7 V C *•»;^rf ?<S•« ^RQR^'TNI^ #• • , 7 -,\m , .*• .*» Y v„ * v--« -V: • " t-j.j #a,,w; " V ;>v; •, ^ t-f , . • ':r ..* ; •*» r % >• . < C\>, SJii;? ' , : i% . t'.:&*'{"• An Trapped In Toms sound, south of Papua, Haft Jtttivaa trap sharks. The trap CMMiMa 0f a pile of empty, air-tight Ctoeoout shells joined together with a lip* and attached to a canoe by a Mtgthy line. The native takes the •MUs in his canoe to the fishing ground and places them in the watftr after baiting them with a dead on a flre-hardened wooden hook, the shark grabs the bait if MA 4pCt6mpts to dive, but the buoy-like action of the empty shell^prevents H from doing so. The fish then dashes madly about, dragging trap and canoe along, until it becornes exhausted. Then, if the line is still holding, it is hauled in, and taken ashore. Pt": 8S% 'S: }&*•' £v% ri'c V ' AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer Having rented my farm, I will sell at Public Auction on the farm, located one-quarter mile north of McHenry, op. U. S. Route 12, on-- TUESDAY, MARCH 22 Commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the following described property, to-Wit: 20 -- Head of LfVestock -- 20 Five milk cows, new milkers and close springers; Heifer, 2 years old, close springer; Heifei^ 18^month? old; Heifer, 8 months ohj; Heifer, 4 months old. Gray Mare, 10 yearsbld.wt. 1300 lb®,; Bay Mare, 12 years old.wt. 1450. Two Hampshire brood sows, Purer bred Hampshire Boar, 7 feeder Pigs. Hay, Grain and Machinery Five tpn good hard Corn in crib, 160 bu. seed oats, 20 bu. seed barley, 1 ton Alfalfa Hay, 5 ton Timothy hay, 15 shocks husked stalks^ 12 foot silage. . •McCormick corn biAder, McCormick mower, 3-section wood drag, 3-section iron drag, sulky plow, hand plow, 12 disc drill, hay rake, International cultivator, 5 foot horse disc, corn planter, wooden wheel wagon, feed cutter, scale, wheelbarrow, forks and shovels. Two double sets breeching harness, 100 Leghorn chickens, oil burner brooder stove, 300 chick size, chicken feeders and water fountains. Terms All sums of $25.00 and under, Cash. Over that amount, a credit of six mos. time will be given on good bankable notes, satisfactory to the clerk, bearing 7 per cent interest. Positively no . property to be moved until settled for with clerks. MRS. ANNA MEYER Wteet McHenry State Bank, Clerking Told Tales ftonu of tw roes <rf **: af Tsar* A|» VT TWENTY TEAKS AGO W "Vernon J. Knox, Attorney IbMINISTRATQR'S NOTICE "W: CONGRESSIONAL VIEWS ByCongreasman Ohauncey W. Reed * Rebellion ["princes of privilege" and lo and be- An unusual revolt recently took | hold it is now charged that the New place in the House of Representatives {Deal's pet agency, the good old TVA Estate of Hildegard Freund, Deceased and strange to say it was an uprising has been making contracts for power The undersigned, Administrator of by members of the "President's own the Estate of Hildegard Freund, de-|"big happy family". The result of ceased, hereby gives notice that he the rebellion was, at least the temporwill appear before the County Court ary (we hope permanent) elimination with these same "princes of privilege" at terms which would net the "hated ones" a tidy profit. Perhaps such an unforgivable sin can be charged to the of MfcHenry County, at the Court from the tax bill of the proposed. frailties of human natures House in Woodstock, on the 18tl* day heavy surtax charges on closely held of April, A. D. 1938, at which time or "family" corporations. A coalition all persons having claims against said of virtually all of the Republicans Estate are notified and requested to present at the time and insurgent attend for the purpose of having the Democrats enabled opponents of the same adjusted. All persons indebted measure to strike it from the bill. The « • . u„ rilH _rtV to said Estate are requested to make'teller vote on the measure to eliminate is rs* ba, f k ties house on nMuinll street Dated this 7th day of March, A.D. 180 to 124. Shortly afterr ,thre vTote George Hkpke of Wauconda* is the new fireman at the local plant of the Borden milk company. He will move his family to this village. Two car loads of cinders are being unloaded here this .week to be used on the private road leading to the Emil Lasch cottage. . - C. Unti, the Centerville ice cream nianufacturer, entertained the members of the McHenry 1938. HERBERT H. FREUND, Administrator. (Publ. Mar. 10-17-24) - Vernon J. Knox, Attorney ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE was taken Chairman Doughton of the Ways and Means Committee, with a wail of anguish moved for an immediate adjournment of the House. Ugly rumors have it that this was done to enable the White, House to put the "heat" on the "unfaithful" who dared to stray from the straight and narrow Estate of John F. McLaughlin, Deceas- path and to perstfade them to reverse < I their vote on the measure. " The undersigned, Administratrix of; 1 Scandal in the T.V.A. Pleasure Club the Estate of John F, McLaughlin, de-1 peals of thunder and flashes cf with a spaghetti supper at the elttb. ceased, hereby ^gives^ notice that she lightning are expected when the three room last Thursday evening. V': *" ^ ^ IHIRTY YEARS AGO Will Uncle Siam Come Out Second Best Again? It was recently announced that on March 7 a trade agreement was signed at Washington between the United States government and the government of Czechoslovakia. This agreement is the seventeenth signed by the United States under the provisions of the Trade Agreement Act of June 12, 1934 as extended on March 1, 1937, and is the seventh to be concluded with a European country. It will become provisionally effective on (April 16, 1938, pending the declaration of approval of the National Assembly of the Czechoslovak Republic and ratification by the President of the Czechoslovak Republic. The agreement will continue in force until April 16, 1939 and indefinitely thereafter until six Public Pulse (All communications for this department mast be signed by tin writer, otherwise they will not be published. The Plaindealer incites its readers to express their opinions in these columns.) IIAD NO BROTHER under exceptional conditions to modification or earlier termination. •„ will appear before the County Court waring directors of the TVA appear m(*nths after notice of termination has f McHenry County, at the Court House | at the White House in the very near been &iven by either country, subject an Woodstock, on the 2nd day of May, future for A "show down" conference . A- P 1938, at which, time all persons with the President. For the past few Jaeob'Buss is now temporarily sta-^ having claims against said Estate are weeks Chairman Arthur Morgan and tioned at Lake Geneva, Wis., acting as notified and requested to attend for the the two other directors of the TVA, operator at the Northwestern station purpose of having the same adjusted. Harcourt Morgan and David Lillien- All persons indebted to said Estate are thai have been hurling verbal blasts requested to make immediate payment which have caused heavy echoes on to the undersigned. Capitol Hill. Chairman Morgan has Dated this 14th day of March, A. D. accused his two co-directors of everyat that point Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Binding are how occupying the rooms over the N- J. Justen store, having taken up their abode there a short time ago. Friends of Frank Smith of Johnsburgh will place that gentleman's name upon the ballot at the caucus next Saturday as a candidate for the office of town assessor. A bus was chartered by the Ladies' afternoon Cinch club, yesterday after- 1938. JULIA ^.MCLAUGHLIN, Administratrix. (Pub. March 17-24-31) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS thing but heresy, while they have accused him of "everything in the books." A Congressional investigation is being sought of the entire TVA set-up. Leading the battle to place the inquiry Bids will be received by the City of "un jdre."r a. special Con^g re7ss ional Com t t T i i - , 3 „ o a » i t . n n t t e e , i s S e n a t o r Br i d g e s off VNr ew MccHHeennrryy , Illmo.s, until 7:80 o clock Hampshire. Senator Nofris and oth- Central Standard time, March noon and they were driven out to the' 23, ™93£ Ifor liW'im^ Administration leaders are seeking country home of Mrs. Chas. L. Page, I street, Arterial Street No. 5, (Section th? ;nvest,gatjon assigned to where the- club was entertained by Mrs. Page. The honors _of the afterwork to be performed: 1,939 cubic yards of Earth Excavation 1,566 cubic yards of Gravel or Crushed Stone Surface Course. noon went to Mrs. J. J. Hille. FORTY YEARS AGO 1 C S M F T ) I ^ * e c * e r a l T r a d e C o m m i s s i o n . S e n - " Followin6g are the fp rincifp al items of ator Bridges charf cies m excess 0f $15,000,000 have been discovered in TVA records. To date the controversy has produced another strange charge. For some time past the Administration has been rel^ rsp^iatoir'and"'pToposal' Peatedly hammering at the so-called (Political Advertisement) '•J'.' JOHNSBURG John W>. Phannensteil has purchased #f. the Frank Cole estate, the farm situated at the west end of McCollums forms may be obtained at the office of lake, known as the Wallace Colby the City Clerk and at the office of *arm- | Victor H. Kasser, Engineer, 202 E. Simon Stoffel now occupies his new Chicag0 street, Elgin, Illinois. store, having moved in last week^.and | proposals must be accompanied1 Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller we do not exaggerate when we say jjy a ba^ cashier's check for ten per Waukegan callers Tuesday. he has one of the finest arranged and,cent (109'c) of the amount of the bid.! Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bbde spent Wedhandiest stores to be found iii this The Council reserves the right to nesday at Ivanhoe. part of the state. ' reject j^ny or all proposals and to Mrs. Nick Miller of Richmond vis On Tuesday morning, a little before waive technicalities 7 o'clock our citizens were aroused, CITY OF McHENRY, some from their beds and others from| Earl R. Walsh, City Clerk, the breakfast table by that dread jjjfanjlh 9 1938 1 (Pub. March 10 and 17) | {*K Lester Edinger Republican Candidate for SHERIFF ___JEcHenry County I am a candidate for the office of Sheriff of McHenry county at the Republican primaries on Apr. 12th next, and on my record as a public servant I solicit the support of the voters. I feel that I have always given to the people of McHenry county honest, efficient and capable service, coupled with courtesy and strict economy. Based on these cardinal principles I again solicit the support of the people for Sheriff, an office in which I have had eight yearg of valuable ex- , perience. If my record as a public servant meets with your approval I shall be grateful for your support in the coming campaign. LESTER EDINGER alarm of fire, and in a few moments our streets were thronged with excited citizens, anxious to know where the ftre was and to do all in their power to aid in stopping the ravages of the fire demon.. The fire proved to be in the store ®f John Evanson & Co., and had got under such headway that it needed only a breath of wind to fan it into a seething flame. And right here is where our waterworks done its real | work. In less time than it takes to tell it, the Hose Carts were run out, connections made with two hydrants and two powerful streams of water were playing on the burning biilding. FIFTY YEARS AGO 1 ited with her mother, Mrs. Mary Tonyan, Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Smith and sen, Huppy, motored to Chicago Monday. Miss Bernice Hiller celebrated her birthday anniversary Saturday afternoon with the following schoolmates: Georgia Freund,. Luella Thelen, Margaret Freund, Bernice King, Marlyn Miller, Junilla Freund, Estella Hiller, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner spent Gladys Stilling, Edna King and the weekend at their home here, hav- Georgia Schmitt. ing been in Chicago the past two1 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoffel of Volo weeks with their son, Michael Wagner,!and Mrs. George Miller of Grayslake during his recent bereavement. His spent Thursday with John Pitzen. wife, Marie, passed away several SPRING GROVE ! Chicago, March 11th, £938. McHenry Plaindealer, McHenry, Illinois. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: In last week's edition of the Plaindealer, I hotq£ in the Twice Told Tales of Things That Occurred Forty Years Ago, an article which stated "Emil Lasch and two sons of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage north df Rosedale." I do not know where you obtained this information and do not blame you, as the paper was under different management at that time. However, I was not fortunate to have a brother, as I am supposed to be the only son of the late Mr. Emil Lasch. The error may have occurred forty years ago when my Father had a nephew here from Europe and he might had been mistaken for my brother. 'V ~ S ' : ' L A M , , ' 'Yours very truly, ' v CHAS. F. LASC& Rubber Stamps at The Piaindealer A. (Political Advertisement) weeks ago, following an operation. They returned to Chicago with him to care for his two small children. Mr. and Mrs. George W. May are ;the happy parents of a six pound girl, born Tuesday at St. Therese's hos- Peter Schreiner had the misfortune! pital in Waukegan. to get knocked down and trod upon by! Mrs. J. G. Wagner, accompanied by cow, one day last week, and was her sister, Mrs. Leonard Franzen, of quite severely injured. | Ringwood, visited in the Fred Shot- The old Central meat market is a. liff home, near Hebron, Sunday afterthing of the past, it having been pull- noon. ed down the past week. A The annual town meeting occurs Otto one week from next Tuesday. , birthday anniversary on Tuesday even- The ice- haa all left the river and (ing. Cards were enjoyed and prizes hunters are getting reader for the were awarded those achieving high Mrs. Steve H1. Smith and Mrs. Mamie King motored to Elgin Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Olymichak of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schaefer. John Bertrag of Aurora was visiting last week with Mr. and Itrs. Joseph N) Schmitt. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Mrs. Leo Gerlach was a Chicago caller Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and semi-annual duck hunt. SIXTY YEARS AGO Fitzsimmons and Evanson are fillparty of friends surprised Mrs. , , /, f ^. ... Qii Klemm at Vol. in k«c of Mr. And Mrs. Earl Hoffien of Genoa I spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe scores. Refreshments were served, P. Miller. I ' after which Mrs. Klemm was presented with many beautiful gifts. Dancing was enjoyed until the wee hours. Among those from here who made up C. FRANK DALY Republican Candidate For TREASURER of McHenry County, Illinois • On* April 12, 1938, the Republican voters of McHenry county will select candidates for the several offices to be voted for at the election next November. One of the important offices to be filled at that election is that of County Treasurer, for which office I hereby announce my candidacy, and seek the sup- --port of the Republican voterVat the coming April primaries. I have lived in McHenry county "for over 32 years, attended our public schools, was employed in the Oliver Typewriter factory for a number of years and as a clerk in one of Woodstock's retail stores. In 1922 I was apppinted to a position in the office of the Collector of Internal Revenue in Chicago, and for almost eleven years was employed in income tax work out of that office in McHenry and surrounding counties, in which work I enjoyed extensive experience in hookkeeping and accounting. In 1934 I was appointed Chief "Deputy under County Treasurer Lester Edinger and have now had the work of the Treasurer's office. three years of experience in member of the County Central Committee of that party. For the past eight years I nave been Chairman of the Committee and given liberally of my time to the advancement of the party's success in each succeeding campaign. I have never before been a candidate for an elective office other than Precinct Committeeman, and now seek the endorsement of my fallow Republicans on my record in the performance of whatever duties have, from time to time, been assigned to my care. My three years of employment in the Treasurer's office have made me familiar with its responsibilities, and I believe I am equipped by training and experience to serve the people of McHenry county in a capable and efficient manner. I respectfully solicit the support of the Republican voters in the April primaries and if elected pledge to all Of the people of the dwjpty the best service I am capable of performing. I remain, sincerely, . " _ C. FRANK DALY. Republican Candidate for County Treasurer. -Yw i % -v ' R U , , ' v ' * 7 . * J*. Thnnday, ltoh 17,1W8 "SonSTflATT ffl TOUR OWR lONE HO EXTRA CHARGE GLASSES COMPLETE #0 DA AS LOW AS 90. 50 For appointment, Phone Chicago, Franklin 8610 -- McHenry 60-W or Writs to-- Dr. M. M. Kagan OPTOMETRIC EYE SPECIALIST /?« / •;<' fev . ,M v- • * 'f «. j • *;* ? .V *', ^ ~L-Q&C'-R*1 CLEANING fr^iPUUP' SYSTEMS Arthur J. Coik, % ' - Phoiae 220-R Box 222 t> V| * * }' 1 \ I v". J . ',4 J (" "'{IF F mSORAljCE EARL R. WALSH • ' 1 PMawtiag _ • Reliable Companiea When you Med inaoraace of any kM PIMMW 4S or fl-M Pri* Bldg. . . McHenry MONEY TO LOAN I hare clients who have money to lend on first mortgagee on real estate and others who want to borrow money on real estate. If interested either way, I will be glad to talk it over with you. Joseph IV. Sikes Waukegan National Bank Bid*. 4 S. Genesee St^ Waukegan, I1L TEL. MAJfeSTIC US A. P. Freund Co. Excavating Contractor Cnicldng, Hydraulic and Crane ; ' 8ervio« Road Building W. 204-M ' McHenry, ID. ;,UTaisphens No. ttt Stoffel A Reihaneperg* •aranea >|MtU far all riiiw afi: proierty in tka beat compaaiea. WEST McHENRY ILLINOIS' ; - v . , . . . ' I - . RETT BSOTHKBS CONTRACTORS Cement, Brick, Plaatar and Stucco Work Building, Moving and •; Raising : Tdepbone 625-11^1 -- McHENRY, ILL. ing their store with seasonable goods this happy gathering were Mr. and for the spring and summer trade, Mrs. Joseph E. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. which they have marked down so low A1 Schmeltzer and Mr. and Mrs. Charthat you cannot afford to steal them. les Freund. The new fence around the M. E. j Mrs. Frank Sanders has returned to church has been completed, and adds her home here, having spent several much to the appearance of that edi- weeks in Richmond. fice. | A baby girl came to gladden the The prospects are now good for the home of ®4i>^nd Mrs. Joseph Schaefer, building of a butter and cheese fac- who have just recently mov6d from the tory in this village. | Steve Huff farm to the Bell farm in The "shovel brigade" under com- Ringwood. , , mand of Capt. Thomas Knox, done a I Mrs. Joseph Brown and Mr^. Joseph good job on Monday, shoveling off the Wagner visited Mrs. George May at mud that had accumulated during the St. Therese's hospital in Waukegan on winter on the bridge. They did a clean Friday afternoon, job. | Members of her club met at the ^-- , | home of Mrs. Joseph E. Freund on / • SPECIAL SERVICES Thursday night. Auction five hundred St. Patrick's Day is being observed was in play and prize winners were with special church services and a awarded to Mrs. Frank Sanders, Mrs. party in the church hall today. A Joseph Lenzen, a guest, and Mrs. Edith high mass was held at 7:30 o'clock Cleveland received consolation. f *A this morning at St. • Patrick's church lovely dessert lunch was served at the preceding which the organist, Mrs. conclusion of cards. Carl Weber, played a medley of Irish Misses Florence Werdell and Virairs. ginia Rasmussen of Chicago were This evening a pot-luck supper will weekend guests in the home of Mr, be served, after which cards will be and Mrs, Charles Freund. played. The committee in charge of Miss Kathleen Justen of Ringwood the affair is composed of Mrs. John visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Knox, Florence Knox, Genevieve Mike Rauen, on Tuesday afternoon, Knox, Mrs. A. Purvey, Mrs. R. F. Con-1 ' way, Mrs. A. L Froehlich and Mrs. R. Miss Rita Freund spent the week- I. Overton. end, in Chicago. Mtammrmrmmrimt McHenry, DEALER'S NAME, ADDRESS (10)0) SEE OUR 4 WAY SAV/N6 DEMONSTRAT/ON VERNON J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAW Pries Bldg. OFFICE HOURS Toesdays an^FHdays Other Days by Appniataiwrt S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Pbene 127-R McHenry Our experience U at Tour Serrioe in building. Your Wants Jacob Justen & Sons Green Street ? KENT * COMPANY AO Kinds ef INSURAMCI McHenry, III Maud with the meet TQHIMS CampanlsB in aad talk tt avw ' MI-.. /TS) * -V& ' -Mil -i in-i nn^Blni! I• n'l WR ALL RIGHT* BUT WHY 00 IVOMEM INSIST ON -rH£L Msr WORD 1 A -- I £ I >MDRO BUT WE CAM AWMS -MIWK OF ARGUmEMTS VOU AAEV4 HAVE RUM OUT OF \VEhS o CharRe's Repair Shop _-- Next Door To . Boot Noonen'f . On U. S. 12 J " EADIATORS REPAIRED. ^ BODIES and FENDERS" Straightened f; , Sign Painting r Track Lettering Furniture Upholstering CHARLES KIETESKL i C'