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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jul 1938, p. 4

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Thnriday, Inly 21,1988 One Year ... Six Months " iinf • mil Tlir UUirynV DI IIHKiril rn land, Calif., and afterwards pictures THE M HtRHl ftAfflutALtHof fifty years ago were exhibited. _ . ' I When the goodbys were said Uie Published every Thursday at «CA ,jay ^ras fottd one long to be remem- Sfttiry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. 'bered. . Entered as second-class matter at"' The ^«tiv^s lW«nt were: Mrs. the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under Ada Srrtith, GrangeJ Smith and son, the act of May 8, 1879. £"*?• °f D- ^ R^Jen of ! 'Oakland, Calif.; |tr. and Mrs. Asahel -...$2.001 Steven*, Mr?. G*ge Stevens and chil- $1-00 dren, Shirley, Chester, Harold and .'Gean, Mr. and"Mrs. Chester R. Stevens and son, 'Robert, Mrs. Martha jBehrens and sons, Gage and Billy, i Mrs. George LeTbert and daughter, Linda Lee, Mr. an$ Mrs. James Hyatt and sons, Kim and Peter, Miss Portia Jane Stevens, of Waukegan; Chas. Owen and son, ChaHes, of Niles Center, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Owen, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alex- A. H. MOSHER Editor and Manager SUSTAININS^ SLOCUATS LAKE Willard Darrell was a business call er at Oak Park Saturday and was n j ; • dinner guest at the home of his . FOR daughter at Forest Park. |---- i ---- Misses Jennie, Ethel and Marion .FOR SALE--All kinda of vegetables, Dowell were callers at Mundelein last also sweet corn and potatoes. John Wednesday evening. jPitzen, Johnsburg. *8-4 Mrs. Lee Larabee and son, Carroll,ollI, ^ ~--. „ ..--r" returned to th«ir bone .t Kenogh«, 8ALF^IHve„port«ir>'. b,cycle, Wis., Sunday, after visiting relative.; r™«£*n b!1"<i"' v*r'°u8 " • tsizes; used lumber and door; other here. articles, good condition* reasonable. Mrs. Harry Matthews was a guest1 D co ... . of the Volo unit of the Lake count,lBox 62' West *«H«nry, III. home bureau meeting held at the home FOR SALE--Case 22" Thresher; Case of Mrs. Wm. Fink last Wednesday. j 28" Thresher; Case T Binder; IHC W. J. Hoffman and daughter of Chi-j 10-20 Tractor; Case L Tractor; Used ROBERT THOMPSON HOME ander, of Hebron; Mr. and Mrs. Rob-' jcago were callers at the home of Mr. I Tractor PIOWB. Earl Brown, Grays- SCENE or GAGE FA^Y A Thouipeon and Mi,, Maud ThUf"W.y : When" ptetai* I. ^ Phone 1W. REUNION LAST aiTWT>*V "ranger of W«t McHenry. Also that of a yyoouunngg lmadry employed in one if the Lake-CooK-Pann Sup-'POR SALB-Kilk, MwM.Hr tot; , °w of McHenry'. best know, atorea. The , c * Mond,y. " |Bring your own conWner. Magnus -TWnHant, T^h- r..r. * *»«*»»••. . .n5«er w,11 be giVen next »eek. g, ; t Mon(ta/mt 0.k Nel»on,* mile west on Rout. 20. »-tf Descendants of the (.age lamily, ... _ > ^ , Last week's picture was George H. p . ... t,'* Jf. . ' held a reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert-Thompson, Sunday, July 17, with approximtaely thirtyrfive rel-! stives present. . •,!'< •. IThe day was significant m: that Mr,' and Mrs. George Gage, At~~ ,J VOLO Johnson manager of the Ale^nder * 40 "t i Lumber Co. in West McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and the gfreat-'family visited at the home of Mr. and frrandparents of Mrs. Thompson, hid Mrs. Henry Dutiker hear Crystal Lake .celebrated their golden wedding an- Tuesday evening. niversary in that same place fifty; Clinton Junior Raven of Siocum's SPRING GROVE Park. vate owner. 23 Orchard Beach. Mrs. Catherine Wagner was a vis-J FOR StALE--Chris Craft, 16-ft. runitor at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. G.'about, good condition, reasonable, S.' J. Burnett last Tuesday. „ ^ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clancy and daugh i ters, Phyllis, Mary and Carol, and Mrs. Frank May was hostess to the!Miss Helen Bernier of Chicago were jfftars ago. • ;Lake is spending a few weeks at the members_of h«r dub on Tuesday .dinner guests lasti Thursday at the One hundred years ago, on July 4, home of his grandparents, Mr. and ni*ht T^re« t«bles * five hundred,home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary. 1838* George Gage and Martha Persis Mrs Richard Dowell. -,*ere in. play and several prizes Werej Miss Mabel Rukpatrsck of. Great-. Heald drove from Gage's Lake down Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiwr and aw^rded to thosc achieving high .neck, Long Island, was a caller at the the old Ridge Road to Chicago where son visited Mrs. FrankGould at sc°res. Lunch wis served M the coj)-j home of Mr. and .Mrs. Earl Converse tfcey were married.. Fifty years later, Elizabeth Condell hospital in Liberty-.clusion of cards. ; . ; Stoiiday afternoon. _ together with their four daughters,; ville Saturday evening. | Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs.! ^ and Mrs. Elmer Esping^spent a Alpena, Ellen, Maria and Georgianna, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crook and Arthur Hergot on Tuesday night were I days wiis week with tne^former s and their families and friends, they daughter spent Friday at Wing Park .their daughter, Eleanor Hergot, and !18ters " Rock Island and Davenport, gathered together to celebrate that jn Elgin. ifriends, Fay Straudberg, Audrey 0Wa* event. •«•*>. | Little Lilah Mae Fisher entertained Reynolds, Clifford Stringer, Pat Wil- This year the descendants assembled sixteen friends in honor of her eighth son and Howard Wittcock of Chicago. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomp- birthday anniversary. The afternoon I Mrs. Rena Schumacher, daughters, seon in memory of their pioneer fore-was spent in playing bunco and races. Rite* and Mercedes, visited in the Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spoor and son of Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett last Friday. Mrs. John R. Knox of McHenry was E. comer of new bridge, McHenry, 111.1 *6 FOR RENT FOR REINT---Rooms, pleasantly situated, moderately priced. Phone 51-W. ' •.'/ > ;,0 WANTED WANTED TO BUY--One more crippled or down cow or horse. Must be alive. You'll get more cash by calling Wheeling 102. We buy old pel horses. Shot on the premises if desired. ..DEAD ANIMALS--We pay more cash for dead animals if called July Bride who has been in poor health for some time, is somewhat improved. Mrs. R*>se lonelier is assisting in their care! Mrs! R. I. Overton is recovering nicely from an operation performed at Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan, Thursday evening. Mrs. Harry Durland is a patient at St. Francis hospital, Evanston, recovering from an operation performed last Thursday. Mike Knox, who has been seriously ill at his home near Terra Cotta is somewhat improved and now able to havecallers. Edmund Whiting of Elgin, who wis seriously burned a few weeks ago, is showing some improvement at Sherman hospital. His temperature Is normal and he is up in a wheel chair a little while each day. He is not air lowed any callers, except his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stenger and little son of Waukegan are enjoying their vacation at a cottage at Pistakee Bay this week. AUCTION "" cw .Leonard, Auctioneer Phone 478 Photo by Worwick MRS. JOHN KLAPPERICH jmio. tfunn IV. iviiu* ui mcnenrv at nilM Tn> •>. , Miss Clara «Juuosvteenn aainidu «Mrr,. J<oiohnnn a caller last Tuesday evening at the itary 8ervice. ..wheeling 102--Reverse KlapPer5ch_ ^ere married Wednesday fathers. Mrs. Thompson is a great- Prize, were awarded to Mary Case, home of Mrs. Jennie Oxtobv several home of Mr and Mrs Jack Gearv morning, July IS at 8-80 o'clock at ?.ndd.„_ehter of.Mr, and Mr... Helen Davis, Arvilla Ann Fisher, El- ddaftvyss llfalsstt wwce^elkc ; • t 1». °L2. "jK? ^ J252r St Ma^.%"h,^° C.TnS Serr? the'^UM^B'Uwrvtm Sr "jl0"?""' J,0,n M°°f *°Ji H.rold Zamstorff, who WU coined' W»t'Chi^ro'^re^er.'^".",',^'C"iac"- 4»-26 years ago were spread k^oLde we^' ti,en ^ • Chicago hospital for .«veral EUC!t8 Sunday at thf home of Mr. and| WAN'ITSD--Middle age lad; for gen- Ki«pperi=l> »re oper- Only five grandchild™. «. living: U|,h', 1,'tUe friends gather^ around h,s ret"r"!d Ws home' '"Sr^nTMrf John Blmn™, w flm 1 h° sT^'h. *"d Joh^bJrg Mrs. Mabel Hatfield of San Diego, h«T,nv hirthd.v hefore A party of friends gathered at the! ..Mr- and Mrs. John Blomgren were famUy. Stay nights. Write ZBR, care Jonn8DUr^ Calif.; Mrs. Uwi, of Gushing, fh"y de^ed Mah ^eiv^ mVn" l--™ * Margaret Feltes on " *>» » Okla.; Mrs, Ed VanSlyke of Urbana, pr#tty i»nd useful gifts from her little Wednesday afternoon in honor of her the home.?f Mr_.and Mrs* Axel Ner 111.; Mrs. D, t. Rigden of Oakland, friends. ; . f|'t 4.! * j birthday. Cards and visiting were vimand A s a h e l S t e v e n s of Wauk»«-; The Volo u n i t Of the Lake County a f t e r n o o n ' s d i v e r s i o n and p r i z e s „ _ * gan, II' Only two of the grandchil- Home Bureau met at the home of Mrs,|" ««Mrs f^Jlthe Sme'of M^Tnd mV;'.'J.cT G«r",: dren were able to attend but there William Fink Wednesday afternoon. I May^and MrslHI,I Sl«leL.*'"^i Mrs. Wm. Krumpen of this comstrom at North Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer of Mcwere Sunday evening callers at were numeous representatives of the Mrs. Herman Dunker and Mrs. How- lur>ch was served by the guests after.TOlin|^. and friends of Chimo'n third and fourth generations present, ard Converse gave the major lesson,'which the guest of honor was present-!--,,-- v , .. MISOELLANEOtrg Among: the Sick « u wtic ra^*a- Regular yea* round •eallers at the home of Mr. ™d M«";;^rly pk^7 GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week,] Mrs. A1 Amo returned to her home _ or oftener if desired. Reasonable in Kenosha Sunday, from the Kenosha j able to cut and bale for any pur- " . ' •' 1 / • »i > ; By order of the U. S. District Court of the Northern District of Illinoia I will sell at Public Auction on the premises at the. Colemar Country Club, 1 mile east of Spring Grove, off Rt. 12, 3 miles north-west of Fox Lake, on MONDAY, JULY 29 r Beginning at 2:00 p.m., T). S.T. & 200 ACRES Second Cutting •; , ' STANDING Al^ALFA HAY No. 1 Quality Idaho Grimm . Will be staked off in 5 acre tracts. Purchaser will have privilege of bidding and buying 5 acres or more as he wishes in 5 acre tracts. This Sale wil Be For ttat; Second Gutting Only Contract cutters will be on ground whose services will be avall- •r^o route, hospital, where she underwent an op- chasers desiring their services. *9 i eration ^or appendicitis the week be-J Last year's and this year's first cut-' The old Gage home, which is being "Becoming Colors," and Mrs. Wendell ed with a gift. v _ jG j Bur„ett gundav afternoon fore. Mrs. Amo was formerly Miss. tings were baled and handled in this restored as nearly as possible to lis Dickson gave the minor lesson, "His- Mr. and Mrs. Koy Wilson of Harper, M d M LaDoyt Matthews of' FI nOR uvnrNr Woant;ftr Rosina Glosson of McHenry. „„ „,in(>!s... Tie Vol, unit will Kansas, spent several day, la.t week Fo„,'t ^r"Spent W^e^y Ttte'L™ by S™tas w°" «f Ken „„ „ next at the home of Mrs. Wal- with his mother, Mrs. Ernest Peacock. home q{ Mr and Mrg Harry Mat- Jatest dustless equipment Old floors merly Miss Genevieve Glosson and sis- fly fertilized and the alfalfa ture. Only three of those in the pic- ter Crook Wednesday, September 14. Thcy^were called^ home Ppjhursday thewg I made new. Estimated furnished. Work of- M-r8- Amo, was taken to the wonderful stand. original appearance by Mr. apd Mrs. toric Illinois Carl Weber, was the setting for a pic- meet j' - same manner. Since the first cut- Mrs. Harold Rolfs of Kenosha, for-1 ting this year the field has been heavis now a £ re of flfty years ago were present:; Mr. and Mrs. A. Frett of Chicago oy_ the deatn ol ms sisttr-m-law. Fn>nk s retun)ed t0 hj home'guaranteed Hennine Newman 932 hospital Saturday for an aprs. Ada Smith. Mrs. D. L. Rigden|»pent a few days here with the lat-While e"r°ute ^ met .n ,cc- in CMc Sun<| ^ m pendicitis operation. ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Oef-, dent and Mrs. Wilson is now in a ho»- k with his c0„si G ^ Burnett JOHNSBURG NEW *MPIR§ McHENRY, ILLINOIS SUN-MATINEE CONTINUOUS' Air - Conditioned FRIDAY -- SATURDAY " N July 22 - 23 Laurel and Hardy ip "SWI^ MISS" Also--Three Selected Shorts SUNDAY -- MONDAY July 24 -- 25 Ginger Rogers •• James Stewart "VIVACIOUS LADY" Also --Comedy . Community Sing and World News TUESDAY (BARGAIN NITE) Admission 10c - 20c John Boles -- Madge Evans Brace Cabot 'SINNERS IN PARADISE Also--Four Selected Short Subjects WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY July 27 - 28 Mickey Rooney « !f. O'Sullivan Dennis O'Keefe "HOLD THAT KISS" Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode and daughand Asahel Stevens. During luncheon, a poem composed flinj^. pital in Chicago with several lacera-j by Mrs. Lewis Owen was read, a tele- Little Mae Miller of Richmond spent tions on her face and a dislocated hip. gram of good wishes was received "a ftw days here with her aunt and Members of the Ladies Aid spent a from Miss Gertrude Clemens of Oak- uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, jmost enjoyable day at the home of Miss Vinnie Bacon visited Mrs. Mrs. Giles near Marengo on Thursday Wayne Bacon at Crystal Lake Thurs-, where they spent a day of visiting day. She also visited Wfcyne Bacon at with a pot-luck dinner served at noon. ; the Sherman hospital in Elgin. I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders and ter, Pauline, and Mrs. Ione Kirk mot-!"®" ^ REAL TREAT--In Ice Cream Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and son, John, are enjoying a trip to Iowa.1 ored to Waukegan Tuesday afternoon. or for real service 0T} artificial ice family visited Mr. and Mrs. William' Mrs. Jim Oxtoby is visitine friends j Mrs. Jim Chamberlin and Mrs. El- ca^ McHenry 324. Brick Ice Cream, Lohmann in Libertyville Friday, jin Woodstock this wetk. mer Schroeder and daughter, LaVerne, quar** 1-1^ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield and (of Chicago are spending a few weeks ppupmdpd tit. „u• family visit** Mrs -William Dowell JUDGE DADY SENTENCES (with their father^John Pitzen. jment of dre88es every week. Necel" and baby at Bamngton Monday even- tO C. I. 0. STRIKERS .. Mr/"f Mrs. Mike Gorsk, and ^am"! sary alterations free. Rosa's Style I ily of Wodstock called on Mr. and Shop, West McHenry, Illinois. 9 Marvel Ave., Woodstock, Phone 451-M. „ 41-26 Harry J. Schnaitman returned home ; ! from the Illinois Masonic hosptial, TERMS OF SALE: CASH If you desire credit make arrangements with your own banker prior to the sale. ing, feeding; cavity treatment. Twelve nicely from his recent illness. I Ch&S. 1*60118Xd, A£6lit years' experience. LEO P. THORN- J. F. Claxton is critically ill at his First National Bank of Woodstock, HILL, McHenry. Phone 129-J. Call home east of this city. Mrs. Claxton, Clerking anytime. « 8-tf TREE SPECIALIST--Spraying, prun- Chicago, Jast week and is recovering. (Continued from first page) Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner, Mrs. (Mrs. George King, Sunday evening. Catherine Wagner and Mrs. Mary Sable of Siocum's Lake spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser. Community Night was neiu » me e(j ^hem to run Volo school Friday evening with a, Suddenly, a woman picket leaped at liefer, Thelma Lay Evelyn Mich.; Prises Hiss Lorraine Kennebeck celebrated 18TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY -- ; her sixteenth birthday Sunday even- FREE DANCE--For our Customers' tear gas guns, the officer, advanced, ™.8'. Viy:«n .nd ,S<^d.r, at the Old Hekle v u . i pushed' the nearby pickets and warn- SJe,nboldi. Juletif ,*nd Thelen, Factor, (recently remodeled), TTJ.W-, held at the d th t Eleanor King, Delma Freund, Anna day evening, July 28. Over $109 in u «k Good Orchestra. Refreshvery good crowd. Four reels of mo-'a deputy sheriff'and shV'was^pushed e,s' Jeanette Kennenbeck, Jeanette meats. McHenry County Farmer's Cotion pictures were shown by Harry fanjng t0 around That Degren' Bunco "was played with prizes °P- Assn. John A. Bolger, Pres. 9 Gilkerson, farm adviser. The rest of sUl,^d a minor riot Several' pickets to Eleanor King, Julette the evening was spent in>lay.ngauc- rush€d at the d t ag the OTder t Thelen and Delma Thelen. tion five hundred, euchre^ and bunco. fjre the tear gag wag given Mr. and Mrs. Deering and daugh- Prizes were won by Mrs. Roy Pass- Blinded, the mob of 400* Hardware1" and Henry Krift of Burlington, field, 1 ^~ * * " * M 4 # •* . .. OLD TIMERS DANCE -- Chicago Orchestra----- COME YE ALL -- -- -- PRIZE WALTZ ;V, Special Lnnch Served Betty's Place at Lily Lake " SATURDAY, JULY 23 Miss Bertha Justen is enjoying a week's vacation from her duties in the' ^ ^ . °*'®e of the Woodstock Typewriter! Mrs. Joseph Passfield, Carl strikers ^and" sympathizers stumbled Wis-' "(rere ^"day visrtors at" the Co. She is making short trips and Thorsell, Joseph Passfield, Roy Pass- down Commonwealth avenue retreat.- home of Mrs. Wm. Althoff. j spent several days of this week in field, Mrs. Wm. Dillion, Mrs. Henry ed ^hind the Sager Lock Works or' Juniyr and Billy Gerlach, LeRoy Chicago. Stoffell, Raymond Dowell, Donald took nearby rai]way tracks. The Mfyer8' Jim Hettermann, Donald Mrs. Elmer Schmalfeldt and chil- Passfield and Junior Passfield. Re- relentless firing continued for five ^ichels and Floyd Oeffling spent Mon- dren of Kenosha, Wis., are spending freshments were served. The next mjnutes. j day at Rivervlew Park, Chicago. j the week with her mother, Mrs. Mar- 'meeting will be at the Volo school on Majth J. Smith of Lake Geneva, Wis.'tin May. Friday evening, August 19. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case and fara- Difficulty was encountered in scat- „ M .... tering the pickets in but one place. A c*j~d*on mends here Sunday. Mrs. L. F. Newman and Mrs. Glenn _ , group of men gathered in a field ad-1. .Mrj a"d Mr®- entertained Peterson called on Mr. and Mrs. W. E, ily, Mr and Mrs^ Frank Wilson and ljacent to the North Shore frei^t 8ta.;fr,end8 from Evanston Sunday Colby at Waukegan Thursday afterfamily, Mr and Mrs Joseph Passfield tion hurled bricks at the Hce . Mrs. Leo Gerlach was a Chicago ' noon. and sons Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Fisher j The mi8giles struck several ^ caller Thursday and family, Mr. and Mrs, Herman __ j Mr. J Dunker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- ^ ^.n, Now Open THE VOGtJE COCKTAIL LOUNGE AND DINING ROOM AT LILY LAKE, ILLINOIS Featuring just Good Drinks and Good Food at Popular Prices We invite yon to enjoy our most unique atmosphere. ROY V. HOBBS, Mgr. sell Magnussen and sons, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Lrvin Schaefer, Wau- , porters and dented several cars. A ~egan' were Sunday dinner *uests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. AIR C O N D I T I O N E D amp: . off* y» - JPSTOfK Theatre Woodstock FRIDAY --MERCHANT'S NIGHT William Hall in Thrilling "SPY RING'r It's BARGAIN Night! ~ SATURDAY--MATINEE AT 2:30 George O'Brien in "GUN LAW" ;»?: >•>•.• -- AND --- IAoyd Nolan -- Mary Carlisle "TIP OFF GIRLS" SUNDAY AND MONDAY Continuous From 2:30 Sunday Gary Cooper "THE ADVENTURES OF MARCO POLO" with Binnie Barnes Basil Rathbone -- Sigrid Gurie and an All-Star Cast! ~-i ALSO -- Our Gang -- News TUESDAY -- BARGAIN NITE Chester Morris -- Ann Shirley "Law of the Underworld' WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY . ONLY! -- . ',-v Irene Dunne Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. "JOY OF LIVING" WATCH FOR MIDNITE SHOW SATURDAY, JULY 30 Walter Crook and daughter, Mrs. more,teaf Jot Meyers . Richard Dowell and daughter, Ada, treatTne^en back by the r#- Mrs. Christiha Nell of Effingham, attended the annual Farmer's Picnic j w'r. n„„L t- is spendng the summer months at Cook's Grove, near Wauconda, *; j- • v witb Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nell. Thursday. " T P°llCe d5°Vf thf pick" Eugene King spent the week in Chi- Mrs. Catherine Molidor spent a few ... J1. y"sec®n 8 reeVcars cago ^ aUftt anj uncje ^ a j days at the home of her son, Joseph!? 8,Xty or m0re »<«-®tr.ker« Mrs. Alex Molidor at Round Lake. travelled down Commonwealth avenue,; Mr. and Mrs Bob Wilkie of Chicag0 Mr, and Mrs. Frank Wilson and entered the south gate, which the gpent the Weekehd with her parents, family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hiron- IC,frs Open, of the foundry. j|r. and Mrs. Peter Freund. imus and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jo- . The ™en returning to work -- the, ]y|r and Mrs Wm Kirkmann oi seph Passfield and sons and Mr. and ^","1? retu™ appeared as though Jr v Ingleside, 111., were recent visitors at Mrs, Roy Pasfield and family attended tad + b!en carfully P^arranged-were the home of Mrs. Wm. Althoff. the firemen's carnival at Wauconda on ^'^eronsly, and call- Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller and chil- Thursday evening. , scabs by the dispersed pickets, dren of Richmond visited with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseley and ^ 0 ye"ed from nearby streets and and Mrs. Steve May Sunday after- family visited ;Mr. and Mrs. Morti _ . , . , • Baseley in Wauconda Sunday.. !, pickets, Isaac Sinson and Stan* j Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller Roy Junior Passfield entertained |ley M°hu"' T™ .taken ,nto. cust°dy Waukegan callers Wednesday. fifteen of his little friends in honor of an interi€red with the officers at-; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and his seventh birthday anniversary! y deputy sheriffs when they blocked daughter^ Nancy, spent Sunday with. Wednesday afternoon. The afternoon, te™Ptn* to clear the foundry gates. jMr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Smith, was spent in playing bunco, games Morun, who was specifically named | ' Mrs. Ray Horlick of Woodstock was and races. Prizes in bunco were ^ member of Lodge 1192 of theja caller here Thursday. awarded to Gene Nicholls, Richard in the injunction order issued in; Mr. and Mrs. Tony May of Spring Fisher and Robert Dunker. Refresh- jc'rcu't court on July 2, tore a gas Grove were Callers here Stinday even* ments were served. Junior received imask 88 he bloc^ed one of the gates • ing. many pretty and useful gifts from his! w^en the deputies ordered him to, Mys. Leo Freund entertained the friends. jmove back. . Jfive hundred club Monday evening. Mrs. Clark Nicholls and family of i More than half of the dispersed) Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Delia Lake Defiance spent Wednesday af- P^ket crowd were women. In the Miller, Mrs. Leo Freund, and Mrs terfioon with Mrs. Roy Passfield. brisTc ten-minute riot they fought with Fred Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bacon of Round their tongues and feet, while the more J Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin Lake called at the home of Miss Vinni^> Bacon Sunday. practical men battled with missiles. Ispeijt Sunday 'ttitll her mother, Mrs. Most of the fifty deputy sheriffs 'Wm, Althoff. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hironimus and and other policemen remained at thel daughter, Eileen, spent Sunday even- foundry scene after the scattering.' Mrs. Wesley Guffey, son, Billy, Mrs ing with Mr. and Mrs. James Clark in!They were stationed in groups around Joe May, Mrs. Martin May and the : Waukegan. jthe plant to keep the strikers at a'Otter's guests, Mrs. Fred Ramacher, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Novean of i distance and to see that no harm be-j daughter, Clare, Mrs. Leo Schaecker, j Grand Ridge spent Thursday here at'fell the employes returning to work. 'an^ Miss Eleanor Smith visited in the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hir- ! jhome of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schmalonimug. - j Mr. and Mrs. Seely Johnston- of.feldt, at Kenosha, Wis., Thursday, j Mr. and Mrs.7 Roy Passfield and j Champa igh were weekend visitors in; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss and son, {family visited the, Rurnidge Airport the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Charles, returned to their home in ;at Elgin Sunday. iWebev." iNew York City Friday, after a few Mrs. Ray Baur returned to her' Mrs. K; Schuberth and the Frank J weeks' visit in the home of her par home in Chicago Friday, after spend- Romano family of Chicago are spend- tents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Claxton. !ing a few weeks' here with her daugh- ing the summer at the Schuberth cot-' C. J. Reihansperger spent Monday jter, Mrs. E5H Hiroaimus. at |in Chicago. Ask for it at your favorite tavern ' j

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