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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Nov 1937, p. 8

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• :?•••}** -Yj '< Thimday, November 18,1937 Society Motes jj '"Sft; PUBLIC-BUNCO PARTY 7 Riverview Camp, R. N. A,, will spon- E A STERN STAR McHenry chapter of the O. E» S., will ATTEND & * p. w. CLUB [Aliee Lindsay and Mrs. Etta Wattles. Tuesday in Chicago wfcera thav aniov- .» M™' C. W. GoodtU, Miss Ethel Jones'Lunch, including three birthday cakes, ed luncheon at Henrld's, -*H the and Warren Jones attended a meeting w*s served and the honored guest pre- Chicago theatre and had'dinner at tha of the Business and Professional Wo- seated with many lovely gifts. Bismark Hotel. men's club at Woodstokc Monday even- Guests other than those mentioned Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cowan of Haring. Warren entertained with vocal i were: Mesdames Louise Nickels, Jen- vard called on relatives here Friday •^lections. " nie Eddy, Cora Bassett, Mabel New- evening. , • • • man, Bertha Kamholz, Mayme Harri-| Mr. ami Mrs. George Schreiner and wlTf. of the HONOR MISS HERBES son, Ella Gans, Katie Howard, Signa Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Schreiner visited • + .Cottip,iny Miss Marion Herbes of GraysWce,!Miller' - - _ i • -- TP eit e»rs•o n« , R^os e Mille•r ,!' J• o hn. .S.c hreiner at_ Aliex ian Brothers i Is?y,s?b*c--U!L i nfiltration in the cit• y• sewer _ ^ ^ Pearl Peterson, Rose Miller,!John •or a public penny Bingo party ilTmeet'Monday' eveni^.'when^TaMSt^Me marriage to Mr. Marshall Mat- Cw*ri® En^,i^n' Ida Fisher, Ony Wharf- hospital, Chicago, Sunday. K. of C. Hall at 8 o'clock, Tuesday ciate conductress will be elected. In-;tis°n will take place in the near fu- er and Leota Granger. Pron--dlngi Council Room, Nov. 15, 1987. The QUy Council met in special meeting, with Mayor Overton,: presidi ing and all Aldermen present to reng, Nov. 23. BOOK REVIEW A good crowd was in attendance at the Book -Review, sponsored by the Mothers Club at the high school Tuesday evening, when Mrs. Clarence Ang- I«se reviewed "And So, Victoria" by Vaughn Wilkins, and "The Years" by Virginia Wolf. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Miss Eva Williams, who will be the bride of Mr. Mike Degan this month, Hms given a miscellarteous shower by . ^ PERSONALS / r _ Mri; Lawrence Mitchell and ehflces Fleming-, Among those from here who attend' stallation of officers will be held Dec. ture, was honored at a shower given at 6, when each member may invite a St- Gilbert's Hall in that city recently. guest. 'Miss Herbes is the daughter of Mr. i., • • * . and JMrs. Bernard Herbes, former Mc-> , Henry residehts. ^ . i^ren Waukegan spent a few days ed ^e ' * * * J ! this week with her mother, Mrs. Wm.1^00^^ Saturday were Mr. and , . ,iT D „ „. . . . DINNER GUESTS feacon. - . Mrs. Albert KrSuse, Mr. and Mrs. Walmembers of the J. R. Club at her j Dr. D. G. Wells, son, Dr. Glen Wells, Casper Bickler of Chicago visited ter Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conway, home, near "Emerald Par , Friday j 0f LosAngeles, Calif., and Mr. and relatives here Sunday. - j Mrs. J. W. Rothermel, Mrs. E. R. Sutevemng with bridge awards by Mrs. Roy Kent were dinner guests ih Mr. and Mrs. John McCue and MrsJton and Mrs Richard Fleming: Mrs. J. M. rhalm ana Mrs. Albert the home of Mrs. John R. Knox, Tues- Kate Real of Elgin visited in the home . Mf• aTld_ Mrs. Frank Connolly anf day evening. Dr. D. G. Wells left^of her sister, Mrs. Peter Weber, ^ "J- R-" CLUB 7 Mjrs, Albert Vales entertainfedT. the! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blum of RWiJS. IL J? S®Uw^ 8*Conded ** Forest were Sunday visitors in the1 JwIL? 1 7 Wells Engineering hom--e of the Misses Mary and Fran-1 nwcatioSns tVo be puselda inn m1ak ainngd nspececeis"sary repairs in sewsfr system. funeral of Jay Compton at f by f!erwerda» seconded by rvW a adjourn- Motion carried. EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk. ° R. I. OVERTON, MafOft Among the Sick »»#« 11 itm Vales. SURPRISE PARTY and Mrs. Albert Barbian W*re her sister, Louise, at the home of surprised by a number of relatives at their parents, Sunday afternoon; Nov. their new home on Riverside Drive, 14. | Saturday evening. Guests were Mr. our Also to those who pro- - CARD OF THANKS " We desire in this manner to extend . Sun: children of Chicago were, Sunda> vis! J" an?lrienda this (Thursday) morning with his son'day. ' jitors in the home of her father, Jo- tand ®sai8tf^e a.nd e*Pres for an extended visit in. California. I Mrs. John Jerak and f&ther, Peter, seP^ J- Frett. I - sympa y at the time of oui * * * iSchaefer, of Chicago, and Mr. and Mr., and Mrs. P. G. Schreiner CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS jMrs. John Schaefer of Chicago Heights j Chicago visitors Tuesday. The Catholic daughters of America attended the funeral of Joseph Schaef- Mrs. Robrt Thompson and Mrs. Harwill hold a social meeting at their hall er here Friday. i 0*d Owen and children visited rela- Five hundred and bunco were played and Mrs. Glen Shales and family of | this (Thursday) evening, with Mrs George Phalin and daughter, Terry,1 tiVes at Evanstro and Niles Center With prises in five hundred to Eleanor DesPlaines, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J Clara Lemzen, Grand Regent, acting as of Erie, Pa., who are spending a va- last FridaVK3nsala, Mae Wiedrich and Mildred | Whiting and son of Lake Geneva, Mr. j chairman. This will be the third party' cation with relatives in this vicinity, Kinsala; in bunco to Virginia Wil- and Mrs. N. E. Barbian, Mr. and Mrs.(in the card tournament. Their public were Sunday visitors in the home of I bereavement. were vided cars. MRS. DELLA MATTHEWS. HENRY HX3MER. JOE HEIMER. -Hams, Rita Tonyan and Carrie Adams, j GeOrge Barbian, Mr. and Mrs. Richard bingo party on Tuesday evening was his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin. j Father F. Freund of Hanover cabled OT1 his mother, Mrs. Frank Freund, Sh€( r«?ceived many nice gifts from her Overton and Dr. and Mrs. Wni. J. I well attended, friends. , ^ - j Nye, McHenty. ' • i ' " - Need Rubber St*i»ps ? «rder W & Plaindeatar. Postmaster Ray McGee returned home from Mayo Brothers, Rochester^ Minn., Saturday, and is improving nicely front his recent ope rati (Mi. John S. Freund, who has been 01 at his home on Court street for several weeks, is slowly improving and able to be up a little while each day. ^ r Gus Unti has returned to his homa in McHenry, after a few days' stay in St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, following a period of illness from a throat infection. Miss Florence Carey has been confined to her bed through illness, at her home on Green, street, the past week. John P. Schreiner, who underwent an operation at Alexian Brothers hospital, Chicago, last week, is recovering nicely and expects to return to his home in Elgin this week. RESIDENCE CHANGBflS -The John Unti family has moved from Green street to the place recently vacated by Mrs. Lola Walsh on E% street. - 'Gtyathe Uttle womaii a bteak and eat you* Sunday dinner --_ at ; -- - . PLACE RESTAURANT --Special for Saturday and Sunday-- ROAST CHICKEN WITH DRESSING 50c Chop Suey Special Saturday Nigirt FRESH PORK SHOULDER ROASTS, (Butts), 3 - 6-lb. pieces *_ per lb. BEEF POT ROAST ' HOME MADE PORK SAUSAGE MEAT MINCED HAM, HAM BOLOGNA, RING LIVER, RING BOLOGNA . 19c per lb. 19c per 1 SIRLOIN, ROUND and SMALL STEAKS per lb. 25^ 25^ ----r- per lb. 25d 17^ Pint 25^ ^-. per lb. MULLETS, Strictly fresh, l-!b. avira^ ZI per lb. 15^ Prices are extremely low on Thanksgiving Poultry ROLLED RIB ROAST OF BEEF TENDERIZED PICNIC HAMS .. %-LB. BACON IN PACKAGE_ STANDARD OYSTERS SMOKED FISH McHENRY'S "P no ft ?iuinM Market c„uR CLoV ^ ® easier to keep warm in winter than cool in summer... i t ' s a l l a m a t t e r o f c l o t h i n g . * " * ? ^ 1 ' These cold weather coats are made to give yon the most warmth with very little weight to carry. They are all wool -- of course... and that ™***• 100% long fibre, virgin wool. Many different patterns and models ... and tailoring. $19.50 to $35.00 Freenaa m/mm ' •< j-*,". ... \ ndJtm ... Other guests in the Phalin home were' ^r'- ®n^ Mrs. Richard Fleming at- Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney and *eI1 a meeting of the Wisconsin RIVHIVIEW CA^. lR;^^ itiss Ruth Phalin of Chicago. j Farmers Implement Dealers, lield at Riverview Camp, R. N. A., will, hold Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warner and the University of Wisconsin, Madison,! their next meeting at K. of C. Hall daughter^ 'and Miss Margaret Muet-. ^uesday. at 7:30 o'clock next Tuesday everting, terties of Elgin were local visitors on Miss Irene Walsh attended a post- This will be followed by a public bingo Fridiay evening. Mrs. Warner, Audrey, nuPtia' shower given for her sister, ! party to which members are asked to and Mary Lou remained for a weekend |^s" Kenneth Murray, at the home of • b r i n g a g u e s t a n d a l s o a c o v e r e d d i s h v i s i t w i t h r e l a t i v e s . I a n <* M r s . M e l v i n S t o n e i n W a u - j to pass. Coffee, cream and rolls will Mrs. Robert Ulrich and son, Micky, [ co^a» Wednesday evening. be furnished by the camp. > -- i of Oak Park, are visiting her mother, " * * Mrs. Nellie Bacon. EPWORTH LEAGUE ELECTS j Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin of At the regular meeting of the Ep- Grayslake visited relatives here Sunworth League Sunday evening, officers day, Miss Kathleen Justen spent the weekend with friends at Notre Dame, Ind., and attended the Lawyer's Ball on Friday evening. - , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marrie and son Chicago were callers in the home ofl T4^* a^} ^rs* Jac°b Shutterly of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kin-! "ayton' °h,°' are spending a few days sala, Friday evening. ! Je™; wll®re they came to attend the Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sutton of chN! Stl,lmg-YouT1^ wedding, Wednesday. were elected as follows: Ethel Gran?:-; Misses Audrey and Catherine RotK- °f Wauk^an were Sunday visitors in er, president; Frank Holms, first vice- ermel, Betty Bellons, Fred Meyers andj^^he John Scheid home. president; Shirley Colby, second vice-'Frank Johnson visited the latter's| an<^ Mrs. Thomas A. Bolger and president; Marian Anderson, third brother, George Johnson, at Cham-jl!? n v's'te^ the former's sister, vice-president, and Harry Dahms, paign Sunday. ' J Sister Marv Henry, at Holy Angels fourth vice-president; Lillian Holms, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kinsala of A^a^emy> Milwaukee, Saturday, secretary; Chester Colby, treaswer; Marjorie Duker, pianist • * * BIRTHDAY PARTY C. J. Bender was pleasantly surprised on his 70th birthday which occurred Saturday, Nov. 13, at a 6 o'clock ten, who had been a guest ih their! delicious squab dinner. Cards were home, returned to McHenry with them.!- ,. , enjoyed until the wee hours of the Miss Mary Althoff spent the week-. Gertrude Nett of McHenry filed suit Present were Fv O. end with Miss Marguerite Johnson at for $10,000 personal injury damages Berdholder, L.D Behm, A. Bethke, DeKalb. - J against James J. Croake of Chicago -- ' McGumn all of Chi- Mrs. C. Downs and Mrs. Louis Al- in the circuit court at Woodstock Mon-- cago. The guests brought a radio and thoff visited in the home of Mrs. day as the result of an accident which a lovely birthday cake with seventy Down's son, James Downs and wife, took place at the intersection of Routes candles baked by Mrs. McGuinn. Mr. at Wauconda, Sunday. j 12 and 176 at Richmond on June 9 Bender received 160 cards and itumer- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wattles visit- 1937. ' ous telegrams. SanatariumJ It is charged is the bill that tha YOU KNOW IT--IT'LL BEcago visited relatives here Saturday. --nT T 1 l . .1 .. " ^ Mrs. Sutton's mother, Mrs. N. J. Jus-!FILES SUIT FOR ^ $10,000 DA11A6ES all perfect in style MUUttfr ifc*;; 'ed Ted Schiessle at Zace Sanatarium, " * * at Winfield, Sunday. BON BON BRIDGE CLUB j Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Justen, Mr, Mrs. Edwin Vogel was hostess to and Mrs. Math. Niesen and-Mrs* N. J. her card club at her home in Solon Justen visited the former's son, Daniel Mills on Thursday of last week. A-Justen, a student at Notre Dame, Sunlovely one o'clock luncheon was enjoy- day. ed by the members, after which the| Mrs. Simon Stoffel and daughter, afternoon was spent in cards. Three Clara, were visitors in the Charles tables of bridge were in play and high Frett home at Aurora Sunday. Miss honors after the close of the games Lena Stoffel, who had been spending went to Mrs. Edwin Vogel, Mrs. John the past week at Bloomington and Kilday, Mrs. Al Justen, while consola- Aurora, returned hoine with them. tion was taken by Mrs. Frank Kil-i Father Walter Coittray, a member Patrick and low by Mrs. J, Wagner, of the Mission Band at Notre Dame, The next meeting of the club will be Ind., who is conducting a mission at with Mrs. Harry Maypole at Fox Lake. David's church, Chicago, called on his * * * I father, M. A. Conway, Monday. MOTHERS CLUB j Miss Dorothy Althoff of Chicago The Mothers Club held a very sue- spent the weekend with her parents, cessful party at the home off Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff. Richard Fleming on Riverside Drive,! Mrs. Fred Ernst and daughter, [ Friday afternoon, with Mrs. Anna Mary, of Chicago called on friends Howard, Mrs. Allan Noonan and Mrs. here Monday. Ray McGee as assistant hostesses. [ Adams Brothers entertained at a An interesting program was given, J party, sponsored by the American Leconsisting of a talk on "Safety," by gi°n, at Villa Park, Saturday evening. W. J. Colahan, superintendent of the' Mrs. J, E. Wheeler attended a Re- Woodstock schools vocal solo byj viewal School of the O. E. S., in Chi- Warren Jones; piano selections by| cago Saturday. Barry Taxman and vocal solos by Mrs. | Mrs. Ella Kinney and daughter, Mrs. Lillian Cox. Mrs. W. J. Colahan, of Maynard Schryver and children of Woodstock, was a guest. I Chicago were recent guests of rel- A bakery sale was planned for the atives in this city. first Saturday in December, the pro-! Mrs. Gus Unti and Charles Unti visceeds to be used for the library fund, 'ted the former's husband at St. Jo- The December meeting will be a seph's hospital, Elgin, Wednesday. Christmas party. ; Mrs. Jacob Steffes and Mrs. Mayme * * * King went to Chicago Wednesday to -CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY visit relatives the remainder of the A party of relatives ard friends ,Week- j I gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Berline, who jJohn Bolgeir Sunday evening to help conducted a tea room at the corner of I them celebrate their fifth wedding an- Elm and Green -streets this past ^um- j myersapr. Cards were played, with fner, have gone south for the winter.' ! prizes in hundred won by Mrs. The>' expect to return to McHe.nry in Paul Doherty and J. M. Phalin. Dane- the spring. ing was enjoyed later in the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knox, Down-! jwith music fumishfkl by M. A. Con- ers Grove, visited relatives here Sat-1 ! way. A delicious lunch was served urd*y* , j and the honored couple presented with ; Mr- and Mrs. Lynn Smith and little1 a pair of sterling silver candlesticks.! son> Dennis, of Beloit, Wis., were" ; Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas weekend visitors in the home of her j I tr' Bo,^er' Mr- and Mrs- George Miller. I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway.: 1 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doherty, Atty. and Mrs. Callinan of Chicago spent a i i Mrs. Vernon Knox, Mr. and Mr£. Rob- few days the past week in the home! j ert Knox, Mr and Mrs. Clarence Ang- her daughter, Mrs. Ray McGee. I lese, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin, Mr.' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schroeder of and Mrs. W. B. Tonyan, Alvina; Chicago spent a few days the last of Freund, Earl Walsh and M A. Conway. >the week with her parents, Mr. and * * • iMrs. Jacob Steffes. SILVER WEDDING Miss Mary McCabe and brother, Ed- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jepson, who re- win, of Norwood Park, former resside on the Frett farm, near Johns-indents of this vicinity, called on friends <vplp'fiWere sufPr'sed by a group of (here Thursday. Miss Mary expects to fifty-five relatives and friends from 'eave soon spend the winter with Libertyville, Mundelein, Antioch, Wau- her uncles in California, kegan, Chicago and Johnsburg, last Mrs. Simon Stoffel, daughter, Clara, Sunday, the occasion being their sil- Mrs- George Tonyan and Miss Anna ver wedding anniversary. j Frisby motored to Racine and Ken- The affair was planned by their, osha, Wis., Thursday. daughters and an enjoyable afternoon | Miss Maxine Bacon, a recent grad-1 ' was spent in visiting and music, the u®te of St. Vincent's Training school,! 1 Misses Lola and Wanda Jepson enter-1 Chicago, is now employed as a child's j tain ing with vocal duets with guitar |nurse ^ Kenrtworth. I j accompaniment. A buffet luncheon was j R. I. Overton and grandson, Paul' I served and the honored couple pre-»i Bonslett, Jr., attended the auto show' I sented with many gifts. . j in Chicago Friday. | Mr. and Mrs. Jepson were married j Mr. and Mrs. Max Klein and son,! at Waukegan, Nov. 14, 1912. They are, Norman and wife, of Detroit, Mich., parents of four children, Mrs. H. were Sunday visitors in the Fred Mil-' I Christiansen and Mrs. B. Christiansen, i ler home. | of Chicago, and Lola and Wanda, at i Gordon Engeln has gone to Sturgeon I home. ' Bay, Wis., to visit his mother, Mrs. Dorothy Klass. plaintiff was driving in a northerly direction on Route 12 and the defendant in an easterly direction on Route 173 when the accident took place. I The plaintiff charges that Croake failed to observe the traffic regula-j tions at the intersection with the result that his car crashed into the Nett car, causing the accident. The plain-! tiff claims she was badly injured aa the result. i Mar* Kartk Statlaaavj Many astronomers of tha ages believed that the earth waa the stationary center of the universe. Start your shopping early this year. Come in and.see our many novel gifts. Especially for Christmas--we've selected a complete gift line. " y You can spend as little or as much as you want.... from an inexpensive little costume clasp to a fine Bulova or Elgin watch .... you can be sure it'll be a quality gift. Come in and let us help you with your Christmas gift, in today---while there's plenty of time. ^ Phone 123-J West McHenry 7 , Ci SM£ nnnouncES FOR ma THREE kr SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY Miss Helen Barth of Wauconda was Mrs. William Bacon was surprised; a Sunday guest in the home of Mr. „ ,a ^UP of friends at her home on! and Mrs. Fred Miller. Ma- street Friday afternoon, honor-1 Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Schaffer and ing her birthday, which occurred a few son, Stanley, were Chicago visitors on days before. The affair was planned Sunday. and very successfully carried out by! C. J. Reihansperger attended the her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Lester Ba- auto show in Chicago Friday. C O « „ , I . M r s " N " F - S t e i , e 7 1 ' G e r a l d , a n d Bunco furnished entertainment, with Miss Ruth Sectarian of Chicago prizes awarded to--Mrs. Josephine 'on relatives here Sunday. Pouae, Mrs. Fknnie Chamberlin, lb«.t Members of J. R. jdub spent nno n FULL UHE yzTo 12 Tons • GMC offers for 1938 three new light and "light-heavy" models--a new %-ton, new 1- ton, new lV4-ton--built for lowest-cost service. GMC also offera full coverage in the medium and heavy duty fields--including a full line of lowest priced standard cabover- engine models, capacities VA to 12 tons! See the 1938 GMCs now--get the new low prices. See, try* buy GMC, the newest in trucks! Tima payments through our own Y, AC A. C Man of JowMf avaifabto i NE{{> i '/4-to N R. I. Overton Motor Sales Trout Street • • . ' . W. McHenry, III. - OEMgRAHWOTORSTBUCMS € TBAIUBl^ m-ss

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