, * Kf- < • ' , ' ^ ' 1 Thundty, September 16,193# ?:'*»• *z<yhm^ ' y," •' •» ,J- f, f. I ' * 1 ^ ' Vl . . . . . " • i ^ W . ^ **t?y:-*«?>:.;«*.>$ XHK KeBEMST HJUNDUL1E ~ ;i " " " -' ' lifetfaw ' ' ' " *ur l\-' RINGWOOD 3L. J The Home Circle was entertained in I- *•» . the home of Mrs. B. T. Butler Wednes- *xy .' day. A one o'clock luncheon was served. The usual business meeting wag held with officers elected as fol- '^lows: President, Mrs. Clayton Harri- :^^iSon; vice-president, Mrs. J, F. McLaughlin; secretary, Mrs. B. T. Butler; treasurer, Mrs. H. M. Stephenson. A fine program followed, a Mrs. J. C. Pearson was operated ^ : UP°0 ®t St. There se's hospital at Wau- " ; ke&an Wednesday for appendicitis. She is getting along nicely. home at Vahdalia, Ohio, Wednesday, after spending' the past month in thd home of her brother, Rev. Collins. The Sewing Circle will meet With Mrs. Louis Hawley Friday. A potluck dinner will be served. Miss Hazel Pinnow of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with Marion Peet. Elmer Hopper spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Arthur Peet and family at Greenwood- Mrs. Thomas Doherty spent Wednesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jepson and son of Winnebago and Miss Mildred with the latter"* parents,- Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. George Imme and Mrs. Isabelle Boyd of Chicago spent Sunday m the S. H. Beatty home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr and Mrs. Frankie Stephenson were visitors aft Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rutter and Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Kryder of Cedarville, 111., surprised Rev. and Mrs. Collins on Sunday, by dropping in their home for _ Our Washington Letter Matfowl Editorial Washington, September 15--While SLOCUM'S LAKE WOMAN" AT THB CLANGER THEATRE BEGINNING SUNDAY "J ' * Mrs. Libbie Ladd and Mrs. Roy Neal pils took part in a recital at Wood' were visitors at Woodstock Friday. j stock Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Oleson have moved | Mr. and Mrs. Harry P^et of Woodinto the Dodge house from the Mrs. j stock and Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Peet a short visit. Mrs. Catherine Young and Mrs. |*he attention of the politically-minded i Louis Abendroth of Elgin, and Mr. j is apparently concentrated on the do- Jepson of Evanston spent the weekend j and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch infTs and plans of President Roosevelt! eiuumsr iahs wn< with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. jf. were visitors at the home of their for the fall season, the actions of Vice- Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Virginia Tim* mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon, who is ; President Garner at his home in Raymond Lusk at Maple Park. ture lame- Vir?,ma Barnelle' June very ill, Sunday. j Uvalde, Yexas, draws anxious glances. Mrs. Catherine 'Yoong and Mrs. j Mr. iGarner has let the world know Jepson. Mrs. McCannon and her music pu- Cora Flander's rooms. and daughter of Woodstock were call- Because of its controversial nature, McGill transacted business in. ••The Women," the comedy hit by Chicago last Thursday. j Clare Booth which Max Gordon will Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round present at the Erlanger Theatre, Chi- Lake spent Labor Day at the home of cago, for a limited engagement begin- Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. * * ning Sunday evening, September 19, Mrs. Harry Matthews, Willard Dar-!with matinees on Wednesday and Satrell and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping urday, is unquestionably the most disspent Sunday at the home of Mr. and cussed play of the last decade. It is Mrs Wm Fink. I expertly set off by an all feminine Mr. and Mrs.' John Blomgren spent c.ai\tof ^ l"*1* Pinners, including Lois Wilson, of motion pic- , , , . ,Havoe, Dorothy Draper and Una Val. Herman Hensel, who has spent the «The Women» is in three acts and past week with relatives at SuRa1" twelve scenesy all depicting places , , . _ . Grove, Wis., returned to the G. J. usuany barred to mere man. These Dodsworth and "Pride and Prejudk er. It is sharp, quick, funny and fective. > > i "The Women" has been current at : • ^ the Ethel Barrymore Theatre in Ne# , York for nearly a year and will con>» T tinue to play to capacity audiences y ^ there for many months to come. It it *£* * fully expected that the special con*- pany organized to present the play the Erlanger will duplicate the NeW York success in Chicago. ' Max Gordon, the producer, has given the theatre many of its outstanding productions, among the number being Walter Huston in "Dodsworth," "Th^ Great Waltz," "Pride and Prejudice,?* "Roberta," and numerous others. Thia play was directed by Robert B. Si% clair, who did similar service fat range from a lady's boudoir to a ice." The • twelve settings were son, Gerald^ of beauty parlor, a fitting room, exercise i by Jo Mielziner and the Charles Dowe and children of McHen-' that he will spend his time fishing. ry spent Wednesday evening in the I Mr. Roosevelt plans a Western tour Burnett home last Wednesday. George Young home. j ostensibly to visit his daughter, Mrs.j Jolm Ourena and , ^ t ^ IWi.. _ _ .. , . , „ , _ L , , Mr- and Mrs. George Peters and John^ Boettinger, wife• of the Seattle|Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. G."j._Bur- s^Ton'a^d^to'the pricey of"»' Irhich are/aid to ^ the final .w0?1^ Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank of Dundee ere m the Charles Peet home Sunday, Clifford Peters of Chicago spent Sun- Publisher. Actually both are laying i nett c&Iled on Mr. and Mrs. Mort Ritt The story attempts to show tho feminine finery, were supervised bjjf spent the past week in the Wm. Mc- j afternoon. i day afternoon and evening in the Ray the groundwork for the 1940 Presiden-|and Mrs. john gohart at Crystal Uke evils of gossip among the small grt>up John Hamb?eton- ' ^ Cannon home. Mr. Cmikshank spent i Frances Snyder of Richmond spent'Peters home. m |tial campaign and, of bourse, the pro-.ia8t Tuesday.- 1 of women of the so-called "smart set" Here it is said is not onlv tfak ^^)S-^lM there*,in^ returned home! the weekend £t Kis home here. | Lester Carr, Loais Hawley, and .gnm ofjthe next session of this Con-j Mrs. Darwin Granger and daughter,, who have too much leisure and ^too theatre'at its best W also a decid# ii with him. | Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and Louis Pitzen l^t Sunday on a - * • ^ o--.j--» . ,_i - - • v '*• Mrs. Amy Wampool returned to her (family of Algonquin spent Sunday trip up in northern Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and Louis Pitzen l«^t Sunday on a fishing The ^sidenf 's^ ^itinerary on' Mwy *Ma"^: and's^ Go^on, 'of "Mc- "muchlime on tiielr'hands". The lines novelty because of the fact that thef§£ f',v ^•,, " V; "' --vvV. raised melons as long as I har« knows how to pick a good one. Everybody knows his own business best II the folks up in Pennsylvania pick Sterlipg OiL that's good --4MWl!lftQh |qi Favorite Oil of th? Oil PBHMT M. 1 raMSVLVMM QMK CMK ML . ./ ANDERSON SERVICE STATION Routes U. Sv12 & HI 20, McHenry, Illinois , CARL'S SERVICE STATIONl •Bootes 20 A 60, Volo, Illinois 1. W. KRUSE, INC., Chicago ' ^ > Distributor i his Western trip has not" been com- jjenry were callers last Monday at flash and startle. The girls letdown iom»e*M^cd Arthur Schultz pleted, but it is expected to touch ^e home of Mr. and Mrs. ins spent Sunday afternoon [states which are represented in the Brooks. Alice Tho W. of Solon Mi with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich..- 'Senate by Democratic Senators who; j^r and Mrs. Ri B. McGill Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hipper arid vigorously opposed Mr. Roosevelt'scallers Sunday %t the home of Mr. daughters of Chicago spent Wednes- court reform plan. The spotlight is and Mrs. Henry Hansen at Barreville. day evening in the S. W. Smith home not so brightly focused on the Nation!? Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughters, Frank Wiedrich and children at- No. 2 citizen as the Vice-President is: Jennie", Ethel and Marion, were callers tended the Elkhorn Fair Monday and Paying more of a waiting game with- at."-Libertyville Saturday evening. Wednesday. out going on the warpath. ( Chesney Brooks attended the Ep- Mr. and Mr?. Wm. Wurtzinger and The interplay of .powerful political j worth League retreat at Camp Lake, daughter of Woodstock spent Sunday forces as headed by these two men is \yjs., Saturday night and Sunday, afternoon with the latter's parents, nevertheless apparent to dose ob-j Mr. and Mrs. Mort Ritt and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. servers. Garner is the guiding star ter Mrs. John Bohart, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich spent the conservative and middle-of-the- Anderson and daughter of Crystal Sunday with the latter's parents near road Democrats among the Senate and Lake,*#fr. and Mrs. A1 Irwin of Bur- Hebron. House membership. His influence is ton's Bridge and Mr. and Mrs. Alford Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson in f*r more potent than is usually as- Rutt of Oklahoma were last Wednescompany with Mr. and Mrs. Harry cribed to a Vice-President whose prin-: day j^sts at the home of Mr. and Alexander of Hebron visited friends cipal constitutional function is to pre- Mrs. G. J. Burnett. at Oconomowoc, Wis., Sunday. side over the deliberations of the U. S.! r b McGill spent'^last Thursand Mrs, Wm. Wurtzinger and Senate. Men whom he lifted to places ,{ay ;n Chicago. is not a man in the large cast. "Thii;" r E. their hair and tell all .keeping the Women" provides gorgeous entertairK audience laughing and gasfping1. It is: ment and creates more talk than * new ^ "> . were undeniably exciting, inescapably clev-! International complication.; . • • ' ,1 • * V > 'I Mr. NOTICE - Glasses Fitted Buring the summer months my ojpticM ofFwi^' in the A. E. Nye building will be closed. Dr. Paul A. Schwabe OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Phone 674 - - Woodstock (for appointment) Monday Wednesday ----- Saturday jcolade in 1940 is only 42 years old srtjand Mrs. Irving Nprdmeyer at Barit is obvious that a candidate's vears rtno+nn Savoy COFFEE, Steel Gut, Fine Flavor, 1-lb. vacuum can QUAKER OATS, Large Si2# Regular or QuickC CHIPSO, Large slxe R1NSO, Large Early June PEAS, -ife 2 can 20 c 100 Savoy Golden WAX BEANS, 2 No. 2 cans Savoy Diced CARROTS, iPo* 2 cssn 12e Savoy PORK & Large 23-oz. can 10£ Broadcast CORNER BEEF , HASH, 1-lb.can Savoy CATSUP, V, 14-oz. Bottle, 2 daughter of Woodstock were callers of power in the House of Representa- j Mrs. Wilbur Cook called at the home here Friday afternoon. tives during his long service as a Qf Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Underwood at Mr. and Mrs. August Montag and Democratic leader and Speaker still go j Wauconda last Wednesday. son of May wood visited in the home to the silver-thatched Texan for Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping spent of R e v . and M r s . C o l l i n s S a t u r d a y , c o u n s e l . The a b o l i t i o n of t h e t w o - S a t u r d a y in Oak P a r k . - . j where Mrs. Montag and little son were thirds rule at the Democratic nominat-t Ira Cook and daughter, Hene. of baptized. Mr. Montag is principal of 'ng convention has given the Vice-|^uuCon(jg visited at the home of the the Maywood school and they were j President ah opportunity to "do his, form^s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur former parishoners of Mr. Collins at ^x»n'" a» they say down South, when Cook. Shannon, 111. it comes to selecting men for high I Miss Grace Wallis of Libertyville Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Harrison and political office far in advance of the Rpent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Collins were callers at Wilmette : balloting. Though Garner has been Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer. I and Evanston Wednesday afternoon, prominently mentioned as a logical Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murray and Frank Hawley of Chicago was a successor to the President it is not daughter, Dorothy, and sons, Donald visitor in the Louis Hawley home onjlikely that he will be a candidate, but and Albert, of Chicago were callers Saturday evening. • \ jwUl probably have much to do with Monday at the home of Henrv Geary. ; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington w^re the selection of standard-bearers forj Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rau of Chicago Sunday dinner guests in the L. G. Wil-1 thel940 race. j spent Monday at the home of Mr. and cox home at Woodstock. | One of the factors militating against .Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Rsv. and Mrs. Collins attends th$ candidacy of Gamer is ^he ques- Mr. And Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer spent church at Hebron last Sunday. Ition of age--which, thanks to the im-jiast Wednesday evening at the home Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuetze of brolgio over the Supreme Court--has 0f Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bauer at Ring- Milwaukee spent the weekend with Dr. j been accentuated, in the minds , of the wood. and Mrs. Hepburn. t : voters during the last year. Garner j Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Shaffer of Mc- Mrs. Ralph Simpson visited Mrs. J. Iwil1 he seventy next year which would Henry spent Monday at the home of C. Pearson at St. Therese's hospital j m»ke him about seventy-two when and Henry Geary. ^ at Waukegan Saturday. jif elected to the Presidency. His op-| Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sehrer of Wau- Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brotm visited j ponents could dig up data to show that kegan spent Saturday evening at the Leonard Brown at DeKalb Sunday. j °nly one President took office at the i home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nord- Mrs. Taylor of Elgin and Mrs. Ag- a»?e of seventy and he--William Henry jmeyer. nes Jencks were visitors, at Milwau- Harrison--died within thirty days aft-j Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nordmeyer of kee Saturday. jer he moved to the White House. ! Lake Forest were dinner and supper Many from Ringwood wens visitors,Senator LaFollette, the Wisconsin Pro-Jpruestk Sunday at the home of Mr. and at the Elkhorn Fair the past wssk. i gressive, who is "mentioned" as a pos- Mrs. Fred Nordmever. In sibie recipient of the Rooseveltian ac- noon all visited at the home "of Mr. STERLING OIL IS NOW ON SALE HERE it years' rington. ^ t 1 , ' figure among his other qualifies-! Father Gahagah of Wauconda was wwllrtf Motof Oil, ft 100- per for the Presidency. Gamer is a caller at the Henry Geary home last Pennsylvania oil, which holds Permit adroit and powerful to such an extent Friday. No 1, is now sold in several leading that politicians would not be surprised, Arthur Wackerow and friend of service stations in this community. j if he engineered deals by which Dem-! Wauconda sDent Sundav at the Bronlr. E. W. Kruse, Inc., Chicago, is the ocratic Senators on the New Deal's gx- field Zoo. distributor Ih this area, and R.^LOhl-i tinctfon list would be assured of Re-{ ' iPU™n sup^r tJH!»n«*t e l e c t i o r i» Papilhm, Native of Mexico i in» 1 . ^ , t The papillon is not thought to be foreign situation is an absorb*- a European dog but a native of* ing tonic here these days as the ques- Mexico and brought to Spain by tion of the American policy in dealing | returning soldier^, says a writer in with overseas crisis is raised. Opinion the Los Angeles Times. There is a is growing that the United States and striking similarity between this tiny the British have both lost face in their ! stout-hearted pal and that of the international affairs. The jingoists; lovely long-haired Chihuahua. This advocating aggressive policies will not j breed was interbred with the dwarf get far with this Administration while spaniel, and the offspring the true the present Secretary of State has the J ,papiu°n- r President's ear. Hull is for peace at all times. Military and naval officials are cognizant of this situation and step softly when dealing with policies involving international conflict. Back of the official announcement that $70,000,000 had been allocated for another "emergency construction" fund rides a patronage issue. The government will construct 319 public buildings, mostly post offices, during the next three years to supplement the huge building program which has been in force in recent years. The selection of post office sites is always clouded by local politics. In instances where the projects have been authorized, this controversial item is out of the way. Grabbers of political pie noted with interest the official statement that money has been reserved for forty projects, but the selection of sites or the character of buildings had not been determined. Pressure for Federson is the local representative. GROCERIES Golden Bantam CORN, 2 No. 2 cans 25<f Good Kind COCOA, Fure, 1-lb. can 10^ Good Kind PEANUT BUTTER, 1-lb jar - 170 -. 29c K. C. BAKING POWDER, -- 10-ox. can -- 7* SALT, Free Running, -- : Plain or Iodized, 32-oz. - 10c Blue Star MATCHES, - 6 Boxes -..22^ Savoy RIPE OLIVES, Large Can Derby ROAST BEST, ' - 12-oz. can -23^ Fancy Head RICE, '£4- 'O- 2 1-lb. packages 1. -150 Strained HONZY, 1-lb. jar - : :... 20e Main Street West McHenry, Ifl. ----u Take Your Choice FIRESTONE, G00D1 > ; OR GILLETTE FREE TUBE WITH EVERT . If customer has a good tube to be placed in new casing, we will give a 2-gallon can of SINCLAIR OIL instead of '-IreeTnbe. : 4.50x21 4.75x19 5.00x19 5.25x18 5.50x17 6.00x16 .$6.35 6.70 ... 7.20 t.00 , .75- 9.75 I Other Siies Priced l*roportionately 'mm' NATIONAL BATTERIES Made by World's Largest Manufacturer As low as ; $3-95 SINCLAIR , - STOCK SPRAY As Good As Any! 69^ Per Gallon TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIRES and BATTERIES _ AUTO and TRACTOR OILS "As low as 47£ per GOOD USED TIR^jB • Nearly All Sizes! ^ Prices Quoted on Request. Give Us a Call Walter J. Freund Tires, Batteries, Battery Charging, Tire Vulcanizing, Etc. Phone 294 West McHenry, DI • • v al-financed local improvements has frequently brought many a rebel legislate or back to the party reservation under the stress of home town talk about his successor in office. Representative John R. Murdock. Democrat of Arizona, serving his first term, cannot escape his twenty-two year s training as a teacher in the public schools. In one issue of the Congressional Record, the Arizona Ifcjs. lator had three lectures all dealing with the Constitution as a political rule hook. Some of his comments are interesting1 as historical material, but it is doubtful if his readers among his colleagues (the speeches were never delivered before the House) would be impressed. Of course, Murdoch endeavored to prove that the rules in. games of sport are changed frequents l.v, therefore, the same procedure should he followed in permitting changes in the Constitution, which Jiej calls a set of rules. The Murdock conv is typical of other material placed in! t h e o f f i c i a l r e c o r d s o l e l y f o r p u b l i c i t y j purposes. Reprint^ are made at little j cost to the solon and mailed free under Congressional frank as part of a cam- | p a i g n f o r r e - e l e c t i o n . The a v e r a g e r e -j cipient is hoodwinked into believing i the "extension of remarks" is genuine! oratory which sways mens' minds and \ hearts on vital questions when the of-, fice stenographer is actually the only, one who hears the legislator's and get* paid for listening. ATTRACTIVE PRICES ON USED CARS * ,• -u-> * * x "'t • • • ;; AND TRUCKS! ^fany of the used cars and trucks offered by Ford Dealers in this gale bear the R & G emblem, Vhich means checked at 30 vital joints to meet Ford Factory Specifications, and Guaranteed In writin*--1*#% satisfaction or 100% refund. iZ, FORD DEALER BUSS-PAGE MOTOR SALES Authorized Jtale&ajidSenke . '-if k :«• u". ^ m-T: