•v ' JQ jH% f v i^ »H«B«6t TBI McHENKY GOLDEN WEDDIN6S , ^CELEBRATED IN '38 MOTHERS CLUB It is with pleasure that we submit an account of golden wedding anni versaries celebrated during the year fifty-eighth wadding anniversary and also a fifty ^fourth were observed E. R. R. PINOCHLE CLUfc East River Road Pinochle Club(, The Mothers Club will mee«<af the T'". 7". ° met with Mrs. M. A. Sutton last home of Mrs. Albert Barbian on Riy-! ^ „ .1 Thursday afternoon, with prizes won'ersj(ie Drive Friday, January 18. j Mr,., and Mrs. Joe Diedrich of by Mrs. Ray and Mrs. Charles Smith. • »'» » • i McHenry goes the hond* of being mar , • BOOSTERS' CLUB '*ied for the lon^est number of years! file East River Road BoostersV^t^fi^ViJl!^ ^"ietly ob«ervclub has been granted a chatter at" KT mg "nniver ® sary. Both were born in the yea*r IWie next meeting will be held with Mrs. Martin Weber in a, week. * • " 9 - »ENI TERVT^A ICN S^ CLU°B * « Springfield and from now on will be :«y " __ _ K" A)PETF.J' Schaefer entertained known as the Preundl East River rfpl WP! ZJ?Tk h wembers of her five-hundred club at R . TmnaL'« In, in They were married November 11, 1880 Road Improvement Ass'n, Inc., m U T I_ ... _ . , lf evening.! honor Gf Supervisor Stephjen H. p A r0^' ° "s *ir^' wth ftixes were wop by Mrs. Margaret Freund in appreciation of his able m ' v 1097 ti,a in? ^ t Bienochle, Mrs. Anna Geier and Mrs. <„ W1]fini, tu- j |mony. In 1897 they moved to McHenassistance m securing: the road. ry and have made their home hew lever since. The next meeting of the Ladiea'.J^j ^un^.€n ce*e Aid will be held at the home of Mva !^ .^. ^6' 54th wedding anniversary Eber Bassett Thursday, January 12. hT "0rth of J<>hnsburg July . • • • " ' v;- j26* Mr8, Jui^enwas born at Phine-; « MID-WEEK CLUB " \ iJfJV1, in 1860, coming to VMf eiK^ r.of#t ^4-M4. .Hd£- AW We .ftc, Ci-1 uubr' ae.l Chicago in 1884, making the trip to thia in ^ day8 P M. th Mm. C; H Duker W(-dne?da> jUI1£(,n wap korn on the ol(J home tier home last Wednesday Charles Pich. Refreshments were seryed -at the close of the evening. *'Wt ' • • • t- • > " EVENING .BRIPG^Cgpfc;..: :'~AMrz. Henry Miller erilpiwned Ifcfe Werners of her bridge club at her home Tuesday evening. Prizes were won by Mrs/ George Stilling, Mrs. Henry Miller and Miss Clara Miller. , . A delicious dessert was served at the, rs LADIES1 AID beginning of the evening. WOODSTOCK lliestre Woodstock FRIDAY Jack Oakie '/ANNABEL TAKES F A TOUR" SATURDAY -- Continuous Two Ace Feature® -- Henry Fonda »C • Barbara Stanwyck "MAD MISS MANTON" PLUS HIT NO. 2 "Hop-Along" Cassidy 'PRIDE OF THE WEST' Also Chapter 1 i---- afternoon when bridge honors went steadf where he now resid in 1863 toMrs^nDre^ Mrs. George John- They were married in Hol; TrinHy son and Mrs. Lillian Cox, • church, Chicago, July 26, 1884, as ^ f npinrii mm !there w^s no resident priest at Johna- ' ' M8 7 ~ , , . _ i . - , b u r g a t t h a t t i m e . : Mrs. Edward Nickels entertained members of her bridge club last Mr- and Mrs. Williaita Tesch ob- Thursday. Prizes were won by Mrs. 'SerVed the «tieth anniversary °f their Alice Lindsay and Mrs. Ellen Phal- m»rria^f. ^March 1. The entire fifty "Dick Tracy Returns" SUNDAY ONLY! ! ! First Giant Stage Show of New Year - On Our Stage - CHAZ CHASE Star of Hollywood IAVA1TA TROOPB ; 6 Persons in Darinf Balancing Act THE BANFIELDS Sail Bouncing Noveltf fe-.-^iiHck and Leota Nasii f "CHIC TBOMAS . AU in one Gala Revue! PLUS -- ON SCREEN James Ellison 'NEXT TIME I MARRY" Doors Open at 2 p. m. -Price Change at 6 10c -- TUESDAY -- 15e "ADVENTURE Of SAHARA" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY "THE CITADEL" COMING JANUARY 15 AND 16 Mickey Rooney "STABLEMATES" in. A delicious lunch was served by ^5! £f their ™arri«d life w*s spent the hostess m McHenry. Rev. Carl Schmidt o.- The next meeting will be held at fi,ciate^at ™rriage, which took the home of Mrs. Phalin. place March 1, 1888 at McHenry. • * • " - ! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer of ENTERTAIN GUESTS W°st McHenry celebrated their fifti- Guests entertained by Mr. and Mrs. wedding anniversary at their C. W. Goodell on New Year's Eve home at West McHenry, October 7. were: Mr. and Mrs. George H. John- TheJr were married in Chicago in St. son and son, Frank, Mr. and Mrs. C. ^a™es church, October 7, 1888. After H. Duker, Mr. and Mrs. Eber Bas- their marria£e, they lived in Chicago sett, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman for fifte«n years and then came to and son, Curtis, Mrs. Alma Thoma9 McHenry, where they have made their fend Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson °me ever s'nce- They have lived in of Ringwood. their first home for thirty-seven yearn, • • • K never having moved after their ar- WATCH PARTT ,rival here. Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Bassett enter-1 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith obtained friends at a watch party New served their golden wedding anniver- Year's Eve. Chinese checkers fur- sary at their home on Court street, nished diversion for the evening. November 19. I Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mr. and Mrs. William Hay celebrat- Vycital Mr and Mrs. Jim Downs and ed their golden wedding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel of Del- February 7. They were married avan, Wis. * ' -- J ti sSAF€Ty SONNET5 A KISS IN *» HAMMOCK MAF TAKE A (AAN'S BREAT4+, OUT A «T*ACK IN A PLIWER ;L» NMTIN®- V*IT« OTATH? REC0RD SHOWS LONG UST OF NEW ARRIVALS 't The Plaindaler has recorded in its files the births of forty-two girls and forty-three boys. This number includes three sets or twins, two boys, two girls and a boy and a girl. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerasch on New Year's day, January 1. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doden are parents of a son born Jariuary-.j^ A son was born 4o Mr. and Leo Diedrich on January 11. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jurgens df Tkur*day, January, 5, 193# Scho«nholt* *nJ A son, Denis Leftoy, was bora nounced the birth of a son, born April-Mr. and Mrs. Norbert KuchenmeisUf \ A . ° of Almena, Wis., August 26. Mm. ^ A daughter was born to Mr. and Kuchenmeister was formerly Miss Car- ? ®eor»e K^naholz of Chicago, oline Miller of McHeniy. |» I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Youngr bi, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stilling be- came the parents of a son, David me parents of a son on April 26. (George, September 23. Aifred Tonyan an-1 On September 6, a son was bom lanounced the birth of a daughter, born Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stratton of Wei- *A i r ^ tern ^pr'n?s- Mrs. Stratton was fo*«- i j j ' ^aro' ^jee> came to> merly Miss Carolyn Reener of MA> gladden the home of Mr. and Mm. Henry. ^ HM? ^HfeMrMaR U'ut - o_ - L*fr- *nd Mrs- Clark Nicholls of LaM r«fJi Mrs. Ben May of Spring Defiance are parents of a daughter, Grove are parents of a daughter, Joan born September 2. *t arie, bor" May 2®- I A daughter was b^rn to Mr. ani Mr. and Mrs. Bob Green of Chicago Mrs. Vernon Knox, September 10. * ^.Niutomal Safaty CommeU Births j Chicago are parents of twin boys born [ announced the birth of a son. Mrs. Mr,, and Mrs. Arthur TonVa^ 'hrt. January 23. Mrs. Jurgens was for- p/f,en WAS formerly fers. Regina came the parents of a daughter i merly Miss Viola Stilling. Miller McCulla. . September 10. aaughter ott Mrv and Mrs. Fred N. Rogers are A daughter was born to Mr. and Sgt. and Mrs. L. R. Bacon announdr parents of a son born January 28. |Mrs. George B. Tonyan on Decoration ed the arrival of a son Scott Adam*. A daughter was born to Mr. and ^ay- She was christened Joan Cath- September 28.. ' Mre. Dale Shaw February 9. |eri"e- J w ' _ J Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell q| A daughter was also born to Rev. I «. and Mrs, L. T. McChesney of Niles Center are parents of a "afflte^ and Mrs. Ralph Kafoed on February, are parents of a son. Lawr- born September 29. , , enceJohn^ bom May 25. A son was born to lliv aLnd -Mra."' Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schaefer of' Twins, Leone Mary and Leon Wil- Jack Keenan October 5. ^ Johnsburg are parents of a son borni|j®m' were bo™ to Mr. and Mrs. Al-! Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Tonyan of" bert M. Schmitt of Johnsburg, June I; Pistakee Bay became tj^« parents ot P Mr. and Mrs. A. Ruehlman of Ringwood are parents of a daughter born'February 12 Sunday,^ January 1. I A daughter, Mary. Ellen, came to' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ulrich of Chi- a daughter, October 8 Mr. ajnd Mr3. Paul Jolitz of Ring- gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. jca£° became parents, of a daughter, I Mr. and Mrs. James Stack of Ch<* wood announce the arrival of . a son,1 Miller of Chicago on February 12.1 Virginia, on June 1. j cago announced the birth of a son, ' " born December 27. (Mrs. Miller was before her marriage,' £ son was bom to Mr. and Hn. Garrett Patrick, born October 25. Mrs. A 94b. daughter was born Friday, Miss Catherine Walsh of McHenry. i Ralph Clemens of Berkley, Calif., on Stack was before her marriage Misa 1 Dec. 30, at St. Therese hospital, Wau-1 .Mr. and Mrs. Lee Whiting of Wood- ^UI^e The GTemens* Were foi^iar, Elitabetij McCabe. kegan, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman stock are parents of a son, Robert1^esidents here. ' On November 4, a son wbs born t« Brown. l1^6. b°m February 21. Mrs. Whiting1 Mr- and Mrs- Wm. Stilling of Rich- Mr- and Mrs. Carl Gielow of Rin*> A daughter, Carol Ltiuise, weight,Wfts formerly Miss Nellie Staines. jinond announced the birth of * son, wo°d. 9 lbs. 9% OES.", was born to Mr.| and1 A son, Carroll John, was born to;June 5, | Twin girls, Jane and Jean, came ttt Mrs. Harvey Rapp at the West Sub- • Mr. and Mrs. Lucius T. Erskine of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith of Hing- fcfadden the home of Mr. and Mri urban hospital, Oak Park, on Decern- Chicago on February 24. Mrs. Er- j ^am» Mass., became the parents of a Wlfred Blake November 5. skine was before her marriage, Miss son, Harold, Jr., born June 11. v Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freund of Johns* v-\o ber 29. Mrs. Rapp was formerly Miss Lois Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hopper, for- Amelia Regner. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Freund of Mrs. Smith was formerly Miss Mar- became the parents of a daugh mer resident of McHenry, now of, Spring Grove became the parents "of Crystal Lake, are parents of a a daughter on February 25. daughter born last Thursday at the I Mr. and Mrs. John Mulder, Jr., Sherman hospital in Elgin. |are parents of a son born February Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jiare 28. parents of a son born Tuesday even-j A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. ing, January 3. Mrs. Justen was be- j Kenneth Marshall on February 28 fore her marriage Miss Helen Pe trosky. Mrs. garet Stenger of McHenry, A son was born to Mr. and Robert Thurlwell on June 15. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake are parents of a son born June 15. <• On July 17, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Irvin May of Johnsburg, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson became parents of a son on March 3. : j" Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fenske of daughter, born July 16, BROTHER OF MRS. PHIL |Chica^0 al*e parents of a daughter! A daughter was born to Mr. and ftTTTTSrrn ITTT T FT* WWIPW ! born March 5. Mrs. Fenske was for- Mrs. Earl Conway June 26. SOTlAMUCtOK. Bi5Vi A4TUT ITUn TJA4WM. 11 "fAy d aMuigs»h tRer« w^a's- born to Jtfr. .an d I Mc*H*•e n"rnyd are paJroehnnts Houf nate rd 0a1u gWhtee"r, Mrs. Joe Schaefer, March 8. ;born July 2, ter on November 9. A son was born to Mr. and Dale Thomas November 11. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund of Spring Grove announced the birth of a daughter, Charlotte Agnes, born November 13. On November 15, to Mr. and Mrsfc Mr. and Mrs. Ge6rge Stenger of *^ames Mahoney of Chicago, was borrt Waukegan announced the birtn of a ^,.son' - KMMrAsW-. * Mahoney was formerly# Miss Margery Phalin. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vycital are parents of a son, John Joseph, born November 15. A daughter, Yvonne Eva, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Straub of John Kowalske, Jr., 557 years old, I Mr. and Mrs. George May of Johns-"' 0n July 4, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hop- Chlca8°> November 21. Mrs. Straub brother of Mrs. Eva Guinto of Mc-j burg are parents of a daughter, born Per of Ringwood became parents of'a carriage, Miss Lor- Henry; was killed New Year's Day,; March 8. son. ~ 5 « TnVinoK p L * „ ... Jan. 1, 1939, when struck by an auto- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin of A son was born to Atty. and Mrs. Fr *ebl"uary 7, 1888 by Rev.) mobile in front of his home in Chi-1Grayslake announced the birth of a !Dorfald Bolger of Rogers Park, July 6. PARENT - TEACHPRS 1 mnn-JL/"^ U"' „a,y' be/ore herjcaP° at 5505 Elston Ave. daughter, Monica Anna, born March Mr- Bolger is a brother of the Mc- Ov*r thirty members were present nr A ^ ^'SS ena Schaefer-' Surviving, besides his wife, Fran-'10. Mrs. Phalin was formerly Miss,HeniT druggist. at the regular Parent-Teacherf meet andMrs. George Scheid observ- ces, and daughter, Irene Vistain, are .Kathleen Givens. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seelback of Chiing held Wednesdav afternoon nt • *u-r V*ft,eth wedding anniversary, his father, John; brothers, Emil,! A son, Thomas, was born to Mr. |caS° anounced the birth of a son, born M^r-St JhSfhS Mrs T hTe near GrisWold UkejAdolph (Otz) and a sister. Mrs. Eva and Mrs. Edward J. Thermes on March August 1. ' | Clarence Ang^ese re^iewd the book' George Scheid and Kather-; Gumto. ;1«., I A daughter was born to Mr. and' ^ Hu*hie Kirk of Falp "The Valiant Woman." Refreshments T* ^ u"lted ln carriage /ri^uneral services were held today| Mr. and Mrs. Leo Young are par- Mrs. Clarence Anglese August 4. ' S were Kit Tutr-c, J PnI at St. John's church (Thursday) at 2 p. m., from a chapel ents of s mmeemmobeerrss oofi hneerr ccoommmmiitttteeee , tthhee ^mnofthh- officJoalt? n"os- buart» 'f ).we» th Father Mehrimng* aint 5S7f 76 Lawrence avenue, with burial Ha*r vard. ©na Esh of Spring Grove.' Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Anderson are parents of a daughter. Marcia Su-i zanne, bom November 18. Mrs. Anderson was formerly Miss Alma Justen. On November 22, a son, Terrence Donald, was born to Mr. and MM. ers of the seventh grade pupils. m m m CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY officating at the Nuptial Mass j this tmion were bom ten ch I eight of whom are living today. To in St. Lucas cemetery, children, CAR HITS SIGN IN FOG Mr. and Mrs TTrhur, rnrnoe ^L.,1 • x.iespecrea . The almost impenetrable fog, which of Dr. Urban Comes .Tr I'C'n' y' ^r-and Mrs. Henry J. Klap-, bugged the city Wednesday evening April 14. Two highly respected couples of this icinity, Mr. " vicinitv rwpntlw *eneb and allu „lrs. otepnen rt. | "«*" iui acciaeni nmun w their golde» weddinir annivpr^ «t ' ob.served their golden wedding curring at the corner of Routes 111. 31 .McHenry. their home in Chicago TWv, anmveTsanes^atji double celebration,and HI. 20 at about 4:30 p.m. j Mr. and Mrs. Earl Marshall became ifi TTrKjin Cnmn* ,„„n i . anu iurh. nenry j. Map- ,"uBKe« tuy w< this Vicinitv. ^K=£!riCh,an.d Mrand Mrs. Stephen H.I was. responsible for an accident oc- Brixon A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Downs of Wauconda on April 2. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brixon announced the birth of a daughter born Before her marriage, Mrs. was Miss Mildred Vasey of lowed in married. n .1 « wuuic ceieor of Alsace Mr. Comes camo "a'T®8 on Jan"ary 25. The two couples were' A car, traveling south past St I Parents of a daughter, April 16. Mrs. cago in 1879 and Mrs rnm« #«i" ™arried at a double ceremony at St. Mary - St. Patrick school, was unable Marshall, now deceased, was formerly 1888 the vpa'r thow IJ 0 !1S °burch January 25, 1888 as & to stop at the intersection and skid- Miss Marguerite Kinsala. Mr. Comes retired from his H eund' Katberine Klapperich and ded across Route 111. 20 up a bank A son was born to Mr. and Mr* business as a retail drv Mnl ra! Sf y.i Kla?perich and Mary and into a huge wooden sign, nar-(Harold Seeber of Milwaukee, Wis., on chant in 1928 Thev have nnnthot v ®"nd' r®P^atecJ tbeir vows, before ro^|y missing a telephone post. | April 16. Before her marriage, Mrs. son, William R Come« wJ«nl Father. Mehring. Mr. Fruend has been j ^ occupants, of the car a Steber was Miss Mary S toff el. Comes Mr »nH Mr. ' besides Dr. supervisor for twenty-nine years, be- couple from Wisconsin, were uninjur- a^t5 625299 NNonrt^h MM ozart s?trmeeft.8 reSlda jitno^w nsehleicpte idn 19su0p9e/r visor of MMccHHeennrryy ed' but their new Chrysler automo- bile. received considerabfe damage m TO OBSERYE ANNIVFRSAPV • anniversary occurring DUR^ wMembiS^. C^rt RI59,' Nf,,th?„Sr rlv W"f tL"! E0V' CC"* •"m°L\raate1^0th1VL>rSte" 'JDn?15'Ce,eiraWhis Si°^^ubOi1^^^ "• "" rryv oofr tthhee ccoouurrtt TTVh. ursdja y eavnneni"- hhoanvrifn gh »b een ordained to the pp rKieSsl t-I!wshnicp Mh^uAtu aolf Ftivr,e Insurance company Q ^ vf 12, in the new hall in ..... ^.ugusi 4. | j ^"nounced the arrival Mr. and Mrs. Ben N. SchmitT of--\^°rn ^fmbfr 23' of a Johnsburg became parents of a" son, Ann, was born Bernard Joseph, August 5. . Vr. and Mrs. .».nton J. Schmitt on On August 7, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Schroeder. November 25. Mr. and Mrs. Daniels Rawson of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Burkhartmeier XRin gwood nb ecamue th*e parents of a of Des Plaines announced the birth of ? - ' Decernber 6. Mrs. Rawson a daughter bom August 11. Mrs. I Burkhartmeier was Miss Laura Barbian before her marriage. A« son was born to Mr. and Mrs, Dana McKnight of Western Springs on August 10. Mrs. McKnight was formerly Miss Lillian Buss. Mr. and Mrs. William Glosson are parents of a son, Dotiglas William, born August 12. was formerly Miss Ruth Klintworth._ On December 6, Mr. and Mrs*Harry Fick became parents of a daughter. , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Britz announced the birth of a daughter, Rose Marie, December 8. A daughter, Marie Annette, was born to Mr. £nd Mrs. Robert Rudin off Chicago, December 16. Mrs. Rudin was before her marriage, Miss Esther Miller. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the board will versary ing, Jan. AUCTION narnrHini u ij- ^ """ Two Iod<?es, the C. D. of A. and St ' Schmitt Friday evening, Dec. 30, with be served at 6 o'clock"*' er Co?rt' W.C.O.F., also Cele-!a11 directors Present but one. Members who wish to attend the' anniversaries. all directors present but one. A review of the business transacted dinner are reaueste/T "" I first bein^ St- Clara's Court,' durin« the year was given and also a CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer i~tio„s„"ceIebrated its -- °f 11,6w-'TotaIlosscs*" Having decided to quit farmine. I than Tueday, Jan. 10. Thev mav Mn , . will sell at Public Auction on the old Mrs- George Freund at 11-W or Mrs ' n ' the excpntinn f Phannenstill farm, 3 miles east of Hetea Weber at 89-R. ^ Df,',E:hter8 of America Tv1t pnHr ° celebrated its eighteenth anniversary Th_e ent,re comPany October 26. ' - - anniversary. The court the y®ar amounted to $5,881.83, all °f which were lightning losses with McHenry, 2 miles west of Volo and j .IjBile south of the Lily Lake school j TUESDAY, JAITUARY 17 Starting promptly atlS^ttLVelock the following described property, towit: 35 -- Head of Livestock -- 35 14 Choice Milk Cows--New Milkers BOWLING PAR1Y .nd Springers, mostly Brown Swi^' ttehifcST * ^ aChievin|! 2 year old heifer; 3 heifers, 18 mor. A number of young lX; hODOred community, classmates at the local e tio S Si°°' in '36' ®njoyed a bowline «•*!• «t..n iniMttHUll p a r t y M o n d a y e v e n i n g . A f t e r b o w l - . . > 'T f ' " ing, the guests gathered at the AmonjBT the Siok home of Miss Adele Froehlich for a delicious lunch. Miss Betty Thennes ^ was awarded ----- - .. T , _ - - will meet Sixteen of the twenty Johnsburg Community hall Tues- . . . . - S t e p h e n " ^ S t u b b y " S m i t h i s s e r i o u s - score m bowling. ly ill at his home at Johnsburg. Among those present were: MTisaoa Littlp 1 J I .1.. . « » day evening, January 10. BEG PARDON! •fh an account of the Are which broke out in the home of Mrs. Georgie Schiller on Waukegan street Christmas Day, appearing in last week's issue of the Plaindealer, we stated that the origin of the fire was not known, but that^it was probably "1400;, Black Team, 9 and 12 old, wt. 2800. 11 Hogs--4 Chester White Brood $OWs to farrow in April; 7 fall pigs. MASONS INSTALL *j „ . » • I'lgo* Installation of 1939 officers of Mc- ... „ ta con, may, Grain and Machinery Henry Lodge No. 158, A. F. & A.M. with an attack of the flu. 2 ton of Good Mixed Hay, baled; ^afLl!eld Tuesday, evening, January Mrs. John Hiller is ill at her homa _ 3i Officers installed were as fblloWs: m Johnsburg. W. M.--^Ritter Earl Dowell. reatment at the Woodsock hospital, house, one in another room, stopped Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferwerda have at the same time, a few minutes afn bepri ill at their home, but are ter 2 o'clock, when the electricity was w recovering. jshut off - shortly after the fire was William Justen is confined to bed discovered. Stow* of Com Stalks; Some Cora Fodder; Stack of Straw; 350 bushels of good Oats; 15 tons of Ear Corn. • McCormick-Deering Com Binder, new; McCormick-Deering Grain Binder, new; McCormick-Deerinjr Hay Loader; McCormick-Deering Manure Spreader, new; McCormick-Deering Hay Mower, good as new; 16 inch David Bradley Sulky Plow, new; McCormick- Deering Single Row Cultivator, good as new; 2 John Deere Corn Planters with 80 rods of wire; McCormick-Deering 4 horse disk, 7- foot; 3 section Drag, new. Cultipacker, S. W.--Jay W. Cristy. J. W.--Dan W. Malloy. . Treasurer--George H. Johnson. Secretary--J. N. Sayler.,. . Chap.--Lester T. ShernMin. S. D.--Darwin I. Grangpt J- D.--Clajrton C. Harmon. S. S.----Glenn T. Wattle^ ' J- S.--Don Harrison. Marshall--Lisle E. Bassi?tt. Tyler--James T. Perkins. Instiling Officers--F. £ R. G -^hamberlin, C; L. Harrison and Ira A. Ritter. Corofy „ D „ fide Delivery Rake, Hay Rake; Steel Wheel Wagon with » . , Rack; New Grabe Fork; 150-ft Hay close of the meeting. Rope, new; Wood Wheel Wagon- 14 " ' fach P. & O. Walking Plow; Bob Bled, good as new; 2 Hand Cultivators; 1% Hdrse Engine. Pump Jack; Grindstone, new; 5 ..Miss Isabelle Sim An, who has been ! . about two Weeks, is improving njcely. ""s Leo Meyer, confllned to St. Therese hospital at WrfLkegan for many weeks undergoing^^treatment for a broken leg, is improving nicely. The cast has been removedXbut it will be necessary for him to nmain at the hospital for some time. \ Mrs. Anna Bugner is cfTticfclly ill at her home at Johnsburg. Mrs. Clara Sorenson of Rftcine, Wis., sister of Frank Bennett of St. Paul, Minn., is recovering from PERSONALS i.were served at th^ severe attack of pneumon'iif. Ir°m * Miss Beverly Schwerman, who suf- ANNOIINCT7 PNP I ed ? broken leg when struck AIN IN OUNCE ENGAGEMENT an automobile October 29 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams of,able to sit up each day. Spring Grove announce the engage-r Mrs. Wm. Althoff of Johnsburg Alf H°i I daughter, Lucille, to: who has been ill since suffering sevfred Freund, son of Mr. and Mrs. j eral broken ribs in a fall two months by now new Milk Cans; Wheelbarrow, new w u j flashing Tanks; Losee Heater; Milk .»nf , of ,McHenry- The!ago, is very much improved Phils and Strainer; 8x8 ft. Brooder * P^ac® on January House, new; 2 Sets of Breeching Harness, new; Zenith Wind Charirer' H88 Ford V-8 Truck, % ton. ' Some Household Furniture. Terms of Sale xg- AJ , GOOD PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK Miss Adams was the happy recip- In this issue of the Plaindealer will lent of many beautiful gifts at a, be found many pictures of 1938 shower given for her at the home j brides of this communitv Mont nf ©f her mother on Tuesday afternoon.! these photographs were taken bv All sums of $25 or under, Cash; over iajf was also honored at a miscel- Andrew Worwick, McHenrv nhotoo-- at amount a credit of 'sijf8months Ws^MtrLuen^A^ W Mr^Womick haTestebS will be given on good bankable notes. vicll Hufr M ® Adams and Mrs.jed an enviable reputation in his line No property to be removed nntil °7 Monday afternoon. Ap- * " - - l proximately twenty-ftve guests were j present and bunco furnished enter- W*. McHCTry Ihnk, until settled for with clerk. PETER F. MILLER Ap- of work. The Plaindealer desires to acknowledge the splendid co-operation Of the Worwick studio in being able to present to its readers these fine pictures. Mr. and Mrs. George Rauen fed son of Kenosha, Wis., spent several days last Week in the Math Glosson home. George Schuenemann of Chicago is visiting relatives here this week. Mrs. Mike Rauen of Spring Grove spent New Year's Day with her daughter, Mrs. William Justen, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nickels and family spent New Year's Day at Woodstock in the Edward Dibler home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey and Dr. and Mrs. Jack Purvey, and daugh'~ ter, Patti, attended a family gathering at the Henry Purvey home at Crystal Lake New Year's Day. Miss Lillian Vales of Chicago was a weekend visitor here. ^ Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Bums of Oak Park were weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson. ' Growth of Hair on Put The hair on a man's face grows fastest right after shaving, then slows until it reaches an average of one-half an inch a month. And shaving does not affect this growth, nor the thickness of the hair. Nor does your hair grow out perpendicularly, but at an angle, which varies not only from individual to individual, but with different parts of your face. And the angle rang** from SI to 8® degrees. SIZE FOR sxiM--THosfc TbM&ifidThacfo. ofj&teef CMC announces all-new truck* and all-nm» " mngines for 1939--here now! CMC's have striking NEW appearance--NEW larger, roomier, •afer cabsr--NEW bigger bodies--NEW Syncro- * /' Mesh transmission on heavier mpdels--and 10 Diesel models! See GMC here today! 1MM jwtawih through ovr own YMAC AM foarMt arailablf rata NEW DIESEL * MODELS Only GMC offers a full .. line of Diesel models! Only GMC has 3, 4 and 6 cylinder'Diesel en- ' gines!OnlyGMCDiesels Slave the famous GM 2-cycle principle resulting in smaller, lighter, smoother engines! Models from 2 tons up. _ R, I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES Front Street West McHenry, HI GMC TRUCKS * TRAILERS * DIESELS