Ttavday, tta/6,1937 m McHBKT PLAIHfcfcALl* r/\ • • '• ^ " . "* ; . ^ Taul A. Scfawabe OPTOMETRIST A. E. NTB BUILDING /V-'^aS Tlmradny Afternoon West McHenry ' Bean, IJt-S:-- Plww 123-J £ ' *! *' S * #>•3 V'* :-i jjj (BOTH SIDES) With ourlmpro ved Process every bit ofdirt and grime is removed and the colors restored to their original brilliance and beauty. Oriental and Chinese Rug's are our specialties--we also clean Lace Onrtains andDraperiea pwfeotty- • ESTIMATES FURNISHED FREE • Domestic Rugs, 9*12 ' : '.v. ;. Oriental and Chinese Rugs Cleaned on Both Sides ^ Phone 104-M Delivery Service 1. Thoroughly clean cooling system. 2. Clean, adjust or replace spark plugs. .3. Clean distributor and adjust point* • 4. Check timing and adjust chain. 4 5. Check and set valve clearances, 6. Clean gas and air strainers. 7. Change to summer oil and grease^'-- Wm. M. ^Carroll, Attontt; Woodstock, Illinois T'"~ > NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL BSTATB VOLO Gages Lake Blake your summer driving pleasant, by tuning up your motor now. Here are seven things to do; CENTRAL GARAGE . - Full Line of Atlas and Goodyear Tires ; Electric and Acetylene Welding Phone 200-J Towing,. Johnsburg Paint Up-Clean Up! Painters' High Gloss Enamel _ Dries with a Hard High Gloss Finish - -- " " " C o v e r s w i t h O n e C o a t Reg. $3 value, spec., gal. $2.49 SLACK SCREEN ENAMEL 35^ per quart Painters' Flat White A Heavy Bodied Flat that can hi Stippled Reg. $2 value, spec.,' gal. $1.69 Pure Boiled Linseed Oil, gal. $1.08 Pare GIB Spirits Turpentine, pi. 72c Kleinhan's Bldg. Service Tel. McHenry 628-R-l ^Mile East of Bridge on Rt, 26 Mr. and Mra. John Rossdeutcher »nd son, Jackie,. of Chicago, spent several days here with the former's mother, Mrs. Louise %>ssdeutcher. Mrs. William Fulton spent Thurs- . . , day with her mother, Mrs. S. St John, By virtue of an order and decree of at Elgin. the County Court of McHenry County,! .. <*, .. Illinois, made on the petition of the! „ Waukegan undersigned Albert Rodig, Adminis-°IL ?r s,s er», Mrs. Arthur trstor, of the Estate of Prank Doyle, ^ue8^a3r" deceased, for leave to sell the Real _ • A. Vasey spent several days it Estate of said deceased, at the May I Fountain, Michigan, with relatives. Term, A. D. 1937, of laid Court, to-: Mrs. Ed. Bacon of Round Lake callwit: on the 5th day of May 1987, edon Miss Vinnie Bacon Thursday. ^ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Mrs. William Fulton was a caller at t>n Saturday, the 29th day of May Ottawa, I1L, Friday. next, between the hours of 10 o'clock! M„ Frank St (^0Tge #nd Mrg Jo. ... - ... . a ^ s«Pl» Wagner visited Mrs. Clyde afternoon of said day, to-wit: at the Wright, near McHenry, Friday. hour of 11:00 o clock A. M Daylight j Mrs Arthur Gransee of Gage Saying Time, at the East front door of the Court House In the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, the following desjeribed real estate belonging to the estate of Frank Doyle, deceased, to-wit: Fart of the North fraction of the fractional Southwest quarter of , fractional Section Number Eighteen (18), Township Fortyfive (45) North, of Ran^e Number Nine (9) East of the third Principal Meridian, lying west of the Fox River, described as follows, tdrWit: Beginning at a point where the Westerly bank of Fox River is intersected by the Rangeline' between Ranges Eight (8) and Nine (9) ; thence North on said Range-line to a point which, is 345.5 feet South from the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of Section Number Thirteen (13), in Township Number Forty-five (45) North, of Range Number Eight (8) East of the third Principal Meridian; thence South 57 degrees and 53 minutes East, 209 feet, more or less, to Fox River; thence in a Southwesterly direction along Fox River to the place of beginning and containing .81 of an acre of land*, more or less, situated in the Township of McHenry, in the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois: ALSO Lot Number One (1) of Niesen's Subdivision, said Subdivision being a part of the South fraction^ of the Northwest fractional quarter of Section Number Eighteen (18), in Township Number Forty-five (45) North of Range Number Nine (9) East of the third Principal Meridian, and also a part of the North fraction of the Southwest fractional quarter of said Section, Township and Range aforesaid, lying West of Fox River, the Plat of which said Niesen's Subdivision is filed for record in thek Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, in Book Five (5) of Plats, on page One (1), situated in the Township of McHenry, in the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois. spent Tuesday afternoon here Mrs. Raymond Steinsdoerfer. Mrs. Herbert Mkhelson of Waukegan visited friends here Wednesday. Mrs. Frank Henkel and daughters spent Thursday afternoon with Mra. Robert Delndlein at Wauconda, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gibbs and family of McHenry called at the home ofc'itr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner on ^Wednesday. Mrs. Herman Molidor, Libertyville, j visited Mrs. Martha Simmons at the | home of Mrs. Grace Kirwan Wednesday. | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and son jvisited the letter's mother, Mrs. Catherine Wagner at Slocum's Lake Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rossdeutcher and Ison of Chicago spent Thursday here t with the, letter's father, Jacob Wagner. j Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gibbs and 'family of McHeiiry moved into the 'Mrs. Catherine Frost home here last {Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brewer and fam- ! ily of near Round Lake, spent Monday | evening here with Mr. and Mrs. Frank HenkeL Mrs. Charles Miller and Miss Hilda JOeffling were Waukegan shoppers on ; Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Josejfti Lenzen called on Mrs. Jacob Miller in McHenry on Thursday. Mrs. Harry Hironimus and Mrs. Fred Casper were McHenry callers Thursday. George Etten of Chicago spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Etten. Mrs. Raymond Steinsdoerfer and sons were Waukegan callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Leary visited Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rossdeutcher in Chicago Saturday.. Mrs. Fred Casper called on Mrs; Grace Kirwan at the Elizabeth Condell hospital in Libertyville Friday afternoon. i Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passfield and ! sons visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles jDalvin in Wauconda Sunday. I One of our popular young ladies, | Miss Alice McGuire will be valedictorian of her Senior class at the Grant jrf> j.'-jf - ^ k. •F?f. ' < 'J*K ", { ' p * > v-" ... vvi; V; - ... to guard against costlg lubrication failures ... More than 23,000 Standard Oil Dealers are on the job a quarter of a million working hours every day to check your motor oil... to help prevent burned out bearings, scored cylinders and other costly engine troubles caused by lack oHubrication. It's easy to say, "My oil's okay," but it takes less'than sixty seconds to bewn... to let vour Standard Oil Dealer show you the "oil line" oa the gauge. This check-up on your oil is only one of the many motoring aids your Standard Oil Dealer1 offers, to make driving not only safer, but also pUasanttr and more economical for you. WMj 110,000 IN CASH PRIZES ) FOR HUGE "SERVICE SURVEY" CHICAGO -- Automobile drivers Of the Middle-West are invited by the Standard Oil Company (Indiana) to take part in a huge survey of the services now being rendered at gasoline stations. > To take part in the survey it is flfecessaftr only to drive to a Standard Oil Dealer's station and secure •ft entry card. Tour Standard Oil Dealer will give you full details of the "Survey," will validate your entry card and demonstrate "Standard Service" with at least three typical examples. Upon request he will assist you in preparation of your entry. A committee of three members composed of Prof. Lloyd D. Herrold, Northwestern University; George W. Barton. Safety Director. Chicago Motor Club; and Roger B. Stafford, Managing Editor, Super Service Station," Chicago, will act as judges in the selection of the most valuable reports. Motorists who submit the winning reports will receive cash awards amounting to $5,000, while Standard Oil Dealers who assist the winners will be awarded a like sum, making a grand total of $10,000 in prizes. All reports must be mailed before midnight of June 15, to be considered for the cash awards. Dont delay in getting your entry "" ~¥-s card now. i«? #'r' MORE TUN 33,000 STANDMD OIL DEALERS WITH A PERSONAL STAKE IN SERVING YOU Will be sold to the highest and best Community High School this year; bidder. Terms of Sale Cash. 20 fc on day of sale, balance on delivery of deed. ALBERT RODIG, Administrator. 6th., 1937." OLD TIMERS' OLUBMrs. Frank Hironimus attended a birthday party in her honor at the home of Mrs. Richard Cronin in McHenry Wednesday afternoon. James and Irwin Steinsdoerfer of McHenry . spent Saturday here with 50-3 j their sister, Mrs. Raymond Steinsdoerfer. Laurie Joe Rossdeutcher returned to his home in Chicago Thursday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rossdeutcher, after spending the past two weeks here with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lehzen. John Mbore, principal of the Grant Community High School visited the St. Peter's school here Wednesday to CHINS UP , McHenry, III., Apr. 18. Let's go back and review an old, old timer, who probably influenced our cppintry more than any man in our history. It might be said that his life 'began at 70, and it took all those ; strenuous years of his life to blossom invite the eighth grade pupils to atas almost does the century plant. tend "Open House" at the G. C. H. S. Years of life, years of study, years Saturday. Those that attended from of hopes, sorrow and joy it took to de- here were Marie Wagner, Margaret velop Benjamin Eranklin. He never, Wagner, Rosemary Wiser, Stanley became obsolete and at 72 negotiated Detrich, Earl Paddock, Donald Molithe treaty of alliance with France, dor and Herman Etten. At 76 he negotiated the treaty of) Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and peace with England, which won our (daughters visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernest independence, and at 81 organized: Rich at Rockford Monday. America's first anti-slavery society. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rushing of It was no easy matter for him to go Chicago spent the weekend here with PER GALLON! AND IT PUTS YOU IN TBE V'8 CLASS! WM:-' fi'W to France and England and come home after a strenuous diplomatic battle, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Waldmann •ad snuff with the 1m* in Misty and mod«m fMtam -ftcv yoall own with lots of pikto •m! dsfrro with lots of ploasuro! Owners say there has never been a car before Uke Ford's Thrifty "60." They report 22 to 27 miles per gallon of gasoline. An "ecootb* t asks mo rnpotogm fur laertfr %m» er e»mf$rt A Money-saver--with wmd»r •m wmik V-Spnfm'mmt*. This car is the iaane sine as the brilliant "8S" Ford V-t* Sane powerful brakes with "soft," eaaj^~. pedaL Same noise-proofed, all-steel stroanre^ SUM Center-Poise riding comfort Same bag bodies, with oncsade luggage compartment^ on all tedans. It's a car so fine and priced so low yon simply csm't picture it until yon sen and drive k! Come in and do this today. SEM YOUM FORD DEALER TODAY with those documents that meant,and family of Chicago spent Sunday everything to the colonists and to the. here with the former's parents, Mr. peopte of today. (and Mrs. William Waldmann. So you have here an example of a: Mrs. Frank Gould and daughter of man who was not an "old man" as is Libertyville visited Mrs. Arthur Kaismeasured by the yardstick of today, er Wednesday. We only get old as we allow ourselves Mr. and Mrs. Herman • Dunker an< to become beaten, to let ourselves J family spent Sunday with Mr. ani down, cease to exercise our brains and (Mrs. William Ritt at Algonquin. bodies. Put a perfectly healthy arm ft Now You Can Modernh*y 0r Repair Your Home mnH Miss the Money tJJnder the Wey«t«eu^Flnam» Plan, YOU can make tnm nceaca W1™* addtttow* or to your property and jay for the improvements in convenient ^monthly installment* arrange* Jo suit your income. No down Jwyment. Lowest interest rate i%?er made available for this typ* --'of financing. " ' i' •WE WILli ARRANGE details No red tape or bother. We Handle everything for you. Let us make • free estimate of your requirements and show you how easy it is to finance the project under this plan. Payments can be tt- •' tended for as long as 3 years. Mongoose, Snake Killer The mongoose is India's snake killer. It deslroys not only the eggs and young but kills venomous adult reptiles as well. However, the mongoose, if bitten, dies like any other animal. Its secret lies in agility and quickness of eye. First it gets the snake to strike, dodges swiftly and, before the reptile can recover, sinks its owil fangs into its opponent's neck. Well it can't be M-UEnry lumber r-n. IflCll Quality «d Servioe First x/V/o •Telephone 46 or leg in a cast for a year and it will not amount to much and so it is with the brain, which has to be constantly exercised to remain keen. This cannot be done by pinning in a groove, but by pursuing a more or less difficult idea to a conclusion, if any. Of course, the old idea prevails that the "more you know the more you suffer." That is as we allow it. You remember John Ralson and his wife, who lived on the Crystal Lake road ? Both were of the type who en- j buckle's" coffee ? joyed "old age." Our old timers, Mr. had. and Mrs. John Claxton, are carrying, Having alluded to Ben Franklin, on without a thought of senescence suppose we mention our Supreme and are keenly alive. They don't]Court justices. It is their duty to dance or skip the rope, but their opin-: interpret the Constitution as i written, ions are worth considering and they' not to pervert it. They do not always have a keen interest in life and world I agree, and that is why there are nine events. Mrs. Claxton keeps alert of them. If they always did agree* with worthwhile magazines and farm J only one would be sufficient. The conproblems, while smiling John looks at stitutional design, as written, was to his "mansions in the sky" through a'have the justices appointed because of fine home-made telescope and soothes J their' records for honesty, wisdom and his spirit with his violin. integrity, to act as a restraint upon! And then one of our younger folks designing politicians and upon easily is Mrs. George Schaid (nee Glosson),'influenced congressman and senators.' who was born over there by Lily Lake, i The years should mellow us and, if She i s f u l l y a l i v e a n d i s j u s t t h e k i n d ] w e w i l l i t , make o u r s e l v e s more t o l e r -i 'of a person one would select as a fine!ant and cheery. We are going to have! grandma. The other day she told me]an old timers' gathering in McHenry! she had fried down pork and made | this year and renew our youth. Make enough German sausages to cargo a' your plans of anticipation and when boat. Can you imagine a finer dinner than fried home-grown pork and fried potatoes, cut up with a tin can, and TBI QUALITT CAB IN TBI LOW-MICE riKLEt AT TBI LOWIST PBICI IN TIA1SI V- 0 infiiw •-- THE THB1FTY M60' 8afe all-steol-oa-steol body Centsr-Poiae fidot Mb bo* twoon the asfes |BS A MONTH, after usual down payment, bays any 19)7 Ford V4 car through Authorized Ford Finance Plans of Universal Credit Go. you wish to have it. Chins tip! As ever, WestMoBearj {home-made bread and a cup of "Ar- •<. FRANK BENNETT. P. S.--Subscribe for The Plaindealer. USED CARS At Low Prices Tour old car and as little as $5 a week buys many of the Used Cars offered by $s. K% ' ceptional values and wide selection became of the many makes of cars taken in trad* for the fast-selling New Ford V-8. Written Money-back Guarantee ^ nom Buss-Page Motor Sales *, - 4 v T^1 v ' --. ..-.Li,:-: v-y - * x ? >