•X-N n • O, 4; * .« , * ? ;^r.-» • *,v '-T-^ <V-\ */ .- . /;•,s . ./-^ •• \ ^ >m±<» « • W-* • v'v ~V», .V ,*>,! k ' »">>'• "V- ••--Mi-" THE KcHENR? PLAINDEALER Ss? taj' ' 1,1 • THE LURE Of PERFECTION • NR LEONARD A. BARRETT r. V $?}$ In a sylvan retreat, a man carved out of rough wood a flower box. The silence of the forest was interrupted by the voice of a duke who had been watching the man work. Said the duke, "Why are you striving to make a common flower box so perfect when it is intended jto hold only dirt?" The man replied, "It would be impossible for me to make it box, thoughfit hold only the soil of the; forest, any less perfect than the Man of Galilee, the Master Workman, would have made it." The,duke replied, "Who are you that you should even mention the name cf the Galilean?" And the man answered, -"I am Michelangelo."'. . In our day, an appeal tor. absolute perfection soiinds absurd. Fixed standards are frankly tabooed by many people. Idealism is considered inconsistent with the demands, of our practical age. It seems too dreamlike and sentimental. Success is measured in this age by tangible results expresses} in terms of statistical tables rather than in the beauty of perfection. The attitude that anything is all right if yon can "get away with it" is unworthy of the progress of human achievement. Such an attitude will involve us in tragic results. A wrong or imperfect calculation cannot make a work final. A slight error in computing the strain to be borne by the girders of a bridge may cause a collapse of the structure. An error in reading the thermometer, if no more than one degree, may bring disastrous results to the patient with high fever. Wrong information on a, hospital chart is a serious matter. A noted writer has formed the habit of writing one play a week and then destroying it when it is completed. By this process of perfection, the writer won a Pulitzer prize. Perfection requires continuous effort. - The lure of perfection demands not only the elimination of all possible mistakes in our creative work twlet Tol d Tal«s SIXTY YEARS AGO Isaac Wentworth has been,making some good and long needed improvements, in front of his residence, by trimming up the hedge which has been an eye scratcher so long in that vicinity. Frank Welsh, formerly employed in the pickle factory here, has, we learn, been engaged to "superintend the manufacturing of pickles at the Crystal Lake, factory. " ^ V Camping and fishing parties pb-' tain a good light by soaking a common brick 4n kerosene oil for ten J Hawley minutes. The brick absorbs the oil, Lakes, and upon being suspended with .wire and ignited a brilliant light, last for half an hour is obtained. ; ' A. P. Lynn and wife of Chicago are visiting friends in this village. RINGWOOD DONATIONS TOR BOAT •"* RACES, WONDIS LAKX Jm. Thamson • FIFTY YEARS AGO Ladies muslin skirts, a good quality, 35 cents, worth 65 cents. Black satin parasols, best bargains of the season. Ladies white dressing sacques, fine quality. At Ladies Salesroom. , W. A. Cristy has been treating his barn to a new coat of paint which makes it present a bright and handsome appearance. A company of about forty-five surprised Geo. W. Owen, at Hickory Glen, Pistauqua Bay, on Saturday evening last, it being his birthday. Mrs. Owen had a fine supper spread and all had a joyous time for a few hour?. v The enterprising ftrm of Stoffel & Blake, whose store can be found in Riverside block, have just put a new steamboat on the river, to run between this village and Fox Lake. Mrs. Louis Schroeder entertained Jerry s Place, Wonder Lake the Scotch Bridge Club at her home!Frank Hitchens, Ins. Agent .... Wednesday afternoon. Prises were Service Station awarded to Mrs. Joe McCannon a n d ,Wm-/Kubovy, Wonder Lake .... Mrs. flay Peters. J ^ Wtood, Mgr. of Sales at Mrs. George Shepard and son, How-f„ ard, were callers at Elgin Saturday R- Engle^n) Mgr. of Sales at morning I Wonder Mrs. FrancesReed, Richmond, spent c< Halastrom, Salesman .......... Wednesday wither daughter, Mrs. c> L Wertz> Well-driller Ernest Snyder. il. Frederickson, Bldg. Con. at Mr. and Mrs, D» L. Hall, Mr., ind Wonder Lake Mrs C. L. Harrison and Mr. and Mrs-. IK. Fairchild Grocery H. M. Stephenson attended the funer-jM. G. Thall, Salesman al of Mrs. Lucy Thomas at Woodstock. McHenry Lumber Co Sunday. Landstrom Con. Co., Bldg. Con. Mrs. Jennie Charles and daughter,' of Chicago Mary,-and Mabel and Elsie Murphy of (Ringwood Inn ........ Greenwood Were callers at the home E. E. Nelson, Salesman...!?..... of Wayne Foss Thursday afternoon, j Louis Hawley Grocery .............. Mr. and Mrs. Frances Allen of Chi-|H. Ehlert, Crystal Lake .:... cago were Sunday dinner guests of B. Dietz, Atlas Dist., McHenry Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal and family. | Jos. Weber, Plumber. McHenry. The Ringwood and Greenwood New Way Laundry churches combined and held church C. Meyers, Edelweiss Dist. ...... services and a picnic in Thompson's P. E. Conway, Dairy, W'dstock woods Sunday. (Barnard's Mill LeRoy and Shirley . Neal, Lorraine Oak Park Hotel, Pistakee Mazz, Meryln Tremayne and Shirley Fox Valley Wholesale, Elgin ..^ ppent Thursday lit. Twin J. C. Thies & Co., McHenry .. jEarl R. Walsh, Ins. Agent, 'Mc*; ...« * .25 WONDER LAKE O'HA Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Storer enter- 2-OOtained Mr. and Mrs.v Fred Krueger, onn Mi38 Frances Showen and Herman Schroeder of Chicago at their home over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. A. Howe and daughter of Winnetka were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Zebold Sunday. 2.00 1.00 Wnu M. Carroll Attorney ^ Woodstock, Illinois ? EXECUTOR'S NOTICE^ flWMl Although Spanish ia thi ,, language of the republic of Paraguay, Quarani ia most used by a* majority of the country's million to* habitants. Estate of Frank Grasser, Deceased The undersigned, Executor of the 2.00 """ """• vre"- l,cuu'u cn*uu»y. last Will and Testament of Frank j Tlioo' Mr- and Mrs. E. E. Nelson and chil- j Grasser, deceased, hereby gives notice 1*001 dren are enjoying a week's vacation at, that he will appear before the County t !' their home near Hayward, Wis. Court of McHenry County, at the 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Duffy, Mr.,Court House in Woodstock, on the' 1.00 and Mrs. fcrank Bailey, Miss Theresa!19th d*y of September, A. D. 1938, at , 1.00'Crysler, "Mfta Julia Sedmaraski and,which time W™ having claims 2.00 Frank Zummer of Chicago were week- ««wnst said Estate are notified and, lend guests of Mr. and Mrs. W: C.1 requ0sted to attend for the purpose of 5.00 Graffe in Wonder Renter. J having the same adjusted. All per- ] sons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 10th day of August, AD. 1938. . ^ . GERALD J. CAREY, • Executor. ;/ (Pub. Aug. u-18) ;. 1,00 1.00 6.00 l.bo 5.00 1.00 The model home in Lookout Point Subdivision has recently been sold to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Carrol of Chicago. Mrs. Walter Strehlow of Edison Park is the guest of Mrs. Warren 5*00' ^°^n80n *his week. 5^001 Mrs. Eva Moore of Chicago is vis- 3t00 iting at the home of Mrs. G. Sadler (Hugh A. Deneen and Nathan Schwartz 8,00 this week. .f" | Attorneys. f« the Plaintiff 3,00" Mrs. K. Fairchilds entertained at al^ATF oir TT J&OO one o'clock luncheon at her home on : JL' Thursday. Guests were Mrs. ^ McHENRY, SS. 2,00 Kellar, Mrs. E. E. Nelson, Mrs. Carl ' IN THE CIRCUIT COl^©i|;|k- 2.00' Holstrom, Mrs. Urban Janisch and, HENRY COUNTY Dr. C. Keller OPTOMETRIST Is now permanently located in McHenry at his summer home on Riverside Drive. Forty-six years experience testing eyes and making glasses. Oall for Appointaaetfl, AH kinds of Repairs--Tel. 211-R , "I Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson, daugh-. Henry ter, Virginia, w!ere, Sunday supper Wattles Drug Store, McHenry _-- T .>T guests in the Lee Huson home at Lib- Althoff Hdwe., McHenry ........... 2.00 (Mrs. Mares. After the luncheon, the, THERESA FREEDMAN, e r t y v i l l e . • . j D o c L o u i s I n n , R i n g w o o d 1 . 0 0 . a f t e r n o o n w a s s p e n t p l a y i n g c a r d s . | v s * Wayne Foss spent Sundajr at Genoa Brown's Drug Store, Ringwood l.po| Mr. and Mrs. George Moroman and GEORGE J. HUNT, et al. City. ' " « j Ringwood Garage 1.00 (Roy Stockbridge of Chicago spent Miss Lorraine Mats of Chicago is Vycital Hdwe., McHenry 5.001 Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Matvisiting Shirley Neal. | Kramer Boat Co., McHenry .... 5.00 (tingly in Wonder Center. Charlie's Repair Shoe Next Door Ts Hoot Noooan's v On U. 8.12 Radiators Repaired Bodies and Fenders . 8traigbtened . 4 ttgtf Painting Furniture Upholstering CHARLES RiETESEL ,[\F J *<• > •* *i , *• ^ v:.v. \ N«" U IN CHANCERY--Gen. No. 27976. FORTY YEARS AGO The Chicago Long Distance Telephone company have been putting but also a clear vision of the goal phones in«t.o • several of the. busi,n esstoward which we press. It is the i rp„, 1.8 1^e, w®ek absence of a definite plan that makes life drab and ineffective. A man can never be a shining star until he is a burning light. The lure of perfection may impel one to seek the ideals in the past Twenty-one tickets were sold for the Devil's lake excursion from this station, on Thursday last. * We learn that a section of the seats in the Bennett Comedy company's show went down during the preformachievements of mankind. Biogra- ance ort Thursday evening, but no one phy with its insight into the lives of others, helps us in an hour of discouragement. The achievements of one person will inspire another person to move forward and on. Every man has some capacity for hero worship. Aim at some star that has guided another; it may help you, too. Perfection of execution great"convenience to"th7publ^ in another will inspire us on to real% ' was seriously injured. The steamer McHenry took quite a large party from here to the Lotus Beds on Sunday last. The bridge in the center of the village, damaged by the recent flood, has been repaired and travel has again resumed its regular channel, which is a ize that same end. Perfect work! mans hip in art, music, literature^ and in the material and economic world, becomes a model for us. But we must be sure to realize that a model is but a means to draw out original mastery. Perfection in any line of endeavor calls for infinitely more than mere ifnitation. Its spirit must be original. When Sir Walter Scott failed financially, he was informed that he could declare himself bankrupt and start all over again. He resolved, however, to pay his debts by his own hand. Through long, painful .years he worked, giving to THIRTY YEARS AG® J. R. Brents is busily engaged in , RfV' Mrs' Coli"3' ,J' V- Buck" line the school huilrfino. ;;L>Jland and Mlss Flora Taylor N. J. Justen Furniture Store, West McHenry Wonder Lake Syndicate L. Schroeder, Wonder Lake Mrs. Belle Boyd of Chicago spent Carey Electric Co., McHenry .. the past week in the S. H. Beatty and West McHenry State Bank ...... Mrs. Jennie Bacon homes. Miss Marion Peet of Elgin spent Sunday at hey home here. Asahel Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stevens and son of Waukegan were callers in the H. M. Stephenson home Saturday afternoon. Leonard Barr spent the weekend in Chicago. His son, Raymond, returned home with him for a week's visit in the Roy Neal home. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson and daughter, Virginia, attended the funeral of John Emmons at Waukegan Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson with Mrs. Flora Martin of St. Joseph, Mo., were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Emma Care at Chemung. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Treon of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. George Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Sunday evening with ttfe latter'3 mother at McHenry. Frank McAssey of Richmond was a caller here Saturday evening. LeRoy and Shirley Neal, Lorraine Mazz, Betty Ann, Margaret and Catherine Coyne enjoyed a picnic at Mc- Collum's Lake Friday. Floyd Carr of Greenwood, Mrs. Will McCannon and Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank were callers in the James Lyke home at Harvard Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Will McCannon were visitors in the home of Miss I<ra Woodford at Delavan Sunday. Floyd Carr and Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank called on Merritt Cruikshank at Morton Grove Sunday. Mrs. Ralph Smith and sons of Harvard spent Tuesday and Wednesday in the George Young home. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given 2.00 j Miss Evelyn Melville of Chicago is' that in pursuance of a Decree entered 5.00, spending a few weeks here with Miss *n the above entitled cause .on the 16th DyLyle Fairchild. jday of April A. D. 1938, I, Vernon J. 2.00 Solicitors with letters of authorize-!Knox'. Special Master in Chancery of 5.001 tion were recently calling on property the Circuit Court of McHenry County, 1.00 owners at Wonder Lake in an effort, ^^no's» 01* Wednesday, the 7th to pay for a new fire truck at Mc- da^ of September A. D. 1938, at the My Neighbor Says A weak solution of chloride of lime will remove peach stains from linen. • • • Ferns require light and air. They grow best when placed near a window where they do not get direct sunlight. • • • 1 In making gelatin desserts a cup of fruit juice instead of water may be used, then flavor the sauce to contrast with or intensify it. • • • When using pastry flour in cooking, use a little more than when using bread flour. Bread flour thickens a little stiffer than pastry flour. •-- • • To cook mushrooms for creaming or escalloping, remove thin peeling, cover with water and boil gently in covered pan five minutes. • • Preserved figs stuffed with white cream cheese and arranged on pineapple slices placed on lettuce and topped with salad dressing makes a very good salad. 6 Associated Newspapers.--WNU Servio*. POTPOURRI paration for the opening. The street sprinkling service in McHenry is a great pride to our village. Its simply disgraceful. One of the finest pickerel caught here this season was taken from the waters of Boone creek last Saturday when Leonard Phillips landed an eleven pounder. Wm. Bacon, who was awarded the ain expression of "striving for perfection" in character is an inspiration to all who geek to be lovers 5>f truth apd creators of works that prove and reflect tne character of the workman. £ Wectern Newspaper Union. QABBY QERTIE cleaning building" in pre-!1?™ ^ss/iora attended *•-_ - .. 6 y church at McHenry Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shetterly of Dayton, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Schmidt, Mrs. Catherine Young and daughter, Rosena, of McHenry spent Saturday evening in the George Young home. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens were dinner guests in the J. N. Butler home in Elgin Tuesday evening. Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughter, Shirely, were visitors at Elgin Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Howard of Kenosha spent Sunday in the Ray Merchant home. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son, Alfred, spent Sunday in the Stephen M. Schmidt home at McHenry. Fred Schau of Chicago is spending the week in the home of his daughter, Monday and Tuesday were the two contract to drill the new village wall ,1 ° o -- ,at the last regular meeting of the vilnaid the rW ® l^!?1Cli I la.ge struck an excellent flow depth of 'fJTeiSjog ^is personality. Such seventy.four feet. The well is now flowing at the rate of 150 gallons per minute and the chances are that Mc Henry will have all the water that will be needed for some years to come. TWENTY YEARS AGO Brain Has Two Parts The human brain is of two parts. The gray matter, composed of over 9,000,000,000 tiny cells, forms the outer layer. The inner portion is white and consists of nerve fibers. These are directly connected with the spinal column and carry messages sent to all parts of the body. © Western Newspaper Union. hottest days of the present summer season. The thermometers registered all the way from 98 to 104 in the shade. Chas. Frett, who during the past several.weeks has been engaged at the Centerville meat market and grocery resigned his position with Mr. Pries last week and on Monday, left for Aurora. M. A. Thelen last week moved his harness shop from the Schnorr building on Main street to the R. A. Howard building one door west. H. J. Schaffer, the local builder and contractor, now carries a pretty service flag on the windshield of his truck. It displays six stars, representing men whom he formerly employed and who are now in the service of Uncle Sam. Mrs. S. W, Brown and Mrs. Arthur itors in the Joseph Blake home. Se'u ndj_ay. gu„ es.t s .m .th. e TL oui• s Hrr aw, e y Mr. and Mrs. ^Joseph Drue accom- ied Mr and Mrs Arnold Lederer home were Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Dill- Jf Chicago to Camp Hickory near man Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H.lde- Edgerton> Wis>> Sunday, where they brandt, Mr. and Mrs ^onard Carlson j visited the lfttte . d ht Elaine and son, Lonme and Mrs. Mae Elmer ;Miss Elaine will re3Ume her work at of Chicago and Mrs. Lora Sprenzel of St Mary-S on the Fox> st. Charles, in 1 win Lakes. . , .iU September. Leonard Krohn spent Sunday with Miss Clara MiUer t R few d his parents near Genoa C,ty. ^ first of the week in Chi Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Schroeder are. ; the parents of a nine-pound daughter, j Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and famborn at the Woodstock hospital, Sun- ily spent Sunday in the Wm. Wurtzday afternoon, Aug. 7. inger home at Woodstock. , Mrs. B. T. Butler and Mrs. Louis Miss Florence Zapfe of Chicago is Hawley visited the girls at the 4-H spending a few days with Miss Ber camp near Algonquin Friday. nice Smith. "When a girl with a matrimonial Air talks about the wings of love the fUle starts on a non-stop flight." T , ••I Building the Panama Canal! A company chartered in France obtained a concession in Panama I and undertook the building of the canal about 1880. The enterprise got into financial troubles and quit work in 1899. The United States paid $40,000,000 in 1902 for the company's rights and the work it had already done. There had been no attempts to build a Panama canal before this one. - Mr. and Mrs. James Rainy attended the funeral of Mrs. Lucy Thomas at Alice Howard returned to her home at Kenosha Sunday after having Bpent the past week in the Ray Merchant:Woodstock Sunday afternoon. home. Miss Mercedes Lindemann and Mr. and Mrs. Bratz of Chicago spent Gladys Howe of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. A. Ruehlman. Miss Mercedes Lindemann of Crystal Lake treated Mr. and Mrs. B. T. spent Sunday at her home here Butler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lon- Mrs. George Shepard entertained nie Smith and family and Mr. and the Easy Aces at her home Tuesday Mrs. S. W. Smith and family to a'afternoon. Prizes were awarded to weenie roast at the S. W. Smith farm Mrs. Ellen Whiting and Mrs. Libbie Sunday evening. Ladd. Total -- $105.25 Henry. Many property owners have hour of 11:00 o'clock A.M. (daylight already contributed and others have savings time) m the forenoon of said offered to add to the fund as soon as <ialr at ®ast fr°nt "je possible. i Court House m the City of Woodstock, Mrs. Louis Schroeder entertained McHenry County, Illinois, offer fot her bridge club Wednesday of last sale and sell at public vendue to the week. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. • highest and best bidder the following Ray Peters and Mrs. Sadie McCannon described real estate, to-wit: -- - - The S.W. % of the S.E. % of Section 25, in Township 46 North, v of Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian (excepting and reserving therefrom a piece of land deeded by May R. McAssey and Frank McAssey, her husbantf, to John A. Bower) and described as follows: Commencing at the South West corner of the premises herein described; thence North 60 rods; thence East 26 2/3 rods; thence South 60 rods, thence West 26 2/3 rods to the place of beginning, containing in all 30 acres of land, more or less, situated in the Township of Richmond, in the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois, together with a piece of land in the E. V4 of Section 25, Township 46 North, of Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows, to-wit: starting at a stake at the South East corner of the N. W. of the S. E. % of said Section 25; thence W. on the forty line 1305.6 ft. to a stake on the quarter section line; thence north on said quarter line 200 ft. to a stake; thence East parallel to the forty line 1182.3 ft. to a stake; in the West right of way line of the spur track; thence Northerly Oh. a sixteen degree curve (radius 359.3 ft.) along said right of way 275 ft. to a stake that stands 17 ft. West of the forty line; thence North parallel to the forty line 1508 ft. to a stake; thence on a twelve degree curve to the North West (radius 478.3 ft.) along the right of way of said spur track 220 ft. to a stake in the Southerly line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company's right of way; thence South, 79 degrees East, along said right of way 242.5 ft. to a stake at the Easterly line of a spur track; thence on a twelve degree curve to South West (radius 478.3 ft.) on the Easterly line of the right of way of said spur track 420 ft. to a point on . the forty line that is 400.4 ft. « South of the point where the said forty line is crossed by the South line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company's right s of way; thence South on the forty line 1750 ft. to place of beginning, containing 7.48 acres of land as shown by the survey, dated May 12, 1914, made by C. L. Tryon, County Surveyor of McHenry County, Illinois, situated in the Township of Richmond, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Terms of Siale Cash in hand on day of sale, at which time a Certificate of Purchase will be issued in accordance with said Decree and the Statute. Dated this 11th day of August A. D. 1938. VERNON J. KNOX, - Special Master in Chancery of • v the Circuit Court of McHenry •' ;• County, Illinois. (Pub. Aug. 11 - 18- 25) Vest Friend or Worst Enemy Much as worthy friends add to the happiness and value of life we must in the main depend upon ourselves, and every one is his own best friend, or worst enemy.--Lord Avebury. of Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs.-Frank White of Chicago have their new home in Wonder Center nearly completed. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hainline transacted business at Milwaukee Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bdward Tomosak of Oak Park are guests at the Lazon cottage in Deep Spring Woods Subdivision this week. Miss Lucille Krueger of Chicago is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Altman in Shore Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Fowler of Villa Park were Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Storer. Excavating will start this week for a new hardware and variety store to be built just east of Mr. Wood's office headquarters. Mrs. Florence Dichter of Chicago will be the manager. Mrs. Richard McCarthy and daughters, Nancy and Gloria, are enjoying a two weeks' vacation at the Tronvig cottage in Shore Hills. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Wagner have their cvitage nearly completed in Wonder Center and expect to move In this week to be here for the rest of the season. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hirsch and family and Mrs. A. Wirth of Chicago are spending this week at the Mrs. C. I Meyer cottage in Wonder Center. I Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jacks, Jr., andi their nephew, Charles Fredenburg, I of Chicago are staying at the Freden-1 burg cottage in Wbnder Center for a week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Urban Janisch attended the wedding of Miss Rose Kubovy and Norbert Janisch at Chicago last Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Carlson and a party of friends from Chicago spent the weekend at the Carlson cottage in Shore Hills Subdivision. Everyone in interested in the row boat races to be held August 14, starting at 2 o'clock, DST., at Jerry's Place. Up to this date there has been twenty-one entries. Anyone wishing Miss Jeanne Warner of Elgin spent enter may register at Jerry's, the past week as the guest Of Miss!There will be four races. Jane Durland. and Mrs. Wm. Altman enter- Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller, son, Bob- taindd at a farewell party at their by, and John Lennon and daughter, home in Shore Hills Sunday. There Merrill .peni Thursday .t Lake Gen- ST *b»"t Chicago present. It was given in honor of their brother-in-law, Augus' Fanke, of Chicago, who is leaving this week Thursday on a businesa trip to Africa. Cow Established Cathedral Durham cathedral owes its site to a cow, which is honored with a sculptured panel outside one of the chapels at the cathedral. According to legend, a group of monks was instructed to bury St. Cuthbert at a place called Dunholme. None of them, however, knew of the place, and while they were debating what to do, a woman came by who had lost her cow. A neighbor shouted that the cow was in Dunholme, and the joyful monks immediately set off with her to the place, founding the cathedral there in 997 A. D. KENT ft COMPANY AD Kinds af I M S U R A N C I Ptacsi with tke snot rsHiMs rsapaaiw art talk H MeHeary I r PhOM « VERNON J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAW , Pries Bldf. OFFICH HOURS Tuesdays sad Fridays Other Days by Appoiatsiart Me&sary > S. H. Freood &S00 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phone 127-R McHenry Our Experience is at Tour 8ervi«e in Building Your Wants •fa* No. 800 Stoffel & Reihansperger sgsats for all rlsssas sf prsgarty ia the best a nmr MeHENkt ILLDKMB Tuesday evening m the S. W. Smith home. Miss Pearl Smith of Waodstock Languages of the Raees Civilized races use simple and easily learned languages, while primitive peoples employ tongues of incredible complexity, some of which, says Collier's Weekly, are beyond the comprehension of many eminent philologists. MONEY TO LOAN I have clients who have •< to lead on first mortgages on real •state and others who want U borrow money on real estate. If b> terested eithev way, I will bo glai to talk it over with you. Joseph N. Sikes Waukegan National Bank Bldg. 4 S. Genesee St., Waukegan, III, TtiL. MAJESTIC 103 A*P.Freimd Co. ^ Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic, and Crane Service --Road Building-* Tei 204-M McHenry, HI Income Tax ia Britain Income tax, first introduced ia Britain in 1799 as a temporary measure, was not regarded as a permanent source of income until 1842. [ • ' . . I I n + FRETT BROTHERS CONTRACTORS Cement, Brick, Plaster aad Stucoo Work BaUding, Moving af| Raising Telephone 625-M-l McHENRY, ILL. E& INSURANCE F55 EARL R. WALSH Pulsating Reliable Companiee Whs yen airi inonrutc* of say kki Phono 43 or tl-M Pries Bldg. McHtnry WELL DRILLING WtoL CLEANING PUMP SYSTEMS 1 Arthur J. Cox Phone 220-1 Box 222 . . ' .14