' **". <*vsUA,J*f f $..:*... i *,.£. 'M ' i - C i " I : "-5?« Volume 63 McHENRY. ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1937 No . 28 A - . ; mMif ' : ^ V »: £,f-T TT TvTfn yrr • .« srv-^.-• " v > ^ a ' > r ! ' • . * * * ' ' % • j *4> Si4 • *.*V. -fcl «»«>** ** % " v ? .; • '-"T. ^ ELECTION, TUESDAY. DECEMBER '?*:< ;• £v> .7, Vj •>7S ' ¥.•'? •> Sill- "i'-i KIDDIES, WRITE A LETTER TO •SANTA GLAUS ATTENTION, FISHERMEN! I . New regulations and changes in the game and fish laws will prohibit those ! who fish through the ice from using more than one line, according to the changes made July 1, and that will be I enforced after the start of the new year.'. In other yesirs fishermen were allowed to: use as many lines as they FUNERAL SERVICES HELD WEDNESDAY FOR DR. D. G. WELLS •' . . 1 ~ • • \ •• ^pleased. « ... , . . IBE PLAINDEALER WILL The new law will reduce the number FORMER MAYOR DIES IN PRINT IT ? jroif HsK caught during the winter HOLLYWOOD HOSPITAL V • 1 months as now the anglers can each * Say"* children,- do' you' wanM»^rife ^only . one hole in • the-ice instwd a lettef to Santa Claus this W? °J foUr pr f!Ve » th^y have^done. m Wouldn't you like to tell old Santa just past with aline in each hole. j what you want him to brjn^you this | Christmas? Maybe you didn't know it, but Santa is a regular subscriber to i the Plaindealer and he reads the pages, of this newspaper every week. So, the Plaindealer is going to give | the kiddies of McHenry and all the i surrounding communities a chance to . write to Saint Nick and express just i what "they want him to do this holi- j day season. Here's all- you have to do. Just write him a letter in your own way, tell him exactly what you expect and then put it in the mail box or post- "tp . , (r, office . Address the letter to "Santa THi Alumni Association of the Me- Claus," care of The McHenry Plain- Henry High School was organized at dealer, McHenry, 111. a council meeting at the high school Now, maybe you are beginning to sunday afternoon when representwonder how Santa will get to read just stives were' present from every class what you have written. Well, here is from 1931 to i937> inclusive. how it is done. The editor -of The ALUMNI ASSN. IS ! BEING FORMED BY j FORMER PUPILS - j PLAN BANQUET BE HELD DEC. 26 Plaindealer will take your letter and then print it, just like you have writ- The question of again having an Alumni Association has been under discussion for the last few years and Shopping URDAY FOR ANNUAL REUNION MEMBERS OF PRESENT CLASS SIMON STOFFEL IS HONORED AFTER 50 INSURANCE CO ,• -DINNER GIVES This community was shocked Satur- The local Community High School was the scene of the third annual reunion of the Class of ^4 Saturday evening, Nov. 27, when twenty-six members of the class, with Supt. and Mrs. C. H. Duker, assembled to enjoy the program planned by the committee in charge of this year's festivity. . Bringing happy memories of school days, the program for the evening was a novel one„,giving evidence of original thought and well executed plans PIERCE SHOULD AND WINNEBAGO HAVE JUDGES CHRISTENING The christening of Judith Louise, infant daughter of Postmaster and Mrs. Elmer J. Freund, took place at St. Mary's church at 11:30 o'clock Sunday morning, following the ri»as$. Msgr. Charles S. Nix, pastor of the 'church, officiated. * Sponsors for the baby were Mary Kent of Chicago, Mr. Freund's niece, and Lowell Nienstedt of Woodstock^ . Mrs. Freund's brother. T ATTT? Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Freund at dinner in honor of the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kent and family, Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. •Harry-*Next Tuesday, Dec* 7, & week before • Nienstedt, Woodstock. " the: first anniversary pf the death of J^udge Shurtleff of Marengo; voters' of the seventeenth judicial district will be called upon to elect a judge to fi^JL the vacancy caused by the death if Marengo's beloved jurist. £ Judge Shurtleff died on Dec. 11, 1936, and the election to fill »the vacancy will be held on next Tuesday, Dec. 7. The district comprises the counties of Lake, Winnebago, Boon* and McHenry. •' n i This election should be of special AT AUDITORIUM interest to McHenry county people, ft nlPriviravv ie | will determine whether the time-hon- UBUBOTISfiK lb _ |ored rule of fair play of choosing one . ; • 'of the three circuit judges from the Although dates in the school caJeti- remote western end of the district dar are not being set as far in. ad- (Winnebago county), one from the re- GRADE SCHOOL CHILDREN WILL GIVE OPERETTA •. --.it'. ten it, in The Plaindealer. And, as jjag been increasing in popularity, day morning to receive news of the ^ tbe committee of which Lyle t^e stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance """ Santa sudden death of Dr. David G. Wells, Franzen was chairman and Agnes company> was honored Tuesday, No-1 vance^ this year as has been the cus- mote eastern end of the district (Lake torn in the past, several important county), and the third judge fronf events have already been planned, either McHenry or Boone county will among them being the operetta to be be adhered to. q. <j. ~ , MH , giv,en ^ "c^ool The selection of our circuit iudges Simon Stoffel, McHenry's oldest u^der the direction of Mr. Yonda on should ^ as far ^ved as active business man and organizer of Dec. 16. from partisan politics. The rule of we told you a moment Claus gets the paper every reads itPver^carefully. So, you see, when your letter is printed in the paper he will be sure to find it. Then, a<weeir*and makin£ the Resent step advisable. sudden aeatn oi ur i^avid u vvei.s, ------ M,rian " Andlwon were no"orea ^ more each week, is entitled "In Quest qualifications, should invariably be a n a A c o n g t i t u t i o n w a s a ( f o p t e d a n d a l g o w h i c h o c c u r r e d a t t h e H o l b r w o o d h o . - a n d * # n a n A n d e r s o n w e r e j m e m b e r ^ a t _ & T , d i n n e T r K 1 v e n b y t h e 0 f S a n t a C l a u s e a n d w i l l b e g i v e n b y f o l l o w e d a s i t h a s b e e n i n t h e p a s t . This operetta, of ^rhich you will hear merit, meaning legal experience and an objective, that being a scholar- pital in Hollywood, Calif,, Friday, No-.members- _ jFidelity-Phenix Fire Insurance com- a cast of about 110 pupils from the ship io the University of Illinois, which; vember 26, 1937. . Resembling "C^dy as possible a pany of New York for his more than kindergarten through the seventh Pierce Is Candidate maybe1 he win tK- abie to brine iiufit will be awarded to * high Mliool frad-; Thp prominent McHenry doctor, whol(iiy hi^h schooi. thf fvfning'. prn- fi/ty years of Krviee with the com- ?rade. the oublic frrade school. I emnditete*'"^liam^L^Herce0' to Xt ^ou' hTvl th.fiH! on a merit baa!,. j wotUd have 69 year. dd on De-.3- «• ^ ^ .,1 It h„ been «veral Wra .inc. tt» you have been good children, and, of Every graduate of the high school cember 16, had been in California less ronm_ for e.eK neriod Programs i , " . * w |) school children have put on an oper- yaars of outstanding achievements as course, do not ask for too many things is eligible and invited to join the at- * week, arriving there on the rooms lor eacn penoa. rrogr^m^ the company m 1884 when he started etta and it will, no doubt, be a big sue- a lawyer in a wide field of practice or too big presents. ' , 1 sociation and may now enroll by con- previous Si^iday with his son, Dr. w"e distributed .I"™™™. ^r J°"^°U_t «"d enjoyed by large crowds of including service as assistant attorney- Good old Santa has so many, many tacting anyone of the association's of- Glenn W. Wells, whom he accom-, . .. _nMt' children to take care of every year and ficers, who are Harold Lindsay, pres- P*nied home after his visit here. L_mui- #nr , a • i. j j sometimes he has an awful hard time ident; Jack Purvey, vice-president: Although his last illness began a) ,, (business grew and flourished, due P^ob- 4I1V„ getting enough gifts to satisfy them Rita Freund, secretary, and Edward month ago, Dr. Wells recuperated First on the program wus the recep- ably to his untiring efforts and appli- » ? all. So, you see, if you ask for too Matthews, treasurer. • [from it and felt able to make the tion when the class members assemb-.cation to his work, 1 much, maybe some other little boy or Banquet Dee. 26 [trip, but soon after his arrival there j led in Mr. Reed a room, from there girl might have to go without alto-J The first official function of the or- he again became ill and went gether. And we know that none of the ganization will be a banquet to be hospital on Wednesday h©-pa»8- kiddies in this part of the country held December 26 and it is expected ed away Friday would want that to happen. ^ that many of the graduating classes J While at the hospital Dr. Wells was accom-ithe^petiing^of school, ^w^f^st"bu^\ territory- on a bicycle and during more interested parents and patrons of the, ^neraT^rminois for ^UF yeara aad !^han h»lf * cent*jy of progress his school. , J the known fact he is Santa Claus would like awfully well will assemble for a reunion at that under the care of Dr. iBaccus, former' to know just what his children would time. Preparations are now in pro- ly of Woodstock. like the best and that is the reason' press for this event through co-opera- ( _ Born In ^nntiU " * 1 thereiled in Mr. Reed's room, from there, ^ 8iX-course dinner was served hlg^iSch001 auditorium oi to the going to the auditorium where the at Niesen's r«itaurant at 6:80 o'clock!^e^SuX^oSTw ©-PM8, j welcome was given by Supt Duker :Tuwd,y for Mp Stoffelf meBlbers of, .twT^ the jnd^t, followed by. talk by Lenor,,^, f ,, , !*«• -!«•« I»» been friendly eminently. Operetta will be given at a mat- <iualifled, - i«Pfe and evening performance at the, Mr. Pierce comes from Belvidere, high school auditorium on Dec. 16 to county-seat of Boone county, out 1 neighbor ^n tne West. He ia almost &$*n«Vin(r tM'U much a McHenry county product 1 story of the l>!*y concents a girl who as he Is a Boone county man. He home, but spent his boyhood on a farm in Spring or kind to township, near the McHenry county Tha Kntinaac i.M *_1 *rran^®" her pets or to other boys and girls, line, and received his high school edu- MMiislsJ SStteevveMns? room, wwhLer^e ttnhei ImLaimn ' atives off 4th®e company ^and r eapprpesoeinntt-- , ja,onwd yshoeu swuiIc1c e^ed isn. terested to know just cation in Marengo. He has had law that this newspaper is going to help tion with several class representatives David Gillison Wells was bom ; topic was the discussion of plans for' ments were most attractive and com-1 '"^e ,]ead7«!tekfin hv Jnno <n<l tKorw S a H t l f u r t h e r d e t a i l , o f p l a n s w i l l b e i c . m b e r 1 6 , 1 8 6 8 , a t M o n ^ l ^ .|- t h e j • y e a r a n d i t w a s . t o t K . ^ H5s boyhood days and early school^0'" ^ associationbeai-in? a small snapshot of Mr.Stof-diers, fairies, dolls, sunbeams, snow- county. ^« vears were spent in Montreal and lat- W1^ ^ formed. In the event that no (fl s office on Main street, while his flakPS. 0f COurse, Santa Claus. Served In Legislator* •. t will incude kindness, help-: Mr. Pierce served two terms in tM him to read oyer the letters before he announced at a later date. i His boyhood days and early school' j°'n the Alumni if such an association J bearing a small snapshot of Mr. Stof comes on Christmas eve. Thirty year the high school years were spent in Montreal and lat-1 yiH be formed. In the event that m> fl's office on Main street, while his ari(J of course c, write Your Letter loday I alumni association was quite flourish- er he became a student at Haddoa Alumni association is formed another own card was autographed by the The fairies So, come on, children, send in your jnsr. with banquets held annually, but Hall Academy in England, l e t t e r s . A n d t h e m o r e l e t t e r s h e g e t s g r a d u a l l y , a s m e m b e r s b e c a m e s c a t - j the better Saint Nick will like it But, tered. the enthusiasm waned and the ; class reunion will be held next year guests present. st^™dp1,at?m«ya^t he^oonTedd^d sis^ T of l™by' Ge0r*e KinSala'j^ B'a u tab,e »ttractively center- • " nnW I jiaiIIa UIaUa i aH nnf h yt k *ilu a n fkAtMti m • <im<I under direction of a committee to con-. remember, that you must do this right meetings were discontinued. . .. ..fulness, good will, unselfishness, love Illinois legislature, mainly as a re- Cocktails and appetizers were serv- and evil fairy, "Wbngaloo," or the suit of the support he received in Mcand Lucille Blake. • »,« • ,i • j, °P" 1 v vi OClilBti||C99( *H*veinur jy cvvouuiinvjty'a. He "w Calso ltihlev uUlniaainl-- ed with chrysanthemums and dinner! The operetta will end in a beautiful imous choice of the nominating conthe. vention after he had received practlc- ~ so there will of time me*unKS were « 1 to take up medicine and entered the . „ . . . . Icu "Hi The operetta will end in a beat for^him^to ^et vour me^sa^e for vm u A 7^ comp]*te Co"s?tutl^ .?as Physicians & Surgeons College, now f Messages, expressing best washes was terved at tables arranged in ban- tableaux of ^ Madonna and know ^e^nitrht^ia^eTo^o^'lonir'rav lJrawn to regulate activities ajfjj^ted with the University of Illi- r success of the reunion, ,^|1^ qu5, *» rj ! Christ child.- 'ally the united endorsement of mem- {TILwLS^you mTgbt J2Try % "ZZLSZSl a'toteZ, Co.tnn.ea are beini n»de and the b.r, of the bar of the entire diatrht. As soon as you read this column, or if manner 1 you are too little to read, your parents Objects of tne association as set ,* , ,, ^""7 --" ooara in ine nan. iuc Kruup w«s co- must capauiy, caning on tne guesis nnr+a anA tn . . . tjon askinir Mr Pierce to hecom* can tell you about it, take your pen-. f0rth in the Constitution are: to form ^ ^aduating from the College of pecially pleased to learn of the where- for short talks and presenting Mr. thi hi nrfwhwinn candidate. cil and sit Nfight down and write your an organization which will perpetuate ^e^'ci"e' • a" e^s abouts of certain members, namely • Stoffel with a Taylor Signal Stormo- Mr wy,n While a student he met Kathryn r^"^^ the c,a«s who were unable Fidelity-Phenix Fire Insurance com- children> who are enthusiastic about it In Winnnh««ro county alone, nin^r- M Lillian Ryan whom he married M" 1° ?nlT,,Pt °n & i ""T was. .toast'"1 aster and presided alI> are worki hard to rf t thejr five members of the bar signed a peti- the L,Illian ^ ya.' a r< h" , board the hall. The group was es- most capably, calling the gueste letter. If you cannot write yourself, Qjd friendships and acauaintances; to "J McHenry, where, thre^ years later Marshal McCannon of San Diego, Cal.,1 "uide, the ideal weather forecaster.' J ask mother, daddy, sister or brother to Uphold the principles of good govern- j" r ° ^ child. Glenn William, was Vycital, who is located at Cor- Here again the thoughtfulness of the Mr. .^Yonda, who has had considerin this line of work Don't Fail To Vote , If on Tuesday, Dec. 7 next," le votdo it for you, but he sure to tell Santa menf, to assist in every honorable in your own way juAt what you would wav ,-n furthering the interests of its like to have him know. Get it in the mPnlbers and to bring about a better maU right away. Then, when you get understanding among. men; to co-op- The Haindealer you will see your let- erate with other organizations engaqrter has been printed in it and that born. Served Twice As Mayor During the many years that Dr. Wells made his home here he had been prominent in civic affairs and well W A 1*11 U itllVT & U L -K Cklil V1V110 C11 ^ • * • | • ,1 • . a . ed in endeavors for the welfare of the Kenneth company was shown as the instrument Georgia had been accurately checked with the and is very competent to put on a fin- ers fail to take enough interest to go i pus Christi, Texas., and ished production, is pleased with the to th polls and help elect Mr. Pierce, Tonyan, who is attending Tech at Atlanta, Ga. Recess ! inscription, "Presented to Simon Stof- . . . , , . ,. ^ , ... „T . . Recess was no. forgotten and tK i fe. for more than fifty year, of loya. 2^ *1^ altitude at this location and bore the c°-°Peratio" hej8 receiving from pu- it will mean that the politicians, who pus and parents and anticipates a placed in nomination Mr. Lyon, the Santa Clans will be snre to read it aa k »»"> i» -- soono™n a•*s- hea go>ea t.s h.is. mpapmer., too. cation amonp the young men and wo- V,.'refreshments passed around in paper There are two more issues of The Plaindealer that - will be printed before ^Christmas week. Your letters Bha,rbe an entrance fee of $1.00 for younir peoplie gatheredj i•n ituh e co„ rn•d i„o s service buv the rF;i,de Il-i.t y-Pt>hue„ ni•x_ Fire Ir_n - T.i.c.k.e ts will soon be on sale bfy the will make (jrood their threat and that • *| 1 * , . , ,. t. „ J children. LT a.k e count'y w.i„ll .th, en .h ave t.w o o,f ,thv e as in days pf yore and enjoyed lig it sui^ance company. iw su. • three circuit judges. ... . in their power to give, bv twice electmen of the community. ing him as mayor of McHenrv. His According to the Constitution, there first term wag jn 1915 and he waa wi!l have to appear on either Dec. 9 again elected as the city's highest of- each ncw memb€r of the association. ed." with prizes awarded to Lucille the country ^ or i 1^' .Se™| th*y do to be collected before the proposed f ln- 3 Blake, George Kinsala, Charles Brda, source of interest and practical infor- Mr. Stoffel will place this gift in <;acks. j his office to keep informed as to The next session took place in Miss- weather changes and when it is favor- Snyder's room, where bingo was play- able for his business trips throughout . . . . .. ti.« »v.t v,„ i„„^ J ^ constant ents to ^ Riven at 4 p. m., on Dec. 15. acter. The thought is that he lacks Tea and Style Show Another outstanding date is that of No personal criticism of the. vou*»« the Economics and G. A. A. tea and Chicago lawyer is here intended. He style show for mothers of the stud- is said to be a man of excellent char- Si not feet in the 9th you win be sure to member^sldentifTedTs a member of find them on the 16th. ' the association. Membership dues will n iw We are going to look for your let- i. rants n«r voar proposed sewter soon. Santa Claus will know when n,« . -^ erage system became a reality, he reads just what you are reading Counci, which constitute the et- m als0 serVed as a ^irect0r of th# now, that he is going to get^a lot of ecutive and a]] new buginegs ^ letters from the children of McHenry be congidered and shaped b the coun. and the country around. He does not cif ^ pre9enfed to the asso- Iike to be disappointed and he Willi be cjBf|on to'fcSrS,^ dal^bet^es0^ en^andrreceiv^g his Commission Santa Claus," care of The McHenry n<1 Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. Mary Sutton, Jeanette Lindsay and mation to him. As the date of vacations is always the experience required to fvt a lawyer cf interest to the pupils, at least, we ^or "^'"vice on the bench. Judge Ralph school board and for many years was an active member of the Universalist church and later, the Methodist church. vr w i In thpir after dinner' uneeehe* will .'divulge the fact that the public J. Dady, of Waukegan, is authority for Marian We.ngar^ | In th,Mr aftw din^r speeche^^the ^ wm ^ disniissed #t 3 n. m.. the «t,tement that Attorney Lyon h|S The next per.io *da, n®de^s ,i gnated on the est.i.g g experiences ?in their wor.k and. Duee\c- f2,3.' for the Ch.r istm®a s hnoolnidaaayyss never had _a c--ont ested lawsuit in tlte program as exams, did not sound so told of the many years they had been and wiH convene againon Jan. 3. enticing, but, nevertheless, the former with the company, some of them ad- Schools will close Wednesday aft high school graduates gathered in Mr. vancing from messeng-er boys to their ^rnoon, April 13, for the Easter vaca McCracken's room, where they found present positions. They were unan- ^lon and sessions will commence Tues- , as first lieutenant, was stationed at . a £rouP °' fifteen or more Og.]et.horpe, Georgia, for the duration ln srraduates of good standing in the as- f hjg enlistment. sociation. n • w ^ w tK ^ t , questions written on the board and ads imous, however, in their congratula- da£ AP1'1. 19. following the vacation During the World War the doctor ^ ^ Qf ma^azineg to be properly tions and complimentary greetings to Decoration Day will, as usual, be a named. Guy Duker received the prize Mr. Stoffel, many of them giving bim Jol,day and S^K>1 do^e ot^ June this part of the program, having credit fo teaching them what they 3, with Class Day on June 2. gained the highest grade in his exam, know about the business. They said, -Al>__ lir™AM.~-Tarrka During the evening a special prize that many times when they were tired rA*vW. WUJKLfLN FinUo „ . 1 . , .. _ He belonged to McHenry Post of the ... v., . n ..... , _ SHE HAD RANSOM BILL Most complete in its scope, the Con- Amerkan Legion and was a member was awarded to Ethe Granger. j out and ready to quit work for the Births istitution covers membership, resigna- Class singing, including the class day. Mr. Stoffel would be good for Qf tbe f0]i0Wing groups of Masonry: ~TiT " . . - "1. " ... several more hours of work. >!»»>•»<•••• tions, forfeiture of membership, offic- th Blue ^ of McHenry, Calvary ?on*> w*3 the" ?nfyed m the auditor- several more hours of worfc ers and their qualifications and duties, Commander No. 25, of the Knight »um, after which lunch was served in J Letters Are Read . Born to Mr. andMrs. Wm. J. Hiller elections, a quorum, by-laws, duties Temnlar<? at Woodstock and the Me- Miss Justen's room. | Letters were read from f. D. Goss,!+^e limelitrht this nast week when she the «i">nort of the voter* *t noft* of Johnsburg on TTianksgiving Day, a of committees and various (other jir.nV, cbr!np of Thicapo He had been Everyone prewnt was seated at manager of the farm department, who discovered that she had in her pos- next Tuesday, Dec. 7. Dont fail to daughter. The lutje miss Jias been points. a member of the Modern Woodmen, tables, conveniently arranged and dec- was unable to attend, and from Mr. session a ten dollar bill which was cast your vote. * district. There is a need of having one ff. the three juderes in either Brone w McHenry counties, so that the peoole will not be deprived of nromnt iudicit! service and not be compelled to travel to the remote eastern end or the »e» mote western end of the district In case of an emergency action. William L. Pierce measures tin In every respect to the hieh o^al'<i',(fc« tions, plus long experience which tlie people have a ri?hf to expect in * Mrs. Mabel Ocock, who resides near candidate for iudiH»»l hono*-*. Bv Coral in McHenry county, came into the rules of the erame he richlv merits i given the name of Mildred Catherine. ' Thanksgiving day was a doubly happy one for Mr. and Mr«. Will Bishop as their first grandchild was born on that day. A baby boy was bom to their daughter, Mrs. Robert Keller, of Elgin, at St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, MRS. ALBERT FRETT, 75, PASSED AWAY i - TUESDAY EVENING Mrs. Albert Frett, 75 years old, "'the Eagle society the Royal Neighbors' orated in the class colons of blue and Stoffel's daughter and husband, Mr. part of the $50,000 ransom paid in |8nd the McHenry'Country Club. white, with arrangements most com- ----- ; ;---- | vain for the return of Charles D. Ross. on Thanksgiving day, Nov. 25. The passed away at her home in the north « ™ ' „ . little fellow, who weighed 9 pounds, end of town Tuesday evening at 10:25 yan " 2^ ounces, has been named Robert o'clock, following an illness of about Scott, Jr. , ten weeks. Meeting TonlHU ^ u ^ A cnnr>tv row^insr wil! b° He'i to-\ - anil Plete even to the printed menus with (Continued on last page) j 72-year-old retired Chicago manufact- niftht (Thursdav) at the Woodstock a daughter-iiT-law\ Ma^ne/his rno'ther,1 their strange names which kept the*- = T urer. opera house, when Att.rnev p-"--. Mrs Mary Ann Wells a'sister, Mrs. ><XIests guessing as to just what would Lenofe Frisby, Hazel Howsird and Viv- When Mrs. Ocock obtained the bill rnnHidate for i"d«re. C'rciit Tudfe Jessie Wells Gilmour a nephew', Car- be served- , lian Bolger, worked tirelessly at the she noticed a penciled number in one Ralph J. Dady, County Judge Henry lvle Gilmour and a sister-in-law' Mrs-' tables were beautiful in the soft high school in preparing for as well as corner, the number being 107-688 Cowlin. State's Attorney Wm. M. Ca|w nma Ryan Hamel ' tglow of the candlelight with center- clearing away after the party and in This aroused her curiosity and she roll and others are expected to addreMr And besides these the doctor leaves Piese .of blu® and ?'h\te ™?de h? the Panning the affair, the success of , made a note of the serial number the voters. Everybody invited, to Jkt*': , MAfiiiMAnf «!»{« KoKJoc " committee for which Miss Agnes which was due to their efforts. • wa».G-2fM25890. Mischke made five dozen crepe paper i an undying mohument--"his babies, . , .. . ^ , , . . . tend. . » 10f whom was nlwavs so nroud i Those Present , [ Later she and her husband went to Mr. and Mrs. John Barnmgs, who On Septenjber 21 Mrs. Frett suffered, many nf whom mourn his passing | roses- Candlesticks were also of bluej Those who attended the class r*- TT":on pnd she .c"ent the bill in buv- Burial At Woodstock " j tied with white ribbons and even the'union were Supt and Mrs. C. H. Duk- ing some coal. After that she obtain- Funeral services were held Wednes- attractive wrappings of the prizes car- er, Parian Anderson, Lucille Blake, pd a list of the r*n«om bills and found j old Byron Poe, whose hu<- day, Dec. 1, from the home at 2 o'clock, out c^ass c°lors of blue and j Vivian Bolger, Charles Brda, Guy that the bill which had left her pos to the Methodist church, where Rev ' white. reside near Griswold Lake, are parents a stroke of paralysis and others folof a daughter, born at a private hos- lowed until about a week and a half pital at Crystal Lake, Saturday. j ago when she suffered the final attack from which she did not recover. INFANT CHILD DTF?T Raymond Byron Poe.» ten-mor>tl>< Id son of Mrs. Byr< band -was accidentally shot whi'e hurt* Duker, Lorraine Freund, Lenore Fris- sec«"ion was part of the ransom money, ing three weeks ago, passed away J& Mr. an£ Mrs. J. M. Phalin, Mrs.! Funeral services will be held Satur-JMinaT Oprrn^'^at^r^f I The informlal dinner, as well as the1 bv. Ethel Granger, Earl Harrison Haz- Federal authorities were notified by Sherman Mollie Givens and sons and Miss Anna day morning at 9:30 o'clock at St ^errara, pastor or the churcn, Frisby spent Thanksgivig in the Har- Patrick's church, with /burial in St old Phalin home at Grayslake. Other Maria's cemetery, Chicago. guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawr- Obituary wfll appear in next week's ence off Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feltz were guests , , * Day. FOR SALE--Used washing machines. Carej* Electic Shop, Phone 251. 28-fp o ^ hospital. Elgin, Sunday officiated" Masonic" rites were given! entire evening, with its well-planned el Howard, Clara Justen, Ehrelyn Jus- Sheriff Nulle and wera investigating. Nov. 28. at 4:45 p. m. He had be«| -- _ - --J n v.---1„ ir--.-- -- jn with pneumonia about a week. BAKERY SALE j Funeral services were held at 2 fk The Mothers Club will sponsor a m., Tuesday at Crystal Lak*,' wifil bakery sale at Justen's furniture store. Rev. R. C. Kaufman officiating^ Green street, Saturday. 28-fp t hv members of McHenry Lodge, No. and noveI P™sram, were much enjoyed 158. at the church also. I by the class and to° Praise and Pallbearers who bore the flag drap- ' credjt ca^,not «iven the committee ed casket were R. I. Overton, James of three for their artistic and execu- Perkins, AU>.}rt Krause, George John- tave ^bilityin making the evening a success. (Cont ined on last page) 1 Members of the committee, aided by ten, George Kinsala, Walter Kreutzer, Jeannette Lindsay, Agnes Mischke, Harold Phannenstill, Willys Schreiner, Elvera Smith, Mary Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Freund, Beatrice Webep, Marian Weingart, Louis Winn and Lyle Franzen. FOR SALE--Used washing machine*--- Plaindaaler Want Ada Brittff Results Carey Electic Shop. Phone 251. 28- * . & .v . ..