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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jan 1939, p. 8

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ftftngi* >. ">• * V -M ; *•' S, t .'liMxtv »«J 5V * "-3L »•« t * **%< $ ' / *>. *\ *\ -' ,<*S « 7* W- 1 <w • v* * r Tin' MeavHs? puuhdialer tV ^ * i4S" i *» * MJ* *•, *», w «! y* V .** c j*"*" ,«* %jg^ ^ fy'S, I/P *tr -' mM' •, .*. &.& :M Society Motes IMcHENRY COUNTY LEGION 1 ,, Jlembe^s of the McHenry County, American Legion will meet at Harvard Thursday evening, January 26. • * • ' NEW NIGHT OPERATOR Hiss Edythe Geary of Wauconda is was celebrated by sixty-one members of the court, which has continued to incrt&se in membership and in prosperity during the passing years. The events of the evening "commenced at 6 o'clock with a delicious supper served in the St. Mary - St. Patrick school hall. Instead*u>f one birthday LADIES' AID cake, there were three, each guest re- _ v . . - „ - ceiving a piece when cut Th® Ladies' Aid met at the home 01 .... j Mrs. Ei E. Bassett last Thursday. A j ,®fCs?r- N,x thls C,ty and social meeting was followed by lunch, j " Connor and Rev, * » • - i NEIGHBORHOOD C^LUB ! Members of the Neiphborhod Club IShe new night operator at the local met at the home of Mrs. F. G. ^chreintelephone office. Miss (Jeary receiv- er last Thqrsday evening. Cards were ed the position here when the dial played, after which lunch was servsystem went into effect in Wauconda, ed. Prizes were awarded'Mrs, E. E. where she was formerly employed. Bassett, Mrs. Thomas Phalin and Miss She commutes to work by bus. Clara Stoffel. „ ENTERTAINS CLUB < f . E, R. R. PINOCHLE CLUB Miss Evelyn Justen entertained the "Mrs. 'Martin Weber was. hostess to members of her five hundred club last members of the East River Road Pin- Thursday afternoon." ^S»i«wre won ochle Club last Thursday evening. % Mrs. Ralptf^Jiifl(|en, Mrs. George Prizes ,were won by Mrs. George GIQS Justen and Mr% Hf&frt Conway. A. and Mrs. Clarence Redwan*. A delilovely lunch was served by the hostess cious lunch was served at the k&e 171 the aftertjoon. Msgr, Fr. Miller of Aurora gave short talks as did the Chief Ranger and several of the charter members and past Chief Rangers, each one receiving a small gift of remembrance. Mrs. Catherine Wort Chief Ranger, was presented with bouquet of flowers. Following a business meeting, cards were played. Mrs. Bridget Feffer of Crystal Lake was an out of town charter member of the court present at the banquet. , •> PRE-NUPTIAL PARTIES »-C> Thirty men, mostly those residing on Riverside Drive, were present at a stag party given in honor of Dr. L. B. Murphy, Jr., at the borne of Mr. and FOX RIVER VALLEY R.N.A. The Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A., met Tuesday evening for a busiclose; ness meeting, at which time plans of the evening jwere discussed for a series of card Th^ next "mi ee ting will be held with parties to be held at the homes of; the Mrs. Clarence Redwanx in two weeks. PUBLIC CARD PARTY } The public card party sponsored by the Christian Mothers of St. Mary's officers; in the near future. iivUl be aiMiounced later,£ Dates The c. o. F» r-v-. Men's Catholic Order of For- Mrs. Albert Barbian Monday evening, church Sunday evening was a success-jesters held its regular meeting on Mr. Murphy is to be married to Miss fu,l affair, with an attendance, of over [ Tuesday evening, January 17, with Evelyn Karls on January 28. Cards sixty people. : . • . approximately sixty members presfurnished entertainment, after which Prizes in bridge w«re w.oh by Lo»is,ent. After the business meeting, a refreshments were served The guest Althoff and Mrs. Sue Bishop, in pin- social «vening was spent and oyatfr of honor was presented with a gift ochle by Mrs. Elizabeth Schneider and|stew served. from the group. . Mrs. Clara Stilling, and in fwe-hun-j s The same evening Miss Karls was dred by Mr^S^Peter Blake, Mrs. S. H. j MOTHERS CLtJB entertained by the ladies at her Freund and Mrs. John H. Stilling. The Mothers Club met at the home home. She was the recipient of many Refreshments ^ere served at the, of Mrs. Albert Barbian on Riverside Thursday, January 19, 1939 *}: useful gifts. close of the evening. K. OF C. The Knights of Columbus met last' Drive last Friday afternoon, with approximately forty members in attendance. Miss Dorothy Fisher spoke on Girl (Thursday evening, with approximate- Scout work, after which Mrs. Carl jly forty members in attendance. Earl Weber favored with two piano selec- | Walsh presided at the meeting in the tions. absence of the Grand Knight, John Election of officers for the coming Bolger. Fr. Daleiden, Chaplain, gave year took place at this meeting, with an interesting speech. ;the following receiving offices: ' j After the regular business meeting! President--Mrs. Paul Schwermann. ; was concluded, a short program of! First Vice-president--Mrs. Richard entertainment was ffivea: Hazel Sand- Fleming. 1 ers and Lucille Esh. tap danced, Barry Second Vice-president--Mrs. George I Taxman favored with several piano Johnson'. selections and Berwyon Bourelle play- Secretary--Mrs. Lester Page. - If you've found ordinary trusses a makeshift, don't be discouraged. Science -•nd experience have worked together to end rupture handicaps--to give yoa Complete physical and mental ease. Let •i fit you with the amazing, NEW NON-SKID SPOT-PAD TRUSS -Voull see at a glance how the new "Non-Skid Spot-Pad" feature holds the fvphiie securely with only one-half the of ordinary trasses. Ligftt •nd comfortable, you can wear it with- Mt being conscious of it. The "Spot" holds the hernia securely, as with your fingers, while the non-skid surface keeps the pad fran slipping. Scientific Fitting By Experts Come m and consult us wirtput cost or {jpbligaKon. There is a "Spot-Fad" pmi to fit your exact requirements. THOMAS P. BOLGER Druggist ttoM 40 McHenry ed the piano accoirdian. Refreshments were, served At the conclusion of the Meeting. Treasurer--Mrs. Floyd Cooley. Lunch was served at the conclusion of the meeting. SHOWER FOX RIVER VALLEY CAMP A shower was givwi in honor of Installation of officers of Fox River Mrs. Ernest Freund at the Jack Mc- Valley Gamp, R. N. A , took place on Carroll home Saturday^, evening^ A Saturday evening, January 14, with social evening was spent, after which Mabel Johnson acting as installing; refreshments were seized aind the officer, Susan Olson as ceremonial guest of honor presented with many marshal, Etta Wattles as installing lovely gifts. I chancellor and Lena Stoffel as install- Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Jack ing musician. McCarroll, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jus-| The installing officers were escortten, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thennes, Mel- ed into the hall, introduced and given vin Whiting, Miss Alice Johnson and grand honors. Short talks were given Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Freund of Mc- bv the oracle, Elizabeth Schoewer, in- Henry; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gibbs stalling officer, Mabel Johnson, and of Volo? Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hall, Mr. the outgoing oracle, Alice Lindsay, and Mrs. Mike Buckley, Mr. and Mrs. i After installation, games were Bill Berendt, Miss Esther Olson, Miss played and gifts exchanged. A pot- Mildred Hall, Elmer Meyer and Don- iuck supper was served, with Carrie mid Hayes, all of Chicago. Justen acting as chairman of the THIRTY-THIRD ANNIVERSARY It was thirty-three years ago on a wintry January night that St. Clara's Court, No. 659, Women's Catholic Order of Foresters, was organized by a little group of interested women. On Thursday evening, Jan. 12, the thirty-third anniversary of this event Would You Turn Down a $5 Bill? 1 That's what you'll save on any of the new. Overcoats |n our stock! . . These are all fine pure wool coats in 1939 models, SOW selling for one week at -- *" , - $12 50 to $21.50 OBSERVES BIRTHDAY Simon Stoffel, McHenry banker and insurance agent, celebrated his 83rd birthday Friday, January IS. Many congratulations are extended to Mr. Stoffel upon his birthday, with the hope that he may enjoy many, more in good health and happiness!. .• • • ALTAR AND ROSARY The annual meeting of the Altar McGEE'S ;1 GreenStreet lunch committee. Officers installed wfere: 0 . Flagbearer--Carrie Ensign. Oracle--Elizabeth Schoewer. . Past Oracle--Mary Freund. Vice Oracle--Susan Olson. ; " • Chancellor--Clara Stoffel. Recorder--Alice Lindsay. Receiver--Etta Wattles. Marshal--Cora Bassett. Assistant Marshal--Gertrude Thurlwell. Inner Sentinel--Caroline Schiessle. Outer Sentinel--Mabel Johnson. Managers--Carrie Ensign and Carril Justen. Faith--Carrie Justen. t • Courage--Leila Howard. Modesty--Eleanor Althoff. Unselfishness--Greta Goodell. Endurance--Amanda Brown. Musician--Lena Stoffel. Physician--Dr. Clayton Klontc. • » • CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY • Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Smith of Johnsburg, owners of the Central Gar-' age, observed their twentieth wedding anniversary Sunday afternoon. The | large celebration was held in the Johnsburg' School hall, where th» guests of honor entertained relatives j and friends at dinner and supper. I Eighty guests were present during the | day and thirty-five in the evening, j Rev. A. J. Neidert was among those j present. j t j A social afternoon and evening were spent and cards were played. The guests of honor were presented with many beautiful gifts in remembrance of the happy occasion. 1 All the. girls who have worked for 1 Mr. and Mrs. Smith in the past twenty ye&rs were also present at the celebration. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are the parents of fou£ children: Frederick. Norbert. Harold and Marie. Those present during the day were: Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Althoff and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard N. Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Freund, Mr. and Mrs Joseph M. Schmitt, Mr. an l Mrs. I^eo J. Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith, Clarence, Wal ter-and Miss Leona Smith, Mr. ar i Mrs. Math N. Schmitt and f a m i l y , Mr. $nd Mrs. Nick Bertrang and fam^y. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. S c h m i t t , Mr. and Mrs. John N. Schmitt and family Mr. and Mrs. John J. Thelen and f a m ily,' Mr. and Mrs. Ben N. Schmitt and j family, Katherine and Joseph N. S c h m i t t , Mr. and Mrs. Nick Heins and son, Tony, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepping, Mr. and Mrs. | Joe B. Hettermann and Miss Francs Fuchs. j Those present in the evening wern: 'Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Adams, Mr. jand i Mrs. Otto Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May, Mr. and Mrs. Art Tonyan, Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shilling, Mr. and Mrs. Leo King, Mr. and Mrs. Art Klein, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young, Lewis J. Pitzen, Leo and Arnold Michels, Clemens Freund and Walter Smith. and Rosary Society will be held next Wednesday afternoon, January 26, at 2 o'clock in St. Patrick's hall. Election of officers will take place at this time. A nomination committee has bee appointed to select the new officers. The committee is composed of Mrs. Albert Vales, chairman, Mrs. Albert Purvey, Mrs. George Stilling, Mrs. George Adams and Mrs. E. R. Sutton. I - I J. L T. CLUB Member of the J. I. T. Club met at the home of Mrs. Edward Thennes on Tuesday evening. Chinese Checkers furnished entertainment, with prizes won by the president, Miss. Frances Hughes, the vice-president, Mrs. Minnie Green, and consolation by Mrs. Thennes. Mrs. Quentin Walsh furnished the lunch. APPEAR ON PROGRAM The a capella choir and the boys'* octet, both of which are composed of local high school students, sang in thei ^ Congregational' church at Grayslake, last Thursday evening. ; > Before the program, a dinner was served, after which Gerald Reed gave •'« a lecture on Russia, supplementing ^ his speech with pictures. • V;- •:*&.- : fi /howuib /? THE HENRY D* Ms HENRY*ILLINOIS* (00 LIVER OIL Of NT $1.25 Petrolagar pint size 89<t 75c Alophen Pills 49^ 75c Ovaltine 59^ 65c Bisodol Powder „ 49^ $1.25 Kelp-a-Malt Tablets 87^ 60c Rem 49^ 60c Zonite Antiseptic 47^ e Pint KSf'« 60c Minit Rub 49^ 60c Jad Salts 39<^ 35c Italian Balm ... 29^ 60c Sal Hepatica ... - 49^ $1.00 Vitalis 79^ 25c Cal Aspirin 16c^ 83c Lady Esther Cream _ 59C % ADEX 50c Lysol ' . : 43 ^ Bayer Aspirins Bottle of 100 J...... 59^ 70c Kruschen Salts . 59c $1.00 Adlerika 79^ 60c Scott's Emulsion 49<^ 60c Pertussin 51^ 50c Pablum ; 43^ l-lb. Household Cotton ..! (limit one)* 21^ $1.50 Alpen Krauter... 99^ 50c Calox Tooth Powder 39d 50c Jergen's Lotion... 39<^ 50c Lavoris 39^ FOOffTA/N SYRINGE site 6CK ALKA TOOTH BRUSHES jftsoftTco m x 200's for 38^ 2 Boxes 3^ ICE CREAM This Week's Special v HAZELNUT TOFFEE AND TUO&APPtt rianmm Haselnut Toffee Ice Gream with tasty, crunchy' candied tidbits, and Pineapple Ice Cream luscious with the goodness of Hawaiian Pineapple. You will like this special Luick treat! VALENTINES -THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK- -Prices Range from |_^ to 50^ CHARMIN TOILET TISSUE Special 4 rolls lor . V . btfy,,Ok fcnp* cKessoris very much better SHAVING CREAM Start every day WHISTLING with this pare coconut oil base fthavinp cream. DeliEhtfully perfumed. W'U riot dry on the fare. Produces a heavy lather freely in hard or soft water, either hot or cold. Leaves the face soft and iinootb. Economical. uiesforJtf Colleges and Experiment Stations use snd rccommcnd "Black Leaf 40" for delousing poultry. All work, fuss end bother eliminated by this method. JUST PAINT TOPS OF ROOSTS The fumes kill lice while flock rposts. l-lb. bottle $1-50 KILLS LICE ALARM RUBBER I6c pair Regular 29c value! Playing Cards --2 Decks 60c value -- Both for 39c Alpen Krautei Regular $1.50 size DESTROY GERMS Utike.Qwp AS WELL AS iN THE DRIN To GUARD against Digestive Disorder* and Simple Diarrhea*, the preventive in dte drink should do more than merely disinfect the water. Germozon* carries on and destroys molds and disease germs with which it comes in contact in the crop. It is mis* m ttmedj. Astringent, yet soothing, it is the treatment which his given best results to many thousands ofiuccesjful poultry raisers for 39 years. For grown fowls as well. See 64-p^geLee-Way textbook on poultry diseases. 1 HEAT PAD 50c Dr. Lyons' Tooth Powder1 ^ 24^ (limit one) i TeeHDajitrifice 23^ 25c Dyanshine Shoe Polish ^ 19 d 50c Midol Tablets . .. 33^ CIGARETTES -- Camels, Chesterfield, Luckiest Old Golds, One Carton $1.17 PINT r MINE"011: 60c Murine 49<£ Citrates and Carbonates 49c 60c Kreml Hair Tonic.. 38^ Gillette Thin Blades 8 for 19<fr Halibut Liver Oil Capsules, 100's 49^ ¥A*.um Hunting Knives 29 it $1.00 Drene Shampoo Incense Burners 49^ (Sold up to $6.00) 40c Castoria 31^ 5-lb. Bag Epsom Salts 19^ Anti-Colic Nipples 5 for : 23<^ Glauber 's Salts, 3 lbs. 19^ Palmolive 6 bars Soap 25^ WOMEN! Pursang Often Aids to Clear Complexion Htlp* f Restart Red and White Corpuscle Batouct and Drive Out Blood Impurities How do you know your skin can't be white and beautiful? Why take it for granted that you must look sallow and undernourished? Perhaps you're just run down as nearly everybody is at this time of the year and need a good blood tonic and system builder. We recommeftd Pursang to you. Pursang is the No. 1 product of one of the finest medical laboratories in the business. It was created by the samo man who gave the world organic copper and iron compound, the deadly foe of anemia and anemic conditions. In Pursang itself these precious elements are included. It was the aim of the creator of Pursang to produce a tonic specifically for "run down" and impoverished blood conditions. He spent years studying such conditions in all types of men and women, seeking always to find the perfect formula to combat such, blood deficiencies. Finally Pursang was produced. If you are "off-color" and "run down," get a bottle of Pursang today. I LjV.rtifr' ..'M. '4: A"

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