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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Aug 1938, p. 2

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F«ff tw® %< • ^/-^l fH i'1 \ H'^u •TtTr ^f V^ ^ Thursday, ^npnt'li; 1838 LILY LAKE Writes were won in cards by Mrs. A'. Olson and Mrs. Gold; in bunco, by Mrs. George Wegener, Mrs. Abjin, YOLO The Lily Lake Ladies' League held Mr. ,nd Mrg< Earl Snyder of Lib- • meeting and bunco party Tuesday ertyville spent Friday evening here afternoon at the Lily Lake Caiipo. mt the home of Mr. and Mm. Arthur Kaiser. Junior and Virginia Mae Passfield Otty Ooondl Frooetdliifs Council Room, August 1, J938. The City Council met in regular monthly meeting with Mayor Overton presiding., Aldermen present: Bolger, Buss, Ferwerda, Freund, Regner, Kreutser. Absent: None. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Freund, that the minutes of the reg- *™ E*£,Mr*- 5*bkini,Mr'. m* tz»£?u$ "tar **> "b th* Mrs. P Oilman Nancy Maurice, Billy Eddy fa Grayslake. Farnngton and Mrs. O Donnell. Visitors in the home of Mae Budil over the weekend were Charles Budil, Jim Phiefer, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Allind, Mr. and Mrs. A. Juston, all of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Mackey of Chicago spent the weekend at Lily Lake. Mrs. E. Wehener and daughter, The Volo 4-H Club met at the home of Harry Case Friday evening witfc twelve members present. Mrs. Sarah Fisher returned to her home here Wednesday from the St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. Miss Wijah Bacon of Round Lake spent Monday with Miss Vinnie Bacon. Mrs. Charles Rossman and son, Helen, and son, Edward, of Chicago is Eugene, of Crystal Lake, spent Wedminutes of the special meetings held July 11th, July 15th, and July fSth, be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Kreutser, that the Treasurer's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Freund, seconded by Regner, that the Collector's report be approved as read. Motidn carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Bolger, that the following bills be paid as approved by the finance com- WashingUm spending a week at the home of Mr. 'nesday here at the home of Mr. and!mjttee. Motion carried. Slocum's Lake visited her mother, Charles Ensign, Labor, John Mrs. Walter Vasey. j street sewer Mrs. Leslie Davis and daughter of Fred Krohn, Jr. Mrs. Sarah Fisher, Thursday. street sewer Joseph Dowell and family of Slocum's Lake spent Wednesday evening here with Mr. and Mrs. John Passfield. Smith,; sewer Junior Helen McGav-1 Louis Schmitt, Fred Krohn, Sr., street sewer ... Labor, John Labor, John Labor, John * v and Mrs. Max Wehe*<»\ Mrs. Edward Wiesbaum was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Mrs. J. Boyko and daughter, Wanda, were visitors at the Dells in Wisconsin, last Thursday. i •Jviriun in the Wmejf Mr. „ A R Smtll< Pred Nn} George Vollm.r otw the Smith and Miss He!.n end were Mr. «nd Mrs. Breakey »nd f MinnMpoli., Kmmu, •pent Uiel ,tr«t Km fcimly, Ejnil Bonardi, Rudy k her^mt'^ home of Mr». Wn,. Abren., ' .»d "^ W.Uon, mother of Mrs. I street *£?• W,Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ogston visited] T1?e Yol° ^ ^ * Linu® Newman, Work at beach •v , » , , u„ , u picnic for all the boys parents Sun- and streets ... Herman Grossman in Clinton, Iowa, ^8^ William Fo8B *»»«.»••* Robert Patzke, Work on streets Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., Mrs. Neva Stubbings of Wauconda and Mrs. Albert Hafer of Fremont called on Mr* Lloyd Fisher Thursday. • Little Melvin Passfield injured hispeter Wirfs, Police service foot Saturday by stepping on a pitch w. C. Feltz, Supt. street serfork. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gould and daughters of Libertyville spent Thursday evening here with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser. The Volo Cemetery Society met atY J. McCracken, Supt. playthe home of Mrs. Alvin Case Thurs-| ground service day afternoon. Eight tables of cards r. i. Overton, Mayor service .. and bunco were played. Prizes were' Vernon J. Knox, City attorney Carl O. Swanson to . SSTtkS H^ry Mr,f! - V~ friends in honor of their fifteenth wed-1Jl11"'? N'ch°"s' Mlss„Ada -5°"e ' R' L- Web<!r. Tre«?»r?r scry!ce of death" as a disciplinary measure to insure party loyalty. Meanwhile, patronage dispensers here are await- ....«» ..$ 8.00 jing his return, if only for a short so- Labor John j journ, to clear up controversies among 12.001 job-hunters and their Congressiohal Labor, John < | sponsors. •••;• The international set in official Hfe Jack Smith, Labor John street , _[here expect great developments to -18.00 (flow from Mr. Roosevelt's speeches In Washington, August 10--Attention of the political 'world has now turned to President Roosevelt's doings in Southern primaries. The ending of his fishing trip brought him into t]|e political arena. His speech in Georgia is designed as an important feature, , _ of the inter-party -purge." Senator m^r heri^Mrs. Celia Dowe l. Walter George slated as the victim W. E. Brooks and Clinton Raven of what Roosevelt critics call "the kiss^«re ^usmess at »««»«. Wis., Saturday. aLocmrs LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ecping and Ro|>ert and Lyle Matthews were callers at Barrington Saturday evening.. Mrs. John R. Knox of McHenry was a supper guest recently at the 1mm of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping, Robert and Lyle Matthews and Mr. and Mrs. William Darrell and son, George, and daughter, Marylin, of Wfcuconda enjoyed a picnic stopper at Lake Geneva Sunday. Mrs. Harry Raeberg of Diamond Lake spent Sunday at the heme of her Canada.. He is booked to speak at Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk at Maple P!ark. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wallace of Lake Villa visited at the home of Willard Darrell Sunday. Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer spent last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Billie Foss, Jr., returned home Saturday, after spending the past ten S'00,Toronto August >8, when h. rtceive. hTmT'of M~" ^'mT^ 48.50 Borg at Davi, Lake. jagam a* * dedication of a bridge jjr an^ Mrs. Earl Converse spent vitally interested in the official posi- of Mrs. Philena Davis. last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Esser Spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Cicero spent the weekend at their cottage. Visitors at their home were Mr. and Mrs. Marti Milos of Chicago. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Pankonen Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stovner aiid daugh» ter, Ellen. Frank and Walter Schwab, all of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marsh of Chicago "spent the weekend at their cottage. A dinner was given by Mr. and Mrs. j tion of this country in regard to con temporary foreign affairs, anticipate I pointed remarks from the Chief Exec- I utive which still have much to do with I other governments. Defeated by a stubborn Senate in previous attempts . |to establish better relations with Canada with a view to hydro-electric powjZJO lob 34.50 Mrs. Wilbur Cook was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Underwood at Wauconda Monday. Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer spent last Monday at the home of Mrs. John Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nelson of Chiand park cago spent Monday at the home of Wm. Tesch, Work on streets and park Jack Smith, Labor, waterworks i°lnB^Zi!^'oMKl!h!"„'e.7iCe 195;oojp0rt^0r1^8 ^eas in-thiS- pr°3ec?' j^*ihom"ofK M^"nd*Mrs. (^"j^Burnett 1ftniMl)York removed the most formidable jj Burnett cottage and five acres of vice - force against the Roosevelt-St. Lawr-1 17 00 er along the St La,Wr®"Ce R!ver' Je I Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett 92 00 President .wil! Proba v bly the Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hansen of For- ' bridge dedication to obtain public sup-, est park were recent callers at the port for his ideas in this project. The home of Mr and Mrg G j Burnett death of Senator Copeland of New Mr. Hansen recently purchased the G. M. M. Niesen, Supt. waterworks service Fred C. Feltz, Supt. sewer ser- 50.00 ence plan. The late Senator blocked! Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murray and ratification of the waterway treaty in j children, Albert, Jr., Dorothy and Don- Q0 fl01 response to demands of constituents 0f Chicago were Sunday evening vice * l and thereby incurred the displeasure j callers at the home of Mr. and Mr: 40.00 | of the Empire State's former goverra nn'nor early in his Presidential term. A little publicized proceeding by the 50.00 30.00 Texas legislature in conducting , an inquiry this week into the heavy damages to a Federal dam at Buchanan Jack Geary. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Llo R. Zimmer and daughter, Joan, of Palatine were Sunday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond VanNatta ding anniversary at" the" TiiT S'.JftiJ"Sff fl" 10600 (Texa™) is like,y to have wideSpre.d',„d so" John"'and »nd of Elgin Casino. Thursday evening, August 4. I Dillion, Mrs. Joseph Wiser. A very j0hn A. Bolger, Alderman ser- Dinnejfguests at the home of Mr. d,i"^ ,u.?5h ^ serJed: ™ei - and MrS. Fred Dosch Sunday were meet I Edward J. Boss, Alderman serand Mrs. John Bishop and daughter1.1.' *' ,he home of MrS' W'",am Dl1"! vice -r--- Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Art Olson and"0^ „ . . Herman J. Kreutser, Alderman daughter, Arlene, all of Chicago. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Ka.ser and son Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swanson were .on "le ,atte? ™other> «"• [Joseph M. Regner, Alderman Chicago visitors Monday at the home '£?the"nc «' Sloc,"" » Ute of her sister, Miss Lillian Schonauer. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly and Genevieve Daw were Chicago visitors Saturday at the home of theTr son, Mr. and Mrs. George Daly. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swanson and daughter, Lois, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch and daughter, Josephine, were South Haven, Mrs. Wfehener returned to Lily Lake after spending a few days in Chicago. ------ service 40.00 Thursday evening. Fred Ferwerda, Alderman ser- A number of relatives gathered at vice the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Geo. P. Freund, Alderman ser- Dunker Sunday evening in honor of j vjce their daughter, June Adell's birthday Garfield Miller, Jr., Towing anniversary. j float to public beach Mrs. Rose Dunnell is a patient at Buss-Page Motor Sales, Gas the General hospital in Waukegan. 40 00 rePercussions on the power and flood spent last Friday at the home of Mr. " I control programs in the next Con- and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Jgress. It seems that residents in the Sr. M. Venard of Wauwatosa, Wis., ' {area were promised wonderful results(is spending this week with her sister, 4A nn from the erection of a dam in the low- Mrs. Jack Geary. er Colorado River costing $10,000,000. j Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler, Round Not long ago a flood mastered the gov- Lake, spent Saturday at the home of ernment dam causing damage to ad- Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nelson, who are vacationing at their cottage at An nn' 3acent lands estimated between $5,- ^•""lOOO.OOb and $12,000,000. The land- 4a qa owners are protesting that their wel-J William's Park spent last Friday even* I fare in flood control was entirely sub-jing at the G J. Burnett home. K flfl °rdinated to considerations of selling Harry Matthews was a business call- • i power generated at the dam. jer at Lake Zurich last Wednesday. The issue raised here as to whether: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner were flood control is more essential than visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mich., visitors" tTvu.'eos.djIa1y".!' - .T he. Volo Com.m unity Bible Sunday"-V'R.icfcnhaarrud Mmmilleerr , Hiraauuulinngg ggrr»avveeli 41.00 1c1h" euaup power pr1o0d,UucUeIdC unc=deorc ,aI" gaio vern-,Jac.k Gr- eary. er and daughters ^ •; Fonnded the T. M. C. In 1841 George Williams ^egan work for a London dry goods firm. Two years later he induced some of the employees to hold prayer meetings at regular intervals. In June, 1844, he, with 11 others, formed a society under the name of Young Men's Christian association. After serving as treasurer of the society from 1883 to 1885, he became president In 1894 he was knighted. urday. street sewer 200.00 water-harnessing schemes aimed pri- Mr. and Mrs. L. Jenngs, Mrs.. Law Kramer Boat Company, Sup- i-.-m _f -..ui:- ntni+iM The ntiiitv of Oak P*rk ^a n.d.. Mrs... .C .. Martin o«f.l| Dpniieess waterworks 111 mar,1y Public utilities. The utility t waierworKfe linvp hliindprpH an much m Burlingame, Calif., visited Mr. and paui e. Gerasch, Labor, sup- Mrs. Roy Passfield Sunday. j piies> waterworks ... Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dunker and!j0hn Stilling, Gas, battery sons of Crystal Lake visited Mr, and | rental ...... Mrs. Herman Dunker Sunday. 9.80 3.36 companies have blundered so much in recent years that they cannot effectively capitalize on the Texas incident. However, regions where Feder- McCULLOM LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Barth entertained Chicago friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madsen of Mc- The Beaufort Sea The Beaufort sea is that part of the Arctic ocean lying between Alaska and the Canadian Arctic late- "j**. HILLTOP INN- -2y2 Miles North of McHenry oil Boute 31- FRANK KEMPHEB, Prop, wp- SANDWICHES OF ALL KINDS ss=i-- Drinks of all Kinds -- SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY!- Try our Spareribs, barbecued, with French Fries -- 15c MI PLACE RESTAURANT Phone 192 JUSTEN & FREUND, Props, Green St. 9ALF SPRING FRIED CHICKEH -- 60c FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY FRESH PERCH [Adams & Freund, Water tank The M'Henry Piaindealer, Printing Illinois Bell Tel. Co., Telephone service .; McHenry Artifi<ciall Stone Co., Pumping water ...... G. A. Stilling, Fire truck storage Clarence Regner, • Hauling grave] and sand Earl R. Walsh, Office expense Mayme Buss, Clerical service, commission | Paul E. Gerasch, Labor, supplies, waterworks | Special Sewer Fund ...-- i Tony an Construction Co., Labj or, material, sewer Earl R. Walsh, Postage Paul E. Gerasch, Labor, supplies, sewer McHenry Floral Co.,' .Planting park vases Elmer J. Freund, Envelopes, postage : Henry C. Kamholz, Sewer supplies Wattles Drug Store, Sewer Supplies Paul E. Gerasch, LAbor, sewer Alexander Lumber Co., Materl ial j Harold Hobbs, Fireman service jTed Miller, Firemen service .. i Lester Page, Firemen service ! Kenneth Granger, Firemen ser- I vice ..... Floyd Covalt, Jr., Firemen 12 88 al .^aT8 arl kjV** probably take Collum Lake spent Saturday at Chiia tip from the Lone Star State and m» _-.'quire into all factors of flood control. ' 1 The militancy displayed by the Sen- 17.50 ate Campaign Expenditures Commit- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crick and family of McCollum's Lake spent Friday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski, daughter, Carol, and son, Kenneth, of Woodstpck were visitors at the home of 16.00 eran ^eel-horses on the verge ®f j08. A. Schaefer Sunday evening. i ,rv- Mr. and Mrs. E. Stacknick entertee is a marvel of the season. Their paying activities, apparently uncurb- I ed by partisan feeling, has the vet- 87.00 15.00 nervous prostration. The impression that serious challenges will follow the election® of candidates, who won out tained twenty-five guests Sunday. Mrs. I, Washburn entertained guests 172.88 I by free spending of private and public ^over the weekend. Her daughter and 2595 i un<^8 e^er b^ore or a*ter the P*"i- j son-in-law and Lucille Sharp and Normaries, has campaign managers on an,ton whitmore of Gardner, 111. -6 -g I anxious bench. No longer are election) Mr ^ Mrs g p Beatty of Mc- *76 00 *rau<^s treated flippantly for it is now Collum's Lake entertained Mr. and I obvious a day of reckoning is at hand Mrs. James Kirwin of Chicago at din- 436 74' or those who aspire to Senate seats. ner Sunday. «'go The Senate has numerous precedents Sunday, August 7, a surprise birth- " i for barring applicants whose elections were clouded by fraud. While candidates for political office 00 are rant'nP about taxes, the average ' orator is usually hazy about details. IS 94 The statistics pu^ out this week by • jthe Treasury Department are complig cated but interesting. It is too early, of course, to analyze the last returns. The figures for 1936 show that more 9 than one-half of the corporations rej potted deficits amounting to $2,156,- , .Jo84, 876. Individual returns for the 1.4o 3.00i 3.001 day party was given in honor of Mrs. Wm. Blythe and Mrs. Earl Blythe of Oak Park at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Halley. A party of forty or more guests were present. Among them were Miss Aileen Hare tmd fiance of California; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fitzpatrick of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Sullivan of Oak Park. Four generations were represented. Both guests received many beautiful present*. . Arthur Burg, Jr., of Los Angeles, Calif., is spending several days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Jankovsky, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jankovsky of Cicero and Miss Dorothy Rehor of Kansas City, Kansas, were Sunday visitors at the Arthur Thompson cottage. Mr. and Mrs. George Lehman spent the weekend „at A. Burg's cottage. Joyce Huska celebrated Iter ninth birthday by entertaining twelve of her playmates, who were James Sales, Billy and Dodo Schlitt, Jack and Bob Sales, Glenn and Junior Huska, Eleanor Schaefer, Geraldine Ninetz, Mary Burg and Marion Hall. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ellefsen and family of Bellwood, III., are visiting the Cylik's at McCollum for a few days. Mr. &qd Mrs. E. A. Morris and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Daylisle of Chicago are spending a week at the Kilfether cottage. Miss EI*ie Doberstein returned to Chicago Tuesday after spending several days at the home of her parents. Mildred Cylik of McCollum Lake visited act Chicago Tuesday. > •••' JOHNSBURG Tree* of Panama Heavily Tracked The trees in Panama are heavily trunked and grow to considerable height. They are perennially embraced with climbing vines and giant ferns grow at their base, forming a curtain so dense that the sun never penetrates through the thick foliage. Most of the mountains of Panama are covered by impenetrable jungles, inhabited by a great variety of animals and birds--tapirs, armadillos, zahinos, sloths, deer, rabbits, monkeys, jaguars, black bears (in the high regions of Chiriqui province), iguanas, macaws, parrots, parakeets, toucans, flamingoesj wild turkeys, ducks and geese. Mrs. Eva Hagvn and daughter, Mrs. > ' Ella Olsen of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo* Huamannr *' * Mrs. Jack Thies ftnd son, Jackie, and 1 Mrs. John King of McHenry called on Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers Tuesday evening. V Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin : .V spent Sunday in the home of her • mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski and chfl« dren of Woodstock called on Mr. and I Mrs. George King Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Ward of Ivanhee visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode v ; Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schmitt are the parents of a son, borir August 5. . Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wagner of Volo-' were callers here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and' daughter, Nancy; of Chicago spent- Sunday in th«l home of Mr. and Mrs. ' Stephen H. Smith. , ^ r Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bildner attend- V ed the funeral of Mrs. Bildner's brother in Chicago Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. Peter May of Spring js. : Grove were callers here Sunday eventoSf • • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoffien, daugh- 1?/^ ter, Judith, Genoa, Wis., visited with • Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thiel Sunday "afternoon. v Mike Schaefer and Miss Gertrude Schaefer entertained relatives from' Chicago over the weekend. . Mr. and Mrs. George Frett and children of Woodstock visited with relatives here Sunday. Joe Schmitt of Beloit, Wis., was a caller here Wednesday. Mrs. Richard Guyser and sons are • visiting with relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huff and family" and Paul Huff of Greenwood were callers here Sunday evening. Miss Agnes Schmitt of Chicago • spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Schrhitt. Miss Katherine Schmitt of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with ber brother, Joe, M. Schmitt. J . Rubber Stamps at The Piaindealer Eyes Examined Phone: McHenry 123-J Woodstock 674 If. Paul A. Schwabe OPTOMETRIST & THURSDAY MORNINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY UJVKOST-PIR'MILE cam fvtdttriiA STANDARD DED CROWN •ASOLINi GET SOME FROM YOUR STANDARD OIL DEALER 20.00 1.00 PINK HARRISON'S of Pistakee Bay FRIED CHICKEN PLATE LUNCH --^ 6#-^ Tasty Sandwiches ..••---- Delicious Drinks Dancing Every Saturday Throughout The Season - Barbara Horick's Orchestra Now Open THE VOGUE COCKTAIL LOUNGE AND DINING •a, ROOM AT LILY LAKE, ILLINOIS featuring just Good Drinks and Good Food " at Popular Prices ^ -f We invite you to enjoy our most unique atmosphere, ROY V. HOBBS, Mgr. fcoo 85.00 Linus Newman, Firemen ser-. vice Marshall-Jackson Co., File | folders |B, D. Price ft Co., Pipes, waterworks Homelite Corporation, Centrifugal pump and suction hose .283.89 Public Service Co., Bracket light service 158.18 Public Service Co., Ornamental light service 95.31 Public Service Co., Service at city hall Public Service Co., Service at pumping station Public Service Co., Sewer light Public Service Co., Sewer light Public Service Co., Sewer powsame year increased 18.3 per cent. The aggregate net income shown on 1936 tax returns is $19, 240,109,644 or an increase of 29 per cent over the 00' amount reported in 1935 returns. The | schedules with the expectation of busi- _n 'ness recovery taking many non-taxable concerns "out of the red" into the revenue producing class. The La- Follette idea of lowering the exemptions in order to reach several million citizens not now contributing is resisted by politicians as a dangerous scheme. These advocates of higher revenue proprose to boost taxes on business, but the figures show this well runs dry under restrictive taxes. Talk at garden parties where the big-wigs gather after office-hours centers on such topics as Senator Bennett Clark as a Democratic Presidential "i candidate sponsored by the conservaft Jtive wing; the improbability of a 8®*r: i Supreme Court appointment before ; the elections to the vacancy caused by I the death of Justice Cardoza; specula- _ j tion as to Wage and Hour Administra-, , j' ""j j ? itor Andrews' role with the Depart- Motion by Freund, seconded "T j rnent of Labor, meaning uncertainty Bolger, to renew compensation insur-,ag ^ jn(jependence or dependence: ance with The Iowa Mutual Liability on jjjss pt.rkins for early guidance. Insurance Company and pay the estimated premium of $150.00. Motion carried. < •'Motion by Buss, seconded by Regner, to have the City Attorney send term of three (3) years. Motion carried. Motion by Freund, seconde d, b y Buss, to pass Resolution as read, desletter to Illinois State Highway Designating West McHenry State Bank partment- regarding flood water on;as depository'for funds of Robert L. property adjacent to State Highway; Weber, City Treasurer. Motion carnumber 31 in the south portion of [McHenry. Motion .carried. j Motion "by Ferwerda, seconded by ! Freund, to accept new Public Service contract calling for rate reduction, for ried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by egner, to adjourn. Motion ca EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. rve called the made an app°'n . . . invited the Darro^ dentist .. nlng. . . t o l d t h e w dinner Friday <"* ordered to net Bob's suit. • ® cleaner to g iw| for Mary the ^ flovoers ILLINOIS BE •"'.'•J. TELEPHONE COMPANY -k

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