' V ' 3 ~ . ' V / " ' V " . . pj i» y, n i .«sw a • ^ twA^MuayjaL.*y• ^scry'^^7 . . ' --• •;- ' V , r' r\ : r "\ '*• V .-\ TBS MoHXNBT PLAINDEALER Thursday, May 26,1938 " 'f"' * -Vr" ^ JVB. HETTERMANN, Mgr. CHICKEN PLATE DINNER EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT=^~ 50e Fish Fry Every Friday Night •" W$'. JSteaks and Sandwiches I^ance to the tunes of rt.a-:: •: PAUL DRUB A and HIS STARPUSTEE3; t M-'W f Of Libertyville V(t?; V ' SATURDAY, NIGHT, MAY 28 v >;s\?Jx * % l i 1, * ' " • -------and------~ 'v':= : SUNDAY N I G H T , MAY 29 : : l \ ' Dancing Every; "Saturday FOR, THE WEEKEND - FROSTED AND DOUBLE-RICH, COLD, INVIGORATING MALTED BULKS 5 c Milk Shakes yon can afford to p*ff 15c Speed Boat Sundaes they're streamlined!! The Nii-Malted Shoppe Riverside Drive and Pearl Street . --: McHenry ,-- MCHS GOLFERS WRITE: ABOUT TOURNAMENTS Fair weather has; arrived. With that comes thoughts of golf. Mc- Henry's older men now swarm about the links trying to better "their last year's game. from MCHS. From the first they were practicing with the hopes of making the team. McHenry was fortunate in having four last year letter men, Harry Anderson, Vale Adam s^ LeRoy Smith and Frank Johnson return. The addition of LeRoy Hettermann, Richard Freund and Earl Smith to the above four made the future golf outlook bright. It was easily .seen and understood by all that the first two positions on the team should and would be filled by Vale and Harry. But Mr. McCracken, the coach, had a hard time picking third, fourth and fifth positions from the rest. One week three men would be low and the next week others. Therefore many intra-mural matches, before the • oncoming matches, were required before1 ft team could be selected. The matches this year were played against Elgin, Barrington, Rockford, Niles Center and New Trier. The fall of Rockford and New Trier to McHenry extinguished two comparatively long records. To lose » match after six years of competition is quite a heartbreak, received by Rockford, at the hands of McHenry, also the records show that New Trier lost to McHenry, after maintaining a clean slate for three years. With these victories confidence was brought forth as McHenry entered the District Tournament. McHenry won the tournament by two strokes, having the total of 331, Waukegan the nearest rival, having 333. Harry Anderson won the tournament with a 77. VaTe Adams placed third. Therefore, by placing two individuals well out in front, McHenry points to 8 points. Unfortunate for Frank Johnson, wlio shot one stroke above LeRoy Smith and LeRoy Hettermann, he was not able to go with the respective boys to the State, which was held at Peoria. Offering no excuses, Oh, but those greens were lousy, McHenry came out fairly successful. As a team they placed fourth and Vale, playing seemly well, took third in a field of ninetyfive players. Harry and LeRoy Smith finished in the vicinity of the low J twenties. LeRoy Hettermann's position is not known at present. ! So ends, with the exception, of a I few matches, a very successful golf • season. Much thanks and appreciation is given the McHenry Country Club for offering the golf course free of charge to the various high school members and golf events, also thankful consideration must be given to the Board for being so kind to send the team to the state. LeROY SMITH, HARRY ANDERSON. J RINGWOOD SPRING GROVE Mrs. Roy WeHrich was guest of Harold Zarnstorff, who underwent flonor at a shower given at the home an .operation at Research and Educaof Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., on ,W^- tl0n,al hospital in Chicago several nesday afternoon. Bunco was played weeJis af®»13 s'owly improving. with prizes awarded to Mrs! Elmer Ol- Mrs. Mark Pierce was hostess to son and Miss Mildred Shultz. The <;he members of her c ub on Wednesguest of honor was the ^ppyrecipi-dayn>ght. Three tables of five hun- ! ent of many lovely gifts. dred were in play and prizes were Miss Mae Wiedrich entertained the awarded to those achieving high Bunco Club at the home of Mrs. Les- sco™s. A l°vely lun<* was »«rved at , ter Carr Thursday afternoon. Prizes the 4 conclusion of cards. ^ ^ i were awarded to Mrs. Wm. McCannon party of friend^ gathered at the and Mrs. Ed. Thompson. home of Mrs- B- L- 0rvis on Thursday ' Mrs. Frankie Stephenson is visiting afternoon in honor of her birthday, her sister at Woodstock Cards and visiting were the after- , Mrs. Louis iWawley spent Friday noon's diversion and several lovely and Saturday in Chicago. , prijes *ere awarded. A delicious lunch Mrs. Pat Coyne spent Friday and was served by the guests after which Saturday in Chicago. . Mrs' O™8 was presented with a gift. Quite a few from hfere attended the Rev. John Daleiden and the ushers Township Exercises at McHenry on St- Peter's church met at the home Thursday evening. °f Anton Meyers on Thursday night The teachers, pupils and parents of f°r their regular meeting. our school visited Brok%ld Zoo Fri- enjoyed throughout the evening Cards were the evening and refrshments were served. Miss Alyce Nodland of Chicago is visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Straub spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Bertha Esh. Sunday guests a E the Nick Freund Bert Cossey and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walsh of Chigt cago; Mr. and Mrs. P. Bower and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zulig of Waukegan Mrs. Stanley ' Thomas and and Mr. and 'Mrs. Peter Freund of day Fred WiedHjch/ jj^^fpeht^ Mondas at Milwaukee. , The Sewing Circle met vtfth Mr®. Jennie Bacon Friday. A pot-luck dinner was served at noon. The Young Adults group attended the county dance at Hebron Tuesday home^were Mr. and^Mrs evening. Wayne Foss spent Wednesday Ridgefteld. Mr. and . family of Pennsylvania are visiting vohnsburg. the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A nice crowd attended the Bingo Clayton Harrison. Party at St* Peter's Parish Hall on Miss Ethel Dimon and Mrs. Dick Sunday night. Misses Anne Spindler Olson and son, Dean, visited friends (and Vi Widhalm were the lucky winat Woodstock Thursday afternoon, ' ners of special prizes. ' Billy Dodge of Woodstock spent the yard were supper gue8t8 in the g w weekend with Howard Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Marty Thompson of Chicago spent the weekend in the Patrick Coyne home. 1 Among those from here to call -in Woodstock Saturday were: Mrs. C. J. Jepson and daughter, Virginia, Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin, Mrs. Ralph Simpson, Mrs. Frankie Stephenson, Mrs. Smith home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wurtzinger and daughter of Woodstock spent the weekend in the Lonnie Smith home. Miss Mercedes Lindemann, and Mary Butler of Crystal Lake spent Sunday in the S. W. Smith home. Mrs. Lester Carr and sons, Charles and Joseph, and Miss Mae Wiedrich D L. Hall Wayne Foss, Mrs. Geo^e attende(i th; ircM at w<KKtotock Frl. Shepard and children and Alice Wil- day afternoon C0^L° „ , H ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet were visitors Roy Hobart of Ostend was a caller t Woodstock Friday. m the D. L. M home Sunday ' Miag Florence *&p[e and Walter Quite a few from here ^nded the Hitsel Chi gu after. concert at the McHenry High School noQn in the g w gmith homef "i » .V* CENTRAL GARAGE cn your car or truck needs attention, we are prepared to serve you. One of the best equipped garages in Northern Illinois, ^ ' . Pull Line of Atlas and Goodyear Tiret , Electric and Acetylene Welding Oar Washing and Polishing Towing •. t; , SEE ¥*** • W indow * -sfi" *'-vy ff the latest in • <• - tr also Black Hate with White Bow Trim • in Straps and Fell! , . Large and Small Shapts All Head Sixes MRS. C. F. PICH Green Street McHenry • Friday evening. Mrs. Viola Low Mrs, and son, Robert, Mr. and Mrs. George nounce the marriage of Martin an- Minnie Co«te» and Mnr.d B.IS Gibbs were visitors at Woodstock on to Frank Daniel Rawgon( of Green.' Wednesday. wood, son of Mrs. Viola Rawson. 't»lM^k«"d.i^t'SunSS°erao™CiS P^ld*y"pendi™ :the latter's n,othw, Mrs. Geor*. Har- J™" n The Ladies' Aid Society will serve .Atchifon. of, St; a baked ham dinner on Decoration 5^es Episcopal church ol Day. 1 Mrs. Rilla and Mrs. Foss Frankie and son, Wayne, Stephenson were Dubuque, Iowa. The bride wore a rose colored dress with grey accessories. After the marriage they motorcallers at SidgeDeld and Hartlaod on ed into Wisconsin to visit historical pllce5 intcrejt m ^ Sunday. is a graduate of the class of 1985 of the1 Miss Marion Peet of Elgin spent fr^xr *r- v a u i i the weekend with her parents, Mr. McHenry Hlgh School and the groom and Mrs. Charles Pept. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Heine of Chigraduated from School in 1935. the Woodstock High The groom is em- c„a„g„o„ 'snpMen4t. qSu„n'jdma„y afternoon itnr, ftUhfel Ployed by Leeds Mitchell of Citadelle FarmS( where he ^ Wn 8ince UMd Deer H--it to Make Noise Indians used to fasten deer hoofs to their leggings to produce a rattling noise as they danced around a fire. Doubt Your Intelligence If you are an intelligent man, it Is inevitable that multitudes who aren't will disagree with you. George Shepard home. Wayne Foss and Howard Shepard SaS, spent Sunday evening at Woodstock, i Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fout are the proud parents of a son, born Satur-j day, May 21. I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shultz of Genoa City spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich. | Mr. and Mrs. Fred WRedrich were visitors at Solon Mills Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr and Mrs.' Lester Carr were visitors at Wood-! where he They will reside at the bride's home for the present. 0 OUR BUSINESS IS AND SELLING WE ARE DEALERS FOR Bendix, cmd Eiiinfude It s a great thrill to skim over the waters of Fox River and the Lakes in an Outboard Motor Boat. Or if you prefer slower speed and splendid exercise we will build you a sturdy CEDAR ROW BOA* %t a very reasonable cost. -Get our prices on boats and motors before buying, Telephone 268 Ob Route 20, Kast of State 1M v '• stock Saturday. Mrs. Roy Wiedrich is spending a few days in the Arthur Shultz home at Genoa City. Mr. and Mrs. James Bell and son, Harold, of Lake Villa spent Sunday I afternoon in the George Young home. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson were visitors at Rockford Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larson and daughter, Patricia, of Chicago spent Sunday night in the George Young tome. Mr. and Mrs. George DeWitt, Mr. and Mrs. George Shearer and son and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffy of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Snyder and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Young attended a five hundred party in the Antone Freund home Thursday evening. Frances and Harold Snyder of Richmond spent the weekend with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Snyder. Mrs. Ralph Clay and daughters and Miss Edna Peet of Rockford spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Peet. Mrs. Paul Collins of Arlington Heights and Mrs. Frank Collins of Wilmette were callers at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Collins Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Sunday at Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Bratz and daughter, Marie, of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Ruehlman. Lonnie and Lois Ruehlman returned with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fout of Kenosha, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harms of Spring Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fout of Solon Mills called on Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fout and baby son Sunday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. Collins attended the Treble Clef spring festival at Beloit Thursday afternoon^ and returned home Friday morning. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ruehlman of Hebron were callers in the A. Ruehlman home Wednesday evening. Paul Collins and daughter, Martha Carol, of Arlington Heights called on his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Collins, on Thursday morning. Mrs. F. A. Hitches returned home Sunday from a week's visit with friends at Maywood and in the home of her son, Byron, at Forest Park. F. A. Hitchens was a dinner guest in the W. O. Allen home in Maywood Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and family of Chicago spent Thursday afternoon in the Ray Peters hbme. Mr„ and Mrs.-Ralph Smith of Har- Seal Land With Carrol The mystery of how to lure a seal back to the ocean when it has wandered a mile or so ashore was solved at Newark, Calif., when it was discovered that by tying a carrot to a stock and holding it in front of the seal's nose it would amble back at a statisfactory rate. Age of Parrots Parrots are among the long-lived birds. The average length of life i» probably 25 to 35 years. Vive Miles Northeast McHenry Pistakee BOATS - BAIT . tACKLK FISHINO EQUIPMENT OF ALL KINDS CAMPING and PIONIO GROUNDS COTTAGES FOR RENT BT WEEK SEASON - - OAK PARK HOTEL \ Good Food Modern Booms Phone 176 * POSTOFFICE ADDRESS McHenry, Illinois