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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jul 1938, p. 8

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w :mem « ^ v *"« "'""ft; 5 "tv y ~. **: 'j'f*11 " "' ' " ' •ssxt+Vtu tt *«***••« .,r*r ( ' ' :' " - 1^ - * Y* i ? < : ..,> £ ri;jv • PLAIMDXAIdUt ***» v«if ^'ir^iw^ww •- ^dk?*ww*»< \^Uui ,-: Tbnrtday, Julj 141938 X. ..*• V J" V*, *4, V-t : V*^ "*f . C. D. OF A. MEETING "*Phe Catholic Daughters of America held a business meeting at K. of C. hall, Thursday evening. Cards followed the meeting with prizes won by Miss Gertrude Weber and Mrs. Albert Vales. * • • . * MNWGOOD HOME BUREAU -"Ringwood unit met at the home of Mrs. E. A. Thomas Tuesday, July 5. Ten members and one visitor were present. The year's program wasr planned -After the reports were giv- 5 en, Mrs. Rush gave a splendid book report -on the book, "So, Victoria." Meeting adjourned at 4 p. m. j. y .• m m 9 ' . ALTAR A NT) ROSARY PARTY " twenty tables of cards were played at a card party sponsored by the Altar $ and Rosary Sodality of St. Patrick's 1' church at the church hall, Tuesday af- •; ternoon; Several members of "The | Society, of the Little' Flowers," of the f: church in Chicago of which Mrs. jj' Saunders, one of the. sunyfeer parish- § ioners is, a member, jtfere "present, making the trip from the city in two Greyhound busses. A prize was given to each table, a sheet and pillow cases were given to Mrs. Saunders and door prizes were awarded to Mrs. Albert Vales. Genevieve Knox, Mrs. Dobyns' and one of the Chicago guests. O. E. & MEOTINB" her son; Politician, Walter Wilcox,.ef Greenwood, a man with political power and a kind heart. What happens to these varied and interesting characters you niust see for yourself at the M. E. Community church at 8 o'clock next Sunday evening. Several reels on the foreign mis- " j ^ ^ _ suns oofr thne Mmeettnhocadiissti cchi urch will McHenry cfiljfotef or tHe . v5. E. ®>«ls© be shown that evening. helIdd ttheiirr rregullarr Mmee^£ttimhgjr "lhst Mon- • • • day evening, ^hett •fnvtftli'tiGhs were read to attend "Friend's TSjght" at F. H C. CLASS The F. H. C. Class of the M. E. Mr. «nd. tin. torn. Althoff are at< tending the convention of the Illinois State Kardw^y ^.qjociation at French Lick Springy Ind-, tikis week. Mr. Althoff is past president of the association. Mrs. Leonard Longacre of Milwaukee, Wis., spent Sunday with relatives in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Omler of Fostoria, Ohio, spent Sunday with rel- *P tal Lake visited another niece, Miss Amelia Eibsch at an Ottawa Sana tarium today (Thurodsjr). Mr. and Mrs. James Fay of Chicago called on friends here Sunday. ^Summer Is*, Just Starting Never again will yon have a chance like this to bay such a Woodstock chapty£ Friday* evening, Sunday School, enjoyed an outing at j fohinn^HL^iiL i qnplity of July 15,.and «^al Visit" at Algon-,McCoIlum's Lake Wednesday. The af-jfro™, quin chapter, Thuttda^ evening,jternoon was spent in swimming and; . * . . . , | WHITE SHOES July21' '»»•<. i I P.™nts!r*Mr.^nd,Mr..'e A0Ejat Ufa* Kemember that ANNUAL OVTING PtXfeED j^xt^on you will pay twice St. Clara's Court. ^o! ^59, W.C.O. July 20. This is a very special events, •«*". so\" "*»"•' «•»!«» iuuCu Or more iOr tne same F„ will hold"their annuiL opting at of the class and a.good time fef'jL® STL Z* of shoes. ...As they have ,udd™ Ken&Sw,., M„n> go immediately and aU of at two o'cloclc, car5s Will be played, SHOWER I m . u „ followed by a dinner in the evening Miss Agnes Mischke, who is to be' Mr- and Mrs. Henry Dewe Those wishing* to, make dinner res- married August 13, was guest of hon- a"d Mrs. Charles Dowe spent Si ervvaattiioonnss may .c^Jl ^Irs. Qeq. Freund,jor at a shower given by her co-work- '"JJ A ? « *j 111-W, or Mr$. Geprge Weber, 89-R. ers in the telphone office, Monday an<^. Mrs. A. J. Butler and evening, July 11, at Bickler's Hotel, dren of Ringwood spent a two The guests enjoyied a delicious dinner vacation at the'home of Mr. and t « . WiA. and later presented Miss Mischke with; Henry Heimer, They also 1 J £ £ 2 ^ % l o h a u t a > l o v e l y g i f t A m o n g t h o s e p r e s e n t C r y s t a l L a k e a n d R i n g w o o d . q , „rn/wY_ , Thfk<«» nrewnt were: Emily Smon, RoVena Marshall, Miss Marietta Boyle of Jac Un f V& «« ' Mai'U- Aiihhrt# Dorothv! Stilling, Emily Stoffel, Loret-; Florida, a summer guest of her aunt, Fisher, Kathleen Justen, Ruth Schaef- * ^!5^! --y011***,***- them, the factory reduced them to an. unbelievable price. For 1 ayjan example: Ladies' White Dress Shoes ; from 69c and up v y. "H^Men's Dress Shoes from $1.79 and up You are profiting 100% even KEEP FIT With Genuine SWEDISH MASSAGES and BEAUTY BATHS . STOMP AN ATO'S Beauty and Reducing Salon Phont 641 Woodstock, 111. CmiZepbyrW"f* v Toronejt ^ WEAVES „r; : •cdnaiv* in WUmm Brothers Shirts V-shaped waist. * • -*.iv SANFOEI SHRUNK McGee's er and Louise Waingart, Charles, Stanley and Richard •> Vycita^ Stanley Schaefer and Billy ;Priev •: % . • • • ; BIRTHDtAY PARTY Mrs. fiarry Durland was entertained by a number of her friends, Saturday evening, July 9, at a lawn party given at the home of Mr. aod Mrs. Albert Barbian, in honor of her birthday. Those present ,were:, , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGee, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Barbian, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Morita, Mf. Harry Durland and Mjs^ flara Miller and Stubby Griffin. • • • FORMAL DANCE. ' Miss Mary Durland entertained a group of friends at a formal dance at the McHenry. Country, G)ub Friday evening, July 8, in honpB of her house guest, Miss Betty Loq Winks of Sumner, Iowa. Miss Winks was a classmate of Miss Durland *t; Clark College, Iowa. ^ Refreshments an4'punch Vere served and the music was<£urm§hed by A1 Klemm of Woodstock and Jdiss Ellen Baker of McHenry. ^.MLss Durland's parents, Mr and, Htyory Durland, acted as chaperons. v ' Among tho^e pre#en^ were: Arlene MacMann, Mary Kent, Miriam Sayler, Jack MacMann, George I^auss, Jr., Bill Kauss, Bill Freedjng, /im Kerwin and Ralph Kartheise^jJ^ticago; Janice Buslee, Park Ridge; Jean Warner, Elgin; Bob Gallagher*, No^re Dame, Ind.; Waldena Rpthje, Cj^oI Johnson, Bill Lutsch and j&erie Denny( Evanston; Louise Stilling, J^ne- Durland, Maurie Miller, Ruth .Reihansperger, Kathleen Juste^, Vale Adam?, LeRoy Smith, Bill Funic, George' Johnson, Larry Huck and "Matf and Tike Miller of McHenry. v , . , , . • » •_" • CJONWA^T. (tEt^NKWf" A reunion of the M, A. (^oqway family was held at the Conway home Sunday, honoring M*v Conway, whose birthday occurred Tuesday of this week, A picnic; dinner was enjoyed and the day spent i^.,yasiting. Rev. Father Walter . Cwwy celebrated mass in the home Sunday morning with all the family in attendance. Several pictures of the. group were taken thews, Agnes Mischke; Dorothy Bennett and Clara Overton Photo frjr Worwtck MBS. ALVIN PHANNENSTILL POPP'S SHOE STORE | West McHenry, Illinois I Main Street Phone 162 Miss Laura Wiser and Mr. Alvin a„nd,f'miI/n? W"U|*S!1 An<f PhannenstiU were married Wednesday! Mic^la °*Chl™*° the,r mothduring the day. Those present were pe°t^Church Volo Vr^Schark'per- Mrs- John Wa,sh ««d ®<>n, Bohf of ?^r! fo-e5 the ceremony and relatives here Mon- AVAMaW VtiV VVt VUIVM^ WMW * *t * UVMUVIi J , Dame, Ind., Sister Marie Gratia and a read the Mass. Two little boys, Ken-1 J, evening. sister companion ofSt. Rita's parish,! ™ "we^eT' and" Douglas' Brown",' Mrs. Wm. B Tonyan and Mrs. John C^'cafo; ,^r- ani ***' J«hn Meehan nephew8 of the bride, dressed in tux-|Boif_er_^fr m® Kf,l r n victors Saturday. t u &U^ii ^'i ^Cia,Vran Jacksonville, Florida;^. AA , Conway, ledos led the wedding procession. An account of the apepared in son, LeRoy Mr. and Mrs R. F. Con.'la8t week.8 puindealer way, daughter, Manon Grace, and grand-daughter, Sharon O'Shea, Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, daughter, Mary Elizabeth, sons, Walter and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. James Doberty, all JFOR BEACH WEAR Overton Motor Sales 1937 Ford DeLuxe 4-Door (Radio) $629 1936 Pontiac DeLuxe 4-Door ^ Trunk Sedan with Radio $575 Mame King; 1935 Ford Tudor Sedan ". $215 1934 Chevrolet DeLuxe I Coupe $300 1934 Dod^e DeLuxe 4-Door Sedan $300 1932 Pontiac DeLuxe Coupe >150 1935 Chevrolet Truck with new Hydraulic hoist and dump body($595 1938 Pontiao DeLuxe *'6" 4-Door Sedan--Demonstrator Beduoed m Buick DeLuxe 4-Door 8edan--Demonstrator Reduced members of the family. Others present were Mr. and Mra Wm. O'Brian, daughter, Barbara, Mrs. Catherine Comas and daugljt^x ^Mary Catherine, Chicago. . f •* *"»(.> HONORS DAUGHTER Mrs. Art Klein of Johnsburg entertained a number of friends and rela tives at her home Wednesday afternoon, July 13, in honor- of,her daugh ter, Jane Ellen, who was three years old that day. Games Were played and refreshments served. ... Among those present were: Mrs. Joe Frett, Cynthia and Walter; Mrs. Art Adams, Ron»ld apd Wonna; Mrs. Frank Michels, Doris Jean and twins, Jane and Joan; Mrs. John E. Nett and Eugene; Mrs. Frank Prosser; Ron laid, Barbara and Beth: Mrs. Norbert [Klaus and June; Mrs. Albert Britz and Terry; Mrs. John Weber and Nancy; Mrs. Martha Freund and Gladys; Mrs. Tena Lay and Thelma; Grandmother Britz and Grandmother Klein; Mrs. Shirley Britz; Miss Mrs. Art Klein, Pattie May and June Ellen; and later in the afternoon, Albert Britz and Mr. and Mrs, Steve Schaefer and children of Fox Lake. ' , • -- BUICK AND PONTIAC -- I. L OrertM Natsr Sales (Wktre Onatomm - - - * " ) COMMUNITY NIGHT Community Night is being held by the McHenry Epworth League at the church at 8 o'clock next Sunday evenmg, July 17, in an effort to raise money for the Sub-District pledge to Foreign Missions. There will be special musical numbers as well as the McHenry County Sub-District play. "The Blessed Vagrants." "T • The play is written by Raymond T. Bosworth, who is Very familiar Vith his topic. The small, but important drama takes place in a police precinct station, the night of the twenty-fourth of December. The Chief, Owen Richardson, of Richm9nd, is » hardened bachelor; Jim, JWHlitov'Benoy, of Greenwood, is a young policeman with a small son and a wife in*1* hospital. Joseph, Fr^tHflfai^McHenry; a cafpenter opt aVife to rlMMW 5 Henry, Joseph^liiQd\JHuBtChinV for The smart play suit won by this girl, carrying her Inllt beach roll, has a wiae colored top inspired by the oM-fashiooed mhMy hloase, hot sUghlty fttlod, with • sij|n down the front. The pleated shorts are white. . .. . POTPOURRI First Fir* Engine Perhaps the first fire pump of record is that of the ancient'Ttomans which is known to hove existed 130 B. C. The first steam fire engine, however, was used in Cincinnati in 1890. Modern engines pump 1,900 gallons per minute and can force water up a 20- story building. Fire losses in America exceed $330,000,000 yearly. # Ww*eea WewapMw Waten. Dea't KTrpoet Groat Men Don't expect groat man from a generation that has been taught that life ia trivial. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burke and J. B. Kelter attended the funeral of Mrs. Harry Lawton, sister of Mr. Burke, in Elgin Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Uecker spent a day in McHenry last week. Their daughter, Merle, remained for a visit with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stoffel. Mrs. Katie Trapp of Chicago visited her brother, H. Heimer, last week. Friends here have received cards from Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilly and Mrs. Verena Marshall and children of Rockford, former residents here, who are enjoying a motor trip through the east. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Colby of Crystal Lake and their guest, Donald Fryer, of Ferndale, Whsh., were callers in the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Claxton, Sunday. Miss Lillian Coquilen of Wheaton, who was spending several weeks in McHenry, was called home Monday by the serious illness of a sister, who was operated on for a ruptured appendix. Atty. And Mrs. Albert Woll of Washington, D. G., who with their family, are spending a few weeks at Long Beach, Ind., visited her mother, Mrs. Mary Carey, Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. H. Cannon and' daughter, Betty, Waukegan, and Mrs. Cannon's mother, Mra. Steen, of Calgary, Canada^were Sunday visitors in the M. J. Walsh home. Miss Joan Young of Waukegan is spending the week with relatives here. Misses Mary and Jane Durland accompanied their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Joh Flynn of Crystal Leke to the races at Arlington Monday. Mrs. Earl Conway and little daughter, Barbara Helen, returned home from the Woodstock hospital Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Etta Cooney and grandson, Billy Cooney, of Cleveland, Ohio, arrived here Tuesday for a visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson attended a birthday party, honoring Henry Stephenson of Ringwood at the Harry Alexander home' at Richmond last Thursday evening. Miss Mary Kent of Chicago was a guest of Miss Miriam Sayler Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Kamholz and family of Chicago were visitors in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Xunhela Wednesday. I Mrs. Fred Kamhols, accompanied by her niece, Mrs. Peter Nelson, of Crys- MEmsEfc federal Deposit Insurance Corporation days with relatives in Chicago. ! «on l Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frett of Chicago spent the weekend with relatives j Come while they last! here. : • .Mrs. Wafter GieloW and daughter, Marian of Chicago are spending a few weeks at the James Boyle cottage at McCoIlum's Lake. Mrs. Charles Dahlstrom is spending the week at her summer home at McCoIlum's Lake. Mrs. Frank Clausen of Chicago is her guest this week. Ralph and Eugene Douglas of Kenosha, Wis., were weekend guests in the home of their sister, Mrs. Wm. j Glosson. j Billy Carr returned to his home in Cleveland, Ohio, Monday, after a several days' visit with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney re-j turned to Chicago Tuesday, after spending the past ten days here. Miss Doris Hefferman of Janesville, Wis., spent the weekend with friends here. Wm. Brennan of Chicago spent a few days this week as the guest of Bob Burns at Hickory Grange. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Peterson and daughter, Barbara, of Chicago are spending a few days at McCoIlum's Lake. Sunday visitors in the J. M. Phalin home were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin of Evanston and the latter's sister, Mrs. George Cue? of 'Evanson, Wyo., Miss Ruth Phalin and Harry Anderson of Chicago. . Mrs. A. <K. Burns and son, Bob, of Oak Park *re spending the week at their summer home at Hickory Grange. Mrs. Frank Yale of Chicago is a guest in their home this week. Mrs. Julius Leonard and Mr. and Mrs. Washo of Crystal Lake were callers in the hotflfe - of the former's brother, TO F. Burke, Monday evening. -T* Walter Warner and brother, Frank, of Elgin were calldr%, here Monday evening. Miss Jeaffne Warner, who had been spending a few days here returned home with'them. Mrs. Peter H. Fneund and daughter, Marian, visited irelatives at Cincinnati, Ohio, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond VanHeirslee Let's Ride Horseback! t'.'M•> »«»•» "'UK-*;' ' -iXr. A ' V, *. • •as V Stable of Chicago (1508 N, Clark St.) •iV* ' Half Block South of Harry's New lT«lt Baff Make up your party for a Moonlight Ride --- Special Rates for Wienie or Marshmallow Roasts Both Spirited and Gentle Horse# * • '""-'if '• ' "* *• ih , tAt % RESOURCES lv Cash and due from banks 2. Outside checks and other cash items r';7-T;V'^'7"^^F1C1AL PUBLICATION) G : Report of the Condition of West McHenry State Bank McHenry, 111. (P. 0. West McHenry) transmitted in response to call of the Auditor of Publio- -Accounts', pursuant to law and slewing condition at the close of business on the 30th day of June 1938. j$230,546.06 • 234.22 3; United States Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed -- 4. Other bonds, stocks and securities 5. Loans and discounts 6. Overdrafts -- 7. Ranking house, $8,388.56; Furniture and . fixtures, $1,555.20 -- 11. Other resources „ 177,420.21 _ 160,731.84 333,837.17 6.60 Grand Total Resources ... . 9,943.76 927.14 --^ „$913,647.00 LIABILITIES 12. Capital stock 14. Surplus 15. Undivided profits (Nejt) 36. Reserve accounts ... 17. Demand deposits...... 18. Time deposits Total of deposits: (1) Secured b investments (2) Not secured investments i 50,000.00 50,000.00 28,170.99 5,100.00 436,896.85 m,n<m pledge of loans arid^Of $738,606.98 ge of loans and/or $ 25,000.00 (3) Total depositl^ 25. Other liabilities Grand Total Liabilities .$763,606.88 16,769.13 Memorandum: Loans and Investments Pledged to Secure Liabilities: 26: Loans and investments pledged? _ _ * U. S. Government obligations direct cmd^or ' fully guaranteed Total Pledged (excluding re-discounts) 27. Pledged: Against funds of State of Illinois ^....... • „„.„$913,647ja „.. .$27,000.00 $27,000.00 r ,,$ 27,000.00 I Total Pledged .$27,000.00 The bank has outstanding $47,273.72 face amount of Deferred Certificates, payable solely out of future net profits, if and when such future net profits are earned, (future net profits are Operating profits plus recoveries, less charge-offs and proper provision for reserves) representing contributions to the bank and subordinated to all deposit and creditor liabilities but payable before any ^distribution to stockholders as such. I, Gerald J. Carey, Cashier of the West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above agree with the items ^ amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. GERALD J. CARET, Cashte. ;&rectAtte^! JOS. W. FREUND, ^ C. J. REIHANSPEppE^ Directors. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of McHenry/ «*. Subscribed an^jprorn to before me this 6th day olf July 1938. (§EAL) ROBERT L. WEBER, Notary Public.

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