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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Dec 1938, p. 5

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, . - y r r - 7 ' j . 4 ^ - THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER ~y^«g m rarsday, December 29,1938 **VTTi •v <•,,'•/•>rv^i^'V^ ' . ": ) * <' ^ f ^ > ^ * n '.J*... Dr. Paul 1 Schwabe Phone: McHenry 123-J Woodstock 674 i A. & Nye Bide. West McHenry OPTOMETRIST THURSDAY MORNINGS . BY APPOINTMENT ONLY . < i^af . Spend New Year's Eve S Sat VOQVE TAVERN, Lily I-ake Music and Entertainment by the Three Coop Brothers '"i--No Cover Charges FOOD AND GOOD PageTi* "SO I HEAP^ - ' by EARL WALS SNUG HARBOR TAVERN |||l On last River Road r- South of thfe State Bridge: f WATSON - - ' ^od - - - - WALTER SCEIMMEL NEW YEAR'ti-% TURKEY DINNER, 50^ "Fish Fry Every Friday Dinty Moore Special, Corned ; Beef and*Cabbage Every Thursday Yourself and friends are cordially invited to attend S H ; : ' I N K HARR ISO N ' S AT PISTAKEE BAY x rlcu UulCKcu - wv Joe E. Miller's Orchestra New Year's Eve Party At Nell's White House FLAT PRICE--$6.00 PER COUPLE FOR ALL NIGHT! Which give you all the Gin Bucks - Hi-Balls and Beer you wish to drink all night. Also Chicken Dinner - Favors and Noisemakers and Orchestra for dancing. . ! For Reservations--Call McHenry 368 HENRY NELL, McHenry, 111. - . ,v •;.* Ring Out the Old Year • at BETTY'S PLACE Lily Lake On Route 31 OPEN HOUSE No Minimum - Mixed Drinks - Beer - Good Music MOCK TURKEY DINNER, all trimmings 50^ Celebrate the New Year with us Join our gay Crowd in Fun at JOHNSBURQ TAVERN _ . J. B. HETTERMAHN, Prop. TO® BY PAUL DRTJBA AND HIS ORCHKSTRA r+r.--Special Turkey or Chicken Plate Dinner BO#--*- FAVORS FOR ALL / New Year's Eve Party Saturday, Dec 31 s McHenry House ^ IfAVORS---tUNFORALL BIUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT--~ r-- TURKEY LUNCH AT MIDNIGHT ^MmAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY ers with a 204. Of course, We hear THEY JUST KEEP R0LLthat it's a common occurence for "01- T»n AT A1Tri ilie" to Ut the 200 mark, (fo two ING ALONG --THOSE games.) - ^ > (ANDERSON SERVICE BOYS ! ."V*:. ! Mr. Anglese (Clarence to us), who That Anderson Service team keeps has charge of the ice-skating part of rolling along. On Tuesday night of fthe winter recreation program, plan- this week, they had an easy time trimned a party for this week, but the ice ming the Pinemor squad at Crystal A column in which your orator var- js *n condition. Watch for notice Lake, 45 to 23. ies the practice of making his own Ia^r- Ther® will be games, races, While Ferwerda and Glenn" Anderresolutions to the happy task of list- Pri*es wd a weenie roast. Sounds tike son were displaying fine guarding to ing a few imaginary resolutions for *un' ' ,hold the Crystal Lake squad in check, other people to follow. j _ . ~n-- the two Harrys (Conway and Ander- I-- » , That Anderson Service team looks son) were finding the basket from all Here we go. May the >»»1p a« like the goods. They have averaged sides. jctw,,.! -• (Better than 50 points per game this Illness forced Vale Adams out of season while the opposition has aver- the lineup Tuesday night, but he aged only 23 points. Some strong hopes to be back in form to travel teams in there, tool v j with the team to Marengo this Thurs- ] day evening. : 1 . , * . fa. Another column ends. Anotheryearl ---•<-- Sfkn^iSl^^ * ^J&deS If ?is ~lumn and ad- Anderaon Servfca w ell-Known jwmsper. joining columns of sports reports cair „ . FG "Mose": ^ ' hold some place in your reading H. Anderson? f 8 I plan to change my- -attitude • to-. schedule in 1939, we will be on our C. Anderson, '* »•' ward "S.I.H." and his perplexing way to a Happy New Year! The same H. Conway, expense account. I'll do like that to you. >R Fprwprdn » - > ~ -ft Chicago broker-writ. » bunch of . • - V: . . • . ;",> iSSSS^S'^SS^Si checks for him and sign ,them next -- and SAVE ust Alderman Buss: I resolve to cure myself of this terrible bashfulness and learn to FT 2 t ' - i • 0 , 1 rt r: - «4 • r,:4vl^ ay your jour- ' ,Jaey all through ; 4989 be filled wit||T: z.... m;.' ^ood fortune. CHARLIE'S REPAIR SHOP yrajf m Neict door to Ho^t Noonan'a on Route 31 -- McHenry, HI. Twice T o l d ei i year if h4's ,a real good Wy.-- Mrs. "Mose":' .• After careful consideration!, I see the light. It's a straight Democratic ticket for me from now on, Glenny Wattles: I resolve to give up tiiis sihgle blessedness in '39. ' > '.J '*•:. ;; - Vern Hslrrison: For years I have- stood firmly -and steadfastly fo^ the truth, "the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in all that I have to say. 1 shall continue my crusade for trut^ ful, honest speech in, the interest of bettering my fellow men. Alderman Joe Regner: To So some work on the bars (gymnasium bib's) this winter and get in shape for the indoor baseball season. (Joe is the people's choice and attracts vast crowds.) "The Mrs.": the McHenry House I'll do all I can to complete that There den. M ' Intel--t Takan Trorn (kt Mm of ft* Plaindealar . •f Tear* A|r» Totals 'j: Pjlaeitioor • Young, •^Etling,.f Watkms, f •.Leigh, c . Henderson, g VAdamSi:,g ' Rudolph, g :FG M>». . 2 . 8': -rrK .,w%\ •2'-' FT 0 0 45 ; 6 0 ' 5 "v 3 ,:4 b Totals 6 28 ANDERSON SERVICE ' fURN ON THE HEAT AND TRIM FOX LAKE SIXTY TEARS AGO Anderson's Service team chalked up another victory, by defeating the Fox Those who wish to aid the German Lake Lions 55"36- This was the &*** school should remember the dance at set back for the Fox team. Captain Adams and Harry Anderson were the^lgading scorers of Anderson's Service, with 19 and 25 points respectively, with Burleigh and Stratton Fox Lfejke Lions -- 36 . is now more snow on the (As Robert Martin says, its ground jn ^jg section than has been better to have your husband roar in known for a long time at this time of . a den th.t growl i„ every room in their from fifte™ to e^S- L,°"" P°mtS the house.) - ; teen inches. ' P !' _ . . . Fita ' //J .IJJptu!-3) Fit* , ou jOSeph Wiedemann had his annual ""to speak more kirn.* of the Chri5tm's '«« "<»%. , mite sox ™ O u r " f i . B . C . w a x t a p e r s . H . B r i t e , i . . . . . To surprise "S.I.H." by writing*' Burleigh, f ... column for him some week. . George" "Sonny" Johnson: More' than once or twice, I have planned to send MS. I. H." a contriution f?om down here at the U. of I FG . 2 . 0 • .0 ' S!' . 2 . 0 FT 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 FIFTY YEARS AGO . ,C. Stratton, c Wm. Hutson,Vwho lives opposite D, Werhan, g ............ Homer Wattles, southwest -of this vil- Ambacker, g lage, and who is about 84 years of Stratton, g 1 0 •nie'new year will be different. IH B«e\ is sported quite sick at this Klaus, g 6 6 - writing:. . • v C. T. Eldredge, while packing poul- _ 'Totals ...................... 16 4 days1 sifffrfe, the mis- Anderson's Service 55 -- remember "Gabby I plan to steal a base^in '! Jimmy Dykes: 86 . try a few days ^ffffe, had niisfortune to have a piece of a steel nail FG ..... 8 0 • • FT 8 1 *0 I 0 0 TP 19 25 0 11 0 € Totals 26 • 6 McHENRY MERCHANTS LOSE TO STRONG FIVE FROM RICHMOND 53-43 To spring a surprise on the fan's hil" in the eye, mfeking a sev^i^ V. Adams, c, f next year. (Some people worry aml Paimul wound. * H. Anderson, f nl>oUt that catching problem, but not E- A- Shedd, of the Knickerbocker H. C onway, c, g .. Mr Dykes. Ice company, Chicago, was here last v- Anderson, c, g Little Eva* " week making arrangement to fill their Anderson, g I realize I have "been negiectful »CP houses here as soon as it freezes &^Ferwerda, g .. of late in writing to that So I Hear to a sufficient thickness. feller. , Uncle Tom and the rest of An infant child of J. Derm'Ont, died our gang will do our part to save the at the Parker House last week. W* old column in '39. ( did not learn the cause of death. Cowh • " To reduce. (Maytli hf ought te|, > FORTY YEARS AGO ' reduce his speed.) • i. _ . . „ .. .... _ . ^ ; s Harrv Anderson* ' Herbert Bennett, Mike Thelen, Ck».i To get my' eye on the basket. Englen and Albert Holly attended the The McHenry Merchants, newly or- (Harry scored only 25 points in the banquet given to company G, »t »a",zed town team'. staPcd Fox like eame l Woodstock, on Thursday evening last. a free «amp ,ast Fnday evening for John Rolcer- The Chicago Long Distance Tele- the P^pose of acquainting their team To cut down on the calories. . phone company are this week putting w'tb the local basketball public. Leo Blake: phones in the depot, in this village, boys lost to the strong Rich- I resolve to build a roost for the a's° >n the Power House of the mond,fiv[e' "eed not ma^ excuses poor old biddies this year. (Driving Water Works System. considering that this was their first down town and finding five hens on Workmen are now engaged in put- «?ame °i tne season. the front bumper when you stop if tm? in^ Waterworks at the new Ger no joke.) ~ A Tony Wirtz: Richie" Vycital stood out in the church, this we believe is 'the scorin» department for McHenry with first job of main tapping, but we un- seven baskets, while Anderson netted derstand there are several more who 21 points for Richmond. have made application. ! The Merchants have a second squad Lew Bishop, who has been engaged that stack# up favorably with the first in a barber shop in Elgin, has been Mctf.bbins, Alvm Freund and obliged to throw up his situation on biting make up a fast trio of for To write some ojd yams fear The account of sickness, and is now at the war,d^. .^r ]f ,T®r' ®J?U5',y ^! Plaindealer. home of his mother in this village. "eed 1,ttle h,?Ip- MeJseck- Hughes and - t Kinsey are the guards. Some of these YEARS AQO I boys may be moved up to the first [team if they continue to show the stuff The village of Round Lake was leg- Manager Green saw in the Richmond ally authorized at the special election Ra"ie- J?e ' d ![.spe®^' . The Merchants will start a regular To be more polite. ' Charlie Goodell: To encourage more people to ride, busses. | Yon "Old Timers John Karls: To change that ad--"Eat at Karls1 and Be Satisfied." (It all depends on how you read it.) v • Siports Promoters: We resolve not to forget to *nd Tuesday of last week when 51 voters 1 he Merchants will start a out those Press Passes. (Of course, voted for the incorporation and 15 ' ,-J. that means, the "Working" Press.) against it. Billy Pries: To get a re-9t|» Coach Reed: ^ Richmond -- 53 Joe To beat Hebron. "Dippy-Do" Miller: I still think George Weber be a great pitcher if he will do as I say and not as I do on the mound. Eddie Matthews: To confide in the P*eas more than Henry in the past yew. "Red" Winkel: Mesdames Anton and Mathias Mulj lenbach of Adams, Minn., and Mathias iHuemann of Stacyville, la., were re- !cent guests among relatives ana . friends in and around McHenry, can Johnsburgh and Spring Grove. The new engine at the electric light plant was placed into service last uc Thursday and since that time the Mc- Electric service company has Anderson T. Ehorn D. Ehorn Waspi ...... Bell FG 10 2 8 0 6 0 FT 1 1 0 0 1 0 PF (been furnishing our people with excellent light. One day last week while Totals McHenry -- 4i 26 3 9 'Pfltzlcp • • To tie my next Thanksgiving Day "Buff" •ureuteer" turkey with a log chain. (WTien a Feltz was enjoying a ride in his ice reutzer turkey kicks a window pane out and boat on the mill pond, John Boyle, who yvcital * walks away, it's no monkey-busi- resides west of town, was in his field D C„ ness.) i plowing. FQ FT PF --I-- Last week we committed a terrible error. Marion Krause bowled a 226 game at the Palace and chalked up fWENTY YEARS AGO j Hughes ........ Lockwood ... Kinsey TT ... 8 ,~.4 «.• 7 .„ 0 ... 2 ... 1 0 Totals 17 9 18 I SPORTSMEN'S LEAGUE MEETING POSTPONED The new walk down past our village 181 average. -- And we forgot to print hall was surely appreciated during the it. | past two weeks. --»-- ! On account of the sudden and un- Ed Smith's 642 series stood up expected snow storm our rural letter against all comers at Schaefer's for carriers went back to the old steed several weeks. Ed was going to have Tuesday morning of this week. j Zero weather kept many McHenry a turkey for Christmas. Who should j The Terra Cotta factory has just sportsmen fsom attending the meetcome along but Benny Freund. Now, received some very nice orders for jng of the McHenry County Sports- Benny doesn't always bowl 600 series 1 material and as a result the company men's League, held in the McHenry but just put a turkey up and watch wants fifty men at once. jcity hall Tuesday evening. Glen Machim go. A money player, that Benny.! Married at Richmond last Thursday'Laughlin, secretary of the league, out- He copped the turkey with a 663 ser- evening, Ford Jackson, son of Mr. and lined the by-laws and purpose of the ies. Vernon Freund hit 601 for third Mrs. Adam Jackson, of Solon Mills, league and a committee was appointed prize. Emil Umbrecht of Chicago had and Miss Mamie Frett, eldest daugh- to contact local sportsmen and to arhigh game--242. Iter of Mr. and Mrs. John Frett of range for a meeting to be held after --II-- ' Johnsburg. ; the first of the year. At the Alumni shin-dig Monday' --MacLaughlin told those present night "Zeke" Bacon pointed out the! THANK YOU! Iwhat had been accomplished by the number of six-footers. There was' I Want to say "Thank You" again other five chapters during the past Harold Lindsay, the Vycital bo'ys, and "Happy New Year to everyone year and the statistics given furnish- "Marty" ConWay, Vernon Kramer, Ted who gave me "smackers" and helped ed ample proof of the value of the Miller, Gus Freund and George Lar- me win-the bicycle at the Royal Blue league, and of the fine work they aro kin. There must have been others. Stora. • • ; doing, in increasing and protecting Of course, "Zeke" agreed that the hall 32 : GEORGE M. WHITING. jwild life in McHenry county. seen the results of believe that the was crowded with beautiful ladies. The writer has CARD OF THANKS [I tthhiiss wwoorrKk and we You can't keep Lou Smith's littU ,/ I wish to thank all those, Mid es-| league should have the co-operation of brother, Eddie, out of the sport spot- pecially Joe Schmitt. who assisted in every aportsman in McHenry county, light. His 664 series was a prize get- extinguishing the fire which broke out, „ JACK HOAG. ter at the Palace. "Lockie" turned in in my home on Christmas Day during ~r a 265 game for single game honors.'my absence. Need Rubber Stamps? Order at The VOllie" Brefeld topped the .lady bowl- 32 MRS. GEORGIE SCHILLER. Plaindealer. .'/v - All the bells in the i couldn't ting * loudly enough to express our sin-" • 'K New Yeair*s wishes. Ri OVERTON MOTOR SALES Phon$6 A ^ ijirf ii". West McHez^ry Ding-dong, dingdong, New Year's bells are ringing out our jolly good wishes. , M'HENRY ICE GO. -Arthur D. Krause- Phone 216^T «KW VliUI Our hope for your New Year is thai ii'merjry tune will %e your theme song. DHNSBUR6 TAVERN Joe B. Hettermann, Prop. PUPF "fe^ur xteof is open to welcome you for a friendly New Year's greeting, and through the mmy years ahead. FOPPS SHOE STOK ROSA'S STYLE SHOP Main Street West McHenry •Am ww vuft When bells proclaim the New Year, we will profor you. DOWNS MOTOR EXPRESS Telephone 256 JteRtury Wl - "1® -"A

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