KWsJsjAI ' ' ' ra%»w*#5aR»i • ' * » • ? - Ihndttr.^rli. #Mewri. ^ ^'?; A W„\'l ff Wffff f •*• v?#r$ • ** » ' :4 - ^ i > ^•.'%'W >"'"f 5>T J?.*"*'""*' ipyat <•'•• < ., i .v 1 *' < ' «'> ir'i •,' >J" ***. * * - .* * ^'" *v. jr i ctes 1 ENTERTAINS CARD CLUB \ Mrs. Charles Mertes entertained the |jiiembers of her card club Thursday livening. The prize for high honors Went to Mrs. Howard Wattles, while •Ihe consolation went to Mrs. Ben Mil- *r. AUXILIARY MEETING TONIGHT '•';; Members of McHenry unit of the Region Auxiliary will entertain the district director, Mrs. Marian Thompson, of Dundee, her secretary and her fpotiher, Mrs. Eva Springer, at their Meeting this Thursday evening. " i / HONORS SON In honor of her little son, Jerry, who made his first Communion Sunday, Mrs. Lawptfpn' entertained relatives at a family d&iner. Guests were Mrs. Krause of Woodstock, Mrs. Anna Howard and von, Donald, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Freund, Mat Weber, Joe and Laura Weber. . she has * *v ^ t-'.f and since that ttml has telt of this vicinity, watched the chanfN and menta of the country. Mrs. Bassett, who is in good health, attended church Sunday, Mother's Qay, and is able to walk about and enjoy life. She received gifts and congratulations of her friends. • * * , EMERALD BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Albert Kranse was hostess to members of the Emerald Bridge club at her home Thursday afternoon. Prizes in cards were awarded to Mrs. John Stilling, Mrs. Albert FHiryey and Mrs. J. W. Rothermel. ATTEND BRIDGE LUNCHEON Mrs. J. A. Craver, Mrs. Ben Diets, Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin, Mrs. Henry Vogel, Mrs. Howard Wattles, Mrs. Kane and Mrs. George Johnson werecan Legion Auxiliary was held MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER On Wednesday Evening of last week Mrs. B. H. FreUnd Slid Miss Marguerit. Ki„,.U Mm M . mis- c,lnt<>n M,r« Mn> H „ Stephenson, eell.neous shower. c^Um^tmgKw., Mn waUmmMr,.F ThomM ENTERTAINS GIRL SCOUTS Delma Freund, who is one of the llirl Scouts of the High School troop, ihtertained members of the troop and their leader, Miss Ward, at a party in the home of her sister, Mrs. M. p i l f c h o e n h o l t * , M o n d a y e v e n i n g . £ . ,, Cards and other games served as " v.; amusement for all present after,itcw*. ^ i , . .. . V1 . .. ^i^tNeh-;l«nch'was served. * * • • V •• H at the 8m»U * * • . 'xtommm MRtHDAt £ -?-> BENEFfT DANCl! v Mrs. Jenrii*Baswtt celebrate! her "?""2er y®*"1** y f;v- V '• The Holy Name Society of SI eighty-sixth fcfchflay on Monday, May i Cronin dress shop ana the BoW- . Mary's Parish will sponsor a dance to, 10, and the day proved to be a happy]m,J? ,ros' ®*'oe store. . •-* he given at Nell's Pavilian, Johns-1 one for her. V > I Dunnf ?e 8tVl* ShoW * thr?t burg, Wednesday evening, May 19, j A featare of the dby was a pleasant course luncheon was served, with for the benefit of the new St Msry's [ ride thrbugh the country where Mrs. _ school. Tickets will" be on sale at 25 Bassett formerly lived and where the cents per person at the following familiar farm places brought back Lois Bacon, who will become a On Saturday. The party wa*. home, where two dred were in prizes merited by Lois Bacon, Jufi lEliner Huemann L. and Gwendolyn Owi0sva. I Others presWt Were Mrs. A. J., . , . Wirtz, Mrs. Thomas and Bea- sP*fiaI Pn" tric.e Weber ' j Over one hundred guests were seat- Gtandltlnip-Mrs. \^ce*Kev«bt--Miss Genevieve Knox. Pfophetes*t_Mrs. Helen Miller. Lecturer--Mrs. Anne SeisMf, «( Grayslake. ^ Monitor--Mrs. Marie Vales. Historian--Mrs. Ella Buss. Treasurer---Miss Marian Wegener. Financial Secretary--Mrs. 'Conway. Organist--Miss Lena Stolfel. : Sentinel--Mrs. Eleanor Miller: Installation of officers will take place at 8 p. m., May 20, at K. C. hall,; with Mrs. McGill of Belvidere, dis trict deputy, as installing officer. Mrs. Vera Purvey and her commit tee will be in charge of arrangements' for the social hour following the in-«i stallation ceremonies. COUNTY COUNCIL MEETS The monthly meeting of the McHenry Comity Council of the Ameri- Twin Bribes Arrive at Same ftwtlmt . k . I among those who attended the, bridge * . linii* j luncheon given by Woodstock chapter, M Of nve nun-i0 £ s., Thursday. Mrs. William Spencer brought home the first prize in auction bridge ahd Mrs. Thomas Kane brought , home a Woodstock Friday evening, with Julia Feffer of Crystal Lake presiding. Several announcements were made, including that of the next county; council meeting, which will be held at] Huntley, June 4, and the Fidac lunch-^ eon at Aurora on Saturday, May 15. The Legion dance at Crystal Lake was announced for May IS. Reports were given by county chair men and various discussions followed. Among -those who gave reports were Edith Shinper, Algonquin, rehabilita- 1Q | a -> 41.. course tuncneon wu servea, wivn i tion; Myrtle Goodwin, Ciystal Lake, M,y 19" centered with bowl. of .pring «n.neei Ann Rupp. Fox River Grove, places: Green Street Tavern, P. M. Justen's, Bolger's Drug Store, Barmany old memories Mrs. Bassett canpe to McHenry with *an Bros., Smith Bros., Art Smith's!her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Erasmus fmd Bickler's McHenry House. | Earl, in 1868, from New York state, Napkins, doilies and fanshaped tally card favors were carried out in pastel shades. MOTHER'S DAY BANQUET Members of Court Joyce Kilmer, Catholic Daughters of America, with by-laws; Harriet Judas, Algonquin, poppy; Celia Kuppe, Woodstock, gold star chairman; Earsel Nevin, Woodstock, child welfare. Wanda Todd, district alternate, was escorted and introduced as guest of honor to which she responed with a GUM-DIPPED TIRES FREE TUBE wi& every Firestone Tire. If customer has a good tube placed in new will give * 2-gaL can of oil instead of free tube. ifV * I their mothers and guests enjoyed the few well chosen remarks. t annual Mother's Day bahquet Mon- | Other guests present were Thelma day evening which took place at Ferguson, Elgin, Kane county presi- Bickler's hotel. jdent, and Frances King, Will county 1 Sixty-seven covers were laid at the president, who also gave talks, banquet tables, attractive in their dec-j Memorial services were conducted orations of spring blossoms, where a by Harriet Judas, who served0 as delicious three-course dinner was serv- chaplain, Grace Scully, social soloist, ed. The mothers and guests received and Lillian Bolander, pianist. It was announced that the district shoulder bouquets fit sweet peas and;would furnish the program at the Elthe Grand Regent, Mrs. Elizabeth gin Veterans hospital on May 31. Schoewer, was presented with a lovely corsage of tea roses, sweet peas and jonquils. Mrs. Schoewer acted as toastmis- -- 6.70 7,20 8.00 8.75 9f75 tress and announced the numbers on trict director, Wanda Todd, Richmond; the program and introduced the offi-| District treasurer, Dorothy Niederl, cers-elect, who will be installed on Elgin; Chaplain, Margaret Kent, of May 20. '^""V jLockport;, Alta The boys' sextette from the high; Schmeiding, Plainfield; Assistant Serschool, directed by Miss O'Gara, fur- [ geant-at-arms, Florence Hageman, St nished entertainment with several yo- i Charles and Griacey Scully, Algonquin, cal selections. Election of district officers will take Following the banquet cards were place " at the district convention at enjoyed, with prizes awarded in Lockport in June. bridge, five hundred and bunco. C. D. OF A. ELECT OFFICERS Election of officers featured the meeting of the Catholic Daughters of tl America held at K. C. hall Thursday evening when practically a new slate of officers was elected, only a few of the former officers retaining their customary positions. I Following the meeting a social hour enjoyed. Officers were elected as follows: 4.50x21 4.75x19 5.00x19 5.25x18 5.00x17 6.00x16 Other Sues Priced Proportionately Good Use4 Tires In All SixM Tim, Batteries, Battery Chaining, Tire VnlctufrfcJ, Itc. Phone 294 West McHenry, HL EMH/R/Ng ECONOMYf nfCTRic jtfMGttWW* ^•.onCURW^1 l 3ToVVonOPK«P» A u t o m a t i c THRIFT UNIT S'-aU'd in Stee! 1 r a , m o d p 15 W P* The onlycold-msking and forctd-fttd lubrication. These •ital exclusive .G*E features nm«n Morm Cold with Let* Current BMort Yean of Service Quieter Operation Mir reeny rsMali. hwyrf. eff caavtaieaca. N«w G-E Prices Now you eta pave the refrigerator start at you're always wanted. A G-I that always cost Mat to owt, now costs less than ever to boy.Yoa save three wajs-. on price, on operating cost, on upkeep! Choose a G-E and years from now you'll still be mighty glad you did. Mora lea Cubes • Mora "Cold" Capacity • (Mm* Usable Space • Mora Conveniences • At Lass Caetl 1 Phone 251 Green Street W l > Abut 85 members were present from various units of the county. The following district officers were endorsed by the county council: Dis- Those from McHenry who attended the meeting were: Mrs. Lester Bacon, Mrs. Charles Mertes, Mrs. Anna Howard, Inez Bacon, Mrs. Howard Watand Mrs. H. M. Stephenson., LADIES? AID SOCIETY Hie Ladies' Aid Society will meet next Thursday afternoon, May 20, at the home of Mrs. Clarence Douglas. Members and friends are urged to attend and invite others. A pleasant afternoon is being planned. * * * MISCELLANEOUS SHOWIS • Miss Lois Bacon of Chicago, who will be a Saturday's bride, was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower given by Gwendolyn Overton and Mrs. A. J. Wirtz at the former's home on Tuesday evening. Cards were played and prizes in bridge were merited by Miss Lois Bacon and Mrs. Elmer Huemann, while the consolation went to Mrs. Adrian Thomas. Lunch was served at a tabic; decorated in pink and white with pink tapers and a centerpiece of a miniature bride in white. Guests were t Marguerite Kinsala, Mrs. Elmer Huemann, Mrs. B. H. Freund, Mrs. Homer Fitzgerald, Mrs. Robert Ulrich, Oak Park, Mrs. Adrian Thomas, River Forest, Adelyn Vogt, Geneva, and Lois Bacon. * * • EASTERN STAR > Mothers were guests of honor at the meeting of McHenry chapter, O. E. S., Monday evening, with nineteen of them present to be escorted and introduced. Following their introduction the Misses Elsie and Frances Vycital sang "Mother" and after they were seated they sang, "Little Old Lady." Each mother was presented with a plant A social hour and cards followed the meeting and lunch was served. Line officers of the chapter plan to attend a meeting of the Northern Illinois Bertha Eagle club at Grayslake on Sunday, when the grand officers will be present. The worthy matron, Mrs. Henry Vogel, will act as associate conductress at Algonquin on May 22, the Misses Elsie and Frances Vycital have accepted invitations to hold offices at; Hebron chapter on Friends Night,; June 4, Miss Ethel Jones announced the following dates when she will act as treasurer at Mayflower chapter, Wauconda, 'May 26, Ruth at Nunda chapter, Crystal Lake, June 7 and Martha at Algonquin chapter June 1? and C. W. Goodell will serve as associate patron at-Woodstock chapter! May 21, and treasurer at Nunda chapter, Crystal Lake, June 7. The chapter will sponsor a Prairie" Farmer WLS home talent show at the high school auditorium on July 22, 2$ : and 24, and are already making plans zor the event. All talent is invited to participate. The most unusual birth within the memory of Los Angeles physicians occurred in Doctor's hospital, Los Angeles, Calif,, when Mrs. Mildred Reubin bore identical (wins described by attending physicians as "interloculary twins." It is said such a delivery^occurred only about once in 50,000 cases of childbirth. Photograph shows Nurse Florence Jones holding the twin girls weighing 6 and 614 pounds, respectively, who were born at the same instant. WEDDING OUTFIT Little cut-out flowers flutter over the black net yoke and sleeves of this summer garden printed frock, worn by a lovely model. The dress may be used for < informal summer weddings, aince nothing is more charming, this season, than a cool gay printed frock, to give the impression of freshly cut flowers. An undulating brimmed straw ^at completes the attire. Flaiadealer Want Ads bring results Among the Skk Mrs. Joe Frett has recovered, after having her tonsils removed at St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan, a short time ago. James Hughes, Sr., is quite, ill at his home on Fox river. E. E. Bassett is recovering from his illness of the last of the week. Mrs. Delia Matthews is at St. Therese's hospital, where she underwent an operation last week. Friends will regret to learn of the critical illness of Mrs. Abbie Martin, who has been in St. Vincent's hospital, Jacksonville, Fla., for the past three weeks, receiving teatment for uremic poisoning. During this time bpr condition has grown more serious despite two blood transfusions, which she received. IJer son, Clinton Martin, left Sunday night for Jacksonville to be with her. Frank Martin, son of Mr J and Mrs. Clinton Martin, who has been very ill with scarlet fever, was able to resume his school duties Monday. Joe Weber is confined to the house since his return from St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, Saturday, recovering from an injury to his eye received -while doing carpenter work. While driving a nail into hard wood it flew back and hit him in the eye, injuring the pupil. Fred Nickels had the misfortune to crush the fingers on both hands Toesday while at work at Terra Cottal Subeeriba tor The Plalndealer. wi£a the ftffifng of monkeys is blddett in H* colonies of Fn a unique th«m. When a he in sewed in f redflannel suit, covered with bella, and than turned looee. In %. minote or tWo, says Collier's Weelfly, he is home and, in another ute or two, his tn»p, en by his appearance and are on the other side of the tain. \ Father of Bogllsh Caedmon, the tether of •ong, was the first Anglo-Saxon composed in his own works that are extant. Born early Seventh century, he waa' nally a cowherd-attached to. monastery of Whitby* According legend, he was commanded in dream to sing the beginning of era*; abed things. He. accordingly. duccd metrical paraphrases of esis and other parts of the Biblst He died about 380. G*1* Diseevery Hte <Md was first discovered in ttift Black Hills region of South Dafcot* July 27, 1874, at the site of the tow* o! Custer Elevation of Land in Ohio • ie average elevation of land % Ohio is 565 feet above sea level and . ? a;/. "4"$ 200 feet above Lake Erie. ONE MAN TOLD ANOTHER QukimiMPe RIESHOl FORMEI OO 5 ..and it didn't take long far the good news about the New Freeman Shoes to get aropnd. No manufacturer could do more to give men their foil money's worth, than Freeman. Hers mMk J»rM« *• Mttiimm* WHAT TOO SAT eon - T; h*-<: •B •taints this bollwedkor Baaek and fallow will know who'a load m ymr noek of the wooda! road wit oar Mil You'ro boas of dx to the great valve-m-head •bleat engine ol its soe anywhere ia the world. It's soft of vosee but it packs authority--thsre isn't tp: . tooling when it has work to dot - ^ Yon can't bvt k-ifs built rugged and stout as Buiok always has been-but stifl we say, handle with care! For so instant* quiek is its lift to your toe-touch* so quietly easy will it outwing the birds* diet you a«Wr have to force it to your distance safely with time to You're the envy of all eyes, garbed a Buick's princely style -- handling ready controls is the softest job in whole wide world. You stream down the straightaway -- soar over the tallest hills - you sweep •round the corners and curves erect ee a dowager making her entrance -- why even die back seat's chatter proofr ao towmracisMr ON A MUCK Thia year aay B«nek--and whatever you say on the open rood will go with the whole parade. Its purchass ia aa eaaily managed as its fas^bar-li^it controls -- for today fVifrlr is 4gura in history. Your cue no# b to see us. Do that without delay and youll hold the oenter of the stage aOsuni 1 CARD OF THANKS # We Wish to thank relatives, neighs; bors and friends for beautiful floral offerings and expressions of sympathy taring our recent bereavements. BREFELD BROTHERS. ^ Acid Aids Cotton Caap sulphuric acid, used to delint cotton seed, makes the ased plant -easier, germinate quicker Mid pie* duce stronger plants. r mr