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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Aug 1937, p. 1

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NEARBY NEWS TAKEN FROM COLUMNS 6ua EXCHANGES Miss Katherine Levernier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Levernier of Union, took her final vows as a nun at "thfe Secred Heart Convent in Springfield on Wednesday morning of last week. She is Sister Mary Harold. Mrs. Jane Eatinger, Wauconda, was the victim of an unfortunate accident last week Thursday afternoon, when she fell on the sidewalk in front of the Stadtfeld barber shop, fracturing her right arm. A physician reduced the DROWN, CRYSTAL LAKE BOAT CONTAINING NINE PERSONS CAPSIZES Death lurked on the glistening ripples of Crystal Lake Sunday and claimed five victims as hundreds of picnickers and vacationists looked on in horror, all pleasure taken out of the day for them because of the tragedy. Two capsized boats on Crystal Lake threw their occupants overboard to fracture and placed the arm in a castJ^ke the toll of five lives. Grove man, was seriously injured an 18-foot rowboat equipped with an when a west bound freight train struck the truck he was driving at the crossing west of the Fox River Grove ^outhsho're! station at about 8 a. m. Thursday of last week. One of his legs was broken. and it was believed his pelvic bone and a hip were fractured. He was taken to the Sherman hospital, Elgin. The car was wrecked. Francis Schepers, Jr., Crystal Lake, returning from his work in Chicago on the six o'clock train last week Monoutboard motor capsized in thirty-five feet of water near Grafton park on Nine Chicagoans in the boat were thrown into the water and those drowned were Michael Kastrzycki, 40 years old; his sons, Michael, Jr., 10 years old, and Edward, 6 years old, and Irma Siegel, 11 years old. Kastrzycki lost his life while trying to save his sons and Irma Siegel sank wlien her father lost his hold upon PARENTS! ATTENTION I t It is ahnnst impossible to pick op a newspaper these davs -without reading in glaring headlines of the death of some boy or girl caused when the bicycle on which they were riding *is hit by an automobile. Bicycles are not properly equipped with lights and other requirements, two boys ride on' A single seat, another rides his bicycle out of an alley in front of an automobile ami another swerves in front of an automobile as the driver does his best to avoid hitting him. Parents in McHenry are urged to saf<eg|iard their children from death or serious injury in such accidents and to instruct them how to use the utmost care in avoiding injury. So far, safety has prevailed on our streets. , Let us see to it that this menace passes us by. due to the precautions used by parents' as well as motorists. ELECTION TO BE HELD DEC. 7 FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE GO*. HORNER £ DATE SKLEOTS MOTORIST BEATEN BY ROBBER QUARTET • • 5 Mystery surrounds the attack on Mike Sheboygan, who is near death December 7 has been set as the date for the special election to fill .the vacancy caused by the death of Judge Edward D. Shurtleff. Governor Henry Horner last Thursday issued the order setting this date. « . At the same time Governor Horner issued an order for special elections to be held in the 15th judicial district to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge William J. Emmerson of Oregon, ^ The judge elected to fill the vacancy in the 17 judicial district com* prising Winnebago, Boone, Lake and McHenry counties w.ill serve Until June, 1939, ,at which time the next regular election for circuit judges will take place. Terms of Judges Jtalph Dady and Arthur E. Fisher wilf expire on this date. * Fill County Vacancies "Governor Horner also called elections for Dec. 7 for county judgeship vacancies in Lee, Stephenson and Iro- CHICKEN-DUCK DINNER SUNDAY HKW ATTRACTIONS IHIS : \i;.yBAB f v.v AMES MARSHALL [VICTIM OF MOTOR CRASH, WAUKEGAN • fSK" i ^er' nonaged to swim ashore in Hartland hospital, following an as-iqU0js counties, with primaries set for , I r » . ^ u , f WIth another daughter, Bernice, 13 • • of the Main street crossing. He land- j years cjd ed in the cinders flat on his face andl ' ^ cinders were ground deeply into the i _ . *ne n Y11® . , ' 1 The Chicago party had twice been Mr. Rauen, who is 31 years of age,'to work that d following a two^ 1 weeks' vacation. Standing with a fications acquired by education and ex- ^perienee. He is a graduate of Jasper College, Indiana, with a degree of ; bachelor of arts. Following his graduation from college he served two years ' as secretary to the president of Jasper i^jJCollege. The following*"year he was disciplinarian, in which capacity he ' came in close contact with the behavior problems of a large number of boys, and later served as personnel officer of the Broadway National Bank / In Chicago. During the formation of the CWA program by the federal government, 3Mr. Rauen entered that service in Mcv Henry county and served for two "feafs as office manager. From that Work he was transferred to social service work with the IERC, and continued in that capacity until his apoir. tment as record clerk at the St. Charles School for Boys, on Jan. 14, 1936. with duties as secretary to the managing officer. Acted As Manager The management of the school *Mted on Mr. Rauen last winter, due to the long illness of W. T. Harmon, the managing officer. Although the classification of man* aging officer's assistant has long been established for the school, this is the f.rst time an appointment has been made to the position. The action is taken at this time irj skin on his face, his knees and other •. . , , , . . parts of his body. He was taken to| **us^ a ^ because the ^!es dld his home for treatment and is remain- jno* a"ow so many persons m one ing there this week while the cuts and "°^e t ver; two ""^finally rentbruises heal. Francis had just started e'l the boat took it around a bend out or sight and attached their own outboard motor to it. Soon after the boat was seen with nine occupants. The body of Kastrzycki was recovered late Sunday afternoon by divers, the body of the youngest boy, Edward, was taken from the water at 9 p. m. Monday. On Tuesday morning the body of Irma Siegel floated to the surface and was recovered and at noon Tuesday the body of Michael was removed. group preparing to alight as per usual custom, the train lurched, it was said, and in some manner, he lost his balance and was thrown through the door to the ground. The suit he was wearing was torn to shreds. Amos Haller, 28 years old, who escaped from the Elgin State hospital, Monday of last week, was struck by a car, driven by Louis J. Timm of Chicago about one-half mile the same afternoon. The sault and holdup Sunday night when October 19. he was overpowered by four unidenti-1 Selection of candidates for the spefied men and robbed. j cial judgeship elections in the 17th The victim has been a resident of | and 15th districts rests with the major this iocality for many years and is well j political parties. It[ will be necessary known by the farmers, many of them j to call party conventions and make for whom he has worked. At present j nominations at least sixty days before he made his headquarters at Shober's December 7. filling station on U. 3. 12 between Mc- c. Frank Daly, deputy county treas- Hehry and Ringwood and did day urer and chairman of the Republican work for the farmers. | central committee of McHenry county, It is reported that he had been to said every effort possible will be made Fox Lake Sunday evening and was to secure the Republican convention. Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 14 and 15, will feature one of the outstanding events of St. Mary's parish for the year when the mniraal .carnival will beheld. This year the big carnival will be held at the re^r of the Sisters' home where greater space will provide for a bigger carnival than ever before. Plans for the annual event are fast nearing completion and members of the committees for the various games, stands and refreshments are putting forth every effort to make this year's festival a greater success than ever before. Chicken - Duck Dinner On Sunday the women of the parish will serve a chicken and duck dinner which will attract people from long distances. Dinner will be served from 11:30 until all are served and supper will also be served. It is hoped and expected that over 1,000 persons will be served at the dinner this year where everything will be ready to accommodate a recordbreaking crowd. The ladies are pop- IiEGION HERE IN 1934 J. -V" J. J. MARSHALL Friends and acquaintances in Me-*-' ?1 Henry were shocked to hear of thee * sudden and tragic death of James J. ular for their delicious dinners and Marshall of 3104 Edina Boulevard,, good cooking, and promise,, the usual, Ziou City, which followed an automo- ' complete menu this year. ' |ti!e accident Friday evening, August" ' t-- On the carnival grounds .there will .6. be the usual amusements for old and | The report of the accident was read young with the games of former years in the newspapers Saturday morning, ,; to which a few new attractions will be but his friends were loath to believe added. . jthat the former McHenry resident was Then there will be plenty of rides i the death victim. • • for the children and young people and 1 Traffic death struck for the first " entertainment for all j time this year in Waukegan Friday Msgr. Charles S. Nix, Father FVank:night, when Mr. Marshall, the victin-, ; Miller and members of St. Mary's was killed in a head-on crash on Sher- " followed home by fouf ruffians on two to nominate a Republican judgeship - Parish invite the!r many friends to ; ian road, just north of Manflora ave , - motorcycles, who crowded him off the! candidate, for M.Heary county with >isit the carnival where they will1 meet .at 9:30 pm. He was on his way to, highway into a culvert near the John! Woodstock as the location. He said the,r fnends and enjoy a few happy work at the Bake-Rite bakery at 27 =**/ «r Freund farm. , I that due to the fact Judge Shurtleff 1 h°ur8- They forced him out of the car and. resided in McHenry fcountyt it seemed j when he resisted and struck at one of | fitting and proper that the convention the men, the others seized him and to name a candidate to represent the 1 wl-1 i vc j beat him badly, brfeaking several ribs, | G. O. P. in the race should be held in east of Cary | While lizards were attempting to cuttinj? hi§ face and bruisinp his body. McHenry county. injured man. recover the bodies, another drowning (Th gIso robbed him of about $25,J Since the death of was taken to Cary by State Highway; occurred on the north shore of th<*jj the monev be had with him. Officer Larry Huck for medical treat- Judge Shurtleff last Decerriber, Judges Ralph Dady of ment. He was turned over to the custody of Marshall F. Krenz. A cigarette, dropping unnoticed to ™ out in a rowboatlake Sunday afternoon, when Morris, He was t0 Hartland hospital, | Waukegan and Arthur E. Fisher of ^ Iear,! ^'ca£°' Mr* 1 where his condition is serious and ltjRockford have divided the court work and Mrs. Stephen Cerver of Chicago j is considered doubtful if he will re-1 with Judge Fisher taking care of Win- . , * *Th*e 'b*oa•t cap#-• c o v e r * |n ® b a g o a n d B o o n e c o u n t i e s a n d J u d g e the floor rug, was responsible for largo; in a ^ wenty feet of water on j The sheriff's office was notified on Dady. Lake and McHenrv counties, dja mage loss at the ,h ome of mW. W. !th, e. n.o rth sh.o re .o.f .th.e lake about 5 „R owson in C„ ary ,l as.t week- S„ und, ay .o clo.c k th,ro win8g the three ^pe rsons inmorning. The Cary fire department j 0 e wa er" was called at 5:15 Sunday morning to! and Mrs. Cerver were rescued extinguish the blaze that had burned lifeguards and revived by an ina chair, rug and bed mattress. Smoke j ^alator squad directed by George and water damage was considerable, i rausp, chief of the Crystal Lake ftre Moon Mullins, roomer in the home, was awakened by the smoke and escaped injury. Mr. and Mrs. Rowson, who were visiting in Chicago, were called home. Howard Tage, 15 year old boy who department. Homel could not swim and sank soon after the rowboat overturned. One of the lifeguards who rescued the Cervers was William Lorimer, grandson of the late Senator William' letter Monday afternoon. Sheboygan states that he has no home arid no relatives. A brother died in California some time ago and he knows of no other relatives. SCHOENHOLTZS ATTEND SUMMER SCHOOL AT BOULDER, COLORADO Spirited Campaign That a spirited campaign will be launched immediately for the Republican nomination is expected. Shortly after the death of Judge Shurtleff, the na«Ms of Attorney William L. Pierce ofBelvidere and David R. Jos- FOUR LADIES RETURN FROM MOTOR TRIP Miss Genevieve Knox returned home Saturday from a two-weeks trip through the east and Canada, covering about 3,250 miles^ Her compah- N. Genesee street, where he worked; only on Friday nights. The remainder ,-v |T ©f the time he was employed at the ' £on City Industry Bakery. The motor crash occurred when Marshall evidently pulled out of his " traffic l^ne to pass another automo- • )•'.? , bile and collided with an approachirg .V- *- car which was travelling at an ex- _ , M cessive rate of speed. ^ •' j# Marshall's automobile was demo!- *' ' itiied and he received fatal injuries from which he died before reaching * ions on the 4rip were GeorgianaDono- Victo Memorial'hospital, where he hk<u«eA of 1H-1 uunnftl IeAytr, F1(l1oA rt teAnncnen HM oAllllaonndn, * * ' Chicago, and Mrs. E. Fells, Rockford Leaving McHenry the ladies n\otored to Detroit, Mich, and then into ^ctuTed'and hr^ffe^d'a skufrfr"a" Canada, where severa of the larger lure Whj,e waiu for ^ am^, cities were visited including Toronto, ^ tQ arrive the ^ officers tried 1 Tr WDro mBnHnnoH 0ttawa' Montreal and Quebec. A day vain, tQ check the flow of Wood ffom lyn, Jr.. of Woodstock were mentioned j viras spent at the latter place where . severed vein a? most likely candidates. Neither of j the shrine of St. Anne was vitited. | KrtrTvhlki 09 „f nno pfluri these two lawyers have made official Of, course, the point of interest teenth stree7 ^auk~e"gan "river of announcements of their candidacy, but Canada centered at Collander, the teenth 8treet> <Wauke^an- dr,ver of was taken in an ambulance. His jug- % ular vein was Severed by the broken glass of the windshield, his chest was" lived with his grandparents, Mr. and , Primer, who is a student at the state • Schoenholtz, who are attending sum- months. B K ' ' • ' .^ 1 mer school at Boulder, Colo., we want 'm--- Having received a most interesting they have been "feeling out" things home 'of "the"Vamous Dionne quintup- *he other car, and Ernest Gorley, 328 Kor from Mr. and Mrs. M. L. so to speak during the past oiv i_i 1 ory st ec f Mrs. Fred Schultz near Marengo,.1 normal school at DeKalb passed away last week Thursday as I After an hour of work by nromen, a results of injuries received when the! assisted by a doctor, Cerver was reviv- , ers. order to make it possible to transfer; Pony he was riding fell on him. The ,m®ans °* £raPP'in8? 'hooks, some of the duties and responsibili- accident took place last week Tuesday ^omels body was dragged from ten ties formerly carried by the managing as Howard was teaching his pony to|feet water Monday afternoon. office. This it is believed will give the raise up on its hind legs. The pony At Other lost its balance and fell on the boy, I J™ sweethearts from Chicago wart believed drowned in Long Lake Satur- „• , _ . . . one of his passengers six lets, who proved to be just as sweet wer0 taken to Victory Memorial hoslas they appear in their pictures. It pj^j ajg0 Korzybski sustained bruist These two names haVe not the was a rainy day when Miss Knox and edlcn^^and 7l^wr*anrmu7tToleTacto share its contents wi t h our read-, only names mentioned. Attorney, ^er friends reached the home of the knee»-and eitx) sad rau tipie lac Frank Oakley of Belvidere, Boone! five little sisters and they were doubt- eratlon® on th® Gorley sustained They write that among the many'county judge, is very much in the race,f.,i as to whether they would see th«»m * e* *" P°*' trips they have taken this summer, I according to his friends who say ho j or not. However, the "quints" cane v,,n^inc- Knr w h i le in Boulder, the Trail Ridge Drive has much support in his home county. jout t0 the yard, dressed in their red _v- kj 'for exfes-ivJ soeed stands out very distinctly. This drive Another candidate frequently men-|lam coats and white rubber boots, thp The t^rJ is about sixty miles from Boulder and tioned is Attorney Charles H. Francis making a very pretty picture. Wu.^nt of the c^ was Ed Plenwiclater as opportunity to deal more efis about two miles above the sea. It of Woodstock, former member of the. Leaving Canada the route led the v rh* * fectively with the heads of the academic and vocational school department the recreation program, the parole department and the* foster jhome nlacement department. McHenry friends of Mr. Rauen will be nltased to learn of his advancement and extend congratulations. causing a rupture of the intestines. LIONS INDULGE IN PUTTING CONTEST MeBteaiy Lions gathered at the Mcwhere he passed away early Thursday morning. *' Mrs. Tyra Nielsen, resident of Cary, was fined $100 and costs by Judge H. L. Cowlin in county court Aug. 1, for allowing Canada thistles to grow to , lake, they went out in a rowboat which was later found in the middle of the lake containing a wallet. The victims were Lucile Veeck, and Carl Burkhart, each 24 years old, of Chicago. At Powers like, a Chicago girl savalong the top of a ridge of mountain^ said friends of his have been contact- an(j several of the and on all sides can be seen large an3 ing various Republican precinct com- states, along the small patches of snow and hardly a mitteemen in the county. jMass.,' where many interesting old t" the "men in""the sp^edi'ng"car ve 'r* I landmarks were visited. Before reach- New England two ^.3 on bicycles had been killed to Boston, an automobile in Zion. It is said Other Names Mentioned on their way to Zion to see where the seed stage on her property. Wm. Gum- j e(f one companjon from drowning, but brecht township commissioner, filed |failed in an effort to rescue another, the information and appeared as com- |. The five drownings in Crystal Lake night passes but that it freezes there. 'One can see the road for a mile or Other names mentioned include At- ing Boston the house of the seven Cj; a~ "occ'urnd"\h7v two as it turns, twists and curves in torneys Fred B. Bennett of Wood- gubles was seen at Salem. * tragedj occurred, when they and out of this great, high tundra, for J stock, Charles Whittemore of Maren- , Qne jay was Spent in New YoFk at such an altitude no trees or bushes go, and Vincent'S. Lumley of Wood- city *nd then the route lay through can grow and there are only a few stock. It has also been rumored that Philadelphia and Washington,. D. C lichens and mosses. The road reaches j County Judge Henry L. Cowlin may. Here was spent the most interesting collided with Marshall's car Born Jan. 10, 1894 James Julian Marshall was bora at Ingraham. 111.. January 10. 1894, -and plainant. In addition to testimony j SuVdIv knd" a toteTo^ !' its. highest point at 12,183 feet above i decide to enter the race. " f^y^rsight^MingV'the' entire trio, ii!;'" ***** given by the commisswner, others who jngs ^ Lake county this summer have S sea level, where, directly to the east; It is almost certain that the candi* and visits were made to Mount Ver- The familw'later moved to Cham t^tified as to ^the presence of Canada ;caused the board of superviSOrs of of the road and at an altitude of 11,500 date selected by the Republican party li0n ^ Capitol, White House, Conr t d . ^ t d f ^ Lthrstles undisturbed on the Nielsen countv to reconimend that water. feet is Iceberg Lake.. i will come from either Boone or Mc- ^iona! librarj- and ojther points of L^Lratinr h ™ ^ke^ at c£ -- , Property were C. M. Palmer, N. B. safety measures be adopted if a spe- By making a very steep climb one Henry county. Boone county politi- Merest. ^ Henry Country Club for their August clawson and J- E- Harrison, supervis-j cjaj pession the state legislature is may reach this lake, which has ice or,clans are shouting it fs their turn be- j The trip home waTsmade through p '* meeting Tuesday evening, where they ' ors' committee appointed to investi-1by Governor Horner. Action icebergs on it the year around. (cause they have never had a judge(Indiana and Ohio. / mo et were served a dinner by Lep Stilling,! nox>ous weeds in McHenry coun-|came after the supervisors learned, Mr. Schoenholtz states that when he from the county. McHenry county onj J_ pro and manager of the clubhouse. I ^ Hl>no<s has a law governing the that nine persons had been crowded; and his wife were there on July 25 the other hand says the judgeshipi * SPECIAL NOTICE! After the dinner a putting contest, amj destruction of Canada jnto a TOWboat that capsized on Crys-1 the temperature was 39 degrees above should remain in McHenry county be-j a.11 children to attend St. was indulged in by two groups, the, thistles and noxious weeds and the ,4professionals" and amateurs. George ' board of supervisors is doing its part Johnson copped the honors in the furst i ®n enforcing the provisions of the act. AND MEAT class and A1 Barbian proved to be j John McMannon, Chicago, is in a Jnore than an amateur, winning easily , critical condition «t the Condell Memover the three dubs who failed to j orial hospital, Libertyville, as a result -show any. class. j of injuries received when the automo- j ___ The next meeting will be held at the . bile he was driving collided with a j ' Milk and meat head the list of foods Country Club again Tuesday evening, j Jefferson Ice company truck on Route j advanced in price in shopping centers Sept. 21. at which time another putt- 45, south of Libertyville early Surda? while drouth, crop reduction and the jing contest will be provided, with 1 morning of last week. Scott Halt, of AAA pig killing proeram sent pork from 1923 to 1927. He chen moved to McHenry, where ha operated- !a wholesale and retail bakery ihHi! 1934. . .. On May 4, 1930, Marshall suffered, ary a heavy loss when the interior of hi* LEAD ADVANCE IN FOOD PRICES |cause the county is much larger than School in September must register at ? nn Proon Boone and much more legal work is Risers' this week--Au«r- ^ y , Green -treet a- - • by fire of unknown origin. He at one arizes promised by sonje of the buSi- BAKE 8AI.B ; The ladies of the M. E. church will pact. Paul Langen, Chicago, owner of ^sponsor a bakery sale Saturday morn- J and a passenger in the car McManmon Lake Zurich^ driver of the truck, es- prices soaring to the highest levels in caped injury when he jumped to safety eleven years with shipments of live just as the heavily loaded truck was hop's from the farms dropping to recapping over from the force of the im-' oH lows. "ing, Ang. 14, at Jacob Justen and JSon's furniture store, Green street.. All who are interested are asked to bake something for the sale. ^ . i ford McDonaRTaad Mr and Mrs. Linus. Newman called on Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Colby at WaU| kegan Sunday. was driving, sustained lacerations about the head. According to reports, the accident occurred when McManmon pulled out of line in attempting to pass other cars and the crash followed. Geno Poultry Remedies at Wattles Drug Store, - - y 8-fp-tf Foj the housewife even higher prices are probable and these will not help the farmers because they have so few hogs to sell. Beef prices also rose in sympathy with pork, because a shortage of one kind of meat means a greater demand for other kinds. Although consumers are reducing their purchase of meats, it affects prides but little. zero Mr. Schoenholtz enclosed a fine the Sisters' residence Aug photograph of Mrs. Schoenholtz and transacted in the McHenry county cir- j ust g to 14 inclusive. This registra- !'"A T The"^tr^tTwhe-e himself taken at this lak<* which we cuit court than in the Boone circuit tion should include the children who wILrv teked bv iba'd hoped to print so that our readers, | court. ; : have attended last year, as well as fTliiJ^r M their many friends, might see thei Coounitteeaien Importaat " , those who will be new registrants. « * 1 t t ~ interesting place. The prevailing gray] Precinct committeemen wiH really t -v, . Iucra-;ve busi- FUNERAL SERVICES FRIDAY ^ ^ ^ McHenrv'. orJv baker and . FOR FORMER RESIDENT th^fo^? will of hi. Su,iness associates, as well as the respect and Funeral services for Mrs. Alice S, Henry, 77 yea#"bld, who died Mon- jhe-'tras to this and white tones in the picture, how- come into their own in this campaign. ever, failed to-show up plainly in the A precinct committeeman represents cut and it was impossible to make a the vote cast in his precinct and each satisf^ctorv reprint.- We're sorry. 1 committeerran will become very im- Mr. Schoenholtz """wrote that he' pprtant in this campaign; thought it might give the people in Little or no fight is expected to take McHenry. seme relief from the hot Place in the Democratic ranks as they weather we are having now. Some re- meet to decide on a candidate. No lief would surely be welcome and just ^ames have been mentioned as yet, to look at the ice and snow in the pic- but it is expected the candidate will ture reallv dpes make one feel cooler, come from either Lake or Winnebago The McHenry * grade school princi- counties where more Democratic pal, eighth grade teacher and coach, strength is located than in Boone and writes that they have four more weeks McHenry countries. £ WkT^greeT1their' friends^ Mc^(Sairm^Tof "thT" "^^aS^-^'us^" Vy^hVcilath of" Hon. Edward "2, Camp A A, and was stationed K^nn'- ^ closes with the remark, I cinct committees of Uke, McHenry, | D. Shurtleff. to be held on Oct. 9, M Humphries. Va.. where he wor^i a. supposfe that all the children can hard- Boone and Winnebago counties met ,2 p. m., ir. the McHenry County Cir- ;*_°*ber 'n 1 army car*'p ur ly wait until school starts again!" |in session at Woodstock Wednesday,'cuit Court room. (Continued on !»<t oae*-.' confide nee of. his custorre rs. , ... . t. ,, . . , . On September 12. 1923, day, win be l^eld at . the home of her uMted in carriage to Varira'Mae daughter,_Mrs. R G. Pederson, Route Wentworth of McHenry and 1 Bamngton. Fnday at 2 p m. Mrs. uni(m four chi!dl,„; were born. Henry was a member of Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A., and a former resident of this vicinity. ! -PA. i World War Veteran At the outbreak of tKe^orld -Jim," as he was known to his raarv , and decided to call the convention for friends, answered to the call of hi* the purpose of nominating a ranidate country and enlisted early m 9it for circuit judge to fill the vacanc v from Colorado in Bakery C<*mpiihy ?&*.' .r _ A .'C

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