v,W, •"&,' ^ «-+T"^T'c ' u-""llJ ; > *•',? 'yn '7 ', V _]*/ Vv e i-'.-jf \r wV':, i* .<\ \** - ,**v *$• ^*v. ; •:?*'- . *" V .. .. *-L__ '; '•». T,"^ ir f i r , * ^i >wr* *.y*rn * ** T. •;H*"w wpq y f ;a" r ^"' ,'„ -•^-~---L^.--^.!-- j /- *>'/ >?:&t • ?*,"* ^*7T9*'i^r,y n'^" < - J J,;*?;""4, r, - -5 ,>' . .:;\ .V' 1' • / ""A ^ • f V-y.iW ' -tH> T <*v?t " * * n" f * * » . v-* ^r- o* * ,- '* r ; ^ 1 " ?' yV-,'.'.r" •::' >«?*; •••« m KoOtOtT HillDlUB Thursday, June 17,1937 ^ ':{la :•* S&* OLD TIMERS' OLUS " |A«OUT tt)WN WITH . '^yx _ ^ THE OjPD TIMER •"$-»Vv The other day, I>ave Payne hailed ^ HUS and we drove over to see Nick Bar f • ^bian. Nick is a real fellow, unsoured % V< V. v *n<l distressingly healthy. He atitributes his happiness to a very good |,.r:.,,.r.Vt^f-»l-wife and clear Havana filler. One .'•<i ^ ^ could talk to him for a week and be _V_ „ , - thoroughly convinced that everybody ,.V^i is all right. • ••.'•••, ;V ••;>.•*T :" get the wreck tuned up. His %mile would be worth while, even if the car was beyond repair. Mighty nice ^ to meet a fellow who sees something good in everything and Jie can make it better. ^ ' ; :" Speaking #"our Ehw ^«e , .f-'lis a fellow who is as restless as a -;istray cat. ije is either coming of go- ,ing and ready to go anywhere apt j#st ;v; \t"'f f , ' fs, "» • Q'-^' 'try to take away his cane. ikfet> */ f#;v J*li * We had to call on Nick Adams to Pete Nei«s fs one of those fellows that can take it; on the chin and come back fighting and he never says quit. Pat Cleary looks, acts and" feels ab<mt as good as .be did before the Spanish War, and has a heap of good stuff stored way in his head and body. Lieutenant Charley Stratton finds a moment's time now and then to greet his many McHenrjr friends. If ftU police were of his calibre, mothers could never scare their children, by mentioning the cop?. Anyway that is ' • ; ' "BfjJ^* i ' V 1, f 1 ' i. V A fe' new telephone directorY goes to press soonl YOUR NAME SHOULD BE IN fT THE next Local Telephone Directory goes to press eoon. Have your telephone service installed at oncei so that your name, address and telephone number will appear in this new directory. The first place yonr friends or business associates will go to get in touch with4you is to this telephone directory. In McHenr^ call 9981 or stop at Green Street t\ „ ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY something that itever should be detie. Wednesday of last week, saw the, chimneys pouring, out' smoke. The temperature went beiow 60 degrees and we took our tea per cent woolens out of storage. ~ " ^ Bill Althoff's dog is either very wise or very dumb. We are making a study of hip and may £iv«ef our decision later. '::: - T)elia Beckwith's dog still has fleas. Last fall she soaked hirri in kerosene. This spring she boiled him and then fried him. Now the fleas are fattening on some kind of flea powder and the dog. Earl Walsh's column is' about the best thing that we have seen in the Plaindealer, except an ad that quotes pickled pork at a down price. Our corncob pipe is-now wrapped in cellophane waiting for the truck to come knd transport it to our prospective museum of antiques. Prof. Nye's Stetson is also ready for the ride. Dave Payne says that if they come after his cane, he has to go with it Pete SchaefFer says that tin'average eight bums a day ask him for a chunk of that fine Polish<=Sausage and wonders Who started the hungry carav$ n his way. .Wheii We see a fine flock teeth atnong the old timers, they credit'Dr. Chamberlin with having made them. Seems McHeriry has everything to make us happy, ^Riverside. Drive is jd) aglow with new paiijt and awning*. Matt Laures says he has an old time picture of his dad's blacksmith shop. We would like to see it. The Braddock'-Louis fight will he on iifcxt Tuesday-. We are unable to pick the Winner in advance until Earl Walsh expresses ^limself, and then it W|U1 be easy. i , \ •When we hear of people bragging about their family background, it makes us think of some dahlia bulbs that we set out around the house. The flowers were beautiful, but in a few seasons, they ceased to bloom, although the foliage was still lovely. Our Annual Home-coming is rapidly approaching. Don't fail to come and renew your youth. FRANK BENNETT. as *1 dbtyrn will your old water storage tank into a MODERN i§g;- Conversion unit brings \ hot water to every home • . . at the lowest cost in yearsl • Don't ran up and down basement stairs several limes a day tending old-fashioned hand-operated Water heaters, when you can have a conversion unit installed for only $1 down that will, work for you 100% automatically. Spring-cleaning, dish-washing,^ kaths for the whole family means an ever present peed for hot water. A conversion unit makes hot prater always avai lable, and you don't have to work for it. And remember this . >. every home can now afford die advantages of instant hot water, because the minute the conversibn unit is installed, you ar<sF entided to more gas for the same amount of money you are now paying! You actually get constant hoc water for little or no increase in the amount of you* gas bill. Let us tell you how easily a conversion unit can be installed--how little it will cost to operate in your home. Gall today at your nearest Western United office and inspect our automati| hot water heaters. WESTERN UNITED VVgas **d electric companyL/ ONLY *28 $1 DOWN ant $1 A MONTH Told# Tales Lk V Items e< Interest Taken freST the Ffles of tfe* Flatndeak* «f Team A#• TWENTY YEARS AGO Batter on the Elgin board of trade sold at 40 cents per pound last Saturday. . _ T Miss Lillian Wheeler ha* been eiiploye at the C.'Unti ijpe cream parlor in Centerville. Simon S toff el, McHenry's hustling insurance agent, has been down in the tornado district, adjusting losses for the companies that he represents. > McHenry citizens honoi'ed registration day by the general flying of the stars and stripes throughout the entire village. Border's whistle also reminded us of the importance of the event by a long blast of the whistle every hour of the day up to nine o'clock p. TO. v THIRTY YEARS AG• W Butter was quoted at 23 cents firm on the Elgin board of trade Monday. Miss Lillian Wheelr has been engaged to teach the Ostend school next season. Miss Wheeler graduated fronl the McHenry school this year, and if her record as a student has any bearing, her career as an instructor should be a most successful one. The old wood sidewalk .and awnings in front of the old "Tip" Smith building on the West Side have been removed. 4 Work on the new residence of Henry F. Block is progressing nicely. . FORTY YEARS AGO° W. D. Cooks' Tally-Ho coach from Chicago, stopped over night at the hotel Riverside on Saturday, on their way to Lake Geneva. The street sprinkler made its first appearance on Saturday and was welcomed by all,-and especially the business houses, as the dust had. become almost unbearable. A severe frost visited this section on Saturday night, cutting down the potatoes, corn and other vegetables.- Fruit growers however, claim that while the cold spring has kept fruit trees back, it has not as yet" injured them. On the lawn at the Riverside hotel, has lately appeared a new hammock and a chair, which is something new and a fine place for gueSts to pass a\yay an idle hour,., . ; , Mr. and Mrs. Rush, the nfewlyweds, spent the weekend' at Mrs. Bennett's home. Mr. and Mrs. Wincrantz spent the weekend at their cottage. Mrs. Altman spent last week at her cottage. Mr. and Mrs. P*ete Miller visited Joseph Schaefer last Friday night. Mrs. Peterson's mother and father visited at their cottage Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Madsen and daughter, Arline, are spending two weeks up at their cottage. Mrs. George Zvanors and children, Lottie, Henry and Katherine, are spending the summer at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berglund and children scent the weekend at their cottage. J Mrs. Bennett gave a birthday party FIFTY YEARS AGO McHenry was the scene of quite an extensive burglary and robbery on Wednesday night or Thursday morning of last week, the residence and saloon of Jos. Buck being entered and between $350 ai&d $400, in money, besides m number of j&tes. and drafts taken. The steamboat proprietors have been putting in a temporary dam above the iron bridge, in this village, for the purpose of raising the water sufficient to ran the boats from here to the lakes. Our enterprising baker, Mr. Locke, has made arrangements so his customers on the west side may have fresh bread and cake every day at Evanson's store. 9IXTY YEARS AGO An ice cream parlor is being fitted up in the Riverside House, by Mr. Goist, the landlord, where ladies and gentlemen can get a dish of ice cream in a quiet, cool room at all hours of the day or evening. The band, through the invitation of O. W. Owen, took a ride on the steamer, R. Emerson, on Saturday evening last, and discoursed some vqry fine music while steaming up and down the river, Henry Colby has put in the .past week, a very handsome new show case which is used for holding those celebrated "Marble Front," "New Chica go," and other choice brands of cigars. A. H. Hanley and Sons commenced on Monday last making preparations to work in their brick yard. They will burn one and perhaps two kilns. Socrates on Trial When Socrates was on trial, with the penalty, as he well knew, of death if found guilty, he gave m lecture, not a defense, when it came time to speak in his behalf.; He declared fearlessly that if it was required of him to state how the public in justice ought to treat him, he could only say that they ought to recognize him as a public benefactor and maintain him at the state's expense, for he had spent his whole life in the service of his country. 7 "ft* * - ^ Sloah Hi* Successor ! * ; v ' William S. Knudsen, left, was elected president of the $406,000,900 General Motors Corporation, to succeed Alfred P. Sloan, JrM eight. Sloan wa3 chosen chairman of the board of directors in place of Lamott duPont, who declined re-election, ! Knudsen had been executive vice president of the corporation and in that capacity, was largely instrumental in the settlement of the recent disastrous strike that tied up the huge plants of the company and its subsidiaries. M'COLLUM LAKE in honor of her daughter, Mrs, Ed ward Rush. u Mrs. Wika is also spending the sum' mer at their cottage. Mrs. Huska and children spent the weekend in Chicago. . Mrs. Art Berg and children are planning to spfcnd the summer at their cottage. ' Arline Madsen and Lorraine Mikucki spent Sunday at Starved Rock. Joseph and Paul J us ten and Arnold, Donald and Evelyn Hay spent Thursday evening at Elmer Schaeffer's home. Mrs. Stacknick and daughter, Lorraine, went to Chicago over the weekend to visit her sister and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Makofsky spent the weekend at their cottage. William Frett and son of Chicago visited at the home of Joseph Schaef' fer. Mrs. Bohr is improving her farm house by building a new sun porch. Saaetnary For Coudors Condors, the" largest ^birds tbNt fly, are protection in a sanctuary established for their especial benefit, in the high Andes new Aogo, Chile. The hunting of any act* mal in the region is strictly bidden. - HOUSE GALL OPTICAL SERVICE (II YOUR OWR MNK NO £XTRA GISABGE GLASSIES COMPLETE AS LOW AS For appointment, Phone Chicago^ Franklin 9510 -- McHenry 60-W or Write to -- Dr. M. M.Kagan OPTOMETRIC EYE SPECIALIST 10* N.Stej* SNAPSHOT GUIL An Outdoor Exposure Guide Taken against a white garden wall, with puppies on a benoh. Exposure 1/25 second, stop f.11 with folding camera. > VI7HAT Kind ot camera is yours? What do you want to photo* graph? Below Is a dependable outdoor exposure guide for average picture subjects. This guide is for days when the Sun is shining. When the day is cloudy, the exposure should be iabout twice as long and when very dull, about (our times as long. For the chrome type, supersensitive and panatomic films, the guide J is good from one hour alter sunrise; until one hour before sunset For ., ordinary film, make the margin 2% hours. < Why not cut this valuable guide out and paste It In your hat, or some* thing? 1 John van Guilder* >/ M i ------»--•--tmm, I&ETT BROTHEBS F CONTRACTORS Ceartent, Brick, Plaster and ...,4 Stucco Work 1 flluilding. Moving ai«|» . Raising ^Telephone 628-M-t^ MCHENRY, ILL. MONEY TO LOAN I have clients who have money to lend on first mortgages on real estate and others who want to borrow money on real estate. If iar terested either^way, I will be glad Jto talk it over with you. . •• < Joseph N.Sikes Waukegan National Bank Bldg. 4 S. Genesee St., Waukegan, I1L TEL. MAJESTIC 103 IOBNT & COMPAKY All Kinds ot " I N S U R A N C E Placed with the most tellable ' Companies ; Oeme in and talk It over .« {< "hone McHeary S ---- ----Mi Charlie's Repair Shop Next Door To " - Hoot Noonan's On U. S. 12 . RADIATORS REPAIRED BODIES and FENDERS Straightened ~ Sign Painting "T~~Truck Lettering Acetylene Welding CHARLES B1ETESEL A.P.Freund Cm. Excavating Contractor frnckiiig, Hydranlic andOraae V'WH Service >»- Road Bnilding TeL 204-M McHenry, UL Picture Subject- Group 1. Mar l n e a n d beach scenes, distant landscapes, snow scenes wttho u t promin e n t d a r k o b j e c t s I n foreground Group 2. Ordinary landscapes showing sky, with a principal object in the foreground GROUP S. Nearby l&nds c a p e s showing lit- 11 • or no sky. groups, s t r e e t scenes O r o u p 4. Portraits la i the open • h a d * , n o t under trees or the roof of a porch, s h a d e d n e t r b j r > ! Kind of Camera Shutter Speed )Stop Opening BOX--Single lens, three stops Snapshot 1 Snapshot I Snapshot 11 second Middle | Largest" |Largest |SmaUest Kind ot Camera iGhutter Speed |Stop Opening BOX--Double lene, three stops Snapshot 1 Snapshot 1 Snapshot 11 second Smallest | Middle | Largest | Smallest [Kind of Camera 'shutter Speed Stop Opening BOX--8ingle and Double lenses, two stops f ^ Snapshot I Snapshot 1 Snapshot 11 seeood Small ., I Large 1 Large 1 Small jv4 -- -- -- -- . ' m . Shutter Speed 'Stop Opening Snapshot Middle Snapshot Largest I Snapshot Largest 1 second. Smallest^ Kind ot Camera .Shutter Speed Stop Opening FOLDING--Double lens, three stops Snapshot I Snapshot I Snapshot 11 second Smallest Middle Largest | Smallest .Kind of Camera 'Shutter Speed ;Stop Opening FOLDING--Double lens, two etops Snapshot I Snapshot ISpapehot 11 second Small I Large ( Large | Small '.Kind of Camera iShutter Speed 'Stop Opening FOLDING AND MINIATURE--Openings marlcatf with the f. system 1/28 J 1/25 I 1/25 | 1/U ? I.M J f .16 { f.U )|t7.7,7.f^| S. H. Freund & Son fONTKAOTOSS ASS BOILDSSS rh«M 117-B MoHani/ Our experience U at Yonr Service in bniUB^ Yonr Wante - Telepheae No. 800 Stoffel ft Reihanaperger iaaaraace ageate (or all clswsa; Women Batter Their Hair "r The woman of Tibet butters her hair, plaits it into a number of thin rat tails, gathers them together at the end and plaits it with bluewool till the thick queue trails almost to the ground. I Kind of Camera Shutter Speed - 'Stop Opening Kind of Camera Shutter Speed {Stop Opening 0ro*erty la the best eeepenles^ WS8T MeHINKf - - XLUMOM ' • • . . .| . • • Downs Motor Express The Pioneer Line Operates daily between McHenry asd Chicago Phonee: Wabash McHeory 7518 SBf FOLDING--Openings marked with U. •. Uniform System 1/25 I 1/25 | 1/25 I 1/15 U. S. S2 I U. S. 16 j U.S. 8 | U. FOLDING--Openings Marked 1» 2, 8» 4 1/25 1 1/25 t 1/25 I 1 second j 1 I » 1 1 I » fbe^e «t MO,SIR=TMERE'S> A WORM ins IDE "TM1 APPl^-"THIS \X/AV, WQRM WOMT P R ^ - "* "" MY W/ORD! usine aM APPLE R)R BAIT FIRE AUTO mmAtiB/ VERNON J. KNOX ,AT-LA|FR,.^ Pries Bldg. ' * OFFICE HOURS Teesdsys and Fridsft Other Otia ^ AppoutaMHt INSURANCE FA™ EARL R. WALSI Prtscotiii Reliable Cmnpaniea J Iiinisi mill of fay ^ ae 41 er «1-M 1 Priea Bldg. _ -4,?m£ I • •