F3WUHMAMBI -~- •f," v V. •J >0 \ - Tlriuitoy, Mf tt, I9» JOHNSBUBG called^ijjkJfr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers Sunday. | Frank KJapperkh motored to CW- : (t»fo Tuesday evening. Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicago spent Miss Berniece Kmg is spending her the weekend with her parents, Mr. and vmo*^on b*f and uncle, Mr. Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Mrs Mike Gowld at Woodstock. . , _ . ^ ^ . • • Mrs. Leo Geriach motored to Chi- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode entertained ^ ^tuTdlky fflends from Mundelem Thurs<tay. , Mr and Mrg Walgh of Wau. Miss Kathenne Huff of Spring k caUers here Sunday evetr- Grove attended the funeral of Mrs. * Jjhn F. Freund here Friday. , Mr and Mrs. Jack Bode and daogh- , Jerry Beer <4 Chicago called on Pauline, Mrs. lone Kirk and friwd? htr« Sunday. ,A 4daughter, Darlene, motored to Elgin Miss Kathenne Pltten of Chicago Monday afternoon. spent a couple of days with her fath- " Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young of er, John Pitren. Spring Grove visited with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Schulti of Chicago Mrs. Joe Michels Sunday evening. TWENTY TEAR8 AGC LILT LAMB SLOCUJrS LAKE A meeting of the Lily Lake Ladies'i Mr. ami Mr*. Ollie ft. Smile, Miss Ruth Grass, the MiMes Lina and Ella Hacker and Mrs. Chatterdon, all of Evanston, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Green. Luella Green, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Green, who is the Home Economics instructor fit the Woodstock junior high school, has joined her parents and will remain with them for two weeks. wt.v.n. .. rrrttmmrn Zt T~n«"V Mr. and Mrs. Edward Petrick and w^endatthei^ottateatLUy Ukftj _ J son, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Jankovsky Mr. and Mrs. Walk of Chicago spent; Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam Darrell and werfl gunda» quests at the Arthur Raymond Allind of Chicago .pent a were Sunday ^ts at the home af|ThomaT of Cicero, a physician and h*me ?( *1B mmt and Mr. and Mrs. WiHard DarrsQ. |.urgeon's assistant, is spending her uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Olson. ] Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Norrii of Mylith two weeks' vacation at the Thompson's League was held Tuesday at the LUy <Jf'/Yt WanteSSI ******* Lain Casino. Bunco and cards ** j*****?* 7' played. Prises were won bj B. Ger- Mn and M*"8- P||ww of Chicago manier, Mrs. Farrington, Mrs. Olson/ Mr. and Mrs. Fetet Anderson and Betty Farrington, M. Ziramermann, 8°n °f «P«nt last Friday evniing Mrs. E. Fast, Mrs. WiUiam Ptakonen,!*' the *dme of Mr- «*« Mrs. John Mrs. Baron and Mrs. Wilbert Swan- BiomRrenson. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cook and daughter Mr. and Mrs. William Pknkonen and of Wauconda were callers last Friday Frank* Schwab of Chicago spent the a- ^ home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur MeOULLOM LAKS Visitors at the home of Mr. and Park visited at the home of JMr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berg and daughters, Louise and Wilma, of Davis Lake spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. FOBS. Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughters, Jennie, Ethel, ana Marion, were callspent the weekend in'the home of John LeRoy Meyers is spending a week .... Smith. in Waukegan with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin While overhauling a small nfle at Mrs. George King and son, Junior, Schaefer. I his home here on Saturdayafternoon, spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Obernauf and children. Geo. Kamholx accidentally discharged Mrs. George Then Sunday were Mrs. Mike Gorski at Woodstock. of Grayslake visited with John Pitxen the barrel, the bullet going through • Shrerard, Mrs. Pretyman of Pistakee Miss Thelma Jackson is spending a Sunday afternoon. ,*he first finger of his right hand. Bay, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kiehl and Mr. few weeks in Chicago. ..." Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski and chil- The new drinking fountains are now and Mrs. P. Sons, all of Chicaga _ Mr. and Mrs. Ale* Freund and dren of Woodstock spent the weekend being installed about town. An im- Mrs. W. J. Lanahan and son, Wudaughter, Nancy, of Chicago' spent with Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. Iprovement, we are sure, will be^ ap-Ham of Chicago spent two weeks at Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Mrs. Art Peters was a Chicago c*ll- preciated by the public in general. . the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. 'Smith. er Tuesday ; * Mayor R. G. Chamberlin and alder- C. Vachet Bill Smith and John King were Bur- • - man John R. Knox were in Chicago] Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. ers at UbertyvIHe Saturday evening. lington callers Friday evening. Need Rubber Stamps? Order at The l«st week, where they were called to fi. J. Peschke over the weekend were! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson of Chi- > Mrs. Irvin Schaefer of Waukegan Plaindealer. Insist in the work of rounding up Mary Carlisca of Jamestown, North <"»?<> and Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nerstrom 'slackers. [Dakota, Mr. and Mrs. S. Lagenza and and tw0 sons of North Chicago Were Mrs. Ed. Schillo and Misn Eva StilK|family and Rubia Krec, all of Chicago.{Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. ing left for New York last week Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wehner and aH^ Mrs. John Blomgren. Thursday where they will join Ed' a0n, Edward, and daughter, Helen, of J Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and Schillo and R. McCoy. They will mot-1 Chicago visited at the home of Mr.! daughter of Void visited at the home or back in two Mercer cars from thejand Mrs. Max.Wehner forafew days'°f-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews last factory, Mr. Schillo driving one and lagt week. (Friday evening. £ Miss Stilling the other. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Larabee of Bristol. Wis Mrs. Fred Dosch Sunday were Mr. and a caller at the home of Mr. and THIRTY YEARS AGO " also. Kenneth Petersen and nephews were visitors at the home of Joiseph Schaefer Monday evening. derrieden Co., of Hampshire, 111., ai Mr. and Mrs. John Lainz, factory superintendent of the same company, andP- • :• sons «f Chicago were all guests fa thf weekend at Mr. and Mrs. Milton1 Peterson's home. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bennett's daughter, and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edtranl Rush, entertained her Sorority Club at the Bennett home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ellefsen of Bellwdod^. r " IB., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Cylik. Mrs. Joifcoh Sehaefer and dftoghter- Eleanor, of McCollum Lake were visitors at Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. Rater and friends are stayfogrout at tbeir cottage tlris week. Mr. and Mrs. John Whikrcuitz of : - Chicago are spending two weeks vacation at their cottage. 'A Mrs. Joaeph Bald and friends d| Chicago were at their cottage fe«r*v' two weeks' vacation. « Mr. and Mrs. Makefski and daugh- Mrs. Madsen and daughter, Arlene, ter, Elfreida, are on a two weeks' va-|; were visitors of Mrs. Schaefer Monday cation at tiieir cottage. -- evening. Mr. and Mrs. Crick and family spent ie weekend in Chicago. Mr. ana. Mrs. William Hansler, th« farm superintendent of the J. B. In- DROP THAT AXl t i Arnold Blake was a visitor at th#, home of Joseph Schaefer Sunday af-^.vv; ternoon. « Arnold Hay spent the weticend with* his parenta at Ringwood. '. • . .-v-' Amos Wolff's pleasing smile is no Mrs. John Bishop and daughter, Joan, Mrs. Wilbur Cook Monday, Joseph Hahn, Miss A. Dalton, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. L. Spafford and son,' Mrs. Joe O'Brien and Mr. and Mrs. Ben, of Jefferson Park spent Thursday more to be seen at the Northwestern Harry Peterson, all of Chicago. evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. hotel and buffet, he having resigned) Visitors in the home of Mrs. Mae Harry Matthews. his position to take a well earned rest. Budil Sunday Were Mr. and Mrs. Ted J- Burnett was a caller at Mc- Wbodstock expects to have two elec- (Budil and son and Charles Budil. Henry last Wednesday. trie roads inside of another year. j jjr an^ Mrs Hanson of Chicago Mrs- Jack Geary and daughter; Wkn. Bonslett is the proud posses-, sp€nt the weekend at his home here. Patsy, and son, James, and Mrs. John sor of a handsome new touring car, j Mary Hubbell, Viola Brady and Mrs. Zimmer called at the home of Mr. and his machine being the twelfth now Robinson and son, Billie, all of Chicago Mrs. G. J. Burnett Sunday. owned by McHenry residents. L Spent Sunday at Lily Lake. | Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Downs, Mrs. Our citizens are anxiously awaiting j Mr. and Mrs. Esser and family of (Natalie Stroup of Wauconda and C. J.~ theT decision of the Elgin, Woodstock r^jcago spent the weekend at theirl^ouvin of Lynwood, Calif., spent Monand Lake Geneva railroad company. | cottaee. !day evening at the home of Mr. and We sincerely hope that our. suspense I Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Atfind of Chi-rMrs. Harry Matthews. will be short in duration. cago are .spending a few weeks at the! Mr. and Mrs. George Cook and Mi home of her mother, Mrs. Mae Budil. 'and Mrs, William Cook of Chicago A party was held at the home of spent last Friday at the home of Ms. _ _ _r „ _ . Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Swanson Satur- and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. V'fu8• J » J W j' day» July 9. the occasion being the Mr- and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler, Round FORTY YEAItS AGO J\shjrt vac i atlon a,nd hls Patrons, all. About midnight a lovely lunch mother, who is convalescing from a will take due notice and govern them- s served About one hundred ^ recent illness. se ves accor mg. fifty guests were present from Chi- _ Mjr. Mrs. Brocknow and 80% The Park hotel, in West McHenry/ cago and Lily Lake. Guests from Chi-j Wal1 Mr. and alW^, of Delavan Lake, Wis., were HILLTOP INN -2% Miles North of McHenry on Route 31- ^ FRANK KEMPHER, Prop. "8H00TIE" THELEN BEHIND THE BAB Drinks of all Kinds CJnder New Management -- Formerly Shober's Tavern is undergoing quite extensive repairs ^ ca^Q were Mr an(j Mrs. Teff, Mr. and Sunday dinner and afternoon guests at and changes. , . . iMrs. McKenna, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Bur- The Board of Supervisors met for, Mr and Mrs. William Tookey, Mr. and "ett. Mrs. Brocknow is a sister of the annual July meeting on Monday, Mrs Douglas Tookey, Mr. and Mrs. L.1 Herman Hensel, who lives at the Burbut on account of the action of the G Took Mr and Mrg L Brande- nett home. last fool Legislature in regard to the c Brutus and gon> Miss BarJ Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foss and daughnew revenue law, were obliged to ad-!rett> G johnson> Miss Russell, Mrs. J. ter, Vivian, of Libertyville spent last journ for one week in order to figure R Tookey Mr and Mrs T and Friday evehing at the home of Mr. out what would be the^ leg^l duty m ^ Mj. and Mrg E Allind ^ and and Mrs. Wm. Foss. the premises. 'Mrs. Jerry and family, Mr. and Mrs.| , J Farrington and family, Mr. and NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Mrs. William Pankonen, Mr. and Mrs.' -~W*w TjmirVinm nf VintnonnA v.. ^ Budil, F. Schwab, Mr. and Mrs.' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by , Langham, of Rmgwocid, nas jjanahran Mr and Mrs. Jean and Mr. the Board qf Education of McHenry shown us a sample potato, grown from J „ . - - - . . -- the bulb, which promises to be the fin- a Mrs. William and family. est grown in this section. It is good. * GET SOME FROM YOUR STANDARD OIL DEALER FIFTY YEARS AtiO | size and handsome. Robt Richardson, an old and highly respected citizen, who lived four miles PERSONALS Community High School District No. 156 in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, that a tentative budget and appropriation ordinance for MI PLACE RESTAURANT Phone 192 JUSTEN & FREUND, Props. Qreen St. HALF SPRING FRIED CHICKEN -- 60e FOOT LONG HOT DOGS 10o FRY EVERY FRIDAY FRESH PERCH Mr. Imd Mrs. John di8tIictJor*c ^ f**! west of this village, died very sud-1 daughters of Jacksonville, Florida, ar-| ®|'nni"J ^ denly on Friday night. rived Thursday for a week's visit in Iff' and ending on the 30th, day of The board of trustees have made a|tbe home of Mrs. Meehan's father, M.! " ®' „ ' S 'F<Jn!' contract for one of Lingren's chemical A. Conway. |of,the Sec.r®tary of sa'd Board of Edu-, fire engines, and the machine is ex-1 Mrs. Eleanor Foley and children re- ** y ava,lable 101 pected to arrive here this week, and turned to their home in Cleveland, pu°'c j sPe" I a thorough test made on Monday next. Ohio, Monday, after a ten days' visit | S FURTHER GI^iN that The C^lden Wedding of the Hon. m the home of her parents, Mr. and * ,Pub f hc h/ann^ on ",d tentative Geo. Gage and wife was celebrated Mrs. J. M. Phalin. | bu^ and appropriation ordinance their residence, in West McHenry on Mr- and Mrs. Edward Fleming and ^huMd Jin Wednesday last. (Mrs. Sullivan of Winthrop Harbor vis- Sc u hoo 1 1 M 0 c?f"P . ited the former's relatives here Sun-'f^01 d,s 0 tr'«t',°" tbe 26th day of July I lQVfl M 4 W •fillft A'AlAiklr W MA SIXTY YEAR8 AGO day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vales, daughter, Florence, Miss Virginia Kubes, Ray Howell, Russell Schultz and Mr. PINK HARRISON'S ® of Pistakee Bay---- FRIED CHICKEN PLATE LUNCH Tasty Sandwiches V ^ Delicious Drinks Dancing Every Saturday Throughout Th£ Season Barbara Horick's Orchestra - Joe Buck is hauling the lumber for a new residence, which he proposes to build on his farm, just north of the and Mrs. William Vales of Chicago corporation line. | spent a recent day in the home of Mr. There is some talk of opening ice and Mrs. Albert Vales. cream parlors in this village. We have ! Robert Gallagher of Notre Dame, not learned whether or not it will be Ind > was a weekend guest in the homr |done. Lovers of the frozen stuff are!0* Mr- and Mrs. Harry Durland. [living in hopes. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of Chi- The weather for the past w6ek has sPent the weekend with her mothbeen decidedly hot and dry, and the er» Mrs- Loretta Walsh, Mrs. Miller corn is coming forward rapidly. Ajand baby remained for a longer visit little rain just at this time, however,) Robert Knox of Springfield spent a would be an improvement. |few ^ays the past week in the home S. D. Baldwin, principal of the pub-jof his Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike ! lie school in this village, has taken the ^nox* agency of Zell's Cyclopedia, which he1 Miss Janice Klontz, of St. Therese's proposes to canvass for duruwr vaca«lhospita1' Waukegan, visitfed-her partion. ents, Dr. and Mrs. C. Wl Klontz, on Thursday afternoon. 1938, at 8:$0 o'clock p. m. DATED this 12th day of July 1938. BOARD OF EDUCATION of High Schol District No. • 156 in the county of McHenry and State of Illinois. , By E. E. BASSETT, 8 Its Secretary. WE MADE 280 MILES TODAY ANO EVERYTHING -- HAS IEEN PERFECT 0* SO*4 C Representing: Evlx if it's bot enough to "fry ai"f(fg"ea' yoT roof," your home can be amazingly .IF you have a layer of CAPITOL BOCK WOOL Insulation blown under your roof and between your walls. It usually makes 8° to 15°f^o^to^O^ iKKm Winter, a fuel saving of 20% to 4U7c soon pays for the entire Job. Find out the full facts NOW--why to thru the tofr- f yprite or phon* ture of another / JL- \ /or our • w e l t e r i n g 1 Summer t rRBB tVRYKT LEO J. STILLING MoHenry 7#j THE STANDARD LIME AND STONE 00. --Factory Branch-- 2101 N. Monitor St., Chicago, Illinois THAT'S GRAND--AND IT'S WONDERfUl TO H E A R T O U * V O I C E SAVE 25 Bny the new original Gum-Dipped NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TIRES New high quality at a new low price. FIRESTONE CONVOY TBUCK TIRES 32x6 - 8 ply $26-95 6.00x20 - 6 ply $10.65 SAVINGS ON PASSENGER GAR TIRES 4.50-20 4.50-21 4.75-19 5.25-17 -- r ~ ..$760 7.90 815 9-25 5.25-18 5.50-17 6.00-16 6.25-16 - $ 9 65 1045 • 1180 1315 You simply can't afford to pass up this opportunity of a life-time. Drop in today and let us explain to you all the extra features of this new Firestone Sen&ation of 1938, Walter J. Freund Tire and Tube Vulcanising, Battery Chargig, Oilii, Stock Spray. Good used tires, nearly all sizes. Wert McHenry, M Mr. and Sirs. Robert Blum" of Oak Park were weekend guests of her NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by aunts, the Misses Mary and Frances the Board of Education of McHenry j IrleminR'- School District No. 15 in the County1 Mrs- Lil,ie Brown of Chicago visited of McHenry and State of Illinois, that her C0Uain. Mrs. George B. Frisby, a a tentative budget and appropriation j ^ays P^st week. ordinance for said school district for' Martin Heckman of Chicago and the fiscal year beginning on the first brother- Francis Heckman, of Cleveday of July, 1938, and ending on the|,an^' Ohio, are vacationing at Lake 30th day of June, 1939, is now on ftle ^®"ance thia week. _ , in the office of the Secretary of said] H- Jl schaeffer and son, Stanley, are Board of Education and is convenient- doin* catPenter work, on a summer ly available to public inspection. home b(,'n« built for Frank Murray NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that'and 80n- Edward, at Island Lake, VMit a public hearing on said tentative budget and appropriation ordinance will be held at Grade School building in McHenry in said school district, on the 25th day of July, 1938, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. DATED this 11th day of July 1938. 1JOARD OF EDUCATION >f McHenry School District 15 in the County of Mc- • Henry and State of Illinois. By EDWARD H. NICKELS, 8 Its Secretary.' •f H! Ko. Palmatlan Pnppie* Pore White Dalmatian, or coach puppies, arrive in the world pure white and the many black spots with which they are covered do not make their appearance until the pup is many weeks old. 4>nr Appai ent Virtto Sometimes we don't know whether our apparent virtue is patience or apathy. Oldest Lighthouse in America The oldest lighthouse in America is Boston light station. Built in 1716, it was knocked down during the Revolution, rebuilt in 1783. It was then 69 feet high, lit by four whale oil lamps. The tower, 90 feet high, contains the original stones, in use more than 222 years, phis addi-' tions. Coanjlt the V LET THE TELEPHONE KEEP YOUR MIND AT EMI DURING SUMMER SEPARATIONS jNo worrying oat wondering about your family ... no helpless feeling if there 1 an important message to deliver ... whea you include regular telephone calls n your vacation plans. It's so simple to arrange a scheduled time for calling .. » so reassuring to know that everything is all right . . . and so inexpensive with the low evening rates. Charges can be reversed,, if you desire. Remember, too, that touring problems--such as securing exactly what you want in hotel and camp reservations-- are definitely solved when you telephone ahead. ILLINOIS TELEPHONI i. r ~ - • ;• COMPANY