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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jun 1938, p. 2

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* t znmzyr^V-* ^/.v;,-^ r {wr ^v ^ J' *\ fT : ^ ' - 1 ' ' * » ^ ^ " Si * ' , ,P> , - TmB umfMKf V > " •«;..' - v * rmr ^v^r h|«Tin Thimd«y, JiatS&lMt BOEOKKCY IHTtHST RATS ON LAND BANK LOANS IS SXTKNDED Ite reduced interest rates on Federal Land Bank Loans have been extended by FederaMlejgislation for a period of two years, according to word received from the Federal Land Bank by E. L. Johnson, Secretary-Treasurer of the Woodstock Rational Farm Loan Association serving McHenry and Lake counties. On Federal land bank loans through activfl national farm loan associations the temporarily reduced rate of 3H per Cent per annum will be continued for all interest installments payable prior to July 1, 1940. - - The temporarily reduced rate of ,4 ANTIOCH FOB DEPARTMENT TO CELEBRATR ANNIVERSARY When the Antioch Volunteer Fi: Department celebrates its twentyfifth anniversary on Jane 27 in connection with the monthly meeting of the Lake County Firemen's Association at Antioch, Illinois, it is planning to register over five hundred firemen a^d their guests. Starting at 2 p. m., with a big par-Jed Mr. and Mrs. John Hutton and chil ade from the high school followed by dren of Harvey, I1L, the past week, various fire trucks from other villages! Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Linderoth en WONDERLAKB Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mrax and daughter, Clara, Miss Dorothy Lockmor of Green Bay, Wis., and Miss Larone Baier of Chicago are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Griff. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krai entertain- MJmm X0T0U8T8 PAID RXOO&D HIGH UI , M: OAS TAXEB IN 1987 H| JBOtO Mis of SLOCUWS LAKE $8*<S*Mp In gasoline Mr. and Mrs. W«u Oamll and two flf Waoeonda were Sunday Peter Anderson at Gary last Wednes-'a ealler at the-home of Mr. and Mr|W day evening. J Jack Geary last Tuesday. Ray Cook of Ooo spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. WiQ Realte of Uaioa tike home of Us parents, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. K M. Deforest of Chicago Wilbur Cook. >ere Amday visitors at the home of Jay Cook of Chicago and Mm, Lotos Mr. and M» G. J. Burnett. Cook, of Kansas CHy, Mo., were e&J: Harry Matthews, fat company wit| era at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WO- H. C. Gilkerson of Libertyville, Eait bur Cook Monday. iKane of Diamond Lake, and L. A, Mr. and Mrs. George Londgren and Hnebseh of Mundolein attended an or* Miss Nelson of Waoeonda were callers sanitation committee meeting Monday' coming in for tests on hose line hook ups in competition. ' Firemen teams from other departments will demonstrate their skill in competition in a barrel water fight, *nd for the first time in Lake county will appear two lady teams who will ' ' * " >1 ' s yV'-. U^J-VL per cent on Land Bank Commissioner also try at the barrel water ffeht. loans is also continued until July 1, In the evening the monthly meet- 1940, E. L. Johnson said. j ing of county firemen will have the •At present the contract rate on1 privilege of witnessing honors exoew land bank loans is 4 per cent for joyed having Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Sandstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Truneau Dahlberg and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Polsin of Chicago as their weekend guests. Mr . and Mrs. Clarence Stoltse of j Forest Park have rented Mrs. Eaton's cottage for a two weeks' vacation. James W. Maloney and Mrs. Blanche Brown from Pender, Neb., are guests of Mrs. Padden of Deep Spring Woods this week. taxes to the stai*, an increaae oif 7.1 ^ koin< °* W"*i over 1986, when |»,488,000/*™ ^ was paid, Mr. G. A. Primm, Secretary I T M*tthrr^ of th« Illinois Petroleum Industries , c«llcr »l Uke Zurich Saturday. Committee, announced recently. The1 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Monday at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. evening at Woodstock. figuraa showing the substantial gain Chesney, and Otis Phillips were din- John Blomgren. I Mr. and Mrs. John in gasoline taxes in 1987 are taken ner last Wednesday at the j Mrs. Wm. Foss and son, BilUe, and dinner and supper guests '«** Sunda* fna the annual report of the United J®®6 «f Mrs. EDa Parks at Fs*k lbs. Wm. Berg and two children of at the heme ef Mr. and Mrs. Raymond - Stataa Bureau of Public Roads, just ,"***• . . „ , I Davis Lake were callers at Highland Lusk at Maple Pfcrk. :: • received ky Mr. Primm. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and the Park last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett and Mil "P«f tfcs past several years gaaoline former's mother, Mrs. Etta Converse, Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of ------ ' * tax receipts by Illinois have beep were Pslatine last Wednes- Forest Park were dinner and supper showlny wfiwarlcabfe gains, roliaetkww day evenly. _ ; _ • guests at the home of the letter's for 1987 were 23.0 per cent above^ ii^r i»d Ifts. Eifl ConverSe ahdfather, Willard DaireU. when $89426,000 was paid to the state daifhter, Franees, and Mrs. Etta Mrs. Wfcn. Berg end daughters, in gaaoline taxes," said Mr. Primm. Converse sp^tSunday evening it the Louise and Wilma, of Davis Lake were •IThid remarkable gain in gasoline »ome of Mrs. FhOena Davis. dinner guests last Saturday at the taxes should permit the state to pro-' _ rs' "7.. r>m spent last home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foss. vide better and safer roads for the Thursday at the home of Mr. and: ,G. J. Burnett was a business caller loans through active associations. The contract ratfv on all Commissioner loans made through the land bank is .5 per cent," E. L. Johnson stated. v ^Farmers who now obtain new loans through an active association at tta Lew R. Van Patten and John L. eVening. 4 per cent contract rate, will get the Horan, who have given their services benefit of the 3% per cent rate for all interest installments payable prior to July 1, 1940, and after that will not have to pay more than the 4 per cent tended to one of Antioch's first firei jjr M(j !(„ e. Harbeauer of Chi- J motorists mor« rapidly than ever be- Mrs* John Blomgren. 'at Grayslake last Tuesday afternoon, chiefs, Henry Billett, who can remem- caff0 spent the weekend with Mr. and fore in the history of the state. With1 Mi88e" Orissa Brown and Althea Edwin McCabe and Mias Mary Mc- * "k 1892 wha*'the.?71bI„ems Mr«. Harry Walsh. millions of dollars of additional road Gotten* Mrs.Ed Undenrod of WJau- ,•Cabe of Norwood PSrk were callers of fighting fire were, other chiefs hon- j Mr. an(j Mrs. R. C. Harrison and fundg avaaiBe because of the higher ^ at the , Monday at the heme of Mr. and Mrs, ored «id especiaily/he charter mem-j^jj^n attended i recita1 at the CUyL^Hne tax revenue, road improve- ho»e,1°^M'- *nf1 M"- Cook- ^ Geary. bers, Arthur Rpsenfeldt, George Gar-,g^t school at Woodstock Monday ment8 on a wide scale can be carried ,W,llard I^n-eU attended an execu- Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett and Mr. out. Within a few years the needed „ |ne*^nlf ol' tke L«ke-Cook Farm.aifd Mrs. Lyle Lltwiler of Round Lake The many friends Of Mrs. Ora ba8jc improvements in the state high-. ,p,p y , „ Mond*y- |were business callers at Waukegan on to the community for the past twentyfive years, Maudeiville are sorry to hear she '»|wav system can be made," and, with a1 Jf1"" an J d *rs- John Blomgren were, Saturday of last week. v--er y ill a-1t the hv-o--me of relatives - - callers at the home of Mr. and Chicago. The first baseball game was pro^i Miss Delyle Fairchild is spending (Attract rate for the balance of thejmoted by Colonel Doubleday, who laid this week with relatives and friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Strong entertained Mr. and Mrs. Chas. LockaH of Forest Park over the weekend. term of the loan, which may be for out the first regular diamond and drew as long as 20 to 30-odd years." j^up playing rules in 1839. OUALITy CANY AS PRODUCTS BEN THONNESON AWNINGS BOAT COVERS VENETIAN BLINDS OUTBOA&D MOTOR COVERS WINDOW SHADES -A--TARPAUIJNS---- Phone McHenry 341 Riverside Drive Across from Postoffice McHenry, 111. ADAMS & FREUND Phone 185 Pearl Street SWIMMERS METRAINED DOWN V . i ^ASO-VIS' motor OIL .tktiwiq Hi " hL~ ^ > 'si . ' I'- it -r rmmmmmx QUAKER STATE la ctnt POLAMNE .. la bulk CTAMUNO . la twk ,njdeclining need for major improve-, ments, the state may find it. possible, to give its motorists, most of whom' earn less than $30.00 a week, relief in the form of a reduction in the gasoline tax rate. Up to now the trend in gasoline taxation has constantly 3 „ ___ ,, ..been upward. In the not far distant Mr. and Mrs. Walter Strehlow and future that trend should be reversed. Mrs. Mrs. John R. Knox of McHenry was and Mrs. Lyl« Litwiler of Ronnd lAki : -.' attended the fortieth wedding annivcr* •«y <rf Mr. and Mrs. Mort Ritt at t»ar home at Crystal last Wed. nesday evening. All enjoyed a won* derful time. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer of Mc Henry were Sunday visitors at thi home of Mr. and Mrs. Jade Geary. Mr. and Mrs. Neb Palmatrom of Lake Forest were guests at the hom# of Willard Darrell Sunday evening. " Mr. and Mrs, Leo R. Zimmer and daughter, joan, of McHenry were Friday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary. Up to July 4 a 20% allowance all tires traded in. Walter J. Freun<£ West McHenry, II}., Phone 294. v McCORMICK-DEERING daughter, Dolly, Miss Mildren Mitton and Ted Burke of Edison Park spent Saturday evening and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Johnson. Harry Padden is in Hines hospital for observation. Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leslie over the weekend. Richard Hubbard had the misfortune to break a finger while playing ball last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harrison spent Sunday at Harvard with Mr. and Mrs. August Krohn. Mr. and Mrs. Asborne, Miss Delores Stevius, Theodore Seaman and Mr. McAter of Chicago were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wallace. Mrs. A. L. Bode and son, Robert, are enjoying their summer home in Shore Hills. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Scott from New Symrna, Florida, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Van Bampus. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huguelet of Chicago spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Erbin Janisch and family. Mrs. Anna Eaton and son, Howard, called at the home of Mrs. Murrey at Wauconda Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown entertained at a midsummer one o'clock luncheon at their home Tuesday. Guests from Chicago included Mr. and Mras. Martin Latson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kidwell and children and Miss Thyra Stylander. Mrs. George Smith of Freeport was calling on friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Lindroth were among those who attended the seven o'clock dinner held at the Methodist church at Woodstock. Mr. Lynn Waldorf from here gave a very interesting talk. - Up to July 4 a 20% allowance on all tires traded in. Walter J. Freund, West McHenry, 111., Phone ?94. S Besides paying a record high in gasoline taxes to the state, Illinois motorists paid the tidy sum' of $12,- 425,000 in federal gasoTine taxes to Uncle Sam last year," Mr. Primm pointed out. "The federal gasoline tax was enacted in 1932 as a temporary emergency tax when internal revenue was less than one and one-half billion dollars. It was understood at that time that the tax, which unfairly invades the field of stat$ taxation and subjects motorists to a double tax penalty, would be removed when federal internal receipt^ returned to their predepression level. But in 1937, internal revenue receipts were at an all-time high of $6,700,000,000, or more than four billion dol ara above 1932. Ob-' viously, the time is long overdue for the removal of such double taxation on the already overtaxed motorists of Illinois." Firat Iron Furnace In U. S. The first iron furnace in the United States, was built in Virginia in 1619. THWS 1938--Baick DeLuxe Sedan (Demonstrator)'. 1938--Pontiac DeLuxe Sedan (Demonstratot), 1937--Buick DeLuxe Four-Door Trunk Sedan (Radio). 1937--^Pontiac DeLuxe 4-Door Trunk Sedan (Radio). 1937--Ford DeLuxe Four Door Sedan (Radio). m^ 1937--Plymouth DeLuxe Four Door Trunk Sedan . 1936--Chevrolet Standard Coupe. 1934--Ford DeLuxe Coupe (Radfef l i\ % 1934--Buick DeLuxe Four Door Tirunfc^Sedan o). BUICK AMD PONTIAC !. L OVERTON MOTM SUES (Where Customers Send Their Friends) Phone 6f V McHenry, 111. PUT THE OPERATING COST OF AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATING ON TRIAL IN YOUR HOME LILY LAKE Trained down to sheer itamma and staying power--that's as important for a motor oil as for an athlete! I so-Vis motor oil is an exceptional lubricant because of the degree to which Standard's special "workouts" have trained longest lastmg otl is leftinfscnViib That's why Iso-Vis in your crankcase will mean "more "'Iff before you need to add a quart!** You can prove it--and tsvt, • •MM ITstandard oil dealers Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wirfs and baby daughter, Roberta Mae, were Chicago visitors last Thursday. Viola Brady, Mary, Grace and Bill Hubbell, Helen Robinson and son, Billie, all of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr, and Mrs, C. O. Swanson and daughter, Lois, of Chicago are spena- Ing the summer here. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Blum Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Swanson and Lois Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch and Josephine Dosch. Mr. and Mrs. William Pankonen spent a few days at their cottage. Visitors at their home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. H. Gehrke and daughter, Ellen Stovner, Walter Schwab and Frank Schwab of Chicago. Wfenda and Connie Boyko and frtend of Chicago spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Boyko. Visitors Saturday' at the home,i of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swanson were Emil Swanson, Mrs. Kreger of Chicago. , M. Fink, S. Buckman and S. Leavitt of Chicago and brother of Mrs. E. Wiebaum and Bion Miller of Aurora, 111., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wiesbaum Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Venable attended the military show Saturday in Chicago. - Mr. and Mrs. George Peschke and daughter, Betty Jane, Mr. T. Logan, Mrs. A. Peschke and Mrs. Casper, all of Chicago, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Peschke. William Hahn and sons of Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Skelly. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. George Esser, Mr. and Mrs. George Toons, Mr. and Mrs. George Vollamer, Mr. and Mrs. Blum, Mr. and Mrs. Wiehner, Mr. and Mrs. Gilman and family of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottages. Cottage Robbed The home of Mr. and Mrs. George Toons of Lily Lake w|t broken into some day last week, All of the furnishings were taken. The robbers entered through the back door and moved everything out the front door. Tracks could be traced through the fiejdsonrhere the robbers had cut the fences to get through* Mr. Toons discovered the robbery upm, his arrival from Chicago Friday evening. t »<„ } ///„ '• ft , J vMRVIVMI IRH MIM JW/. tU StKin tNk 8 RW AUTOMATIC OAS WATER HEATER $AA *1 DOWN AO'iajWNTH ' AL$i 5% DOWN tZLTf?* *w tass® Gueranteetf Low Operating Costs Possible ^ - because of Specie/ Low Rates for Automatic Gas Water Heating! ® "Will Operating costs for Automatic Gas Water Heating be too high in my home?" That's the problem you settle once and for all by accepting this offer--because we guarantee cost sadsfaction with die special low fate for Automadc Gas Water Heating-or yottr mmty b*ckl You are the sole judge! * Here's the offer! You buy a new Automatic Gas Water Heater or a Conversion Unit for your old storage heater--with the liberal time payment terms if you wish. Put it to a 30-day cost test--your gas bills will give you the answer. Then, if die cost is not sarisfcctocy, we will refund the payments you have made--and remove your new heater at our expnu*. Thousands already enjoy die. convenience and comfort of having plenty of hot water always on tap for every household need-baths and showers, washing, cleaning and Here's your chance to prove that you can afford it, too! Visit your Western United office for complete details. irtfil either a new Automadc Gas Water Heater or Conv^ tsion Unit--you gel ssrisfcetion or your money bade! ~"t-V^y>(esc3Snfce.-->V

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