THE M*HENftY PLAiNDfiALER crW Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111^, by jChprias F. RenidL Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, HI., onder Ike act of May 8, 1879. t a One Year Six Months S2.0* .U.A...I4LOO A. H. MCNSflERy Editor and Maii|e| Lillian Sayler, Local Editor -- -- -- Telephone 197 \ , ' •> &';P ."V ?<• h I i .'v How About a Museum? Old Timers and residents of McHenry who are interested in a museum for* this cjty are continuing to discuss possible plans for the foundation of such » project this summer and are hoping to gat more local people, as well as former residents, interested in suggesting plans and way and means of sponsoring the undertaking. While everyone agrees that a museum would be a- worthwhile addition to the several attractions of this vicinity, yet there are many important questions to be decided such as a proper room: or building to house the exhibit and a committee of citizens who would aa$ume the responsibility of the care of the many old and valuable keepsakes. At a meeting of the city council several months age, a committee of aldermen was appointed by the mayor to assist in plans for a museum and it would seem that if taken over by the city the museum would be assured of reliable sponsors, Who wcMild promote and safeguard its welfare. Another plan that has been advanced by promoters of the museum is that of combining it and the library under one head, making a combined institution that would need a building for its headquarters. The public library is growing rapidly in popularity and size and before very long, it will, no doubt, outgrow its present quarters, needing larger space to accomodate the increasing number of volumes.- - • During tha Centennial the number of antiques, old books, pictures and documents numbered more than 4,000 and made up a collection of great value and interest. 7 It is hoped that in the near future many of these interesting heirlooms may again be assembled into a permanent exhibit which will be a valuable asset to the people of McHenry, The Old Timers' Club will be glad to hear from local residents, former residents and anyone interested, expressing their views and suggestions concerning the museum. \ USE GOOD EGGS TO GET GOOD CHICKS Incubators Cannot Produce . Without Quality. 4 sw 8. State Colli Deantyne. Head North CllWito liege Poultry Department. WNU Service. " Some poultrymen are more optimistic than businesslike in their methods. This is especially true of those who assemble all kinds of eggs, good or bad; for hatching purposes. You can't get more out of your incubator than you put into it, and poultrymen are urged to be more careful in selecting eggs for hatching. Hatching eggs should come only from high quality, healthy, vigorous birds. They should be normal in shape, have well calcified shells, and weigh more than 23 ounces to the dozen. They should be gathered several times a day and stored in a warm place to avoid chilling, as eggs that have chilled too much will not produce good chicks. A temperature of 40 to 60 degrees is best. Hatching eggs should not be kept in storage for more than seven to ten days. The incubator should be carefully cleaned, disinfected, and tested before the eggs are placed inside. Likewise, the brooder and brooder house should be cleaned and tested before any chicks are put in to grow. The brooder should be started in'operation at least 24 hours before the arrival of the chicks, so as to give it time to become evenly warmed throughout. Destroy subnormal or cull chicks. Do not brood more than 300 chicks in one unit, and allow a square foot of floor space for every two chicks. Watch the temperature closely; overheating is worse than a slight chilling. SUNDAY, MAY 9, IS M0THXR8 DAY TRAVEL THE BEST Mt'i V-/ well-behaved gasoline ' - <1 today has to do more than inereiy turn over a motor. Modern engines, with their , tight-fitting parts, require a ^--gasoline that oils and deatu it drives. They need the topcylinder oil that is blended nto every gallon of Tydol asollne to protect pistons and valves from heat and friction. They need the special cleaning agent that Tydol ^Gasoline also contains to present carbon deposits from ruining high-compression engine performance. These extra services cost you nothing extra when you buy Tydol Gasoline. They make Tydol Gasoline the Big Gallon of Value . . . the most for your money. Try a tankful today. /- SWERIOR OIL COMPANY Radgefield, IB. -- Distributors HMM Woodstock 16SS-W-1 CARLSON, Tel. McHenry 255 fllp»crtar a S, McHewy. JMwrt S. 6L, McHenry. Barnard* Mill, Waader Lake. £fcaf*ian's Tavern, Ringwood. •ehefcTs Store, Grfawold Ufa. Mothers Day, which is observed annually on the second Sunday in May, occurs this year on May 9, and will be observed by special church services, parties and various tributes to Mothers of the tiatiqn. 1 The day, which originated only* a few years ajjjo, rabidly growing in popularity, 4Ad today gifts and flow> ers are given to the living mothers and tribute paid to the dead. • Every day is a busy one for mother. But in all fairnesa to mother, she ! should have her day*- | The boy haa a whole weak of his own. The dumb animals have another. The schools have ttjeir week and eyen the garbage caas aM task yards have a clean-up week. But mother just has a day! s But mother does,. have her day. Monday is' hCr wash day. Tuesday is her ironint day* Wednesday is her mending dmt, j^hppaday is her straighten^ip^ m iky. Friday is her cleaning d|B£^|gpr£gr is£ier baking Winter Season Adds Neton^ Burdens to Poultrymaii The winter management and feeding of poultry places an important burden on the shoulders of farmers, declares C. F. Parrish, extension poultryman at the North Carolina State college. It is during the winter months that baby chicks are hatched and started. The grower who pays careful attention to the selection of quality eggs for hatching and then feeds and manages the chicks properly is in a good position to make a substantial profit from his birds. However, the fanner who uses haphazard methods of selecting hatching eggs is likely to get a devitalized crop of pullets And cockerels. If possible, the poultryman should purchase his chicks from an accredited hatchery. Then the chance of having a poor quality flock will be minimized. HE'S SO i Mating Purebreds, Mongrels The practice of mating purebred cockerels with mongrel females is carried out in many instances, but is not recommended, says an authority at the North Carolina State college. The mongrel birds are already of questionable value and, while there may be an increase in egg production, better and more rapid results would take place if the mongrel females were replaced with purebred chicks. Where chicks are bought be sure that they come from an accredited hatch* ery andeggs from a blood tested flock. •;-T--i-- i- I ji ; v Poultry Notes Market eggs at least twice a week. FOE SALS FOR SALE--Early Yellow Dent Seed corn, 99 % germination. John Blake, Phone 6S6-J.2. 48-tf FOR SALB--26-ft boat, with Chrysler marine motor; buitt-6n top. Will sell very reasonable. Robert Work, Jr., Barrington, 111. Phone Barrington 818. 49-2 FOR SALE---Modern ^-room bungs - low; on paved street, with river privileges. Earie E. Monear, McHenry. *49-3 FOR SALES--Plowman's seed Jos. Blake, Telephone 611-J-l. corn. 49-2 FOR SALE--Evergreens of 60 different varieties, fruit, shade and ornamental trees, also shrubs, rose bushes and hedging plants; asparagus roots, . grape vine and raspberry bushes. Westmmn Evergreen Nursery, % .mile west of Woodstock, HL Tel. 232-R. v 49-2 FOR SALE--T*o lots on U. S. 12 with house and garage; within city limits. Good location. Inquire at Plaindealer office.; *50 FOR SALE--1924 Dodge Coupe. G. G. Reed, McHenry High Schol. *50 FOR SALE--Man's or boy's Ranger bicycle, 28-in wheel; new; Regular price, $50; Will sell for $30 for quick sale. Robert Martin, McHenry, Phone 100-J. 50 RESALE BARGAINS 1935 PONTIAC--6-cyl., 5 pass., sedan, all new U. S. Royal tires, hot water heater, completely "Good "Will" reconditioned. Absolute new car guarantee. Special at $495.00. 1934 PONTIAC--8-cyl., 5 pass., new tires, heater, finished in black Duco, with cream colored stripe. Perfect condition. Will guarantee. $425.00 1934 BUICK--Small 8 Sedan, with built-in trunk. Beautiful golden brown finish, with fenders to match; hot water heater; new tijes. De- Luxe equipment. NW • guarantee. $ 195.00. All Years and all Makes. Thirty ears to choose from. Stop, Look and Listen before you buy any ear. R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES Bulck and Pontiac Phone 6 , West McHenry - . \ f SELLING OUT -- Growing Nursery Stock at the Woodstock Nursery. Evergreens, shade and ornamental trees, shrubs, etc. Also Pioneer garden tractor and hard water softener at a bargain. 532 W. South Street, Woodstock, HI. ' 50 FOR, RENT--160 Acres Fine Pasture and Good Water. Hatch, opp. Fox Lake Golf Club. " -, 50 FARMS WANTED--We have a demand for Farms For Rent or Sale. EARL R. WALSH, Phone McHenry 43. 34-tf WANTED--Girl for general work. Bickler's McHenry House. 49-tf WANTED--Three boys to deliver papers, 14 yrs. old and over. Inquire of Rolland Ensign. Phone 71-J. 50 DEAD HOR8BS AND COWS Hogs and Sheep Removed MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. Phone Dundee 10 . Reverse Charges *84-23 TNI 3IG c4llO* IIIVESOILSCIEANS 1 Ape. HIT h» TM, «*ur iimliHI Ml C--»«•>. Byron Nelsbp, lanfar ex-railroad clerk fronrfTejiras, w& the national golf championship in the tournament at Atlanta, Ga. "N," Middle Initial to America "N" is probably more widely used than any other letter as a meaningless huddle initial in personal names. Many having it are World war veterans. Their enlistment papers, says Collier's Weekly, had a space for a middle name and, they had none, "None" was inserted. Afterward None was contracted to N. Mrs. Fred Ferwerda, Mr. and Mrs L. F. Newman and E. J. Buss visited the latter'* wife at Victory Memorial hospital, Waukeg&n, Friday. ........ . jJL £ ..v. Poultry on many farms are managed principally by women. • • • A common mistake made in heating laying houses is to provide too much heat. • , • • Artificial light in the poultry house is important to prevent a molt in early-hatched pullets. • • • Chicken mesh wire should be placed over the dropping boards so that the hens cannot walk on them. • • • Poultrymen say hens cannot maintain a high egg production dur ing winter months unless they are properly managed. * * * The poultry population of Massachusetts increased 30.7 pier cent between 1930 and 1935. Six million chickens are now raised annually in the state and two and a hail millions are kept for layers. • • • __ Litter from poultry pens has about four times the fertility strength as ordinary barnyard manure. * • * No feed should be fed except in hoppers or troughs, and waste from milk and water containers should be reduced to a minimum. • • • Records kept for five years on Ohio poultry flocks show that the money received for eggs makes up 87.8 per cent of all income from the flock. ^ CHIEF RANGER ENTERTAINS Mrs. Frank Blake, Chief Ranger of St. Clara's Court, No. 594, W. C. O. F entertained her officers and past Chief Rangers of the court Thursday even ing at her home east of McHenry. Cards furnished entertainment for the guests, with prizes in bridge awarded to Mrs. Helen Weber and Mrs. Barbara Weber, and in five hun dred to Mrs. Lillian Stoffel and Mrs Margaret Schmitt Twenty-three guests were present to enjoy the evening, at the close of which refreshments were served. GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reaaonable rates. Regular year round route formerly George Meyers'. Ben J Smith. Phone 157 or 631-M-l. 2-tf FOR RENT WAKTXD BQSOSLLAKEOV8 $2.09 C for $2.M NO REASON FOR UNSIGHTLY FLOORS--Worn places, spots, dirt, paint, varnish, everything unsightly removed. Work guaranteed. Reasonable prices. Estimates given. Also resurfacing office desks, tables, bars. HENNING NEWMAN, Floor Sanding Contractor, 434 Seminary Ave., Woodstock, 111. Phone 786-M. 41-6mo HERB GARDEN PROVIDES A SUPPLY OF NICE ODORS.-- Here are a few beauty hints for milady from the herb garden: Steep lehves of sweet basil and burnet in boiling water to make a cooling face wash. Make a refreshing pillow for the family invalid by sewing a small pad of dried everlasting flowers, scented with a big handful of potpourri, dried lavender and rose geranium leaves. Use rinses of camomile flowers, the same from which Peter Rabbit concocted a tea, to soften the hair after a shampoo. Dried southernwood or "Lad's Love" placed in a closet will not only keep moths away, but impart a pleasant scent to the garments. Sprigs of rosemary in the bride's bouquet signify never failing happiness. And it must be remembered that rose vinegar, a favorite lotion of colonial days,' may be made by pouring pure vinegar over a jar of dried rose petals. Clean linen Wrung out in this refreshing liquid is given by come as a certain cure to aching heads.--Washington Post. How Lightning Rods Must Be Arranged for Service Putting up a modern lightning rod system is neither expensive or difficult. In general, six points are to be observed, and, according to an authority in the Boston Blobe> are as follows: ~ First, the rods must be either of copper or well galvanized iron. Second, they must be heavy, large enough to carry lightning away harmlessly. Third, they must end .in sharp, noncorrosive points at the two ends of the roof and about the chimney or steeple. Fourth, they must be a complete unit with mechanicallly and electrically tight joints. Fifth, they must completely cover the building. Sixth, they must be well and frequently grounded--that is, at least four corners of the system must be carried down into the earth in such a way that the ends of the rods or wires will be permanently connected with wet ground no matter how dry the season; a single connection to a water pipe is not good enough. How Radio Beam Aids Pilot It is a series of signals sent from an airport which aids in keeping the pilot on his course. Wearing earphones, the pilot listens to the signals, which are the two code letters A (dot dash) and N (dash dot). If the pilot is a little off his course to one side the A signal will predominate in signal strength. If he is a little off to the other, he will hear the N signal more distinctly. If he is exactly on his course the signals will merge into one long dash. Therefore, without even glancing at the beacon light ahead, or if poor visibility obstructs it altogether, he may follow a direct course by flying his Ipftane so that at all times the long dkh predominates in his eerphoneft ^. Hew Moi ey Is Upside Down The backs of money are printed first. It occasionally happens that before the faces are printed a sheet of backs becomes reversed and so the faces are printed in the wrong direction. If detected by examiners such notes are destroyed as imperfect. If not detected the notes reach circulation with the faces reversed. It is a matter of no importance as to the value of the note and. merely illustrates the fiict that notwithstanding the expertness of the printers and the diligence of the examiners, such notes occasionally are passed. How to Select WaUpaper In choosing wallpaper it is~wis# to consider the effect produced in large areas. Little spoU of color may look attractive on the sample sheet, but on a wall they take on 'tremendous importance. Many a room has been spoiled by a mistaken idea about the propex scale of the design in the room. It is always a good idea to hang two or three strips together before the final decision is made, to ascertain as closely as possible the all-over effect. HAVE YOU ANY SEWING MACHINE TROUBLES? , We can Repair your machine, regardless of make or age. Prices reasonable. POPP*S SHOE STORE, West McHenry. Tel. 162. Expert Shoe Repairihg. 44-tf See FRANK BENNETT at the Northwestern Hotel, West McHenry, for those EXCEPTIONAL MASSAGE TREATMENTS. All office treatments, $1.00. Phone McHenry 23. 46-tf JOHNS MANSVILLE ROCK WOOL INSULATION makes new and old homes 15 to 18 degrees cooler in summer and saves 16 to 50 per cent in fuel bill. It's also a sound deadener and fireproof. Get estimates and literature from Severin.H. Hansen, 1118 Poplar St, Waukegan. Phone Majestic 1182. *60-3 Christ of the Andes Although there is no trace of the inscription on the monument known ®s the Christ of the Andes, says a writer in the Philadelphia Inquirer, there is a tradition that the following inscription was originally carved in the stone: "Sooner shall these mountains crumble to dust than Argentines and Chileans break the peace which at the feet, of Christ the Redeemer they have sworn to maintain." The statue was erected oi^ the boundary line between Chile and Argentina, in Upsallata Pass, to commemorate the peaceful settlement of a boundary dispute in 1902. The dedication ceremonies took place March 13, 1904. How Santa Anna Diec Santa Anna, Mexican revolutionist, dictator, president and soldier, died in Mexico, "poor, broken and blind," two years after he returned from exile in 1876. He was then eighty^one years old and for more than Half his lifetime had been regarded by a large section of his countrymen as their great national leader. Bow Transplanting Aids Trees Transplanting young evergreens does not do them any harm if it is properly done. In fact, some authorities state that evergreens that have been transplanted several times are most likely to thrive because the successive plantings stimulate the growth of small roots; Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Jastoe wer? in Chicago Monday. • ' How Trotsky Got Name Leon Trotzky was Leon Bronstein until, escaping from Siberian exile, he wrote into a blank passport the name of Trotzky, which had been the name of his warder at Odessa and which name was to cling to him for the rest of his life. _ ley Beaa VeryOli Department of Agriculture offldais say the soy bean Is shown by ancient Chinese literature to have been cultivated extensively as food tor centuries before wjftfea * Adopting flag as Emblem ' The flag was adopted as the national emblem by Congress (Continental) June 14, J777. Of a certain reformer, it hasten beautifully said: "He regarded little children as little guests in the world, to be welcomed with gentle courtesy and tenderness, to be offered knowledge love. charmed witoimg and flowers, so that they mitfit be glad and proud to have come into a world which gives them happiness and only fefcs of them goodness." ft ' / v - - 1 ' • •• ;:7 ^ RESTAURANT Corner Elm and Green Street* V HcHenry, niinob v r ' • O i i r w * A k l • : > Mother's Day Specials Don't allow Mother to oook dinner Sunday. Bring her and the family ^ Enjoy a complete 'v Dinner or tasty Luncheon. Main Dining Room Open Open IX a. m. - to -10:30 p. m. - . • • •*- * > ' ~i;L ;V ; T " 'V - - - < fVWWWW^#i PINK HARRISON'S THE PLAYGROUND OP PISTAKEE BAY^~- Saturday Special Fried Chicken Plate Lurches 50c SANDWICHES GOOD DRINKS r ^ WONDERFUL MUSIC "Dancing Every Saturday Evening Throughout the Season MUSIC BY BARBARA HORICK'S ORCHESTRA Saidiy Dinners 7S aid 85c Boats for Fishing Announcing the Opening of Bridge Tavern an East of River Bridge, McHenry SATURDAY, MAY ,8 Under New Management ^ ^ART SEXTON'S 10-PIECE BAND Fried Half Spring Chicken, Saturday Nights ^ Rt.An.lf a.nrl fihiftlrftii Tlintiflra No Cover Charge W. L. SCOTT, Prop. 50c Prepare For Onr Jubilee QRAND OPENING Saturday and Sunday Evenings, May 15 and 16 RECEIVE MERRYMAKERS FREE DANCING HBNNING'S FI8TAKZK BAT RBBTAURAIfT Chicago Orchestra -- "THE FOUR LEAF CLOVERS" German-American Kitcheb-vDld Heidelberg Rathskeller Mother's Day is Sunday, May 9. Remember her with flowers. McHenry Floral Co., West McHenry. 49-2 QUARTERLY CONFERENCE > Dr. A, T. Stephenson of Chicago, superintendent of the Chicago Northern district of the Methodist conference, presided at the fourth quarterly conference at the M. E. parsonage on Tuesday evening. Reports were wad and appointment of stewards, vtroatees and committees was made. Announcing the Opening of the Old Towne in the Engdn Building oil ~ Riverside Drh%| McHenry ^ FLOYD C0LMA9, ' f --•:We invite the publie to come in and inspect this new modern tavern and see one of the most beautiful bars in Northern Illinois. The word, "modern," is the most fitting way to describe our place. It must be seen to realise what we have to offer. ^ Watch for the date ofW GRAND OPENING OVER Op THE D for real service. . A & ' \ ..^i£".J,* '\24tr...»..vAaik I