ws. FX • ¥ ' * p^msfrr, lfnrSM* * 'y%^ -*'^ ^• v -„ " \ * A "•. IF' * «' " " S' ' ^~*?V"'Y * *?••*' rw?* SPftv *5fv t *>*> i»C*,Tmi ?*A*&S . i ' f ; THE ITHEWY PLAWOEALER •IB»*S' IWIO.WZRUWIUMITATA *F i*rc? 5 ^ ' v ALB P;;?: J 4' 1 * ^ y?v ••' 'iisa IW30T ftblUM «~ry Th«r»d», .t ll«4. »•Son- *Z, rn.. by Charlw F. Rgnich. • Entered as Second-class matter at j called, {n the £ome of her sister, Mrs. the po»totftce at McBenry, 111., under jB«n Justen, Friday afternoon, on •<*m act of May 8, 1879. route to Muadelsin, where she will -- -- (spend fourweeks. , One Year ••--J*-*™ Miss JSJsie Vycital, teacher at Pox Six Months FOR SALS PXR80KALS I River Grove, and Sylvis Snyder, of FOR SALE--Modern 5-room House. Inquire at The Plaindealer office. 42-tf A. H. MOSSIER Editor and Manager I«ver vrrov^, .n« oy.v,. o«y«r "tjFOR A REAL TREAT--In Ice Cream the h«h school teachm«r staff, teftlast|^or ^ 8ervice on #rtificial ice SUSTAIIIISS^ / I ^ + 0kmkl/ I week for Boulder, Colo., where they will atyen^l summer school. Mrt ami I )b» J?rank Saylei call McHenry S24. '31c <i»art. Woodstock called onrelativei hire on Sunday PIANO BA: like new for Brick lea Crwua, 1*14 Will sell piano 16.50 instead of reship- Miss- Jffti* Peterson of Woodstock] piny. Write Edna Wicklem,_4743 No. was the- guest of Miss Ellen Baker Sunday.. Mrs; Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger were Elfin visitors Saturday -afternoon. ' Mrs.> ies. J. Miller and daughter, Miss Minnie Conway, niece, Jean Conway, and little friends, Georgia and Shirley Webb of Elgin are spending a few days at the John Ayfward cottage. Mrs. Frank Meyer, in company with her guests, Edith Geary, and Ardath Grantham and Mrs. Edith Hayes, visited Waukegan Wednesday. Mrs. Eleanor Dunne and son, Edward, of Lake Geneva spent a few days this week with her mother, Mm. Elton Whiting, Donald Hayes of, Chicago was a weekewkjfoest ef JtU mother, Iftn. Edith Hayes. t Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Thomas of Officer Lawrence Huck, son Lawrence, Jr., and Officer Paul Sams of Waukegan, returned Tuesday evening . ,-- from a ten-days' trip to Squaw L&e,!*•"* «•"•* reUti'« " Cry»Ul F(>R SALE*18-ft. Can«; Sail tig Mmn. • •|US*i?SSl «-* •>»»•> P--onably Sheffield Ave., Milwaukee, Wis., who' ^ ^ ^ ^ g ^ ^ will advise where it can be seen. *8-2 jFo^t ^k"-gjted he7 mo^ei7Mr»* FOR SALE--Raspberries and curElla Gans, a few days this week. rants about June 25. Annie Justen, Route 1, McHenry. 4 Miss Helen Stevens spent a few, .^ H. C. Wagner, 41$ Dean St, x'-s :>h 44 Buttons H jdays this week in Chicago; from there| Woodstock she will go to Joliet to visit Miss Beatrice Lane, who will return to McHenry with her for an extended visit. William Martin and aunt, Mrs. Glen WANTED IF PRICE 19 RIGHT--Well pay cash for McHenry County farm, 60 to 120 acres; prefer one with stock and tools. Give price, section, and township num- * "Well, as much as I don't like to get in trouble with women, I almost jBobiaon, of Woodstock, have returned •vT- ^ f from ft trip through the south. did when Rosa, with her mother start- j|r. mwd Mrs. Alvan Rothermel en-. . . ed to ransack the whole house for; joyei(i a vacation trip to Wisconsin this bers. Address Box 465, McHenry,^ III. buttons, which were used for guessing' week. I • • • ' the number of them in the jar. I Mra; Alvsn Kimball of Chicago jind |Jtaj5teD~TO BUY--One more crip suppose they wanted more the better, (daughter, Mrs. Forrest ary of au- ^ or down C<)W or horse. Must be „ „ , , ^ .« Iconda were busiiiess callers here Fri 1 found out the morning after the hunt, when I got up early in the morn-. Misfees Lorraine Knox and Irene ing, as usual, anid jumped into my Walsh were Waukegan visitors Fri- ,, pants, which are the last ones I have day. • on my nam,, and-her,, all th« but-1 HM,ry.Dari.nd'gft on.bu.ln... * -- , Strip to Dubuque, Iowa, Monday, after tons were gone. To run around with-L^j^, ^ weekeBd with his fanw out pants entirely is not in style for, jiy here. men, as yet, so, I had to hold them up] Miss Norma Whiting of Grayslake for a-while with my hands until I, and Miss Margery Whiting of Woodfound the jar. And believe me or not! stock called on friends here Sunday. I saw my buttons in there--And out! Miss Jeanne Warner of Elgin visit- I sneaked them and for that reason I, ed relatives here a few days this week. think the ladies couldnt guess the | Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich and WANTED--Girl right number. The difference was be- daughter, Adcle, returned Sunday summer cottage. alive. You'll get more cash by call ing Wheeling 102. We buy p\d pet horses. Shot on the premises if desired. ..DEAD ANIMALS--We pay more cash for dead animals if called at once. Try us for prompt and sanitary service. ..Wheeling 102--Reverse Charges. Sundays and Holidays included. 48-26 WANTED--Girl or Woman for General housework. Stay nights. Phone McHenry 627-J-2. 4 tween the buttons to be guessed and evening from % few days' visit with the number of buttons from my pants, relatives at W&nnebago, Minn. "Well, in is over--I got my buttons], "cI>0?*IJ of "If1" sewed back im-Don't ha?e to hold my]^nd ,P*rk T'!l*<1 ,r,end» h,r<! » f«» pants up anymore and can use my| ^ 7??^ M. , ..... w . 1 Mr and Mrs. Ntck Miller, son, Bob- hands in the shoe shop and fitting people-with the OSIHSRITD QUALITY . SH0KS by, and John Lennon and daughter, Madelyn, of Chicago were Sunday . for Housework in City Address: M. J. CLARK, 400 Rex Blvd., Elmhurst, 111. WANTED--Girl for general housework; can either stay nights or go home; good cook; no heavy laundry. Address Box "iZ," care Plajndealer. *4 WANTED TO BUY--Used outboard guests of Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr. motor! Must be in good condition. Inand Mrs. Joseph Blake. Mrs. Joanne Rulieri left Thursday quire of Ray Conway, FhOne 167. *4 via streamline train for LosAngeles, CONCERT PIANIST Will tutor pi- HPlAlPnPnt nS SnHviOAKr A\Tm0RAFn.n :^'< where she will visit a sister,'ano PuP>ls- Prices reasonable. Phone later going to San Francisco to visit,97-®. * U I/VUli janotheT sister. July 1, she will go toj- vn« WffT ~ •M McHenry, Illinois | Seattle, Wash., where she will have' fUH IfcBIlY Btreet Phone 162 charge of the travel bureau for the'FOR RENT--5-Room House, repaired (More Next Week!) H. MMHM! I) I r miLK k# 10 ^ 59[ • Bomirt2db4s* juatcKm.. u.2s< S??5r.™r^. t M •9•0M (MMRM MMWMMTITUS TIM WILSeWS COOKKD COWN-- < BEEF. 2 (Mm 35c ^10C ^2Se ctu»t . . NCCTAR TU . , ccasa«.. 4v^25« FUin 2M29c %NlSS MttSSMIt . j0AR25c . ^29e SWOTCOM . 422n529C TOMATO CATSUP 3 Itli 25C BOYS! GIRLS! LEARN TP DO THICKS-- JOIN TIM MAAIC «U»I Vt you iait'Mt A CL P Soft Twin Bread and and the tricks thai arc on lit* ItaU wrapper Iniid* you'd probabiy b« a No. 1 wizard--BUT Itcrc't what AVP Bakan offer you -- aave ten coupons that you will ¥* by ourchauns 10 loam of Soft via Braad and mail (Ken with 3c in etampi to A Cl P Baker*, 420 LeiinfHo Are., New York City, and you will receive a Whole Book of Tridu that will fascinate' and haflU your friends. Get started lode*--be the first one In your neighborhood, with the A it P BAKERS' MAGIC BOOK* AFTP BAKERS' SOFT TWIST FRESH Grayhne Sightseeing Company, at the and decorated; $15.00 a month. Chick Olympic hotel for eight weeks. She en house and garden space. Near Mcwill return to McHenry in September: Henry Call 93-M. 3-2 to resume her duties as school nurse. Mrs. Robert Thompson, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Harry Alexander, of Hebron visited relatives at Evanston and Niles Center Thursday. MISCELLANEOUS GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dwyer and familylor oftener if desired. Reasonable of Huntley were Sunday visitors in1 rates. Regular year round route, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doh-1 formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. erty. f j Smith. Phone 157 or 631-M-l. 2-tf Mrs. E. M. Stewart, daughter, Lu-jFLOOR SANDING -- Beautify your die, Mrs. J. N. Burton, of Richmond, home b resUrfacing your floors with and Mrs. R C. Burton of Blooming- latC8t dustiess equipment. Old floors ton were v.sitors ,n the home of Miss 'made new. intimates furnished. Work EHen Baker Wednesday evening. I guaranteed. H«nning Newman, 932 Mrs. May Lester of Elgin was a jjarvel Ave., Woodstock, Phone 451-M. weekend guest ,m the M. A. Sutton 41-26 home and also called on other relatives and friends here. TREE SPECIALIST--Spraying, prun- Mr. und1 Mrs. Wm. VanNatta of ing, feeding; cavity treatment. Twelve Crystal Lake were Sunday visitors in years' experience. LEO P. THORNMiss Lanetta Whiting of Elgin visited her mother, Mrs. Ellen Whiting, a few days this week. Miss Olga Brefeld of Chicago was a Sunday visitor in %he home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Miss Jane Durland hits, finished her year's school work at St. Francis Academy, Joliet, and is spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durland. Miss MaryCeline Adams, who is employed in Elgin, spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Adams. Her mother accompanied her to Elgin Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walkup and Mrs. Anna Mollohan of Ridgefteld visited friends here Friday. George Parker, son George, and Jack Julian, of Whiting, Ind., Misses Patricia Long and Virginia Cheatem of Chicago are guests in the M. J. Whlsh home today (Thursday). Joseph Kortendick, daughter, Catherine, of Rockford, Mrs. Earl Tighland, daughter, Ann, and Rita and Berniece Kortendick of Pecatonica were guests in tfie home of the former's daughter, Mrs. John Bolger, on Friday. Tburoday, iano 16,1938 QABBY QERTIE "When cremation becomes more popular probably a dust pan will replace the skeleton in the closet." and Mrs. Robert HILL, McHenry. anytime. Phone 129-J. Call 4-2 the homei of Mr, Thompson. Mrs. EHaabeth Pinkney of Liberty- MftWPRS suiABPFVPDville was « McHenry visitor Thursday - MOWERS SHARPENED evening I James Orr, McHenry blacksmith, gen- Mrs. Jeftnie Mae Richardson motor- ^ork an?T i PJ°"e ed to, Oak. Eatk today (Thursday). ® M- at Her Cooley, who!Street' West McHenry. has been visiting relatives there, will! JJAT T\ NVAVTUN return to McHenry with her. [HOLD HE AKIN O Off •4 iiifi iv«-IA WHITE BREAD • O'CLOCK COFFEE 3 bag 41C SpSSHErfT0-. 3 pkgs 25c IHRES^ EXTRACT 23C CRISCO CAN tUMWW BRITE-IZE FELS-NAPTHA SCOT TISSUE IVORY SOAP . , LB19c 3cabn49c 2 CANS 15c 10 BAR6 45c 3 ROLLS 25c Mr. and Mrs. Ejter Blake, daugh- ters, ^nVnnnaa,, and Mrs Arnold May, JohnrfBlake, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Blakdy and faquly and Mrs. Blake's nephew, Leandpr Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Math Blalife, son, Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blake, daughter, Bern ice, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blake, Mr. and Mrs. At. P. Freund and children spent Monday with the Blake sisters, Sister Mai yJIldjfons, of Allenton, Wis., Sis- *el Arcad'a Medford, Wis., : and Sster Mary Jeremiah of St. Lii brory, Neb., at St. Joseph's Convent, ^ Milwaukee, Wis., where they had been on a retreat Miss Eunice Marshall attended the Rradul^i^n exercises of the University of Illmoia School for Nurses at the Civic Utoera\house in Chicago on June 10. Dflss Lilian Kosinski of Chicago was cihe ofThe graduates. Mrs. Agnes Marshall, William and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kingsburg, daughters, Colette and Gloria, and Mrs. Lucille Lindo of St. Charles visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ulrich in the home of Mrs. Nellie Bacon Tuesday evening. > Mr. And Mrs. George Miller and little daughter of Chicago spent a f$w days last week with her mother, Mrs Lorett% Mr. M HEBRON RAILROAD AT KENOSHA JULY 8 The county board Monday learned that the hearing on the petition of the North Western', railroad to the interstate commerce commission for the right to abandon the stretch of. railroad extending from Bain, Wis., through Harvard and Alden to Hebron, will be held at Kenosha on July 8 at the federal building at 10 o'clock. The board passed a resolution, re commended by the railroad committee of the board, asking the commission not to abandon this stretch of road. A copy of the resolution is to be sent to the railroad company as well as the commission. The resolution sets up that it will cause much hardship to the communities which the stretch of railroad serves if the road is completely demolished. It is expected a goodly crowd of people from the Hebron and Alden communities will attend the hearing at Kenosha on July 8. MISS AITOSLA TOKTAN ORADUATK8A8 NUBSE Miss Angela Tonyan, daughter of Mrs. Elisabeth Tonyan of Johnsburg,' graduated Sunday from the nurse's1 training course at St. Anthony's hos- J pita], Chicago. Special services were, held in the morning, and in the even-, ingr graduation exercises were held in the chapel, at wheh time the graduates, received their diplomas. On Wednesday Miss Tonyan and the other graduates also' received diplom-1 as at thr graduation exercises At De- Paul Univu|flf in Chicago. • Eight* girls made up the personnel of the gradaanng class and the Commencement sermon WAS given by an1 assistant of Fr. Keas, who was ser-1 iously ill at the time and unable to deliver his usual address. , I Those from this vicinity who attended the graduation &cerrises were:1 Mrs. Edward Tonyan, Henry Tonyan,; Mrs. Elizabeth Tonyan and Barbara AlthofT. Catherine Althoff of Elgin and Asella Tonyan of Rogers Park were' also present. \ Miss Tonyan spent Monday and Tuesday of this week at her home and, returned to Chicago Wednesday. - REVERE E. DEAN : IFXI R DIES SUDDENLY MI PLACE RESTAURANT Ph0M 192 JUSTE* & rnuiri), Prop. arm St. • . f ' HALT SPRING FRIED OHIOKBH 60« ? " : FOOT LONG HOT DOGS 10c riSfc FRY EVERY FRIDAY--- FRESH PSECH ^ PINK HARRISON'S ofPistakee Bay FRIED CHICKEN PLATE LUNCH i v Tasty Sandwiches -- Delicious Drinks Dancing Every Saturday Throughout The Swoon Barbara Horick's Orchestra ----- Revere ff.* Dean of Crystal Ltike' died suddenly in the Northwestern sta-1 tion, Chicago, last Friday evening,! where he suffered a heart attack while waiting to take a train to return to his- home. He had been employed by the DeLaval Separator „ Company of Chicago for the past seventeen years. He was 44 years old and is survived by his wife, Hazel Robison Dean, a former McHenry resident, two daugl%> ters, Carol and Priscilla, his mother,' Mrs. R. A. Dean, one brother, Harry Dean, and four sisters, Beatrice, Dor-' othy, Genevieve and Mrs. E. W. Dean. He waa a son of the late H. A. Dean, superintendent of Crystal Lake schools for several years, who passed away two years ago. Grand Opening-June 18 18®HILLTOP INN -H -2*4 Miles North of McHenry on Route 31 ^JjnUHK KEMPHER, Prop. ... -^s ELKS TO PICNIC « IN McHENRY CITY PARK ON JUNE 26 A carnival and picnic, to be held in the city park at McHenry, is being sponsored by B.P. O. Elks, No. 1043, Woodstock, on Sunday, June 26, an all-day affair. The carnival will open at 10 a. m., with rides for the children^ including a miniature railroad. The Elks invite all to bring the family for a day of fun. A baseball gatfie is scheduled for 2 o'clock, between Des Plaines and Woodstock, and dancing will be provided at the Fox Pavilion between 8 p. m. and midnight. ^Miss May Justen left the first of the week on a trip to New York. ROAST YOUNG NC AND SAUERKRAUT ' 'SBOOTIE" THELEN BEHIND THE BAB' Drinks of all Kinds-- : Under New Management -- Formerly Shober's Tavern June 18 Coming /- •' Saturday Where Old Friends Meet BETtT AMD JERKY'S dth ANNIVEBSABrr AT LILY LAKE Sonvenirs -- A Party To AU! • /: SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY --. REAL CHICKEN DINNER -- 35c BETTY'S PLACE My Neighbor Says To keep the rocking chair from creeping, glue or tack a small piece of felt along the bottom of each rocker. • • • Colored cotton frocks should not be hung in strong sunlight. Hang in a shady place and when ironing use medium heat. • • • All ingredienta used in making pastry should be cold. The colder the pastry is when put into the oven, the flakier it will be when baked. • •- • • ...... Place shallow pans of sweetened prune juice on the floor of a pantry frequented by ants. The ants get into the liquid and cannot escape. • • • To remove mustard stains from table linen, boil linen in water in which one teaspoon of washing soda to each quart of water has been dissolved. • • • Larkspur thrives in almost any position in your garden. Plants should be well watered when weather is dry and manure occasionally dug into the soil in which they are planted. • Associated Newspapers.--WNTJ Service. NEW STYLE SHOP OPENED SATURDAY Scores of ladies responded to the in ^ rs. Leo Rauen and chil-j vitation of Miss Rosa Popp to attend dren, lettjpvfBobby and Larry, Bpent Uhe opening of her new style shop last 3 med. cakes 17c 2 lge. cakes 19c DONUTS^lOc ^ < A' Bananas, 5 lbs. 25c New White Potatoes, pk. 39c liil BliiM PKMTJMS . TEX-WAX . SMI. HMiH HDLLYttASSn MfM MMS ISyifKCTM . liWiffur . 3oot 10c .%V69c 2PUKQI.t. *IQWd . . ooz 33e 3 "at 25c *10 chSi 49c \ KP FOOD S T O R E S Monday i|» the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Justen. Mrs. Agnes Marshal, William and Earl, attended tfae graduation of Roy Kosinski fror» St, Roberts School, Chicago, Sunday, and {spent the day at the home of A. Kosinski. Misses Helen Modine and Doris Nihlrose of St. Charles were visitors in the home of Mrs. Nellie Bacon on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs-. Dora Klas4 and son of Sturgeon Bay, Wis., are spending a few days with her njothpr, Mrs. Barbara Engeln and Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Baker. Mrs. Vernon. Knox, Mrs. F. J. Aicher> Mrs. Wnv. Heimer and Mrs. Jose- I phine Heimer spent Monday afternoon in Chicago. Mr, and Mrs, fcalph Smith of Harvard VisiWfl Relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Jessie W*lsh of Q^ayslake f^"V Thursday in the M. 3. Walsh Saturday. Miss Popp offered prizes to those who registered and made guesses in the number of buttons in a large jar. A card of appreciation and the names of the winners appears in the display columns. Rosa ia[, carrying a full line of dresses, hosiery and accessories. She is located in her father's shoe store in West McHenry. Births Relatives here have received announcement of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clemens of Berkley, Calif., on June 9. The Clemens family are former residents of McHenry. George Ring of Chicago wsis a visitor in McHenry over the Weekend. POTPOURRI World Illiteracy Half of the people of the world cannot read or write. Of those over ten years of age in the United States, one person out of sixteen cannot do so. In Denmark and Iceland there is no illiteracy. Brazil has 85 per cent, Egypt 91 per cent and India 92 per cent of its citizenry who cannot read or write. C Western Newspaper Union. *Tot»« ws tfi * A/EM iw« .fit .4 #W*af* •ici III1ITV HI II lew lew Pries HERE la the tire aensation of 193a New in derigni, new in appearance with a new high in quality at a remarkably new low price. This new Firestone Convoy Tire has everything you want^-- safety* mileage and blowout protection. Come m and sec Ai« ffnfahnnal tire with all these extra values and you will agree it is the greatest tire ever offered at these low prices. These new large sized* rugged, long wearing Firestone Convoys are just the tires yoo have been waiting for. Let us put a set on Y°u'car today for they put money In your pocket bysaviof you 25%. «*«??' Survive Without Breathing Seals, beavers and muskrats, which can withstand submersion for about Ave times as long as land mammals, reveal that their ability to survive without breathing is due to insensitivity of their respiratory adjustments to carbon dioxide. CO for HV ?o*» eo9*l C«»* Hi* t &I 6i*t- &>*>*1 M 6.5°-^ iwi4-50* o ,257. MRS. FLORENCE HILL DIBS IN CHICAGO Funeral services for Mrs. Florence Bohanon Hill of Chicago, -mother of Stanley Hill, a frequent visitor in McHenry, will be held from a chapel at 523 Lake street, Oak Park, at 1:30 o'clock, Friday afternoon, with burial in Rosehill. * Besides the son, Stanley, Mrs. Hill is survived by her husband, Frank, and a son, Frank, Jr. L i m m * H s r f n * H m d m mm ium iwlli KACW M PBOMX2M WEST McHENRY