Volume 64 McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 8. 1938 Ho. 2$ OBJECTORS HOLD UP ELECTION OF VILLAGE BOARD PUPILS TO PRESENT v CANTATA AT HIGH SCHOOL. DEC. 221) LAKE ASK INCORPORATION "TheChimeg of the Holy Night" is a Christmas cantata which will be given at the High School auditorium at eight-fifteen Thursday evening, Decehber 22. i*«TnfiiTR" The g*rls s^ventfr and KEoliixin i» eighth grades and also some Freshmen girls will be in the cantata. This part of the program will follow the oper- SKIDMORE SHOWS FINE HORSES AT A Pine TreerDairy Farqn Show, Hors§! PINE THEE FARMS t AMONG WINNERS Mr. and Mrs!, William R. Skidmore, owners of the Pine Tree Dairy Farms at McHenry, strung up an "enviable record at the-International Livestock • Residents of'.lily Lake, who on No-|etta, "The Toys That Had To Wait," <Y»nber 5, voted 38 to 1 in favor of which the children from the lower organizing their srtiall community into grades will present. The operetta wil> ' n village, may be disappointed. Elec- show the joy of Christmas while the ^ u - u.ivo<iuir4 tioh of officers for the proposed new cantata will give the sacred touch j Show, held at Chicago last week with village, which was to have been held to the program. .their stable of fine show horses. En- Saturday, December 3, was ordered The cantata will have all two-part tered in the competition were such vacated by county court at Woodstock singing, alto and soprano. There will; notable animals as: "Lady Jane," last Thursday. And there will be no be solos, duets and obligator. ^ During,champion five-gaited saddle mare of '• Section' at .a later date, unless legal- the latter type the soloist sings the wori<j; "Enchanter," beautiful ity of the organization of the village melody and the choir sings the accom- ^lack five-year-old .Percheron stallion, is upheld. Its legality is now being paniment. Miss Justen will play the who "ju<$t grew up" in western pasauest ioned by a group of objectors, al- piano for us. The admission will be tureSt proclaimed as the model horse fca residents of Lily Lake. Hearing on ten cents for children and twenty-five of ajj times and '^Hawthorn Saam,"i the petition of the objectors was start* cents foradults. We hope you will al1 ten-year-old Suffolk punch stallion, ed in the county court at Woodstock try to attend and make it a grand sue- wh0 has been champion at five inter- December 19 by Judge Henry L. Cow- cess; lin. • I'• ~ Attorney Paul J. Leitzel of Chicago' appeared in behalf of the objectors on Thursday. He questioned the jurisdiction of the court in granting the petitif* n for organization on several issues. Objectors' Counsel's Charges , He charged that there are not enough legal residents in the Community to organize a village, and went on to say that the thirty-two names on am*\Mrci nr\M"DT TOTTF the petition calling for an election to STOCKS COMl^Liyi £ organize was not enough names ac- SHOPPERS cOrding tp the law, which he states,1 ' I should be at least 100. JOAN REIHANSPERGEK. STORES READY FOR CHRISTMAS j national shows and never once suffer' ,ed a defeat. Cv* A\v ^ OLDAGE PENSIONS IN 11 MONTHS LIONS LISTEN TO , SAFETY TALK BY • MOTOR CLUB EXPERfcJ lumbers of tW McHenry Lionsj Club enjoyed a very tasty and .welli served dinner, at their meeting held] Tuesday evening at The Homestead i Tea Room, corner Green and Eltnj streets. . [v After a few matters of business PAID TO RESIDENTS OF wert; disposed of, the Lions listened1' MnTjipikn>v PAnwitr ; i ' • * to an interesting talk- by .Harold , ; 'CHEHKY COUNTY - Moore, of the traffic find engineeringf >:rk,j * •. ... " ... • department1 of the Chit a fro Motor . v,r, pension benefits amounting Club, on "Safety:" ' • ^T^T86'4^ 'ha^bfeeri paid to resident*, Mr. Moore enlightened his auditors 01 J™. 3n a.^e' ^ McHenry on many problems which cOime' ujr'eac-h • ttfSi ymonths of ; day regarding safety measures used i938,-iac^u^,,^ to combat the excessive loss of life ° m?. ^lfarey<^W*0^taoft. ft..,- and injuries sustained by people due; w stock- ~ _ a. »* _ • _ - -to the use- of automobile. The Chi- Figures,-rfeleased % Mrs Xulu .Barcago Motor Club has been very, active ter' ™™ty superintendent of public; 'in this work, orte • of -the fields *of .its show ,£at ah average of. activitv being through education, be- shjTly 423 received benefits ginning In the elementary schools and ea^Amonth during this period. , now into the high schools. -It is be- monthly -payments for lieved that by teaching this new gen- the„ period amounte^ t. eration of drivers the necessity for ai1^r<?xima e -v ' ' Following are the number who •t ' -• •' - extreme care and av riding reckless- . , . . . . , , . ness, much can be accomplished to ^ived assistance and the total amount Pine Tree Farms has the greatest!*,'- , , rh . p „ , . kh, H I>~» ««. *• «» J-*** p~. c-roun of draft brood mares that h®«- •®-'H-hiU!ter. (.rand C hampion Percheron of 193*. again exhibited thi§ year years. fver been assembled on one farm.1 __ at ^national Livestock Show by Will,am R. Skidmore, McHenry. _ , The next meeting of the club will ^ Among them are: "Merle Lou," fa- MARGARET McCABE AND M'HENRY ATTORNEY v joe on the evening of Tuesday, Jan. 10- February mous dapple-grey ten-year old mare;: -- «• I ELECTED AS OFFICER Mar Dona," champion three-year-old mare, champion American bred mare two straight years, never being defeated in her class in three years of FOR competition; "Lady Synod," first p,rite yearling fiJly, and several other high class animals. Suffolks Win LOUIS FOOTE WED IN i CHICAGO, DECEMBER 5 COUNTY BAR ASSN. Missv Margaret McCabe of Liberty-' Members of the McHenry county ville, former resident pf McHenry, bar association met Monday at a din* jand Mr. Louis Foote of North Chi- ngt meeting at the Anna-May teacago were married Saturday morning rooTrr^n Woodstock to elect officers for Truck loads of Christmas trees are Tree FarmThad champion Suf- at 11 °'c,ock in ChicafJO\ Attendants the coming, year. Those elected to of- Another point rai^ hirtt.JO.-rt I • in McHenry, gift.' are wovnt driite. . . . *\f fVio i»nw>mAnv WArP Mi: S- fol^ s^,Ton, reserve srandTh.mpion'^ ™ Lu^ ° w the objectors that the. descrip- p]av jn nf the local stores and enfr„iv mnrp chAmnion and re- Cabe- s>ste'" of the «bnde, and Mr. Att>. \\»lham M. Carroll, uce-presi- CITY COUNCIL IN DECEMBER MEET PREPARING REVISED CODE OF ORDINANCES March ............ April May -- June July ....... August September .... October .......... Noveaiberj.... Number 432 ...... 425 s 422 ...... 416 ...... 430 437 ...... 440 ...... 428 411 409 ...... 405 Amount 1,349 7.390 7,566 .7.632 7,948 8,203 8.363 8,14V 7,921 7,961 7,943 ' •••:'. ""I 4,655 |86,423 dent, Atty. Vernon J. Knox, and sector is descnp- play in an of And Suffolk mare and champion and re-„ , „ ^ u tion of the property involved in the windows are attractively decorated serve champion American bred ani- R,chard McDonald. . : ^ ^ organization of the village is insuffi- with holiday gifts and colors. mals First prize was also taken-by Following n short honeymoon, the, retary-trt asurer, Atty, T. V. Houli cient to inform the average layman Wjth the Thanksgiving season now bree(ier's herd consisting of one stal- newlyweds will make their hotne fnjhan. Harvard. proposed new village are located ,ja thing of the past and only four- lk)R an^three'mares of any age own- Libertyvilie were Mrs^ Foote is the just where the boundary lines of the teen shoppinR days left before Christ- ed bv one breeder. The Suffolk com- nurse in the office of Dr. John Taylor NEW REGULATIONS . v. ^ AAn k ^ It was also pointed out that not suf- mas people are gettinR busy on pians tition was especiallv keen, with an and Dr. Maurice Penney. She is a Qtf COUNTY LICENSES bo"d (J1'?00-00*' which was due and baked ham supper given by the ficient time was allowed between the ^or Chrjstmas and preparations are average of fifteen animals per class, graduate of the Wostside Nurses* .December first, was approved by the ladies ^f the Methodist Episcopal /vf Iko nafifinn fnr Ar(rQni7of i An . .... v* m . _ 1 1 : r ' L . ' - ™ U a « Monday night was meeting ni«Ht, ®®ETHOr>IST BAZAAR TO . _ for the city council. . TAKE PLACE DEC. '15 The action of the Finance Commit*; tee in paying the first maturing fund-! The annual bazaar, chicken dinner mrng of the petition for organ^ation just about completed in McHenry, Arthur Newell received much com- Training school in Chicago and has and the holding of the election. _ jwith many temptinfir arrays of loyily mendation on the manner In which his taken graduate work there. Mr. Foote The question was also raised of a .ftg 1, Suffolk horses were conditioned and is an attendant at the Veterans' Facil* _ Buy In McHenry ; " N°"h--K-_ tion. Hwasi charged tha'» <1«0 w»r"' re'Snta tionat Livestock Sho» of 1938 for lit- ' COMING EVENTS Se village (The real thrills of the old Christmas ners, an honor every good horseman, DecembW S r If Lily Lake is organized into a vil-i spirit return as a season of holiday llkes to achieve. Meeting---W; C. O. F. lage it will be the infant of the coun-; spending spreads pre-Christmas cheer Percherows In Lead j December 11 ty and will take away such honor from among merchants. The Percheron horses won the same ^ Public Card Party--St. Mary - St. Lakewood in Grafton township, which, With many employed arid the issu- honor as the Suffolks in their division, Patrick School Hall--Pareufc-Teachvillage was organized only a short ing of the Christmas savings, local being the highest money winning; ers'Association. •••.:"• •• ~ time ago. (residents and merchants are anticipat- stable at the 1938 International. These) December IS " ' •'* 1 ing the holidays hopefully with thie b°rses were fitted by Ed Johnson of Christmas Party--Past Oracle*--- Mr*. i- . .. . council. church will take place on Thursday of h«I?d .rSirZktattctVtot'l Construction of the fonndation and next week. December 15, and^rer,- sue licenses under amended rules and fl°°r °[ tho "<•" I^mpintr house vhich one<is' reirulations house the new pump over the re-! Work has been in progress for some . Licenses for other thhn a year will fently comP^ted gravel-packed well,;-tiime ii" uleful^ be issued on a nro-rated basis After has been completed. Pipe lines to the a fvie display of fancy and useful arthe first half of the year, the'licenses ;mainsare nearin« completion. (tides and C^nstrnas' ^ JJ1" will be issued to new places of busi-j In all probability, it will be neces- during i Iht on h»nrf ness. (only) on this basis, with no li- sary to wait until early spring to' Among cense being issued for less than two complete the pump house. The whole ar® n?anj'a ^..j ' monlth or a fee of $25. The license job will be completed in ample time and for the kitchen, pillow si p , comfor a whole year is $150 MAIL CHRISTMAS [expectation stimulated. that business may he the No. 1 farm In the saddle horse department the Agnes Gilly. December 15 PACKAGES EARLY ^ Although there is not the call for Pine Tree Dairy Farms brought out a Dinner and iazaar--lidies' Aid. « „ * tt , charity this year as there was several ne^ horse, 'Captain Bill, a five-year* | jjeeting--C. D. of A.--Mrs. Eleanor McHenry and West McHenry post- yearg ag0 t McHenry has its Good- chestnut gelding, who won his Mi]]er maste r s ask for the co-operation of fellow9 and local organizations are share of blue ribbons. From all in-j December 18 their patrons during the Christmas, maki lang to carry on the work of Rations at the present, he is a horse Chri8tmas Plav-Pupils of St. Mary season by mai mg their packages as Christmas cheer and bring happiness th/i T w'11 a year Possess the form early as possible The postoffices are:^ needv £amilie8 a8 well as to gen- o^'Lfdy Jane. usually rushed the last few days. By erotl3 goodfeilow8 early mailing the mailer is assured of, better service Packages should be wrapped securely and the return address should be distinct as well as the regular address. Insuring packages is recommended as the rate is yery reasonable. Packages can be marKed, "Do' Not Open Until Christmas." y St. Patrick School--High School. December 20 Christmas Party--Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A. I Keeping pure-breds in shape for , competition in the prize ring is a particular task as they must be properly, „ _ I fed, cleaned and groomed until their in£~~. ' j., • •coats fairly shine, as well as exercised Ch™*mas Party-Rivervi«w C»mp, and kept in perfect condition. R. N. A. . During the past several months! _ _*™e,n lP®r-. ; b much time has been devoted in f\tting Chri^as Party--St. Mary JJti the pure-bred horses for the show! ric^ School Parent- Teachers As- ! The regular monthly meeting of the ring and the fine results show the' soc'ation and C. D. of A. Greeting cards can be mailed sealed library board of the McHenry Public men on the Pine Tree Dairy Farms in Christmas Cantata Pupils o" Public for 1 cent in the city; 2c if delivered library was held in the library at the charge of the horses did a fine job. No license will be issued during the first half of a year for less than $160. After the first half, the license fee will be governed on a monthly basis MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES MEET HERE ordinance code is about over. A revised code will be presented to' the council in the near future for finish- LIBRARY BOARD BUYS NEW BOOKS on rural route and 3c for out of town, local high school last Frjday evening, Proper feeding is essential and regu* Greeting cards unsealed and having December 2. At this time plans were larity in exercise is one of the requisno writing enclosed except the signa- made to enlarge the shelving space ites, while grooming and other care tare rrtay be mailed anywhere for in order to make room for more books. js part of the work. lfec. However, this mail is handled ^ Among the new books recently pur-j Dew«y Does Good Job as third closs and cannot be returned Phased by the library are: j Frank of Delaware county, to the writer if the office of address is j " j-- " " -- Grade School--High School. January 6 Meeting---Christian Mothers. Residence Changes to assure a generous supply of fine forter shams and fancy articles too water during the hot summer months. ™™e™us L to men J t,on a"d the" ^ ~ .. „ . ,will be home-made candy and other The ,le n*g*th7y rtasrk ofr pr epari• n„g a new merchandise as well. Mrg Charleg EnsigJ1 freneral chair. man of the bazaar, expects more dona* tions and finished articles to be turn- . „ , .„ .. . . . ed in during the next week to increase .ng touches. Books will then be print-disp,ay and make u onfr of ^ e ! finest and largest ever sponsored by The new ordinances will be design- the ladies of the church. ed to meet the modern trend of civic Mrs. Alice Lindsay and her com- -- ; betterment and are expected to be mittee are busy planning for the The annual meeting of the McHenry , very beneficial to those entrusted with chicken dinner, which will be served County Mutual Fire Insurance com-, the city government for many years from 11:30 a. m., until all are served, panies was held at the City Hall in to come. ;and Mrs. Ony Wheeler and her com- McHenry on Dece|mher 6 with forty-1 The city has been under a heavy mjttee will be in charge of the supper seven representatives present Fol- expense during the past year. Much which will start at 5 p. m. lowing the business session, a deli-j of this expense has been brought Mrs. C. W. Klontz and Mrs. E. G. cious dinner was enjoyed at the Cadil- about through the necessity of im- Peterson are in charge of the aprons lac Cafe. (proving and correcting water and sew- and fancy work and Mrs. C. H. Duker Altogether there are four Mutual |er systems. will have the candy and merchandise Fire Insurance companies in McHenry j As reported previously, the council booth. county, having a total of $18,000,000{realizes that the sewer lines on Riv- The ladies are noted for their culinsurance in force. erside Drive and John Street must be inary art and their meals are always Most of the companies reported replaced in the near future. Also re- delicious with generous servings. This lightning losses for the current year (alizing: the tremendous cost these im- year the affair wil be held in the new to be heavier than usual. Fire losses, provements will result in, the council church basement where greater space however, were below normal. ihas made application for WPA assist- will afford better accommodations for Folowing are the names of the com- ance. They are now awaiting * -reply the public. ..ttt j tt j in » o* ' 3 -- j, MMrr . aanndd MMrrss. AAilvviinn Rnoottnheerrmmeeli mmoovv - rpeapnrieesse' nttha®ti'.vr eIso cparte,osne nat nadt ntuhme bmere eot-' to their filing of the project. 'j Stud, ents, teachers and others will W Westward Under Wega Stevens. Ohio, largest county in the United ed last week from the Hansel place jn_ fueS(]ay: Alden at Hebron, 5; __ . xr a mmr\ served promptly. "Night Must End" Prince.. States foT the raisi and gellin of Qn Route 20 to a house near the golf Dunham and Chemung at Harvard, 8 GRAND JURORS NAMED have to eat somewhere and why "n,U~ Percheron horses, was *t the head of course. The place they have vacated Nunda at Algonquin, 5 and McHenry, FOR JANUARY TERM "ot enjoy a C.h'C u ke" 'or **** the work and was in charge of the is being occupied by the McGuigan Township, 8. Other companies out-, s"PP®r at the E- church next 'horses at the show. Mr. Dewey, who family who have moved here from sjde the county represented at the] Grand jurors for the January court Dinner and supper will be 50 cents "The Wall"--Rinehart. "Life With Mother"---Day. "Dark River"--Nordhoff. T a - • • t * * ItVl OVkJ OV VII v OliVVTt v-ncjl, ** Hlf mil I 11^ IIV **** ' v iiiv t mm -- -- 91UC tUC ITVUlIt The Importance of Living--wn has had wide experience in raising and Chicago. Mr. McGuigan is employed meeting were: Yutang. "A Prayer for My Son' Walpole. Henry j,f Smith, manager of the Pine jjr. and Mrs. G. J. Bronaugh mov- Milburn at I-ake Villa. 4; Mutual selections •The Years--Woolf. "Three Guineas"--Woolf. "With Malice Toward Some"--Hal unable to deliver it, until additonall postage is supplied by the sender. j In order that parcels will reach their destination by Saturday morning, Dec.! 24, the department has prepared a! schedule giving dates for mailing to distant points: Washington, Oregon, California, Ne* vada, Idaho--Dec. 15 to 17. - Montana, Wyoming, Utah--Dec. 16 19. jsey. • Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, "The Horse and Buggy Doctor"-- Texas--Dec. 17 to 20. ' Hertzler. Korth Dakota, South Dakota, Ne- "Fanny Remble"--Armstrong. braska, Kansas. Colorado--Dec. 17 to "My America"--Adamic. SO. I "Gentlemen Aren't Sissies"--Jona- Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, than. Alabama, Georgia{*Florida, Virginia, ."The Yearling"---Rawlings. North Carolina, South Carolina--Dec. j The following books have been 17 to 20. ! ordered, but have not yet been receiv- New York, Pennylvania, Maryland, ed; New Jersey, Delaware and New Eng- "Listen! ;M. land States--Dec. 17 to 20. Lindbergh. ^ i Minnesota, Iowa. Missouri, Wiscon-; "Rebecca"--Dalphine du Maurer. Hill. Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky "All This and Heaven Too"--Rachel Dec. 18 to 20. . -jField. . . „ . . Illinois--Dec. 20 to 21. | "My Son -- My Son" --Howard ^ a I Spring. PEOPLE TYPING MINDED ' I "High of Heart"--Emilie Loring (fitting Percherons for the show ring, bv the McHenry Dairy Co. Rockford Farmers' fjession were selected Monday by thg ; Tornado Insurance Co. at Rockford, •>; county board of supervisors. Before per plate and children under twelve Tree Dairy Farms, and W. R. Skid- ed here from Evanston the first of the County Fire Insurance Co. at Mount state': were made, this conrection are: state officers. , McHenry has a large number of tjrping-minded peOple. Monday even-; Births Mr. and Mrs. Daniels Rawson of ilig proved it. In fact, they are so much interested in learning to type that they had to use a typewriter of, their own making. However, arvone who was not able to use one last Monday is' assured of a real typewriter Ringwood are parents of a daughter, Thursday evening. ' i born Tuesday at the Woodstock hoslf there are those who would like pital. to join the class and were not able; A daughter was born on Tuesday to be present last Monday, they may to Mr. and Mrs. H$rry Fick of Mcdo so on Thursday as there will be a Henry at the Woodstock hospital, review of all the work given in the pinecedirg lesson. When Ottis Ritter was convicted of reckless driving in Jackson, Mich., he As a contribution to the discussion was sentenced by the court to give over the idea of removing the British the town's traffic signs a new coat at capital from London to Ottawa, Can- paint. ada, a wag suggests that this is im-, - practical, "because the distance is tooj Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hess spent the great for British prime ministers in first of the week with friends here en route from a visit with relatives in Terre Haute, Ind., to their home In Sioux Falls, S. D. a hurry to get to Berlin.' f A lighted cigarette carried by a sparrow is believed to have started a fire which destroyed a barn on the! Mrs. Edward Thennes and Mrs. Urn of W. P. Wagener of Atchison, Quentin Walsh were Waukegan visi- " , Itors We<faieeday afteraoOB. , years, 35 cents. It's home cooked and however , i • • Atty William M Carrol} ex «ellclous we assure y°umore, owner, as well as Newell, John- week and are occupying one of the Prospoct, 5; Slmmbergh at Roselle, l;'p^ed in d^tail't^the boar^the law^ son and others who did so splendid a Perry apartments on Richmond Road. Mount Carroll at Mount Carroll, 2; governing this matter meeting the expenses of the church job in fitting and caring for the Mr. Bronaugh is distributor for Pyro- Nashua at Orefon, 1; Sharon .« Shar-* th„. and the patron.^ of the public i. horses, are all proud and happy over.fax gas for cooking, hot water and on, Wis., 5; Buffalo at Buffalo, "1; certa;n re=nonsifcle nositlons are PT. ?reat,y appreciated. - the ftne showing made by the superb refrigeration service beyond the gas Bradford at Bradford, 1; Clifford at t :„rv „PPvii«p nnd thnt the Menu for dinner will be: Roast string of horses displayed and feel mains in McHenry and Lake counties. Gilford, I. _ !'Stion of denutv' sheriffs Ld others ^icken. and more than repaid for their time and His office will be in the Hunter bujld- Present officials of the McHenry _prv„ on the irrand iurv is cau«f» pravy' cranberries, cabbage salad, effort spent in preparation. ing on Green street. Township Mutual Fire Insurance com" . . , ,'j. • j . . •j'rL . pickles, bread and butter, pie, coffee. An alluring item on the sightseeing Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hettermann pany are Anton M. Schmitt, president; ™ ^ Supper menu: Baked ham, schedule at the exposition last week have moved from the Otto Adams Math N, Schmitt, secretary and agent, , Hi °d potatoes, corn, pickles, cranberries^ was the magnificent exhibit of Per- j^lace in Johnsburg to the home of his and Jos. J. Freund, treasurer. Pre*- e gran Jj|ry- * r- _ apple salad,, bread and butter, cake cherons. A Percheron is one of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hetter- ont directors are: Jacob Freund, Math . . monK os® w 0 are e ?nip i anj coffee. most majestic creatures in the equine mann. Mr. and Mrs. Adams and fam- Glosson, Joe E. Miller, Anton M. kingdom and its story is one of inter- jly, who have been living at Pistakee Schmitt, est. Bay, have moved back to their own Hubert The ancestral home of these superb home. t Jos. S of Pari! ho"eSonNRi^r Jd^DrivV^" M M.M. , «romen, preacher,, undertaker,, miles in diameter and comnrises^ fiOO ing the winter in Santa Monica, Calif. , a. , paper employees,;and druggists.. . i Miss Louise Brown. 18 years old, "uare Th? wSTei2 Elmer Huemann are AltlOllg: the SlC* • . ' . . d i u g h t e r o f M r . a n d M r s , J o s e n h ground to breeders of draft horses, moving from Orchard Beach to an KinU nimp .^nonr* ^rown Spring Grove, who was rejust as the Blue Grass region of Ken- apartment in the Kelly house on Wau- Welter. Thomas King s n^me appears pprted missing _sipgfe_N0Vember 22, tucky is classic ground to race horse kegan street, recently vacated by Anthony .Wegener of Volo under- on the supplemertal panel. Was located last week, marriod to breeders. ;Mrs. Edith Hayes; . : . went a major operation at St. Ther-:^f ' Wayne Rohr. 19 years old. in Texav Th«r« .nm. .«<«• i ~ i-*_s m. ese hospital at Waukegan Wednesday,I NUTItfc. IO " AltR jjr Brown, who last Wednesday «oil Of KS S!' ATTEND CONFEREBICP T'.Albert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto;v.;:."The city water will be shut off Fri- SOUKht the aid of State's Attorney lirtre* of TWWnn nnrf .nAnl lJS1 Mr. and Mrs. Carl N. Weber and Adams, who has been ill for some <fey afternoon of this week between William M. CarroM and 'Pher'T within the charmwi cirel * th t * n'Mr. Ray Corr of Woodstock motored time, is soriiewhat improved, but will the hours of 2 and 4:30 o'clock. How- A. Nulle at Woodstock, shortly afterr pufe-bred Percheron and ^ha^ nas^es to Springfield Monday where Mr. be confined tp his bed for several ever, this will not affect users south wards notified authorities tf?»* h» h?d in«noction o-ets P» Weber and Mr. Corr attended the weeks. of the creek. contacted the parents of Rohr in Percheron." branded'on his neck bv Sewa*e Treatment Plant Operators, Michael Knox, who returned home 29-fp WATER COMMITTEE. Whiteside county sad' -they had ^4 • the Perchehon societv nf Francp «n»|, Short Course, which consisted' of two from St. Therese's hospital, Wauke-;. v v him of the couple's marriage. L the orig^of th"st?ain ?f Percher- days of lectures, laboratory work and gan, a couple of weeks ago, following j NOVEMBER LICENSES Rohf had been emnloved as * fa-Tons now bred with such great success round t^ble discussions conducted by an operation, is making satisfactory! Twenty-one marriage licenses were hand in the Spring Grove vicinltfr., the division of Sanitary Enginering,! progress at his home near Terra Cot- ; issued in the county during the month Miss Brown, who was not 18 yearT the Perch- Department of Public Health and ti|. _ • Jof November. This is nine short of 0ld until November 27, had not told a"good farm horse for which State Sanitary Water Board, to pro-!" HCeoTIeyeri,"'-wBS-"'aiofr^eieil^rtnniAex^ mtm"ber issued in October, , her father of olans to be mairiitat_ thev are bred, and are gentle and easy mote efficiency in the operation cf, leg a few weeks ago, is resting more _ was last seen in Spring Grove in comto break and'keep. They are knowh sewage treatment plants and the | comfortably but will be confined to St. The first steam engine was made to p»ny with the yduth on November as a light-draft horse, weighing abatement of pollution of our streams. Therese's hospital for some time. around 1,800 pounds. j Certificates of attendance were award-, Mrs. Peter Koob, manager of the Altogether, the Pine Tree Dairy ed to the operators by the State De- : local National Tea store, is confined in our country. < The Suffolks, well .** erons, are pump water out of a mine. , -- | Something new, something tiovet Suhday visitors in the home of Mr. for Christmas. A fireoUce to cowole*? Farms at McHenry enjoyed, another very,, successful year. Get His Gift at McGee's A fine gtft--an electric , Carey Electric Shay. • *«Mp roaster parment of Public Health at the com- to her home with an injured ankl?. ,and Mrs. Phil Guinto were: Mrs. Mar- the Yuletide spirit. Gives the living pletion of the course* McGee's for His Gift. 29-fp Give him an electric razor. Leading 2M| i braada at Carey 88-fP James Powers is assisting with work garet Heck, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Rub- room that cheery look that's at the store during her absence., jrecht, Mrs. Anna Krugel, Mr. and portant. Only $1.49. Come in and --. : ;iMrs. Leonard Theole, James Fire. A. see one 0n demonstration. N. J. Joe- Before purchasing that new radio,] E. Kowalske and Frank Fisher of Chi- ten A Son, West McHenry. fMip let us demonstrate. Shop. Carey Electric;cago; Theodore Hamer of W<oodstock,I 29-£Pjlaad John Anderson, M^Heflhr. Gifts for Men at McGee's. '<•