- , \-a charge McHenry County's obligations 1 Lush V ermllym, Co Thrift Shop The Fair ........... Fred W. BarftMfr ... How A SOn Mrs. J. Raederl....=.. Hartland- 85.00 8.18 6.50 12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 7.00 38.45 91.00 8S.8T 51.58 6S If 24.24 21.85 J10M 37 40 7.54 28.82 93.T6 32.01 32.00 The Commltttee oh Elections pMdkw ed the following report which on iiiattdjt of Supr. Hughe3 and duly seconded bf Supr. Clawson and the roll being. calleC was declared unanimously adopted, to* wit: ih the above matter All Of Which is respectfully submitted. E. Fj KUECKER -PAUL ROSENTHAt ROT J. STEWART I, CJ. L. Tryon. County Sutrt. otHlghways, fbr McHenry County, Illinois, hereby approve the above materials and amounts due the parites above named. C. L. TRTON, Co. Supt. of Hwy*. Seneca-- Dr. E. T Brahd H. J. Miller Shurtleff Co Coral-- '• Dr. E. Thos. Brand Chas. H. AckthAn O. H. Schuettte I.vdla Hall W, C. Nulle ...: H. B. Benjamin Went* ft Shaw Grarton-- • Dr. John G. Henson It was thereupon regularly moved bT Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that the report be adopted by W,r;,J °fi" .*• n? tr?^i nfs""" """**' t h i s B o a r d a n d t l r a t t h e C l e r k b e d l - H u n t , f c t ---- rected to Isque orders to the claimants --h.-- on the County Treasurer as outlined in 2,*ll\ w.ho/ -- said report, and the roll being cAlied. Ni" -- said motion was dteclANd unAhimously 1 p * j carHed. 'c, >. Meyet 7 "J The Chairman called upon the 1tw o ,j1 Sherman Hosfcitat .141 political parties as represented by the ! nr p Thos Brand nembershlp of the Board for sugges- & Thos. Brand tlons of electors to act as Judges, of ™ Election for the ensuing year, ^ter ? q ' which on motion of 8upr. Wright Mr^ Ffta CaHifon ' duly seconded by Supr. Palmer ssid , matter was referred to the Committee y Elections for a report. Bsport of tlM Committee da WUtMrn Mr. Chairman and Gentl'teihteh of ' th|t.- ^ Board of Supervisors: v Tour Committee on Elections woUlA.. beg leave to submit the following list# of Judges of Elections as selected By (lift two i>o!ltical parties represehtted on th» Board together with .the polling plAtep of each district, to-wlt: 'i Riley--Polling nlace. Town HalU-• Judges, L. A. Stockwell. Clio Anthon# and William Sword. • 'A'. Marengo 1--Polling place. City Jtalw... Judges, John Kitchen, E. C. RcDb ahli Frank Biggins, Marengo !--Polling place, fCelley tflj# ; [rai^re; Judges, IX M. Wright, lUH^. . Deit* and O. J. McKpowh. Dunham--rollihs place, School IToUster pist 128; Judges. C. M. Palmer, It iK - Morris and Hay Brickley. »~ Chemung 1--Polling place. Marshal} Implemeht Company; Judges. C. t. • Vierck, D. V. Coughlin and Edith Op: brlch. L Chemung 2--Polling place, SweattA' Building; Judges, F. E. Beck, Walter WJohnson and John B. Howard. • ; _ ' Chemung 3 -- Polling place, Blkcip* ' T"-•"• 1 a ss | smith's Shop at Chemung; Judg^a, E. I. j'j8 I Burr, L. A. Douglass and T. K. 8•aver. 46 50 Alden--Polling place. Town HAltt 42 61 Judges, N. B Clawson., Garrett Fit# gerald and F. C. Bottlemy. T"-' Hartland--Polling place, 8hurtleff*jt Store; Judges, E. C. Hughes, Heniff „ Calahan and Charles Murray. Seneca -- Polling place, Town Hall Judp-es. E. K. Kuecker, Dan tcanaley Aw ,R. M. Bean. .j. Coral--Polling place, -Village Han; Judges, Charles H. Ackman, J. T. Sm and H. J. Miller. ^ Grafton 1 -- Polling place, Hall; Judges, Joseph Hemmer, Chapft A. Foster and Waltter Carroll. qrafton 2--Polling place. Fred Sc^gtl 'SM Uilu. 48.80 12.00 8J4 6.00 O.sti 4.85> f.84 11.08 9.00 SfO 12.15 98.50 8.00 TO The following supplemental resolution on contract construction recommended for approval by the Committee on Roads and Bridges was presented and on motion of Supr. Hale and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. Rosenthal and the roll being callrd was declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: Contract Construction •apptemsntal Besolnttoa to KiMlitln of County Board of McHenry county re- Questing approval of the use of money allotted to the county under the provl slons of the Motor Fuel Tax Law. RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, that public Interest demands the construction of Sectlbn of a public highway designated as a State Aid road, said section being described as follows: Beginning on a public highway designated as State Aid Route No. 8A, at a point near the S. W. cor . of section '^4 T. 43 N. R. K east of the third P. M.. thence extending In a northerly dlrec tion" to a connection with and terminating at the most southerly end of Main Street in the City of Crystal Lake, extending along Route 8a in a Northerly direction for a distance of 8280 feet, more or less; and be It further RESOLVED. O) that the proposed Improvement herenforc designated shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of the "Motor Fuel Tax Ijw," approved March 25, 1929, and shall be of P. C. C. Pavement construction. 18 feet wide with earth shoulders 6 feet wide, and shall be designated as Sec. 6, M. F. T (2) that there Is hereby appropriated the additional sum of fifteen thousand Dollars ($15,000 00) from the county's Allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the construction of said section; and be It further RESOLVED, that the County Clerk is hereby directed to trajismlt two certified copies of this resolution to the Df partment of Public Works Apd Build Ihgs, Division of Highways, Springfield, Illinois. The following resolution of Right of Way Purchase was presented ana read to th¥ Board, to-wlt: R. O. W. Purchase WHEREAS* there is now available for the use of McHenry County, Illinois, out of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1829, Law, the sum of 818T.58 JUftd, WHEREAS, it Is permissible under said Motor Fuel Tax Law, approved March 25, 1929, to purchase Right of Way for the improvement of Stats Aid RoAds. and, ^ WHEREAS, the right of way Committee of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County. Illinois, hsve secured the signatures to the following High- Way Dedications for the improvement of fttate Aid Route Number 17A, McHenry County, Illinois: « Mary Thresa Tyner, lots :..„.fl85.00 Lester Edlnger. Coifllty Trtast, Treasurer's fee _2-52 (Extension of 8. B> I. Rt 178 to 8. B. I. 19 and 23) THEREFORE, be it resolved by said Board of Supervisors of McHenry County Illinois, that the above amount of *127.52 of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1889 Uw, be used for riitf ' purchase of said right of way above mentioned, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that R. D. WOods, County Clerk, is hereby directed to certify a copy of this resolution to the Department of Public Works and Buildings. Division of Hlghways. Springfield. Illinois, for Its approval for voucher. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded » Supr. Hemrrter that the resolution be adopted by this Board, and the roll be- Ihg called said motion was declared unanimously carried. The Special Committee appointed by the Chairman in re new culvert in Riley Twp. presented the following report. to-wit: tae Clerk presented lists of Halms against the Couhty And on motion of 8utn*. Wright and duly seconded by Supr Stewart, and declared carried, the Board adjourned to 1.30 o'clock P. M. for the approval of said claims. I188 VOMBX *. ML Board met pursuant to adjourntntent. present same members constituting a full Board. The Committee on Claims, Labor. Fees And Supplies presented the following report which on motion of SUpr. Hemmer and duly seconded hy Supr* Fllip and .the roll being called WAS dteclared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentleman of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Labor Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave to report tha^ they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the CJaimWita for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: P. F. Pettlbone 41 Co.. Co. Clk.. prtg. and sup $81.88 Frank Thornber tt Co., Co. Clk.t prtg. and sup t 5.71 Frank Thornber ft COu, Co. Clk.. - ' Tax Blks futfd 11.80 Frank Thornber A Co., Co. Clfe elee. sup ,...x 8.88 Frank Thornber lb o.. Co. Treas. Off. sup S.84 Frank Thornber ft Co. shf. off. sup, 8.88 Calliighun & Co., Judcy. lbrV. fund 3.09 lawyers Co. Op. Pub. Co., judcy. Libry. fund 7.60 Harvard' Herald Co., clr. elk 6.00 Woodstock D. Sentinel, Co. Treas. prtg 11.80 Woodstock D. Sentinel, supr. prtg 3.80 111. Bell Tel. Co., Co. 57.T4 shf. 22.28 80.08 PfelfTer's Pharmacy, Co. TreM- . off. sup. ---- 1AI Pfeiffer's Pharmacy, sup. scti. off. exp - 1.08 Ethel C. Coe, Co. Sup., sup. sen. off. exp 18.80 World Book Co., sup. sch. oil. exp. 97.42 Byers Prtg. Co.. off exp - 8.11 Hoesley's JJnkery, shf. feed. prls. 18.07 R. A. Pratt, shr. feed, prls 44.44 P. E. Conway, shf. feed. prls. 13.80 Eckert ft Bending, shf. feed. prls. 8H.78 West. Un. Gas ft El. Co., shf. feeding prisoners 8.77 Marlnda Bates, shf. feed, prlii. .... 2.00 Richard Farrell, shf. pty. -- 8.00 Martin Ekelund. shf. dpty. ... 4.00 Loren Edlnger, shf. dpty 8.00 Homer Mann, shf. dpty. 4.00 Homer Mann, shf. ballllf 4.00 Howard Freeman, shf dpty. 8.00 Howard Freeman, shf. baills ...._-. 16.00 Armour J. Birk, snf. dpty 4.00 Armour J. Birk, shf. bailiff 8.00 Henry G. Fisher, shf. bailiff -- 20.00 Clyde C. Miner, shf. bailiff 8.00 R. O. Andrew. C. H. and jail coal 55.87 Hans Hansen, C. Hi. and jftll • (hauling ashes) --- 5-00 Hall * Kckert, C, H. and jail coal 9.11) Hall A Eckert. C. H. sup. 1.17 Hall ft Eckert, C. H. jail repairs 103.12 Da<;y Lbr. Co., C. H. jail repairs 61.78 A. W. Wagner, C. H. Jail repairs 4115 H. G. Johansen, C. H. Jail repairs 107.33 Karl Q. Fritz, C. H. Jafl repairs . .. 67.46 Karl G. Fritz, C. H. sup. 2.84 U. S. Sanitary Spec. Corp., C. ,H. sup 3.60 The Fyr-Fyter Coir. C. H. sup 14 32 Natl Re-employ. Serv., C. H. sup. 40 00 A. L. Bennett, C. tt. jail repairs .. .149.00 Victor Frajuenfelder, C. H. Jail rep. 97.80 Sanitary FMbg. ft Htg., C. H. Jail rep : 155.70 Thorne ft Son. shf. Jail sup. clo. 1.20 Henry ,A. Nulite. shf. per diteih. fees, serv 4J.75 Henry A. Nulle, shf. per dletni fees, serv ,....1014.80 Dr. W. H DeWolf, shf. per diem. fees, serv .1-?® C. L. Trvon, Co. Hwy. main 832.70 City of Wobdstock, C. H. Jail It. ahd waiter 62.83 Henry A. Nulle, shf. per diem, fetes ana serv 300.00 Om S. Nulle. shf. feed, prls 100.00 Philip E. Blerdeman, shf. deputy 125.00 Vestle Muldoon, C. H. Jail sal. _ fund t 185.00 Daisy V. Moore, sup. sch. asst. and clk. hire .-...^,^,113.7,) Russell Allen, Bts. Atty.'asst. ..w.830 00 A. Rt. 2 Sec. 7 -- ««.<8 S. A. Rt. 13-13 A. Sec 4 .. ... 8 93 Supr. Sal. Mileage--• L. A. 8tockwelI i«:' *2.40 D. M. Wright • C- M. Palmer ..; 33.00 F. B. Beck 26 00 N. B. Clawson ...--15.80 E. C. Hughes 20 ->0 E. F. Kuecker ...-- -------- Chas. H AckntKil Joseph Hemmer 21.20 Roy J. Stewart, and trt. tOc .---- 52 40 J. E. Harrison .28.20 H. M. Turner ..--.v X? J. G. 8tevens --- 29.on Frank May --1?.40 S H. Freund •••;. • A. H. Hale J0.00 John J. Fllip ..,R.-w^.r^«sa^sssr44.00 Paul Ropenthal A. B. McConnell-- 12.20 Ail orf which is resoectfully submiUed. N B. CLAWSON * 4 CHAS. H. ACKMAN ' A H. HALE • A. B. McCONNELL ' E. C. HUGHB8 ihte Committee on Claims. County Poor presented the following report, to- Wit: Oakside,.Dairy Eckert ft Bending W. H. Torgesott i--ii; Rav Northrop A. ft P., Cass St. -- A. & P.. Behtoh St. ..... E. C. Bodenschatt -- Plngel ft Koch ;--...... .... Stone ft SWeetland DAcy Lbr. Co Hall ft Eckept -- Ray H. Abbott -- Richmond-- H. L. Ehorh ... Chas. Wolff ...... L. J, Burton BArker Lbr. Co. _... W. L. Speaker McHtenry-- Dr. E. Thos. Brand S. H. FreUnd --... Alexander Lbr. CO. Peter J. Schaefer Arth Smith ....:. Joe M. Regnter -- ..... Smith Bros. a|| AA U(l gllUII < VMtilM flAWVi C I VU 6 •I SS (Cottage; Judges, (George Moffat, '••""'Mossie Lyman and Frank StrubV Dorr J--Polling place Bafefcom Store. E. Jackson St.. Woodsto Judges, A. B. McConnell, HArold Btet And Arthur Desmond. »" Dorr 8--Polling place, Sherburne Miter Co.. Church St.. Woodstock; JudgflflL Roy J. Stewart, Paul McNett add Algrsi Schroeder. .... Dorr 3--Polling place. Room under County Clerk's office, Woodstock: Judg8p John F. Wlertke, W J. Todd and JoKS E. Conway. _ 4I# Dorr 4--Polling place, City Hall. Woodstock: Judges, Lester Urlffin|t. Verlnn Battem and E. A. Gerry. Dorr B--Polling place. Abbott's Stonfc Rldgefield; Judges, Ray H. Abbott, W. M. Reed and H?nry Radke. ^ Greenwood--Polling place, T»Wn HAQ^ Judges. J. F HarHSon, Fred Wtelldt d|l Matt Schmarje. „ Hebron--Polling place. Town .Hfclli Judges. H. M. Turner. E. A. Meat t|M 81.40 88.00 20.00 30.02 4.00 74.86 8 VT 1I.00 18.85 17.46 ii.oo 68.18 8.70 4.88 8.8T 88.83 61.00 82.69 80.43 9.06 88.18 88.72 14.(0 88.83 118.00 88.07 Barbian BroS. -- Anna i'^reund L. E. Hawlejr Math L. We liter Ben J. Brefelo Dunham-- Wm. Clasen Lush Vermiiy* - - Esmond & Douglas Carollftte RASder .... Greenwood-- J. E. Harrison ft J. E. Harrison Eckert & Bending -- BuHon-- Dr. E. Thos. Brand N. N. Weber ESt ...i. ....... Frank May .'. -- ........ John Lay Tibbltts Cameroii* LW. Go. ... NUnda-- Dr. E. Thos. Brand A. H. Hale ...i Chas. Johnson H. W. Giesekte Harold Meter - -- Ed. C. Buhro# Cllf Wingate Admf. --... Rosenthal LOT. ft Fuel West. Un. OAs tt EL Co. -- Edward Asp -- Mrs. H. B. Wilcox -- G. D. Crabtrtee ^ --..... Paul H Buhrmah ...-i-- -- Peter Nelson ChAs. E. Cohn O. W. Hart Gertrude Brunkhonkt Phil Huffman ---- J. K. Osmun C. V. Colby .......-- .... Chas. A. Mason Alma Nelson ....... Art Smith ~-- F. W. Kruger --i_..-----J~ A. ft P. C. Lake A. ft P.. McHehry National Tea Co. Marengo-- Dr. E. Thos. Brand »- D. M. Wright ..... Shurtleff Co. Triangle Groc. ............ Harry Easton Ernest Kamhols Warren JordOh A. M. Wallace Royal Blue 81.00 8.80 8.10 23B«i 18.00 11.95 10.00 84.20 80.00 14.81 . 10.00 18.00 John P. O'Holleran (Hebron R. d.| Blchmond--Polling place, Hstiwl'ttl Ha|l; Judges. J. G. Stevens, Ray BA»t» holf and Hugh Howden. Burton -- Polling placte, ToWn Halu Judges, Frank May, Joe Lay 4nd AntM Mever. McHenry 1---Foiling place. Wool Hi>11. Pl^gWo-ndj JudgtS. Clayton H. son, George J. iTouhg and Wm. J. ers. (fctcHenrv R, F. D.) McHenry 8--Polling place, ... Hall; Judges. Fred Nichols. BdJ»Jr Lfind-reen end Writer A. Kniuste. .. McHenry 3--Polling blace, Colby Ml in McHenry; Judges, 8. H. FreUhd, •• A. Conwav and George P Sttellen. Nunda 1--Polling place. TumeT H^ttSi. ^'rrevJUe; Judges, T. W. Hansen and Paul Rohman. Vunda 2--Polling place, Town Hall; Judges. Wm. R. Rice. Louis Fales and Frank Doherty. ^ . Nunda 3--Polling plACte. t. O. Q. T. Bid?. In Cdvstal fjtke: Judates, A. Ki Hale. Paul J. DoheHy and Kenneth Sprouse. / • Algonouin 1--spoiling place. A1bdmiii|| Village Hail: Judges, J. J. Fllip, Wan* M. Schuett and George Lssahsky. - Algo-ouln 2--Polling place. Crysfil l,ake c.mucll1 -RnomS: Judges. Frank Bohl, William Malone and William K \lll 1 Fitzgerald. 17.72 8.74 81.00 10.00 18.00 8.00 18.00 18.80 ll.OO 18.00 8 on 10.00 15.00 moo 10.00 11.09 7.50 (80 18.00 -- j-- John Rnnds W. M. Girt*".... Mr, ChaU-jman and OentlemS* of tha Board of Supervisors: Vour Committee on County Poor Claims Would beg leave to report that Central Groc. .-- John Benton Patrick Bros. Shurtleff Fartti Stotf Dr. H. R. Miller W. D. Hall Lbr. Co-. .. Hebron-- Dr. C. W. Bailey ..... A. L- Johnson Hebron Lbr. Co ...... W. M. Merry E. P. Schaefer ft 80ft' Henry F. Kueck Carl F. SchultS i- Alden,;-- The Fair : ---*i E. R. Gas* .. -j.- Hebron Cash Oroc. --- L. O. Nigh -- I.ush, Vermiiya -- Schutt & Cerny Algonquin-- Dr. E. Thos. Brand --1 Dr. J. V. Sanovlc ....„----«--- Dr. J. C. Sculley Dr F. J. Theobald Thomas P. Bolger --,-- Hritv T. Hansen . -- Warners Funeral Service James Kos - Cary Bakery ft Groc Fox River Grove Coal ft Lbr. .. Edward Vlnicky Anton Marek Werneke ft Wahlteh -- Kerns ft Dianls Joseph Kodydek . Shield of Quality (C. I«.) --i Frank E. Bohl ,--;-- Margarea McGarry -- J. J. Jaster L. B. Robbin, ReC. _...-- Henry Rrelie -- Duensing Bros --«.-- o W Hart Walter F. Meier ...--, ---- John D. Dianls A Sofas a.. Edward C. Buhrow ..:w Joseph Smlda C. Frnnke ft Co. --„... Rosenthal ft Fuel Arthur F. Harnden jEmil Vodnansky Est -->-• National Tea (Algonquin) C". Franke ft Co., .. National Tea Co.. C. L. ..i.----. A. ft P. (Mohawk St.) ;u... 70.00 ._....193.00 _..... 14 00 80 85 .„... 8.00 .... . 20.00 zz.:. 1000 ... 10.00 ... . 78.78 ...... 10 00 3* 00 _.... 28.41 _... 15.00 84.22 88.30 Z.. 4 i6 :w... 18.87 ...... 8.80 8.10 ...:.. 8.16 1.-is 8.54 8.80) 8.1^. 10.0a lB.AOi 84.00 f.Ot 1S:S2 «.»0 15.00 6K.S0 88 01 i.00 24.80 88.00 14.00 80.14 10 14 18.80 8.00 10.00 10.00 50.00 10 00 in 00 18 00 48.00 12.0V 25 R4 14 31 18.00 8.37 49 44 10.n0 64 10 24.on 7.31 15.0" 10.00 All Of whlrh 1s reapectfully submitted. A. H. HALE E C. HUGHES • JOHN J. F1LIP H. M. TURNER A PAUL ROSENTHJMI - Alennnuin 3--Polling ^lsce. Cary Vli» lage Hall: Judges. H. A. Suchy. P. %. Wlnm and Alfred H. Sphuldt, Alg^nouln 4 -- Polling plACte. FHk River Grove Village Hall: Judges, Frank Opatrnv, George Maschek and Charlss Wellsek. _ _ Algonquin 5 -- Polling p'atee, Boilwr <n ni«t No. 47: Judges, P. p., Bertram, F. Schepers And C. Jacobs. All of which Is resneotfully Submittal. FRANK MAT ROT J. STEWART H. M. TURNER . • W. C. HUGHES • * -¥•. - A. B. McCONV18T.L JOSEPH HBMMKR The Cohnty Home Committee , ed the foll<iwli>g report which on of Supr. Freund and duly seconded by Supr. Hale and the roll being called WRB declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: To the Board of Supervisors: - ; Gentlemen: r Tour County Home Committee satei tt the County Home, FridAy Junte Stli TO audit the bills and transact tha monthly business. • . Permanent Improvement ...-- Running expenses _...^ £ tl" Clothes -- WM. .it moftfln Tobacco Hosipta! Medicine Dieting Fuel ^,... 8t.4| ^ K5.« -*f ^...138.58 ^ MotTona,KV;^Fc'nnT^ se<»nl*d*Wr Hemmer that all help Incl^dlhg nunsfs and the direction of the county boteii. farm and hospltAl be under the direction of the Superintendent and Motion unanimously carried. . < Respectfully submitted- J. E. HARRISON > * • I* A. STOCKWELL * . D. M. WRIOMT ., JOHEPH HVMMBR A. B. McCONTOHA. - - '.-r> t 4 :§• \ Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of. thi Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: Vour committee to whom was refer- _ _ _ r .>o.Ku ... -- -- red the matter of constructing a new'they have examined all claims prseented 4 |fr yr y, ) :m« ¥*4» amd mi • Ofr-T4H8fc...<tgftoy* •.*» itmm, mi r.ttcatnmeod the Sujr. Harriaon that the report of the • " v • ^ ^ ' - - ' • -- r " • It was thereupon regularly moved by upr. Ackman and duly seconded by 'MJune 8, 1891 Mr. Chairnmn and members of tlM Board of Supervisor* of McHenry Coun^ ty, your County Home Committee spectfully submits the following repOft for the month, pf Msy 1936. audited aw Mid June 5, 1888. Kobttentc Dept. Store, shoes 8 8.1s Franklyn R. Muller Inc., floor mat. 50.00 AJihtert Tessendorf. Shellane Gas 26.80 "rtiorne ft Son. clothing •• 30.8* Cbrn Belt Hatcheries, chicken feed tl.W Royal Blue Orocerles '}« Ifarrv Dav. cleaning septic tank 35.00 Hall ft EMtert lumber, nails and posts The Worrell Mfg. Co.. fly spray Ludaig Wilson .Co., soap chip*. milk can and soap F. W. Wolworth Co . notions ._ Superior Oil Co.. distillate and s grease -• Wm R Bums Storage Bat Co.. condensers and coil 1--. Rav Donovan, potatoes 111." Bell Tel. Co.. telephone ........ . J. W Oriswold. hospital taundry t.f» Walter Wagner, grinding -- 10.» R O. Andrew Co.. feed, coal ft seed SC.09 The Shurtleff Co.. fence, seed, coal and staples 70,08 John Sexton ft Co.. groceries and _ canned trood ^.HUM Brey's Bakery, bread -- W^tl' Willis Disbrow, papers, salt. seed and gas 18.00 W. p. Allen, petty cash, incidentals 58.18 Frank S. Bets Co., hospital sup. 26.45 George Nvstrom, carpenter work 112.00 Woodstock Wholesale Co.. tobacco 82.00 C. F. Gumprecht. plow-shares Welding and grindink , « 31.48 Woo«lstock Dry ilds Co.. Iw». Mj. IJ8 W. W. Lichtv. veterinary work . 1S.SS rfeifTer Pharmacy, medicine .. 40.89 The Bohn Hardware Co., hardwaM till Steward §ea Foo^l Serv iec, Hah ^ 0.00. >! *• "'f '.s J 1 (8 03 8.00 .147.80 « - 11« .. UM .. 4.34 W$

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