fssfjpcaj >• . , o=-:v •* wvmw. - , IT, 1988 THE McHEK*Y "SO I HEAR' i>i~ ' ,vcr a , . l*9 < * EARL WALSH | Miller to give them. of action tart yea. IuiWp experience. The time has come. We noted the following men in the first squad as practice got under way: "Nickie" Freund, Jimmy Larldn, Geno Unti, Irv Laures, " Buttons" Schaefer, Donald Meyers, Geno Unti, Gerald Larkin and Bob Schults, a newcomer | who shows promise. •eason expense accotiim. jience. There are some neat basket ^ « . ' " ,, „ shooters and nifty ball handlers in The has been »11 smiles array. - L - , few Republicans got themselves • ' _f--. l ilected last week. He sa^ business* j Coach Reed will have to, see more of picked up right away. That s cue hJg in action before any of them enough for us. The stage is aet We can be too sure of their spots on the •iter. . team. Dear Mose: • •;'V Hell<v, PALt . ? .'I We covered that Notre Dame - Minnesota game for you last Saturday. , circle (back of the free throw line) f There was an expense account: if® as j16 cares or fan- Th® :^» A. s w e w e r e s a y.i n g- Onv h YY eos.!! "TT*haatt three second rule now applies when a m a n .g Q a t h e f r e e t h r o^ H n e o r i n football game. > that space liiud-eff in front of the-free. Friday, Dec. 2--Northbrcok--There. The Mrs. and I went down Friday throw line, c Tuesday, Dec. 6--Marengo--There; Jfvening, found our "S.B.C." in the, ^ t'4V (Friday, Dec. 9--Richmond--Here, liospital, the V. J. Knoxes in the Oliv-1 Spectators at^ "going strong for the Tuesday, Dec. 13--Lake Zurich--There. '.«r Hotel, and sixty thousand footballnew mjdget auto races. No more out-(Friday, Dec. 16--Huntley--Here. , hugs about the town; board motors with their objecionable | Tuesday, Dec. 20--St. Mary's--Here. ; » Don't let us forget that expense smok<e and fumes. No more dirt and Dec- (?)--Belvidere--There A rule change that may change the style of play for some teams now permits a man to stand in the free throw BASKETBALL SCHEDULE FOB M.C.H.8. IS ALL SET AND PRACTICE STABTED REMEMBER WAY BACK WHEN? Coach Reed has just completed his basketball schedule for the year which we " are pleased to publish in this issue. The first game of the season will be played at Grant Township High on Saturday, November 26. Then, on tMe, following Tuesday, one of the choice games of the season will be played to open the home games of the year.! Woodstock will l»e here. 1 You will note that the boys are going to be plenty busy right up to the holiday vacation season. If games will make them click--then click they will. The Belvidere game will be played there either December 21 or 23. We will give you that date later. The boys are practicing this week in earnest. It won't be long now! Saturday, Nov. 26--Grant--There. Tuesday, Nov. 29--Woodstock--Here. iliccount. dust now that the cars run over a They Jiad a huge pep meeting: "Gab- hoard trade;... . l>y" Hartnett (the original pep man) -- pas there. He may have been loek-i If that football game hadn't taken D. , , jper f0T a trade. This fellow 3aggauus out °.f town last weekend, we would * "day. Jan- 13--Richmond--There 4ftn reallv nitch a football--if it's have attended that dinner (dinnah if Tuesday, Jan. 17--Lake Zurich--Here '^tehers Gabby needs. you please) that the men put over in Friday, Jan. 20-Hebron-Here. Vacation. Tuesday, Jan. 3--Grant--Hera. / f Friday, Jan. 6-^Huhtley--tliere. ' Tuesday, Jan. 10--Belvidere--Here. All the hotels were full. In fact,,the new hall at the Methodist church. >|jheir tap rooms were overflowing. j --•-- * • That reminds us of some expense But we hear things. .Stems. i * i 4 The Henry Cowlins and Frank Bill Spencer claims he did all the greens were there. We saw Frank cooking and had to work %o hard that talking a blue streak to some fellows he couldn't have nay fun*. We get it down there and well bet a nickel he fairly straight that Bill was just the sold 'em a car load of Illinois cattle, ihead potato masher. Now, you take Henry. He was dif-1 , --II-- fferent. He was there for a bit of re- j Jim Perkins, noted telephone expert, taxation. You could see it. We Demo- made the coffee-- and brags about it larats had just given him quite a scare We hear it had the other people climb- YjBp here in McHenry County. jing poles. \ That game was really a dandy, but ; --I-- Tuesday, Jan. £3--St. Mary's (tentative)-- January 25 - 28 -- Tournaments. Friday, Feb. 3--Northbrook--Hen. -. Tuesday, Feb. 7--Woodstock--There. Friday, Feb. 10--Hebron--There. Friday, Feb. 24--Marengo--Here. : This was a common sight on the streets of McHenry "yaars ago." .In the picture are shown local people and one of the first Reo cats. Who are they? ,/i- Station agencey. (3) It brings pro- Vj ducers and consumers into clpser con- ALUMNI STABS WILL TOTE PIGSKIN VERSUS OF PARCEL POST TO BE OBSERVED Births Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thomas are parents of a son born at the Woodstock hospital Armistice Day morning. Mr. Thomas is proprietor of the McHenry Dairy. Mr. and "Mrs. Ben Freund of Johnsburg are parents of a daughter born Wlednesday, November 9.-- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund of - Spring Grove announce the arrival of a daughter,- Charlotte Agnes, at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, Sunday, Nov. 13. Weight, 5V4 pounds. Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney of Chicago are parents of a 7M> pound boy, born at the Ravenswood hospital, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Mahoney wair the former Miss Margery Phalin. of this city. Mr. and Mrs\Harold Vycital are parents of an eight pound son, John Joseph, bom at the Woodstock hospi-. til Tuesday morning, November 15. ; > Residence Changes ; ; • ' Mrs. ' Edith Hayes and son, moved Saturday from an apartment in the Kelly house on Waukegan street to the home of her mother, Mist jmieB Whiting, near Ringwood. 3 - SLOCUM'S LAKE Plaindealer Want Ads Bring Results tact; thus opening the way to reducing the high cost of living, and is ^ therefore especially advantageous for | shipments of farm products. (4) Low Mrs. Elmer Esping returned to her postage rates, based on the service school duties Monday after being ab-' rendered, are provided. (5) The rates sent three days because of illness. I to nearby zones or for matter mailed j W. B. Rice of Crystal Lake was | on rural routes, are particularly ad- a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ___ . ____ . ___ 1 vantageous. (6) Parcels may be in- Harry Matthews last Friday. j INAUGURATED JANUARY sured_against loss, and may be sent: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse spent FIRST, 1913 November has been designated by MCHS ON TURKEY DAY the Postmaster-General as National Parcel Post Month to commemorate C. O. D. * Amohg the Sick The local Alumni will dig out their the silver jubilee of the establishment1 ••••••»•••••>»••»•»»»••••< old football outfits on Thanksgiving parcel post, insured and C. O. D.1 mails. Our local postmasters are co- Shirley Butler was operated upon Vernon Knox still isn't so sure that) They tell us that Doctor Klontz was afternoon and see what they can at the Sherman hospital at Elgin on,8^'Rfrt 4 Notre Dame has a great team. They ajricky little number in his uniform, toUng a football through tte °^ the UnTted SteiT^n presenS a Monday for appendicitis. jat Waulcegan. last Wednesday evening at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Philena Davis. Miss Marion Dowell spent last Saturday at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Raeburg at Diamond Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons, Robert apd Lyle, spent Saturday didn't have to open up and wouldn't "Doc" was the chief of the dishwash- *938 team Mrs. Sam Joseph, who was confined!, Mr" and Mrs. Raymond Lusk and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Willard Darnell was a business callaccount. Yours, S. I. H. Ut MinnesoU. in* >»»• Now they c»ll Mm "Heap' L.»t year the Alumni boys ptayed S,r°fr"™ to her home "for 7h'r»e" weeks b^i'use d,u«hter' Lon' M»Ple P»rk Everybody My. thi, Benoir 1. »Big Cheil Di»h Bre.ker» . the high school b<,neflcJ of Ae »' il>ne«i, h.s recovered .nd is now were Sunday dinner and supper guests great tackle. He is. But, don't sell, -t- Jsquad This year they promise some gend ft parcei FowVrom Adhere ^ t0 about. that Kell short. He spent half the Charlie Gdooell was head waiter and touchdowns. t Fw«r™],4»» {« •»,« „ . . , tL afternoon in the Minnesota backfield. broke all the dishes that "Doc" left. I Among the former stars who will p w,a ; ff««»al slogan. elson ^r>sty, son of the Kenneth Arnold Rwen w.s there. Wondw; -I- |don the Alumni colors .re: Ray rr^'.'n aI.I • .tf ""-1- Eid charee of the plfttcs' 1 Art Smith D&ti Justcn Th^ P°rtation system for merchandise be- evening to undergo surgery. He is' "r" a!1<L^rs' NeAemi of Chisd charge „f ^pjates. ^ ST" Te^ £5^ father of Pe*/"^ " ^Sh>hDon'tdten°J th116 >wt" •b€j°^trS' bUt ^"1 ha8n't ents that it would prove attractive to J. Schaefer of this city, is critically Ih°2Je ^ p' Prfday ty ttfwUs^ ^n S3 L7s in ^JhnstZ ^ k°»>™e TS. seconds of the game when the third The Alumni boys are all steamed up may go out with plenty of fire against its obvious advantages for the for- AlW rt «nn nt Mr mnA rift J Mr. and Mrs Whoelhutter of Mylith team went in. Minnesota used twenty- and ready to play some flashy foot- the former greats. warding of his commodities, its early Adams, of Johnsburg, who has been were Sunday dinner gueste at Rll^OACQ vma noirarfVinlAB. saaitMi) Wa Ml 4.1 x ^ v i 1 A _ 1 tRC hOlTlC 01 Mfi ftlld MfS* A* E« NOT- ; Notre Dame had nearly one hundred that all the girls were singing, "Mamq nien in uniform, but Used only twenty- get me that Butcher Boy"). liour up until that last twenty-five 1 --N-- three men. {ball in their Thanksgiving Day game --I-- {with the high school eleven. Minnesota's great passer, Van --It-- Every, was pushed too far back to dd There is going to be a Tea Dance Most of the Alumni boys are in success was nevertheless assured be- ill the past few weeks, was taken to! feood condition and refuse to offer ad- cause of its extensive patronage in the St. Therese hospital, Wfcukegan, for,"8^™ of Astoria 111 'vis vance alibis about being out of shape, centers of industry. observation Tuesdav L ^ u 1^ i Astoria, 111., vis- Thev claim to be¥eadv for a full tame t * j t . ion luesaay. lted at the home 0f Mr an(J Mrg w mr i-i * W» -v,Rafter the game in the school. That's!_Sd anxf^s I whiT*"? . • "" 5™^? ,E- Br»»k» weekend. " . , tou-£„ Wls mere„ Tr D»°«- , jZZZZLi admission charge S wTr^tf^ Hckle and every man remembered hls,^ £»akip« Wl11 help 8We11 the ScholarshiP Fund than 100 employees, and receipts of Beverly Schwerman, who suffered a assignment. Zl ori«inated by the Alumni Association, not quite $25,000, had become the larg- broken leg in an auto accident a few In order to give you plenty of time est single business in the entire world, weeks ago, was at St. Therese hospi* to stow away your full share of tur- In the twenty-five years since 1913, tal . for treatment a few days this key, the game will not start until parcel post has leaped to second place week. 3:00 o'clock. j in U.S. postal revenues; and in num- NEW EMPIRE McHENRY, ILLINOIS SlBi. Mat. 3 p. m. Continuous FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Bdw. G. Robinson -- Wendy Barrie "I AM THE LAW" Also--Selected Subjects SUNDAY -- MONDAY November 20 1 21 Janet Gayitoe -- Robt Montgomery Fmnchot Tone "THREE LOVES HAS NANCY" Also--Timber Toppers - News The Newcomer -- Community Sing TUESDAY -- WEDNESDAY THURSDAY November 22 - 23 - 24 Jean Arthur -- Lionel Barry more James Stewart -- Edward Arnold "YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU" | Ruthenburg at Mylith Park. --0-- how, they might not have any tea at Layden started his first team and all lift 'em in a full quarter without a inibstitution. --I-- Minnesota pulled reverses all afternoon. Notre Dame pulled only four. .Looked like the N. D. boys were just goofin' around, waiting for the right spot to call a touchdown play. -I-- fic<Qttuitsr November 17 Robert Martin returned home from Cal"d Tournament--C. D. of A* OQMING EVENTS November 18 Junior Class Play--High School Auditorium. There will be no monkey business ber of pieces handled annually it ex- Oak Park Saturday and is recovering about this game. Both teams want ceeds the total mail of all classes of nicely from his recent operation. victory. You can-make up your minds certain foreign countries proof of the Richard Rosman resumed his duties, that a battle is in store. jtervice it renders, and the public's in the B. H. Freund garage Tuesday^°'"ers Club--Mrs. Richard Fleming, rr. i » • • • , • » _______ :growing demand for this service. of this week, having been confined' November 20 Yours Truly was a bit late to the COUNTRY CLUB Parcel post is the greatest extension to his home for several weeks as a Public Card Party--St. Patrick's Hall. . . jScout meeting Monday night, Novem-, *T f/TIHI AWTfllPQ °* postal facilities in world postal his- result of an automobile accident. | ^November 20-21-22 , They hadn't better goof around with ber 14, and as he entered the door BL£t ia UFJT1UB1W tory The founding fathers of this Miss Helen Schneider, who has been Baxaar--St. Mary's church. Northwestern nexK Saturday. The,of the grade school, where we hold our[ igovernment, 160 years ago, had a vis- ill for four months, is slowly recover-' November 21 Evanston eleven will be rarin' to go. j meetings, his ears were assailed by j Members of the McHenry Country Jon "of the lruture' when "they'adopt^d irig'but Is stiil ^confined""to'her*bed. They always are in the N. D. game, the strains of good old Clementine, ,Club met at the clubhouse Sunday af- a resolution in the Continental Con- Wm. Pries, Sr., returned home from fiat's what makes it a real game fVery year -CltyStefctB: !>.- Delph Klapperich on a home-made •cooter -- motor driven. Bazaar--St. Peter's church---Spring Grove. being sung at the tops of the voices aternoon, November 18, to elect offic- ^res8 auhorizing the postmaster-gen- St Joseph's hospital in Chicago last November 2S of the boys present. Mr. Glenn Pet- ,ers for the coming fiscal year. The erai tG 'iftx such rates per pound Friday and is now able to be up and. ^ ^ erson led the meeting in the absence election created very few changes, as weight as he may judge will be most around. Z,on M,8Won Society Mrs. F. W. of Mr. Schoenholtz, our Scoutmaster,1 most of the officers and directors of Hke|y indace p«rson8 to send 8Uch and he accompanied the singing of the past year were re-elected. i packets by post" By 1910 modern life OPEN LETTER TO A DRIVER j£fr\ including ' Carry Me Back To I The offices of president, vice-presi- had developed a demand for a univer-' I saw you barely miss a little boy Old Virginia, Abdul El Bul-Bul Am- dent, treasurer and secretary are for ^ low-rate, postal service which on a tricycle this afternoon and heard "Fishhook Joe" Miller is down from eer, and "Down by the Old Mill a term of one year, while directors in»vit«hi« th* n<>ii nnt fk. Zion Voeltz. November 28 Meeting---O. E. S.--Installation of Officers. November 29 It's great sport and exercise. The: was turned pver to Bruce Klontz, who girls are just as enthusiastic .as the led us in a number of games. We men. RoVena Marshall rolled a 195 played Poison Well, Tractor War, Tug average at the Palace last Suhdijf* ; jof War, Crashing the City Gates, -B-- ing came to an end. It had certain ly been an interesting evening. Listen, Swcvvouuvtos*! HA4eV1r e'°s a®n*o1VtVh,,eV*r g6o od VT • f i 1 i A /, 0- • UiCU jr caio f itiiiOf uiv IttCV Ulttt reason for advancing in rank, and for, November 1 to Uctober ol, wm cnang-1 ft is only twenty-five years old this I'm going to tell you something Shoe'coming to Scout meetings! The trooped to co-incide with the calendar year [year. about that little boy. He has a mothhas bought a set of wood-working January 1 to December 31. Kate Howe First Patron er who endured considerable inconven - Not many men can do that. Bob Conway rollfed a 247 game in a 621 series at Schaefer's and stands a good chance of copping, the pair of shoes donated by the Brown Box." --ii-- I tools--a jig-saw, a turning lathe, wood We heard that the McHenry Brew-' chisels, a saw, etc., and instructions pry is going to offer some bowling will be given in the use of these arprizes. j tides. Only First Class Scouts or --I-- | those over sixteen will be .allowed to One of our readers, a former star .use them if you don't come to the < athlete in other parts some years meetings. back, who has give us some good dope] SCOUT DAVE SWANSON, before, tells us this rare one: One minute to go. Team trailing 7 to 6. Quarterback received a punt deep in his own territory. He runs it i Monday night we had a regular back through the whole oposing tea"i meeting in Miss Fisher's room. While and is in the clear. The gun goes ° • we had patrol corners, we were called He thinks game is Qver. In disgust, one at a tjme up jjjss Fisher's desk he drops ball to the ground and kicks ^ heck on our U ir«~lrA/l 5f t Wnv! Riffht Vice-President Frank A. ^wmolly. j Parcel ^sTTpenerk'^undTed'new him. ^ """"" | ^uncil-Richmond. Treasurer Gerard Carey. {avenues to commerce, hitherto closed, No, the little boy doesn't know any . . Dd r, i , Secretary--E. E. Bassett. |for rural commur ties, towns, and cit- better than to ride his tricycle in the c""staias Party Past Oracli - „ -- --. , _ Directors R. L Overton Oiarles E, ies. it is safe • » say that no other street. He has been warned not to, Agnea Gllly* Crows and Cranes, ^uid Rooster Fight. R®®a> George H. Johtison, T. P. Bolgerl j new development in the postal service but little boys don't always heed warn- After those good games, the meet- Albert Krause, A. E., Nye. _ has had the dynamic effect of parcel ings. Some adults don't either, es- Tentative plans for the coming year po8j on y,e economic and industrial pecially traffic warnings: for example, were discussed at thej meeting and the life of the nation in the past one hun- the on£ limiting the &peed of automofiscal year, Which was formerly from dred years; this, despite the fact that biles -Mrs. Need Rubber Stamps T Ordar at Hie Plaindealer. MILLER Theatre Woodstock FRIDAY -- Lace Night SPENCER TRACY "MAN'S CASTLE" SATURDAY -- Continuous GENE AUTRY "MAN FROM MUSIC MOUNTAIN" ----.-- Plus Hit No. 2 'SONS OF THE LEGION' Sunday and Monday ft® Tuesday 10c FUGITIVES FOR A NITE' Wednesday and Thursday BING CROSBY "SING YOU SINNERS" ----Special Majtinee Thursday-- kitj- N O T I C E Following is an excerpt from an ar- ience, anxiety and suffering to bring ticle in the January 2, issue of the him into the world. He has a father GIRL SCOUTS it Kicked it where? Why! Right between, the goal posts for three points. This really happened. Know aoiiy rule to prevent it? We couldn't see all of that Woodquirements. Now that the requirements have been changed, there are ten different fields, a few of which are hqmemaking, out-of-doors, and arts* crafts. If you had passed the com- . ,, „ . ^ pass in former requirements you now have passed out-of-doors, etc Sever Ilo*o'1k, so ^g ood in |lo si.n g a .1.3 *to 6i. afr - jal g6.i rls also pK assed their t.en derfoo.t fair. Some of us told the boys that' re(luirements wh,ch are the Iaws and might happen, but really expected pr°^18® them to win. --II-- We like to beat the larger school of Woodstock, but have to swallow de- They play to win and get along..*1®**1 W®ek. After our regular meeting we had a short court of honor where we planned our next meeting. But our monthly court of honor will be held BONNIE PAGE. ^McHenry wound up a season m which they l o o k e d both good and b a d ,J but displayed a spirit that drew ad-, miration from fans close to the squad. 5ro™ ' -- I-- • j Now, on to basketball. """* N O T I C E ! 'Farrell and his boiling, team raukegan will come oVer to hook up with the team rolling under the Schaefer Alley's banner next Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. We watched practice Tuesday even-. ~&g- Coach Re&d has just one man,j fDukes" Knox, back from hia start- 51gg lineup of last year. -re source of Spiees Of course* Joe McAndrews and" Jerry Nutmeg and mace come from both the East and West Indies, cloves from Zanzibar, allspice and ginger from Jamaica. T%e llarried Men s Clubwlll; Stfrt Plaindealer in the year 1913, concern- who has worked hard and made many the volley ball season - next Monday j„g the inception of parcel post: sacrifices to make him healthy and mght, November 21, at the high «j^jag Kate Howe bears the distinc- happy. The supreme purpose of their school. Jtion of being the first person to re- lives is to have their little boy grow • -in., „ - Llll. jceive a parcel post package at the up to be a useful man. ^ARELEro HUNTeaK8 ! McHenry postoffice. She was also the Now stop a minute and think. If •William Skidmore felt bitter about first sender of a parcel post package you should kill a child, how would you hunters in general last Thursday when from there< Dr. a. R. Manoch was feel facing its parents? What excuse he found his favorite Belgian coach the first to receive mail in this manner could you Jive them for having robdog, "Pinto,' lying in a roadside ditch from the West Side office." bed them of their dearest possession? near one of his Pine Tree Dairy farms. | Persistent demands for more and More important: What excuse could Scattered shot from a bird hunter s better^service have resulted in rais- you possibly offer Him whose Kinggun had struck "Pinto^ in the side.{jng *4,e limits of weight and bulk; dom is made up of little children? Skidmore rushed "Pinto" to a veterin- modification of rates; general expan- Children, my hasty friend, were here arian. Tuesday evening the dog wa» sjon Xf facilities; new buildings; more long before you or your automobile up and around, almost as spry as (trucks. The department has ever kept were thought of. All the automobiles usual. And the ' No TVespassing • abreast of the needs of the times and on £*rth are not worth the life of one signs^ still adorn Skidmore's farm and today .is equipped to handle twice the ]ittle< boy. We don't know what that the six others he owns in the county.^giguj^ now mailed. | little boy may some day be.- But we ~ ~ J Low-Rate Service (know what you are, and it's unimport- ELKS FEATHERS PARTY . | Parcel post offers low-rate service, ant. We could get along without you, The annual Elks Feathers Party will \ parcel weighing one pound can be but we can't spare a single little boy be held Tuesday night, November 22,1 transported 150 miles for eight cents on this street at the Elk Club rooms in Woodstock. J or a 5-pound parcel the same distance The proceeds of the party are to go to j for thirteen cents and it may be inthe Elks annual Christmas baskets, sured for as little as five cents, ft Nightingale Lived in Monastery fund. These baskets are distributed may be enlightening to the public to Curing the Crimean war, Florall over McHenry County. The Elks know that most parcels weigh five ence Nightingale, promoter of modhave announced free dancing, free ad- pounds or less and are destined to ern nursing, lived in the monastery mission and games, prizes, turkeys nearby points and that more than^one- of St. George, which overlooks the and cash prizes will be given away, jhalf of all parcels mailed carry fifteen fishing village of Balaklava, at the cents or less postage. Larger sizes water side of the valley through WILL PRESENT OPERETTA The pupils of the public grade school will present a musical program at the; a few weeks away such information high school auditorium December 22. j is timely. Children of the lower grades will pre-1 In summation then, the reasons parsent an Operetta, while those of .the'eel post should be used are: (1) The upper grades will present a Cantata. | domestic parcel post offers a conven- Several Freshmen girls will also ap-; ient, quick and .efficient means of WEDDING DANCE WEDNESDAY NIGHT, NOV. 23RD LAY'S HALL ---- -- JOHNSBURG "•' ...'•y1' /"'Magic .by Miller's Orchestra Admission --:-- 25 cento per perstft Jungleaire, Lansing,, Mich. are carried for comparably low rates, which rode the famous "Six-®m» With Thanksgiving and Christmas^but"' dred" of the light brigade. pear in the latter. Order your Rubber Stamps fct. lThe Pl®iBde®iar. transporting mailable parcels to any postoffice in the United States or its possessions. (2) The service reaches mem v!. bora in Birthplace of General Sheridan -The birthplace of Gen. Philip H. Sheridan was for some time a disputed point. Some historians said Albany, N. Y., some said on board the vessel while his parents were coming over from Ireland, and some said Somerset, Ohio. He was TURKEY PARTY Saturday Night, Nov. 19 AT Bill Mertes' Oak Park Hotel Pistakee Bay ALSO TRAP SHOOTING -- SUNDAY, NQVEMBER 20 ^ Turkeys for Prunes-- Gome and Get Your Thanksgiving Turkey TURKEY JPLATE LUNCH--Sat. and Sun. A