So % family .Fathering A family gathering: was held at the re. VOLLMAN RKTT7KN8 F&OH EtTBOPUK 13UP (Continued from first pace) (Continued from first pace) FKOABSW H LOOMVEK CLYO NATBATIINQSU KB (Continued from first pagt) YhOUbNld0 at kuhnthtxbsday read each morning and conferences held twice during the day. The pro- NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB Mrs. E. E. Bassett entertained the neighborhood Club Tuesday evening home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Van Natta | toto^sTnd^w^shrp^ers ViVness J7he1 Sed'atlh^ time with a bouauet of ^ty years old. with bridge awards won by Mrs Car- at Crystal Lake Tuesday honor,ng ectacular - M from the shore a.! roses " " rie Justen, Mrs. Wm. Spencer and Mrs., Mr. Van Natta's birthday. Dinner and the shjp made a ten mile circle on the Antioch supper was served an a *>cia ay^jver. Th« weather was perfect ex-1 An enlarged thymus gland was, Attic » mi of Antii iite ckv were suDDer even-l^^ a^i^ Thursday ^-4asi^r --The--attic also--contains when it rained steadily. !week of Mary Martha "Yonce, 6, fo!- . treasures. Thewatriage of Miss Gladys Pearl Speicher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. , Robert Guy Speicher, of 512 Brook St., Elgin, and William J. Young, son of Catherine Young of McRenry, Mabel Johnson. Lapent- RIVERVIEW CAMP, R.N. A. {son of this city were supper and even Rivervrew Carnp, R. N. A,,' met on ingijguests. Tuesday evening with Mrs. E. R. Sut~ • • • ton acting as chairman. Plans were f ' BIRTHDAY PARfT - iboarded the M v. Vulcania made for a picnic to be held July /b, j gathering was held at the home of'their homeward voyage, the place to be announced later. Af- ^s. Margaret Mjjjr Sunday, honoring' t*r business was transacted, cai^ds birthday pf% her daughter, Miss day night at 7:80 o'clock at her home. The funeral services were held Satur- chair with a curved back. Pictures in day from the home. At the time of frames made of pine cones and corn* cession of the Blessed Sacrament, the, her last birthday, Mrs. Emmons, while st*lks on the wall. main event of the Congress was held confined to a wheel chair, was seem- .An old bookcase in the hall is filled Mrs. on a boat on the Danube river. Spec-1 ingly in, good health. She was pre-, f ^h books, some of which are over took place at St. Mary's church in EIx w --i a bouquet of ei*kty years old. Family pictures of gin at 9 o'clock Thurtday morning, spectacular sight as j roses from MayoVx George Bartlett of Washington, Lincoln and General June 23, Rev. Father Hi E. Ouimet Grant hang on the wall in oval frames, officiating. ' Attic Full of Antiques f The musical program was furnished j- «•»« inurtwmy m --in* attic_also contains a store af by Wan Wright Costello, with Marie lowing a minor accident in the yard of grandmother's first sewing machine, Ave Maria," Bach-Gounod, and took the train for Trieste where they j her Jiome at to begin, fell from a swing and struck a bicycle years old. It has two pedals shaped ^ake Forest. The chi'd which is For instance there is his Pond Wright, vocal soloist, who sang "'s ftrst sewin~ u:-- "A-- "--•* « • ~ approximately given to Miss Gertrude Weber, the five'spent after wMch supper was served J hundred to Mrs. Nick Weiugart and Those present Miss Eleanor the bunco,' to Miss Martha Lea. • » • MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER May and Miss Sylvia Goldhofer, sixty-five group of choir friends who sang, . . . . . - shaped "Veni, Jesu, Amor Mi," Cherubini and which her brother, Samuel Clay Yonce, like the sole of a shoe. A beautiful "Planis Angelicus," Lamlilotte. Visit Medieval Walled Town ,7, was riding. Taken to the Alice old bird cage resembles very much The bride wore a „nwn nf Their first stop was at Dubrovnik, Home hospital to be treated for a those seen in the pictures of fairy tale1 m0UsseIine de soie made with Ihort ile under a gas books. There is^ a mortar and pestl. train, and her finger-tip illusion veU Members of the Lake vrhich was used to pound whole spices was ^eld in nlace bv a snrav of «««« ol ,?25V2£l S? «« department worked over her, tato . flue powder. Hi. gr.ndp.r-; blowoni.. Her bouWwSa fLSfd OOOD ADVIOI % tojollow Wfcre played with the bridge prizes Gertrude May. A social afternoon wast T "^"'7 "T*"ue, • " j J ugoslavia, where they made a tour of wrist gash, she died while under a gas books. This little ; anesthesia. ••' " " • rtjf --roa tomltkq " • S wnj-up Fourth without a bang-' * up!" :• ^ That appeal to the nation was is-*f «. sued today by the National Safety^ ' Council in its campaign to reduce the* \ huge annual toll of accidents over the* Fourth of July holiday. Emphasizing the fact that the aa-^ - nual July accident toll is greater than** m any other month of the year and" 2 that akrge part of this Wis due toT" the Independence Day holiday, the^s ? Council asked every citizen to useU..- greater care in driving, swimmng/ boating and other holiday activities,1' , and not to use explosives or fireworks'" / The Council suggested six gener|al ^ roles to' avert holiday tragedy: |, i. Start early on your holiday trip.- Give yourself plenty of time to get? there and back by driving moderately. Tim: /'•p and family, Waukegan; Mr. and Mrs f -'- - moun-jor but could not revive her. Mary is they came to Ringwood many years corted to th® altar hv h»r cidents occur after dark. Miss Clara Justen, who is to become john Freund artb family and Mr and i tainsidel®'°d »rass ®r ^rai f n can be the daughter of Stanley Yonce, Chica- They also brought with them . . . -- i ^ a * * CAon THa TrtwnonoAnla <yoin f nnii* ma a . i r* _ i m a»M «»a1>a TUIn J ^ J J many years corted to the altar by her father who cidfents occur after dark. the bride of John Klapperich July 13, Mrs. Leo Blake and family, McHenry. was pleasantly Surprised Suriday af-i ,• a ternoon, ,June 26, at a miscellaneous LITTLE MISS CO^WAY HONORED shower given by Mrs, George Blake aQd Mrs. Edward Justen. Approx- Little Miss Carol Conway, who had seen. The townspeople gain their jgo representative of the Bankers Trust saP y°ke- This is a curved wooden de- ceeded^by her^^maid^Mrr^r^M livelihood from the many goats which,Co. of New York. Her mother is a v*ce which fits around the neck and Rcinert, sister of the bridegroom 2. Watch out for ^f a prominent Pittsburg across the shoulders and has a long who wore a gowI| 0f ye]]ow marquis- i ^t way. TI»a i -- ij. j i„ arnn<v nn aifhAi* ciWa Thaua ama kAAl/a 1 .. »..« T . " " I a tt_ sunburn! It "' ; creeps up on you and can be danger- ;. /' > - ous. A little of it at a time is the imatcly twenty guests, were present. Cards and bunco furnished the en- ,been cheated out of her birthday party 'on account of illness, was honored guest at a tertainment after which lunch was the home of her grandpai.ents, Mr The guest of honor was pre- and Mrg Peter Weber Thursday after scamper over the mountains and the member grapes which are pressed into wine. ' The Yonces have resided in string on either side. There are hooks ette with a picture hat ^tanmuenfl 3- Us« common sense m «ie water. Their next stop was in the hot, Lake Forest for eleven years. |at end of each string and this for- ^tch and carried Joanna Hill an hour after eating. Be sure^ oi inness was nonorea ^ «ty of Athens, Greece Hew; Mrs Burtis J. Dolan of Chicago, mer^ enabled a person to carry two roses> Amold Reinert filled the role'of th« depth. Know that a lifeguard! fnTYtiJv ffTthpr'nff beW y yisited the Acropolis, Arch of jiiiece of John Mackin of N. Sheridan buckets at one time, one balancing best man is handy. " > M^H«drian,Temple.<rf Jupiter. T^er ofjxoad,'Wlaukegan, will receive $12,000 the other. An old wov^n wash basket ^ h ^ mother, Mrs. Spiecher 4' Don>t use ******** t ;'f" the Winds, Stadium and Mars HilL for herself and her four children in be found the attic and also the 5. Don't drive if ybu'drfafe Q : , j. , . . The city of Rhodes in the Aegean Settlement of a claim following the 8m*u chest in which his grandparent? _rtl_ ® . V6. Take it easy Get back *afa-a^ ^ Pri«sm five hundred w,re'.warded M >«* '-ok especially proS-'death of her husband, Burtis Dolan! «*"*< clothing from Vermont- ^ "»d• .houlder "• 9* to Mrs. Tony Miller, Mrs,.Laurp Huff, w ' %jr an(i Robert Weber an 1 peroys" **ere ^ere ^oata» and, in the crash of the German zeppelin, and "Mrs. Wm Klappefleii;: \n brinco, fa « d «' r , Weber and * litt,e grain and banana® were rais- Hindenburg, at Ukehurst, N J., May _ - • - -- p„i„^ to Dorothy Bowler. 1 familvand'MrandMrsLdCrnw^ ed" The comPany toured the street ,6, 1937. Attorneys for the zeppelin has}'°f IJ 18 the simple but houffwt res.dence 'i rim lv Conway of the Knights, and visited the Cru- operators announced the settlement w e d d n« d r e s s of Mr- F o s s' great C h l c a^° s t r e e t- a f t*r the served sented with many lovely gifts. noon. in the Civil War hang on the wall.' 'and family. sader's hospital^ . | in Cook county court recently. The party left the ship at Port Said, I The alertness of Harvard merch- . - SCHfLTZ - MIDLER ScTurhz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al-J „ . | nr>°l'^W'1 ' ^?ypt, where they boarded a train to'ants and some efficient police work a ®ne condition bert Schultz of Richmond, to Mr. Jo-* *; . r&- a e a in *er® Cair.o Here they visited the Egyptianikept merchants of that city from los-; ^. . .t.L.. .k.L-- seph Miller of Spring Grove was eele- at ^eir' rj^a .l eS t n^ Museum, mosques and bazaars, the(ing money on bogus checks last week ^ -rL LIBRARY iuque&s oi wmte sweet peas. A buffet luncheon was served at the on East, ^ ceremony, grandmother. It is made of plaited for.a KroaP °f relatives and friends, brown alpaca and in spite of its age a tiered wedding c^ke centering the table at which the bridfil party was seated. An open house reception was held later in the afternoon. bra ted Tuesday morning, June 28, at 1" 1'™,r ".^'i Coptic church and Old Cairo. Th«'Thursday and lodged two Elgin men1 11,8 ®u'*1 Sc,h001 is open 4^ fter a short honeymoon trip, Mr. M „ ... in St. Peter's church at the'r «>"- following da, they took an oxcursionin the county jail .t Woodstock u„d« ^ri?ay !r»m 2 »»«' *hf,r home ,e. Pr. Daleiden perfo^,-, _Jt. the ^ramids and Sphinx and rodeWof ,2,S» for action by 8:00 o'clock Spring Grov^, . ,.v ing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Cards furnished entertainment with' the camels Cairo, as a whole, was a1 grand jury on a bogqs check count.. .. . . . nold Huff of Richmond acted as at- bridge prizes won by Mr. and Mrs. B.'rather beautiful city. The country- j Following arrest, upon being question-1 f01?;8 teke advantage of this oppor tendants. A wedding reception forMartin; pinochle, by Mrs. George j side looked fresh and green which was ed in the sheriff's office at Woodstock,! 1 members of the immediate families Johnson, and five hundred by Mrs. R. no doubt partly due to the irrigation j the men gave their names as Roland " processes carried on. Crops were ripe|Riley and Charles Parrish, and Elgin! --. '. 9ve.r *"*rt MoHMiry i as their home city. They refused to admit having attempted to pass the' check in Harvard even after they had been identified by Harvard merchants. was held at the home of the bride's • Conway and Robert Knox. A potparents. The young couple will make 'uck supper was served and the hontheir home with Mrs. J. W. Miller at °red couple presented with 2. gift. Sfiir»n* Grovei- I Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. * * * [J. M. Phalin, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. PAST ORACLES CLUB | Phalin, Genevieve Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Seventeen members were present Robert Knox, Mr and Mrs. Earl Mcfrom Algonquin, Woodstock, Marengo Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walsh,, o and McHenry at a meeting of the Me- Mr. and MTS. Ray Conway, Mr. and Palestine and he accompanied them in two men confessed to being in Har- Henry County Past Oracles Club at .Mrs W. B. Tonyan, Mr. and Mrs. AI- j their tours through Jerusalem. They vard and admitted having previous the home of Mrs. Mary Freund m this bert Purvey, Mrs. A. I; Froehlich, drove across Plain of Sharon to Naz-1 jail records. (city last Friday afternoon. • I Mrs-Albert Vales, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. areth where they visited the Carpenter I Garage thieves have been busy in flection V officers took place and JofHisbn, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sutton, | Shop of Joseph. A replica of the shop the Hickory street neighborhood, Wauplayed with he bridge Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Justen, Arleen was built on the exact spot where the kegan, according to reports received to Mrs. C°ra Bassett, the Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin, Rita original had stood many, many years last week Thursday at and grain was being threshed in a very crude fashion. Several people sat on a board which was pulled by an ox who walked round and round over the grain. Tour the Holy Land Mrs. J. Borer met her brother in j through finger prints and pictures, the hours will be discontinued unless more away ensemble was a black net dress worn with white accessories. Mrs. Young was graduated from the Elgin High School with the class of '33. She is employed by the McGraw Electric Co. Mr. Young attended the McHenry High School. He is employed by the Western Casket Co., in El Kin. Relatives from this vicinity who attended the wedding were: Mrs. Catherine Young, daughter, Rosina, Mr. sound. Be alive on the Fifth! The original flag that flew over Fort McHenry during the War ol 1812 is in the National Washington, D. C. museum, In the face of further questioning and (one at 1605 and the other at 1609 _ ^ woii mi receipt of police records gained j Hickory street. William Mueller, 1509) and M^r Steph^^hiiU^iilr! and '--1 1 Mrs. Ed. Young, Mrs. Art Smith and pinochle to Mrs. Cleo Schaller of and (Robert Martin. WJoodstock and the five hundred to I Mrs. Augusta Serres of Algonquin. A pot-luck supper followed the games. Their July meeting will be held at "The Island" in Fox river in police headago. They drank water from Mary's quarters, which told of two burglaries, Well, the well at which our Blessed' MIN^ I^^WTGAraS _ Lady is said to have drawn water* AUTOMOBILE CRASH(The tour continued through the Hillf fv - . 0, ._ _ _ . of Galilee to Cana, then to Sea of Deputy Sheriff C. C. Miner investi- GaMee. and Tiberias for the Elgin on with Mrs- Carric||ated,anaccidentwhich^b^wffhtaa^ Stewart as hostess. j Smith's corners, one mile south of Officers elected for the coming year Ringwood, Sunday: Twu ima collidare: Mrs. Carrie Stewart, Elgin, pres-'ed at this point*. One was.being drivident; Mrs. Carrie Ensign, McHenry,'en west by John Glosson of West Mcvice- president; Mrs. Hazel Ebel, Algonquin, treasurer; Mrs. Serres, Algonquin, secretary, and Mrs. Laura Engeln, Woodstock, chaplain. of water which he dipped from Sea of Galilee. The next day they visited Jacob's uHnen«ntr*y» annMdj the o.t 1t er souU,• i •b y G---u mmr i wweclili,j wwhmicehn iiss sai muuirratccilce wwcenll», du&attiinngc btck to the ^ of our ^ hicago. The cars were Jeru3a|em they took a sightseeing tour quite badly damaged but Deijjher driv- which included the church of the Holy" er injured. ? : W H"JA' wmoeirE •^eVXK^' •V'9' Wi' ^ -1 w*. v- 1 W- Cou*® v, f- 4-' • fays'• «• ' ' "" Ii %' rft \1 > i: ')ji : ^ \ fy •' ?:-0~ ph .... ;if. ^' \ Hickory street, said that thieves entered his garage and jacked up the front end of the car to steal the front wheels and tires. They also took a set of car tools, bringing the total value of the stolen goods to $75. From the garage at the home of Mrs. C. J. Viking, 1605 Hickory street, thieves found nothing to their liking but a car blanket. daughtes*. BAKE SALE Ladies of the Methodist Community church ar» sponsoring a Bake Sale to be held Saturday, July 9, at Jacob Justen's Furniture Store. West McHenry, IUinoift | Wash and Sheer Cotttili;;;-v Dre8seg,,§izes44-52, v.:A Prices'89c to $1.00 Silk Dresses, Sizes 14-52 Prices $1.98 to $4.50 Rayon Panties, small, medium, large and extra large 1 each -- 19c to 30c Slips, acetate rayon, satin, silk crepe 59<S $1.00, $1.25 Full Stoek of Stamped Goodi aad Embroidery Floss INSTALL AN AUTOMATIC We're Showing Scores of v ; Vacation Styles in ... SKIPPER SPORTWEAR BY WILSON BROTHERS * * ^ ";1 \ Ws- Take along a half dozen of these easy-go}ag sport shirts -- several gauchos (sketched above) an ia-and-outer or two, and one of the new comfortable Bash show you a grand selection at _ C!, W" - n *r •100 - $150 mmdmf V+'i-'JPS WKViZP Sepulchre, Ecce Homo Arch,Upper Chamber of the Last Supper, Mosque' of Omar and Via Dolorosa. During; their stay in that city they were es« corted _ by English armored cars be» cause of the tense situation created by the Arabs and Jews who are at war* fare. They kissed the Holy Sepulchre and had their beads blessed on it. They walked the Via Dolorosa, which is a narrow cobbled street about two miles long, and said the Stations of the Cross. Seven are at various spots along the street and seven are inside, the Holy Sepulchre church. View Birthplace of Christ The pilgrims also visited Mount of Olives, Garden . of Gethsemane andi: Bethlehem. A whole day was spent ia Bethlehem viewing the birthplace of Christ. Forty-five pilgrims; carrying lighted candles and singing the "Adeste Fideles" were led into the cave by a priest. He conducted then#: to the spot of our Savior's birth whiclt is marked by a huge silver star. Her# each was allowed to kiss the hallowed spot and make private adoration. TTiey returned to Haifa in the evening and took the optional overland trip to. Damascus where they visited bazaars and viewed the ruins of the prison in which St. Paul was held captive. ^ At Beirut, Syria, the company took an excursion to the temples and pal* aces of Baalbek The island of Capri proved to be thf most beautiful and fascinating spot visited during the European tour. Ail was quiet and peaceful and the scertw ery was beyond comparison. Here tourists visited the Blue Grotto, a na* tural phenonemon, which is a cave filled with water, located beneath the Capri mountain. Its sides seem to irradiate a blue phosphorescent sub* stance. The tour was made in small rowboats. Many English, Italian and French warships were seen along the Mediterranean seacoast. Especially at Gibraltar, Algeria and Port Said. A large number of Jews were pick* ed up at Palestine and other European ports and brought to the United States. The M. V. Vulcania was scheduled to arrive in New York June 23, but because of a dense fog became fogbound ten miles off Ellis Island for twenty-eight hours. This is the first time this has occurred in twenty-two years. The pilgrims went through customs Friday afternoon at 3:30. They left' New York at 5:30 the same afternoon and arrived in Chicago the next day at 140 p. m. <• V,: Keep It ON PROOF tf Low Operafng Costs! r/o« ^ y *•<*/ i*«*rir,ce/ c°« «< ttbt t ^iow n*dec^ °Uot "Night Owls" A Minnesota scientist has ai»» nounced that, among most insects, males stay out at night later than females. He discovered this while testing the attraction of farm bugs to various colored lights to get them to swarin against baffle plates at night and drop into poisonous solo* tlons. , Swim Wear at McGee*S. A Conv.r.ionUn» maV" V*" °" l(oro9« •«* ° "T automatic ^ WATER hsatw «2S.OO »1 DOWN *1 amoktm «ay Bib OOWIf^ * . S r-- w * Low Rates for Automatic Gas Water Heating Mile* This Offer Possible I • Take advantage of this sensational offer to learn how little it costs to have carefree hot water service, day or night--with plentyVof hot water on hand for baths, dishes» cleaning, laundry and every household need. Other ownecs have tried ic and proved it Now, you csn prove foe yourself how little this service costs with the tprcisl low rates for Autooaatsc Gas Water Hearing. Here's all you do! Buy a new Automatic Gas wiglp Heater or a Conversion Unit for your old storage tank. Try it for 50 dap--and watch your gas bill. Then decide if it's satisfactory. If you think it is not, we will remove the water unir at pur expense and refund die amount paid oil the heater. You are the sole judge! Visit your Western United office for complete details. Decide now to take advantage of this amazing guarantee offer! Install either a new Automatic Gas Water Heater or Conversion Unit--your money back if you'te not ssrisficd. - . ^ ;7-' fe^EUiCTRICC^tl'ANYJ J*