Mr 4 fit,,* ~ 4 , *" ' ' • ••"•' : '•"•:• •• -: "'•;: • ^ - • xrr? r*r; wmmwm , ?».Vr'f;;5".V ' $? w* r- * 4- * * '•f-*-*--.' W*' -- *-V' M. ..'. m" " T /v-A <, . j -\ "»"*\ - f s! FOB &&L • . .' - State poltfe have been asked to aid & a search for Catharine Smith, 18 years old of Scranton, Pa., an antertainer, professionally kaown as Kitty Lamar, who, according to a letter from her mother, Is suppaaed to Re employ ,, «g in a resort near McHenry or in Visconsin. v, WONDER LAKE TRYTHE YOU know what to do for your youngsters to keep them cool ... But what will you do for your jmotor when temperatures climb. to 600 degrees in its upper cylinders? ^ Ordinary gasoline won't help, but OIL-COOLED TYDOL will! This great motor fuel, long famous for high power and mileage, contains a heat-resisting oil. This oil enters the top-cylinders with the gas, and constantly supplies cooling lubrication to the upper motor parts . . . protecting them from excess heat, excess wear and excess carbon. Keep your motor young and healthy with OIL-COOLED TYDOL Gasoline . . . And get it, today, at the aaine price you now pay for non-lubricating gasoline. THE LUBRICATING GASOLINE Marjorie Mulloy entertained six of her girl friends from Wilmette at a house party the past week. Mrs. M. Schmidt, Mrs. Coleman and Mrs. Norkett are spending this week at the C. E. Irving cottage in Wonder Center. y" Mr. and Mrs. Pisul Kocan, Sr., are entertaining their daughter, Mrs. Braun, and children this week. !>r. and llwriftosa and Mra.Rose Bolotin bf Chicago are guests of Dr. and Mrs. Kratz this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Herrelson from SILVER, LIFETIME , GIFT, FOR CHICAGOLAND'S NEATEST DAIRY FARMS District 14 (Kankakee county, Wi-' nois) and District 17 (Indiana) are SLOCUATS LAKE THE JEFFERSON FOOD LOCKER SERVICE WHIC^ IS TO BE INSTITUTED IN FOX LAKE I following the completion pf the fine Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and' new building rising on Grand Avenue, die Pure Milk Association's daughter, Frances, and Mrs. Etta Con- near the Harbaugh Lumber Co., office. fifteen districts in number of entries verse were business callers at Wood-(Their system 0f individual refrigerate Chicagoland's Neatest Dairy Farm stocK last *naay. |tion loci^ service/is unique and an Contest--^-1938. | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and1 innovation in meat preservation and Forty-five sets «T silver ware,' daily sot,» ^yle, were business callers at customer service. reminders of neat farm achievement, Maywood last Saturday. j in explaining the service, Mr. Fred will replace the gold, silver and bronze Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughters, Sturm, Fox Lake manager, says: medals awarded jfi the previous four Jennie, Ethel and Marion, were callers j "The following steps are taken years of ChicagoTand's Neatest Dairy at Libertyville Saturday evening. (which make it possible to enjoy fresh Farm Contest. Sets of Oneida Cora- W. O. Brooks of Libert>*\ille lnd f°°^a *t any time of the year. You tnunity Tudor plate in the lovely Harold Brooks were callers at the may butcher or purchase meat any day "Elaine" pattern will be given the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook in the the meat is hung in our nir. m I three highest ranking farms in each Sunday. ' j chill room until all animal heat is dis- WoSw I District. All sets are packed in tarn- Mr. and Mrs Leslie Davis and chil- "J**"1' and U » P~Perly chilled and Miss Florence Burke entertained is^proo f f Piece reinforced dren of the "Flats" spent last Wed- XlwJo ***** CMluisiscehs anRdi tKa atDheUrlionne Cahnidie h Movaergr atrheet est wexetarra' 8e,!avceh' aPt.itehcee P°,nt °.? *"?th'"e and Mrs. Earl Coantv etrhsee . hortie of Mr• |(. uww«hieenH thhiiss ttiimmee hhaass eellaaopsseedd , wwee wwiillll weekend Oneida Community Ltd, unrestricted Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chandlers' and C, in 8 ' rpa8t8> chops, etc., in replacement guarantee. ! son, Harold, of Gurnee were Sunday «*nner you instruct, wrap it in For first plaqe in each district, a 57- guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. date' and mark lt fs piece service for eight persons; to Harry Matthews. I ,(f . .. the second highest ranking farm, a *SN. Raymond Lusk and daughter, «.L *p room» JA aJ L „ w l ». ml Mrs. E. E. Nelson, took p.rt:,31-pi~e sei^ice for «ta. penm;' rat Brt* I*». »< '*2™' low- «ero to-prntan. Quick freer! «•*» -» stock Tuesday evening. I Junior Award of Merit plaques will Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stoxen of Salem, j fruits- :€nd Mr. and Mrs. Duffy of Chicago spent be given, as in the past, to entrants Wis., and Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Stoxen Vegetables are quickly frozen with Sunday With Mr. and M^.^TcJtioh whose farms rate 80% -to .»% daughter of S^em Wei* callgrs eq^ Wn^Slts; " ' ^ Graffe in Wonder Center. , and Senior Award of Merit plaques to "Wednesday at the home of Mi. Frank Wilson, the champion yodel-farms rating 909? or higher. and Mi8. Wilbur Cook. ' National Park, Denver, Colo., Esfces er, and Mrs. Wilson are now residing j Wit}v two weeks left before the Jl1?' Sit an^lri«nat?^lhH^ faik Ifv®land' ?°io' i"d ,re at their log cabin home in Deep trv deadline- Julv 15-- this vear's Chi- *'®nni€» ®thel and Man'on;, attended he turn throug'h Grand Island, Nebraska, Spring Woods. Col ^rnW&l: ^ where-they to'^on.teW^ Miss Pauline Bode of J ohnsburg is the guest of Dalyle Fairchild this week. - Little Jance Nelson, daughter oi _ took ^ in a recital given by Miss Evelyn 'or third place in Mannion at the Opera Houiw at Wood- piece servics for six. "Heretofore the yorchase of freih meats and other perishable foods in wholesale quantities has not been practical. "Home refrigeration, or commercial cold storage, were impractical for the purpose. "Now, the farmer who raises his own meat may butcher at any time during the year. There is no necessity for canning meat. Likewise, the town or city dweller may purchase foods in quantity,' at such >time as. is practical, convenient, or desirable. ^ "Fees for the service are very low and for a small charge meats will be ground, packed in casings, lard rend' ered, and curing .and smoidug is also available. • "They will purchase fresh butchered meat for town OT city patrons, under supervision of an expert butcher. They will cut, wrap, sharp freeze, and store the meat in lockers. Not only is a saving effected but the purchaser is assured of the finest meat obtainable, With no deterioration, regardless of season when stored." . ' msm Eyes Examined Dr. Paul A. Schwabe Phone: McHenry 123-J Woodstock 674 A. K. Nye BUg. West McHenry OPTOMETRIST THURSDAY MORNINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY XSe The many friends Of Mra. H. Scf»a! test gives promise of attracting more eVt?'n*A , Dllr__t4. __a - n ' They expect to be gone sixteen days are glad to see her much-improved in j contesUnts than in any previous year. Jfr p d' : ni«tW^Tnes a a v and travel 4,000 miles, health after a month's illness. ^he hiehest rankine farm in each If at Elgin last Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Josenh Wilhin« of Ph; I1"® ranxing m Mrs. John Blomgren and guests, cago are fpendine a wik at th-L ^ T ^ ^ C°f^ Mrs- R*ymond Lusk and daughter, hXe w oS Raid at th^ ina final judging for the title orChi- Betty S{|ent Saturday »!t Mr aannda «Mrrss. Jjaammeess Sarreenhilaa oofi CL-hnii -1 ,°^° 3 a,? p!on a" home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmey- winner will receive, in addition to the cago entertained a group of young district prize of silverware, an 8-day M H j q-. -- j m t . Sunday ,he'r C°,U*e 0rC,,,rd *" d0"" Mif" R ™ Mr. .nd Mrs. H.rley Marsh of Chi-i^T'sSs" d Gwry ^ "'• *°d Mr" W-H"'AU:™e^7«i,e Pure Mi.k As-' c'Z Mr. and Mrs Borell entertained Mr •f°ci 1^tioJ! are to enter Chicago- home Qf Miss Orissa Brown. j tt. rV ... .. '[lands Neatest Dairy Farm Contest;; Mrs. G. J. Burnett spent last Tues- CENTRAL GARAGE -When your car or truck needs attention, we are prepared to serve you. One of the best equipped garages, - ' / CV V in Northern Illinois. L * = . > I f u l l L i n e o f A t l a s a n d G o o d y e a r T i r e s r ^ Electric and Acetylene Welding ^ \ \ Car Washing and Polishing ' , ^ f Phone 200-J Towinf Johnsbunr ^ i+f J ** * * :::Wm and Mrs. E. H. Pierce, Mrs. Madden, jj except previous gold medal win- j. t th home * M_ and Mrs Lvle Mrs Smith and Miss Wire of Oak'ners hav P 0 /chance to win one of ^ da^ at the home of Mr* and Mrs" Lyle Drive Sun^aT ^ I forty-five lifetime «ifts .... and every Mrs. Louis Sch-oeder and daughleJ^w"^!*8 °Pportumty for Awmrd Fred Dehne of Gienview were SuniH Mrs Wamii. ink.... of Merit recognition. day afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Rieckert and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Johnson spent Thursday with Mrs. Knauer at Ingle* side. Mrs. Mabel Baker, Miss Isabel Johns, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Jake of PERSONALS 1 ^Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks, t Mrs. Ivar Bergstrom and sons, Lloyd and Vernon, and daughter of _ Mrs. May Lester of Elgin was a Chicago were Sunday guests at the Milwaukee were Sunday visitors with weekend *uest in ^ M- A- Sutton home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Arndt. home. Mr. and Mrs. Leo R. Zimmer of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lutz and family Mr. and Mrs. Harry Townsend of Palatine were Sunday evening callers of Chicago were eekeiW visitor^ at EvansviHe, Wis., former residents of ftt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Hoeft. this city> visited tnends Geary- Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bohusky of! Mrs- Martin Cooney lf{t M^nday Misses Nora and Alma Raymond of Chicago spent the weekend at their evening to visit her mother, who is chicairo Were recent visitors at the home in Shore Hills. j critically ill at her home in Omaha, home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. About twenty guests gathered at the S-D- , ^ ol , . ou. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren and home of Mr. and Mrs. Eastman Satur-I Frank H(*km*n Cleveland. Ohio, Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter, day evening to help Mr. Eastman cele-j™^ in u the Ma J" iai B/"y ^ visitors at the home brate his birthday/ Fishing was the 8' Kelter ^omes a few ays of Mr- and Mra- Geo^e Lundgren. main topic of the evening and Mr. of^he wefk„ „ , _ J»"»nie Geary, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eastman was almost persuaded to join1 Mr: a"d Mrs" Ma^h 'SJ1 y* h*S ***" with bronchial l a fishing party. After a delightful AustlT' M,"n-' V1S? rf pneumonia but is better at this writevening th, guest, departed ... "«• aEaassttmmaann mmaannyy mmoorree hhaanpnpvy rree-. ' Miss Suzanne Feilen and Henry Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mr, Frett Jr of Chic|lgo are spending so|lf Lyle and Elmer Espin? atten' * turns of the day. A very picturesque and popular "" "of ine UUDS " uoms »a*t>aii game at event took place on the shores of Won- l?' EleanoJe ^ankln' at the home Wrigley Field in Chicago Tuesday, der Lake Sunday afternoon when Mr.jM^' Sue Rankm- . . Mrs. D. H. Fleet of Dodgeville, Wis , and Mrs Peter Georceqon entori*in»H Loretta Walsh and little wj,0 attended the Cook family rrymion about thir^gue^a^ they latm^heda grand8°n' J#tk ^ at Cook's Grov« Wednesday, callsmack type sail boat. This beautiful w°ndaX evening from a visit w ed on Mr Wilbur Cook last Thursday. boat was christened and named the wS'sh^f South B^d lnd and Mrs D^rr«' *1™' Elmer Esping "Wild Duck" with a bottle of imported ^ i n p? d' " and Robert D. Matthews, in company champagne from the Shetland Islands, ' «r8:e ' « m ? t o.u„„»„ with Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews Scotland, broken over the bow hv Mr- and Mrs" H®nry Schaeffer, Forest Park, left last Thursday Mrs. Aida Russell of Chicago. Mr. ^"; S^n^ J cL^ind o4er night' June 23 on ah extended tr»P UitK of Chicago presented Mr. .nd S™ds "fst TL«^S hwpiUl. W.u- thr°l"[h Btack Hil,s' Ye,l°" Ston« Mrs. Georgeson with a gold lettered kegan Sunday name plate for the boat. Mr. Frank, Mr8', George Westerman, son, Gene, Unwein of Chicago gave several fine daughter, Mary Margaret, and Mrs. B. selections on his accordian for this Costello of Elgin, and Mrs. Loretta occasion. .All boats off the pier were Walsh of McHenry spent a recent day decked with flags m colorful uniforms. in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Among the guests were Mrs. Frank Walsh Georgeson and family from Eureka. I Mrs.' Gertrude Ritter and Mr. and Cahf., and Mr. Anderson from Cleve- Mrs. Ira A. Dowell ^ere Kenosha land, Ohio. JOHNSBURG visitors Sunday. AWARD FOR VALOR SUPEP1H CO, UdgeteM, Dl itb THOMPSON SBRYICE SnH. UBCHERT SERVICE STATION SCH BID'S STORIE, Grinrold Lake |HAFFMAN<8 TAVERN. BtagWMi 4 N. CARLSON, Agsait, ^ ^ Phm McBaary W % Mrs. Joe P. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. George Zornstorff motored to Grays-1 lake Monday evening. j John Schreiner of Elgin visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Michels Wednesday. | Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Freund, Mr. and, Mrs. Steve May, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Joe King attended the wedding of Miss Marie Baer at Chicago Thursday evening. r .u | Bill Smith was a Burlington caUer Friday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicago j spent the weekend in the home of Mr. i and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. j Jack Bode was a Crystal Lake caller (Tuesday evening. | Miss Annabel Meyers spent Monday j afternoon with Mrs.' Jack Geister at Woodstock. j Allie Schaefer of Waukegan was ai caller here Wednesday. Mrs. Mary Huff of Knosha, WisV and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huff of Wan-' kegan attended the wedding of Huffi and Freund Here Wednesday. Miss Dolores Sattem of Woodstock is spending the week with her grand-' mother, Mrs. William Althoff. j Mr, and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughter, Nancy, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Stephen H. Smith. | Miss Violet May and sister, Joan,' Miss Eleanor King and sister, Sally Mae, motored to Waukegan Thursday afternoon. j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoffel, daughter, Marie, and Miss Katherine Pitsen spent Friday with John Pitzen. j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers were Lily Lake callers Thursday evening. ' Mn and Mrs. Joe Karls were Woodstock callers Friday. i Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski and fam-' ily of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers, Mr.1 and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walsh motored to Brookfield Zoo Suftday. , | Mrs. William Freund of Spring Grove Mr ijiff Mrf firr iTiursaay. | Patrolman Carl A. Lagergren, whose towering figure symbolizes the courage of New York City's police and fire departments extolled by Mayor Fiorello LaGnardia during the annuaL presentation of valor medals to members of both service branches, is ihown as he forced the city executive to extend his 5 feet t inches so that he could pin the award on the blneeoat's tnnie. Patrolman Lagergren, who stands 6 feet 7Vi Inches, received his medal for rescuing a drowning woman from the Harlem river. At the same time, the mayor, speaking at the ceremony, gave a year's notice to "crooks and panks" to keep away from the coming World's fair. His police, he said, "are had medicine for these people . . The Mayer is back of yen. When yon are eonfronted with an armed creek, sheet and shoot to kilL" 4lcJ& ifowweek-md tup of COST-PER-miLE . . . . . . . . . . . . •v. 4 ^ .if STANDARD RED CROWN Milt A $£ 6AS 8 LINE iBbo SPECIAL SUMMER GASOLINE/, Come and Enjoy the IIEIKM LEGIQI at McHenry, Illinois ,V.. The State Museum at Springfield and the Field Museum- at Chicago are widely known among scie^ials ; and naturalists of the Midwest. : •• * ' '• :-:'V ^ • .-9:;