sk* „#mm IMS FOUR ^ 1 * ' ^ •, '" 1" '•'" y ~1, P"' • * v •* ' ' , 1P^ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS! tlqrftUdi, whitewashing .Bros.. Shoe Store, siloes Biscuit Co., cracker* #.nd • ,..'. s Oarage, gas and oil ¥. Bnni medicine 15.91 18.48 6.75 P. Allen and wife, salary* . ..150.00 76.00 \ 6.78 45.00 12.00 15.48 55.00 66.00 26.07 21.95 Putty, cook t Olson, help .... iur Wendt, help iBorgeson, help ' Borgeson, farm hand ... lbtertt OHmore, nurse yimata Doughart. nurse wC Lapeman, nurse |S| i , OlUjn Rapp, nurse ' J. E. HARRISON" L. A. STOCKWELt» A. B. McCONNfiU. D. M. WRIGHT JOSEPH HEMMHR v' The following resolution together With a petition signed by approximately XtS residents of Seneca and Dorr Twps. was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: *; lMnlirtlim ^ i WHEREAS, the highwfcr teawtrtg westerly on South Street out of the i ; City of'Woodstock toward the City of Marengo, Illinois, passing through Prahklinville, and intersecting State Bond Issue Route 67 at Mills Corner, is <t one of the m, o.s.t ..i.m or.t.a nt. r.o. a_ d.s i,n.. Mc- i j one Of the iriost important roads in Mc_ ' >PS \/ WHEREAS, the people of this Coun- * " . ^ ty Interested in the above road havt ; i/it been greatly disappointed in that State w%-. ',-Bond Issue Route 67 was not built id,."-.' through this territory on said road §&Sv%?Whloh is the shortest and most direct root* between Woodstock and Marengo, 14.00 ice Company of Northern Illinois will 6.22 pay all damages to the owners of the ' property abutting upon said highway, which they mky sustain by reason of the placing of said poles, wires and equipment, the same to be ascertained, and paid in the manner provided by law m similar cases. Section 4. This permission shall not become effective until a written acceptance thereof by said Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, has been tiled with this board. Section 5. The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to order a change in the location of said poles or any of them at any time, -to a different location in said highway, to conform to possible conditions that may arise, by giving said Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, its successors, lessees and assigns, reasonable notice of the necessity for such removal and its request so to do, and in case aaid company fails so to do, said Board of Supervisors reserves the right to remove -Aid poles at the expense of said Public dec-Vice Company of Northern Illinois. section 6. That the said Public Service Company of Northern Illinois will save and keep harmless and will defend the said McHenry County from any and all damages, claims or suits for damages which may result in any manner by reason of the erection, operation and maintenance of said transmission and distribution line to be so erected in accordance with this franchise and that the bond dated Dec. 6,. 1829 heretofore filed shall indemnify and be operative as so originally given for the permit. 31.00 611.5! 520.61 1,17$.63 41.7* 417.42 i : WHEREAS, the traffic on said road is that it Is impossible with the flCifunds at hand to maintain the existing Iit" ' gravel road in a satisfactory condition • „ tor travel, and •' * ment of said road fe^'^llmRBFORB BE IT 'RESOLVED A'.^zthat this Board of Supervsors again w|N the State of Illinois Department {'• >" -at Public Works and Buildings to slate ;,»• ' ,1 the above road for early improvement '• . at least as an asphalt road, out of funds re?-- v available to the State of Illinois, . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT '* - ' the County Clerk of this County transmit tiro copies of this resolution to the * State of Illinois Department of Public Worlu and Buildings. ' v It Was thereupon regularly moved by Y'J. Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Wright that the resolution be adopted by this Board, and the roll be- HUT called. said motion was declared i unanimously carried. ; Petitions Signed by approximately 275 tftlani of McHenry Twp. "requesting ( \ county to purchase Right of Way I-" / («r re-routing U. S. 12 in said Twp. fAWOTS presented to the Board and after .. aome discussion it was regularly moved by Supr. Freund and duly seconded by : Supr.Wright that same be referred to the Right of Way Committee for report. Motion declared unanimously carried. The Committee on Fees and Salaries presented the following report, to-wit: June 8, 1936 To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Tour Committee on Fees and Salaries tMttld beg leave to submit the followtng^ resolution and moves its adoption, WHEREAS, in view of the savings j>' '• that the present Treasurer has made Hi lie Treasurer's office during the past '/ • ' ' Ty. ' amounting to approximately (8600.60 as compared with the former L TIS0•UrttT the Fees and Salaries Com- • mlttee reel that this saving is likewise ' \ dtte to the efforts of the chief deputy imwn m and would heireby recommend Cfafti his salary be increased to the extoot of $26.00 per irtonth. t PfrOm comparisons made by the Committee, we find that this is about in with ssistant Cashiers in banking tutions in the county and we con- • the .position of the Deputy Treason. fnlly as important a position •Athat of Assistant Cashier in a bank. la. A. STOCKWELL, Chairman T. E. BECK S. P. KUECKER C. M. PALMER JOSEPH HEMMER * JOHN J. FILIP -I##;,- PAUL ROSENTHAL It was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr. Rosenthal and duly seconded by Supr. Filip that the report of t'ne • Committee on Fees and Salaries be ".adopted by this Board, and on roll call Suprs. Stockwell, Palmer, Beck, Hughes, Kttecker, Hemmer, Stewart, Turner, May. Freund, Hale and Filip and Asst. ; Supra. McConnell and Rosenthal voted ayd. Suprs. Wright, Clawson, Ackman and Harrison voted nay. Motion dedared carried. The McHenry County Recreational , Project sponsored by the Board of supervisors presented a .report showing . activities for the month of May 193s which was on motion duly made and carried approved and ordered placed on .file. The Illinois Northern Utilities Company presented a petition and resolution for a blanket permit to construct transmission. lines on State Aid Roads in • McHenry County. State's Atty., Lum- ' ley, was called upon and stated that he informed the officials of said company •hat he was not in favor of granting a blanket franchise and that he was not in favor of any permits being granted to iny company without the said comptay first filing with McHenry County . a sufficient bond to Indemnify and protect the people of McHenry County in case Of accident during the onstructlon of said transmission lines. After a general discussion between representatives . of the company, the State's Atty. and the members of the Board, it, was regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly Seconded by Supr. Turner that the per titlon and resolution be referred to the -Road and Bridge Committee and t,he I State's Atty. with power to act. And 'the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried. State's Atty., Lumley. stated that McHenry County and Chemung Twp. had claims against a case now pending in the Clrcutt Court entitled, "McHenry County et al vs. E. L. Axtell, individually and as administrator with will annexed of Estate of Robert J. Marshall, deceased, et al," general number 27547, and that he as State's Atty. would like t6 have some authority from the Board of Supervisors to act in their behalf. It WM regularly moved bry Supr. Beck and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that the 8tate's Atty. be empowered to act as attorney for McHenry County in said cause and take any action that he feels necessary. Motion declared unanimously carried. The following resolution presented by the Public Service Company of Northern - Illinois was read to the Board, to-wit: State's Atty., Lumley, informed the Boar^ that iiils resolution was previously referred to him for his approval and that the Company had made changes satisfactory to him in McHenry County's interest. After which it was regularly moved by Supr. Hemmer and duly seconded by Supr. Stewart that the resolution be adopted by this Bo$rd. Motion declared unanimously carried. The Clerk presented several communications from the State of Illinois, Department of Public Works and Buildings, Illinois Commerce Commerce and Industrial Commission together with the monthly report of the Circuit Clerk which was ordered placed on file. Supr. Beck, Chairman of the Committee on Purchasing, stated that he had a request from the Old Age Pension Board for some office fixtures and equipment for their new quarters in the Court House. After some discussion it was regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Wright that said matter be_ referred to the purchasing committee. Motion declared cairied. 4 bupr. Stewart, Chairman of the Building Committee, stated that the roof on the main building at the Court House has not been resurfaced since 1927 and that it could be xlone for approximately $125.00 and asked the Board for some instructions with regard to said matter. After which a motion was made by Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker that said matter be referred to the Building Committee giving said Committee full power to act, aha the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried. Probate Judge, Harry C. Daniels, of Kane County and presiding Judge of the County Court of McHenry County sitting on call in said Court due to the death of the Honorable Charles T. Allen, appeared before the Board and gave a short but very interesting talk which was very much appreciated by th members of the Board. Upon conclusion the members of the Board gave Mr. Daniels a rising vote of thanks for his interest in their behalf. Supr. Hemmer, Chairman of the Committee on Finance addressed the Board and stated that the appropriation made by this Board for the present year to, pay bounties on foxes, wolves, crows and crows eggs was overdrawn to date approximately $700.00 that the appropriation as made was $1500.00 and that since December 1st of 1935 some $2,- 200.00 has been spent for said cause, and that in his opinion the County was not financially able to carry on this work and that he would move at this time that on and affer the 15th of June, 1936. that all bounties being paid by the County be discontinued and , that the Clerk be instructed to notify jail Town Clerks of said action. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Wright. Supr. Palmer stated tha$ he felt that the crows were a great nuisance to farmers and did a great deal of damage and for that reason was against the discontinuing of the bounty on crows and crows eggs. Supr. Harrison concurred with Supr. Palmer "in his opinion and stated that he felt that instead of discontinuing the bounty on crows and crows eggs, the County should take some action in getting adjoining counties to cooperate in ridding the county of said pests. Supr. Hemmer stated that the Clerk had letters on his desk from the County Clerks of Kane, Lake and Boone Counties stating that they pay no bounties in their counties. The Chairman called for a roll call on said motion which resulted as follows: Supr. Stockwell, Wright, Clawson, Kuecker, A c k m a n , H e m m e r , S t e w a r t , M a y , Freund and Filip voted aye. Supr. Palmer, Beck, Hughes, Harrison, Turner, Hale, and Assit. Suprs. McConnell and Rosenthal voted nay. Motion declared carried. Supr. Beck stated that he had a transient pauper case in his Twp. that no doubt needed hospitalization. After some discussion it was decided that Supr. Beck use his own Judgment in reeard to said matter. T^ere being no further business to come before this meeting, it was regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Wright to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. J. O. STEVENS, Chairman. Attest: R. D. WOODS, Clerk. Traffic Fines A Forfeitures on Hwys Institute Fund --.... Motor Fuel Tax .......... County Officers' Fees ....... Dog Tax Personal Property taxes Gen. Fund, dividend Am. Nat'l Bank ...... Com., 111. Bell Tel State's Attorney Old Age Assistance. Fund Penalties and Fees «... Total receipts for June Grand Total receipts Sspeaditaies County Orders - Highway Orders Motor Fuel Tax fund Bounty Orders Mothers' Pensions - Institute Fund -- Coroner's Jurors --........... Interest on Anticipation Warrants ....... Insanity Jurors ... Anticipation Warrants ........ Inheritance Taxes Unknown Residents and Minor Heirs ...1 Stamps ..,--I.. Grand & Petit Jurors .--.. Erad. T. B. in Cattle -- Probation Officers ........-- Paupers' Fund .^....^.£,^^..4 Total Disbursements Bal. on hand June 30 all fuhds 66(787.33 72,464.22 ... fl37,910.03 .110,903.33 .. 3,436.23 7,064.77 ... 162.46 ... 1,150.00 ... 160,00 30.00 ... 1.140.84 18.00 40,000.00 75.12 ... 446.29 94.18 .... 1,739.90 ... .13.20 90.00 ...3,269.98 ...71,172.76 Grand Total ....: ..$137,910.08 The above arid foregoing report is true and correct according ,to my best knowledge and belief. LEsTER EDiNGER, Co. Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of June, 1938. (Seal) R. D. WOODS, County Clerk The Committee on Fees and Salaries made the following report, to-wit: . July 1st, 1936. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry .County: Your Committee on Fees and Salaries to whom was referred the Semi-annual reports of the County Clerk, Circuit Clerk and the Sheriff for the half-year ending June 1st, 1936, would beg lteave to submit the following report on the matters and things before them: The semi-annual report of the County Clerk being as follows, to-wit: Nature of Service Earned Received For Probate Fees $1699.96 $ 606.95 For Clerk's Fees in Suits in Court 330.66 .141.66 For County Services 798.00 M For Misc. Serv. 3,621.39 3521.04 Total Earnings of half year $6239.93 Received of earnings previous reported: Probate - fl83J.87 Court Costs ..., ,. --... 322.20 Miscellaneous .-...^ --.-- 9.50 Total Receipts $6923.71 Xxpendltares - Clerk hire, including . extra $2261.40 Refunded docket fees ;• not credited 16.00 ' Miscellaneous - 89.03 Clerk's salary for • r--• .... ' >• one-half year .-- 1260.W 4565.63 Saland due County for half year ending June 1, 11)86 Circuit Clerk The semi-annual report of the Circuit Clerk being as follows, to-trlt: Nature of Service Earned Received For recording .... $3819.30 IX.207.35 For Clerk's Fees In Suits in Court .. for Misc. Serv 1.51 days in Court at $10.00 per day 1916.16 190.0S 1510i0 .11363.19 1715.20 104.06 Total Earnings of half year $7434.60 Rec'd of earnings previously reported: Court Costs 33.66 Total receipts ,...|5l 19.16 IxpenOltuea Cleric Hire, including extra one-half yr 31937.11 ~ Refund docket fees _-• : one-half year 20.00 Misc. off. exp 37.90 Clerk's salary for one-half year 1360.00 3295.06 Balance due County-for % yr. ending 5-31-86 $1324.10 Sheriff The semi-annual report of the Sheriff being as follows, to-wit: Nature of Services" Earned Received For Sheriff's Fees in Suits in Court Process Docket $834.70 $443.95 Executions : 200.04 160,9* For Misc. 8erv. - 1014.60 Special Ju^y Meeting, , The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, met in Special Session, pursuant to a call signed by more than one-third of its members, at the Court House in the City of Woodstock on Tuesday, the Fourteenth day of July, A. D. 1986, at ninethirty o'clock A. M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, J. G.. Stevens, and the roll being called the following members responded to their names, to-wit: L. A. Stockwell, D. M. Wright, C. M. Palmer, F. E. Beck, N. B. Clawson, E. C. Hughes, E. F. Kuecker, Charles H. Ackman, Joseph Hemmer, Roy J. Stewart, J. E. Harrison, H. M. Turner, J. G. Stevens, Frank May, S. H. Freund, A. H. Hale and John J. Filip, and Asst. Supr. A. B. McConnell, constituting a quorum. The records of the regular June meeting were read and on motion approved, and ordered placed on file. Total Earnings of one- > half year :..$204i.t4 Rec'd of earnings previously reported: Process Docket $ 179.46 Executions 71.95 Miscellaneous 1197.50 Total Receipts $3048.79 Xxpeadltnres Deputy Salary 3 800.00 Misc. (postage) 40.00 Sheriff's Salary for onehalf year 850.00 1890.00 3358.79 All Of Which is respectfully submitted. L. A. STOCKWELL. Chairman JOHN J. FILIP JOSEPH HEMMER ^E. F. KUECKER Frt&it BAJtU Algtartulh 76.00 D°r A, Anderson. Marengo .... 76.00 That t>anoe Hair Licenses have been issued to the following: Hoy pink. Atden »26.oo That the tOuu Amount turned over to the County Trofcturer on fees eolected for County LleeUtes for the year, previous \o this report, is $6436.00 That the tOUIl amount to be turned oVer to the . County Treasurer by the Qoanty Clerk upon the approval of this report Is -- $325.00 Alt Of which 14 respectfully submitted. JOHN 3. FILIP, Chairman. I*. A. STOCKWELL Thi» Committee: on Eradication of T. B. In Cattle made the following report, to-Hrlt: \ • July 13, 1986. To the Chairman and Qentlepnen of the Board of Su|i4rvisors: Tour Committee on the Eradication of Tuberculosis in Cattle, to whom was referred the matter of the appointment of a County. Veterinarian to succeed George W. Heas, now resigned, would beg leaye to submit the following report on the matters before them: Tbur committee met from time to time and in a l l have r e c e i v e d nine (9) applications for the office above mentioned, and fcrtor Interviewing applicants and making a thorough investigation in said Otattfcr, . you* committee decided upon the . application of S. A. Ridgway of 338 Chestnut, Paris, Illinois, as being best suited for the position, and a (notion fras duly made and carried in mooting this date for his appointment, With the stipulated salary to be pMa by tho County of McHenry of $1680.00 per annum, payable monthly, said amount being the same salary as allowed under the previous" year's contract. And that, upon approval of said appointment by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County and the State Department, a contract be entered Into between the said S. A. Ridgway and McHenry County, Illinois, similar to the contract of the preceding year; said contract to become effective August 1, 1310. All of which Is respectfully submitted. L. A. 8TOCKWELL JOHN J. PILIP CHA8. H. ACKMAN \ r * ' So Xt Besolved By the Board of Mborvloors of ths County of lfcXenry Section 1. That permission be, and the same is hereby granted to the Public Service Company of Northern 1111- noia, its successors, lessees and assigns, to erect, operate and maintain: "Upon and along the northeasterly Miss Mabel Hobbs presented and read a written report of the work of the McHenry County Nurse for the year ending June 1st, 1936. She stated that the Committee of the Board of Supervisors, who had charge of the expenditure of money appropriated by McHenry County for the care of Tuberculosis pa- 8de of State Aid Route No. 22 from I tients, had approved an appropriation le southeasterly line of Fairview of $2000.00 for the ensuing year. Supr. Avenue, northwesterly for a distance ' ttf approximately 600 feet, in McHenry Township. McHenry County, Illinois," poles, wires and equipment necessary and convenient for the transmission and distribution of electric current. Section 2. Said poles, wirep and Harrison, chairman of said committee, addressed the Board arid reported that his committee did take such action, and that he would move at this time that an appropriation of $2000.00 be made, and that the expenditure of ,said fund be under the supervision of a committer of this Board, and that the /County "ft-tiNfe thereupon regularly'fiiO»cd by Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker that " tise report of the Committee on Fees and \Salaries be adopted by this Board. A*nd the roll being called said motion was declared lUianimously carried. The Committee on Publlo Buildings presented the following rej>ort, which, on motion of Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Supr. Clawson and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: July 14, 1936. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Public Buildings, to whom was referred insuranse on County property, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: Your Committee authorized the issuance'of additional Tornado insurance to the following agencies, effective date of policy June 15, 193G, to-wit: Earl Walsh, West McHenry. 111. $29^.44 F. A. Hitchens, Ringwood, 111. $54.40 Less return prem. on old pol. 28.10 Net amount due ....: $31.30 Fred J. Stahl, Harvard, 111 $79.04 Less return prem. on old pol.' 48.60 Net amount due $36.44 (John Borgeson, help D. F. Quinlan, Woodstock, III. $104.00 Margaret Gllmore, nurse i---- Less return prem. on old pol. 63.45 (Virginia Doughart, nurse ...-- Net amount due $40.56 . Gladys Rapp, nurse Grant Nolan, Woodstock, 111. $128.64 Evelyn Lapeman Lefts return prem. on old pol. 83.04 Net amount due $46.60 J. F. Mitchem, Harvard, 111 $54.39 Less return prem. oh old pol. 80.91 Net amount due Your Committee would therefore recommend that the foregoing premiums be paid, and that the County Clerk be Instructed to issue orders to the claimants on the County Treasury for the same. H -was thereupon regularly moved, by Stipi*. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Wright that the report of the Committed on Eradication of T. B. in Cattle be adopted by this Board, and that S. A. Ridg%ay, of Paris, Illinois, be appointed County Veterinarian to succeed GMtge W. Hess, resigned, as outlined in iiald report. And on roll call Suprs. ^Stockwell, Wright, Palmer, Beck, Clawson^ Hughes, Kuecker, Ackman, Hemmer, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, May, Freund, Hale and Filip and Asst. Supr. KeConnell voted aye. Nay none, and the motion was declared unanimously carried. ° . It appear^# to the Board that the Jury list as ^ heretofore selected has been exhausted* the members from the various Townships .presented new lists of legal voters Of their respective Townships, for prospective Jury service in the Courts of McHenry County, which Hits were read by the Clerk. Upon motion of Supr. Ackman and duly sevonded by Supr. Beck, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted, to-wit: BE IT RJ3S(>LVED, that the names as read to this Board, which names have been selected by the Supervisors of the respective Townships of the legal voters of McHenry County and which naffies appear in Jury List No. 6 on file in the County Clerk's office in McHenry County, be and' hereby are declared the legal petit Jury list for the Courts of McHenry County. Said list being and is hereby made a part of this record. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Wright ana duly seconded by Supr. Filip that the following Resolution be adopted: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OP McHENRY COITNTT, that the Chair appoint a committee of three and that said committee be and hereby is authorised to select at such times as are required from the Petit Jury list of McHenry County on file in the office of the County Clerk a number of persons equal to 100 for each Trial Term of the Circuit Court of said County, to serve as Petit Jurors as provided by Chapter 78 of Smith-Hurd Revised Statute of Illinois. Motion declared unanimously carried. The Chairman appointed Suprs. Stockwell, Hughes and Asst. Supr. McConnell to act as such committee. The Committee on McHenry County Home made the following report, towit: f - July 3, 1936. Chairman and members of the Board of Supervisors Of McHenry County, your County Home Committee respectfully submits the following report for the month of June, 1936, audited and paid July 9, 1936. Frank S. Bets Co., hos. sup $43.62 F. W. Woolworth Co., clothing and notions 13.64 Bowman Bros. Shoe Store, shoes 3.09 Dacy Lumber Co., cement, plaster, posts and wire 79.66 111. Bell Tel. Co., telephone 17.80 C. F. Gumprecht, farm mchy rep. 18.9.r> F.'Clchochi, shoes and sole leather 9.14 Howard Goddard, limestone 7.10 Willis Disbrow, gas, oil, repairs. etc 14.84 Ludwlg Wilson Co., soap A dislnf. 10.09 Thorne and Son, clothing 14-27 J. W. Grlswold, hos. laundry 8.75 John Sexton and Co., groceries ....161.01 Sawyer Biscuit Co., crackers and cookies Breys Bakery, bread Royal Blue Store, groceries .. Seward Sea Food Service, fish Woodstock Wholesale Co., tobacco 63;2* R. O. Andrew Co., chicken feed, coal and seed I' °? Chicago Motor Club, insurance .... 30.06 McConnell Implement Co., wagon 70.00 The Worrell Mfg. Co., fly spray.... 8.«3 A. P. and Gulf Oil Co., kerosene and distillate George Moncur, garden plants Albert Tessendorf, Shellane gas Public Service Co., electricity for three months Pfeiffer Pharmacy, medicine ... Physicians Record Co., hos. records 3.9 J Montgomery Ward and Co., clothing, thread and cloth 140.06 W. W. Lichty, veterinary serv 50.80 Corn Belt Hatcheries, chicken feed 63-15 Goodrows Garage, gas and oil .... 10.62 The Bohn Hdw. Co.,. hardware .... 89.47 W. P. Allen, incidentals petty cash 44.05 W. P. Allen and wife, salary 150.00 Guy Putty, cook Arthur Wendt, help , Harin Olson, farm help 14.52 48 64 46.46 9.00 . 32.66 . 86.00 . 25.80 .329.97 47.96 ar*rfd' Jury fd* the May Term of the Circuit Court was presented afid read and ordered placed on file. A monthly report of the Recreational Project sponsored by McHenry County was presented and read and ordered placed on file. The Clerk presented lists of claims against the County, and upon motion or Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Bupf. Wright, said claims were referred to the proper committees, and the Board adjourned to 1:30 P. M. for the approval of said claims. O'CLOCK P. m- Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present same members, constituting a quorum. The Committee on Claims, feabor, Fees and Supplies made the following report, which, on motion of Supi. Palmer and duly seconded by Supr. Stewart and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee cn Labor, Fees and Suppllej Claims would beg leaVe to report that they have examiued all claims presented to them, and recommend vthe payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to tue Claimants tor the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: 4 P. F. Pettibone A Co., dr. elk. ...,$63.62 P. F. Pettlbone £ Co., co. trea*. , printing fund :..:1 „. 16.20 Frank Thornber Co., co. treas. prtg Frank Tlu>mber Co., co. treaA oft. nup. fund ....4-- Frank Thornber Co., co. elk. tax blk Frank Thornber Co., co. elk. prtg. and sup. Frank Thornber Co., co. hwy. maint -- Frank Thornber Co., shf. off. sup. 89.87 Caliaghan * Co., Judcy. libry 7.7« 111. Bell Tel. Co., C. H. Jail tel. Co. $61.65, shf. $22.46 34.10 Harvard Herald, ins. Contingent fund 12 00 G. L. Tron, Co. Surveyor 10.00 Harvard Herald, Bd. of Review -- 32,75 Richmond Guxetta, cir. elk. -- 14.50 Woodstock D. SentinM---• Co. Clk. prtg. and sup 46.7S Supr. prtg. i...... ..... 1.60 Cir. Clk ... 4805 Co. Hwy. Sup --.--.. 7.50 Co. Treas jjrtj ........ ...... 33.80 Pfieffers Pharmacy, Qo. Treas. off. sup -- 6.36 Pfeiffer's Pharmacy, sup. sch. off. exp 5L .63 Pfeiffer's Pharmacy, shf. off. sup. .77 State Bank of Woodstock, Co. Treas. off, sup -V... .33 Ct. Jurors fund-- Olga-Don Tea Room .---- 8.70 Lillian Food Shoppe --_--..~ 18.90 4.89 ^ 1.86 Li' 2.89 4^l««ii4; __31.80 18.9* 78.88 2.72 1.75 2.00 ^...J08.16 ........104.Sti Benton St. Restaurant .---- Sup, Sch. off. sup.-- Ethel C. Coe, Co. Sup --.. World Book Co .......... 111. Office Supply Co. Woodstock Journal -- Shf. per diem fees, serv.-- Henry A. NuiO, shf --... Henry A. Nulle, Shf -- Court House sup.-- U. S. Sanitary Spec. Corp. ..... '2.73 Bohn Hrd. Co -- 2.21 Rocester Germ. Co. ... 64.45 ludwlg Wilson Co :.. 15.94 National Re-emploment Ser....v. ...,-87.57 A. W. Wagner 14.60 Shf. Jail 8pp., Clothing-- Koblents Dept. Store 5.66 Shf. Office Sup.-- «- J. Klrby Bransby ^ 60 Hebron Times 11.Q0 C. H.-Jail repairs-- : , , David Carlson Roofing Co. ........'..135.00 A. L. Bennett 65.75 David Rattray 2-- „165.10 Burroughs Addg. Mach. 15.50 Sheriff Feeding Prls.-- • . E. G. Shlnher ft Co. 40.68 Hoeoley's Bakery --,---- 16.80 Pingel ft Koch 49.64 Western Un. Gas ft Elec. Co. 6.28 Marinda Bates 2.00 Loren Edlnger, shf dpty fund -- 8.00 Alfred Johannes, shf dpty fund ..^ 8.00 Richard Farrel,l shf dpty fund ...^ 4.00 Armour Birk, shf dpty fund 12.tK) Armour Birk, shf bailiff --.-- 30.00 Howard Freeman, shf bailiff 16.00 Howard Freeman, shf dpty fund 16.00 Henrg G. Fisher, shf bailiff 48.00 C. L. Tryon, Co. Hwy. maint 831.24 V. S. Lumley, R O W ft Bldg. Rd. fund 150.00 L. E. Sweet, Clerk Board of R. .... 84.00 Glenn Housholder, Clk & of R. -- 31.50 Flora Rosenthal, Clerk B. of R. ^«. lt>.0U Supr. Sal. Mileage-- Lt. A. Stockwell --.--.... 37.45 D. M. Wright C. M. Palmer ...... F. E. Beck N. B. Clawson E. C. Hughes ... E. F. Kuecker 72.80 .. 72.20 ,.... 67.20 49.30 25.80 ... 63.50 Chas. H. Ackman 64.50 Joseph Hemmer 61.5b Roy J. Stewart, (tel $1.40) :.. 77.90 J. E. Harrison.-- .....-- 82.20 H. M. Turner ..... 26.00 J. G. Satevens 33.00 Frank May ! 22.20 S. H. Freund 33.60 A. H. Hale 19.60 John J. Filip - 83.00 Paul Rosenthal ....... --.. 39.35 A. B. McConnell 13.20 Henry A. Nulle, shf. per diem, fees and serv 100.00 Ora 8. Nulle, shf. feed. pris. 100.00 phtllp E. Blerdeman, shf. dpty. fund 126.00 Vestle Muldoon, c. h. jail sal fund 125.00 Daisy V. Moore, sup. sch. asst. and clerk hire 118.75 A. A. Crissey, pro. officer 2 mos. 160.00 City of Woodstok, C. H. Jail lgt. and water 67.08 R. O. W. St. A-- Rt. A. Sea 8 5916.56 Rt. 2„ Sec. 7 ....... ; 297.13 Rt. 18-13 A. S. * -107.6U at. 13-13 A S. 4-1 .;....."26.32 .it. 3 Sec. 7 1 T ., 07.46 Rt. 11 Seajll I 15.79 it. 11 S. & I. 47' -- .396.4 5 62.50 45.00 85.00 40.00 55.00 65.00 65.00 37.50 16.00 113.50 Wm. J. Morrison, cook George NyStrom, """"33131.20 $23.48 ! Refunds, milk and telephepe 44.90 at. 10 S. B. I. Ji7 ....... 13.24 Rt. 14 S. B. I. 67 36.71 Rt. 7 S. B. I. 47 -.-i. 6.10 Rt. 17 A. SBI 178-19 ......-- 148.95 ,tt. 14 A SBI 60 30.20 Rt. 28, Sec. 9 .168.80 All of which is respectfully submitted. N. B. CLAWSON B. C. HUGHES * A. H. HALE CHAS. H. ACKMAN . A. B. McCONNELL equipment shall be so placed as not to !Clerk be directed to issue orders on the interfere with public travel on said highway, and the Board reserves the power, thru its engineers, to supervise iKe $rection and maintenance of said poles, wires and equipment, as far as may be necessary to protect the public in its free and safe use of said highway. Section 3. The permission here given shall continue for a period exceed twenty years from the date of the/passage of this resolution, provided '"that the continuance and exercise of tills permission shall be subject at all times as to the public convenience in the use of said highway as determine and delared by said County Board, and pro- ~ further that the said Public Sarv- A* . '/ < f • * 4 4^ ' County Treasurer upon the approval by said committee. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Turner, and the roll being called, was declared unanimously carried. , , , The monthly report of the County Treasurer was presented and read, and, on motion, of Supr. Hale and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. McConnell, was approved and ordered place on file, to-wit. . , County Treasurer's Beport F6r Month of June, 1936 Steceipts Bal. on hand, June 1st, 1936 . .$65,455.86 1935 taxes $68,645.00 Highway Fund 360,23 $3116.30 Honorable Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: Your County Home committee met at the Farm Home on May 9th, auditing All of which is respectfully submitted, the bills for the month and drawing ROY J. STEWART, Chairman, orders for the same. The totals for the CHAS. H. ACKMAN - 'month are as follows: I I'errtianent Improvement ,..., $887.39 ! Running expenses 1038.18 ! Clothes aalM-511 Tobacco 63.24 . - The Committee on Licenses made the Medicine 47.96 ' following report, which, on motion of Hospital .* .827.81 Supr. Wright i and duly seconded by Dieting ; ..269.68 Supr. Harrison, was approved and order- :Fuel - 25.49 A. B. McCONNELL S. H. FRENND L. A. STOCKWELL The Committee on Claims, County Poor, made the following report, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: - Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, towit: Chicago Ind. Home for child. , dependt. children T. B. and Pauper-- .. -- • . , Zaze Sanitorium 15.00 65 31 65.06 64.50 64.50 •Pr- 70.38 7.32 3.00 13.12 5.00 .... 14.44 15.02 ed placed on file, to-wtt: July 14. 1936i. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Total ..... Respectfully submitted. -r : J. E. HA PRISON - •' L: A. STOCKWTOfc-' ..$3110.30 ». M. WUIOHT A. B. MCCOXN'BLL Board of Supervisors Your License Committee to whom was referred applications for Liquor Li- ' censes for the year 1936, would beg It was thereupon regularly moved leave to report as follows: by 8upr. Ackman and duly seconded by That Alcoholic Liquor Licenses have Supr. May that the report be adopted been issued to the following: by this Board, ind ITTeHroll being called, 89, Charles A. Bowers, Marengo said motion was declared unanimously R. F. D $76.00 carried. 90. John P. Franken, McHenry .., A oertMed eppy 1 U» .* ' '• Ottawa Sanatorium Ottawa Sanatorium Ottawa Sanatorium Ottawa Sanatorium Ottawa Sanatorium Riley-- Levins Store Louis Jurs Wilbur Fredrick Srnest Wolf ... .1..... J. H. Patterson Co. Wilbur Fredrick ............... Marengo-- Dr. E. Thos. Brand Dr. Mary E. King Dr. W. V. Gooder Dr. H. R. Miller - Dr. F. W. Schacht -- £>. M. Wright ~ Pat Oierts Patrick Bros. St. Joseph's Hospital Shurtleff Co. Royal Blue Western Un. Gas ft E III. Nor. Utilities Chemung-- Dr. E. Thomas Brand ~. Dr. J. G. Maxon Dr. H. J. Schmt#l Harvard Com. Hospital Phalen ft Davidson Co. Western Un. Gas ft El. Co." 111. Nor. Utilities _. A. A P. .. Wm. Zell C. Campanelli J. C. Baees Ml-s. Tom Jacobs ... Boston Store Lordons .'.... Earl Stafford Marshall Hrd. Co. Schutt & Cerny F. W. Barlow' J, ,C. Seaver The t air Henry Koltz ft Sons Fannie Llllibridge F. M. Ties Lush Vermilya ft Co. Geo. I. Walker Lillian C. Allen, .... Lake & Harris Strain Bros. .... Frederika i>eithloff Hoge & Son Mrs. J, Raeder Alden--e> Dr. E. Thos. Brand ._ Wm. E Van Der Veen : Hebron Cash Groc. .„ L. G. Nigh Lush Vermilya E. R. Gast Seneca=-- • • Dr. E. Thos. Brand H. J. Miller .... Coral-- Dr. E. UBos. Brand Chas. H. Ackman W. C. Nulle O. H. Schuette H. B. Benjamin .... A. M. Usborne .......™.. Lydia L. Hale Grafton--: Dr. E. Thos. Brand Dr. W. H. DeWolf Enos Conley Wm. Rasch John G. Henson, M. D. v. Clanton & Schoof F, C. Fenwick W. L. Farley C. F. Meyer Hasel Nyhan I Greenwood-- Dr. E. Thos. Brand J. E. Harrison .._ Eckert & Bending Hebron-- H. M. Turner E. P. Schaefer ft Son A. L. Johnson .... Adrian Anderson E. O. Rowe-ft Son ... Henry Kueck Dr. C, W. Bailey Dorr-- Dr. E. Thos. Brand Dr. Mary E. King ... Dr. A 8 Romberger ... A. ft P. (Benton St.) A. ft . (Cass St.) .... A. ft P. (C. Lake) .. Mrs. Etta Carlson W. H. Torgeson ....... Pingel ft Koch Ray Northrop Eckert & Bending , E. C. Bodenschats .. Oakside Dairy Benton St. Restaurant Ray H. Abbott Peoples Supply Co. Wilcox & Koblents -- Western Un. Gas ft El. Stafford & Son Belcher Bros Richmond-- Dr. W. Hepburn Barker Lumber Co. Dr. J. F. Harris L. J. Burton W. L. Speaker Chas. Wolff Burton-- Chas. J. Freund ....... McHenry-- Dr. E. Thos. Brand .n Dr. C. W. Klonts Wm. A. Nye Arth Smith T .' 23.40 . 28.00 .100.00 .100.00 .. 13.00 .. 11.61 . 24.01 10.00 12.31 58.70 25.00 ...... 65.00 66.67 5.00 .'i... 10.00 ...... 14.26 ...... 65.00 66.00 15.00 10.00 19.00 ...... 50.00 46.00 Dr. F. L. Alford I..™- 20.00 A. H. Hale ....: , --- 10.00 Arthur Smith 10.00 Gertrude Brunkhorst -- 12.00 H. W. Gleseke 17.10 Chas. E. Cohn 15.54 O. W. Hart --...-- 15.00 Joe M. Regner Peter J. Schaefer -- Smith Bros. Thomas P. Bolger .1 Barbian Bros Anna Freund '..... N. J. Justen -- Wm. A. Bishop .....-- A. W. Smith .-- ...... Matt L. Weter ,-- L. E. Hawley ....... Jacob Justen ft Sons ._. Ray F. Conway George Hohensteln -- Ben J. Brefeld --. Nunda-r- Dr. E. Thos. Brand Dr. Thos. F. Forrest Dr. Geo. H. Pflueger :.... Alma Nelson Mrs. H. B. Wilcox Chas. A. Mason Paul H. Buhrman Schaefers Market ; ... 20.00 10.00 12.50 8.00 9.71 Cliff Wingate Admr. .......... ... 15.00 Harold F. Meier ---12.00 Peter Nelson 15.00 Edw. C. Buhrow 55.50 G. D. Crabtree -- ....... 12.00 C. V. Colby --15.00 F. W. Kruger 20.00 Western Un. Gas ft Sa. Co. a-- 4.84 Phil Huffman. 8.00 Chas. Johnson --6.00 J. R. Osmun -- 10.00 A. & P. (C. Lake) 10.50 A. & P. (McHenry) 6.50 National Tea 3.00 Hartland-- Dr. E. Thos. Brand -- 5S.00 Lush Vermilya p 15.00 Algonquin- - Dr. E. Thos. Brand 9.00 Dr. F. J. Theobald 15.00 Dr. R. G. Chamberlain 7.75 Dr. J. C. Sculley ....... --... 3.00 Bolgers Drug Store -- 2.40 Althafers Drug Store .----2.02 John J. Filip 12.50 Werneke A Wahlen --.--.., 30.00 Kerns & Dianls 10.35 John D. Dianls ft Sons 19.60 O. W. Hart I..,............™.... 42.00 Joseph Smlda j... .......... 30.80 J. J. Jaster i..,.,......... 50.00 Duensing Bros w.;..^.... \5.00 Harry Hansen -- -- 15.00 James Kos --58.22 Kmil Vodnansky Est. .-- 65.71 Edwin W. Peters 63.On C. Franke & Co 7.73 Sevmour Holeb 38.99 I,. Bi Robbin. Ate - . 10.00 Anton Murek ; 14.00 Henry Brelie. -- Arthur F. Hamden Joseph Vlcek toseph l'ecinka W. A. Labron Joseph Kodydek 10.00 10 n<i 7.60 3.07 4.00 ; 12.00 24.00 50.1)0 . ir.H r>u .... ...Ir.o.oo 50.00 4 7.00 Central Groc. --..^:.r.... 26.9 > A. M. Wallace . . . 1 0 . 0 0 Warren Jordan --- 1§r,0() John Benton -- 2 5 . 0 0 Mrs. Tom Chestnut ......---. 50.00 Triangle "Groc. £. 85.32 Shurtleff Farm Store. -- 33.12 Mary Bain ..........w..-- ----. 1 0 . 0 0 John Randft -- -- 1 0 . 0 0 E. H. Kamhols ...... H.00 ' " ' :• • ""rex * V»a-- 'Rosenthal Lbr. A P. .... ...... 23.67 W. F. Melr ........... 12.00 Fox River Grove C. ft I ...w^;„.....:.. 8.00 Willla i Washer 90.94 V. & • (2000 Mohawk St.) -tea-.. -10.00 to the Spervisors said clai said motion was carried. The Committee on made the following report, t and«Gentlemen of tfei srvisors, McHenry Cott$» Mr. Chairman Board of ' ty, Illinois: Th© under Road and Bridge Committee County would beg leave to i following report on the matters befefe thThat we met at Woodstock, Illlnolt on the 9th day of June 1 ed the contract for State Aid sec. 6, M. F. T. with George Dundee, Illinois. The State Highways had approved a new ei of costs slightly In excess of the bid received which was $33,928.30 we authorised the Chairman of Board and the County Clerk tO said contract on behalf of M' County, Illinois, and also« them to approve the boni George Delch in said matter. We then went to Riley Township mM laid out some W. P. A. work on a St*te Aid Road. T Your Committee again met on the 7t* day of July, 1936 and passed a authorizing the Chairman of this to sign a labor schedule on McHenry County, Illinois, work labor heretofore approved by Board of S5 cents per hour for common and for intermediate labor and 60 per hour for skilled labor (~ Mr. Arno Kolls of the W. P. was present and stated that the . _ rolls of McHenry County^* W. P. Ai workers were held up until this was Signed.. He old setup on W. P. A. Projects < the latter part of June and that Henry County's two projects WOUld have to be-stated and signed and W0 decided to recommend that the Chalt* man of this Board be .authorised to slfl on behalf of McHenry County for tj extension of the County's two W. P. i Projects, namely the Fox Farm BOI -Improvement west of Woodstock kl the County wide project. Mr. Kolls also brought out that ad4[ tional projects can now be worked on the recent 1ft billion dollar appropriation. 'Ihe matter was < ed and it was' the consensus of (.hat the road work could be done iQPfl eonomically with the County's and macuinery, but there were' tages in having work projects on' to send out un-employed men, it helped out the poor fund Government appropriation was made anyhow, Dut other County i ought to supplement the highway to take care of the uneconomical to the highway fund whilch is to be for maintenance, to pay the county's contribution to the Several desirable projects were gested one on patrol section 14, t| stall a wider and stronger bridge Coon Creek and raise the patrol section 3 to widen a till one mile west of Huntleyt one on patrol section 18 to cut hill and widen and raise a pike o mile east of S. B. I. Rt. 23; and repaint the County bridges. We then went to Crystal Lake, nois, and inspected Sec. 6 M. F. T. under construction. We then went t Huntley, Illinois and inspected draUMtl conditions west of Huntley, Illinois, the matter of a complaint. We structed the County Supt. of to take certain levels before action on the matter. Your Committee again met at WoOdr stock, Illinois on the 11th day of Jnfjf 1936 and audited and ordered paid billy chargeable to the McHenry Cowaw Patrol system of Roads as a whole in» eluding 3 used Euclid self-load iwl scrapers $515.00 supplies and repaO* for County owned machined to a ^ total of $120fii0 Bills chargeable to the lions of the County Patrol Roads for labor and materials at rAfc heretofore approved by this Board ordered paid as,follows; section i - -- 1 Section 3 1 Section 4 ...... Sections 5, 6 Sections 7, 10 Section 8 Section 9 Section 11 Section 12 Section 13 --• •.. Section 14 Section 15 Section 16, 10 Section 17 Hotal . .... Your Committee also audited Sfltt ordered paid out of the motor fuel tU funds, bills as follows: June and July, 1936 Treas. fees, labor S. A. Rt. 2, Sec. 7 mainte S. A. 13-13A Sec. 4, maintenance Engineering S. A.-- Rt. 13-13A, Sec. 4-1-T ......-- Rt. 2, Sec. 7-1-T ..... Rt. 11, Sec. 11 -- Labor and Materials S. A.--- • Rt. 13-13A, Sec. 4, maintenance 1007.13 Rt. 2, Sec. 7 maintenance 907-00 Labor S. A. Rt. 20, Sec. 5-1 maint. 4JO Engi. S- A. Rt. 8A, Sec. 0 509.-00 Contract Const. S. A. Rt. (A, . Sec. 6 Estimate No. 1 26688,0* Engineering S. A.-- Rt. 13-13A, Sec. 4-1-T 8.TJ Rt. 2, Sec. 7-1-T 30.W The matter of black topping the Ridgefteld road known as Sec. 4-l«T estimated to cost $15000, and the Grew** wood road known as Sec. 7-1-T esil* mated to cost $20000 was discussed ang it was brought out that there is nOw $37000 in the Motor Fuel Tax fund §t Springfield, Illinois for McHenry County not obligated, and there is $5000 m. F. T. funds in the County Treasury frOIB payments so far from banks that closed or are being conserved, not obligated. So there are sufficient funds on hand to black top said two roads and also io build the half mile of gravel road norm of Spring Grove, Illinois estimated t® cost about $7000 and known as Sec. M. F. T. In the matter of the right way for the -extension of State Rt. to Crystal Lake, Illinois, we believe the right Of way cannot be secured in tinie to build same this season. We therefore recommend to this Board of Superr visors that the County Superintendent of Highways be hereby authorised t® advertise for bids for the black topping of said two roads, Sec. 4-1-T and SOB. 7-1-T as soon as possible and that the Chairman of this board and the County Clerk be authorised to sign the contracts on behalf of McHenry County Illinois, with the advice and consent of this Road and Bridge Committee, O04 also that the County Superintendent Of Highways be authorised to start COA? struction bv dav labor of said section 8 M. F. T. in the near future. We have examined the plans for the above named sections of .road " 4-1-T; Sec. 7-1-T and Sec. 8 and recommend their approval Board. We have received and turned over tO the County Treasurer for the County Road fund: From Security Insurance Co., for leOS on stolen generator for truck $14.33 l*rbm Village of Huntley, for road • grading 3.00 Your Committee estimates that then will be necessary for the care of t|i* 3*8 16.79 18 I or li by tws A. A P. (C. Lake) 12 0« __ ... National Tea Cd., _fiAlgomtUin) .... 24.00 | McHenry County Patrol System Of National Tea Co. (C. Lake) .......... 15.00 Roads an appropriation from the CouMCary Bakery A Grocery 11.50 Dunham-- Mrs. J. Kaeiler .; 5.21 Wm. Clawson 5.00 Chas. Ambler ...... --18.58 AU.of which"lit rem»ectfu% subletted- -:'1, • A. H. HAT.E JOHN J. FTLTP > E„ C. HUGHES H. M. TURNER ty Highway Tax Fund the sum Of $1000.00 until the August meeting of this Board. *'4 All of which is respectfully submit 8. H. FREUND PRANK MAY K M. WRIGHT ':y. E. HARRISON ' JOSEPH HEM MBit v M It was thereupon regularly moved -by Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Supr. Stewart that-.the report of Tt WAS thereupon regularly moved tot the Committee on and Bridges Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded oy > be adopted by this Board, and the no# Supr. Ackman that the report of the ' being called said motion was declared Committee on County Poor Claims be | unanimously tarried. - .i adopted bv this Board, and that $7500.00 I : f* be appropriated and transferred from A communication from C. H. ApoU, the General Fund to the Pauper Fund, State Highway Engineer, was present*)! and that the County Clerk be directed [and read and referred to the Road and to issue or&er* on the County Treasurer Bridge Committee for report. UU * -