- ,Thn»d*y,.jrtm« 19*8 • *' -•>? ^ * * C7»&P "*>. >1.< ,<"*» */- 'ei SL0CU1T8 LAKE „• ,; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and »fons, Robert and Lyle, were callers |at McHenry Friday evening. "1^ Leslie Foss spent the weekendwith V .^friends in Chicago. , Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rymer of •J TRY THIS Aim, water and OIL Are si>f>- ,/\ poaed to keep your motor cool. But in warm weather, both air and water are easily overheated and your cooling system needs OIL more than ever. That's why Tydol Gasoline, always a favorite among motorists for its high power and mileage, contains a heat-resisting oil. This oil enters the fiery topcylinders with the gas. Instantly it reaches valves, pistons and rings with its cooling film of lubrication . . . Constantly it protects against excess wear and carbon. Always it contributes to a smoother, sweeter running motor. Don't wait to get all steamed-up over, a hot motor. Try OIL-COOLED TYDOL today! THE LUBRICATING GASOLINE SUPER 1. CO. RidgefieM, IU aois JOHN THOMPSON SERVICE 8TN. BUBCHERT SERVICE STATION fcCHHIiyS STORE, Griaweid Lake BHAFFMA*PS TAVERN, ftiagweed ^ NTCABL80N, AgMt, i McBswry Gurnee wars Sunday caller! At home of WHlard Darrell. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, and Mrs. Etta Converse were callers at Crystal Lake on Monday. „t f Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaeffer of Me- „ wr*;- 1 - si mmmSii Otty OmhmB Council Room, Jane 6,1988. The City Council met in regular monthly meeting with Mayor Overton presiding. Aldermen present: Bolger, Buss, Ferwerda, Freund, Kreutzer, Henry were callers Sunday afternoon R^er. Absent: None. WONDER LAKE • s'M, r-'-*%iik Mrs. Chss. Volte returned to Chicago Monday, after an extended visit with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. George heboid. nuuuii hicuv^i, ocwuutu i Mr. and Mrs. Z. R, Williams and Bow that tte mu,»te. of the regular chnd „ Q,k p. k ^ meetmg M>d the speari m«ur,gh.ld M £ «*« May 20, b. approved .. read. Modon Dr and w.l!trom of Cllic„g0 08 Motion W R™,.- -jirnnf1jlj1 . spent Sunday with Mrs. Fairchilds. spent the w«A«idat the home of her :Fre„nd ^ ^ ^ f."t "iJ sister, Mrs. Jade Geary. annroved as read Motion carried * spending this week at their cot- Mr. and Mrs. Wjn. Fink were Sun- Pgotio b Freund. seconded by **£ m Sh°re HiUs" •/ day guests at the home of Mr. and'R . «,-/'•»,• hL Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lampbrecht from Mrs. Harry Matthews. Other evening M^n ,Uke Geneva were *ueSts of Mr- *nd guests were Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Hal-;apPr o°^ h„Mrs* Warren Johnson Sunday locwk .o f Wauconda and Willard DAarUrUel^l. 1 Fpr eundd. tthhaatt tthhee rCilrerfkss rreenpoorrtt bhee aaipL - Mrs' Charles Amdt was a Chicago visitor priday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cook, Zion, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook. Miss Helen Bernier of Chicago Misses Orissa Brown and Althe# . , w .. . , Cosa of Waaeonda Waited at the home,"™™1 ,s ~d B Mot">n c,m«i, of Mr. and Mrs. W.lbur Cook Monday. M°"0" ^ a«°'"Jed by Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren at Wauconda. >p Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler, Round Lake* spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mrs. John R. Knox of McHenry was a c;f ler at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Nelson and „B o.l ger, to approve action of. the F_m. - friends from Rogers Park spent" Siin- day here at ^ summer home, ance Committee in paying the folloWrj Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mason of Downing bills previous to meeting: American National Bank ft i? Trust Co. of Chicago, " Bond interest .........$605.00 Arthur Meyers, Labor during Clean-up Week 12.80 firs Grove are now occupying1 the Mevjehant farm that was recently purchas ed by Dr. Waterson from LaGrange. I Martin Holstrom, Bertha Hall and Meris. Mr. and Mrs. P. Tranis Chicago were among the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Erbin Janisch entertained Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keegan and children and Mrs. John Janisch over the weekend. A Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lauerman of Rogers Park were Monday and Tues day visitors here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huguelet and daughter, Lorraine, Mrs. Adele Ru dolph and Miss Lillian Huguelet of Chicago spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Erbin Janisch. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Murphy of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage in Shore Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schroeder and daughter, Mrs. Stanley Sevcik, were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dunn of Chicago spent Monday here. Mr. and Mrs. V. Baue of° Chicago will soon be residents of Wonder Lake as their beautiful new home is near' ly completed. A party of little folks gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Zebold Saturday afternoon to help little George, Jr., celebrate his eighth birth- McHenry visited in the Louis Schroeder home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Coleman tif Chicago spent the weekend at Shore Hills cottage. Mr. and Jtfrs. M. H. Rowe and Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Carlson spent the week end at theft; cottages on Orchard Road at Shore Hills.4 OftMPiWallNk The oldest printed book in ft* world is the Diamond Sutra, in the British museum. This Chinese book, printed on paper from wood blocks and bearing the date 868 A. D., was found in 1900 in a secret * walled chamber in a Buddhist shrine in Turkestan. . ^ •' v^" *) , .•?* ir a j '* i Y- Jh i f • A '1 '"•«*' -V * ' ^ > _ il M VrHf~t Eyes. Examined A. EL Nye Bldg. West McHenry Phone: McHenry 123-J -- ,r Woodstock 674 Dr. Paul A. Schwabe OFTdMETRIST " THURSDAY MORNINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY r s •"% son, Norman, of Greenwood were vis jing wean-up weea w itoics in the Cart Holstrom home Sun-1 day -- ^ ----^ i Motion by Kr„e u,tz „er', s• econ.d..e.d b^y «y- | Mr. and Mrs. „R oesme ent. ert.a i.n ed. Billie Foss, Jr., spent Sunday at the Re*ner' that , following bills be Mrs. Myrtle Fuller spent last week Mr. and Mrs. Carlson of Chicago over home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Berg attPa^_*s ance Gcw^r relatives in«Chicago. the weekend. Davis Lake. I m it tee . Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Schroeder Orna- Motion carried. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Spoot tnd | Pul?lic Service Company, Sersoris, Russel and Frank, of Chicago, | a' Dl?P<*B^1 nant were Sunday visitors at the home ofj*u')"c Service Company, --Ser- Mr. and Mrs. G. J, Burr itt.' Frank! *ice at Pumping Station. Spoor remained for a few. days. *"hlic Service Company, Ser- Mrs. A. W. Foss arid daughter, Vivian, of Libertyville were Friday afternoon and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wfa. Foss. Miss Lillian Tidmarsh of Wauconda and guest, Mrs. Cocke, of Harlegin, Texas, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mrs. Anna Brooks and Alfred Rau of Chicago called at the former's home. J°^n J- Vycital, here Monday. | brushes Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughters, Wm. H. Althoff, Paintbrushes, Jennie, Ethel and Marion, were callers- turps at Crystal Lake Saturday evening. j Mayme Buss, Commissions, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Raeburg of Di- clerical service collecting vice at City Hall Public Service CoA>any, mental light sendee Public Service Co., Bracket light service f........ Western United Gaf A Electric, Burner rental Western United Gas A Electric, Service at City Hall Street paint, 52.92 53:25 1.3 95.81 amond Lake spent Monday evening at the home of the latter's mother. A PLEA FOR BETTER TIMES By LEONARD A. BARRETT sewer service McHenry Lumber Company, Pipe lime for disposal plant .. Clarence Resrner, Hauling day, disposal plant Linus Newman, Painting str'ts Mrs. Frank, J. Lennarts, Road oil Neptune Meter Company, Repairing meters G. A. .Stilling Garage, Fire truck storage Joseph H. Huemann it Sons, JXabor on city well The McHenry Plaindealer, Printing John Stilling, Gas, oil for fire truck Henry C. Kamholz, Supplies for sewer and waterworks Jehn B. Wlirtz, Marshall service Peter Wirfs, Police service Fred C. Feltz, Caretaker disposal plant Caretaker street Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Curlee from Chicago are now enjoying their new home recently built in Shore Hills. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and children moved from Shore Hills to, their new home in Freeport where Mri Smith is employed. Mr. and Mrs. Pfaff and Emil Mose* hersch of Chicago were! weekend 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoeft 158.18 ^ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lee of Chicago spent Sunday at their summer home 1.00 here. * i Mrs. H. E. Welsh's mother, Mrs. 8.82 Strain, of Chicago has been visiting her the past week. 110.87 ( Miss Dorothy Fuller of Chicago spent Monday and Tuesday here with S-lS her mother, Mrs. Myrtle Fuller. } Howard Eaton of Chicago spent the latter part of the week with his moth< 80.06 er, Mrs. Xnna Eaton. I Mrs. Warren Johnson spent Tues* . 6.97 day and Wednesday with relatives in . Chicago. 36.00 Lester Meyer of Chicago was the 53.00 guest of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lau recently. 351.00* Mrs. Fairchild' entertained at a six o'clock dinner for Mrl and Mrs. Paul 22.69 CENTRAL GARAGE When your car or truck needs attention, we are prepared to serve you. One of the best equipped garages %££ in Northern Illinois. \.^£, : V FuU Line of Atlas and Goodyear Tires /*/ "r Electric and Acetylene Welding ^; v Car Washing and Polishing Phone 200-J Towing , iohnsbiirg BIGGEST CAR VALUE IN TOWN! 1938 NASH FOUR DOOH S E D AM "A,1 \J,' $895 DELIVOm NCRC COriKEIELY EQUimO BU VWF 1WI OU THIS sensational car buy today! Big, beautiful 1938 Nash e Spe » llAvHl# P sedan, (bur - door trunk model, MOTOR SALES r° Riverside Drive --::-- Phone 76-W 117-inch wheelbase, 9) orsepower ... with these famous Nash features: Super-Thrift Engine, with savings of 12% on gasoline; Sea-Leg shock absorbers; oversize hydraulic brakes; Dancing Sand sound-proofing; big, heavy steel body. Don't wait--come in! ice 1 .....i r There is always a hopeful outlet to every difficult situation. Were it not for hope, we should be of all men most miserable. The prevailing hope of men and women today is for "better times"--for freedom from the strain of insecurity, and reasonable assurance of i^* C. Felts, adequate employ-' service ment. There is j M. M. Niesen, also the -desire) works ... for shorter hours James Orr, of work, and | sharpened guaranteed returns of not less than Adams Repair Shop, Welding 5 per cent on investments. No ob-j pipe jection can be raised to this ex- Earl R. Walsh, Office expense pressed hope. In the majority of gmjth Brothers, Pint jars cases, it is worthy of us all. . Carey Electric Shop, Starting Here an important question arises. | motor at City Hall If this hope became an actuality,1 Downs Motor Expres8, Hauling would that in itself assure us th$, _etera goal of our quest? Wheft we plead n n for better times what%do we really n" T "JP Co., Telegrams .. want? Suppose that to every person ^ u P!un^ was granted the assurance of free- 8.00 238.75 98.20 T3» 17.38 10.00 95.00 90.00 Sup't. water- Lawn mower 1 Wm. Tesch, Labor at City Park dom from poverty, sickness and the Lin lis Newman, Labor at City insecurity of advancing years; sup-1 Park pose that to every man was given "artin Stoffel, Labor at City a modest home free of all tax and; Park other incumbrances, <and even some Robert Patzke, Labor at City income added for luxuries. Would Park that meet our demand for better Stoffel & Reihansperger, Bond times? Suppose we had arrived at a! for Mayor, Treasurer, Colstate of international peace bought lector ......T....; at the cost of an "armed enforce- J. W. North & Company, Audit ment," a peace made possible report through fear, would that be "better j. W, N~rth ift rnnipsny' Aii^it times" in social, economic and for-: report - sewer eign relationships? Suppose by jn- Freund Oil Company!"Fuel disposal plant 100.00 60.00 , 1.00 1.25 15.00 .72 1.75 1.0Q .99 47.00 17.20 8.00 4.80 14.80 29500 187.50 37 JO Big Food Sale at Gibbs' Grocery & Market MAIN STREET, WEST MCHENRY, HJJNOIS' Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 16-17-18th Having decided to join the Royal Blue System of Stores, we are immediately closing out our present stock, consisting of a large variety of various well known brands of staple and fancy groceries at cost and many an item will just have to go at e$*a below cost price in order to make room for this new Royal Blue stock coming in. Now here is a genuine chance for the houeswives of McHenry as well as for those of miles around to stock their pantries with an abundance of quality foods at prices that will not be duplicated anywhere for a long, long time to come. Just look over the following items carefully -- You have to admit every single one is a most wonderful buy! 9 <• creased enforcement of law, gangsters, bank robbers and wholesale criminal tendiencies were eliminated from society, would that give us better times? It goes without saying that conditions would be preferable to those existing now, but would we really have the better times for which we Kelly Well Company, Labor at waterworks McHenry Four Mills, work Illinois Bell Telephone Telephone service Motion by Buss, seconded Lathe Co., 5.77 71.95 15.30 6.11 by ardently hope? The answer is found pay thf» following bills from in the fact that in spite of what ap- Motor Fuel Tax Fund: E. M. Melahn pears on the surface as a better. Construction Company, $4,198.72; Viccondition of society, there would still tor H. Kasser, $255.25, be greed, sensuality, arrogance, in- j Motion by Buss, seconded by Bolger. ordinate self-esteem, egotism--the to pass and approve salary ordinance very same mental and emotional designating a salary of $90.00 per forces which have caused the pres-| month for Caretaker of Disposal ent state of economic unrest. Is itj Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by not apparent that before we can Freund, to pass and approve an orhave "better times" the forces af- dinance providing for a Board of Lofecting that end must originate from ^ Improvements for City of McHenwithin as well as from without? ry> con8isting of Mayor Overton and We can never have "changed j Aldermen Buss and Bolger. Motion times"^ until we have "changed carried. minds." J Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by The plea for better times defeats Buss, to pass and approve an ordinits own appeal if it is merely a plea ance providing for a Band Cotnmisfor better creature comforts and sion for the City of McHenry. Motion physical protection. A plea for bet- carried ter times should be alsoa plea for j The following Aldermen were apciearness and purity of thinking, m- pointed b M comprise ?uf^ed "J* a t moUve. Yhl<? seek® Band Commission for the fiscal year" ^mfnd11 we7as^k0rw%rnSi^^ ^ Bolger. Motion more emphasis on others and less w . •' • „ , ... upon self. In every democracy the'™ , , ' Bolger. seconded by individual suffers with the group. He; M. ,, J, , appr("j, offwial bond of cannot escape that. The group is 1R, Po'lceman Peter Wirfs as prinmade better through a correct ap- ®ipa~ ®nd n- Bwfeld and Wm. plication of those fundamental »as ®ur°^'es ,n the amount of forces which guarantee to all the | *1^00;00, Motion carried. > security of life and the pursuit of! Motion by Bolger, seconded by happiness. i Ferwerda, to accept annual audit re- The fundamental forces upon P°rt as compiled and presented by which better tifnes depend are not, J- W. North A Company. Motion carried. Motion by Freund, seconded by Butter, per lb. Fresh Creamery If i 27c i Pork Roast . lb. iff i Monarch GRAPE FRUIT JUICE--3 No. 2 cans 37C : : • . 10 lbs, 49c r a Pure Cane (limited) " • • "i'.;'.;i " . . • m'I. , . jii'I"'*1 : Monarch BARTLET PEARS or YELLOW CLING PEACHES--3 15-oz. cans 37^ 2 lbs. for19c Pure--in carton ^ Monarch PINEAPPLE JUICE--Natural unsweetened-- 2 12-oz. cans v:• 19^ Beef Pot Roast,. • 21c Choice Cuts Shoulder Cuts MEAT--Fresh Ground--Per lb. - - 20c 2 II». 39^ ; ; Corned Beef. lb. 23c Our own mild cure MATCHES--Lge. boxes. Ohio blue tip 6 5c boxes 23^ Boiling Beef • lb. ISC Plate or Brisket F R E E D E L I V E R Y! [ MINCED HAM - ROUND BOLOGNA or RING BOLOGNA, per lb. 19C only economic and legislative, but the released forces of the home, school, and the democratic rights of the least in the kingdom of moral truth. Can we ignore the church when we cry aloud for better times? Let us rid ourselves of those attitudes of mind which create Jiard times. Let us cultivate those resources of the heart life that shall not be content with "better times"-- but shall seek the beet timet. • fmu» Nmptiwt UaMBb-- •y Kreutzer, to adjourn. Motion carri|ed. EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk. R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. •f Tsihli Twelvemo with reference to a book designates the size of a book, usually 5 by 7% inches, resulting from folding e*cfe sheet into 12 leaves. Lush'us ORANGE JUICE--(Unsweetened) 2 12-o*. cans APRICOT NECTAR--Mar-Pak--2 -12-oz. cans ... 19c APRICOTS--Tru-Value--2 15-oz. cans APPLE SAUCE--Monarch--3 No. 2 cans .„ 25c^ SARDINES--Oil or Mustard--Yacht Club brand 3 large 15-oz tins at 25^ SARDINES--Oil or Mustard--Union brand 5 tins at only J.9# RED KIDNEY BEANS--Monarch or Lush'us "r 3 No. 2 cans at ...._ . 25C BEETS--Monarch brand--3 2 cans at only ... 25<^ GREEN BEANS - TOMATOES - PEAS and ' SPINACH--Yacht Club brand--3 No. 2 cans at 25^ HOMINY--Lush'us brand--2 IfiT®- No. 2y2 cans ... 15f* SOAP--Crystal White Family--5 forge bars ........ 15<^ CARROTS--Diced--Lush'us brand--2 No. 2 cans 19c PEAS and CARROTS--Lush'us brand 2 No. 2 cans • MIXED VEGETABLES--Tru Value 2 No. 2 cans .3Z_ COFFEE--Monarch vacuum pack--1-lb. can SPAGHETTI--Lush'us prepared--2 22-os. cans JELLIES and JAMS--Lush'us and Yacht Club 3 8-oz. glasses at only SPAGHETTI & MACARONI--Lush'us 1-lb. blue wrapped rolls--2 1-lb. pkgs. at SALT--Free Running or Iodized Table Salt 2 1-lb. boxes at only ; PORK AND BEANS--Lush'us or Monarch brand 2 No. 2y2 cans at SWEET CHOW PICKLES--Monarch 6 !4 -oz. jar SODA CRACKERS--Large 2-lb. pkg. at only ^5* 26o 16c 21c 15^ 19^ 8c4 These are only a few of the many items on sale. You will have a real surprise when yen come to tfr'n trttTt Thuri day, Friday or Saturday and see for yourself the hundreds of bargains w» have for you. Remember this sale will start this Thursday morning, June 16, and end Saturday night, June 18. Prices throughout, sale are absolutely cash only. Free Delivery. Talk - Don't Walk. Use Your Phone! DO NOT MISS OUT ON THIS SALE OF ALL FOOD SALSS GIBBS' GROCERY & MEAT MARKET PHONE 166 MAIN STREET WEST McHENSY, ILL. "hi J 'M