mmm. WVJ»J • "J v- V*' • ^ >34 ^ r'« jv^ r, y ^ • ' .. /• >. . v * •» - ' ^ •: *7' ^ «*• 's,-, V •-*" >---4 - *^»¥V> '»' vV.%"* - -*•"'* ..- ' . I,•• --*"•• ~ 4. .- / v* *--•'• It'iMSM MK^PM i r. £-V . . |F> •' Eateredas MeoNi^3ak» matfar^at the postoffice at McHenry, 111, under ^ r#_ ^T;-V' \v¥ %) Published WHENRV PLA ,y «t MeHeuy, M., ^ 'F^Bsnfch. I- ^ *fes*t«f May8»l8W. * • ; • • • • • • . ; ' • • A if 1km Year „...., .1 4'.; .Six Months .' - >i fcsBB A. EL M06HER, Editor and Manager Lillian Sayier, Local Editor -- m,itr~ lit •*» Quarter Mile Xwt of McHenry on Route M DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Mnjric by the Hot Sta»tl#U> i**"1*** SPECIAL OHIOKBNDntfh$0,f, f/,' (tone on Qwfek^p^lll^^lipDwioi* Pwp. DRAPES ; • -: Ufllifted w Up to 30 x 72 " '. Cleaned and Pressed >, • 'r,.;-.. • .»•• ' .-..A. - .v'^fe ^TTdiyr ITT >/Cleaned and ^oumi • //:* T;" * Vwv$-; StorageCtfse Free i ? V . : s . • cj;-. • J...'-. M * ' • 9x12 Rugs »?^L, ::$X.9S McHENRY Free Pick-up and Delivery et» vari/rulwi --Ehon»104-M %.'-h SPECIAL featuring a double orchestra this Saturd&^/^it THE-creek; River Grovje^IH..- --«•• '^:4' •TKvv.«i«rlir;v. • Route 12 * (One--A Red Hot 5-piece Colored 1-- No Cover Charge -- THE FINEST FRIED CHICKEN . 35^ DeLuxe Fish Frys Served Every Friday, 10c You get the most for your money at "The Creek."* FORT SALE eJtafj; t-A'l-: ,h$ p imaU to b--t the earth & «Mt oaring. Idaho tad FOR SALE--Cheap. Black reed baby earriafe and baby scale. Mrs. How ard Wattles, West McHenry, 111. *48 FOE SALE--Holstein Bolls; Golden Bantam Sweet Corn Seed, 15c pound; No. 2 Potatoes, INSc bu. Belveir Farm, , ',,*48 FOR SALE--Early Yellow Dent %*d corn, 99 % germination. John BlWte, Phone 686-J-2 48-tf FOR 8ALE--275 2-week-old Super Grandvlcw chicks for delivery April 28. McHenry Co. Fartner s C,o-op. Assn. Phone 29. 48 WANTED WANT TO BUY-- Good Standard brand 22 Calibre, 6-in. barrel target pistol, Call McHenry 170, or. drop a line to The Plaindealen 48-tf FARMS WANTS)--We have a demand for Farms For Rent or Sale. EARL R. WALSH, Phone McHenry 48. 34-tf WANTED--Man or Boy to Work on farm near McHenry. Phone 611-M-l. • 4» CONGRESSfOtfAL Wy (Wiyrff HffTf ftHiumfj y Cherry MmIoiii: The eity of Wash-1 countering considerable opposition ington c,:.was host to approximately from Representatives from the south- 400,000 Visitors during Saturday and ern states. The recent barbaric Sunday, April 10 and 11. Tourists lynching of two negroes at Duckbill, from every state in the union visited the national capita] in order that they might view the beauty of the blossoms of the Japanese cherry trees which abound the Tidal basin in Potomac Park. WANTED--Waitress, not over 25. Apply at once. Berline's Restaurant) corner Dim and Green streets, McHenry, 111. 48 BOY WANTED--To deliver newspapers. Inquire Albert Krause, Elm St., McHenry. Telephone 260. 48 WANTED--Girl for Restaurant work. Inquire at Plaindealer office. 48 WANTED--To hear from owners of factories, for sale or for rent. Give all particulars when replying. Henry Atwell, Lake Villa. *48 WANTED Widely known concern with nationally advertised product offers reliable man opportunity to manage business here. No selling required nor is experience in our line necessary. Will turn over established accounts and cooperate in definite plans for the future. To qualify you must have good references and $550 cash for equipment secured. Income about $130 month to start. Box 123 in care of . The McHenry Plaindealer. _ ng was at § premium and is estimate^ that aftott 4,000 visitors were forced to seek lodging in Baltimore, Frederick, Alexandria am) neighboring cities. It was the largest influx of tourists that the nation's capital has ever experienced. A New Thx Bill <n the Way: It is rumored that despite Administration promises to the contrary a new general tax bill will soon make its appearance before Congress. It is pointed out that one of the excuses which will be proffered for its introduction will be that government revenue has fallen below expectations. Of course, no mention is made of the fact that spending billions may be responsible for it. It is our Opinion that in view of the spending spree which the government has been on for the last four years, poor John Q. Public will see plenty of "taxes" for many years to eomt. -y- Art: The Corcoran Gallery of Art is the recent recipient of a number of famous paintings by old and modern masters. These famous canvases have been conditionally willed to the Corcoran Gallery by Mary. Emma Gridfin. Walker who died on April 2. Mrs. Walker's will directs that the thirty-nine choice works of art be hung as a unit and be known as the "Edwin C. and Mary Walker Collection." The Director of the Gallery has stated that he is familiar with the collection and that it contains a number of very desirable paintings. Among the painters represented are Gainsborough, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Sid Edwin Landseer, Romney, Sir Thomas Lawrence, Pisaro, Monet and Renoir. The Board of Trustees of the Gallery will soon pass on the acceptance of the legacy. With the completion of the Mellon Gallery of Art, the nation's capital will be enabled to rightfully claim ^he distinction of being the .Art Center of the nation. Gavagan Bill: The Gavagan Bill providing for federal anti-lynching legislation will probably be passed this week. This legislation is en- Alabama, has given impetus to the defor the passage of this type of legislation. It is indeed high timf that an effort be made to stop the ruthless and wanton torturing and and rooming housed, of human Mings' without due ^process of law. Bflk fntMadtf: * UH haa been introduced by Representative Havenner (H. R. 8846) which has as its object an amendment of the Communications Act of 1984 to promote safety of life in the air through the use of radio by providing that all passenger aircraft shall ha required to be equipped with an efficient radio installation in operating condition in charge of and operated by a qualified operator before leaving any airport. This bill has been referred to the Committee in Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Another interesting bill is that introduced by Representative Phillips (H.'R. 6856) which if enacted into law will provide that any corporation engaged in the business of manufacturing or generating gas or electricity and uses the U. S. mails for the purpose of sending bills to consumers where rates are determined or Axed by taking into consideration the number of rooms, cubic content of rooms, the net floor area, the number of electrical appliances used in the building shall be fined hot more than fl,000. A bill (H.R. 5986) has been introduced .by Representative Phillips which if enacted into law would provide that each public service motor vehicle or motorbus used in interstate transportation of passengers for hire shall, after July 1, 1937, be provided with at least two safety or emergency doors on each side thereof, and shall be provided with at least four ro leases to open such safety or emergency doors, and such doors shall' be so arranged as to permit the egress of all passengers within one minute after the same are opened. ; Fitted Dr. Paul A. Schwabe *• OPTOMETRIST r A. E.NYEBUILDIN<£- Tfcaraday Aftenwea West McHeary ^ " Bmi. ISf.S:-- V%me H8-J .... " . . A - - hhm; f. Secure your Pickle Seed A. S. WIGHT'S DRUG STORK w , r - Woodstock, 111. \ SAME PRICES AS LAST YEA* S*\.' 5 i Lj>1{ r j '.v Mrs. Gus Freund, Loretta Steffes and Jacob Steffes visited their father and the latter's brother, Math Steffes, in St. Anthony's hospital, Chicago, Tuesday evening. Mary and Olga Brefeld of^Chicago spent Sunday With their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. '•*5 II v Vf-i. ; SATURDAY, APRIL 24 ^-^11 A. M.--10 P. it RESTAURANT J ' 'S CJorner of Oreen and Elm Streets McHenry, < J ti vM'U. Table and Counter Service-- Dinners - Luncheons and Sandwiche. . , • • : -- : =S*' MAIN DINING ROOM OPENING LATER , 1 --- . - 1-- s 1 ! , • r» : ' Ar * * - >*--- * * • <:" « -- ^f " Date of Formal Opening will be Announced. ^ ^ ' i* 3 A./>: FOR RENT 'FOR RENT--r4 Rooms in Johnsburg, brick house. John Pitzen. » 47-3 E.„. { V 1 ' ' 4 [ f; ' V • m. w • The following wish to express appreciation to the voters of McHeary fof the splendid support accorded the Pt6g0ksive ticket in the city election of last^hiesday, April 20. We earnestly hope to conduct the management of city affairs in an efficient manner that will meet wiCli ySSi' approval. R. I. OVERTON • • EARL R. WALSH JOHN A. BOLOER JOS. M, REGNER EDW HERMAN fREDf m&rt GEO. P. Fit EUTZEB FOR RENT---Six Room Modern Flat and' garage. Inquire of Mrs. Frank J. Freund, Elm and Park streets. *48 MISCELLANEOUS $2.00 CASH - $2.00 for ' ' ' " DEAD HORSES AND COWS ^ Hogs and Sheep Removed • MIDWEST REMOVAL CO.-- Phone Dundee 10 Reverse Charges *84-23 GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desiredi Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 157 or 631-M-l. 2-tf NOYREASON FOR UNSIGHTLY FLOORS--Worn places, spots, dirt, fpaint, varnish, everything unsightly removed. Work guaranteed. Reasonable prices. Estimates given. Also resurfacing office desks, tables, bars. HENNING NEWMAN, Floor Sanding Contractor, 434 Seminary Ave., Woodstock, 111. Phone 786-M. ' 41-6mo. HAVE YOU ANY SEWING MACHINE TROUBLES? We can repair your machine, regardless of make or age. Prices reasonable. POPP*S SHOE STORE, West McHenry. Tel. 162. Expert Shoe Repairing. 44-tf SPECIALS Grass Seed G~IGT*de » , Per Pound Kidney Beans No. S Caa ... % for 19c Sauerkraut £**' r 25c JaI (Pnnf- Gelatine Powder • All Flavors, per pkg. ...... Fresh Asparagus % lbs. 19c A New Potatoes S lbs. for 24c Radishes 2 bunchea^or fc Pork Loin RoastSm*" P?r Pound Phone 180 AUTO PAINTING--We Make Your old car look like new. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call Crystal Lake 207-W, or Ovrhaul Service Station, Route 20, West McHenry, 111. 47-2 See FRANK BENNETT at the ^forthwestern Hotel, West McHenry, for those EXCEPTIONAL MASSAGE TREATMENTS. All office treatments, $1.00. Phone McHenry 23. v 46-tf "i:.! Y-fx? £}/uutcc/brcce cuti a4t^amy eaty TevtHJ yuti t*uf ufoy SIGNED cma PONTIAC Qtaten. • - / > '"T "v * • • »• • !'V. WE WANT your "Good Will," and we expect to earn it by giving you better bargains than you can get anywhere else in town. Here are some samples -- fine cars every one of them ...made even better by our 21-point "Good Will" reconditioning... priced at clearance rates to make room for the trade-ins on the amasingly popular 1937 Pontiac... and offered on terms tO suit your purse. Come in and prove for yourself that a "Good Will" used ««r is rf tOpsM for looks, dependability and everything else. Come in and prove by comparison that our bargain prices beat them all. Come in and pick the besi buy in town from the finest stock we have ever had. Do it today -- such cars fl jftoove out fast. JLONG EASY «RMS y THESE WW PRICES SPUK mTHDBELVES CARD OF THANKS In this manner we desire to express our sincere thanks to neighbors and friends for floral offerings, expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness during our recent bereavement. A1 Watson and the „ 48 .5 ,; i Bear Family. CAftD OF THANKS In this manner we desire to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to neighbors and friends for floral offerings, expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness during our recent be-, reavement. We also thank donors of cars. A.J.Schneider. Mrs. Jennie Gorman and Family. 48*f£: Mr. and Mrs. William VanNatta of Fountain, Mich., who have been vis iting their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, have purchased bungalow, known as the Hunt bunga-* low, on Railroad street, Crystal Lake, and will move there about the first of May. Mr. and Mrs. VanNatta, who were former residents of Crystal Lake twenty years ago, recently aold' theifp' farm at Fountain, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Owen of Nile*, Center were Tuesday evening callerf in the Robert Thompson home. Mrs. John Callinan of Chicago was a weekend visitor in the home of her* daughter, Mrs. Ray McGee. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bungard of Chi* V « 2 DAY SPECIAL 1936--Ford DeLuxe Sedan, Radio, Heater; Perfect condition; At a very low price »r *495.00 1936--Buick Sedan, Dk. Bine, Radio, ^eater and many extras $825-00 • 1935--Ford 2-Dotr . 1934--Pontiac 4- "* .. K ' v" - ' Door Sedan, Radio, ' Mao, priced wjr - Heater; Looks and '••v ,-;y tar at ... $315.00. . runs like new. For only $450»OQ 1935^-Plymouth Sedan, Perfect co^. ~ 1933--Ford, 2-Door • " 1 h ' - - Edition; Heater and Sedan, R.-C. Motor, •. ' '• many extras. Now Heater; Complete only ...... $425-00 for $22500 •- --y A'.\ . . • • 00£ SO&J OVtUj bl| AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALERS root Street • - > - > 3 ' r " ' • vt.v } 2t»- t'.. . .J..--,, - ' L-l. ' " X -f ' ' ^ ' ' ' u 4 : " : - v • 1 - ' ' . 1*^. • • -.a .A. J> u*.*: ,•