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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Apr 1937, p. 7

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• . £: j >> •> v tkeO^CooDcfl «Ary, heM ia the City of McHenry, callod toorder ^ Mayor l^mut: Alderman Bnsa, Freund, Justen, Krevtser, Absent: none. i of the previous regular mud meetings were read. On by Alderman Overtn •• hy Justen, thy minuteawi fl; «d as read. Roll call on motion: Ayes, Bus, Ferwerda, Freund, Jv*ten, Overton, Kreutser; Nay*, none. Motion :-dr Tha treasurer's report was read and „„ -m&m Wrtm Uj li^BBIHWPO AJIBUyVr) / aecoaded by Ferwerda, the treiasacvr's WBII HI ippiOfM W 1MB* VMJU al on motion: Ayes,Buss Ferwerda, Freoad, Justen, Kteutser, Overton; Nays, none. Mctiioa carried. 1)m city collector** report was read ~fj§nd,! on motion. by Aldertaan fasten, aeconded by Alderman Overton, the . dty collector's report was approved as read. Roll call on motion: A$pes, , JBoas, Ferwerda, Freund, Justen, Over- Kreutxer. Mooon carried. ' "' The clerk** report was read and a motion made by Alderman Buss, seconded by iMdmnan fterwarda, that the clerk's report beapproved as read. R6U call on motion: Ayes, Boss, Ferwerda, Freund, Justen, Kreutzer, and Overton; Nays, none. Motion carried. The foQowinf bills Against tbe City .'^Slere read: Ibhn Stilling's Tire Shop 4.94 Paul E. Gertoch McHenry Artificial Stone Co. .. McHenry Lumber Co ,...» Buss-Page Motor Sales ..... ,M. M. Niesen, Superintendent r^of Watst Works Mayme Buss, Commission on water rents and clerical scr- _ vices ........ Illinois Bell Telephone Co......... McHehry Plaindealer Western United Gas * Electric Co.*.... W. C. Feltx, Caretaker of tfea Streets and Alleys ...,; Thomas P. Bolgar Paul E. Gerasch ......... Freund Oil Co. Peter Pirsch & Sons Co. Cutler-Hammer John B. Wirt*, Marshall service 110.00 Fred C. Feltz, Caretaker of" sewer Jitter Wirfs, Police service ...... •ISiter A. Neiss, Commissions on "Vehicle Tax, Stomps,' Telephone Calls, etc. Service Con' Power rftg water lie Service Co.,1 Power at sewer lift Public Service Co., .. flights Bsblic Service Co, lights Public Service Co., Street lights 158:18 Public Service Co., Ornamental Street lights 95.81 City Hall Parking Udttd Dowell. waa a caller at ah* Mrs. Boy Pass- Mr. and Mrs. Uoy4l Eddy of Grmysddtd spent Monday here »t the home Of the letter's father, Henry Passfield. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and son went Woodstock callers Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. John Passfield motortd to Wankagan Thursday. Little Billie Miller spent Friday wttH his grandparents, Mr. and Mr*. P. Miller, near McHenry. Mr. add Mrs. RobertDeindlein of Waaconda spent Monday evening here With Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henkel Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and daughter, Mary Lou, and Mrs. Sarah Fisher motored to Dundee Monday. Mrs. Henry Krueger of Waueonda *Bed on her brother, Jason Walton, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rossdeutcher, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lenzen visited Mr. and Mrs. John Capaller in Chicago Monday evening. Mrs. Grace Kirwan halt been on the sick list the past Veek, Mrs. William Fulton returned to her home here Wednesday after spending several days with relatives in Elgin. Mr: and Mrs. George Walton of Libertyville visited relatives ami Mends here Saturday. Miss Alice McGuire attended the Senior reception dance, given at the Grant Community High School Saturday evening.. Raymond Stefaisdoerfer was a Libertyville caller To--dty. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Kautenberg of Waukegan spent Wednesday here with the letter's brother; Jason Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Titus of Lib* ertyville were Friday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henkel. Mrs. J. Unruk and son of Inglaside called on Mrs. Anna Luak Thursday. Mrs. A. Barley of Libertyville called on her sister, Mrs. Raymonds Steinsdoerfer, Thursday. Mrs. Henry Stoffel and daughter, Marie were McHenry callers Friday. Mrs. Jacob Wagner is spending several days in Chicago with her daughter, Mrs. H. J. Martini. Mr. Jtud Mrs. E. Rossdeutcher ami 95 qo | family are now living in Chicago^ Mn and Mrs. George Miller, Jr., of | Gages Lake-are. the parents of a son, born April 10. » Community -Night was held at thf Vblp 'school Friday evening. The' meeting was called to order by our chairman, Arthur Dillion. Three reels of motion pictures were shown, which: were very interesting. The evening was spent in playing auction five hundred, euchre and airplane bunco. The next meeting will be at the Yolo school, Friday evening, May 21. Mr. and Mrs. Joaaph Passfield and T«14 Fflesef «f Tear* Aga rmmtr mis AGO 108.18 37.40 18.65 20.16 60.00 27.97 2.25 9.00 $5.68 100.00 .67 3.12 4^8 v 41.24 263.72 on the Elgin Iward of trade wM at 44 cants per pound last Saturday. McHenry business men and nam reeort proprietors are already wondering what effect the war will haw on the summer business. Any of our young men wishing to Join the navy should kindly rememberthat information may be had by applying at either of tbs two postofficea. William Schaefer ia, how carrying the mail between the depot and the McHenry postoffice. While no appointment has yet bean made, Mr. Scftaafer feds quite certain of landing the job. Spring plowing ia wall under way and the farmers in this locality are very anxious to get in their crops. THIRTY TEARS AGO The many friends of Miss Kate F. Howe will be pleased to learn that she has recently accepted a position of «. ia the etty of River Pdnst, BL The poeitian pay* her • *rmt deal better aak aky than aha has been receiving in the Maywood New awnings adorn the business houses of Jote Hefaner, Barbian Bros.* and Geo. R. Gilbert this week. - Math Fmiwl, the hustling young Psari s)i^|)|Mikp>Bith, took in or^rs for five sfa^e, rubber-tired ton buggiea last wade. While waiting out a vat at the Borden factory test Tuesday afternoon, Martin Conway had his side quite severely scalded by steam pouring out of a heaa be was handlilp FORTY TBARS AGO ] We are at last to have a telephone Una direct to Cbietlgo. It is to come by the way of Idea Zurich and Wauto McHenry, and then continue north, striking H«bron in the route. Attend the entertainment at Riverside hall, on Friday evening and thus put in your mite for the benefit of the school library. That McHenry has the best harness eker in the ooqnty, in the person of Gus Carlson, is evidenced by the large amount of work he is rocciving, being obliged to work night and day tor keep up with his carders. C. A. Douglas has moved his family from Chicago and now occupies -•Ik A. Howard kaa been pftinting and graining the interior of his market I we do not exagerate when we say has now the handsomest market in MeHenry county. Jacob Barbian had the misfortune t-j cut his foot quite severely while chopping wood oh fhe farm of Page Colby on Tuesday. Hon. Chas. H. Tryon, of Hebron^ u a caller MI Monday morning. He waa on his way to Terra Cotta where he will do some surveying and leveling for W. D. Gates. v. iinr Years Aco^fe - Ground has been broken for the new stove to be put up by Smith and r, near the depot, which we understand is to be occupied by P. D. Smith. 0. Bishop has just put a new safe in hisv warehouse that weighs < three thousand pounds. A lady in this village, who is an enthusiastic Democrat named 1»er canary bird Sam Tilden. He <Hd not sing much, but she loved him tenderly until she discovered that Sam Tilden had laid an egg. Now she declares that no dependence can be placed on politician. Forthe HOTTEST MUSIC Come To OaU. S 12 9 -- McHenry, E " DINE AKD DANCE EVERY ^ SATURDAY NIGHT ^ BOB PETERSON'S ORCHEBTRA GIRL SCOUTS At l^oftday's meeting we all gave Miss Fisher our stationery money and Mrs. J. P. Going's house, on the West ^ave Miss Ward our cookie money. At ia was a nice day and we had FIFTY YSAR8 AGO ^ Village election next Tuesday at Which time will he elected four Trustees and one village clerk. W. F. Stmor, the west side hardware dealer, has a new and tasty sign in front of hia store. nothing else special, we played baseball with Miss Fisher as umpire. Bonnie Page and Mary Simon chose sides with Boiwie's side winning in the end. . Next week we are planning to go on a long hike, taking our lunch with us. Marilyn M. and Genevieve F., Scribes. Dim HENNINOS DANCE BAY VIEW RESORT Fi«takw Bay KEBTAURAST OiiMtft Orchestra Evuy iUtttmaaj tn»biig:. vrts "THE FOUR LEAT OLOVEBS" German - American Kitchen Dr. C. Keller Mondays at my Driven OL Al IMs af M.niR On account of sickness. 1k Keller has been unable to be at his McHenry office for two months. Patients may call at his Chicago office, 3407 No, Paulina St., corner Lincoln, Paulina and Roscoe, one , block north of Wieboldt's big store en Iineoln Am Phone Graceland 9540. 75.00f 65.30 34.05 55.94 1.68 .50 Motion made by Aideriiian Ferwer- were WoodsWlf caUers We^es^ Hi, seconded by Alderman Justen, that „ __ _ the bills be paid as approved by the I Miss vinnie Bacon was a McHenry finance committee and an order drawn Saturday. on the treasury for the several1 The Volo Home Bureau unit met at amounts. Roll call on motion: Ayes, ^ home of Mrs. WiHiam Fipk Wed- Buss, < Ferwerda, Freund, Jnsten, nesd*y afternoon, with fourteen mem- Kreutzer, Overton; Nays, none, Mo-; and tw° y"'40™. ou* tion carried new home advisor, Miss Johnson. The Motion by Alderman Kreutxer, sec-'lesson wa" on /'SJip Coyers/1 whi^h ondri by Alderman Freund, that thei£as «iv„en by Mise Johnsqn. The Vol|f aapppplliiccaattiioonn ooff FFllooyvdd CCoolleemmaann , HHaarrnryr Home Bureau unit will meet next >| Fredricks and Herman J. Steffes for tavern licenses with bonds attached thereto, be accepted. Roll call on motion: Ayes, Buss, Ferwerda, Freund, Justen, Kreutxer, Overton; Nays, none. Motion carried. Motion by Alderman Ferwerda, seconded by Alderman Buas, that the motion by Alderman Kreutxer and seconded by Alderman Freuifd that the application of Harry Fredricks, Floyd Coleman and Herman J. Steffes for tavern licenses be now rescinded. Roll call on motion: Ayes, Buss, Ferwerda, Justen, Overton; Nays, none; Kreatser not voting. Motion carried. Motion made by Alderman Overton, the home of Mrs. Carl Fink. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Calhoun and son, Walter, of Half Day, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fairweather of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon at th^ Bacoa home. Mrs. William Waldmanh is on the Sick list at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser attended the card party and daisce at the Druce Lake school Saturday evening- ^ Mr. qpd Mrs. Herman Dunker and family visited the former's mothei Mrs. M. Dunker at Crystal Lake ^im* day. .' • • "* seconded by Alderman Ferwerda, that AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SAL* applications of Floyd Coleman, Harry Fredricks, Herman J. Steffes and Charles Hoppe for tavern licenses be accepted, provided that the bonds furnished by each, are approved by the license committee, upon investigation. Roll call on motion: Ayes, Buss, Fer- J us ten, Overton; Nays, ARY OF THE CITY CLERK THE CITY OF McHENRY. ' BE IT ORDAINED by tU Cit* Council of the City of McHenry: Section 1. That the salary of the city clerk shall be fixed at the sum' of Four Hundred Twenty ($420.00) Dollars per annum, payable quarterly, and that said sum of Four Hundred Twenty ($420,00) Dollars per annum, shall be in full for all services performed by the City Clerk. 2. AH THE MODERN 1937 now our 4-star plan brings carefree electric cooking within^ - T\,>, HOTPOINT DORCHESTER Top of white Main-resisting porcelain (4 #M|CA L High speed Calrod units. EX- | large, heavily insulated oven. Thrift " F cooket. Light on shelf with coadtmenc jars. Large storage drawer. Automatic Oven Heac Regulator HERe ARE THE 4 cti» e^ctric rangeTES!1' WW m 3 V£4lfs TO °®«WI --•JESSL TRAOe.M OW s t o v e ) * . • > NOHOUSE DICTATOR 15P by Alderman Firwerda. that ft Co., yearly audit of the City of MeHenry. Roll call Ayes, Buss, Ferwerda, Freund, Kreutzer, Overton; Nays, carried. by by Alderman Kreutzer, that the Roll call on motion; Ayes: Overton; John Dreyand daughv . „ • . •, -A. *' ' ^ See the stunning new electric ranges now 011 display at your Public Service Store! • , ' • When you cook with a new electric electric range will do a perfea cooking range, bakiijg and cooking are always uniform, ^Jways good. There's no guessfor automatic controls set the heat keep it constantly lining malr^c _ to constantly watch your oven. You can be away aifd your Automatic 0'h^' dejlcs if ?'so *tne en r »n<;es. i"c;- d:n£ *r<T •»-"p* in 'in j^ua' .. ••seO V'Sii t See these new elecoic ranges that bring you 6st, dean, easy electric cooking. There are many models, many sizes at a wide range of prices. Visit * your Public Service ^ store at once and get the facts on our spo» «gai 4-star plan. . ? SERVICE COMPANY OP NORTft4ERN lLUNOftS yjjS-: a

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