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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1939, p. 3

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Thursday, January 12,1939 • ^ ~ >t&vW ^ -1^'" "V T-« McHENBY PLAHTDEALDt spw t*• *if*s3 ?w'TA?r 'FZZJ* * T f " * > , # - PageTkrti •='\ YOLO Mr. and Mrs. John Fairweather and Mrs. Mae Ostwig of BrookfVeld visited Miss Vinnie Bacon Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rushing and G. A. Vasey of Belvidere visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Danker Sunday. The Volo unit of the Lake county Home Bureau will meet at the home of Mrs. Howard Converse Wednesday, January 18. This is an all-day meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and fam-, ily called at the home of Herbert Gray at Roselle, 111., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Ghrayslake called at the home of the letter's father, Henry Passfield, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Hironimus and Mrs. Rose Dunnell of Round Lake Spent Monday here with Mr. and fors. Frank Hironimus. The Volo Cemetery Society will meet at the St. Joseph's Hall at Round Lake Tuesday, January 24. Mrs. Richard Dowell and d£$ghter, Ada, visited Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., in .Wauconda Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. N. Merganthaler, Mr. 'and Mrs. N. Herberholtz of Wilmette spent Monday here with Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mr. and Mrs. D. Wellmann of Grayslake spent'Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Herman DunXer. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph St. George of Chicago and Mrs. M. Simmer of Oak Park visited Mr. and Mrs: Frank St. George Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey are driving »:new Plymouth coach. William Wirtz is erecting a new garage and chicken house on his farm. Mrs. Charles Dalvin and daughters pf Wauconda and Mrs. George Dowell visited Mrs. Roy Fassfield Friday. Libertyville Saturday. Mrs. Joseph Passfield was the winner in the husband calling contest. , Mrs. Passfield was awarded a hundred pounds of "Full 4f Pep" mash. Mr. and Mrs. William Dowell and daughter of Barrington, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowell and daughter of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalvin and daughters of Wauconda, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passfield and son, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Dowell in honor of Mrs. Doweli's birthday anniversary. 1 George Wilson of Jamestown, S. D., is spending this week at the home of JOHNSBURG Mrs. B. Browski of Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson. Miss Vinnie Bacon Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz are the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and owners of the old Thomas Fisher farm daughter, Ellen,, spent Friday even- Mr. and Mrs. WSrtz will take possesing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. It. sfon M^f^h 1. Cronin in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rushing and G. A. Vasey c&lled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey Sunday. Mrs. Frank Hironimus attended a pre-nuptial shower in honor of Miss Evelyn Karls at McHenry Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R. W., Mutsch and . -m- ----- family of Chicago spent Sunday at Barrington callers Sunday. RINGWOOD and Mrs. Peter M. Justen wer^>', the home of Mr. And Mrs. Frank j Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passfield attended the "Full of Pep" radio pro Miss Irene Walsh of Fox Lake visited friends here a few days .last week.' ; ; „ "• Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Nye of Lib Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller and Mrs. George King were Woodstock callers Tuesday. Mrs. Ray Horick visited with her mother, Mrs. Stephen H. Smith on Tuesday. • r Mrs. Leo Gerlach .w*i a Chicago caller Tuesday. Mrs. Eddie < Frett spent the weekend with .her mother, Mrs. John A. Miller. The Christian Mothers are sponsoring a public card party Sunday evening, January 29, at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. George Zornstorff of Woodstock attended the - wedding dance here Wednesday evening., Mrs. George Miller of Grayslake spent Wednesday with her , father, John Pitzen. Miss Katherine ^lthoflf of Elgin spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff; Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Snyder of Fulton, 111., and Russ Hunt of Fulton attended' the; wedding here Wednesday, Mrs. Frank Young of Spring Grove spent Wednesday with her mother. r gram at tfie "Quaker Oat Farm," near ertyville spent Saturday and Sunday in the A. E. Nye home. Mn. Anna Miller and Mrs. Nick The members Of the Home Circle gave aboard party ih the Royal Blue Store Hall Friday evening. The proceeds of which are to help put in more street lights. Five hundred, bridge and Chinese"" checkers were played. In five hundred, prizes were awarded to Mrs. Matt Nimsgern, and George Young, high, and Mrs. Leonard Franzen and D. C. "Bacon, low; in bridge, to Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and E.* E. WJhiting, high, and Mrs Louis Hawley and Kenneth Cristy, low; in Chinese checkers to Charles Peet-~ » Mrs. Ralph Simpson entertained the Scotch Bridge Club at her home on Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Louis Hawley and Mrs-. Muzzy. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fout and son-of Spring Grove spent Sunday in the Ed. Peet home. , ' ' Mrs. Lester Carr . entertained the Bunco Club at her home Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Ray Merchant and Mrs. Viola Low. Mr. -find Mrs. George Young spent! Friday' with the latler's parents * at j surprised Sunday when her children ^Barbara, of Chicago were visitors fai and a few relatives came to help her the A. Ruehlrnan home Sunday, celebrate her birthday which was] Mrs. S. W. Smith and daughter, Friday. Those to make up the happy Bemice, were visitors in the Robert group were Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bacon Thompson home at McHenry Tuesday of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Geo; evening *Z°nA 0f +v Al,tlich' Mr\ an*| Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Butterworth and Abendroth Mr. and Mrs. Melvm d hter of Belvidere were caller31 Wagner and Lora Wagner of Elgin, the Ed Sunday afternoon. 1,1 \j Mr. and Mrs. John Wolfe of Wood stock and Mrs, Wm. Hendrickson of Richmond. Miss Mercedes Lindemann is spending a couple of weeks in the FlOyd Harold WMfrkh and',80'"" j">™e »' CrysW Uj?' .» ' Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Friday afternoon with friends at Hebron. ~rT~*' children of Wonder Lake spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Huff were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich. hst- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay and faultily of Rockford spent Sunday evening in the Ed. Peet home. Miss Edna Peet returned home Saturday from the Sherman hospital, El- Mr. and Mrs. $. W. Brown spent gin, where she underwent an oper- Sunday afternoon in Chicago. Ration for appendicitis. Mrs.. Louis Hawley and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Howard of Ken- Marian, spent Thursday night and osha were visitors, in the Roy Harri- Friday with relatives in Chicago. son home Sunday. David Lee Walkington of McHenry ' • • ^ • spent the weekend with his grahdpar-l Firemen of Buffalo rushed tforfreoients, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. league, Wm. Denney, to a doctor Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and shouting that hfe , was bleeding-to son spent Stinday everting with^-the death from injuries received fighting latter's parents? at Richmond. f a fire. The doctor wiped his face and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bratz and Mr. dismissed him. A can of red paint had and Mrs. George Bratz and daughter, burst in his face. ' r ,; CENTRAL GARAGE --One of the best equipped garages in Northern Illinois--• Let us check over your car- or truck and we will find your trouble. Our modern equipment and expert work- . men assure you of a good job and 1 moderately priced. PRJ5ST0NB - ALCOHOL - WINTER OILS - GREASES Full Line of Atlas and Goodyear Tires Electric and Acetylene Welding Car Washing and Polishing _ Phone 200-J Towing Johnsburg Mrs. Jo£ P. Michels. Those who attended che Ffeund and McHenry. Snyder wedding from a distance were:) Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinza of Crys-i vi'iw vioitoH in tTfl hmZ Jake Miller and daughters of Zenda-r'tal Lake spent Sunday with the lat- Y™™.rf fit Mrs. Joe E. Miller and d.agh-'tert, rtother. Mrs. Wite'Harrison. Kenoah, and M, and Mrs. Wa.^r -STwSSL. r,«"f ^ Atim Fri«liv ™ Chica>!"; Mr- »"a Mrs- Wm- Preond Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gratton and in the home o| Miss Anna Fnsby^n nd song) Mr an(J Mrs Math Freund family of Woodstock spent Sunday in Sunday aftemoon. ^ ^ land Mr and Mrs. Mike Freund ?nd the J. V. Buckland home. Mr and Mrs. Jake Stoffel and sons q£ Spring Grove. r | Mr and Mrs H M Stephenson Bunny' ? w»uk«Kan "s'| Mrs. Stephen Freund of Spring;were visitors in the Gordon Stringer lted McHenry relatives Sunday after-Groye spent Wednesd4y with her home at Rockford Sunday noon* ' mother, Mrs. Anna Bugner. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Justen atMiss Katie Pitzen of Chicago spent tended the 1939 Furniture Market at J the"weekend wither lather, Tohn Chicago Tuesday and Wednesday. iRtzen Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ulrich and Mr.] Mrs. Anna Bugner- is improving afand Mrs. Robert Ulrich and daugh-' «.riou<? illness ter, Virginia, of Chicago visited Mc-!ter Jo* n S*y ^ertirangof Aurora is yiv Mrs. Jennie Bacon was pleasantly RESTAURAMi: PhoM-ittf|S^STW"&* FREUND, Props. Oreen St HALF SPRING FRIED CHICKEN 60c FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY --4- FRESH PERCH and Henry relatives Saturday. iting a few days this week with Joe Mr. and Mrs. Peter Diedrich «..u N gchmitt Lc°,Di^rich visited Henry Stadtfield Mr and" Mrs Iryin Schaefel. o{ at St. Therese hospital at Wau e£an ^aukegan were Sunday callers at the Saturday. t Overton Motor Sales ANNIVERSARY SALE! THIRTY YEARS ago this week R. I. Overton started business in McHenry, opening a livery stable. TWENTY-J^QHT YEARS ago this firm started selling automobiles. - * We have been selling BUICK^ for tlie past tWEN# YEAfe an^ PONTIACS for the past NINE YEARS. During that time we have sold over TWO THOUSAND NEW CARS and over THREE THOU • SAND USED CARS to people of McHenry and vicinity. * We think we have given the utmost dollar value in every hew BUJt*K or PONTIAC, anc} We have tried to do the same in every Used Car we have sold. The continued patronage of our customers, year after year, Jead us to believe they have appreciated honest values and fair treat- , ment. . home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughter, Nancy, of Chicago spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Thfel, Mrs. Joe P. Miller and Mrs. George Kinp called on Leo Meyers at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. Sunday afternoon. Arnold and Evelyn Michels and T ? T Jeanette Degen were Woodstock call- «*» * T T ers Monday. • -j Mrs. John King and Mrs. Katie \ Stoffell of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. i Charles Stoffel of Milwaukee called on Mrs. Anna Bugner Sunday after-} noon. j Mr. and Mrs. F. Doleraganski and | sons, Daniel and Rudolph, of Milwau-1 kee, Wis., Mrs. Bernard Wunk, of j Phelys, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. H. Ger- j lach, Chicago, Mr. ^nd Mrs: Paul j Kaleth,, Chicago, Mrs. Joseph Bauer and son, Joe, of Arlington Heights • were callers at the home of Mr. and t f T Mrs. Leo Gerlach recently. Mr. and Mrs. Kozie and children 1 of Chicago spent Sunday at their summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaefer and We h&ve XfcraH* who have bongfht as high as Iff new cars from us and many Used Car Owners who have bought more than j/0 used cars. We are the oldest automobile dealer in McHenry, qnd there is but one older automobile firm in McHenry county. , BUIOK has been sold by us longer than any other make of car now being sold by any dealer in McHENRY. The 1939 BUICKS and PONTIAOS were announced on Octoer 8th and we have already delivered over thirty-five of these 6ne cars. The Used Cars we have taken in on 1939 models have increased our stock to a figure higher than we like, and these Used Cars yet to come in on our unfilled orders will further increase our inventory. We prdpose, therefore, to move our Used Cars NOW at reduced prices! Every Used Caj: over $100 carries a thirty-day guarantee. Every 1937 and 1938 Used Car carries a NINETY-DAY GUARANTEE and that is all the guarantee you would get on a 1939 J^ew Car. A few of our Used Car bargains are listed below and if you don't think_ these prices are really RIGHT -- Compare the prices AND THE CARS with any Used Cars being offered in town. ^ I daughter, Betty, and Mrs. Irvin V j Schaefer of Waukegan were callers here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrsi George Hiller, Mr. and Mrs. Allie Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. £ Henry Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred v 'Oeffling, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers, Joe Frett, Ford Jackson and Henry Sompel and son, Joe, attended the McHenry Contractors' Ass'n banquet it Crystal Lake Saturday evening. McCULLOM LAKE ( Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hausherr of j Chicago are spending a week at their V | cottage at McCoilum Lake. «B» Langley Bennett of McCoilum Lake •A ! spent Sunday afternoon with Mildred V jCylik of McCoilum Lake. | Mr. and Mrs. G. Coste of Chicago } spent the weekend at their cottage ] here. 1 Mr. and Mrs. B. Barih of McCol- J : lum Lake entertained their nephew V j of Chicago Sunday. •:« j Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Huska and % 1937 PONTIAC DeLUXE COUPE -- Perfect Car, Black Finish. Radio, Heater, Defrosters and all Dual Equipment. New Car Guarantee $495.00 1936 DODGE 2 DOOR TRUNK SEDAN--Run only 22,000 mi., Heater and Dual Equipment, Grey Finish. This car virtually as srood as new! Only . .. $365.00 1937 BUICK DeLUXE 4-DOOR TRUNK SEDAN--Heater, Defrosters, Dual Equipment, etc. ^ Run only 24,000, Beautiful Dk. Green Duco Finish. Must see to appreciate $650.00 1934 HUDSON 4-DOOR TRUNK SEDAN--Perfect, Black FitF isli, Heater ^nd DeLuxe Equipment, Guaranteed and a real bargain at $225.00 1937 CHEVROLET DeLUXE COUPE--A real Beauty! Can?! -- tell from new, Has all new and run only 23,000 miles. New Guarantee but Used Car Price! $435.00 1937 FORD "8!^ 2-DOOR SEDAN-- Metallic Grey Finish, ' Heater, Perfect Tires, Run only 21,000 miles. A Real Buv at • ' $415*00- family of McCoilum Lake spent Sunday at Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. L*. Lowdo are spending two days in WiscorfBln." " T Mr. and Mrs. George SJiubert of f Chicago are building a beautiful V house at McCoilum Lake. . Mr. and Mrs- Brokman spent sev- ^ eral days in Chicago. X Mr. and, Mrs. John Brzsinski were V visitor last week in Chicago, j L. Bennett of Chicago spent the V • * weekend with his family. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Petersen spent Saturday in Chicago. M. Peterson of McCoilum Lake, who was ill, is able to be out again. Guests at the home of Joe A. J Schaefer Monday were Frank Ritzer V and Bert Mclntyre and friends. ^ j Mr. and Mrs. Steven Huska enter- 14 Others to Choose From All Guaranteed Easy General Motor Terms R. I. Overton Motor Sales f T ? ? 'i ?f T T i tained their nephew, Bud Burg, Sun-'^ day afternoon. i Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Feiereissl > are spending two weeks in Chicago, j Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barber of Chicago spent Sunday at their co^-1 tage here. ^ : Mr. and Mrs. A. Hanson of Chi- j cago spent Sunday ®t their cottage at McCoilum Lake. - i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madsen of Chi-1 cago spent Sunday at their cottage, here. J Mr. and Mrs. S. Cylik, son, Bud, ^ and daughter, Mildred, spent Satur- B U I C K P O N T I A C Phone 6 (Where Customers Send .Their Friends) * :-- : :-- West McHenry, ULf T Tt T ft w v..-:. day evening at the home of Mf» awdj Mrs. L. Bennett and family. I Another New York landmark, ana one of the city's ugliest, Will shortly disappear when the 60-year-old Sixth Avenue Elevated line will be torn down, to be superseded by a new subway. / The old elevated structure, which was built at a cost of three million dollars, has been sold for junk to » San Francisco wrecker ior $80,000. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) "Report of the Condition o? West McHenry State Bank McHenry, 111. (P. 0. West McHenry) transmitted in response to call of the Auditor of Public Accounts* pursuant to law and showing condition at the close of business on the 31st dav of December 1938. RESOURCES . 1. Cash and due from banks ...-- ...-„ t United States Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed --.-*..^^.,.1-...--*- Other bonds, stocks and securities If. Loans and discounts Si Overdrafts . -y ..$161,397.72 306,925^53 141,293.01 333,468.69 121.87 7. Banking house,^$7,549.70; Furniture and fixtures, $1,244.16 ^ 1 i 'i W • u Grand Total Resources 8,793.86 ..^...^$952,000^8 LIABILITIES 12. Capital stock" •' 14. Surplus 15. Undivided profits 16. Reserve accounts 17. Demand deposits 18. Time deposits ......... , -- Total of deposits: (1) Secured by pledge of loans and/pr investments 1. $ 25,000.00 (2) Not secured by pledge of loans and/or «•»- ... investments „ 778,356.58 > 50,00000 50,000.00 22.925.30 • : 8,100.00 464,706.51 348,650# (3) Total deposits Other liabilities 1 ..... Grand Total Liabilities „$803,356.58 17,618,80 ^.„,.,...:$952,000^ Memorandum: Ix>ans and Investments Pledged to Secure Liabilities: Loans and investments pledged : U. S. Government obligations direct and'or fully guaranteed .L.........„ Total Pledged (excluding re-discounts) 27> Pledged: . - # ,,^....$27,000.^ -,.^7^oado ...$ 27.000.00 Total Pledged.... .. 27,000 00 The bank lias outstanding $37,823.39 face amount of Deferred Certificates, payable solely out of future net profits, if and when such future net profits are earned, (future net profits are operating profits plus recoveries, less charge-offs and proper provision for reserve®) representing contributions to the bank and subordinated to all deposit and creditor liabilities but payable before any distribution to stocfc-: holders as such. Gerald J. Carey, Cashier of the West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above agree with the items and amounts shown in the report made to tlie- Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. GERALD J. CAREY, Cashier. • 00iTect, Attest: C.• jfe'-RE1HANSPERGER. , _ 1 JQS. W. FREUND. Directors. _ STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of McHenry. ss. Subscribed and swornjo before me this 7th day' of January 1939. ^ (SEAL) ROBERT L. WEBER, Notary Public- MKMBKH HKSKR\ 1 -VSTK'I MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORAJJON : v: ':5'v .n- / m

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