KlCW EMPIRE McHENRY, ILLINOIS San. Mat. 3 p. m. Continuous FRIDAY -- SATURDAY N o v e m b e r 4 - 5 " Hope Hampton -- Randolph .S*cot$. "THE ROAD TO RENO" Also--Cartoon and Comedies SUNDAY -- MONDAY N o v e m b e r 6 - 7 Marjorie Weaver -- George Murphy John Barrymore -- Joan Davis "HOLD THAT COED" Also^--Our Gang Comedy - Robt. Benchley - News and Travelogue Society Motes C. D. OF A. The Catholic Daughters of America will hold a business meeting at their liall this (Thursday) evening. decorated with pamplrfns and corn atalks and carpetea with leaves. Spooky games were played by the weird light of Jack-o-lanterns in th« presence of witches, goblins and black •ats. Refreshments, in keeping with Halloween, were served at the closv a very successful party. BUSINESS WOMEN'S CLUB A joint conference of districts onfc ATTEND LEGION MEETING- | Ray Pag°, Fred Schoewer, ' Fred Schoewer, Fred Nickels, C. J.* Reihanspergtr and Thomas P. Bolger were esters, Court No. 96, of Jdhnsburg will AMERICAN LEGION McHenry County Council of the American Legion Auxiliary will meet to" to^eleve^^ YweTve'tf the Illi at W°^stock Friday evening of this noj8 Federation of Business and Pro week, Nov. 4. m m ^Sessional Women's clubs was held af * _ _ Palmer House in Chicago on Sun-r . i i : day, October 80. Chicagor clubs acted The Men's Catholic Order of For- as hostesses. TUESDAY -- 10c-20c Chester Morris -- Frances Mercer (!) 'Smashing the Rackets' Dennis O'Keefe -- F. Rice , (2) "Vacation from Love" WEDNESDAY THURSDAY November R - 9 5 Spnja Henie -- Richard Green "MY LUCKY STAR" • - . •, . AV • • i « 11 «, , , .. . „ T L u Miss Ethel A. Stanley of Aurora, among those, from-this viemty, Who hold its annual festival at Johnsburg, chairman of diatrict n presided at the attended the monthly meeting of Mc- Wednesday evening November 9, in morning session> which was opened Henry County C«Hinc.l of the Amer- St. John s parish hall The McHenry with roll call and followed by the sing^ ican Legion, hel%j# , Woodstock <">Court « cordially invited to atten& i^g 0f"America." Thursday evening^ \ " MOTHERS*CLUB L Before Miss Celia Howard of Elgin; Owing to Armistice Day, the Moth-1,ational r^rdin« secretary, delivered ers Club party has been changed from a message from national headquarters* Friday, Nov. 11, to Friday, November representatives of the various club# 18. Mrs. Richard Fleming will act as *aV<Y reporfcs °? what Part o{. th'3 hostess at her home on Riverside year's program is most interesting to Drive. She will be assisted by Mrs. their club and community. Mrs. Gret- Ray McGee, Mrs. Ray Contoay and J? Goodell of this city was the McHenry county representative. Mrs. W. T. Charles of/Woodstock Mrs. Clara M. Kelley, Chicago chairwill give a travel talk on her trip to man of Districts 1 to 10, presided afci the luncheon which was served atj 12:30. The program which followed;! .PINOCHLE CTLUB was opened by group singing, led b^jj formed pinochle-cl^ held Jfewell B. Organ. Mrs. Gertrud#|»i ZION MISSION SOCIETf I \ Miss Florence 'Antholz entertained 'the members of the Zion Mission Endeavor Socicty at her home on Waukegan 'street- Thursday afternoon. Sewing was done, follbVHng t;he business meeting, after which lunch was served. Their next meeting - will be, Mrs. Peter Doherty. held with Mrs. F. W. Voeltz on Nov- 25. Officers of the society are Mrs. ,F. C. Feltz. president, ami Miss Flor- Europe last summer. 'iAntholz, treasurer. ampirsows W OOPSTOCK Tlieetfe Woodstock FRIDAY--Free Lace Dennis O'Keefe VACATION FROM LOVE' SATURDAY -- Continuous HAROLD LLOYD 'PROFESSOR BEWARE" Plus Hit 2 t . . E N T E R T A I N f o r m e d , p i n o c h l e , c l n & h e l d ^ M r s . J f e w e l l B . O r g a n . M r s . G e r t r u d $ ^ g p * | ^ - M R . a n d M R S . . Mr. and Mrs.' Earl R. Walsh enter- their first meeting with Mr. and Mrs.' Alden Neely read the Collect, after Miss Drothy Krohn and JMr. Glenn 'tainfid a number of friends at a Hal- Dan O'Shea at their home 6n River- which members of state board were Benoy were married at thtf Greenwood loween party at their home Saturday side Drive Tuesday evening with introduced. Miss Jane A. Magan, church, Wednesday October 26, with evening. Decorations were iri Halldw- awards merited by Mrs. Earl Conway junior past president of the Illinois Rev. Ralph Kafoed officiating at__the ' eenl style. A social evening was spent and Mrs. Carl Weber. Their next federation, then gave a summary of ceremony. and refreshments were served. ' j meeting will be held at the Earl Con- the North Central Regional confer-( Attending the couple were Miss Eth- Those present were/' Mr. and Mrs. way home in two weeks. * ence. |-- J Leo Winkel, Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whit-, Membeis of the club are Mr. and Ambrose J. Wyrick from the Metro- ^ g^y gjue Water." .Married Wednesday, October 27 PUBLIC CARD PARTY Don't forget th* card party at 3fc Patrick's hall Sunday evening, Nov. 20. You can't afford to miss thi» party. Watch Flaindealer for further announcements. / . «f J. R. CLUB The J. R. Club held their first meet* mg of the season with Mrs. E. ft, Sutton last' Thursday afternoon ^with high scores in cards going to Mrs, Albert Vales and Mrs. J. M. Phalin. Their next meeting will be With M Phalin. T, • • • • '• ; FOX RIVER CAMP Fox River Valley Camp, R. N; held their regular business meeting' Tuesday evening. Plans were made for a five cent party for members and friends after their • next meeting in two weeks. ; . V•• "• , KEEP FIT With Genuine »• * SWEDISH MASSSAGB* • and BEAUTY BATH»1 > STOMP AN ATO'S ; Beauty and Reducing Saran Phone 641 Woodstock, I1L . >aaaaaaaaaa^VNA/\^^WSAAAAA^^ CONSTITUTIONM. GLENN BENOY Photo ^orwiyEk el Krohn, sister of the bride, and Wilbur Benoyi 1 v 1 A reception follbwed at the home of the groom's father. After a short hotieymoon trip to Wisconsin, they will reside with the groom's father. Mr. James Donnelley, executive 'Your Business Dr. Annie Ranes closed afternoon session with emblem i Ethel Freund. GEORGE O'BRIEN 'RENEGADE RANGER" SUNDAY AND MONDAY SONJA HENIE -- -- RICHARD GREENE -- -- JOAN DAVIS 'MY LUCKY STAR" TUESDAY 10c ft 15c PETER LORRE "MYSTERIOUS MR. MOTTO" Plus 65 Big Reasons WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY ing, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bacon, Mr. Mrs. Carl W!eber, Mr. and Mrs. Earl politan Opera compflfiy spoke at this and Mrs. Robert Weber, Mr. and Mrs. |£3onway, Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Shea and time, urging America not to forget . TUinoia TW*nnf»rfriir Leo Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller,!Mr. and Mrs. James Powers - (her song as Russia and so many other Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, Mr. and » » • | countries have done, and then he gave 8, vr. ' p Mrs. John Bolger, Atty. and Mrs. Ver- CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY ja beautiful rendition of the "Volga and Mme* non Knox and the Misses Clara and The Catholic Daughters of America Boatman." 'benediction celebrated their eighteenth anrtiver-! The luncheon program closed with De"«aicwonsary last Wednesday evening with six- » message from the state president, Tea was served from four to ftve WUPTIAL SHOWER ty members and guests present. Six- Mrs. Ruth Chamberlain, who gave a P-m. and presiding were Miss Ka« j Miss Elvera Hettermann, whose teen of the twenty charter members most urgent call for a study of inter- Cramend of the Waukegan club and I marriage to John Herdrich, will be an were honored guests of the evening, national relations and impressed upon Mrs. Jeanette Nichols of Evanston. event M Nov. 16, was honored guest Each one was presented with a gift, hef listeners the necessity for being Those from this vicinity who at- 'at a shower given at the J. B. Hetter- A pot-luck supper was served at a well informed on such matters at all tended the conference were: Mrs. !mann home at Johnsburg Thursday table prettily decorated in fall flowers, times. She also pressed earnestly the Gretta Goodell and Miss Ethel Jones evening, with Sfifty guests present. I the colors of yellow and white pre- drive for 4,000 members Iby June, J of McHenry and Miss Dawn DeWiolf | Five hundred and bunco furnished dominating. Brief talks were given by stressing quality of members. |and Miss Minnie Bohn of Woodstock, j entertainment with prizes in the for- Msgr. Nix, Rev. Win. O'Rourke, Rev. i The afternoon session from two to Miss E. McConchie offered several mumer merited b* Itrt. Albert Vales, Paul Tuchlinsky and some of the char- four o'clock, was presided over by sical selections. Mrs. Alfred Oeffling and Mrs. Wm. Al- ter members. Cards were played, fol- Miss Elizabeth Priest, Rockford chair-r 'thoff, and in bunco by Miss Leone lowing the supper, with bridge prizes man of district 12. Miss Helen Ben- Smith, Mrs. Joe Freund and Josephine won by Miss Marie Powers, Mrs. Ella nett delivered a summary of the Buss, Miss Mildred Kinsala and Miss|.morning session, and Jason Whitney, Eleanor Kinsala, and five hundred by president of the Chicago Civic Opera Mrs. Martha ^ Freund, Mrs. Alvina company, presented a soloist from the Walsh, Mrs. Anna Molidor and Mrs. Chicago Civic Opera, Miss Brandt, who Eleanor Miller. isang the "Flower Song" and "Land of Molenar, Lunch was served at th* close of the evening and the prospective bride was presented with two lovely gift^ of .glassware and china. idchil- Wallace Beery "PORT OF SEVEN SEAS" Coming -- SUNDAY, NOV. 1# "Spawn of the North" _ BIRTHDAY PAR ] Mr. and Mrs. Bruno But dren and Miss Mjfrion Hawley of Ringjwood and Mrs. Henry Heimer of Mc- |Henry attendee} a bju"th<l®y P®rty in . honor of Miss Dorothy Ann Butler of Chicago. Wednesday of last week. It was Dorothy Ann's eleventh birthday, and fourteen of her classmates and friends were present to help her celebrate the happy event. Games were played, and later, refreshments were served at a table attractively decorated in Halloween style. The guest of honor received many lovely gifts. SKATING PARTT About thirty couples, mostly residents of Riverside Drive, enjoyed i private roller skating party at the local rink "Monday evening. After the skating, refreshments were served in Buch's basement. WALTON -- CLEMENS McHenry relatives have received announcement of the marriage of Velma Walton and Clarence E. Clemens, which took place at the First Christian church, Long Beach, Calif., Oct. 22. The Clemens family are former residents here. . , • '•» (".".v.. tJT-.y SURPRISE PARTY Peter Diedrich was surprised by a group of relatives at his home, near this city, on Oct. 20, the occasion being his seventy-ninth birthday. Bingo and .cards were played during the evening and lunch, including a birthday cake, was served. The honored guest was presented with many gifts. Guests were: Messrs. and Mesdames Fred Diedrich, Peter Brown, John Wegener, Jacob Diedrich, Math Brown, Nick Diedrich and Leo Regner. Plan and program your life insur ance with your local agent. EARL R. WALSH, Phone 43. *21-6 Educational Broadcasts i • Afrtattiral CM Riuri TaMt FRIDAY, NOV. 4 Mf| £ 7:30 PM VVLO tunc. SMITH, Pres.i.Hp.ASI'I MTHDR t. M6E, Editor Prairii Fhmt FUtl 11MMPSM. mt Ittw Other Prominent Speakers WLS WBBM ffarsday, HOT. S 7 PM WCFL Swiay, Nov. S 7 PM Siaday, N«v. f 4 PM LOCAL STATIONS Monday, N«v. 7 Variom Rears Vote YES Vote •.Jr- ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED | Anouncem<£nt of the engagement and approaching marriage of Miss Lu- j cille Sharp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Sharp, 1327 Whittier ave.,! Springfield, to Mr. Robert Knox, 518 i East Capitol ave.. also of Springfield, 1 FALL STALES! You don't know how fine the new Fall clothing really is until you see for yourself! Prices are lower than in many yedrs, so profit by these exceptional values. was made at a bridge luncheon Saturday, October 29, at Miss Sharp's home. The wedding will take place at 10 a. m., November 26, at Blessed Sacrament church, with Msgr. M. A. Tennant officiating. News of the approaching event was placed in individual corsages of pompoms in fall colore which decorated the table. Twelve guests were present. Miss Sharp attended Springfield High school and Springfield Junior college, and has been employed in the office of her father at the Springfield Stoker and Heating company. She is a member of Phi Beta Psi sorority. Mr. Knox, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Knox of Crystal Lake, was graduated from the University of Notre Dame, and is an architect in the state department of architecture and engineering. Topcoats and Smart Fall Suits Overcoats single all the new models or double breasted , modelar^; $16.50 to $35 $22.50 to $29.50 HALLOWEEN PARTIES Miss Mitzi Durland entertained nineteen little friends at a Halloween party Saturday evening. The gathering was held in the basement of the Durland home which was decorated with jack-o-lanterns and cornstalks. Games in keeping with the occasion were played with prizes won by Audrey Warner and Rajr Smith. The serving of lunch brought a happy evening for the little folks to a close. Members of St. Clara's Court, Lady Foresters, of St. Mary's church, held a Halloween party at their hall Thurs-_ day evening with fifty present. Jacko- lanterns corn stalks were used , for decorations and a pot-luck supper was served at 6:30 o'clock, with table appointments^ also in keeping with Halloween. Pinochle, bridge and five; hundred were played, following the! supper, with prizes awarded. Doughnuts and cider were served at the close of the games. Betty Lou Kramer entertained the I members of her Sunday school class at a Halloween party at her home cn Elm street, Saturday evening. Decoration^ were in keeping with the occasion, games were played and lunch ]served. Those present were: Gervaise Bellling, Jean Esther Orr, Charlene Mertes, Irene Newell, Beryl Colby, Betty Edstrom and Betty Lou Kramer. Jean | Huck was a guest of the evening. There was a pumpkin full of fun 1%, the St. Mary - St. Patrick school base* ment Monday evening at the Hallow* een party given for the young men an$ young ladies of St. Mary's parish. Rev. Paul Tuchlinsky was in chargt of arrangements and planned a party which was enjoyed by everyone. Approximately one hundred were in ati» tendance. The program was as follows: sonft, ViHail, hail, the Ganges all jHere^ song, "It's a Long Way to Tipperary," game, musical chair, forfeits, mout& organ solo, banjo and guitar number by the Adams' brothers, Schnittzle* bank, bobbing for apples, songs, dancing, square dance, marshmallow contest and an amateur contest. ^ - At the close of the evening, thf happy guests were served cider, pump* kin pie, doughnuts and coffee. [T Green Street "McHenry, 111. A large crowd was in attendance at the Halloween party sponsored by the Epworth League at the M. E. church Friday evening. The basement was OMING at you, it looks like a million. Going away, it looks like good fortune you've missed. A lot of fussy care went into the way it looks from the rear-- you know, that's the angle from which it's oftenest seen. Going or coming, it moves like a honey bee about its business. Better look quick if you want to see it --'One sudden "swo-o-o-sh!" and it's gone! How about it--is this stunning 1939 Buick really as lively as it looks? Well, just try it and see--you'll find it the car and the value of the year! JMEaybe a bullet gets off faster. Buick Dyn* StraigW Valve-" vieeie 1 Maybe a rabbit can beat iton the jump or a skyliner lead it from point to point. But you'll never want a highway cruiser that answers quicker to the green light's '*go"--that Slips more deftly through the holes in traffic--that with keener relish eats up the miles. V That bonnet houses a full complement of eight cylinders, and Dynaflash cylinders at that. All four wheels dance on BuiCoil springing of stout spiraled steel; no quiver or shiver shakes the luxurious body in its flight. it You'll see the world -- lots of it -- for this sightly Buick now parades the passing panorama through windows wit!} Up to 413 wortf square inched of outlook than before. Other things you'll like: A gearshift out of knee-way. Front wheels that "bank" the curves for you. Brakes that stop on a dime -- and leave ine cents change. Go see this lovely lively traveler. Drive U -- feel its magic yourself, fifst-hand. You'll find it beautiful in action a0 ; in aspect -- you'll go for the way it goes tor you. You'll find it obedient and willing, a car that holds" its marks in cross*; winds, bears sharp around curvet , without slide or slew. ~ En fine -- we think you'll like all of it--from its looks to the way it lives up to them. Won't you try it out --- and see? ^ • • • • NO OTHER CAR IN THE WORLD HAS ALL THESE FEATURES if DYNAFLASH VALVE-IN-HEAD STRAIGHT-EIGKt ENGINE * BUICOIL TOROUE-FREE SPRINGING |t" GREATER VISIBILITY * HANDISHIFT TRANSMISSION if ROOMIER UNISTEEl BODY BY FISHER if TORQUCTUBE DRIVE if TIPTOE HYDRAULIC BRAKES ic CROWN SPRING CLUTCH if "CATWAUC-COOU ING" * OPTIONAL REAR AXLE GEAR RATIO? • FLASH-WAY DIRECTION SIGNAL* SELF-BAN*- ING KNEE-ACTION FRONT SPRINGING ic EASY I© §Ut ON eCNMAi MOTOCS TtRMS / EXEMPLAR OF GENERAL MOTORS VALUI I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES Front Street, West McHenry, Main St., Crystal Lake, HL' >0' 'ML *