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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jul 1937, p. 3

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?>{ . % $ % • : . t . " ; >* y;v $v.yr<" rr; ' " " " " * " " * \%r"*~ *'\-?1' v %/; -* *=• -r • \:U *- -A-^ ^ _ _X„ ,»„,^ *,-r RINGWOOD Mrs. George Shepard entertained the Easy Aces at her home Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mr$. J. F. McLaughlin and Mrs. Ellen Whiting. , 1 The Sunshine 4-H Club girls held a picnic at the home of Marion Krohn Tuesday. The fifth meeting of the Happy Clover 4-H Club met at the home of Shirley Carlson July 7. They discussed their projects and after the meeting they enjoyed a picnic in the woods. Farm Bureau News Copper damage is _ MORE APPARENT IN McHENRY COUNTY That crop damage caused by grasshoppers is more' serious than originally "expected was reported today by Farhi Adviser John H. Brock. Large quantities of hoppers have been killed by the application of poisoaed bran bait, Brock repeated. One of the best known methods for poisoning grasshoppers is a mixture WoWiington LILY 14X1 A nw^ting of the Lily Lake Ladies' League was held Tuesday at the Lily Lake Casino. Bunco was played and prizes we^e won by Mi-s. J. Hafle, Mrs. |G. J. Wegener, Mrs. W. Pankonen, jMrs.. B. Vachet, Mrs. J. Farrington, Mrs. E. Fast and,Marilyn Olson. I Mr. and Mrs. Mackey spent the Washington, July 21 Prevailing i weekend at Lily Lake convulsions of sentiment on Capitol I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly and Gen- Hill have taken a turn toward disin-1 evieve Daw were at the Farmer'^ Piconfr T10^0in LponunndHs ronf fPbCra«n , '14 pounds of;*2™*™ of existing political parties „ic at Diamond Lake Wednesday and new giitnunents rtn * Miss Flora Taylor retunied yhoine Ktade 2o. The bran and poison should from a week s visit with | be mixed thoroughly before adding the Winslow, 111. 1 0£i 7 Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Gratton of rPaanriss Gv»rreeeenn oorr wwhnintee aarrsseenniicc aannda c2 eanx^p_edTieeWnc y or kindred philoseoipthhieers oonf |j Mrs. Hubbell of Chicago spent a Week at Lij i^fce. government. Political distemper fol-l ~ - lowing the death and burial of Sen- Weisbaum spent the weekator Joe Robinson, tDemocratic j enJ,at 5?"e.y L~e gallons of fresh . lubricating oil SlAE Lead arsenate should not be used f011 killing hoppers. Before spreading jfectly attributable to the hotly conspent Tuesday | P,2jsone^ bran „ bait, an application ofitested judicial reform plan demanded ome at Winne-1 £*^a8e 010 ^e hands and ftngers es- by' President Roosevelt has gone bepecially under the finger nails will re- Greenwood spent Monday evening in the J. V. Buckland home. Miss Mildred Jepson pf Evanston is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mrs. C. J. Jepson and daughters, Mildred and Virginia, in the Harold Jepson home bago. Mrs. Ubbie Ladd and Mrs; Howard Buckland are spending a few days at Janesville. Mrs, Eilla Foss and son, Floyd, spent Wednesday in Chicago. The Home Circle held a pot-luck •dinner in the home of Mrs. C. L. Harrison Thursday. , , . • Mrs. W. B. Harrison and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens attended a Home Bureau meeting at Woodstock Wednesday.' ^ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carney and daughter, Marion, and friend of Chicago QUESTJON BOX^ON spent Monday in the Roy Neal home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hildebrandt and Majority leader, has assumed a deeper! Mrs. William Pankonen and Mrs. H. .significance than a mere symptom of j . . daughter are spending a as the kill of young hoppers will be i partisan "dog days" in which factions j W€?l co^,^e at Lily^ Lake. ^ very light. Because white arsenic is i snarled and snapped only to return to , jT'-f TO - i Mr* a strong poison and cheap per pound, the brotherhood when the heat of pas-;R Mrs, 1 Mj . ®'S n> Chicago it probably is the most effective for, <yon had lessened. The disorder di- ^ere weekend visitors at the home of (Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weisbaum. application ofitested judicial reform plan demanded), Henry Pappo spent a week at the, ' home of Mr. and Mrs Al Olson. yond the flurry stage and has a mal-!_ ®?,r' and Mra. C. Kiehl, Mr. and Mrs. ignant character, which observers be- ; Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. Pi Sons lieve will bring sweeping and funda- , ;llca,?5J vlslt^the home of Mr. mental changes in the two major polit- an^ ^rs" . , 1 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weisbaum were Round Lake visitors Tuesday, uro are" sounded'witlT"some" l&mentfng |an^ Chicago visitors Wednesday. as the sparks from the court issue' Mr. and Mrfc. Mar tin and daughter touch off flumes in both political sjups;and M?ss Winei and Miss Talerger to force drastic repair* and altera-/^tthe weekend at the home of Mr. tions. an(* ^rs- A1 ^lson- No strong metaphors are "needed to describe the h»voc to the Den.oer.tic Sot'h,,!' Ch,C,»° W,U sp<!"d move the danger of burning to the operator. : ' ' , > Ten pounds of bran (dry weight) to an acre is sufficient for one applies-j ical groups now designated as "Demo tion. If the bait is made up at least er&tic" and "Republican." These alar One day before spreading, better results will be obtained than with a" freshly mixed batch. For best results all baiting for any cne day should be completed by six o'clock in the morning. SLOCURFS LAKE 1937 FARM PROGRAM son. Bobby, and Mrs. George Sprenwl »rw»rd to the tame when S Twin Lakes were callers in the checkm* of performance w, l get nn- Louis Hawley home Friday Joeing, f" "»?'•> Mr and Mrs. George Shepard en- tion with the 1937 agricultural contertained a few friends at a five hun- F»™ /"T;!: dred party at their home Sunday even- fohn H. Brock, in co-opera ,o„ with ?Z Pri Js were awarded to Mrs. Rob- the extension serv,ce of the Un.vers.ty !M«r s". H..I C.. ?Hu"gh!es! a nd Robert Thomp rrereTan^XI n^r'T^ son. •community churcn. tions over which many McHenry county farmers are puzzling. Q. When will performance be checked under the 1937 program? A. It is hoped that any measurements necessary in connection with performance under the 1937 program Mr. Valencort of Chicago spent the weekend at his ^ome here. , Next Sunday evening, there will be y services at the M. E. William Hoke of Milwaukee Wwiillll iasmin gC soellvienrsa lo fs eBleeclotiiot,n sa agnrda dMuartse. , "iay_^e ssttaarrtteedd sshhoorrttllyv aafltteerr AAuugcuusstt winiam ^imuo i> wic. i check on practices will of the States Depar m . necessarily be made as of November consin university, will give several ^ . readings. A good crowd is looked for. ' ^ lf ]f clover is harvested The M. E. church and sunday school " aita."* ?r , °*®r. 18 ^arvested ine i». **„,.•{«'«, wnnH^1 seed> Wl11 to© 'and be classed as held a picnic m Clinton Martin i soiJ-conserving ? Sunday. A good crowd was in attend- - ance. - Mrs. George Harrison and daughters, Lora and Mrs. Charles Peet were visitors at Wauconda Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. F, McLaughlin attended a -picnic at Wonder Lake Sunday. There were forty present. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford DeVoll and party m particular as a direct out- weeks at their cottage at Lily Lake. Mr and Mrs Charles MiUs and 8Qn growth of the President s insistence q{ m m visited the home of Mr. that Congress pass his b.ll changing and ^ Wrublew9ki Sund he Supreme Court The intrigues and. Mr and Mrs u ^ and the open threat of purging the Demo- _ f Chicaeo are spendimr week at cratic party of those who dissent from j., . ,. Mr Roosevelt's wishes on the court; „ ^Mrs. George Vollmar of plan have a effect on party, Li^Uke had as their ?Uests Sunda solidarity. The use of the whip and Mj v, Mart^n nf y' Mr. and Mrs. Magleooo of Roseland. spur by the White House agents has Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harder of Chistuim ulated u the spirit of divisio•n .• The,- cago spen,t the weekend a»t LT i•l,y Lr a1k e old proverb, "There is no repairing of ,, r _ j _ j c broken friendships" illustrates the havoc brought by this one controversy and explains the schisms as the Administration endeavor s to mete out punishment to dissenting brethren.! Verily, "the wrath of brothers is fierce j and devilish." i Mr, and Mrs. Edward Senk of Chicago spent the weekend at the hotne j of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus : Lipfert. | Mrs. Ted Budil and son are spending ' a week at the home of Mrs. Mae Budil. Mary Hubbell sRent the weekend at Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, and Mrs. Elmer Esping were callers at Waukegan Friday and visited with Mrs. John Blomgren at St. Therese hospital. John Blomgren and Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou, were callers at McHenry Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were recent callers at the home «f Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler at Round Cake. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nordmeyer of Wauconda spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer. Mr. arid Mrs. Elmer Esping and Robert and Lyle Matthews spent Saturday at Forest Park. Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter^ Betty Lou, of Maple Park returned home Sunday, after spending the past si* days at the Blomgren home. Mrs. John Davis of Crystal Lake is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mrs. Frank Murray of Chicago was a caller at the home of Henry Geary last Saturday. Mrs. Etta Converse returned to the home of her daugher, Mrs. Alvin Case, at Roseville last Wednesday, after spending two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mrs. Almeda Grantham and son, Walter, of Chicago and Mrs. Earl Matthews Of Bensenville spent last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Brooks of Libertyville spent last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' H. L. Brooks. Mrs. Philena Davis spent last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mr3. Earl Converse. Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Brolin and Mr. and Mrs. Carlson and children of Rockford were callers at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks last Friday. Saturday callers and visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake, Mr. DeForest and two nephews of Chicago and Miss Virginia St. Claire of Chicago. Mr. agd Mrs. Ralph Walkup and Mrs. Anna Mollohan of Ridgefield latter's father, John Diehl, of Chicago were callers Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J, Burnett. , Willard Darrell, in company With A. D. Smith of Lijbertyville and Clarence Iverson of Artington Heights, attended a manager's meeting of the Illinois Farm Supply Co., at Springfield, last Thursday. ~ Mr. and Mrs. C. Colbo and daughter, Shirley, of Sandousky, N. Y., and Mrs. James Ashby of Grand Rapids, Mich., recently spent two days at the home of ftfik and Mrs. Wm. Foss. Many from this community attended the carnival at Wauconda during its stay there. Harry Matthews, in company Bwith A. Yes. There is no limitation with respect to the use made of alfalfa and clover crops or other soil-conserving crops. ; Q. How is the soil-building allowance determined? A. On most farms the soil-bujlding, allowance is determined by multiplying by one dollar the sum of the soil- daughter, Marion, and Dora White of ] ^"servin^ basf Pjus the Qf f - • acres on which diversion payments,, House may change its tactics and force . Lily Lake. Resentments have reached a, point Mrs. Lottie Bransford of Chicago where a prudent man is hard to find hag returned home, after Spending a j were recent visitors at the home of in official life. Tho Senate is far from few weeks at her cottage at Lily Lake.' Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. repentant so the feud is far from heal-, Visitors at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. j Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McGill were ing. The net effect is uncertainty overi William Pankonen over the weekend business calters at Waukegan -Tuesthe fate of pending legislation. The were Mr aritl MrsrGeo; Schuhrke, Mr.' diiy. " . House has discharged its major chores,] and jyirSi Gehrke and daughter. Ar-j Arthur Wackerow was a business but is now inclined to mark time. *V thur Walter. Frank Schwab. Mr. Rich- j caller at McHenry last Thursday evennumber of measures, which have pass- J.ard, Henry Pollack. Henry Mucha and , ing. ed the House, are blockaded in the;Everett Sims. | Mr. and Mrs. «V. Engethart and the Senate's parliamentary tangle. Wagej jand hour regulation bills are given an even chance, but the President's pet reorganization of government depart' ments has lost ground recently grievances pile "tip on Capitol Hill. Pag* Thrw mittee ^meeting of the Pure Milk As* sociation at the Auditorium hotel fs Chicago last Thursday. Arthur Wacketw-awHHr. and Mrs. George Eatinger and Miss Roberta Eatinger of Wauconda and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hantoon of Big Rock spent &mday at the Starved Roefc State Park. - Mr. and Mrs. W. Woodmansee, Mrt, Alice Wells of Mayweed and MIm Rena Wells of Milwaukee, Wis., wei* callers Sunday at the hoine of Willard Darrell. Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mrs. Elmer Esping attended a one o'clock' luncheon and bridge party, sponsored by Mrs. Lillian Gilbert of Crystal [ Lake, in honor of the officers of May- Lloyd Fisher of Volo and Earl Pad-j flower Chapter, O. E. S., at the Fiesti dock of Round Lake, attended a, com- J at Crystal Lake last Thursday. Chiropractic Does Get Sick People Well ^ CARL E. DEGEN, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR H^Buildin^ Woodstock, IIHttois & Tttes., Thurs., Sat. Afternoons, 2 to 5 * : ^ T n e a . and T h n r g . ' S v e n i n f i , 7 t o 8 f ^ ^ ^ " Telephone 375 * ; NOTICE During the somm«* months my optical offictf in the A. E. Nye building will be closed. Glasses Fitted : Dr. Paul A. Schwabe OPTOMETRIST " Eyea SxamiBed ph<me 674- - Woodstock (for appointment) Monday Wednesday -- Saturday USED THRESHERS J. X, CASE, 20 in. WOOD BROS., 21-in. CYL. McCormick-Deering, 22-in. Cylinder, with fnll equipment; . ; . Nearly new. A Bargain! E.^. SHELDON Phone 100 Orayslakef Illinois •:W i • - The story is current that the White Waukoshau, Wis., spent Sundav in the S. H. Beatty home. Mrs. DeVol) remained for a week's "cisit. The Sewing Cirlce met at the home of Mrs. F. A. Hitchens Friday. A potr luck dinner was served at noon. Mrs. Viola Low and daughter, Alice Mae, and son, Robert, spent Saturday afternoon at Woodstock. Mrs. Frankie Stephenson if visiting ,i her sister at Woodstock. Wayne Foss and Elmer Hopper Attended church at Genoa City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine ,pf Chicago spent Sunday in the Geo. Shepard home. Clarence Ritter of Kenosha spent the past week with Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Roy , Wiedrich and Mrs. Lester Carr and sons spent Sunday at Elkhorn. Betty Brennan had her tonsils removed at Sherman hospital at Elgin Monday. i Miss Mae Wiedrich attended the dance at Keystone Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and sons spent Saturday evening at McHenry. Mrs. Roy Wiedrich is spending a few days with her sister at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dorlehm and soft, George, of Chicago spent Sunday in -i the Ernest Snyder home. Mrs. Roy Wiedrich spent the past - week with her parents near Hebron. Harold Snyder of the Nippersink Country Club spent Friday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Snyder. Howard Buckland was operated on at the Janesville hospital Saturday. He is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jepeon and son, Mrs. Allison and Jean Rook of Winnebago spent Sunday afternoon in the C. J. Jepson home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walkington and daughter of Libertyville and Mr. and Mrs. Davis Wilkington and son of McHenry spent Sunday in the Ben Walkington home. a Miss Mildred Jepson spent Thursday at Elgin. Loren McCannon, Woodstock, spent Sundav with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon. Mrs. Nick Adams of McHenry was a caller at the home of Mrs. Ralph Simpson Thursday. Mrs. Ed. Thompson and daughters of McHenry spent Thursday with Mrs. Wm. McCannon. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Malsth of Wilmette spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Mr. and . Mrs. Stanley Carlson and daughter of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Alec Anderson home. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and Mr, and Mrs. James Rainy spent Friday evening in the J. F. Claxton home ^T#*iMcHeTiry. will be made in 1937. . * | the. court bill through the House as Q- How is the soil-conserving base. an example for the Senate. The open determined. antagonism of House leaders to the A. The soil-conserving base is al- j strategy may delay the project. The ways the difference between the total; success of this scheme is not assured Crop acres exclusive of orchards and i because the House overrode a. Presithe soil-depleting base. J dential veto on farm legislation a fefc Q. Why is there a limit to soil-build-, days ago. The rebellion cannot aling payments ? | ways be curbed by retaliatory steps as A- Soil-building payments as well j patronage has been distributed too as diversion and conversion payments, thinly in key Congressional districts, are limited for each farm because the) ^ seethmg caldron of politics is amount appropriated by Congress to bubbIing over in connection within-; carry on the program is a fixed sum. firmation of about fifty major execu- „ lu Payment! *£sslble Uives of the Social Security Board. It must fall within this amount. If pay-;has to do with the petticoat influence ments were not limited, it would be impossible to determine whether they would fall within the sum appropriated. Q. Why can not a person receive soil-building payments without having deductions made for over-planting of soil-depleting crops above the soil-depleting base and for overplanting corn above the corn acreage limit? A. Payments are made for net results in soil conservation and improvement as measured in terms of diversion and soil-building practices. The deductions are made to avoid payments to persons who may more than offset desirable accomplishments by increasing th«*acreage of soil-depleting crops. Arriving at the PQ The PQ or personality quotient is determined by the subject's answer to some 200 questions about what he does, instead of what he knows, about things and people. The Catskill Moantains The Catskill mountains are ated mainly in Greene and Ulster counties, New York. They cover an area of about 1,400 square biUm. Make Votive Offerings Soldiers of ancient Greece used to make votive offerings in the form of soldier statuettes to the god credited with protecting them in battkfc. . Believe in Power of Bell4 ' ; The superstition which exists in China that bells ars endowed with an influence over thunder and lightning was shared by the Norse settling A stru Jerry-Balldinf erry - building is buildmg conruction in which shoddy, improper and unsatisfactory materials and methods are used. Irish Culture Traced Irish culture has been traced back to approximately 6000 B. C. by the Harvard archeological mission. To Good Manners Unlucky say "thank you" when «re passed the salt in Greece considered unlucky. you Venice of the North ,, Amsterdam, the Netherlands,' te called the Venice of the Norfe* *• Is also Stockholm. Dull Children Normal Psychologists say that the inabil- Ity of some childrea to itow Ibooks is normal. * Dick Week. Ootnray visited in Bgin last as represened by Secretary of Labor Perkins and her followers among the social workers in conflict with hardboiled Senators and Representatives interested in preserving their political careers. The sticky mess revealed by blowing off the lid extends into many states where the central government has endeavored to dictate to" various commonwealths. Undercurrent stories at the Capitol are to the effect thst two or three Senaors in collaboration with Patronage Dispenser Farley have been quietly building up powerful machines to establish their control over their own States and insure their perpetuation in office. It does not pay to ignore Senators in their home states. The claim is made that Senator Pit Harrison of Mississippi has grabbed off at least sixty major appointments in the Social Security set-up and that Senator Wagner of New York has been running a close scond. Resentment is expressed against Secretary Perkins on the charge that A. J. Altmeyer, the present chairman of the Social Security Board, is actually a rubber stamp because he is a protege of Madam Perkins. Legislators are tearing their hair as reports come in from their districts about the bungling and dictatorial tactics of social' welfare workers endeavoring to force changes of state laws dealing with public assistance, old age pensions and unemployment insurance. When you consider that the Sdcial Security Board has 300 field offices manned with four to fvfty employees, the possibilities of political activity are enormous. Incidentally, there is considerable dissension within the Federal board here because of the tremendous job ahead which requires skilled help rather than political favorites. The Perkin's social workers clique is dominating the situation at present, but a house cleaning at the insistence of irate Congressional leaders is expected momentarily. Inquiry disclosed that the political handicaps may eventually result 5n a resignation W two of high officials at the Social Security Board. . ^ TWELVE APPLY FOR CITIZENSHIP PAPERS Twelve people in McHenry county have made application for citizenship at the office of the circuit clerk at Woodstock. These applications will be presented on Sept. 27, when the term of court opens. " Among the names of applicants in found tiiat of George Meyers, Me- Henry. • ! WITH THE METER-MISER IS of how K makes ice at low Genevieve Daw was a business caller at Lake Zurich Friday. D«rt nits Mr MHZhg FrigMaire let-Ability P>--nitrrtkpf $m the Proof that Frigidairo offers you complete Ice Service! and see die many exhibits of Frigidaire's Greater Ice- Ability. See how Frigidaire with the Meter-Miser makes ice cheaper •t low cost! See its revolutionary new All-Metal Quickube Tray! See the tremendous quantity of ice Frigidaire can freeze in a single day! And many other fascinating exhibits ... Meter-Miser freezes ice fast and cheap, protects food as it slashes current cost because it's the simplest refrigerating mechanism ever built! Has only 3 moving parts, including the motor. Runs quiet, trouble-free, year after year! Protected for 5 years against service expense. And it's built and backed by General Motors. FRIGIDAIRE with the Meter-Miser Is complete tm . ALL 5 BASjC SERVICES For Home Refrigeration I 1. GREAT ICE-ABILITY 2. GREAT STORAGE-ABILHY S. GREAT PROTECT-ABIUTV 4. GREAT DEPEND-ABIUTg B. GREAT SAVE-ABIUTY "r "Si? 0 F R I G 1 D A l Prices VHom TERMS Abases tfa7» made nf tray, th ' ALL-mT? tr'y-ia Frigidaire with the Meter-Miser Gives You These Important Advantages Meter-Miser F-114 The Safe Low - Pr*»ur* Re (rig crust •-Way Adjustable Interior - 2-Way Frozen-Storage Compart mene • Cold Scotnge Tra> * 3-VC'ay gliding Shelf • 2-Vijy Mulct Storage Secnoo . Prefect of General Motors Simplest Refnscntios ever built New Ail-Metal Quickube Tray with the Instant Cube-Release Food-Safety Indicator on Outside of Door Awtoaiatic Tray llsloasi ^ Neighborhood dealersarealso offeringfine values LIC SERVICE COMPANY OB MQBTHEBW IfJLIll^lft Automatic Refrigerators 4'Due to rttimg cost of etfuiP' mtemt, prices quoted in tbk. mdpertnement art subjHt H tbamgt without To covtr interest *nd other Mils, * somtubtt higher .. is /br T^fheme: Oryitol Late 200 MM. m

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