JPafeSgfct tn MeHSMBY PLAIMDSALXB thnr»d»y .AprU 28,1838 I&S Society Motes Who Are They? IROX RIVER VALLfeY CAMP jx River Valley Camp, R. N. will meet next Tuesday evening, May 3, when the fourth party in their card tournament will be held, with Mrs. George H. Johnson acting as chairman. "J. R." CLUB Mrs. Wm. B. Tonyan entertained the "JR." Club at her home on Richmond Road last Thursday afternoon, with bridge prizes won by Mi's. E. R. Sutton and Mrs. Tonyfcn. A delicious lunch was served. The next meeting Will be with Mrs. Sutton, next week. * * * LADIES' AID SOCIETY "flie Ladies' Aid Society held their first meeting in the new church basement last Thursday afternoon. The time was spent, in making final plans for the dinner and sewing on articles for their fancy goods sale. Their next meeting will b# with Mfs. Lillian Cox, on May 5, * «' • < <v;- EASTERN STAR Jfee lo^al chapter of the 0. E. S. its "tegular meeting Monday evening. Invitations have been received to attend Official Visit of Worthy Grand Matron, Sister Lillian Burchby, at Easter chapter, North Chicago, on May 4, *nd at Woodstock chapter, May 7, 8 o'clock, daylight saving tirtw. MID-WEEK CLUB The Mid-Week Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Thomas Kane, near Ringwood, Wednesday afternoon, May 4. Mrs. Frank Hughes will be assistant hostess. • •• -- SUNSHINBCfctH* M. E. DINNER TONIGHT The Sunshine Club met at the home of Mrs. Ben Bauer Wednesday afternoon. Prizes in five hundred were won by Mrs. Robert Knox and Mrs. Wm Gerhardt. Their next meeting will be held with Mrs. Knox in two weeMk - • • * MOTHERS CLUB The Mothers Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Wm. Spencer at 2:80 o'clock tomorrow (Friday) afternoon, with Mrs. Thomas Phalin, Mrs. Lester Page and Mrs. E. G. Peterson as assistant hostesses. Mr.. Yanda, of the high school, will be the guest speaker. * * 9 / RIVERVIEW CAMP The regular meeting of.' the Riverview Camp, R. N. A., was held Tues-. day evening with Mrs. Ella Gans acting as chairman. Bunco, five hundred and bridge furnished the entertainment, after which a lovely lunch was served. Prizes .were aw&rded to Mrs. ; William Pries, Mrs. Elizabeth Frisby arid Catherine Wlrtz. • * * EASTERN STAR CARD PARTY A public card party sponsored by The Ladies of the M. E. church are the O. E. S. was held Wednesday aft sponsoring a diriner and miscellaneous ernoon in the Masonic Hall, with Mrs. sale of fancv work, bakery goods and Thomas Kane as chairman. Ten tables candy at the new church basement! of bunco and bridge were in play, this (Thursdav) evening. Serving Later in the afternoon a delictus lunch was served. Prizes in bunco were merited Mrs. John Keg and Mrs. Wirt. Pries. I /; PMUMMTALS Sirs, kobert Sutton and daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Kraft, of Richmond visited the former's father, Wm. Simes, Tuesday. Mr*. Harry Alexander of Hebron was a guest in tfie home of her sister Mrs. Robert Thompson, Tuesday. Mrs. Jack Geary and sons, Eugene and James, of Wauconda were business visitors here Monday. $ Miss Delia Logue of Chicago spent a few; days this week with her cousin, Mrs. M. A. Sutton. Little Kay Ellen Bacon of Cary was a visitor in the hoMe of her grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon, a few days this week, while her parents were in Chicago, where they were called by the death of Mrs. Bacon's father, Henry Schuberth. Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman were visitors in the home if their daughter, Mrs. Louis McDonald, near Woodstock* Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Kent and family of Chicago were guests of relatives here Sunday. Gene Dobyns spent the weekend with friend# at Elmhurst.. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bassett and little daughter visited friends at Crystal Lake Sunday. Mrs. William Bacon, daughter, Arleen, and Mrs. Lester Bacon visited in the horifie of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dam at Kenosha, Wis., Friday. v Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel visited m the home of his parents at Richmond Sunday. Among those from this locality who attended the funeral of Math Huemann at Stacyville, Iowa, last Friday were: Mrs. John M. Schmitt, Anton Schmitt, Mrs. John P. Schaefer, Stephen H. Freund, Mr. and Mrs, Joe J. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Wlilliam Adams, Mrs. Joe B. Stilling, Mrs. Nick Justen, start at 5:30 o'clock. • » • HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Vale Adams was honored guest at a Two more "Way Back When" pic- son, Joseph, Mrs. Ben Kennebeck, Mrs. tures are presented to Plaindealer Ben Bauer, Jacob Freund, Mrs. Anby | readers this week. The young lady at thony Widhalm and Mrs. Wm. May. ^ , - ... „ . „ 'the top is a reproduction of a photo Jacob Miller of Zenda, Wis., was a . In bridge, by Mrs. Albert Vales, Mrs. taken several years ago. She grew McHenry visitor Sunday. gathering of the Lester Bacon and Strong of Wonder Lake, Mrs. Margie to womanhood in McHenry, but is now, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Small, Jr., Lester Adams families at the Bacon, C°x» Mrs. Mae Martin, Mrs. Wm. Ton- married and resides in a nearby city. | daughter and guests spent the weekhome Thursday evening, the occasion y*11 and Mrs. Heni^ Schaefer^..A cake The handsome lad below is now end at their summer home at Pistakee was awarded to Mrs. Frtnk Sitchens. very well known to most McHenry Bay. + « PUPILS GIVE PROGRAM being his nineteenth birthday. Supper, including a three-tiered decorated birthday cake, was served, and a" social evening enjoyed. . » » » " • C. D. OF A. . . The Catholic Daughters of America ing. The program jt^tisfi&tjfed of aelec- Last week's pictures were Miss banti, who also attended Beloit colheld a social meeting last Thursday tions by the instremenlfcT <juartet, Maurie Taylor, McHenry High School 'cge, is a teacher in the American evening. Cards were played with. which is composed igff two comets and teacher, and Albert Justen, Green University at Beirut. residents, although he also is now a| Mrs. Thomas Phalin entertained resident of another city and travels | Mrs. Walter Ritsher of Beirut, Syria Mr. Yanda and a group of his music'as a salesman in this territory. What ove^ the weekend. Mrs. Ritsher was pupils gave a program -the P. T. A, a surprise he is going to get when he ? room-mate of Mrs. Phalin's when meeting in Ring^'obd*-fcSu^Hjay even- receives his Plaindealer this week! | feTiet attended Beloit college. Her hus- .FIDO" REDUCES OOUNTYOKNTRAL CMQUTTK m ' J MEETINGS MONDAY Whether It's temp or sumy oatside, Fido must have his exercise, even. if master or mistress is indisposed to bare his or her person to the elements. This patented dogexerciser, a treadmill (with rollerhearings, too) can be operated right In your own parlor and while the little hone-destroyer enjoys his constitutional, you may enjoy your hook, highball, cigarette, nap, or what-have-yon. PLEATS FOR SPRING bridge prizes won by Mrs. Clarence , two slide tromboni Martin and Mrs. Harry Durland and ert Reihansperge!^ five hundred by Mrs. Helen Miller, j Dorothy Lay and _ Lunch followed the games. Jgrade school chil^i^; -T.-- Plans were made for the Mother's (en and Charles PSlfe^rttduied a cor- Day Banquet to be held at the Bickler, net duet. Georjjft- Treu$il and his by Herb-Street merchant. Williams,1 -- ai|r. Two ANNUAL BOY SCOUT .cMcCrack- DRIVE HELD HERE Robert Knox was a business visitor at East Dubuque a few days this week. The spring mode casts a vote for pleats and this sports frock of white linen introduced during a fashion show in the gardens of Whitehall, Palm Beach, used pleatings of red and white figured silk to keep in tune with the times. NEW SAFETY CHUTE Hotel Monday evening, May 9. Those wishing reservations, please call 30 or 42 before Friday, May 6. Installation will be held at their next meeting on May 5, when it is expected the district deputy, Mrs. Estelle McGill and her monitor, Miss Marion Keating, of Belvidere, will be present. The Court will receive communion in a body at the 8 o'clock mass at St. Patrick's church next Sunday morning, May h • • • ^ • HONORED ON BIRTHDAY : Mrs. Mary Carey, who has been a shut-in for the past few years, entertained a group of old friends at her home on Green street, Friday afternoon, honoring her 80th birthday which occurred earlier in the month, the celebration being delayed due to brother, Jimmy, o# St. Mary's sdhool, played a cornet and^aaxophonll diuet. the Lenten season. Four tables of five hundred were in play with prizes won by Miss Ellen Doherty and Mrs. M. J. Walsh. A lovely lunch was served following the games and the honored guest presented with many gifts. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Stasia Malone, of Elgin; Mrs. Nellie Bolger, and Mrs. John Caroll, of Woodstock; Mrs. Mike KnoX, of Terra Cotta, and Mrs. Thomas Doherty and Mrs. Ellen Whiting of Ringwood. ' I ' SHOWERS ^ Miss Viola Staines was guest of honor at a grocery shower Sunday at the home of Math Glosson. Five hundred was played, and later in the afternoon lunch was served. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Robert Conway, Mrs. Albert Wildebrandt. Mrs. Math Blake and Miss Lola Boyle. Those present were: Mesdames William Rosing, William Staines, Lee Whiting, Albert Wildebrandt, Math Blake, William Glosson, Robert Vogt, Anton Freund, Robert Conway, George Rauen, A1 Amo, Harold Rolfs, and the Misses Dorothy Heffernefi, Viola Staines, Viola Thennes and Lola B.oyle. Miss Viola Staines was pleasantly surprised at a miscellaneous shower given in her honor Friday evening, by sixteen of her co-workers in the Ale- Twte, in the home of Mrs. Raymond Miller of Woodstock. Miss Staines received many lovely gifts. Cards furnished the entertainment, after which lunch was served. LUTHERAN CHURCH The summer schedule will begin at the Evangelical Lutheran church here, Sunday, May V when services will be held at 8 o'clock every Sunday morning for the summer months. Photo by Worwick MRS. ARNOLD MAY Miss Isabelle Blake and Mr. Arnold May were married Wednesday morning, April 20, 1938, at St, Mary's church, McHenry, Msgr. Charles S. Nix, performing the ceremony, an account of which appeared in last week's Plaindealer. _ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block and fam- : THURSDAY, APRIL 21 ^«d«™"3^Ued °n rcl,tive> hcr« j Theodore Bethke, Sr., and son, The- The executive committee for the an-,°"ore, of Dundee were local visitors nual Boy Scout drive, which was held, Tusday. April 21, wishes to express its sin-! Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin were in tere appreciation to the workers for!Elgin Sunday, Where they saw James the splendid co-operation during the Grisham, former McHenry resident indrive, and to the contributors whose Stalled as Commander of the Veterans generosity made the drive such a sue-! °* the Foreign Wars. A parade at cess. ~ | in the afternoon was followed by On Thursday morning the drive ["stallation and a bantjhet at the Fox opened with a breakfast for the work-1 • ers at Bidder's Hotel at 7:30 o'clock.' ancf Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt, The money donations collected during *ccpmpanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph the day were turned in at' Albert ra'th of Harvard were Chicago visi- Krause's store on the east side, and *ors Saturday. S toff el & Reihansperger's on the west side. Following appears a list of the committees and teams: Executive Committee -- Elmer J. Freund, .chairman; John A. Bolger, Ray McGee, C. J.- Reihansperger, treasurer. West Side Business Men's Team-- Edw. J. Buss, captain; Homer Fitzgerald, Glenn Wattles. I Green Street Business Men Team' Felice Unti, captain; Robert Martin,I Bruce Granger. I Riverside Drive Business Men's! Team--Andrew Worwick, captain; Albert Blake, Carl Bickler. School Committee--Mrs. Chas. W. Goodell. West Side Residential Team--Mrs? Albert Purvey, captain; Mrs. Lester Page, Mrs. Ray Conway, Mrs. Georgf Johnson. Mr&- Robert Thompson, Mrsfe C. H. Duker, Mrs. Morris Taxman? Mrs. Gerald Newman. East Side Residential Team--Mrs. Albert Krause, captain; Mrs. Richard Fleming, Mrs. Cecilia Knox, Mrs. Geftrude Barbian, Mrs. George Stilling, Mrs. Gertrude Schaefer, Miss Darlens Loekwcod, Mrs. Alex Justen, Mis* Helen Schneider, Mrs. Ray McGee, Mrs. H. E. Durland, and Mrs. Lilliaji Co*. (Continued from first page) candidate due to being defeated for reelection as committeeman in the April primary. Struwing is a state job holder and was the choice of the Horner crowd, who held the upper hand in the meeting. His name had not been mentioned in connection with the chairmanship and it ts said that he was a compromise candidate in order to prevent a battle in the Horner ranks for the leadership. , Donald E. Palmer of Harvard was selected as vice-chairman with" Stanley Pichen of'Algonquin as treasurer and Wm. Giblin of Riley as secretary. The following delegates were selected to attend the state convention: Rep. Thomas A. Bolger, McHlenry; Robert Knox, McHenry; Clair Carney, Mar' engo; Richard Bheler, Cary; John Pitzen, Johnsburg; S. T. Oliver, Woodstock; Thomas Nolan, Harvard; Will Jones, Crystal Lake; Thomas Keating, Huntley; Wm. Desmond, Woodstock; George Lazansky, Algonquin. Alternates included Clarence Stilling, McH^y*y; Donald Palmer, Harvard; John J. Hayes, Arthur Freund, John A. Deneen and Osmir Olson, Woodstock; Elmer Etling, Crystal Lake; George Maschek, Fox River Grove, Tom Higgins, Marenga and L. O'Brien, Crystal Lake. ROTO-ROOTER DOES THE WORK McHenry--A clogged sewer can now be cleared of all stoppage in a jiffy. Any length of sewer can be completely cleared and the work guaranteed for two years. Minimum price $10.00. Industrial plants or homes can be immediately serviced by Ruddy Bros., Roto-Rooter Sewer Cleaner. A flexible cable with revolving knife cats away all stoppages. Call Ruddy Bros., of 65 S. LaSalle St., Aurora, Phone 8691, or Elgin office, Phone 6279, Reverse charges. This method saves you money--it costs much less than the expense ,of digging and the work is much more satisfactory. *49 Rubber Stamps at The Plaindealer NOTICE FOR BIDS The City of McHenry wiXkypcaive sealed bids on the purchaselNPfrom 4,000 to 6,000 gallons of rein oil for use on .the streets of McHenry during the year 1938. Sealed bids and specifications must be in the hands of the city clerk on or before 8 p. m., May 2, 1938. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. * Dated this 21st day of April, 1988. EARL R. WALSH, , City Cleric. yeeve nary tnra drift, dael be tfneeeroged. Sdaece md sxperMMC* hove work*d together to wd teytere howdicepr to gh* fn complete physical eftdaMNiteleose. Let n fit yoi vHk tk« oMxing, NEW NON-SKID SPOT-PAD TRUSS Yoell see at e glenca how the new No<i-Skid Spot-fed" feature holds the reptare Meanly with only one-half the pressure of ^rdinory trusses. Light and comfortable, yo« can wear it without being conscious of it. Tht "Spot" holds the hernia securely, as with your fingers, while the non-skid surface keeps the pod frm slipping. ^ Scientific Fitting By Expert* Com* in and consult us without cost or obligation. There is a "Spot-Pod" Tress to fit yoar exoct raquiremeeiit v THQMAS P. BOLGER ^ . v' Druggist Phone McHefery e "TPhone 271 W. McHenry FOR MOTHER'S DAY Give Her a Permanent! , Choice of machine or machineless with oil solutions. . Precautions taken that keep lovely. • . V-.Eree facial with Permanents, $3.50 up. Clark's Curl Shoppe '-4- Prevent Altitude SICIOMM Ecuadorean natives beat the terrible form of altitude that abound*«4here by chewing cacao leaves. The small amount of co caine so obtained steadies the and stomach. A view of the safety chute at the Piedmont hospital at Atlanta, Ga.f by means of whieh bed-ridden patients can reach the frond quickly in the event of Are. At each floor there is an entrance to the tnbe. The patient is placed on a mattress whieh H slipped into the tnbe. One can be conveyed to safety in ten seconds from the top of the chute to the exit, shown. Our Specials Saturday " !1"11 APRIL 30,1938- FRUIT FILLED COFFEE CAKE FRESH STRAWBERRY PIE 25# 29# McHENRY BAKERY Green Strait McHenry, III I: want all s new SILVER ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Nick Pitzen entertained relatives and friends in their home at Pistakee Bay, Sunday, April 24, in honor of their silver wedding anniversary. Sixty-five guests -were present, and a happy social afternoon and even were spent. Births Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steber of Milwaukee, Wis., announce the birth of a son on April 16. Mrs. Steber was formerly Miss Mary Stoffel, daughter of Mrs. Kate Stoffel, of this city. In the future Scoutmaster M. L. The honored couple t Schoenholtz will have an able assist- - was presented with many lovely gifts. Decorations of silver and white, smybolic of their twenty-five years of • married life, were in evidence everywhere. A large anniversary cake, also in silver and white, occupied an im- • pertant .place ir. the center of the table. The guests enjoyed a delicious <tfpner and supper. Twenty-five years ago Sunday, Mr. aftd Mrs. Pitzen were united in marriage by Father Berthold at St. Mary's church. Four children were born to them : Lawrence, Paul, Ted, and Berenice. Out-of-town relatives and friends present at the celebration were Mrs. Bose VanGillis, and daughter, Wilma, Aurora; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keller and son, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Powers, Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. A. Hagel and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. Maxwell and Miss Hutchinson, and Miss Mar- Bishop, all of Evans ton. , v ^ -- ant. A junior Scoutmaster was born to Mr. and Mrs. Schoenholtz at the Woodstock hospital,. Thursday, April 21. Mr. and Mrs. George Kamholz of Chicago are parents of a daughter, born at their home, Thursday, April 21. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stilling, Tuesday, April 26, a son at their home, east of McHenry. _ ***** 11»»»»»»oeee«oe«»»»e» Among the Sick W*4*********************** Theodore Schiessle, who spent the past several months at Holy Cross Sanatarium, in New Mexico, returned home Monday. He is somewhat improved in health. George Shelton, formerly of this city, has been ill at the home of his brother, Ted Shelton, at Peoria for several days. Mrs. Emma Justen, who has been confined to her home on Green street because of illness, went to the Memorial hospital in Waukegan Wednesday. Mrs. B. J. Brefeld, who has been confined to her home because of ness for several weeks, is improving and again able to be out. Miss Miriam Sayler has been absent from her school work at Elgin tferia week, due to illness. NEW TRAIN SCHEDULE The new train schedule according to daylight saving time is as follows: Trains leave McHenry at 7:07 a. m. and 3:10 p. m. Trains arrive in McHeniy at 10:17 a. m. and 5:42 p. On Sunday a train leaves McHenry at 8:10 p. m. Geno Poultry -J&emedtefl. Drugstore. * Wattles N O T I C E ! There is to be no dumping on the lot, corner of Routes 31 and 20, in West McHenry, which was used during Clean-Up Week. This lot is private property and no more dumping will be allowed--it is NOT a City Dump. CITY COMMmgife Ships of At bland, an isle off the coast of Sweden, may be seen prehistoric Stone age remains. They are huge rocks carved in the form of Viking ships, replete with benches for the rowers. ' T--* -- y. ONLY WITH SHIFT WMHf5,t)00,( ists shop for a new car what they seek and buy is a low-priced car. Doni$ feel sorry for them, or for youndf if y<il belong to this big family. Betpute lout-price field contains one of the world's great cars. Pontiac's the answer. Pontim, the most beautiful thing on wheels . • • roomy and restful as a living-room . ; i providing **18 to 24 miles per gallon* » i i bringing yon SI new features ... die onfy lowprioed car with Safety Shift** Take a 10-minute ride and get tbe proof-- PontiacVtb* Answer lar all ftjbtt'ft and beat..; NEW LOW-PRICED PONTIAC SUE MOMOW nflR M)W-WUO«D SIX R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES front Street Wert McHenry, I1L ANTIOCH PONTIAC SALES Antioch, Illinois