:• . _N: yn.. • < ; .... v •• • .•_. < W," , , 4Sjt*r.S^^iT^q^Xl HcHuntT KuwDiiiam : Thursday, August 11, 1931 *JHE MUENRY PLAMOflLER Published every Thursday at Mc- 111, by Charles F. Renich. Entered as second-class matter, at > rj|he postoffice at McHenry, 111., under " rthe act of May 8, 1879. > "' £ -...$2.00 $1.00 Year Months MOSfllER Editor and Manager MILADY'S AFFAIRS r. -» • p Inflamed Lumps In the Neck By SvS OR. JAMES W. BARTON ... © Ball Sy*dJc«t«.»--WNU Scrvic*. More girls than boys in England forant to go to sea. / Wrestling contests by women. In a anud ring are held in California. >/4 Sixteen per cent of the civil serv- V:> :.jjce-workers in the United States are. .'women. . />v Three hundred thousand nurses iire employed in 6.600 hospitals' in country. -X-' 1 /• Racing tiny sport models by ffin- "% I.!. ^- 'Itin*" them 'is a; new sportamong the in France. V.'"v'^S v „ Most of the young girls who ap- V Z' ,/®ear in - London police courts are •accused of shoplifting. i ii i Eighteen of the twenty-five principal countries in the world have . granted theoretical full suffrage to' - • Women. ® For their progress in mechanical plowing, members of Russia's women's tractor brigade have been presented automobiles. ' FOOTNOTES Dyes and cosmetics have been found in pre-Inca ruins in South America. £ The Netherlands East Indies, rerted nearly eighty tons of quinine >t year. , Di. Barton A law giving citizenship to all native-born Indians passed bjr Congress in 1924. . Fifteen per cent of the American production of motor vehicles is sold outside the United States. Ten different forms of vitamin D, *0 it occurs in various animal and plant sources, have been detected. - There are 55,000 amateur shortwave radio operators in the world, find about 40,000 of them are in America. French cooking .possesses approximately 1,400 sauces, yet every Trench chef's ambition is to create • new one. AROUND THE WORLD The University of Paris hat more ian 35,000 students. The Yorick is one of the principal dubs of Melbourne, Australia. New Zealand has the highest per «apita foreign trade in the world. Gold and diamonds are the chief products of the Union of South Africa. ;;;; • . Berlin is now the third largest «ty in the world, next to New York and London. New Zealand claims its people consume more meat and butter than •ny other country. in t ^ Noise in London subways has -ifeeen reduced as much as 40 per eent by using wejded tube rails. Most London men are between twenty-five and thirty when they marry, while London women are between twenty-one and twenty-five. WORTH REMEMBERING ; No man is free who is not master of himself.--Epictetus. Never find your delight in another's misfortune.--Publius Syrus. In trouble to be troubled is tohave your trouble doubled.-i-Daniel foe. • There is no misfoftuile but to bear it nobly is good fortune.--Marcu Aurelius. . u^ . _ . It is one thing to show a man that be is m error, and another to put Locke? P°*sfessi0n °* truth.--John The feelqip of satiety, almost in-, separable from large possessions, is a surer cause of misery than ungratified desires Disraeli. Flinch not,--neither give up hor despair, if the achieving of everv act in accordant with right principle is not always continuous with thee.--Marcus Aurelius. ON THE SIDELINES The annual catch of whales in the Antarctic exceeds 10,000. • Hearing is less acute, after a £ileavy meal, a physician explains. The greenest leaves of salad plants contain the most vitamins. There are three times as many parts in a piano as in an automobile. ---~ -- WE HAVE fill seen children with a lump in the neck-- an enlarged lymphatic gland. The gland is really a filter which takes out poisons from the lymph and then, allows the poison to go back into the blood stream in small amounts so that the system can absorb it gradually. Thus in infected tonsils it is not unusualfor these swollen glands to hold some of the poison within their tis-, sues for as long as two years after the tonsils h&ye been removed. Now aK swollen gland can be a source of gradual poisoning of the system, particularly if the youngster is run down, has infection in teeth, tonsils, sinuses or has tuberculosis; It is often of help to him physically therefore to have the gland come down to its normal size again. . Removal May Be Wise. If the gland is broken down it is usually removed by surgery, but naturally the physician or surgeon does not like removing any lymph glands because "every gland that is needlessly removed weakens by just so much the ability of the system to protect itself against all infections. However, it is a serious mistake to allow enlarged glands to cause such inflammation of the surrounding tissues as to make it necessary to remove parts of muscles, with the possibility during operation of injuring important nerves and blood vessels." When the gland is actively inflamed-- adenitis--causing pain or distress, the X-ray is now being used. An elderly man consulted his physician about a pain in inner side of his right knee. Examination showed a flat foot which allowed the lower let (beldw knee) to swing inward thus putting strain on inner side of knee. A plaster cast was taken of the foot, a support made, and the pain in the knee disappeared. Flat feet are common and if not brought up by exercise or supports or both, it may mean other symptoms besides painful feet. The knee joint and all the joints in the spine .between bones are put under a strain when the arch of the foot falls. ' The first thought in the majority of cases of flat foot is to try to strengthen the muscles which hold up the arch of the foot, making the foot look like a claw. Two simple exercises done twice daily to « count of 20 each are: 1. Trying to grasp a marble or other object with the toes. 2. Raising the body slowly from heel to'toe, holding a few seconds, and then^coming down slowly. A third exercise is to walk around the room three times on the outer sides* "oTThe Jeer." * Results can often be obtained in six weeks to six months) in- hot water lor 1 exercise and for exercise will preireness caused by ien the individual greatly overweight, or take exercise, arch supports, piSperl^ fitted, act at a crut^i aqd £ive jnuch relief. Root-Qrpwth Factor Is - Found ry Acid Testing A clew to the mystery of what takes place in a;plant to make it form roots when certain chemicals are applied has been found in simple experiments by Dr. William C. Cooper of the United States department of agriculture. Compounds containing indolic acid when applied to stems or leaves cause a rapid, growth of functioning roots. Dr. Cooper, has discovered that the active substance is a factor within the plant. He used lemon plant cuttings in three groups. The first he planted in their normal state. The second had the stem ends painted with indole- acetic acid, and they produced far more roots than the normal group. The third group he treated with the root-forming substance but did not plant immediately. Instead, he cut off the treated portion and applied indole-acid to the stem end. He then planted the cuttings, but got no better root-forming results than from the untreated group. The explanation, Dr. Cooper said, is that the indole-acetic acid attracts to the part of the plant to whic\JlJ9 aPPlied a substance in the PPfflp which causes root formation. Iff the third group this substance was attracted to the stem end, and when he cut off these ends there was little of the substance left to respond to the second application of the acid. It takes about 40 hours to draw to "the end of the stem all of the root-forming substance. Marries Dream Girl After Fifty Years Canton, Ohio.--Norman Oberlin has married the girl of his dreams after a 50-year wait. Now "seventy-five, Oberlin was engaged to Miss Electa Snyder in 1888. They had is lovers' quarrel. Miss Snyder married another man and Oberlin bided his time. Miss Snyder's husband died several years ago. By chance Oberlin met his youthful sweetheart near here recently. Now Mr. and Mrs. Oberlin are honey-" mooning in Florida. ROLLING ALONG Ultra really are just two auto speeds lawful and awfuL The steepest railway in the world is in the canton of Ticino in Switzerland. Safe. driving will permit the sending of the ever-weleome message--"Arrived after pleasant trip." BRIDEGROOM FINDS DAD FOR ONLY GIRL Parent and Daughter Had Been Separated 20 Years. five min five minu vent or the Hfcer " For Eire's first house of parliament, the Dail Eireann, pronounce it doll Ay-run. Denver.--In an atmosphere electric with emotion there came a knock at the door. It was opened, and a young bride of two months cried, "Dad!" "My girl!" exclaimed her father, his eyes sparkling with tears of happiness Thus was Eugene Eastman reunited with his youngest daughter whom he had not seen in 20 years. They were separated when Mrs. Mamie Eastman, Eugene's wife, died while he was recovering from a serious injury caused by a mine explosion at Georgetown, Colo. There was nothing to do but send Jean and her three sisters to their aunt, Mrs, Edna Bemis of Seattle. The years went by. Eastman got out of the hospital &nd was able to work again. The children had started to school in Seattle. He didn't have much money, and how was a poor miner going tp take care of four little girls anyway? Jean's sisters grew up and were married, and a few months ago Jean herself followed her sisters to the altar. Her husband, Mr. Neustadter, arranged the meeting, which took place in Denver, as a wedding presnt or hours after the'reunion father daughter were unable to do much more than look at one another. "We haven't had time to plan anything," said Mrs. Neustadter, "but this calls for a celebration, doesn't it?" Eastman nodded. And Neustadter beamed on both of them. •' . ' . Pygmies Kill Elephants by Running Under Them Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.--Strange tales of African pygmies who hunt elephants by running under them and stabbing their stomachs and who allow themselves to be hugged by giant gorillas in order to stab them are told by four Italian explorers who arrived here. The pygmies, who were found in Tanganyika, were described as being 3% feet high. "When they first saw us they scampered into the trees," said one of the members of the exposition. "They inhabit the Ituri forests and have a peculiar way of hunting. They kill elephants with spears from underneath and. let six-foot gorillas hug them and then they stab the gorillas through the middle with a spear." Giants, too, were encountered on the journey. These huge tribesmen, called the Uatussi, were found at Lake Kivu and the explorers described them as "the most beautiful race in Africa." All the men, the explorers say, have beautiful bodies, paint their faces and wear white dress with red decorations. They keep harems and the women in them are attractive. The explorers were Count Gigi Martinoni and Count Salvadego of Brescia; Segnor Gino Campello of Rome, and a mechanic who looked after their two motor cars in which they trekked for six months. YOU MAY NOT KNOW^ -i Sure Way to Kill Shark: Kiss Him, He's Goner York.--The Rev. A. J. Laplante admits he can't explain it, but the natives of the Fiji islands can and do subdue sharks by kissing them. The Catholic priest, on leave after ten years as a missionary on Viti Levu in the Fiji group, told about it at the headquarters for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. "It's some occult power they have which I can't define," said Father Laplante, "but once the native kisses it, that shark never moves again." The shark killing by kissing occurs about twice a year, the missionary explained, when the natives want to make a drive for food for tribal feasts, or when they want to make the swimming holes safe for their children. Dog Retrieves Wallet lrf)rain, Ohio.--Walter Wilker's dog, "Buddy," retrieved for his master a billfold he had lost. The half-spitz, half-wirehaired terrier found Wilker's wallet and returned it with $17 intact. School's Bell Stolen Contra. Costa, Calif.--THi Lone Tree school here is bell-less. Thieves climbed to the top of its 35- foot tower and in some way made off with^the 500-pound belL Woodchucks Good Chock y^oodchiicks provided much good food for the pioneers, who prized the meat highly . . and from the hides of the animals they made the best whip lashes and shoe laces. Ruled Game Belongs to Stats Iti 1896 the United States Supreme court recognized the principle that the game of the country belongs not to the landowner, but to the state, held in trust for its citizens. Approximately $,000,000state huntmg licenses are issued each year in the United States. ~ Lavender water I* fft alcoholic perfume, made by dissolving lavender oil in dilute alcohol. """" Tantalum, a rare metal worth $2,500 a ton, has been discovered near Darwin, Australia. Imprisonment can now be inflicted in Germany on those- who use public telephones to annoy others. Kyanite, used in rqanufacture fire brick, having high hect reliance, is mined in northeast Georgia. Feeding times of animal? in t?;e San Diego (Calif.)••.zoo £?tnge fro-st: five timet /daily;r: months. - In the last 10 years the American Red Cross has spent more than $56,000,000 for relief and rehabilitation of disaster victims. A Missouri shareholder, who started out eight years ago with $75, is now worth $50.000_ and owns a large and profitable farm'. " 3 The wajer of the 2uider Zee in Holland nb longer contains salt. This is a natural consequence of the construction of the dike closing the Zuider Zee. TO* SALS NEW LEVELS OF PATRIOTISM By • , LEONARD A. BARRETT FOR SALE--Milk, 20 cents per gal.; Bring your own container.' Magnus Nelson, H mile west on Route 20. 9-tf FOR SALE Excavating - Sand - Gravel . Dirt and Sod -- Estimates given without obli fcation. Special prices on woiiK appreciate yo«fr calling, mie Fitzgerald, Phone McHenry 207-J •10-0 Ilia popular idea of a patriot is 'one who loves his country and defends her honor." H o w e v e r , t h e word country is not clearly defined. Does it meaft that patritrtism is the'expression of love for the geographical boundary lines of one's native land? How can one love an acre of ground, or its rocks and rills? One can admire a mountain and feel the deep sense of awe as he climbs to its summit, but love it? It is impossible! As one does not love a bouse, but the spirit within . tllat ^ouse» so one does not love his WANTED TO BUY--One more crio-i na*iv® terms of its material pled or down cow or horse. Must be' vu^ ^ rather its spirit which i» FOR SALE--Light work team, reasonable. Call Fred, McHenry 662-W-l. i *12 FOR SALE--30 breeding ewes. Cheap if taken at once, Ray Page, McHenry, 111., Phone 130-J. «12 FOR SALE--One roll top desk. Phone 64J. 12 WAHTSD alive. You'll get more cash by calling Wheeling 102. We buy old pei horses. Shot on the premises if desired. ..DEAD ANIMALS--We pay more cash for dead animals if called at once. Try us for prompt and sanitary service. ..Wheeling 102--Reverse Charges. Sundays and Holidays included. , 43*26 WANTED--Girl or Woman for housework. Private room, board, wages. Steady. McHenry 647-J-l. *12 FOR RE NT TO RENT--Kirk's Kottages KaMns. Riv. frt., $10-$X5 wk.; by day, $1 per- ^ son; mod- conv., fully equipped; fish! malice in her heart toward bathe, boat. South end of. Fair Oalts who were to take her life. liberty, democracy and freedom. The older idea of patriotism called for a loyalty to an institution rather than a cause; to an organization rather than an organism; to a fact rather than a principle.. We have learned many lessons" from the World war. Perhaps one of the most valuable lessons was a new level of patriotism revealed in the utterance of Edith Cavell at the time of her martyrdom, for such her cruel death was. Edith Cavell died a martyr to the cause of a higher patriotism Which acknowledged the spirit of forgiveness as well as that of love for country. In that .last hour she knew that patriotism was not enough; that there should be tub thoST Sub, Phone 661-M-i. *11-3! MISCELLANEOUS It takes courage to dit for one's country. It takes consecration of that courage to forgive an enemy: for forgiveness is the highest ex- OF INTEREST TO WOMEN Women are barred as deacons in the Church of England. About ten times as many Wbmen have goiter as do men. The American Association of University Women has 730 branches. Philadelphia's 38 publi^ pools have 111 lifeguards, 35 of' them women. th€ A church is being built in Southwick, England, to the memory of mothers. Fourteen of the 144 members of the county council of London, England, are women. Mothers with infants in arms can see and listen to the service in a London church which has installed a glass-wa|led balcony. Fifteen great-grandmothers and 35 grandmothers received diplomas in graduating exercises recently in New York English and citizenship class. AS THE WORLD TURNS No one ever has caught a mature eel at sea. Utopia, Kan., according to the last census, has six inhabitants. Sand from the Sahara desert has been found in the Swiss Alps. Steel rails on a north and south railway track last longer than those laid east and west. Tax returns in one Kansas county showed only one rug and two shotguns owned by inhabitants. Fifteen hundred pairs of opera glasses were stolen last year from slot machines in London theaters. The ultra-micrometer at the United States bureau of standards can detect differences of one one-billionth of an inch. Without using the upper one-third of the branches, a single Sequoia tree yielded 3,000 posts, 650,000 shingles and 100 cords of firewood. ?rXff°.NSIBL,r,FOr KeM. Co„J ST-idS tracted by anyone but myself after August 11, 1938. *12 LILLIAN M. VENABLE. GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 167 or 631-M-l. 2-tf FLOOR SANDING --Beautify your home by resurfacing your floors with latest dustless equipment. Old floors made new. Estimates furnished. Work guaranteed. Henning Newman, 932 Marvel Ave., Woodstock, Phone 451-M. 41-26 TREE SPECIALIST--Spraying, pruning, feeding; cavity treatment. Twelve years' experience. LEO P. THORNHILL, McHenry. Phone 129-J. Call anytime. 8_tf The Name Moira The name Moira is at form of the Celtic Moragh and means "the great." It is also used in Ireland as a variant of Mary. There is another Moira which is of Greek origin and means "destiny." In classic legend it may refer to any one of the three fates. High Points in the U. S. The highest point in northeastern United States is Mount Washington, Coos county, New Hampshire, 6,288 feet. The highest elevation in Maine is Mount Katahdin, Piscataquis county, 5,268 feet, and in Vermont it is Mount Mansfield, Lsmoille county, 4,393 feet. * Sheep Dogs Stop, Look, Listen Sheep dogs in northwestern England are trained to keep a special lookout for trains wherever pastures run near railroads, and to keep the sheep away from the tracks when they hear an approaching locomotive. Library Cost $6,006,000 The Library of Congress was completed in 1897 at a cost of $6,000,000. standing between human beings. After all, our great national history does not stand in deeds alone, but in the spirit back of those deeds of valor. The spirit of our country is expressed not only in those cardinal principles which won our liberty, but also in the spirit which preserves liberty and hands it down to succeeding generations. Loyalty to the preservation of our liberty demands a level of patriotism exemplified by Edith Cavell. Forgiveness, freedom from malice, and the elimination of attitudes that feed the flames of hatred and increase bitterness -- these must leaven our patriotism today. A new level of patriotism cannot regard one's country as a separate unit in the family of nations; it sees nations as part and parcel of the entire human race. It acknowledges the fact that all nations suffer when one nation suffers, and that no nation can live' alone and keep alive its national inheritance. When the Founder of Christianity died the Roman world was on the verge of despair. It was a new day when Constantine, fighting the battle of the Milvian bridge, saw the sign of the Cross and under it the words, "By this sign--conquer." It will be a new day in our war-torn world when we also see the sign of the Cross of forgiveness for past wrongs and yield to the willingness to share with others the privileges of our national idealism. When the world believes that the principles which unite are more important than those that divide, then shall humanity be imbued with a patriotism adequate for the protection and perpetuity of a national and an international heritage. War, always destructive, will have no claim upon our thinking. As a musician's soul is filled with his music, and an artist's mind with his conception of beauty, so our love for our country's honor will enable us to rise to that new level of patriotism characterized by a spirit of forgiveness that will outlaw war and bind nations together in pursuit of peace. e We item Newspaper Union. BOOSTER CLUB The East River Road Boosters CI me^ at the M. A. Suton home at Emt aid Park last Sunday afternoon wi a large crowd in attendance. A very interesting talk was given by Stephen H. Freund and a basket of vegetables was given to Anto; Wayland, a summer resident at G wold Lake. A business meeting will be held <11 the Sutton home Sunday, August 21^ when election of officers will »»inf place. % Among the Sick >•##11 111 >!»% Mrs. R. I. Overton returned homis from Victory Memorial hospital, Wat»> kegan Thursday of last week and i| slowly improving rrom her recent ©iff? eration. Bells Annoanee Births - Every time a child is born fr| Rehren, Germany, bells proclaim^ the birth. A schoolhouse is equipped.' with a peal. In the parish, archives'S * /, it is recorded that Germany wiUf ^ remain always young as long as ; Yv many children are born to her.. The bells-ring 10 minutes for each child. " Grave of a Lonely Man / Near a highway in Hyde county, ?•»"* - North Carolina, is the grave of a ; ' man who requested he be burieds®f| close to the road. He had been'. *•"1 ; lonely all his life and wanted to be>:C-,. close to passerby.' •_ A*P H A S T H E V A L U E S ! 4^SSK CMTCII. FCK LIE ERHA BEANS . 6£&2Sc FFFIFFDMSSIM . jfo 27c stKfrrr.. .T&J* CHIIJSAUCf . . STL IOC] s-ez. ma. ANN MM WMNTKM, MKN, MM. PRESERVES . . 4 jar 29C j Fine Granulated SUGAR 10-lb. cloth bag 49c 100-lb. bag $4.85 cols inua MMK SALMON . gftftinfo ? . $ko: 29c! tt-LS. PKO. &Sc { SMCIAL om*18 tatn Boa I owl Tea Spooaa roan tot oatar M i oovpon from N*«t*r Tm. • SULTANA » JAR < P(SQ. lAel; 2tCtAiN?S. 23ci1 •I *1 PEflnUT BIITTIft 2 it 23c 24-lB. * Baeen Squares, per lb. Veal Sausage, V2 lb Wilson's Certified Pigs Feet, 14-ox. jar ... .. 15c Idaho Red Triumph Potatoes, pk. 33c Elberta Peaches, 5 lbs. for ---- 25c I A BRIEF AND BREEZY Rats, mice, pigeons and sparrows are germ carriers. Registration of architects is required in 39 states. - Nearly 6,000,000 briar pipes were made in England last year. Nine of the 20 islands in the Hawaiian group are inhabited. Rayon burns with a flash, leaving an ash and a smell of burning paper. • t --^ The day-bed, so popular with apartment dwellers, is of French origin. Displays of the aurora borealis, or northern lights, are more frequent at times of sun-spot maximum. Exchange of the fingerprints of criminals is now carried on with 81 foreign countries and territorial possessions. Brachiosaurus Bones on View Berlin's , Natural Science museum has on exhibition the skeleton of a prehistoric brachiosaurus, 50 feet long and nearly 40 feet high, which was found in East Africa. ^ Derived From Archery The term "God save the mark" is derived from archery, and is an expression to avert evil. When a man hit the mark he prayed that another archer might not hit it and thus disturb his arrow. Tried Our ILS h Ask for it at your favorite tavern Chas. Herdrich & Son, Dist. X