: • • •: • • w • ? { > » ' • y » • * * •>" } THE MtHENRY "SO I HEAR" v 1- " t, EARL WALSrf Dear "So I Hear": 'How delighted I was ! , 1 * the interest of reporting, conditions]I ! for one dear editor, you understand, j I --is-- ! i The whole idea of this Gravy Bowl: game, you see, is ffiat the poor, f down-trodden 'columnist gets the , "Gravy." ^ v • J There has been a lot of weather forecasting about the burg this win-» ta learn ter' Frank Schreiner says that they can talk all they want, but he Jhas f age Fife SPORTS EDITOR LOOKS OVER THE DOINGS IN 1938 Johnsburg scored 3 runs in the ninth fo beat Half Day 8-2. Former McHenry Bums lost ft 4 to 1 game to the present day crop. Johnsburg out-slogged Greenwood' 11-8. McHenry nine stepped out. of and got trimmed 14-2 by Elgin Park-' siders. ] McHenry Bluebirds baseball team , , ' ' _ , 'beat Woodstock Farmers 6-2. A TV/km Ofthe yw l93? shows.) The sports editor got wed so the; MCHS CAGE TEAM TOURS SOUTH * i $ 1 -** ^ t i'mroueh last week's column that 1 am 0811 ia,K 811 tney want' Dut he *** a iTTi. a 'iA** ™ The sports editor got wed so the, : Sm fn y<t £ff business ^t y^n^d very former sports editor, "Zeke" Bacon,- w;.j' - • t . • _ MV or some 40» 50 or 60 years -and' has tak- active in various. t> pes ot sports. Un-. came through with a cleVer column-- jmd 1 d HKe to remain so pay or en ^ that we vsu&lly get co,d l,ke the sports set-up of by-gone years Runs> Hits and Errors> ^ pay- . , t ' spells in the winter. Usually! j when middle-age men and women were Shamrocks beat Johnsburg ColtaJ |7 I read one time that Janus, the. g icontent to watch the young fellows ^ jgf • /-* Itticient Roman deity from whence News It<*m! Alderman, Bass mas'p«rform in n^or sports activity, we, j't took darkness to end the Johns- «6mes the name January, was al* home at 10:45 NeV Year's Eve. No now find actual participation in games burg-Spring Grove game Johnsburgi *raya pictured with two opopsita celebrating. - by the so-called "older" people. lied at end of seventh, .7-3. faces--one looking, backward and the --n-- r j The Plaindealer sports department ' 'Dipsy-Doodle" Ball . other peering into the future. H" Press Time Thoughts: has glanced through the 1938 files and! Joe Miller sprung a surprise on the Was the god of gates and doors • Belvidere's classy basketball team plucked a few high-spots of the year. Softball diamond when he displayed! hence of all beginnings--so right hera wjh be here Tuesday night . . . They Let's mix them up and ramble through his star pupil, George Weber, as an old Janus and 1 go to work • are worth seeing . . . The Reed crew the year. apt pupil with the "Dipsy-Doodlc'* Looking Backward: travels to Huntley tomorrow (Friday) > Ht-re's what happened: ball. December: Christmas at home this night ... See that green feather in j Herb Simon, one of McHenry's bet- Johnsburg lo&t a wild game to Half; *-i|ntsar recalled other distant December ^Buck" Roger's Cap? . . . How time!ter^ylers, chimed in with a 639 ser- 8-7. ""-days when we prepared for Christ- do change! Our high school basket- jeg jn competition with Bob O'FarV Tht local ball diamond and several -- mas, laboriously winding raffia 'round ball team travels to Florida . . . Ojir re]i>s team fi-om Waukegan.. V fairways Were flooded in one of the >vficture "frames-'or making calendars, gang tripped up to Genoa Junction ^ earE.eaivt LeSterBacon drew special worst downpours ift the history of. Me-< always a big surprise, but seldom one night and thought we were h „ „ , for his628Henry- : \ ; .: v'v iUlesae/d) Pnltlo *o cjfnro' woe tllP fflT pHcp nf tVtPs PQrfli ' €11. ^ . • TllP McHftlllPV 'l!M)Tlis ' • llMl'fc: self to us Bohlander's store' was heaven the far edge of the earth > . Had to The McHenry tennis team ...beat I stay over night and return yia North-, T, ' ^ rr^j. -Woodstock 5-8. : :v don't believe Santa Claus ever made western Choo choo . . . Lots of news Kerh Freund won the fm*ll The johnburgr Reds weire hitting a| & personal appearance but the win- about New Year's Eye, but there's no ••R™ %_onhv Match ^hootine- a 3^3 f»st ,stride as they met and defeated* dows held the toys of , our' dreams, need of going into those things , . . ^ * Thompson was fieht on the N°rth ehica«rt Colored Giants 4 ..... . .. tod inside--^was a^Christmas tree that Gue^s •everybodjj/had a gay time . . • Herb's heels with a 370 total • *°J." ' Above is ai picture of the M. C. H.S. basketball squad for "the season *5NiclaV' Peetfhd sk«r Evolved and played tunes! Then Saw George Barbian in a new danceJ The 3rd Annual Regatta at , was absent when the picture was taken. ; , star Wd, , Christmas eve--The stockings to be creation . . . Harold Freund says it . fo ,p iftnelipht and the MoHenrv Lske W*8 a *rand success.- " .{. j. . Standing: Weideman, Laures, Schultz, Gausden, Unti, Schaefelr. > - ; v , . . .. ,, hung and re-hung so that when we was a combination of the jitter-bug Ramblers WOn a couple of close con- , The-Sharrir/><:ks of Irish Prairie laid % y Seated: McAndrews, Meyers, Knox, Miller, Larkin, Weber^ ' -r-X in ^koa mn«-n an/i ma>ia fWat and somethinflr else . . . Hebron's un^- . . the a-" { i *£4si2B&3ir~ awakened the? morn and made that something , un- ^ f ' the Cafv Merchants 30 to ^he °W shillahah on the -Bluebirds^T^ __ polar dash down the stairs (clothes Seated basketball squad added the 2g and 33 tQ 31 ^ ' from out Holcumville way and won ^ took his • basketball in hand to dress by the warmth of f?:ron?I .Ela fi,ve„^„their \istf „of In a wow of a basketball game, 5 ^'itg squad on a trip during the holiday vacation that took them Jas far south as Pensacola, FloridtfT*^ In view of from that team--and hell, a sulH boys tied W Midway beat us 33 to 27. igame when the combination of Mey- : 1 The boys continued their tour into €rs and Weber at forward, Schultz ' _ _ _ _ 9-4. Gerry Larkin starred, collectin the base-burner) we might find them ^ms thj^ ^eek 32"29 • • - And we still Coach aRe"e<fs hiW*scToorfiTe'%howed bulging with goodies. Old Santa fV,,TlW fiever forget. And then there was November: The month of your- 1 , . .. . , xvicnenrv me nonors m me inline rive l • v.: „ Tr ty limits, our Doys can reauy sav, rvm/>h Kio-v, xuj ij o t tt - v a j. P<V>r Duke . . . They had their goal * . « tr _ * -si j o* was h,K" m "ls praise of the McHenrv . ' . / *mucn nign -Wrthda^ old S.I.H. Your first par- ^crossed ... That fog last night ***** f1. Country Club course. Cyril Wagne^, ^ have been Places- Uge te^ in this game. The Scotts-J About 1200 miles were covered on ^ ty invitation was composed by your ke t thinking of Will Rogers in ^.a, ' of Tam Q'Shanter, was another who The group mentioned above was ac-'boro team won the state Champion-'th w d , mother and was something like this: Thjs Js ^ ^ fog whirlwinds ^ f had nice things to say about our "mpan.ed on their automobile tour ship title in 1938. The boys were not!^Way. down and a l»ttle less than^ Earl will be four years old today mieht have been in China foi V i- ,Smi.t 1 h' Io! . ®ne- course. , . by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer, Mr.'a bit bashful about playing the best, miles on the retura « all we could see... ,£?WlZg al! ^ Cloned for A hi|fhly adveriised colored t^m, and Mrs. Nick Freund and William J along the line. This city was the1 Coach Reed and his boys have | » Z senes. -the Kenosha AC nine, proved not so Schaefer- (Nice people, to take their scene of the famous "Scottsboro, many nice things to say about South- S Hebron staged a real fight to nose ag the j0jmsburg Reds walloped • " Trial" of the five negroes and tbe ern Hospitality. The boys didn't play out the local high school five 37 to them 11-1. The happy group started out early lynchers. I their best brand of basketball, but . f 35 in the County Turnament finals in Ringwood rallied in the. ninth to ^onday morning and landed in Mid- On Thursday, evening our boys that can be excused when we consid- f T _i.„. „ , . , beat the Shamrocks 14-10. v , wa^ Kentucky in time to play that!played what they class as the'best er the schedule and extent of their || Leo Stilling rolled a 641 series and Ted Pitzen s\ugger de]uxe of !the evening. The«boys lost, but let usjteam they met on the trip, the Pen- travels. along came Ed Smith with a 645. 1 Johnsburg Reds, stepped into a pitch- w. , you ^ ^ y were Paying. Thejsacola five. This was a much slower. From what your sports department ^ , So ask your mother if you may Come and play a little game Hope you Will be glad you came To be happy all must strive Come at two and leave at five. And birthday parties remind me of iCe-cream and our first trip to Mr.' Besley's drug store. After HERE'S YOUR GAME! STRONG BELVIDERE ^ FIVE WILL BE HERE th! St-^!y s glm: v-lvVTuesdav nieht!w I ing role when "Bud" Miller went out ^dway five boasted state champion- j game. Again our boys lost--37 to 29. can gather, the trip can be summed to the counter from January 10, when the flashy Belvi- *T°FrpnnH\ W of the North Chicago Giants game °J°rs /°J thej year 1937 ,Whft'®| However, the Pensacola school has an up like this--"We didn't win any ling the empty dishes, dere squad will apepar on the local V*™*8 Freund s high mark by one;With a ]ame shoulder. Ted won his. more' they had only one regular Jeft(enrollment of about 1600 pupils. Our games, but we had a great time." 0 pin, turning in a ou/ series. finishing McHenry basketball fans will b« RoVena Marshall, one of the standour dishes of vanilla we proudly given ft treat next Tuesday night^ nntc marched back our table, returning the empty dishes, dere squad We had been doing that helpful little floor. Wt at home to save our mother's: .The Belvidere team rates as the steps--and we forgot? -- We didn't strongest high school sqqad in this sala"Jgolfed cn!."the" local course" in ®ve the frozen confection during the section of the state. Those who have january Winter months then, did we? Think seen the team in action rate them as they decorated the fountain with mos- a vej-y fast, hard-breaking, jjuito netting or something and held passing collection of stars the grand unveiling on Decoration Both Teams Speedy „ , Oh*' Oh! game 7"4" Guy Duker and George'l'Z(„u .k..i e„" Kin- Boat races at Wonder Lake drew 1arge crowds Jim Larkin pitched and batted the „ x . „ „ , . S h a m r d f c k s t o a 1 1 ^ 4 w i n o v e r B u l l Mrs. George "Gertie" Barbian was vauey fast- heard from about this time with a SPRING GROVE ner was served with all the 'trim* j mings. Those to make up this happy | gathering were Mr. and Mrs. George i Weber and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Day. 1625 bowling series. Look Here -- Mr. Ripley! The local five will compare favor-1 Dar Granger--bad 11 strikes in one, Duck hunter.s received good news "Bud" MilW Walter BrOWn and JospPh Brown,'?JichalI« "^ children, of McHenry Bud Miller, Johnsburg pitcher, j . returned from n trin tr> Mr* and Mrs* George W. May and •tarred as Reds whipped Richmond. - *' " turned from a trip to Longer Duck Season Iowa, where they visited relatives £,amily. and ^r" and ^rs' ^osePh E. daring the holidays. . Freund. , a ; . . . . , j ^ I M r . a n d M r s . H e n r y A d a m s a n - season in this Northern A Party of friends gathered at the nounce the engagement of their "Qnoiwl" ctiiii„„ vrtllo R9« Mri„ Zone was extended 15 days. Season: S.?me . ^rs* Frank Sanders on daughter, Lucille, to Alfred Freund, ,/ta^ \«rd f«r a 0ctober 15 - November 28. a^ter"00n ho"or of heI son of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Freund <*tir own back yard, too-- Then in • ~rY V'i \ 11 « ' < Tennis tournaments drew unusual f/ day' Cards and visiting were McHenry. The wedding is to take' September: V visited the fam ^ ^ w^ll. A h„,lsP™ds to the local court. Several pLce.on January 11th. Miss Adams, „ October: We went nutting (stealth- a^]y wjth the visitors in speed, but game at North Chicago--4 strikes--a when° their' Iter) in HanleyV Woods. I can see wjn give away plenty 0f height. The railroad-and 7-strikes. ; J hickory nuts now, and we visitors are reported to have a 6' 4" "Speed" Stilling rolled a 628 series llad four or five walnut trees right m center surrounded by 6 footers. and Joe Lehzen hit 'em bard for a Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pries left., last week to spend the winter in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. VanNatta of Crystal Lake visited in the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Robert Thompson Tuesday. and atTthose big%3 hwvert applS ^ hum?ed int^,the bask^a11; A packed house towns responded to invitations. pmes were awarded those achieving ,vas m ha^ ^ipient [of taanv - ^ th?se b!^ re T d harvest apples DeKalb tournament wmners, Glen- saw the local high school five win a A la McHenry delegation saw hl*h scor«s. Following cards, lunch beautiful gifts at a shower given for ifast game from the Steinmetz five -- - - - - - - +v.„ __j ® ywno irs|7UiuK-u w uiMWitiunn. ^ 11 • T* IiaW!'y ATeCipieni. A large McHenry delegation saw h,gh sc°res. Following cards, lunch beautiful gifts at a shower "01' Diz" Dean pitch that "heart" ^a« served by the guests and the her at the home of her mother on game and beat the Pirates in a wild 0 "onor waa presented with a j Tuesday afternoon. the like of which I never hope to bard of G1^n EUyn< see again. The ones T see Nick pol- Coach Reed's g^ng of players are from Chicago. Score: 36-33. ISning up to put in his window look developing into a fast aggregation John "Bevo" Freund and .Carl ~ -- gift. 1 ** j •** , , 80 August" wfatte'nded the County Wi" r^LX^t0" mme'atth^ pjfa^with "Gertie'™B^ and Jim Mra. A1 Schmelteer entertained the'children "visited' in the^home^of his ®ah^Alwavs the same down to the d t0, wT7 ab?Ut" 1 Look out" VXiul Zil 7 "Gabby" Hartnett hit his famous members of her ctub at a Christmas mother, Mrs. M. J. Freund, in Mc-j St llasT of tllv but Xavs the Belv,dere! We re not 80 slow* B ?"dy HaPke' .WJ° won * homer against the Pirates on the same Party on Thursday evening. Five Henry on Bton&y. I»st glass of jelly-but always the. -- Wto's the ^rence they had a «ood.<jay thafjim Perkins shot a 41 on the hundred furnished the entertainment Miss CeHa Brown' motored from' lme. . .local golf course. and prizes went to Mrs. A1 Schmeltz-1 Woodstock on Sunday to spend the I t nTTr.n i. • The McHenry high eleven tied er and Mrs. Joseph E. Freund. Gifts holidays with her parents, Mr. and f l i /HTf / I f7/4l ' r r » C o n w a y r o l l e d a 7 8 g a m e . w h i t a t e r o n t h e W i s c o n s i n f i e l d , w e r e e x c h a n g e d a n d a l o v e l y l u n c h M r s . J o s e p h B r o w n . I Hfes a good one, too. Palace Re, It wag ^ for wfejtewater-Pas- was served. creation and Purina Chows of Woodbest ever. In - July: "We girls" usually decided? tile river was warm enough for a swimming party. So enveloped with tile most cumbersome home-made bathing suits you can imagine, com-' plimented by long black cotton stock ings, we ventured in--over near the Plaines were McHenry visitors on Overside--No wonder I never learned Sunday. our high school five 48-33 in the Re- ,io swim! In - | Mr. and Mrs. John Elverman and gional basketball tournament. June: School, being "out," we con- daughter, Bernice, of Silver Lalce,! Benny Freund rolled a 666 series. . . . _ • ses for McHenry. i Lester Bell is visiting in the home Mr. „d Mn. Fred Ad.„. of D.,- -^opened at Johj-sbu^ M MrsJ.rth. EMu - K . , - . . . with the Reds trimming the Old Boys. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brits, and son, A classy Woodstock Ave trimmed Call Me Mr. President! Terry, motored to Rockford on Sun- Jack McCarroll was elected presi- day to visit his brother, Joseph Brits dent of the Married Men's Club. jflnd family. The M. M. Club enjoyed the hos-; Miss Eleanor Hergott of Chicago n#e ww,th l c,"A b'n•prnsr'd^- js,M" <wi Dr Chamberlin's atecwress-- OOhh , wwhhaatt wweeeekk iinn tthhee hhcoMmAec ooff MMrr . aanndd Mra.| AA ndh y Var.papCa orfaalms oTuo« trick bow, l-I back from Notre Dame, coached the ited friends here on Sunday! C tal Lake hi h gchoo, eleven to Miss Hazel Sanders, a student at ffnburn! IWm. Justen. . «% came to town, but it was uncle Ed conference honors. , McHenry High School, enjoyed the Od Janus and I might have looked Mr. and Mrs. John Freund were Smith who went to town. > -Christmas vacation at her home here. forward to next - jBarrington callers last Thursday. | Ed rolled a 289 series in competi-l Th* Stmub dauJh iM.y: By th.t time, the Cub, (re-1 Mr .jd Mr.. Cl.re„ce M.rti„, „ilh Andy. Little Andy K,ve th.'.^'^^n.Sr? Yvonne, of ChiXo^ member them?) will probably have sons, Robert and William, daughter, Palace crowd some real entertainment «pon„Kiifll.n« Win in M/. in the home of her mother Mrs gken their «„n»,l Set tack vi. the RiU .nd Gene Sod. were dinner ^ his f.„cy shoti and awro(red 232 ^ . fcrl'^.I.X mite Sox annual warm-up and can guests at a family gathering New |n 11 ^ames jJ Sayler was rejected presi-1 Miss Berenice Nimsgem, who is settle down on the pennant race m Year's Day at the Glenn Rdbison Famous C^ge Stars Return . dent of the McHenry Country Club, employed in Chicago spent the holi- .earnest (I hope). And then looking home «t Woodstock. Our famous basektball stars often +i,„ +iw, Qlim davs at her home ~**ck to - | Visitors in the home of Mr. and years back, returned for action in a m£ol^™L^l ZaZm ^ rltv' A mosf Stable' evenine was April: The fun of April Fool's Day Mrs. John Freund near Ringwood on benefit game with the 1938 school CourJ, and tw0 School Bo'ards decid. spent at the home of Mi. and Mrs. *-- our grandmothers annual joke of New Years Day were: Mr. and Mrs. squad. Gus Freund, Sib Whiting, > . Charles Freund on New Year'* FVP glHng us early to see "Dad's New Uo Young and daugMer Joan Ann "Zeke" Baeon, "Mart," Conway, Jim were di4ed with 'clarence by a party of friends. A (tame of -golt which never materialized and Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Freund, Mr. and Pay "Zukie Kmsala andothers gave ^nglese and Mike Schoenholtz super- eards, "Americano," furnished th. k ' j Mrs. George Thompson and son, Tom- the fans a real treat. The old boys visfn(, ^ entertainment. The New Year was Miss Marcella Lay spent the past we e k w i t h h e r a u n t , M r s . L e n a K l a p -j perich, in McHenry. | Mrs. Edwin Freund ia confined to her bed by illness. Guests in the home of Rev. and Mrs. Minar Gerrard during the holi-i days were: her parents, Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Steiner of Omaha, Nebr., and her sister < and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .SUegenbien of Wausa, Nebr. | LayVHaU J o h n s ^ b u r f Wed. Jan. ll MILLER'S ORCHESTRA Admission - 25c per person •ij $ S3 r March: jtill moving jday in thejmie and Walter and Eugene Freund were strange in the first half, but sur- V1S^f oW Grads trimmed our high ushered in amid the blowing of horns, C o u n t r y ? T h a t a l w a y s s e e m e d r a t h e r o f B a r r i n g t o n . r i s e d e v e r y b o d y d u r i n g t h e f i n a l p e r - i , _ i _ v p n : n « . . . . . . . . sad to me--families giving up oldj Leo Smith and Miss Gadys Mack- iod with flashes of old time form. lit game. neighborhoods and friends to become lender of Chicago Heights, Mr. and Clarence Anderson went out to scholarship bene- bursting of balloons and shouts of 1 ("Happy New Year." A chicken din- M. C. H. S. started the '38-'39 has-' wfcwpaswi .".'a. TRAP SHOOT PRIZES AWARDED EVERYBODY WELCOME |2 SUNDAY, JANUARY 8 il* Starting at 12 o'clock noon at JERKY'S PLACE, Wonder Late 1= part of a new community, perhaps-- Mrs. Edward Smith of Crystal Lake Sioux Falls for a try-out on the pitch- ,, oo o«t Although I used to envy folks who and Mrs. Maybelle Seabert of Joliet ing mound. lov^ Lodstik & Moved into new homes, we never did. spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Warm weather and baseball came; Vw r c _ ' ..... . February: Was a short month but Mrs. John R. Smith. along about this time in our Review. 3230 frorn Woodstock it had three important birthdays -- | Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs.' A young team up Johnsburg way J . 7„r;^K A b r a h a m L i n c o l n ' s , G e o r g e W a s h i n g - P e t e r M. J u s t e n on New Y e a r ' s Day s t a r t e d o f f i n f i n e s t v l e w i t h a 11 t o I h t oa o r „ v, n rf1T1Tim"fh"r'i nn-i n^ R V, , ^ . i n n v r r or>=r{. nr ' l he Reed we drift back to January again I feel Robert, and daughter, Gertrude, of School Has Golfers as the beloved Grandpa in "You Can't Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mar-1 The M. C. H. S. golf team won the mond 43-13. vlfeke It With You," as he asked a um and children,- William, Edward District Meet and entered the State1, T,h etr boys hoacd 9t7o keep hustling to 1.1 .• X , .... tt beat Huntley 35-27. blessing from on high each day "Well, here we are again!" Your S. B. C. Now, there's a resolution made (by ll) and kept by our S. B.C. You Chicago, attended a party at the and Miriam, of Addison Park. Finals. Coach McCracken took Harry , . . . , , Misses Rita Martin and Dorothy Anderson, Vale Adams, LeRoy Hetter- c .e "ew ^ u j1 Ci ®rson 8 W^lsh of McHenry, Viola Straugh of mann and LeRoy Smith to represent fw « 99 ' Amboy, Helen Welsh of Woodstock McHenrv. ^ |m* P-Unch \ ? ^ and Nesbit Newell, Kenneth Seyfried,i The Elgin WSiite Sox trimmed the™1^0? the unbeaten Dunn's Coal Gene Sode and William Martin, all of Johnsburg nine, 10-2. ' ifve ,f .Lak%,G^eva" They (J^ad no Playground Program | trouble m a 35-16 win over Stuessy's -~JP/ allu Kepi Uj Our O. D. v. X UU V-'iticoKV, ovvtuuvu *» r"* v j m i«j§ >!iy nnA1n«mfl Qf . tare do cover ground! Thanks --'till Glenn Robison home at Woodstock: The City Council and the two School, ** p tr c w„ hnt on «h are better paid, Note:- We still pick np dishes later eating. 1 If they get up any move of these New Year's Eve. {,oB0ottaxrUdsa cVoUmI11bUiIn1IeCdU efforts two give Mc- M. C.H. S. was hot on shots as they Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson, Mr.: Henry playground supervision during 8 u and Mrs. John Stilling and Mr. and the summer months. "Mac" McCrack- ^ Anoth«r newtownteam.the Mc- Mrs. Albert Vales spent the weekend en was in charge and did a splendid ^ ,Me^aT?ts' lc?1 * 53"43 ^me in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh job of making the program an unques- jto th* fast, S, ""j cre^' , n . . 1®owl" games, ifs' goin« to drive i Morris at Chicago and on Saturday Itionable success. Supervision at the1 fS A pLTi Tt bs «s nuts. night attended a watch party. public bathing beach meant much to Pace- ^eatinfc ti,,e Lfke "i16' Miss Lena Stoffel was a Chicago! parents of small children. Games on ™<™ *™J5~23 and ^ clever FoX That Rose Bowl game was jus« visitor Tuesday. the school grounds proved popular to1^1"8 56^;6- , „ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson and our summer visitors as well as local! Benny Freund won a turkey at daughter of Barrington spent the enthusiasts. j Schaefer s howling alleys with a 663 weekend here. j Vale Adams drew distinction by,8®"®8- - . Miss Evelyn Justen wms a Chicago placing third in the State Golf Tour- Ed S™ith*_Yho * 642 P081^ at want to stick ia oar two"cents, visitor over the weekend. Inament at Peoria. Third among 95 Schaefers before Benny cmae along I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schroeder of high class golfers was not so bad--not.to spoil things, rolled a 664 series for ' j Chicago visited her parents, Mr. and so bad. (top prize at the Palace. We're gofag to get up a <5ravy Mrs. Jacob Steffes, over the weekend. "Dutch" Lonborg, Northwestern j So ends a hasty review. Time lk>wl game to care for column writ-j Mr, and Mrs. Robert Thompson baskebtal coach, was the speaker at marches on. Sports move swiftly. We : ears. 'Hie fund will be used to send spent New Year's Day at the home the "Letter Night" program at the may have misesd a high spot here of . - Inquisitive column writer# on a tour of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. VanNatta at high school. Ithere m this report, but there is no Mcb season ' Crystal I The Johnsburg nine beat Round^time to turn bafk the 1938 pages of " . _|_ j Guy Duker returned to his teach-Lake 10 to 6. e _ (sport. The 1939 sports calendar is; Now, when July and August suns ing duties at Highland; 111., on Sun- In a scheduling mix-up, both Ma-, with us. May the year be rich in Idt us, we might take a jaunt up day. jrengo and Spring Grove showed up on good sport and good sport*, •h the Northern Lake regions! Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey, daugh- the local diamond so the locals played <tondy, but along comes the Orange Bowl and the Sugar Bowl. --»-- If they keep adding "Bowl" games, conditions. Come January and we .. . V and go to the southland. AH in faf. ter, Barbara, and Miss Evelyn Jus- 'em both. | Mrs. Betty Nielsen was one of the tended the Ice Carnival at the Stad-' The Plaindealer published a 20-page thirty guests entertained at the home Wednesday even-1golf issue a* a boost to the McHenryJ of Atty^,and Mrs. V. S. Lumley New •Ckwiitry Chli Year's**^ TtHRIDGE On Route 20 -- McHenry, Illinois . . . ^ Saturday,, January 7 CHICO LA LUMIA and Hi»>"Rh7thm Melodies" Orchestra ^ --- Admission 40 c per person -- --•--. . 1 •i"" "* i, • v /*' JANUARY 12 JANUARY 26 CHRIS HAPKE And His Orchestra IN OLD TIME DANCES admission -- gentlemen . 35c and ladies - 2So Dancing Every Saturday K!fl«fei| John EL Wrwad and Son & •?.