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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jun 1938, p. 7

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Thursday, Inn* 23,1938 yf«A1 Wl?KAljBfc^M ««</•> * NATIONAL MILX MONTH JUN* 10 TO JULY 10 mora cttovx Hw*i ;•',"V5""••• «•'•"'••; ;.v- ,'V; r-w tlo lrandred thousand retail groc-™ drof, and whty stores from Visitors in the Frank J. Wagner coast to coast have joined hands in a home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. tremendous DRINK MILK «"«pip Walter Gabe and children and Mr. and for the period June 10 to July 10 Mri. George Wagner an* sons of Cbiknown as NATIONAL MILK MONTH. caff®. It started as a movement to help, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Straub of Chithe dairy farmers over the ^Ausb" per- cago spent Sunday with her mother, iod of milk production, bat it's really Mrs. Bertha Esh. a health movement too. The faets de-j Quite a few from here spent a pleasveloped by years and years of research ant day at Fox Lake Country Club on that milk does "Keep the Ton in in lienor of Dick Lyons. Youth." that milk does provide Kisses Helen and Harriet Sanborn more food value per penny than Chicago are enjoying a week's vaany other food" are being dramatic- eatton with their grandmother, Mrs. ally presented to workers mry- b. I* Orvis. where. At every fountain are posters Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Freund visof buoyant vital young people sug- ft«d in the home of his parents, Mr. gestmg milk as the answer to tiiat and Mrs. J. J. Freund Sunday, fagged-out feeling. I Miss Celia Brown has returnal to <*hains, as well as the her home, having spent several weeks 158,000 independent grocery stores af- |n Mii.ii{pi» filiated with th« Infepmknt Food Members of her club met >t the VOLO RINGW0(M> The V. wol-o, Cemeteryt Society wwf-lil Mrs. Louis Hawley entertained i meeTat the home <rf Mrs. AWin Gsu»e Udit8 at Tuesday after Thursday, July 14. !noon ,n hooor Mr«- Elms Hawley Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gould and ^h® " ^ Morristownt IwL, daughter of Libertyville spent Thurs-jvl,Jj,n«" !*ch rece,ved a prise. day evening here with Mr. and Mrs.! Foss attended the wedding Arthur Kaiser. of Fr,nci" at Hartland Wed- Cart Bunting Of Grayslake called^f3r* the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fish- Miss Mercedes Lindemann of Cryser Tuesday. |tal Uke spent Sunday in the S. W. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseley aBdi®m^ home. family were Woodstock shoppers on Patrick Coyne of Chicago is visiting Wednesday. j his family here. _ Mrs. Heraaan Dunker and Mrs. How- \ _ Mrs. George Sbapard and daughter, ard Converse spent Wednesday at thei^lady*. and son, Howard, were visit- Lake County Home Bureau office tak- or* at Woodstock Wednesday. ing the local leader's lessons. ! Harold Snyder of Richmond spent The Volo 4-H Club met at the homeMond*y with Wayne Foss. Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and daugh- ternoon. Bernice, attended the horse show at Kenosha Wednesday and got "third place with their horse, "Babe." Mr. and Mrs. Sandeen and son, Darlene Merchant and Charles Cole of Chicago spent Saturday in the Ray Merchat home. Miss Dora Anderson of Pistakee Bay sptent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson. Mrs. Mildred Munshau of Elgin is spending the week in the Wm. McCannon home. Mesdames Mildred Munshaw, William McCannon, Merritt Cruikshank, Nick Young and Thomas Doh«rty attended a card party at McHenry Friday. Mrs. Patrick Coyne and daughters, Margaret and Catherine, Mr. and Mrs. Marty Thompson and Mrs. Remer were Woodstock visitors Saturday afof Marvin Wirts Friday evening witU eleven members present. j*®r» Jo"a, were Milwaukee visitors on! The Home Bureau will hold a wienie Mrs. Richard Crenin of McHenry Wednesday. roast in Roy Harrison's woods Tuesspent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs.! **us Vogel of Woodstock was a vis- day evening, June 28 for the 4-H clubs Distributors Council and the retail home of Mrs John Kattner on Monday Frank Hironimus. jitor here Thursday. j and Young Adults group. Anyone may distributors of the International As- night to spend an evening at cards.' Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseley and; Mn»- F. N. Musiy entertained the come. sociation of Milk Dealers, have put Three tables of five hundred were in family called at the home of Mr. and Scotch Bridge Club at her home Wed-' Mr. and Mrs. J. Ansel Dewey of their shoulders to the wheel of MILK play and several prises were awarded Mrs. Mort Baseley in Wauconda Wed- nesday afternoon. Prizes were award- Stockton, 111., spent the weekend with MONTH, to tell consumers the two- those achieving high scores. A lovely nesday. ed to Mrs. Ralph Simpson and Mrs.'tbe latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. fold story: the wholesome, cons true- lunch was served at the conclusion of! Mr. and Mrs. William Wirt* and^oy Neal. jjj\ Jepson. tive food value and the downright cards. 7 family spent Thursday evening at) Mrs. Jame Hoefeltof Oelwein, Iowa,1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Wiedrich were economy of dairy products. j Mr. and Mrs Fred Popping and chil-home of the former's mother, Mrs.jspent Wednesday with Mrs. Frankie callers at Solon Mills Sunday. Six hundred and fifty stores in Chi-'dren: of Grayslake were visitors in the Wirts, at Waukegan. > Stephenson. _ The Ladies'Aid Society will serve a cagoland have the Milk Foundation's home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Freund' The Volo 4-H Club enjoyed a marsh- Mesdames S. W. Brown 'and Nick dinner in the east end of the Royal window display "MILK FROM PURE on Tuesday. 1 mallow and weenie roast at the home Young attended the Miller-Frett wed-)Blue store Wednesday, June 29. MILK FARMS SAFEGUARDS Softball teams from Johnsburg,of t h e 'r leader, Karl Magnussen Tues-d i n£ at the Johnsbarg church Wed-1 Miss Mildred Jepson of Evanston HEALTH." Some of them have added Richmond, Fdx Lake, McHenry and'day evening. A « > jspent Sunday with her patents,-Mr. animated papier mache cows; one or Spring Grove, who recently formed a; Mrs. Earl Hironimus.and sons spent; Mrs. Anna Colby of Clifton spent'and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. ; two haye the famous 4-stomach model league, officially opened the season of a few days in Chicago the past week a few days the past week in the Clay-1 Mr; and Mrs. Richard Gault of of a cow that always dran^a constant playing soft ball under the flood lights'with relatives. ;ton Harrison home. j Woodstock spent Sunday with the latcrowd of adults as well as children, on Monday night, June IS, with Spring I Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher spent The Young Adults group held ater's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hiley Thomas of Woodstock were callers in the James Rainey home 8uaday afternoon. Frank Wiedrich spent Tuesday at Elkhorn, Wis., and Wednesday in Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent Sunday evening in the James Bell home at Lake Villa. Rev. and Mrs. Collins spent Monday aDnd Tuesday in the home of their son, ...1 n.ii'i .% * i. A .. * f 4 1 field for a Stephenson. ^ s , Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn and Mr* ^ ? Frank Block and children were Woodk stock visitors Saturday. , , s, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich speol ^ Sunday with the latter's parents at \ Richmond. Mrs. Wiedrich remained for a few days' visit. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and daughte^1 4.; Paul Collilns, and family at Arlington!Mae, and Charles and Joseph Carff'\ Heights. jwere visitors at Crystal Lake Thursfc Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison werejd^y morning. callers at Crystal Lake Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Brat* and daugh- --Mrs. S. W. Smith and son, John, ter, Marie, Mr. and Mrs. George were callers at Crystal Lake Sunday.and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Theodora evening. j Shrieber and daughter and Georgjf Rev. and Mrs. Collins spent Wed- Jacobs of Chicago spent Sunday witfc nesday in the home of their son, Frank Mr. and Mrs. A. Ruehlman und fam» Collins and family, at Wilmette. They ily. celebrated the birUiday of Frank Col-| Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and lins and the wedding anniversary of of Harvard spfcnt Sunday Rev. and Mrs. Collins. Mrs. Agnes Jencks and daughter, with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mrs. Wm. Wurtzinger and da Mary, of Evanston are out to their,of Woodstock spent the weekend witlfi home here for the summer. [her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnisr Miss Bernice Smith spent Sunday at Smith. . i' ^ Antioch. ' | Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and twi Mr. and Mrs. Frarik Block and fam- daughters of Chicago attended th»'; : V. ily of Kenosha spent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Sunday at Elgin. ^ Mrs. James Hoefelt of Oclwein, la., spent a few days the past week in the H. M. Stephenson home. On Wednes- :ia day evening they took her to Ridge-1West McHenry, 111., Phone 294 .And a few stores have rounded up Grove and Johnsburg playing the firstiFriday afternoon at the home 6f Mr. treasurer hunt and weinie roast in real live cows for their windows--just game. Spring Grove was the winner)and Mrs. William Lqhmann in Liberty- Roy Harrison s woods Thursday evenviDe. Mrs. Clinton Raven and family of Slocum's Lake visited her parent^, Mr. to make sure that everybody knows by a score of 7 to 2. WHERE milk comes from. | The Pleasure Seekers will hold their It's a great, voluntary, co-operative next meeting at the home -of Mrs. . .. effort to meet a farm industry crisis, Charles Freund on Wednesday after- and Mrs. Richard Dowell Thursday, to move into consumption the fluid noon, June 29. I Charles Miller was a business callmilk surplus and the vast cold storage' Up to July 4 a 20% allowance on er at Beloit,^Wis., Tuesday. holdings of butter and cheese. It will all tires traded in. Walter J. Freund, ~ help the whole dairy industry-Hutd We«£ McHenry, 111., Phone 294. 5 the health of consumers! : , - WolgM «f a Baiy The weight of a body is the force with which it is attracted to the earth. Weight, therefore, depends upon two factors--the amount of matter which it contains, and its position with respect to the earth. The nearer a body is to the center of the earth, so long as it remains upon the surface, the greater is its weight. Thus, a body of a given mass will weigh more at the base of a tall buildinp than at the. top. Sausage Tree Native of AfHea The sausage tree (Kigelia pinnate) is a native of Africa. It has rough pinnate leaves and peculiar flowers which hang suspended by long peduncles. From each flower a large fruit develops which resembles a sausage.' ing. White Sappkfre . It is not possible for an inexperienced person to distinguish positively between a diamond and a white sapphire. jTHE'POCKETBOOK .^"KNOWLEDGE MFIATKM. ONUHNRCB. \* tMmansib STOP* puniria thb' ~ Of A-a.M0Ney DEBASE? exTe>iiTT»wifT WHEAT COT A BOSHetf mots ^HmjogfTSSoum MM TO WWITBHf C *MAwtMSif SACt», ouoyip 7wr meeggF JKACK 0/A W M£AT wHtCM EM«PTUH»M[ CHr *TKL •srai- WITH. T IN 1929 312.000 AMHBCAH MEN. WOMEN AND akwrniwiW sJMNMArrawns --ItNo oAY-a to ovnt , fwAtwmaSCAoMt f Mr. and Mrs. Earl Colby of Crystal Lake were callers in the George Shep- %rd home Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson and family were visitors at Woodstock on Mrs. Frank King spent the week-;Saturday evening. end in Wisconsin at the home of Miss J. A. Vaillancourt was a caller in Sabrowsky, the Volo school teacher. Woodstock Saturday morning. Miss Sabrowsky returned to her home' Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and Mrs. there with Mrs. King, Friday. j Ralph Simpson were McHenry visitors Misses Ada Dowell and Helen Vase? Saturday afternoon. were Waukegan shoppers Monday. j Mr. and Mrs. Dick Olson and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frey of Elgin Dean, attended a family reunion nt called at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser Friday. iDimon, at Ostend Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and' The Sewing Circle met with Mrs. family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hafer. Charles Peet Friday. A pot-luck dinand Mrs. Sarah Fisher attended the.ner was served at noon. annual recital of Ruth Rieke and Wal-|. Mrs. B. T. Butler and children spent ter N. Sears at the First Baptist from Wednesday until Saturday with church in Barrington Saturday even- relatives in Chicago. ing. Richard Fisher played a violin j Mrs. Louis Hawley and children solo at this recital. Miss Ellen Sears spent Wlednesday in Chicago, Imprinted with Name or Initials _ 100 for $1.00 Three Sizes -- Cocktail (small), Tea (medium), Luncheon (large). • • Choice of Red, Blue or Green Ink ^ SPECIAL ON 1 INDIVIDUAL STATIONERY foi June and JnlJ Celtic Linen and Rose Laid 100 Sheets and 100 Envelopes, $1.00 Three line name and address on both sheets and envelopes i.. • -V Blue or • - Accompanied Richard at the piano, ^ Community Night was held at the ' Volo school Friday evening with a wry good crowd attending. The evenhug was spent in playing auction five hundred, euchre and airplane bunco. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. J. Vasey, Carl Thorsell, Mrs. Richard Dowell, . Frak Hironimus, Marie StofFell an Harry Snell. The next meeting will be at the Volo School Friday evening, July 15. Miss Shirley Ri,tta of Mundelein ~ spent a few days here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William WSrt*. j Mrs. Walter Vasey visited at the • home of her m<f her, Mrs. Margaret Grabbe, at Crystal Lake Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Magnussen and daughter, Eileen returned to their home here Thursday evening, after spending a few weeks in the east with . relatives. i A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Dil- 11©n Sunday. Mrs. William Waldmann spent the past week in Chicago at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Waldmann. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vasey and son of Wauconda spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vasey. Kenneth Hironimus of Wauconda spent Sunday here with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Krause, Mr. and Mrs. C. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert WJaldmann and faimily spent Sunday her6 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Waldmann. Miss Helen Vasey, John Vasey and Earl Townsend visited Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Geary at Littlfe Rock, 111., on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfveld and ffmily, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passfield and family, and Mr. and Mrs. George Dowell and son enjoyed Sunday at Lord's Park in Elgin. / Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and daughter were Grayslake callers on Friday evening. Mr. and Mi^. Joseph Passfield and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Dowell and son, and Mrs. Charles Dalvin and daughters attended a music recital at the Universal church in Elgin Sunday. Up to July 4 a 20% allowance on all tires traded in. Walter J. Freund, West McHenry, 111., Phone 294. S Mrs. S. W. Smith and daughter, Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. Will Beck of Dundee spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peet. ^Mrs. S. H. Beatty, Mrs. Viola Low and daughter, Alice Mae, and son| Robert, Mrs. Ray Peters and Mrs. Fred Gibbs were visitors at Woodstock Saturday. - Mrs. Jennie Bacon and Will Beatty were callers in the Charles Gates home at Alden Sunday. Elmer Olson and son, Charles, attended the ball game in Chicago at Comiskey Park Sunday. Mrs. James Rainey and Mrs. Robert Howe were visitors at Burlington Saturday. { Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harrison of Billingham, Wash., spent Saturday afternoon and evening in the Dick Olson home. Miss Vetter of Racine is speeding a few days in the James Rainey home. Roy Hobart of Ostend was a visitor in the D. L. Hall home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Belcher and Mrs. Hopper reunion here Sunday. Mrs. Lester Carr entertained thpT..•••.? Bunco Club at her home Thursday afV - ternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrss ? George Young and Mrs. R. Merchant. Up to July 4 a 20% allowance o». • all tires traded in. Walter J. Freund* : * Help Wanted > Help us find an attractive name for our Ice £!ream Shop. '\-v: ; :..v; . • The winner of the best name will receive 5 gallons of onr Super Creamed Freezer Fresh Ice Cream in" any flavor made fresh daily. We will be featuring Frosted Plaited Ice Cream Bars and Frozen Custard* It's located on Highway 20, midway between mc- Henry and West McHenry. - Answers must be submitted to address--West McHenry, Illinois* P. O. Box 111. SLEEP IN COOLER COMFORT THIS SUMMER on sheets only OFFICE "BEWARE THE PARKED CAR* IS TIMELY WARNING ISSUED | "Beware the parked car!" This is the warning just issued by the State | Division of Highways. The seemingly [harmless car standing by the curb is often an instrument of death. Six hundred and fifty Illinois pedestrians were killed or injured last year because they stepped out into traffic lanes from between parked automobiles. Your chance of reaching a ripe1 old age will be better, the Division says, if you refrain from: standing in line of traffic to change a tire or to look at a stalled motor; walking behind a car when it is backing, ot stepping between parked cars that are liable at any moment to be shoved ahead or back. t Joint Stock Company The joint stock company is a fonA of business organization that combines some of the features of the partnership and some of the corporation. It is like a corporation in that it has transferable shares, operates under a self chosen name, and ita through elected officials and a board of directors. PRNESSNH-IKH MYTIMEMR DRKWSL IM COOL NIGHT MR G00LS ALL ROOMS WIT" CONSTANT CIRCULATION Corrects Air Commons Throughout the Entire House Give yourself and your family cooler bedtime comfort this summer with |n Artie Fan Nighttime Cooling System. Here'* how simply it works: Open your windows in the cool of the evening. With the Attic Cooling System at work, out goes the hot daytime air and the blanket of stuffy air that collects in the ttrie--and in comes cool, fresh night air, usually 15 to 20 degrees cooler in this part of the country--cool air circulates through the house till you up. In the morning shut the windows to store up the cool air from the night before. Your house will be cooler 24 hours of the day ! What could be easier to operate? And it's easy to own, too! Ask about die special payment terms on an Attic Cooling System for your home. Visit your Public Service Company office MR/ illtiitraU4 today for complete details. Ottiar clsalsri or* making attractive offers on ajl* conditioning units. Visit fhtir storos NOW. PUBLIC SERVICE* COMPANY This Aititc Fib for aisfatcune or NORTHERN ILLINOIS coyy delivers 600000 cubic of air per minute

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