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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Dec 1938, p. 6

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n«*s& 1 JT « *Ax(, V THE McHENR* PLAINDEALE* YPASM^R U < ' ' Thursday, December 29, J We wish to oxfend to our many good fri<>nds ; • smcire wishes for continued good health, " ~ /happiness and prosperity. McKENRY LUMBER CO. Building Material---- Phone 46 ----: mstlffclenr/ •rr HAPPY NEW YEAR * Let's cast off the old year ' V ^ car^ ^ -s ^ ^ face the new with increas- •" A*' : ' * ••- •/'.,••*•' , "* ' US ;ind resolve to„it the .,. best May 193i> bring imieli to you in health, happiness and prosperity* WM. H. ALTHOFF HDWE. Corner Main Steet anr Illinois 31 k'vv Ae the eld year draws to its end, we wish to thank you for making it one of the best in our history, and to wish you complete happiness throughout' the New Year. v * I GREEN STREET TAVERN . Jos. J. Miller, Prop. \Mbam i9S9 A bright light to shine on lll th|tF^^; you do, is our "New Year's wish f for yon. JACOB JUSTEN & SOUS Furniture Green and Elm Street# --McHenry For fisrery second, minute, hour, day, week and monthr of the New Year,, you can count on us to please you. ear CHARLES PDRICH & SON Distributors of "Meister Bran" Bear . .. _..v .:•* • / • •,i '-VOLO Mr. and Mrs. Lester Adams and Green Street McHenry Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and daughter, Eileen, spent the weekend in Maywood at the home of Dr. and Mrs. *ons,were, Christmas quests in the Ole Kenneth Kochens. ;Erickson home near Bamngton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rushing and , Mr, and Mrs. Henry Lange and chil- NG . Aa . \VT asey o*f tB> elvidere, *ti1i1 .,, „c„ailil„e,di d.™ " of Connersville, Ind., visited relaa~ t th, e h*o*m e jo f. . Mr. and Mrs. Herrtian i On ut. -off -town guesfts i• n the hom" e o*f Dunker Monday. . Mrs William Bacon Christmas Day J A number of little girls gathered at w,,rt, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Lange and •the Roseville school Tuesday afternoon children of Connorsville, Ind.; Mr. i in honor of Carole De Case's birthday ^ Mrs. Harvey Damn and sons of anniversary. . ^ Kenosha, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Lawr- ! Miss-^mma Bacon of Fort Hill vis- cnce Mitchell and family, Wlaukegan, ited her sister, Miss Vinrne Bacdn, 01) an(1 Mr and Mrs. Harvey Rapp, Chi- Tuesday. 'eago, ! Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and iaugh- Dr_ Jack Purvey returned to his Iter of Aurora were Tuesday dinner w'ork at St prancig hospital, Evans-! ! guests at the Dowell^ Brothers home, ton, Wednesday, after spending a fe*» I Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case and Mr. days in the home of his parents Mr ' : and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher were Elgin and Mrs. Albert Purvey. Christmas j shoppers Thursday. . _ guests in the Purvey home were Mr. ! Mr. and Mrs. A. Frett Of ChicagQ and Mrs. Hal Plumb 6f Chicago and .spent the holidays here with the lat- Mr.- and Mrs. George Jones of Wood-1 i ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Oef- stock. r • • >• ' •» ... . / Mr- and Mrs. Herman Nye and chili Mrs. Lizzie Carr and son, Victor, of dren of Aurora visited relatives here iWauconda, called at the Bacon hotne Sunday. •on. Thursday. • • • _ . Christmas guests in the A, E. Nye ! • .Mr* and Mr?. Uoyd Eddyof Grays- home were Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Hitze- . lake Mr. andMrs. Wilham Dowel! and man and children and Mr. and Mrs. daughter of Barrmgton, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Woltman and baby of Chi- Frank DoWell and, daughter of Elgin cage, and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Nye Mr. and Mi-s. Charles Damn &nd 0f Libertyville daughters of: Wauconda, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin spent Sunday in the Geore Dowell and family, Mr. and Mrs, hojne of his father, Viiicefit Martin, at John Passfield, Mr. and Mrs- Joseph Woodstock Passed and sons and George Pass- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nye of Milfield enjoyed Christmas Day at the waukee> Wis.( visited relatives her* home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield. Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and fam- Mr and Mrs Wffliain M&rtin of ily, Mrs Sarah Fisher and Lloyd Dow-. WaukegaR called on reiative3 here on ell spent Chrisitmas Day at the home Sunday of Mr and Mrs. Albert Hafer in Fre-j Mrs. 'Nellie Bacon spent the week. m m tt r» i, j ! en<^ 'n ^ome of her daughter, Mrs. Mr. »nd Mrs. Herman Dunker and Robert ulr)ch jn chi K tsm, y Mr. and Mr,. Walter Vase, Mr and Mrs Walter S W)llsh visited J S f? ^ "J,® home„° .in the home »f Mr. »..d Mrs. Lloyd Benwell near Mo ; TON**-, sister, Mr5 B Costel| El in on gunda^ H*nry- | evening Mr. and Mrs Wayne Bacon of Crys-1 Miss M B j endi h ?hl Bacon home. ^ ^at Man'kato, G A. Vasey Mr. and Mrs. Charle, Mr; and Mrs. Jacob-Sleffes and Mr. /I M w if v ' » V'5 d Mr and Mrs. Richard Hester spent Christmaa in th« home of »• and Mrs. Miss Lilljan Scheid and Udell Gran. Ral h SchrMder jn chi m. °f i'fa°COnd' apcn I t. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd F»h- |au^lers of chi a„d Julia "Mae Basetey of Wauconda S?'" Nc*"", °®k spen.t a. few d,a ys Lh ere at the home ofr Park were Christmas guests ill the Clarence Martin home B Little Ann SEAS DLS-^GREETJBFE^R*" WAP^y U£W YfAP> TO ALV May the joys of successful achievement;be yours • ' this glad New Year and throughout 1939. Lodtz & Lodtz First £ress at Cambridge, Mass. The first printing press in the Arfterican colonies was set up si Cambridge, Mass., in 1639.* ^ Elephant Can Carry Half Ton | An ordinary elephant can cart# half a ton on a level road. ^ BRING A FRIEND Oil Permanent^, 2 persons for ,, fff up to $16, Singly $3 to $12 complete Non-Ammonia Waves $2J50 c'mpl'te STOMPANATO'S Beauty and Reducing Salon Phone 641 Woodstock, III Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseley. William M. Carroll CLEMENTS FREUND, VS. Plaintiff, Smith remainfed for a longer visit. • Paul Yanda is spending the holidays at Cloquet and Winnebago, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robison and Miss Helen Welch of Woodstock called on relatives here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wenck of Joliet and Miss Josephine Peterson and brother, George, of Woodstock were Christmas guests in the home of Mrs. Joanng.Rulien and Miss Ellen Baker. Miss Maurie Taylor is spending the holidays at her home in Carbondale. Joseph Kortendick, daughter, Kath* ryn, of Rockford and Miss Minnie Knox, of this city, were Christmas guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger. Mrs. Georgia Schiller spent Christ* mas with relatives in Chicago. ' VALENTINE WAGNER, et al, Defendants, IN CHANCERY -- COMPLAINT FOR PARTITION--Gen. No. 28290. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of a Decree made and entered by the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, in the above entitled cause on the 7th day of December, A. D., 1938, I, DON A. WICKS, Special Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, will on Friday, Janu- A large crowd enjoyed a Christmas ary 13th, A. D., 1939, at the hour of i party at St. Peter's parish hall on 11 o'clock A. M. at the east front door j Thursday night. A program of songs of the County Court House in the | and a playlet was put on by the school' City of Woodstock, McHenry County,! children after which Santa arrived Illinois, offer for sale at public auc- j with gifts for all the children of the tion to the highest and best bidder i parish, the choir, servers and ushers. SPRING GROVE Arnold May and Ted Shotliff, students at the University of Illinois, are enjoying Christmas vacation at their homes. Mr. and Mrs. George Frett and children of Woodstock spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Engels. Among those employed out of town who spent the holidays with home | folks were Donald McCafferty, Indiiana; Gerald Klaus, Rockford; Wendi lyn and Stanley Kattner, Chicago; the I Misses Dorothy Klein, Christina Katt- I ner, Agnes Lay, Eleanor and Lucille jFreund, Chicago. I Mr. and Mrs. Albert Britz and son, j Terry, of Fox Lake en joyed Christmas i dinner-Vith her mother, Mrs. Bertha j Esh. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rauen mot- |Ored from Chicago to spend the holidays with her parents, B£r. and Mrs. i Jon Kattner. I A program of music and songs was | enjoyed at the Community church on .Christmas Eve by a large crowd of i grown-ups and children. After the ; program, all gathered around a huge j Christmas tree laden , with gifts as Santa Claus arrived to distribute them , to every one. I Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern and Sfamily spent Christmas with relatives in Chicago. I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and children and Paul Weber were dinner j guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George W. May on Sunday. At night, j Mr. and Mrs. Freund and children mot- Jored to McHenry to the home of his j mother. Mrs. M. J. Freund, where they enjoyed a Christmas party. The 'children entertained with a program j of music and. songs after which gifts [were exchanged. I Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wagner and I Mrs. B. L. Orvis spent Sunday afterinoon in the Leonard Franzen home, at j Ringwood. - * I George Sanders visited friends in | Chicago on Christmas Eve. ! Mrs. Edith Cleveland of Round I Lake was a visitor in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Al Schmeltzer on the following real estate, to-wit: Part of the South East quarter of the North East quarter of Section Number Twenty-five (25) in Township Number Forty-six (46) North, of Range Number Eight (8) East of the third Principal Meridian, and part of the South West quarter of the North West quarter of Section Number Thirty (30) in Township Number Fortysix (46) North, of Range Number Nine (9) East of the third principal Meridian, bounded and des- ^cribed as follows, to-wit:- Beginning at a stake in the center of Blivin Street on the North line of the right of way of the Chicago Milwaukee and St, Paul Railroad; thence Westerly along said North line of the right of way to a point 12 r<*ds Westerly of the East line of said Section Number Twentyfive (25); thence North 11 rods; thence Easterly parallel with said North line of the railroad right of way, 10 rods to the North West corner of the piece of land conveyed by John Wagner, a widower, to John Karls by Warranty Deed recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, in Book 112 of Deeds on page 501; thence South along the West line of said piece of land 4 rods; thence Easterly along the South line' of said piece of land 2 rods to the East line of Said Section Number Twenty-five (25); thence South along said East line to the South West corner of a piece of land conveyed by Mathias B. Schaefer and wife to John Karls by Warranty Deed recorded in said Recorder's Office in Book 115 of Deeds on page 247; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of said piece of land to the center of Blivin Street; thence Southerly along said Blivin Street to the place of beginning, situated in the Village of Spring Grove, in the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois. Terms of Sale Twenty-five per cent (25%) of the ipurchase price to be paid in cash on' The Birthday of Our Lord was ap- Iday of sale, balance upon delivery of propriately celebrated early Christmas (deed after approval of sale and order morning at St. Peter's church with a for deed by the Court in accordance High Mass at four o'clock sung by the with the terms of said Decree. Dated this 12th day of Decembet. A.D., 1938. DON A, WICKS, Special Master in Chancery of the - Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. (Pub. Dec. 16 - 22 - 29) Ifead the Want A4» Mixed Choir accompanied by the church organist and a cornet played by Miss Dorothy. Lay. The church was beautifully decorated with poinsettias and ferns. A crib was placed at the side altar with a background of Christmas trees covered with lights. Other masses were celebrated at 5:80 and 8:80 o'clock, well attended. The.good will of th© holi- *; day season reminds Us of your good will throughout: the ve^r, . for which wo # # • give you our heartfelt thanks. May happiness^ prosperity and great sue- • cess attend you in the year ^ to come. Phone 150 . " • / ' X-Ray DR. & fc. MURPHY Si&L CLAIRE BEAUTY SHOPPE Green Street Office Hours 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Riverside Drive -- McHenry, Ifl- I. " * L -tr- ' DR. a KELLER -- Optometrist V.'V Is iimr permanently locateil -hi Me- Henry at his summer home on River* side Drive. Forty-six years experience testing eyes and making glasses. ;.<- -- Call for Appointment -- AH Kinds of Repairs -- Tel. 211.JI ., CharlieV Repair Shop Next Door To •>. Hoot Noonan's --^ On U. 8.12 ^ " i Radiators Repaired Bodies and Fenders- Straightened > Sign Painting Truck Lettering Furniture Upholstering CHARLES RIETESEL BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR Keep up the cheer that you're starting out with!_ Let dreams become facts and wishes- become true in 1939! MCGEE'S CLOTHING STORE Green Street McHenry WISHES FOB R Here's hoping that your hopes will be realized. Here's good cheer .. . may you enjoy |t throughout Hereto friendships .. Ymay we continue to en- • ^ > y t h e m l . " MCHENRY ARTIFICIAL STONE CO. West McHenry, IUinoia KENT & COMPANY All Kinds of I N 9 U R A N C B Placed with the most reliable Companies Caine In aad talk it ever "hone MeHeary I Phone 43 VERNON J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAW Pries Bldg. . OFFICE HOURS Tuesdays and Friday* Other Days by Appointment McHenry . HHaete S. H. Fremiti & Son CONTRACTORS 4ND BUILDERS ^ Phone 127-R McHenry Our Experience is at Your Service in Building Your Wants V TelephoneNo.SOO Stoffel & Reihansperger •sarance sgents for sll classes *! pro|,erty in the best companies. As the New Yeiur bring you a carof good things A. ---^Photographw- ElversldeDriv* ; Hi. Our wishes fo^.your o f N e w Year» luck Jn 1939. JOHN STILLING SERVICE STATION Elm Street McHenry WEST McHENEY - ILL1NOH MONEY TO LOAN I have clients who have money to lend on first mortgages on real estate and others who want to borrow money on real estate. If interested either way, I will be glad to talk it over with you. f •- -- Joseph N. Sikes Wankegan National Bank Bldf. 4 S. Genesee St., Waukegan, I1L TEL. MAJESTIC 103 A. P. Freund Co. Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service , --Road Building- Tel. 204-M McHenry, Til FRETT BROTHERS f , CONTRACTORS Qment, Brick, Plaster aid Stucco Work Bnilding, Moving a^4 : - Raising Telephone 625-M-l McHENRY, ILL. PASM LXPB ™ INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Pw-tiny .Reliable Companies yw WM* iawraaee ef ih hW Uer Pries Bldg. - t

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