£*• • v.».>* -"*»•» ,>•.»'»>' Thursday, April 21,1938 HMOiM ' 1^. . '«• V"» •>" t ft \ r * *«•» - «"»> «r • »%».*• **- •*>*.- J®®] PLAUVDEALER '/.*<• V-.' •" ^;;.--.-.^"r;-;7v^T. v ^ ^ ^ V*,*.* J-. V "«• - ,; n -..j , ' ?,&A« , * f ** <} * >-*i ^ ^ NEW 5» MeHENRY, ILLINOIS ill..: SUN-MATMEC CONTINUOUS . FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 42iMrg» Brent - Olivia de HaTiHtnd "GOLD IS WHERE YOU FUTD ir.v A l s o -- . ' • ,v,: iMb* SUNDAY -- APRIL 24 (One Day) On the Stage WLS BARN DANCE SHOW •i On HN SCREEN ---- '•JURY'S SECRET" if* MONDAY--APRIL 26 lick Holt -- Kath. DeMille "TENDER SUSPICION" , Also---Selected Subjects TUESDAY--APRIL 28 10c -- (Doable Feature) -- 26c (1) . "Charlie Chan at • Monte Carlo*' (2) "They Won't Forget" WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Robert Taylor in "A YANK AT OXFORD" 'Rubber Stamps at The Plaindealer MILLER FRIDAY--DINNERWARB GIFTS ' Cbrk Gable -- Helen ftyes "WHITE SISTER" SATURDAY ONLY -- Matinee at 2:30---- GENE AUTRY in =ufHE OLD CORRAL" with Smiley Burnette AND Frank Morgan •• Robert Young 'PARADISE FOR THREE' Roth Too Good To Miss SUNDAY AND MONDAY --Continuous From 2:30 Sunday-- Robert Taylor - Maureen O'Sullivan --and an All-Star Cast! "A YANK AT OXFORD" Color Cartoon "The Old Mill" "Adventures of Camera Men" TUESDAY, BARGAIN NIGHT Claire Trevor "Walking Down Broadway" Big Special Attractions WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY JEANETTE Mac DONALD "THE FIREFLY" with Warren William - Allan Jones COMING! ! SATURDAY, APRIL 30 • MidNite Show 'MARIJUANA' COUNTY JUDGE - IRKED At FATHER r* r : WHO BEAT SON Judge VHenry L. Cowlin Wednesday almost stepped down from his bench In the county court to administer whs.t he thought Paul Monroe, Hartland farmer, had coming to him for alleged beating up of his 3-year old son. Not since the Crystal Lake jurist took the bench have court room tens seen Judge Cowlin so angered. The case in question was the hearing on an information filed by State's Attorney William M. Carroll against Monroe and his wife charging them with mistreatment of their children. On the witness stand Monroe testified that he thought he had the right" to punish his children in any manner he saw fit He went so far as to tell Mrs. M. D. Brooks of Hebron, county probation officer, that this was •a free country and he would raise his children whatever way he felt like. Testimony given at the hearing by Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Soma, and three "SO I HEAR ; CARL WALSH ELGIN SCOUTS ON THREE:! DAY HIKE TO McHENRY; RETURN HOMB ON BUS Eighteen Scouts of Troop 5, McKinley School, P. T. A., of Elgin, embarked on a novel scouting activity during Looks like some people took this! spring vacation--a three-day hike, "Clean-Up WeelT kinda serious like. Wlth McHenry their destination. --«-- - There was Bolger's window--filled with bags of Bath Salts--and along comes somebody and sticks in a big poster, "Do Your Part--Clean-Up." --!--* Now, Watties will be ugly because he isn't getting any advertising this *eek, but whathell! j Somebody 'stent "FfegQnr* Pdtfc a calendar that was all twisted up oh important days. It wasn't Peggy's fault that he was shootin* firecrackers on Good Friday. The boys set out from Elgin Thursday morning in groups of three, an older Scout accompanying two younger members, under the able leadership of Scoutmaster Norman Jarrett, and his assistant,, Everett Sollenberger. CONGRESSIONAL VIEWS By Congressman Channcey W. Reed I RECEIVES B. S. DEGREE Eugene Sayler,' a student at the 1111- i nois Dental School, has recently rt» ceived the degree of Bachelor iif Science. Consistency Plus Many strange things occurred duringf the consideration of the late lamented dictatorship bill. Ripley might well feature one of them thus: "Believe it or not; a congressman takes the floor and makes a speech against his own pet measure." It happened lift this. The bill among other things „ . . . . , p r o v i d e d f o r a r e - o r g a n i z a t i o n o f t h e Service b, abolishing the pre.- ent bi-partisan board of three commissioners and transferring their powfood and equipment they were able to prepare their own 'meals. Their first stop was north of Carpentersville for noon lunch. The modern version of the hike food ers to a single ^administrator" to be appointed by the President. This provision had aroused the ire of the Civil problem was met in the evening when Service bloc of representatives led by the group ate in an Algonquin res- «^^T7D>"of Geor' rta;u r,a n^t . The S_c out*s % s,l ept. in ,t hei,r !gi.a gw^h®o scThaanr ged that the adminis*tr a . .. V .?1,ntetr011,",,nAIS0nqU,n'Cb°°,-!ti0neflhi.b™nch<,t the government Guess "01'Diz" IS getting his share house. ibv one ner«*on who owed his allecrianee publicity, Bet he hates that-halesl Friday mordng reveille J*^sou^;;to a partisan President, meant a re of their children, disclosed that the H like a hungry nag hates his,oats, i«i at seven, and breakfast was had other hand, there exists in the House a considerable group of members who tience by loudly and insistently honking his horn before you have e'Ufci had an opportunity to shift your gears, all you need to do is to push a button on, the dashboard and about three or four ) inches of a red tongue will protrude from the mouth of the clown and wag tantalizing' at your tormentor. In this manner you may register, at no risk« to yourself, your utter contempt for him and all his relation. Of course, at oight the contrivance is illuminated and you can wag the tongue at these horn-blowing pests as many times as you wish to push the button. We predict a prosperous future for the manufacturers of these gadgets and expect to be one of the first customers as soon as they are put on the market.; LIONS DECIDE TO , GIVE DINNER FOR f " BOY PATROLMEN SUGAR Mj&bers of the McHienry Lions Club held their regular dinner meeting on .. 'turn to the spoils system. Attempt# Monroes have beaten up the 3-year- ' w f • T~ j~~, _ • > . j1?;. e °„f_„ +Vi«> rrv«^l «?^LntJto strike the provision from the bill old boy with a strap until -Welts ap- 6 boldly picked the Cubs to win A ter me 1 g _ y (however, were unsuccessful. On the peared oa tke back of the yo»ng.t»r few ™ 1 ana the sMu broken all becauae th. *• »K <te»d wre of them. |*h.re north of tha• children got out of the house while: * .'•« • L*. honestly and sincerely disbelieve in [.Tuesday evening #t 'the Cadillac Cafe Mr. and Mrs. Monroe were in Harvard, j. cause some trouble* but our,;t ey ^ .. _v '_ i Civil Service and who consistently op-[on Riverside Drive, with C. H. Duker The testimony introduced disclosed fc^ess is that he Will trouble the Other e1^ ° Th« UHe cTont i post? its extension in the government presiding. After the dinner was serVthat the Monroes locked the chUdren ®even teams in the league a heck" of a restaurant. The lads slept in a • - ' in the house whtle they went to Har- lot »<>re th*n he will ever trouble the McHenry sehoolhouse. Breakfast was vard. When they returned they found Cub#. ^ r > " 4 "{in .-the McHenry Boy Scout Camp one of the Soma girls in the house ^ ^ ^ -- ! where bloc, though perhaps sympathetic with with the children. She informed1 0n «>e other mitt, Curt Davis may Scouts. IZ™\that part of the bill that crippled the them the little 2-year-old girl had into past form and do things »n service, did not favor the transfer wandered down to their home which for the Cardinals. It * about time for j visited the «ft„rn!on wW iof the othet" Sreat independent govis located right near the Monroe . l«m to show his stuff. ernmentel agencies into the hands of farm. It was for this that the children ~returned t E g n on th ^ Executive xhe administration were given a sound "strapping" and ' Wonder if that old feud between.°«8. .'leaders were desperately in need of sent to bed without food. ,^y and Tex. Carleton will bob for Passa*e- ^ had Mrs. Monroe's testimonvwa# #im- ^»n. But, there we go borrowing wJS fl™de several concessions, the effect of ilar to her husband s and j«nt on to trouble. SgSSMM 2""* 2? RtBiBVur e MM. 2s« tVShmmwK .2jft2Sc KSEtfocm . . 3c».2Sc arsaaa?c»m3£s43« 0-IABAOMN) DRESSING 25c ' service. This group is led by Congressman Faddis (D) of Pennsylvania. Faddis, however, and many of his considered a success, will become a, .. . . . semi-annual affair. An activity of ^lc\w«s * placate various groups this nature is to be commended, for ™** h\d 1 the opposition of the Civil it not only provides good clean furtf S*™ce b,oc a"d *sJet„haJ «mn' for the lads, but re-?1 he suPf0^ of »he "antl8" As a j t f\nal appeal, they offered as an amendi ment, the entire substance, word for iword, of a bill which many weeks bebut also develops a quality requisite say the 3-yr.-old boy was old enough --I-- ' ,r to know right from wrong. State's At- I Don't lode now, but Dreymiller torney Carroll asked her when she plowed up his whole back yard. started using the strap on the kids , --H-- and she said when they were a year "The lad that's always busy" was: sourcefulness, or so old. 'tbc title pinned to Eddie Matthews' emergencies. The whole matter irked Judge baby picture. We hate to hear it, but Cowlin so that he remarked it was , the boys have too bad there wasn't a whipping post that's always Dizzy." law in the state. He indicated he j --1|-- : would like to send the father down1 This column seems to be one dizzy in the basement of the court house after another this week. with one of the court bailiffs and let 1 --1|-- . him get a taste of how it felt toj* [ Well while we're at it, we might on ^e^aJL^sl^Hdav nTeht an"' they dan«led before the Pennsylvania beaten up. He fur her stated he felt as well add that the Dizzy Dean is.^v had ^swell time so thev iv 'representative and his group, the delilike doing it himself. sure to like the snappy infield. Hel"iey 118 * ® 5, ? A /» cious bait of almost certain enactment Judge Cowlin called the case the likes support. Remember how he;!* seems th.at Tf°°P.. of ^ 10f legislation that was so close to their most disgraceful ever to be brought howled about the Card's infield? J*as a C£!?P * C®i y.ep' political hearts Congressman Faddis into th* eountv court. He aDDointed _B have a W. C. (Ronny) Fields and a'P011"^1 nearis- congressman raaais, Supervisor Gilbert J. Carroll of Hart- j Don't worry too much about our old fellow with a name li 1 ke our ™,n wa,s not delude(1 by.the stra,t land as guardian of the children, or- , White Sox. Sometimes a star is un- anyway lt s Pretty clos*- ^ s called ™ dered the probation officer to make earthed because of injuries. McKinstry. It seems that the Elgin frequent trips to the home and to thinking of Lon Warneke. check on how the parents were taking eare-of-the youngsters, Jind to parents a warning that unless they you know what he did. There turned over a new leaf he would take numerous cases whete rookies stepped fore had been introduced by Congressman Faddis providing for the removal of many of the civil service restrictions effecting first, second, and third class postmasters and again permitting their selection by congressmen as political patronage. In this manner and, obtaining recognition made x. w.c -81u-;a speech, urging the defeat of his own ites made the long trip in two day3 .bi". j Despite his protests it was ad, G .D C fit.P nn - and no less ill health than.. a f.e w b.l is-,?ldPf rftfi,nann'do maanraeen r8o Pai"Wt Kofa nt hieU and mitt* ites made the long trip in two days news space before he step-, ters an(j were immediately taken 'strati°n s measure. When the final the children away from them. Evidence introduced disclosed that the parents have been In the habit of leaving the three small children alone at home and going out for the evening or to the city shopping,.. The youngest is only 8 months old. . ' Corps icare of. Mr. Jarrett, the visiting ™^ came, this ^entleman joined with are scoutmaster, planned the whole trip to ? other representatives in consignperfection. The High School was turn-'1"* the ent,re re-organ.zation scheme ed, President Duker made a report on the "Clean-Up Week," sponsored by the club, an account of which appears in another column of this issue. It «was (decided to recognize the splendid work being done by the boy patrols at the publilc grade and parochial schools and entertain the boys at a dinner, at which time a speaker on "Safety" will be present, probably from the state department. These boys, consisting of about seven from each school, are on duty all winter, guarding the younger pupils while they are crossing the highways; They receive no compensation. The Brownie belts are furnished by the Chicago Motor Club. At the close of the meeting the members were urged to attend the educational film, which was being shown that evening at Legion hall, put out by the state of Illinois in a campaign to eradicate syphilis, and sponsored by the Lions Club, Mothers Club, and the Legion Post. Dr. C. W. Klontz, chairman of the health committee of the Lions, made the arrangements for the showing. About seventy-five adults attended and displayed much interest in the pictures and transcribed talks. Afc-I torney W. G. French made the opening announcements. ! gSaggwrn Fig Bars, 2 lbs. 23c 3AS.25C . 2ifcg< I5c S6lQ®. SSSUcltACKEftS SG&E?ffc*.3-o.i0e NUTLCYOLCO p^O.10C V • K e N Z 11 S V A r, t c CAKE FLOUR 19c Iona Family Flour, 24-lb. bag 63c ffiStCMCSWa 2 >&£?35€ EWSTCOCKTML . 2 ca&25C Su^Tcoitii. . 4 29c ggarggm .. saa2$c . FIRM. RIPE P AP. - HMMt 0 L~ ZD® - 2«19t = • . .'.V «faityTndrpllTdIre«UirUgh for"Friday" n^Kt ,0 the Congresamnal waste basket. y ' when the tired hikers rested till the There is some activity right now i own troop see*** w ^ ^ww** »*» . ,. .. , . f, baseball team. A group o~f fellows are the 8Wing °f thingS a"d demand' mind No matter how we may differ with Many boyslrom ourjCongressman Faddis on the merits or - ...1L •. i .nr.ntf n ' d e m e r i t s o f c i v i l s e r v i c e , we m u s t a d - in the direction of forming a McHenry T* t0P t0 hav! gotten into ~^ i- -----^ -- of 8T"g th,mgS demi going up to Johnsburg next Sunday | ^u- ^7? ^e some type « for a practice game, y^ Elgin, and let me say that I Lizard Has Good Defense --j-- When pursued, the chuckwalla, one of the largest lizards of the | in favor of such a trip. Here's a iast . , „ ' minute EXTRA. The boys from the c of hike to bil1 was commendable and exhibited the true qualities of statesmanship. His vote could not be "pur- The trend seems to be to organize , , V team from the ranks of local ball 80uth can expect U8' although the date United States, crawls into a nar- | players. You young fellows had bet- is not set as yet" row crevice in the rocks and inatea itself so that it can not be dislodged. Counterfeiting Appropriations by congress for the suppression of counterfeiting were *irst made in 1861. PINK HARRISON'S --of Pist&kee Bay--- SEASON'S OPENING SATUKDAY EVENING, APRIL 23 Chicken Plate Lunches -- 50c Sandwiches ----Music by Barbara Horick---- Dancing Every Saturday Throughout The Season! Farmers Attention! T" A representative from Swift and Co. will be at our plant in West McHenry, April 27, to test samples of soil. Bring in your samples and let this soil expert advise you just what type of SWIFT'S BED STEER FERTILIZER will need to increase your corn yield. -- BARNLIME A WORD OF CAUTION: "Hydrated or forms should never be used for this purpose, because it may not only injure the stock, but is very likely to drive ammonia (nitrogen from the manure) by chemical reaction," sajrs Uie letin 131 SUPREME 'High White' BARNLIME is white, specially prepared and ground, pure, kilndried limestone for barn use. It is perfectly safe and easy to handle--cannot injure stock or persons. There is absolutely no chemical reaction to release and lose the best fertilizing valufc~of the manure. Passes all Governmental regulations. WILL NOT cake, harden, or burst the bags by chemical reaction. Packed only in 100 lb. paper bags, printed-- : ^ "SUPREME Barnlime." ' * ' v a SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY, APRIL 23-300 lbs. $1.Q0 McHenry County Farmers Co-operative Association "Phone 29 JOHN A. BOLDER, Mgr. . McHenry Re-Organization Again The re-organization bill was beaten Perhaps you of the public have no-^ eight votes. Illinois cast nine of i ticed some of the pamphlets the gang her twenty-seven votes against it. ;has been distributing. Don't regard „ Motorists, Attention! ^ CCllaarreennccee AAnnddeerrssoonn iias gMoiinng* «onuft to, these as merely sheets of worthless! How often in yourexperience.wben Look th v _ d iust you have stoPPed for a red traffic SCiloaurexn cFea lls neWxtn w .ee k for a "tryi -o^u t. w,h a.t Se cou.t.i ng is and, w.ha.t it. is d,o .i ng si4g5n al hn*av,ee you had itnhee fellow iinn tyhnee 8 ^ * -Pitch6r' catcher> in th€ Blackhawk Area. Support the ?&r ^irectIy beh,n L d y°u start Jon,k»n« DIVORCE GRANTED Iva M. Shober was granted a divorce from Arthur Shober in the McHenry, county circuit court by Judge WilliairH L. Pierce last Saturday. Geno Poultry Drug Store. Remedies. Wattles 40-tf . FRESH ORECN t PEAS . - New Potatoes, 5 lbs. 19£r < Navel Orangesrjg^^h ~29^-r4^- LUX SOAP . . 3 cakes 17C 1 LIFEBUOY SOAP 3CAKES17®/1 klETCHUP0 . . BOTTLE 10c PAPERTOWELS 3ROLLS25C HOOKER'S LYE 5,C3A-NoSr 25c BRIT-IZE CLEANSER 3 25° ter grab a glove and trot out for practice and a try-out. TXi Someone remarked to me that thely,ou? Didn>t y°u feel ,ike out ing like trying. The"game is worth a ship' try. Clarence is going to look up the Doc, ,, c . Hess family when he gets out there Sco in the west and say, "Hello: Henry. fellows from Elgin were really swell your ca[ anig?ing 1,baci ^ give boys. That, of course, is typical of *im * Punch m.^e he/d? Wel; -n o TUi. -ii troubles are ended and won't need Prom Woodstock comes the following' with a comment that we asked for contributions so here's a starter: ODE TO KATHLEEN I've got those cub reporter blues, . I've worn the soles right off my shoes, And every week I find Another story in my mind. • I never catch the people in, I ask for facts -- they only gvfo, • And then my story's never used I've got those cub reporter blues. AN ODE WRITER. This movement brings all for M the £ood y°uth together. If your boy is not in this great project, be sure you give him a chance to learn and become a fine citizen through Scouting. SCOUT HAROLD TAXMAN. you a chance of mixing up in SAFETY PATROL LEADERS NAMED * IN THE COUNTY to take | physical encounter with some fellow who might turn out to be a great deal bigger than you are. A device has recently been patented which is called an "electric tongue sticker-er out-er." It has the shape of a clown's face and fastens on the rear of your automobile. When the road hog behind you starts exasperating your pa- -FOR A REAL TREAT - TRY OUR DOUBLE DIP CONES Betty and Glen's Ice Geam Castle Double Dip Sundaes Giant Milk Shakegt Banana Splits Double Dip Cones _ Foil Quart Bricks ' '" CURB S E R VICE 7* 12<* X2& • 5^ 31* We serve the Famous Harms Purity Ioe Cream and deliver at a small extra cost • _ On Route -- 1 block east of State Bridge, KcHenry -Tel McHenry 324 Wft plan to print a few more baseball questions this year. Instead of printing the answer next week, we, . . K; will have it «ppe.r .t th. end of th. ^ eounty at th^^^t^p.tr^ column. -I-- QUESTION: With a runner'on third Outstanding safety patrol members in McHenry county schools were announced last week by Chaa. M. Hayes, president of the Chicago Motor Club, which founded the school safety patrol movement in 1922. The boys selected as the best in their individual schools are eligible for the honor of representing McHenconference and luncheon in Chicago May 5 and, one boy from the county, chosen as the most competent on the basis of l»;e,theta« b«;nrin^rrr™ "is record for p.trol service will be ition, batter hits a hard dr^e^nd the n,me? t0 w T'^"" n hnli efriiroo i._ patrol conference in Washington, D. ball strikes the runner who was still C. This boy will accompany 73 other on third base. The umpire said the . « ™ • • j t jrunner could not be calM out. „ he ^y,/r0.m 11 m"'s ,nJ. Il)d,a"a on » was standing on . bu., and that "^vejay trip 'o the naf on s »p,tal as is a safety tone. .-- • • •--^ quests of the motor club. 1 Then boys selected as the most com- --D-- Our city park looks very inviting to young and old who care to romp around a little. Work on the ball diamond petent in the county will receive 'outstanding service' medals from the club, and any of them who have peramond indicates that the Married fIoorrmmeeda /a singular serviiic e 2ip liifae £saf - Men's Club will b. pr erforata8? abbuVt ?titnyg uoirs h^ed service• *m TedH a,ls8. ^ "" next week. --I-- Boys selected as the leaders in their DayKafet savin* tim« •». i individual schools and who are elig- .y gm ttme bnn** 0114 Alible for the Chicago and Washington trips chosen to date in McHenry county included: Robert Cowan, 13, 603 W. Crystal Lake, Crystal Lake school; George Freund, IS, Green street, St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school, McHenry, CARD OF THANKS Mrs. James Sayler wishes to thank the many kind friends who remembered her with cards, flowers and other gifts, on her birthday, last week. evening softball games -- and ball games bring out Dave Payne and Charlie Kuhnert. j * --I-- ' I DiMag comes back to Yankees. The potor fellow has to take a measly 25 thousand bucks for the next six months. He ought to join the WPA •nd tell old Jake Rupert to go jump in a brewery vat. Oar Sox brent slipped down- so much, I 11 A report came out this week that: Bill Olson was dead. Bill made many I had a stormy time trying to figure out friends while in Pete Olson's barber!where he was going to put all that shop and about the town. rubbish in his new cart. Then the So to check up on the report, Andy.trucks came along. , Worwick goes to the phone. Sayi-r -- Andy, "Hello! Bill? Are you dead?") ANSWER: The runner is out, Bill assured Andy that he is very whether he stands on the base or not. much alive. The rule makes no provisions as to --I-- j where he shall stand; it simply says Not to pick on "Peggy* toe moch he is out. this week, but this "Clean-Up Week" nearly had him down. "Peggy" saw all those tin cans on the curbs and V LASALLE ownersin olaLaSaUe...^aLaSaBe! Since it costs no more ... you might just as well have Cadillac quality- Cadillac beauty, performance and safety--and Cadillac prestige! So before you pay above $1,000 H>r a motor car . . look at La salle! Why not come in today lor a demonstration? who paid the price of a LaSalk V-8 I... but who didn't get a La Salle V-8? If so, you probably do not realize that a new LaSalle V-8 actually costs less than certain models of eleven other manufacturers. Remember this when you buy* your next car. If you pay the price R. .1 WON Street McHenry, PI. it. • SS5%-44*. "L