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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Apr 1937, p. 14

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•' *v .;-. t,m'- ' - • •.. $•* « --1M&E M, :" y.ji ' *, ' , £ 8.".? --t J"'-" *'"" •" " ' " ?' \ ' •vVHi't ^ .1 . „ _ J'.u.. ( THtf BOARD OR SUPERVISORS, MeHENRt COCTfTT, Istock Wholesale Co., tobacco 58.19 If Wilson Co., cleaning mat. 56.42 i Bakery, bread - 46.54 ley B. Rardin. auto insurance 19.4» Lumber Co., lumber .....'. 23.01 kvln A Merwin, beds, springs, and mattresses ...M-^slSO®9 •eyce Bros., gas and oil „....\. 24.11 PtMffer Pharmacy, medicine 26.15 Bakkom Bros., repairs ' 9.48 Corn Belt Hatcheries, chicken feed 69.42 lit. Bell Tel. Co., telephone -21.60 Shell Petroleum Corp., rent on #•« tanks ..... 3.00 W. P. Allen, incidentals, help, etc. 45.83 W. P. Allen and wife, .salary: -150.00 Ouy Putty, cook -- 75.00 Arthur Wendt, help ., 45.00 ...... 40.00 ...... 55.0-> 55.00 ;..... 55.0(» ._.. 28.25 John Borgeson, help ........... Margaret Gillmore, nurse Mrs. J. Rogers, nurse J....... Igtadys Rapp, nurse lathe rlne L- ints, help -- *1' • f <ieM • M *?•••-»** Wa $2086.16 12.00 *2074.16 Se the Board of Supervisors* intlemen: ..Your County Hotne Committee met fit , 'the County Home for their .monthly meeting September 4th. The usual business" and , Inspection '.was taken care of, with the following bills audited for the month. ;. .Permanent improvements ' .....:.,.:;.^78l.5S Running expense *30.62 Clothing .......... ........ Tobacco Med icine sv, j;:. Hospital Dieting tcdws > 74.89 58.19 26.15 169.75 194.00 50.98 57 3.96 82086.16 12.00 ..Respectfully Submitted. i, E. HARRISON "i- L. A. STOCKWELL IX II. WRIGHT ^ A.. B. McCONNELL 82074.16 ;; Jfit was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr. McConnell and duty seconded by Supr. May that the report on Mc- Henry County Home be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called said •action mi declared unanimously car- The Committee oh Eradication of Tulilosis in Cattle made the following rt. to-wit: a, t#2«-- .'A • ' • •••-..V-' Aaanfil *aport Bept. l, 1938 to ^ September l, 1936 * i*Clean Herds Infected Herds cat. herds herds cat. react, exp. 162 4 148 & (14.30 224 3 69 C S.22 204 15 497 30 29.9i» 205 4 104 5 S.73 146 3 83 v 6.10 93 2 52 1 • 6.40 270 5 166 2( 21.05 273 16 602 85 12.34 256 5 172 '29 13.20 237 15 380 26 11.50 257 12 334 46 115.10 82 6 225 6 26.58 63f>40 2499 90 2832 823 |274.52 v,.« 2499 65540 ™ Total 2589 68372 •Herds -- -- , -- 2 5 8 -Cattle 68,372 Reactors .. ...22 2 "iries ... . ...™_ $2253.90 expense 274.52 8eft. 4098 Oct. -- 6696 NOV 7213 Dee 5583 • IMC-- ....3968 .. .2697 ...7622 ...7752 ...7136 ...5376 .5394 .2105 Ife" ; , y $2528.42 iua r.f?i " r iv,' . Cost to the county 3 plus cents a head The above is an annual report of the Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis in -"ffcHenry county, ending September 1, IMC. Your committee would further report and recommend that there be appropriated the sum of'Thlrty Five Hundred Dollars ($3500.00) out of the tax levy or so much thereof as is necessary to continue the work of eradication or Tuberculosis in cattle from September 1, 1936 to September 1, 1937. We further recommend that the count? continue under the present area plan handling the eradication of Tubercuin cattle. 1 •**.. August 18, 1936 H the Chairman and members of the V/ Board of Supervisor*: Your committee on Eradication of Tubeculosis in cattle beg leave to submit tile folio wins report on the matters before them: Under date of August 13, 1936, the County Clerk received a communication Sam the Department of Agriculture of e State of Lillnois, stating that they would approve the appointment of Dr. 6. F. Kennelly as county veterinarian to extend no further than June 30, 1937; and that your committee met at the court house on August 18. 1936, together With Dr. B. F. Kennelly and Dr. Fletcher •ad entered into a contract for and on ralf of McHenry County with Dr. B. Kennelly for the period beginning August 20. 1936, and ending June 30, 1M7, for the office of County Veteririan of McHenry County, Illinois, original of said contract being here lied and made a part of this report- Li. A. STOCKWELL CHAS. H. ACKMAN JOHN J. FIL1P - , Mir sion either at a regular or special meeting of said Board, and if said report of dissatisfaction is approved, this contract shall be terminated and the services paid for proportionately up to the termination of said contract, it being understood that in case such report ia made, party of the second part dhall have the right and opportunity to appear before the Board of Supervisors and make any explanation that he may deem necessary, in case the contingency herein mentioned shall occur. It is further understood that th% party- of the second part shall furnisli his own means of transportation and tha upkeep of any automobile that he use or pay for any other expense of going to and from his employment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto signed their names the day and year first written above. Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, Party of the first part. All of which is respectfully submitted. , By L. A. STOCKWBM* • CHAS. H. ACKMAN • JOHN J. FILIP ' Party of the second part. , B. F. KENNEL.L.* - « '» •ft"Was th<"reupon regularly fey Supr. Wright and duly,, seconded by Asst. Supr. McConnell t&at the repirt of the Committee be adopted and the contract, made a part of said report, be approved, and the roll being called" Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, Palmer, Beck," Clawson, Hughes, Ackinan, Hemmer, Siewart, Harrison, Turner, May, Freund, Hale, Filip and Asst., Buprs. McConnell and Rosenthal Voted aye, Nay none. Motion declared carried. Supr. Beck, Chairman of the Committee On Purchasirtg, made an. Oral report and outlined in detail the progress made by his committee thus far with regard to the contemplated radio hook-up for ttie Sheriffs office. He jitated that hia committee investigated the hook-ups had in several adjoining counties, but due to the different types of equipment and the great difference in cost of installation his committee was not ia a position at this time to make any recommendation. After some discussion it was regularly moved by Supr. Stockwell and duly seconded by Supr. Filip that the committee continue, their investigation and make a report at some future date. Motion declared carried. The Committee .on Finance presented the annual appropriation ordinance and budget, to-wit: ^ TMir committee on Finance beg leave to report that they established a budget for the general funds and for the funds raised by taxation for general county purposes for the fiscal period eiiaing with the Sunday preceding the first. Monday in December. 1937, and recommend to this Honorable Board the approval and adoption of the budget or "Annual Appropriation Ordinance" attached and made a part of this report, in the manner, and upon the conditions specified in said annual appropriation ordinance, to-wit: Aanaal ApproprUttoa OrfllaaiMW For the fiscal period ending with the Sunday preceding the first Monday in Uecember, 1937. Pursuant to "An Act in Relation to the Budgets of Counties Not Required by Law to Pass an Annual Appropriation Bill," approved July lo, 19J3, 1 r IS HEREBY ORDAINED by the County Of McHenry, in the State of Illinois, aM follows, to-wit: „ ~ Section 1-- . y Receipts of the preceding fiscal yeara - .*. $420,880.81 Payments made in the preceding fiscal year 825,616.04 Balance in the County Treasury at the end of the preceding fiscal year $95,264.77 Estimated incomes from all sources during the year covered by this budget are as follows, to-wit: Income from tax&s |151.223,#t Total receipts, C&. Off. $62,736.68 Total Net Receipts, Co. off. .... 34,182.00 Income from State of 111.: Refund Mothers Pensions ^ Refund Blind Pensions M. F. T. refunds Income Institute Fuiid Income from County Licenses 2,000.00 5,000.00 70,000.00 700.00 7.UOO.OO WMEMORANDA O^ AQREEENT, made and entered into the 18th day of August, A. D. 1936, by and between L. A. Stockwell, Charles H. Ackntan and John J. Filip for and on behalf of the Board of Supervisors, of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, which is the party of the first part and 'Dr. B. F. Kennelly, party of tine second part. ^WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors of the County McHenry and State of Illinois, has , heretofore appropriated a sum of money to be used in the suppression of tuberculosis among dairy cattle of the County of McHenry under the direction of the •aid Board of Supervisors, and .; WHEREAS, the xaid Dr. B. F. Ken- { Welly has been appointed County Veter- . tuarian to administer the tuberculin ! ""tests, by McHenry County, and said appointment has been confirmed by the Department of Agriculture of the State :©if Illinois. This memoranda therefore witnesseth that it is mutually agreed by and he- .tWeen the parties hereto that the party «T the first part agreed to emplov the party of the second part for a term of , Beginning August 20. 1936, and ending • not later than June 30, 1937, under the ; following express terms and conditions, that is to say: j The party of the second part agrees tp perform his sertlces to the satisfaction of the above mentioned committee ' Representing the Board of Supervisors mt the said McHenry County for the „ apiary of Sixteen hundred..aghty dollars <<$16800.0) per annum, he* to be KOV- •rned by the direction of the committee representing the Board of Supervisors •flks to the manner In which tuberculin ttests are to be made, he will keep or feause to keep an accurate account with tcard system of all cattle tested by imself and by his assistants and to see Chat a proper annual report be furnished to the party of the first part. The party «T the first part will Issue to the party nf the second part an order for a one- ^ twelfth of the salary above mentioned " Hi considerably for such services at the 4knd of each month. The party of the •econd part shall keep an accurate recl( rd of all reactors. The party of the •econd part is to • have charge of the Buying of necessary ear tags for brand- ~ flig of cattle and also all other necessary supplies to carry on the said tests, jbartyof the first part to pay for same. '.i The party of tl\e first part reserves •he right to supervise and direct the _J Services of the party"of the second part §r> long as this contract is in force and iffect and in case the services of the »arty of the second part are not satisactory to the parties of the first part, itfid upon a report of such dissati*=fao- ; . to tfe* Board of Sup«^ra ifi ses- Total Estimated Income $270,105.00 Section 2-- - - *' That it is deemed necessary In order to defray all necessary expensSB-\ and liabilities of said; county for the cuirent fiscal year that there be and there hereby is • appropriated, to be provided i'or by the general tax levy and other revenues for the current fiscal year the aggregate sum of Two hundred seyeuty thousand, one hundred five Dollars ($270,105.00); that the object and purpose for which said appropriation Is made and amounts hereby appropriated for the same are as follows, to-wit: County Surveyor - $300.00 Services $ <300.00 Circuit Clerk - 91,600.00 Recording, books, bar dockets and supplies $1500.00 County Clerk - f 18,700410 Insane and dependent cases $ 600.00 Printing and office supplies .... 2000.00 Tax extensions 5500.00 Registrars, births and deaths 25U.00 Criminal cases 400.00 Dog tax licenses ...........150.00 Election judges and clerks/ polling places 1000.00 Election f pplles . 1000.00 Tax book" etc. 180b.uu County 'reasurer and Collector 06,300 Printing $20o0.o0 Printing assessment 2000.00 Office supplies and record books , 500.00 Postage 1500.00 018.CKKMM ... 300.00 -..$1000.00 ™ 6000.00 ™ 1000.00 5000.<;0 1500.00 3500.00 .$ 700.00 Collection, delinquent personal property tax bills Sheriff Bailiffs Court-per diem and fees for services Office supplies .... Feeding prisoners Jail supplies and clothing Deputy sheriffs: Coroner - $70040 Coroner's and Coroner's Jury Fees at inquests : Superintendent of Schools - $8,365.00 Assistant and clerk hire ..$1365.00 Office expense 1000.00 Court XOUM and Jail - $10,100.00 Salaries „$1500.00 Coal 1700.00 Light and water 1000.00 Repairs buildings and ground...... 2500.00 Supplies court house 2500.00 Telephone 900.00 Judiciary - $000J)0 Librapy $ 200.00 •1\ISJMcA fees 500.00 Miscellaneous expense 200.00 County Home - $85,000.00 Current expenses $25,000.00 County Highway - $40,000.00 Maintenance state and state aid roads $37700.00 Removing snow 2000.00 Office supplies 300 00 Probation Officers . $1,880.00 Salarii s $1980.00 „ , Board of t*Ti«w - $3,700.00 Salaries and supplies $2700.00 County Judge • $4,840.00 Sa'ary $3240.00 Rep<.-ter Salary 1000.00 Foreign Witnesses ..$100 00 Bounties loO.OO Jurors 4000.00 Supervisor* tKMKXMM) salartte and mileage $10000.00 Printing 1000.00 Blind Pensions 9500.00 Mothers' Pensions ! .....14000.00 Dependent Children fioooioo Care T. R. Patients In Sanataria 7000.00 Stattfp Attorney - $7,130.00 Rent 300.00 Salary 500.00 Assistant J-i, U20.00 O f f i c e s u p p l i e s * 6 0 0 . 0 0 Investigations 30000 Stenographer ; 100.00 For I'ayment Df Right of Way and Building Roads 70500.00 A i ^ i i n B u i l d i n g j u d g e s 500 J>O Eradication of T. B. in Cattle .... 3500.00 Contingent Fttnd .. : 1000.09 County Insurance 1000.00 McHenry County T. B. ' • Association Fund 1000.00 Total lvt27 0,105.00 Section 3-- This ordinance shall be In full force and effect from and after its passage and approval according to law: All of which Is respectfully submitted. > PRANK MAY " / . F. E. BECK • - ' •'» After the reading of said ordinance by the Clerk, it was regularly moved by Supr. Harrison and duly seconded «by Supr. Stewart that the "Annual APPf°* priation Ordinance" be adopted, and the roll being called Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, Palmer, Beck. Clawson, Hughes, Ackman, Hemmer, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, May, Freund, Hale, Filip and Asst. Suprs. McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none: Motion declared unanimously carried. The following resolution on Transfer of Funds Was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: .... . 25, BE 1T-RRSOt,V|jJn, That Two Hundred . Dollars ($200.00) be transferred from the Bounty Fund to the County Clerk Criminal Case Fund: That Twelve Hundred Dollars ($1,- 200.«0)^be transferred, from the State's Attoriwy Fund to the County Clerk Election Supply Fund; That Three Hundred Pollars ($304.00) be transferred from the Sheriff Office Supply Fund to the County Treasurer Printing Fund; That One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) be transferred from the County Treasurer Assessment Fund to the Sheriff .Deputy Fund; That Two Hundred Dollars <$200.00) be transferred from the Sheriff Feeding Prisoners Fund to the Court House Jail Salary Fund; That 'Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1,- 500.00) be transferred from the T. B. Patient and Pauper Fund to the Court House Jail Repairs Fund; That Twelve Hundred Dollars (fl,- 200.00) be f*ansferred from the Pauper Fund to the Court House Supplies Fund; That Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,- 000.0)) be transferred from the Pauper Fund to the County Home Current Expense Fund; That Two Thousand Dollars ($2,- 000.00) be transferred from the Pauper Fund to the Supervisors' Salary and Mileage Fund; That Five Hundred Dollars »($500.00) be transferred from the County Judge Reporter Fund to the Blind Pension Fund, ^ And that Seven Hundred Dollars ($700.00) be transferred from the Sheriff Jail Supply Clothing Fund to the Dependent Children Fund. It was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Supr. Hale that the above and foregoing resolution on Transfer of Ftjnds be adopted by this Board. An«l the roll being called Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, Palmer, Beck, Clawson, Hughes, Ackman, Hemmer, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, May, Freund, H«ie, Filip and Asst. Suprs. McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye* na]£-$ione. Motion declared unanimously carried. The various levies of the several American Legion Posts in McHenry County for funds under the Bogardus Act were presented and read and after some discussion it was regularly moved by Supr. Hemmer and duly seconded by Supr. Clawson that the levies be approved and,that the County Clerk be instructed to draw orders upon the County Treasurer to the Commanders of the several osts upon their filing with the Clerk good and sufficient bonds with two or more sureties to be approved by said Clerk. Said orders to be drawn from time to time upon the written application of the Commanders of the said Posts and in amounts not to exceed 60 per cent of their levies or balance thereof, and the "roll being called said motion was declared unanimoualy carried. It . was announced by the Chairman that the General Election Law was amended and that it was now the duty of the Board of Supervisors to appoint the Clerks of Election. Suggestions were made by the several Supervisors representing the two political parties on the Board, after which a motion was duly made and unanimously carried that said matter be referred to the Committee on Elections for report. Wayne Colahan, Chairman of the McHenry County National Reemployment Service in McHenry County and R. B. Olson, Local Manager, appeared before the Board- and asked for the continuation of their appropriation for the ensuing year. After some discussion it was regularly moved by Supr. Hale and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that the Board of Supervisors appropriate and pay out of County funds an amount not to exceed $40.00 a month to cover incidental expenses of the National Reemployment office in McHenry County for the ensuing year. And the roll oeing called Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, Beck, Hughes, Hemmer, Stewart, Turner, Freund, Hale, Filip and Asst. Suprs. McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye. Suprs. Palmer. Clawson, Ackman, Harrison and May voted nay. Motion declajed- cwriad., The lists of claims against the County and on motion of Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Supr. Turner the same were referred to the proper committee and the Board adjourned to 1:30 o'clock P. M. for committee work. 1:30 O'CLOCK V. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment, present' same members. The Committee on Claims. Labor, Fees and Supplies made the following report which on motion of Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit; , Mr. diaimtM and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervtsorsr Your Committee on Labor, Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave to re~ port that they have examined all elalmts presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following,.and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to'-wlt: Frank Thornber A Co.. Co. Clk. prtg. St" sup Co. Clk. elec. supplies Cir. Clk Co. Treas. off. sup Amer. Law Book Co., Jdcy. lbry. Lawyers Co. Op. Pub, Co. jdcy. lbry Chas. F. Hayes, Jdcy. jus. fees W. S. Battern, Jdcy. Jus. fees .... Bd. of Review 8erv.-- J. G. SteVens, and auto Foy L. Mentcb, and auto G. H. Stewart L. E. Sweet Glenna HousholdeT"" ; 3C4.95 10.48 47.90 13.08 10.00 18.50 S.00 110.00 526.00 526.00 S96.00 1SC.00 117.00 r~..: BogardUe Flora Rosenthal 108.00 Dr. A. V. Lindberg, sts. atty^r^- ingestg. fund _.v.S0.00 Woodstock D. Sentinel-)-' 8upr. prtg fund Co. Treas. prtg. fund Sup, Schs. off. exp Shf. off. sup C. Lake Herald Puh. OS.- Co, Treas. prtg. fund 8.70 $6.00 11.50 -I.S0 8000.0$ Co. Treas. assmt. fund ,12.62- Supr. pHi, fund Co. Clk. artg. and sup. ... McHenry naindealet^-- Supr. prtg. fund ...» Co. Treas. prtg. Harvard Herald-- Co. Treas. assmt. fund . Richmopf daaStta, supr, prtg fund Sup. iSchs. exp. fund--• Woodstock Journal Byers Printing Co ' Hammond At Stephens Co. .... .... The Johnson-Randolph Co. R. O. Andrew, C. H. Jail coal fund 37.40 Han* Hansen, C. H. jail coal (hauling) The Tlohn Hrd. Co., shf. jail sup. clo. fuhd The C. B. Dolge Co., C. H. sup. fund .. : Korl G. Frita^C. H. sup Karl G. Frits, C. H. and jail repairs 5.73 Henry A, Nul)e, ahf. per diem. fees and Mrv 111. Bell Tel. Co., C. H. Jail tel. (serv. and toll* Co.) ...^. III. Bell Tel. Co., C. H. tel. shf; 8hf. Dpty. fund-- Clyde Mlber Harold Hobba ... William Girling Jr Elmer Ffafick Alfred Johannes .. Martin BOKI ..... Howard Freeman George Pratt Richard Farrelt Loreng EAlngtr gilbert Tracy „ omer H. Mann Armour Blrk Armour Blrk, shf. bailiff,......... J. Henry G. Fisher, shf. dpty. Henry. G. Fisher, shf. bailiff Shf, Feed. Pris. fund-- P . E» * CoftWay.s H..----•«> 14.03 B r e y ' s W t k e r y 1 . 2 6 . 2 6 E. G. Shtaner it Co. 60.24 Eckert * Bahdins .... 60.30 Kirkman Ice Co. 9.CO Western un. Gas * EL Co. 7 Marlnda Bates .............. .2 C. L. Tryon, Co. Hwy. Maint. ........241. (fat'l Re-employ. Serv. C. H. sup. 37.71 Supr Sal. Mileage-- L. A. Stockwell D. M. Wright • v «••--' ; 2.00 10.00 100.20 2.10 2.00 1.00 1.12 10.57 36.22 1.00 •.it 20.25 1.85 20.42 61.90 23.05 4.00 4.00 „ 8.00 .. 8.00 .^...4.00 ^ 12.00 w 4.00 .. 4.00 ... 12.00 24.00 ; i........' 8 00 4.00 8.00 4.00 4.00 12.00 9.VV 3. M. Palmer f. E. Beck K- B. Clawson ....... Earl Hughes Chas. H. Ackman, auto and tel. ($21.10) Joseph Hemmer R. J. Stewart, tel. ($2.15) .... J. B. Harrison tf. M. Turner 15.90 61.00 45.65 36.60 31.20 17.70 74.10 35.30 27.85 S1.70 5.20. 23.20 32.80 43.70 11.00 ..24.45 12.00 ""rank May B. H. Freund A. H. Hale John J. Filip Paul Rosenthal -- A. B. McConnell Henry A. Vulle, shf. per diem, fees, serv. 100.00 Qra 8. Nulle. shf. fedeg. pris ^Oo.^O Philip E. Bierdeman. shf. deputy 125.00 Vestie Muldoon, C. H. Jail sal. fd. 125.00 palsy V. Moore, sup. schs. asst. and clk. hire 118.75 Russell Allen,, sts. atty. asst fund 330.00 City of Woodstock, C. H. Jail It. ' and water 61.73 . S. A. Rt.-- |3*18A Sec. 4 7.C9 3-13A Sec. 4-1-T .7270.6C a sec. e 8808.24 Sec. 7 28.53 -1-T 14.26 B. Sec.| ... ...; -. 67.77 All of which Is respectfully submitted. f. B. CLAWSON HAS. H. ACKMAN . H. HALE . J3. C. HUGHES A. B. McCONNELL. WHmniiif on ciatfM/ Gounty Poor made the following report, to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg ileave to report that they have examinaa.all claims presented to them, and recoaamend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to that' Claimants far the several amounts' allowed, to-wit: Chemung, (T. B. and Pauper)-- Ottawa Sanatorium $65.30 Ottawa Sanatorium --.. 66.05 Ottawa Sanatorium --.......-- 17.70 Dorr, (T. B. and Pauper)-- Ottawa Sanatorium --.... <4.00 Ottawa Sanatorium -65.05 Algonquin. (T. B. and Pauper)-- Ottawa Sanatorium 06.36 Chemung, (T. B. and Pauper)-- Zace Sanatorium 10.00 Mrs. Thos. Jacobs -- 43.45 Chas. E. Amblers, paupers -- 29.28 Chicago Ind. Home for Child. dependent children _..^.„.479.00 Dorr, (Paupers)--. Dr. L. L. Metcalf 1C.00 Coral, (T. B. and Pauper)--- Lydia Hale -- 46.60 Riley, (Pauper)--- Dr. Wm. V. Gooder 72.76 Burton. (Pauper)--- • W. T. Toppen 1.90 McHenry-- . <-> Anna Freund (T. B. ft P.) 20.00 W. H. Toppen $.45 All of which is respectfully submitted. A. H. HALE • / JOHN" J. FILIP Hv M. TURNER 3>AUL ROSENTHAL V It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr.. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Palmer that the report of the Committee on County Poor Claims be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried. The Committee Ml Relief af .tellnd made ihs foubwlng i report. Iq*wH: September 8, 1936. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Commitee on Relief of Blind would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: Your Committee met for the purpose of approving applications received within the last year and the County Clerk was instructed to notify each new applicant to be and appear before the Committee on August 25th, 1936 at ten o'clock A. M.,> and make the proof required to qualify under the Blind Act. After a thorough investigation by your committee the following applications were approved: .'v • Wm. Spohnhols Hulda Braunsdorf . Chris Koote Lena H. Ellis. We further report that the ®PPJ°P1 ,!'a" tlon heretofore made for relief of blind persons was exhausted on the 1st day of July, A. D. 1936. We therefore recommend that the sum of Three Hundred Sixty-five ($365.00) Dollars payable quarterly, commencing July 1, A. D. 1936 and payable October 1st, A. D. 1936; January 1st. A. D. 1937: April 1st, A. D. 1937: and July 1st, A. D. 1037, be appropriated and paid for the following persons, under the statute, tO*Wit: No. 1, Ellen Boyle. • , No. 2, Charles Collin*.' V !, No. 3, W. W. Dana - J No. 4, Alfred Dunham • < " v - % No. 5 Amelia Elblsflk « > No. 6, Walter J. Freund No. 7, John Fry . ,< »/• No. 8, Gertrude Gustafsoa No. 9, Elsie HarnvMH No. 10, Albert Jacob* . . • $• No. 11, Ben Johnson t * " No. 12. Jay S. Johnson. No. 13, Minnie Ohlrich No. 14, Fred Reed No. 15, William A. Shoen No. 16, E. A. Senger No. 17, Vandalyn C. Bens No. 18, Clarence J. Sari 1th No. 19, Jacob Terpstra ' No. 20, Frank Thevenot - No. 21, Edward Toles . No. 22. A del be rt H. Willoughby ' ' We further report that the new applicants approved by your Committee as above set forth were regularly examined •y by t*he examiner of the blind and he reported that they were blind and also it la the opinion of your committee that the said applicants are entitled to the benefits under the Blind Pension Act* And that your Committee would recommend that their applications be granted. And that there be appropriated and paid to them the sum of Three .hundred and •ixty-flve Dollars ($266.00) per year for each applicant, payable quarterly, making a total of Nine Thousand Four Hundred Ninety Dollars ($8490.00). • Yo$r Committee would therefore feeommend that Nine Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($9500.00) be Included In the Annual Appropriation Ordinance and Budget for the Relief of Blind and that Four thousand Dollars ($4000) be included in the Annual Tax Levy for the current year. vAUK«f Which is respectfully submitted. i. ;;-«• C. M. PALMER „ '.i fe. ••••.'- N. B. CLAWSON ROY J. STEWART ' * ' v ... J. E. HARRISON ; ^ ' JOSEPH/ HEMMflt It was thereupon regularly mov%d by. Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Harrison that the report ot the Committee»on Relief of Blind be adopted by 'this Board. And the roll being Called Supra. Stockwell, Wright, Palmer, Beck, Clawson, Hughes, Ackman, Hemmer, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, May Freund, Hale, Filip and Asst. Suprs. McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye, nay none. Motion declared unanimously earried.- / Aspt. Supr. Rosen0ial asked the Committee on Relief of/ Blind why the application of Elna Wilson, resident' of Crystal Lake, was Inot approved and pras informed by Supr. Palmer, Chairtnah of the' Committee , on Relief of Blind, that by reason of an amendment i the Blind Pension Act made by the tate Legislature < at the time that the >ld Age Assistance Act was created making it impossible for any applicant to receive the benefits under the Blind Pension Act who was physically incapacitated by age prior to loss of sight And that due to the age of Elna Wilson, the amendment to the act excluded her as it did several other applicants who were denied the benefits. Supr. Filip then stated that in the report of the Committee on Blind, an appllc&nt who was 82 years old by the name of Chris Foote, residing in Woodstock, was granted a benefit together with Huida Braunsdorf of McHenry, Illinois, Route 2, who was 79 years of age. After a general discussion in regard to said matter, it was regularly moved by Asst. Bupr. Rosenthal and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that the application of Elna Wilson be approved and an appropriation in the amount of $865.00 per annum payable quarterly be made in bar behalf. Mrs. Lulu Barter, Superintendent of the McHenry County Old Age Assistance Commission, was called upon and answered several questions pertaining to the Old Age Assistance Act. Supr. Palmer offered the following amendment to the motion: that the applications of John Cervenka, Fox River Grove, Illinois; Patrick H. Brown, Harvard, Illinois; and Elmer J. Carny, Crystal Lake," Illinois, not recommended for. approval by the Committee on Relief of Blind on account of the age clause, be included for approval and that an appropriation in the amount of $365.00 per annum per applicant payable quarterly be made In their behalf. Said amendment to the motion was duly seconded fey Supr. Beck. The Clerk then called the roll on"the amendment to the motion WliT6h resulted as follows: Supr. Wright, Palmer, Beck, Clawson, Hughes, Hemmer, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, May, Freund, Hale, Filip and Asst. 3u*>r. Rosenthal voted age. Suprs. Stockwell, Ackman and Asst. Supr. McConnell voted nay. Said amendment to the motion being declared carried by a vote of 14 aye and 3 nay. The clerk then called the roll on the moton qp amended which resulted as follows: Supr. Wright, Palmer, Beok, Hemmer, Turner, Freund, Hale, Filip, and Asst. Supr. Rosenthal voted aye. 8uprs. Stockwell, Clawson, Hughes, Ackman, Stewart, Harrison, May and Asst. Supr. McConnell voted nay. The motion as amended being declared carried by a vote of 9 aye and 8 nay. Supr. Ackman addressed the Board ffna sfated tnat Supr. Kuecker of Seneca Twp. was quite seriously ill at the Woodstock Hospital and wondered if the Board would like to send flowers to express their sympathy. After which a motion was duly mivde and carried instructing the Clerk to take care of said matter and a collection was taken among the members of the Board. A delegation of citlsens from McHenry and Nunda Twps. appeared Defore the Board and made a request for the improvement of a State Aid Road In their Immediate vicinity. And after a general discussion it was regularly moved by Supr. Turner and duly seconded by Supr. Hughes that said matter be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee giving said Committee full power to act. And the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried. committee an Finance made the following report. of the and Jail ....: Repairs of Ct. House and Jail Repairs o{? County Home and Farm 1000.00 Janitor Service 1400.00 Supplies, Court Houae 600.00 Supplies, County Jail 500.00 Salary, Cooking for Prisoners .... 1200.00 8alary, Deputy Sheriffs 1800.00 Livery for Sheriff 1200.00 County aid in building bridges 500.00 Furniture Ct. House and Jail 500.00 Law Books, Circuit and County Cou-t Libraries 1000.00 Per Diem, Board of Supervisors 1000.00 Special Committee Work, Board of Supervisors -- • , 2600.00 Mileage, Board of Supervisors 600.00 Eradication of T. B. in Cattle .... 3000.00 Payment of Right of Way 600.00 General Fund 2500 00 1000.00 and the roll being called Supra. Stock-.. . „ . 1000.00 | well, Wright, Palmer, Beck, Clawson, , "s \ / Hughes, Ackman, Hemmer, Stewart. , // , Harrison, Turner, May, FMtlnd, Hale, * Filip and Asst. Supra. McConnell and'< "-A Rosenthal voted aye, nay none. Motion declared unanimously carried. Total $91,840.00 County Highway Tax Maintenance State and State Aid Rds 40,000.00 Total amount to be raised $131,340.00 All Of which is respectfully submitted. JOSEPH HEMMER. Chairman . F. E. BECK ' FRANK MAY ' T' JPAUL ROSBNTHAI/ *" It #a» thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Supr. Hale that the report of the Committee on Finance be apgroved and the nnnual Tax Levy be adopted by tttls Board, and the roll being called Suprs Stockwell, Wright, Palmer, Beck, Clawson, Hughes, Ackman, Hemmer, Stewart. Harrison, Turner, May, Freund, Hale, Filip and Asst. Suprs. McConnell and voi?d ay«. n»y non®., Mation declared unanimously carried.,- - The Committee on Eleetkftia made the following report, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen Board of Supervisors: Your Committee to whom was referred the matter of the County Tax Levy for the year 1986, woulrf beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That we have ascertained the several items of necessary expenditures for the County as nearly as possible and recommend that the sum of Ninety-one thousand Three hundred' forty Dollars ($91,340.00) for General County purposes, and the sum of Forty thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) for County Highway Tax, Maintenance State and state Aid Roads, making a total of One hundred thirty-one thousand three hundred forty Dollars ($131,340.00) be appropriated and levied as County Tax on all taxable property of said County and State aforesaid for the year A. D. 1936, and that the County Clerk is hereby instructed to extend said amount on all ^taxable property In the County, in accordance with the report for the follow- ; ling purposes, to-wit: Salary, Co. Supt. of Hwys. $2285.00 Travelling expenses. County Supt. of Highways -- 715.00 Salary^ County Judge --~--. 3240.00 County Services, Sheriff 3500.00 County Service^, County Clerk ... 3000.00 County Services, Circuit Clerk.... 1500.00 County Services, Treasurer lo00.o$ Compensation, Co. Supt. of Schs. 1400.00 Off. exp., Co. Supt. of Schs "* Supplies, County Officers Stationery, County Officers Postage, County Officers jExpress, County Officers |Per Diem, Board of Review Clerk Hire, Board of Review .... iMiteage and per diem, Jurorti .... {Coroner's and Coroner's Jury fees at Inquests Fees for birth and death reports {Salary probation Officer, ' County Court Salary Probation Officer, ; Circuit Court Salaries, Co. Home and Farm 600.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1800.00 900.00 4000.00 600.00 300.00 .... 1100.00 •00.00 5000.00 Care of Inmates. County, Home and Farm 2000.00 Fuel, County Home and Farm .u. 1000.00. Light and Power. County .» . Home and Farm bsEssfS" 1000.00 Care of Dependent children ... i 3000.00 Care of T. B. Patients 3000.00 Bogardus Fund, relief Exsoldiers, Sailors and Marines 5000.00 Relief of Blind 4000.00 Mothers' Pensions Fuel, Court House and Jail.--1000.00 Light and Water, Court Houaa ' • _ September 8, 1936. Beport of the Committee on JBlectloas Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Elections would beg leave to submit the following lists of Clerks of Elections as selected by the two political parties represented on the Board of Supervisors for the various election precincts and districts. -Said selections as made, to hold until their successors are appointed, at the annual June meeting of the Board In 1937. Riley--Polling place, Town Hall; Clerks, Clyde Coarson, Wm. Ferr ana Dave Marengo 1--Polling place, City Hall; Clerks, Carlton Robb, Raymond Hand and W. Sheahan. Marengo 2--Polling place, Kelley Garage; Clerks, George Hance, Harry Perry and C. J. Coarson. Dunham--Polling place, School House, Dlst. 128; Clerks, Anna Phillips, Fannie Lillibrldge and George Whipple. Chemung 1--Polling place, Marshall Implement Company; Clerks, R. R. Vlerck, Teresa Hereiey and Hilda Hamilton. Chemung 2--Polling place, Sweeney Building; Clerks, H. T. O'Connor, Blanche Johnson and Agnes H. Freer. Chemung 3--Polling place. Blacksmith's Shop at Chemung; Clerks, Evelyn Esmond, Robert Conley and Harold Walters. Alden--Polling place, Town Hall; Clerks, F. E. Staab, Albert Kingsley and Wm. McDonald. Hartland--Polling place, Shurtleff's Store; Clerks, Mary King, Mary Cooney and Robert Wilson, Jr. Seneca--Polling place, Town Hall; .Clerks; A. L. Stewart, A. K..Rowley and .lames Nihan. Coral--Polling place, Village Hall; Clerks, Florence Ackman, El<ja Poppe and Antoinette Schildgren. Grafton 1 -- Polling place, Village Hall; Clerks, Bernice Mickelsen, Mabel Hemmer and Frank Ferris. Grafton 2--Polling place, Fred Schutt Cottage; Clerks, Hazel Ilseng, Mrs. Violet Palmer and Dorothy Otto. Dorr--Polling place, Bakkom Bros. Store, E. Jackson Street Woodstock; Clerks, Lorette Phillip, Harold Wicks and Anne Baier. Dorr 2--Polling place, Sherburne Motor Co., Church Street, Woodstock; Clerks, L. V. Kilts, Beulah Stewart and Arthur Brink. Dorr 3--Polling place, Room under County Clerk's otnee, Woodstock; Clerks, Herman Doering, Julia Jasper and Mary fcheehy. Dorr 4--Polling place, City Hall, W o o d s t o c k ; C l e r k s , B e s s i e C a m p , Ueorgle Eckert and Ann Deneen. Dorr 5--Polling place, Abbott's Store, Rldgefield; Clerks, Ralph Walkup, Clarence Reed and Robert Knilan#,,.™,,,, Greenwood--Polling place, Town Hall; Clerks, Bessie Harrison, Elsie Schmarje and Irene Wendt. Hebron--Polling place, Town Hall; Clerks, L. K. Rowe, Charles Hawthorne and Albert Matheson, Jr. Richmond--Polling place, Memorial Hall; Clerks, L. E. Sweet, J. Clyde Wilson and Earle E. Bower. Burton--Polling place, Town Hall; Clerks, Joseph G. Wagner, Leo Ray and Al Schmeltser. McHenry 1--Polling place, Woodman Hall, Ringwood; Clerks, Ethel Smith, Julia Justen and Albert Schmitt McHenry 2--Polling place. Town Hall; Clerks, Vera KShe, Elsie Voeltr and A. E. Nye. McHenry 3--Polling place, Colby Bldg. in McHenry; Clerks, M. J. Walsh, James Doherty and George P. Freund. Nunda 1--Polling place, Turner House Barreville; Clerks, Alice Johnson, Rita Ohrwahl and Mary Flanlgan. Nunda 2--Polling place, Town Hall; Clerks, Warren K. Swenson, William Doherty and Edward Jaschke. Nunda 3--Polling place, I. O. O. F. Bldg. in Crystal Lake; Clerks, William Powers, V. F. Long and Charles S. Pingry- Algonquin 1--Foiling place, Algonquin Village Hall; Clerks, C. J. Ebel, A. C. Taylor and Joe Nickels. Algonquin 2--Polling place, Crystal Lake Council Rooms; Clerks, R. D. Clow, Sidney Nelson and Cloe Buehler. Algonquin 3--Polling place, Cary Village Hall; Clerks, Elizabeth Jelinek, Elsie Hoeft and Foy L. Mentch. Algonquin 4--Polling place, Fox River Grove Village Hall; Clerks, Raymond Tejcek, Thomas Hucek and John Kacllk. Algonquin 5 -- Polling place, Boiler Room in Diet. No. 47; Clerks, Louis C. Ritt, Stella Schepers and Herman" F. Ehlert. Your Committee further, recommends that Earl Walsh be appointed Election Judge in McHenry 2 to fill the vacancy left by Walter A. Krause, deceased; and that Walter Walsh be appointed Election Judge in Nunda 1 to succeed Paul Roliman who has moved out of the precinct; and that the polling place in the 2nd District, Chemung precinct be ehanged from Sweeney Building to Fire Engine Hall; and that the polling place in District No. 5 Algonquin precinct be changed fnpm Boiler Room in District No. 47 to the Gymnasium in School District No. 47. All of which is respectfully submitted. FRANK MAY ' . ROY J. STEWART ? H. M. TC liN'KH E, C. HUGHES A. B. McCONNELL JOSEPH HEMMER It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Hemmer that -the report of the Committee on Elections be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called Suprs. Stockwell. Wright, Palmef, Beck, Clawson, Hughes, Ackman, Hemmer, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, May, FreundL Hale, Filip and Asst. Suprs. McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye, nay none. Motion declared unanimously carried. The following application was. presented and read to the Boasdt tb-wii; 'V "t."-- September $, 1936. To the Honorable Members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, Gentlemen: , According to "the recent change of the unlaws, of the State of Illinois, the office 0% >t County Surveyor is no longer elec- / ' live office, but is subject to appointment v-?. by the Board ol Supervisors. I hereby apply for appointment for . said office for McHenry County, Illinois. '_:l Thanking you for past favors, ~ Yours truly, . ~ T-' .• !&. L. TRYOW. m , IT . It was thereupon regularly moved by®. Supr. Harrison that the application for o ippolntment of G. L. Tryon for County j -'i' ^ Purveyor be approved and that he fee ap-:i'i * pointed for a period beginning with the " " i »< • f i r s t M o n d a y i n D e c e m b e r , 1 9 3 6 a n d e n d - . . . ir with the first Monday In December, 1940. And the roll being called Suprs » S t o c k w e l l , W r i g h t , P a l m e r , B e c k , C l a w - : ; ion, Hughes, Ackman, Hemmer, Stewart, V*-' ' U.--. Harrison. Turner, May, Freund, Hale^; Filip and Asst.. Suprs. McConnell and' S ' K *. A Rosenthal voted aye, nay none. Motion; v ^ declared unanimously carried. The Committee on Roads and Bridges made the following report, to-wit: r'i'cVttry'kitr.- Thm CIwh m'esenlBd the t'wMrtfwtw* of the various Highway Commissioners of the County of the amount necessary to he raised by taxation for the construction. maintenance and repairs of road* and bridges in the various twps. After the reading of the certificates, it was moved by Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by $upr. Turner that the said certificates be Approved Hp this Beard, Mr. Chairman and Gent Board '®? Supervisors, ty, Illinois: The undersigned members of the road and bridge committee for said County would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That we met at Woodstock, Illinois,., on the 12th day of August'1936, and* then went to McHenry and looked over •»- the East River road, south from McHenry to State Bond Issue Route 17C1'" and then went to Lake County and in-" spected some W. P. A. tar surfaced roads, together With Mr. Gurnee of the Lajfe and McHenry County W. P. A. Department. The roads were near Zlon City through a level country -and were well drained and In good shape. An appointment was made with Mr. Gurnee to come to Woodstock on August 17th to confer further \ on the blacktopplng of the East River ! road with W. P. A. funds. T We again met on the 17th day of August 1936 at Woodstock but Mr. Gurnee""" was unable to attend the meeting due to illness and we had a session with Mr. Arno Kolls of the W. P. A. Department in regard to various projects and it was-- stated that at present they are being - written only to Jan. 1, 1937, that usually the local authorities agree to pay one,""" third of the cost, part of which can-r be : rental on equipment furnished by the sponsor of the project. That only 10: men could be promised for the East . River Road Project and probably 10 additional men later. That the u. S. Government could pay about $160 per., man per year, for materials. We again met at McHenry, Illinois, on the 21st day of August, 1936 together with Mr. Gurnee and Mr. Kolls and : considered further the east River Road_ Project. One of the chief stumbling blocks was the matter of right of way. One of the statements to be sworn to ' Is that the right of way is clear, and If the answer is no the project is apt nqt o be approved at Washington, D. C. There are several bad curves and many places where the fences are only 40 ft. apart. We decided to consider {he matter further and look into the cost of the right of way. Your committee again mei bii the 26th1 day of August 193fi at Woodstock, nois and received bids for the blacktop- ,- ping of the Greenwood Road known as Section 7-1-T M. F. T. Four bids were; received and t.he lowest bid was that of •' the Andresen Corporation of Chicago,; Illinois, in the sum of $21234.28, and we*; decided to accept said bid and authoris- - ed the Chairman of this Board and the_ County Clerk to sign said contract and approve the bond on behalf of McHenry County, Illinois. We then went to Ridgefleld, Illinois and inspected the ' construction of the black top road known as section 4-1-T M. F. T. and aecided to allow estimate No. 1 in the - sum of $7121.48 on materials furnished and labor performed. This Job has been - badly delayed by the wet weather. We again met on the 5th day of Sep- " tember, 1936 at Woodstock, Illinois, and- ,- audited and ordered paid bills chargeanle to the Mcllenry County Patrol System of roads as a whole for insurance,' repairs and supplies for County owned machinery and labor at the County Tool Hou e to a total of $910.12 ' Bills chargeable to the various sec- * <ions of the County Patrol system of roads for labor and materials at rates heretofore approved by this Board were ludited and ordered paid as follows: Section 1 Section 3 Section 4 ..... Sections G 6 Sections 7, Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section 40.00 163.54 91.87 117.68 131.68 464.42 67.10 65.80 96.65 158.90 231.50 76.38 132.18 53.75 4-1-T contraot 23599.48 ordered paid Total .....: Bills were audited and out of the Motor Fuel Tax funds as fol lows: State Aid Rt.-- . 13-13A Sec. 4-1-T engineering. labor and advertising --_„...„$251.83 8A sec. 6, eng. labor --...-- 102.22 1 sec. 7 maint. and mach. rent. 107.25 2 sec. 7-1-T eng labor and blueprints 48.69 ">B sec. 8 engineering labor ....' '49.27 13-13A sec. 4 maintenance, machine rental 266.64 ">I?sec. 8 const, labor and mat 446.08 A telegram was received from the ^ State Division of Highways, that the ; contract for the Greenwood Road known as Sec. 7-1-T M. F. T. had been approved. The amount of the contract '21 234.28 exceeds the appropriation which was $20000.00 and we decided to recommend to this board that a supplemental appropriation resolution be •assed for this road in the sum $5000 to take care of the above excess In cost and possible extras and the necessary nspection. The money left over to be transferred to some other purpose. The matter of the proposed W. P. A. Project for- the East River Road south of McHenry discussed and we do- Med to have the mile surveyed from the Smith school house southeasterly •Uid also three curves to the north surveyed for widening, and have right of war plats prepared. We have received and turned over to the County Treasurer for County road : fund checks as follows: From Andresen Corporation, for use of Machinery on Johnsburg road known as Sec>. 9, M. F. T $107.26 vrnm Town of McHenry for loading gravel 426 cu. yds. 40.00 Your corrimittee estimbtek that there will be necessary for tlye Oare of tne McHenry County Patrol System of roads an appropriation from the $ft>unty Highway Tax Fund the sum the next meeting of this/ .. All of which Is respectfi D. M. WRTGHT . S. H. FREUND FRANK MAY JOSEPH HKMMER J. E. HARRISON *f $3500 until Board. submitted. X It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Hale and diily seconded by Supr. (ContinuM! to Part Two) ivi $ • 'tWJ-': •• -V •• !

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