r „1 %, W' ^ * 2 «•: r* 'w •58 '-v' v ' v..y.>- • • r § ; " « • -? . , t . IJh > i. V "': Thursday, February 17,1938 -• -•«- 1. » ' •.>*. *i < - i- •* - .i«,» 4. •,; It' *• *••„•• r- . "11 -, r ^ • -», ,. (*••» »?-??"#•,**• p 7^, ,«- 7»v* - - . * ^WT, f-«n- *:uj^<tr;x 1 ",TS%, - • ( - f.- -^VfvV'."? / >» ^ ^ IBS McHEJSY PLAIHDEALEK (Mr Ooaaril ProoMdlaci l'i Council Room, Feb. 7, 1938. : . , The City Council met in regular monthly meeting with Mayor Overton '( presiding. Aldermen present: Bolger, Buss, Freund, Kreutzer, Regner. Ab- \p" --v sent: Ferwerda. ^ 4 Motion by Buss, seconded by Kreutz- ""^r,er, that the minutes of the previous 1,^/lv:i meeting be approved as read. Motion pv "' carried. Motion by Freund, seconded by ft7"'rKreutzer, that the minutes of the Spe- " cial Meeting, held January 10, be ap- T - v proved as read. Motion carried. -» | • Motion by Bolger, seconded by Buss, ^•""Vthat the Treasurer's report be >epprov- - ed as read. Balance on hand at end f of month, ,$11,238.46. Motion* carried. $?** t Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by p.;; Regner, that the Collector's report be »- , approved as read. Motion carried. j*.'. ' ,, Motion by Buss, seconded by Bolger, that the Clerk's report be approved as w* read. Motion carried. Motion by Buss, seconded by Bolger, »£•' to pay Public Service bill of $158.18, \ / • . dated September 1, 1937, less $26.00 -r taken as allowance for lapse ia serv - v i c e o n s t r e e t l i g h t i n g . * ' Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Regner, that the following bills be paid, as approved by the finance com* mittee. Motion carried. , >iy-' Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by >,»v"*}; Regner to approve bills paid, by O.K. X>C*«L of finance committee prior to meeting. Western United Gas & Electri£ v Co., Burner rental . . . . . . . . . 1 . 0 0 f? : } P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o m p a n y , S e r vice at pumping station .. i ' Public Service Company, Service for street lighting Public Service Company, Serr • vice at playground -- ~ V & Public Service Company (Or* namental), Service for streslt lighting - ••• Public Service Company (Center), Service for street light- FRIGIDAIRE DEALERS PLAN BIG CAMPAIGN FOR THE YEAR 19S8 Based on the promise that 1988 will reward fighters and that 1938 will see electrical appliance sales as close to normal as any product, a national selling campaign involving more than 20,000 men was launched in Chicago last Thursday by executives df Frigidaire Division of General Motors at a meeting attended by George Justen, dealer here for Frigidaire. At the convention, sales and adver tising plans covering the two major Frigidaire lines--electric refrigerators and electric ranges--were presented. liicl*.Er«d Splfer AM* to See From All Angles Host interesting of all species of spider* in the British Isles is one that spends its life under water. Yet it must breathe air to live. The water spider discovered how to live in a diving bell ages before man thought of descending beneath the surface of lakes and seas. It is little more than half an inch in length; in color it is a dull reddish brown, or sometimes mouse gray, and it is covered with a mass of minute hairs. It has eight eyes, so arranged that it can see in all directions, notes a writer in London Tit-Bits Magazine. "The Frigidaire organization has Insects must breathe air, and just completed the most successful' those like the larvae of the mosyear in history," Mr. Justen said oni t»ulto- whlch Uve «. water, must his return to McHenry. "In 1938, we enter two appliance markets with two completely new lines of products --• refrigerators and the new Frigidaire electric range, now being shown f6r the first time. Both are the result of years of engineering laboratory research and operating experience of thousands ofAmerican housewives." • •"1" 62.65 1.00 162 95.31 ing Public Service Company, Service at sewer Western United Gas & Electric Co., Service at City Hall .... James B. Clow & Sons, Sewer pipe 158.18 51.14 17.16 CHARLES T. ABBOTT / DIES AT WOODSTOCK SLOCUMTS LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were callers at McHenry Friday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping spent Saturday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Eniil Lundeen bf Chicago were Monday afternoon and luncheon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berg and two daughters of Davis Lake spent Simday afternoon at the home of Mr. land Mrs. Wm. Berg. "J Mr. and, Mrs. John Blomgren visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren at Wauconda last Wednes day afternoon. rise to the surface at intervals to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and V..* *1 U S-- s s s pnuaml m-ee-tin1g 1or f rthde i iLaikee T CouTn ty Farm Bureau at St. Gilbert's hall at Grayslake last Thursday. Mr. Mat thews presented the annual repoij^jn the baseball activities. Herman Christian of Oak Park was a dinner guest Saturday-at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Elmer Esping, in company with Mr. McMurray of the 'WLS stucfio in Chicago, motored to Lowell, Indiana, but through a series of tracheae on the sides of the body, the water spider ihust have air in its natural form. It is confronted with a difficult engineering prQblem. If we place one of these creatures in a jar filled with clear water, we notice that directly it gets beneath the surface it appears to fee clothed with a glistening silver coat. This dress consists QABBY QERTIE Sr FILE FOR COMMITTEEMEN Henry J. Miller has filed for precinct committeeman for the third McHenry precinct and John M. Pitzen has filed for the fourth McHenry precinct. Robert Knox filed for the first precinct in Nunda. On the Republican slate Joseph Frett has filed for committeeman of the new precinct four in McHenry township. , \ Candidates for county and district offices kave until Feb. 21 to file petition^ The last day for a district office candidate to withdraw is Feb. 26, while county candidates have until March 8 to withdraw. The filing period for precinct committeemen is Feb. 11 to March 3. Committeemen are elected at the primary, whereas succesful candidates for other offices are merely nominated. The primary this year will be on April 12 with the general election on Nov. 8. ™-- rftgt Thm JOHNSBURG • v t| i4 ' ••mm SPORTSMEN'S LEAGUE •v*- Mrs. Joseph M. Schaefer visited witl| J? her husband, Mr. Schaefer, Tuesday*, ,>.» '*4 at St. Francis hospital, Evanston, 111. Mr. and Mrs.. Steve May motored tf Waukegan Tuesday. Mrs. Joe King and daughter, Sallj^'? : Mae, were Grayslake ciallers Wednes^ _ day. *>• Mrs. Peter F. Freund entertained the five hundred club Wednesday aft* ernoon. Prizes were awarded to MraPT^f Wm. J. Meyers, Mrs. Joe King and' Mrs. Fred Smith. , •' >f , ,-V Mrs. Albert Pepping of Crystal* Lake apent a few days yi the hom# * *; ^5 ^ of Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Hettermann. J Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wagner of Void; _'•* visited with Mrs. Wm. Althoff an# , ^ family Friday. -f# , Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer of Wau»- ' Tcegan spent Sunday with Mr. an4 Mrs. Wm. J. MeyerA s "Patting two and two together requires forethought." ot a covering of air, so that as the last Thursday, where Mr. Esping took ATTENDS FUNERAL Among those from out of town who Charles T. Abbott 79 years, old died spider travels through toe water it jpart in the WLS home talent attended, the funeral of Andrew Eddy at his home at Woodstock Thursday carries its air supply with it. Head jmaking this his second appearance in jMoridav were; Mrs. Ella Brown of night, Feb. 10, 1938, following.ah, ill-i- and legs are free, for the spider their shows, * 4 must capture its read in the water. ness of pji .• . _• . j • The water spider seems to have His early life was .»^^W.^5^"!'-'inVented. an appliance similar to wood, where he operated a farm, later whjch enables enjgineers to lay moving to Woodstock, wnere he first foundations of underwater works, operated a machine shop which has and it need only come to the surface developed into the present garage and( for fresh supplies at long intervals. automobile sales business. His sons,, Verne, Ivan and Harold, were in husiness with their father, He is survived by his wife, three sons and a daughter, Mrs. J. B. Manor of Beverly Hills, Calif. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m., Sunday, at the Abbott home, Wood-? stock. . SALVATION ARMY TAG DAY Jn connection with the annual Sal- First Post Office Seals Bore Words "Registered" The first post office seal was issued in 1872 and bore the word "registered," since it was designed to secure registered mail against tampering during transit. This green seal was engraved by the National Bank Note company, which ^ 1! • , 7 . 1 held the contract for printing all 412 18 Y8 °n Army home service appeal for; United States postage stamps at fun.ds carry on the work of relief j that time_ It has been found Fred-C. Miller, Sanding streets 35.00 an(j Up]ift among the needy of Lake! _ral ffn _ n TT ^ a T^AnlAlt'o I i * * T T A • A _ J ' 45.27 11.82 2.50 i 6.40 12.00 20.27 24.00 30.85 207 12.84 f' The C. H. Hanson Co., Dealer's .< licenses Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Safe for City Clerk ^American Decalcomania' Co., Vehicle license tags ...Wi4v........ ~ Republic Flow Meters Co., Met-. er charts " Miller Coal .& Ice Co., Hauling sand Walter Kreutzer, Spreading sand ...» .V Robert Patzke, Jr., Spreading sand •--: J „ Ernest Miller, Spreading sand Ira Dowell, Work at Clay Hole Ernest Miller, Work at Clay ^ Hole Robert Patzke, Work at Clay T ; "Hole T^..... ...Z...... Robert Conway, Work at Clay Hole Wm. Tesch, Work at Clay Hole Walter Kreutzer, Work at Clay Hole Linus Newman, Work at Clay Hole ... .......A..--.... Buss-Page Motor Sales, Fire truck repair ?. ... Bernard N. Smith, Hauling . McHenry Plaindealer, Printing, ink stamp ... Mayme Buss, Clerical service, commission, supplies George B. Kane, Painting safe "at Collector's office McHenry Lumber Co., Coal for City Hall * A. E. Nye, Miscellaneous merchandise Wm. H. Althoff, Snow shovel .... H. E. Buch, Water meter repair t Mort Ritt, Repair street clock Tonyan Construction Co., Flood light reflectors B. H. Freund Motor Sales, Parts for street cleaner's cart ........ Louis Althoff, Labor and parts . ~fpr cart . J 26.97 Walter J. Freund, Tires ancj tubes for cart Roy A. Kent Insurance Agency, Fire truck insurance (add.) S. H. Freund & Son, Labor onv waterworks Downs Motor Express, Delivery charges on safe Gilbert Howard, Labor at sewer * Martin Wegener, Labor at sewer WWter Kreutzer, Labor on sew- ~ er :: Fred Krohn, Labor at sewer .... Robert Conway, Labor at sewer Ira Dowell, Labor at sewer ...„. Harvey Nye, Labor at sewer .... . James Powers, ^Labor at sewer Charles Ensign, Labor at sewer William Ahrens, Labor at sewer George Thurlwell, Labor at sewer Peter Weber, Labor at sewer .. Joseph Wagner, Labor at sewer John A. Bolger, Alderman service Edward J. Buss, Alderman service I... Geo. P. Freund, Alderman service scarce varieties,. in sevincluding ft 19 a McHenry counties, tag days are stamps printed on both sides, stamps .-»• " planned for each point in these coun-j printed on pelure, or very thin paper, ties. A tag will be given to every an£j on paper showing laid lines, 51.50 contributor for whatever amount is and in 1880 a special printing was dropped in the tag boxes and the com-j made on the customary soft paper mittee hopes that all here will buy of that period. and wear a tag when the opportunity: The regular "officially sealed" is given and so become partners with stamps made, their appearance in the Salvation Army in this humanitar-1 1877 and were intended to reseal ian effort amon& the needy and un- letters which had been opened in the | fortunate in these two counties where 8*20 the funds will be used. ! McHenry is scheduled to be tagged *8-60 on Saturday, Febnuary 19i The de- 3.20 mand for assistance on the part of the . , A 4.80 needy and unfortunate in this region ^ere engraved and contained the I grows heavier every day and these can, inscription "Post Obitum, m the TTeO be helped only as the more fortunate background. In 1879 new seals ap- Za j / v : helpj .th .e ",S al. vation Army with thmei1 ' b r own a s i n t h e p r e v i o u s c a s e , b u t 6.40 (needed funds to carry on. If many wilK were without the funereal lnscrip, . .help in the purchase of a tag the sum, ^on jn 1388 lithography was adopt* « In|tota 6 ^ wa^ w ma ed and the new seals, which omittedi Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adams of Johns- here; Mr. 'and- Mrs. Will Clark, He- toi,iACt ^mittee b^irg visited at the^^^ome^of Mr. and bron; Mrs. Ida Peterson and daughter, Mrs. Arthur Wagiw^. last Fridiy even-^ Martha of Marengo; Mr. and Mrs. in?» ; 1 ,, ' T , _ " .'August Ruth of Riley; Mr. and. Mrs. Mr and Mrs Jack Geanr. Snd Le0nard Eddy( Mr. and Mrs. Har. v daughter,,Patsy Ann,( and son, Eugene, Nelgon> Sycamore; Mrs. Herman spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Enike> Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hartman, Mrs. Leo R. Zimmer at Palatine. iHamhpshire; Aden Eddy, South El- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur \S agner, Mrs. gin; Mr and Mrs. George Troyk?) Catherine Wagner and Mrs. Mary Charjeg Allen and daughter, Hazel, Sable spent Monday afternoon at the Mr and Mrs Ernest Lindorfer( Mrs. home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wagner morence Spoonholtz, Miss Amelia Edat Grayslake. ' dy, Mrs. Loa Eddy, Mr. and Mrs. Jtohn Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake grisban, and Leslie Swain, Elgin; Mr. spent the weekend at the home of and Mrg John Haineg> Mr§ Nettie Mr. and Mrs G. J. Burnett. Mr. Lit- Haines> St. Charles; Mr. and Mrs. wiler spent Sunday there. ! Clarence Haines, Geneva; .Mrs. Weal- Chesney Brooks spent four days last thy Enfrelking> Plato Center; Arthur week at the home of Robert Dooley at peterson Fred fieeman, Arthur See- East Chicago Ind On Saturday Mr. katz> Mr. and Mrs. j. Vasey, Round Brooks and Mr Dooley attended the Uke; Bert Vasey Crystal Lake; Mr skijump at Soldiers Field. |and Mrg R Passfield. Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Granger and daughter Mary Joe Passfield( Henrv Passfteid, Mr. and Mae and son, Donald of McHenry, Rrs John PassfieIdi Mr> and Mrs. Gordon Granger of CHicago and Or-.Lloyd Fisher, Volo; Harold Schneider, val Granger and lady friend of Wood- Dan DeGi;aff Grayslake. Mr. and Mrs stock were callers Sunday afternoon, L]0yd Eddy of Grayslake are spending at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Elthe here with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicag® .r Sidney Sears, Woodstock, was elect- ! SI>ent the weekend with Mr. and Mrsgfe^ "f ed chairman of the newly organised j peter- F. Freund. ' ' \T>: ' * McHenry County Sportsmen's League] Wm, Oeffling is Very sick at this'- at a meeting of the chapters of Hunt- writing. ' ley, Marengo. Crystal Lake and Wood-| Mrs. Steve King, Mrs. George tar. ' " • * stock Friday night. Glenn McLaugh-1 and Miss Regina Klein visited with „ lin, Woodstock, was named secretary|Mr, and Mrs. Joe E. Friend at Rich# . The board of ^directors | mond Tuesday evening. K ,• ^ Miss irene SirHth is spending a fetf *' ' weeks with friends jn Florida. * *• Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schaefer are tb#*- \ 4.1 happy parents of a baby boy. i Mrs. Leo Gerlach was a. Chicago '• caller "Saturday. . , * . - and treasurer. will consist of the elected officers of the various chapters. E. A. Thomas of Ostend was named on the Farm Dead Letter office and letters which had been opened by mistake as well as others damaged in transit or found open in the mail. The first samples of this series Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were dinner and afternoon guests last Mon- ^Metning of Fulling . . , u , u ( Fulling is the act of cleansing, day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mort scouring and pressing woven woolen Ritt at Crystal Lake. Subscribe for The Plaindealer goods, etc., to render them stronger, firmer and closer. It is also called milling. On Monday night the Marengo chapter held an opening meeting when a representative of the state association was present. The newly organized chapters are growing in membership. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and. daughter of Chicago spent Sundaf. with Mr. and Mrs. Steve H. Smith. 5« udtli the. New STANDARD RED CROWN! Get some of this Gasoline today from your STANDARD OIL DEALER 6.40 substantial pur The Girl Scdutls in charge, of M^s George A. Stilling wilt" sponsor tnfe/effort, ' Alike In "Speech" Katydids are several species oi long-homed grasshoppers which agree in uttering sounds that resemble the words, "Katy did," with variations. the engraver's name in the lowef border, came in a variety of browns and were issued imperforate and rouletted in addition to the standard perforated 12 variety. Manchukuo's Early Inhabitants The original inhabitants of Man- 2-40 chukuo were nomadic Tungus, a race quite different from the Chinese. 13.88 4.00 4.00 .75 5.60 17.67 16.00 27.76 12.00 "9.00 Harvey Nye, Labor at sewer .. 1.031 Martin Wegener, Labor at sew- 7.79! er 8.00 Ira Dowell, Labor at sewer-w... j Robert Patzke, Labor at sewer ,09! Gilbert Howard, Labor at sewer George Thurlwell, Labor at sewgr ; 28.25 Peter Weber, Labor at sewer 32.25 Paul E. Gerasch, Psrfis and labor at sewer pipe line 104.80 17.82 Martin Stoffel, Labor for sewer repair A- P. Freund, Excavating for sewer pipe McHenry Artificial Stone Co., Parts and labor for sewer .... Freund Oil Company, Fuel oil at disposal plant Carey Electric Shop, Labor and parts for sewer and waterworks Art Diedrich, Hauling gravel for sewer and Golf Club road 16.50 i Chicago & N. W. Railroad, 15.50 j Freight on sewer pipe 15.50 Tonyan Construction Co., Lab- 24.88 or, parts, supplies for sewer 279.17 17.38 John Stilling's Tire Shop, Fire 13.50 truck storage, gas .--............. 11.99 Illinois Bell Telephone Co., Telephone service 9.85 Wells Enginering Company, Sewer infiltration survey 1%0.00 23.88! Standard Oil Company, Oil for d.88 " sewer / 7.62 City of McHenry, Motor Fuel Tax Account Transfer 795.37 Special Sewer Fund, Sewer service 75.00 Motion by Freund, seconded by . Odd Laws Affeeting Realty Tn Morocco if a realty owner has a Sultanic grant, his title to the property is undisputed, but otherwise he cannot afford to "fall out" with his neighbors. The law requires the testimony of twelve neighboring persons as to uninter* rupted and undisputed possession during a period of at least ten yeari before a clear title can be obtained , by the owner. The Turkish law re? quires affixing of a photograph ot 32.2l' the seller to all deeds. In Palestinej- 12*00 deeds and other similar documents are available from the government in three languages--English, Hebrew and Arabic. In China, foreigners hold land only under perpetual lease, while natives in pur* chasing property, must obtain offia cial title deeds from the government, or through village chiefs. 32.25 5.60 145.00 3.49 22.41 40.071 32.80 52.94) The "middleman" or "introducer," similar to the realty broker in thf United States, is held responsible if there are flaws in the title. 21.38 21.50 20.00 20.00 Fred Ferwerda, Alderman ser- 20.00 "20.00 20.00 20.00 80.00 Guessed Wroag According to the prophecy in St, Peter's epistle the medieval church expected the end of the world to b« near. The first century passed with* out this catastrophe oceurring. Gradually as the year 1000 ap£ proached all Christendom feared the millennium. Crowds renounced their earthly possessions and fled to Mount Zion where it was rumored that Christ would appear. In America, William Miller started a group of Second Adventists or Millerites - who waited in vain for the end of the world in 1844. There have been various times since this when the coming doom has been prophesied. V s I o. . •MS ALL iSf I"0*1* * To,Q«*-n«i» it ouirr *« AaotAr * Oa-tcnm Dr«oir« AUT0-Unc co*ircTioiiis ^ CQtout W nw .r*"" «« WW « WOTO*$ IXJHIS vice ......w... H. J. Kreutzer, Alderman service «... Jos. M. Regner, Alderman service 1 Robert (L. Weber, Treasurer service - Vernon J. Knox, Attorney service R. I. Overton, Mayor service .. Earl R. Walsh, Clerk service ..:. 105.00 (Street: Beginning at John Street and extended along Crescent Avenue in an "75.00 j Easterly direction to the East Corporate Limits. To be known as Arterial 110.00 j Street No. 5. 1 Motion carried. 95.00 i Motion by Bolger, seconded by Freund, to accept Public Service Com Bamum's WW In his will Barnum disposed of an estate of four million dollars an(L i made a careful provision for the perpetuation of his name. Since Regner. to adopt resolution to abandon j Kn had nn «nn», h» provided that hi* grandson, C. H. Seeley, should receive $25,000 besides his share iff" the estate, if he would change his name to C. Barnum Seeley, "so that the name of Barnum shall a}y*a3pr be knoyn as his name." Provision had already been made, tor the cot tinuation of the nanrte of "Barnuf & Bailey" as circuS proprietors for the following street location as an Ar terial Street: Beginning at Crescent Avenue and extending along John Street to Charlotte Avenue; thence Easterly along Charlotte Avenue, to the East Corporate Limits, now known as Arterial Street No. 5. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by 50.00; Buss, to adopt resolution designating 32.00 the following described as an Arterial WBIGH the new cars dispassionately in the light of what they offer and the facts stand boldly forth as these: Buick is the ONLY car on the market today offering the efficiency of valvein- head straight-eight design--modernitced with tht phenomenally efficient new DYNAFLASH principle of combustion. Buick is the only ca« your money can COUNT i«ang W WB ?S -- reoooditioned, oomp pletely equipp-d. ^ip<:Ci.l equip- Couot the Mtr«» m defro.t.r». cnent-tb. * ^ buy with the marvel-ride of TORQUE* FREE SPRINGING -- springs of stoUt, shock-smothering coiled steel that lessen skid-risks, lengthen tire life, actually make the whole car more directable. Buick is the only car with the safesecurity of Unisteel Body by Fisher -- plus the blessed nuiet and peace of Silent Zone Body Mounting. Buick is admittedly the best looking car on the market -- chosen as such bjf popular vote with a greater margin over its nearest competitor than any other car enjoys! Buick's performance is easily the most outstanding on the road -- for soaring, thrilling lift and power it doffs its hat no other car even approaching it III e and comfort. uch are the facts, and on them you can well decide, "Better buy Buick! •But they do not end the tale. There rfre two points dealing with figures still needed to complete the full picture of Buick value: Buick is not only the lowest-priced Siraight-eight of its sise on the market But Buick actually Usts at lower figures than do some sixes! Check the (acts, check the figures.'We know where you'll find yourself in the end. Fn a Buick dealer's showroom foi lifcb" --that mre . many of Us bargain* fifty years from October 26^ 4887. Wm. Bickler, Fire chief, Fire chief service John B. Wirtz, Marshall service Peter Wirfs, Police' service W. C. -Felts, Supt. street service 100.00 Fred C. Feltz, Supt. sewer service 75.00 M. M. Niesen, Supt. waterworks service ...4., < 50.00 James Powers, Labor at s&wer 12.00 Wm. Ahrens, Labor at sewer .. 17.88 pany of Northern Illinois contract for street lighting. Term of contract to be five years. Motion carried. Motion by Buss, seconded by Kreutzer, tq adjourn. Motion carried. R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. EARL B. WALSH, City Clerk. Cbn/xilt the, H. tb. u'Jj Bui"* ^Z^TBETTBR^'" »vr A Gcnerai motom Vaum getting the dope on his easy terms! k. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES Front Street / West McHenry, 111* PP> ; "HiS