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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Feb 1939, p. 8

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Ft.*- .™ TV.*""ur*>< W* <T , ' \4 • • i' 5-'. <^-W. * • * • • T •". ' '*\ Vifillfht PLAnRDEALER Tfcttfiday, Febnwry 2,193ft ^ < "**! Ilf •Hi" Society Motes MOTHERS CLUB lie Mothers Club will meet ftt tlw ) SPONSOR DANCE »*»«: --vmt.o v,„„ ' Members of the Young Ladies' So* home"o™ Mrs. Harry Djirland Friday, d&lity of St. Peter's parish at Spring Feb. 10. Gerald Reed, guest speaker, Grove are sponsoring a dance to be m tfclk on Russia. -J*eld at the Town Hall Saturday eyen- • • • - fag, Feb. 4. • ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED L Announcement has been ma<fe of PUBLIC CARD PARTY^ v the engagement of Miss Marian And-! The Lady Foresters of St Clara s<evening, February T;< erson. daughter of John A. Anderson Court ate sponsoring a public card. AJ1 members are requested to Ray of West McHenry, to James Reinlie, party at St. Mary - St. Patrick schooKthe^r back dues before this dat*. •on of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reinlie of hall on Thursday evening, Feb! 9, be-j" •' 3711 Wv North Ave., Chicago, iginning at 8:15 o'clock. Pinochle, five) ENTERTAINS CLUB - • • • jhundred, bridge and bunco will be, Mrs. N. E. Barbian entertained the ATTENTION, FORXS8TEBS! The men Foresters will hold their regular meeting Tuesday evening, February 7$fAt this time we will have some special entertainment and lunch will be served. PINOCHLE CLUB v-. Mrs. Jack Thies entertained members qf her pinochle club at her home Wednesday evening, Prixes were won by Mrs. George P. Freund and Mrs. Paul Gerasch. RIVERVIEW CAMP, R.N.A. The next meeting of Riverview Camp, R. N. A., will be held Tuesday LADIES' AID - ~ ' played and there will be prizes and ItemWrs of the Ladies' Aid met refreshments. ^ ^ with Mrs. j Chiles Rasmus sen last Th»rday ^pifooA. After,, a short business lVeting, sewing was done, followed W a social hour and lunch. NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB n\gBri&rs of her five hundred club at her home, Wednesday afternoon. The prizes were awarded to Miss Gertrude Weber, Mrs. Gertrude Schaefer and Mrs. C. H. Duker entertained die Mrs. Catherine Schreiner. A lovely Neighborhood club at her home Fri- lunch was served at the close of the £he next meeting will be with Mrs. day evening. Priies in cards were; afternoon. Duker on Feb. ]won by Miss Clara Stoffel, Mrs. Sim-| * , " * " pApvY " ^ » • > . (on Stoffel and Mrs. E. E. Bassett. A • O. E< S. CAICD PARTY EftH PINOCItijS CLUii 'lovely lunch was served at the close Approximately forty were in attend- Mrs. Clarence Redwanz entertained 0f the evening ' jance at the public ca^ party sponsor members of the East River Road Pin- j Mrs. Thomas Phalin will act as Host- ed by the Eastern Star at the Homeochle club at her home at Emerald . attheir »•**' Te* ??°m Tuesday evening. Park last Thursday afternoon. Prizes weeks. : - > - ;Bridge, pinochle and bunco were playwere won by Mrs. M. A. Sutton and .• ' • VV edand prizes were won by Mrs. Geo. Mrs. Martin Weber , ; , EVENtNfc BRIEVE CLtTtf Johnson, Mrs. George Bohr and Mrs. Their next meeting will be with The Evening Bridge Club met at the Mrs. Vt . W. Freund in two weeks; , home of Mrs. Robert Thompson last * • • • * , ; i Thursday evening. Prizes were won l SHOWER ' 'by Mrs. Paul Schwerman and Mrs. Edllfe: Richard Hester wasv*#e»t of ward Nickels. A lovely lunch was honor at a shower given at the home served at the conclusion of the evenof her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob ing. Steffes, Monday evening by her sis- j The next meeting will be with Mrs. tors, Mrs. Ralph Sch'roeder of Chicago Schwermanand Miss Lucille Steffes. Games were played, after which refreshments were served. ^Prizes were PUBLIC CARD PARTY The public card party sponsored by won by Misses Lorraine Engeln, Ar- the Christian Mothers of St. John's lehe Bacon, Adelia Hapke, Jeanette church in the Johnsburg school hall on Lindsay, and Mary Jane Laures. [Sunday evening was a decided success Guests other than mentioned were:; with approximately 100 present. Cards Misses Shirley Covalt, Miriam Say- were played, aftet Which tefreshler, Rita Martin, Marian Weingart ond ments were served. Catherine Rothermel. Frank Thurlwell, respectively^ A delicious lunch prepared and donated ,by Mrs. Reid was served after cards. 'o ' SECOND BIRTHDAY Kay Elien, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hiarold Bacon of Crystal Lake, was honored guest at a family gathering held at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Bacont in this Sunday, the occasion being her second birthday Guests other than parents were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ulrich/ghd Miss Maxine Bacon of Chicago, anch Mr. and Mrs. Carl Courier and daughter, Carol Ann, of Woodstock. • • • ATTEND LEGION MEETING The monthly meeting of the Mc- Miss Lucille Blake- of McHenry, Miss Bernice Sommers and Paul Adams of Richmond and Earhart Thurow of Marengo attended the hockey game at the Chicago Stadium Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin, Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoeny and little son. Miss Rutlh Phalin and Harry Anderson, all of Chicago, spent Sunday in the John M. Phalin home. Misses Jeanette Lindsay and Arleen Bacon were in Elgin Saturday- Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Smith and little son, Dennis, of Beloit, Wis., were recent guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway. Mrs. Ella Gans returned home on Sandajr evening, from a visit In the home of her daughter, Mrs. Adrian Thomas, of Forest Park. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller and son, Bobby, and Miss Virginia Lennon of Chicago were guests at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Blake Sunday. Martin Keckman of Chicago Visited relatives here Sunday. ^*Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Freund, who are enjoying a several weeks' trip through the west, were at Los Angeles, Calif., according to the last word received by relatives. Jerome Buch attended the hockey game at the Chicago Stadium Sunday evening. Frank Gans returned home from Chicago where he had charge of an exhibit for the Hunter Boat Co., at the Sport Show the past week. Mrs. George H. Johnson was a Chicago visitor Monday. „ Wra. Martin and Ne#ell Nesbit of Oak Park were Sunday guests in the Clarence Martin home. Misses Sylvia Snyder and Elsie -Vy-' cital spent the weekend in the former's home at Clinton, Wis. George Johnson of Champaign, arrived home Monday to spend the midsemester vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson. Mrs. Simon Stoffel and daughters, Mr?. Gerald Carey and Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger, were Rockford visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Helen Peterson of Waukegan was a weekend visitor in the Wis. Pries home. Miss Marita Blake of Elgin spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Blake. Mr and Mrs. Moderhack spent a few days the first - of the week with Chicago relatives and friends./ Their children, Darlene and Kenneth,. who had been spending a few days in the city, returned to McHenry with Mrs. Ida Kreutser is spending th# ' week with relatives and friends ifi|^. ; Chicago.. DanielJustan, student .at. Nobe Dame, spent the weekend between se-> " mesters at the home of his parents, V Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Justen. Mr. and Mrs. John Bohemen of Chieago spent the weekend with Mrst John King. Callers in the John McGee kwm4] . near Woodstock Sunday were/ Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton and famliy, Mr, and Mrs. Ray McG«e, Mrs. Eleauoi Nye and Arthur Martin. Walter Kreutzer is spending severa days this week in Chicago. Ted White of Champaign and Mis9 Marie Nett visited in Chicago Friday^ Richard Guyser of Chicago visited - relatives here the past week. .... !|t Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson of Bar#* rington spent the weekend here. §| '{Jt > 7* V* lOTH ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS 5 r/c to 15 rf Discount On All Single Permanent Waves Free 50c Facial with $1 up in service S T O M P A N A T O ' S Beauty and Reducing Salon Phone 641 • Woodstock 111. The prizes, which were donated, were won by the following: In five hundred, to Mrs. Wm. May, Mrs. Henry Nell, LeRoy Hettermaim and Mrs. Henry county American Legion was Joe L. Freund; in bunco, to Jimmy held at Harvard Friday evening. De- Hettermann, Frances Smith, Evelyn partment Commander Edward Clam- J Michels and Elmer pinochle, |age was speaker and guests were: to Mrs. John M. Pjggen, Mrs. Marie^ayor Maxon, the city council and Kempfer, Mrs. FrfilPSmith and Mrs. the police and fire department of Har-1 Nick Pitzen; in eqchre, to Mrs. Steve vard. meeting i ELASTIC HOSIER* Comfort uniform prettura a no or>qw«ar c«a b« obtained only rrorr. tlastk -Iciliary that js Kiantificalh ionitructec. from trash liva rubbai snc hi ja»i aa*Rty ot -silk and >inan .natarials. [nry piaca of Elastic Hosiery ok .ft our stora; :r nanuiacturao aspacially or J. undar our own ipeciticrtions anc -arria'- our Guarantac o quality ana satisfacton arvica. Our complete itock o. MamlMS JI stamac Hosiery consistv of: Arklats, Knar Caps Lagging', jnd Gartar Stockings ate. n itha diffaran- qrada o. 'sflk a no inan. ^part- •ncad fittars alway; oa duty. -:hargt. tor 'onsulfation and fittings. Raaionabla pricas. ELASIIC HOSIERY NON-SKID SPO'i PAD. TRUbSti AIOOMINAL SUfPORTERS SHOULDER BRACES "~ • THOMAS P. BOLGER Druggist May and Rev. Fr. X. J. Neidert. After the business there was a social hour and refreshments were served. EPWORTH LEAGUE * j Among those from here who attending Leaguers met at the parsonage,ed were: Floyd Cooley, Howard at seven-thirty for their customary i Cairns, Fred Schoewer, Ray Page, C. Sunday evening meeting. WarrenJJ. Reihansperger, Ed Conway and T. Jones led an interesting and worth-,P. Bolger. while Devotional hour in the form of a Bible and Hymn spell down. The group was divided into two teams, TEACHERS MEETING On Friday, January 13, the Stelfen- A and B. Team A lived up to it's ry Group of Rural School Teachers name and carried off the honors, but had a meeting in the Rural School Liteam B was following close behind, brary room at the high school. Miss Bobby Bacon led the Recreational. Eileen Fitzgerld, chairman of the program with table games, which teachers, introduced the first speak >r proved to be great fun for everyone, j of the afternoon, Mr. Robert Moody Next Sunday evening the Devotion-i Parkinson, of the Historic Prints and als will be led by Shirley Colby, and | Posters Co., of Chicago. Mr. Parkin- Louise Gerrard will be in charge of!son had a display of Lincoln stamps the Recreational program. | which he showed to the teachers. A We invite all protestant persons of discussion of Lincoln's life was also '%igh school age, as well as young given by Mr. Parkinson. adults, to attend our meetings. They| Mrs. Marie Kingsiey, music super- -are held every Sunday evening at | visor of the rural schools of this comseven- thirty at the M. E. Community. munity, .djscussed plans for the spring Church parsonage. We promise you {musical, which will be given on May interesting and beneficial evenings as well as a good time. Come and be part of it Without Waistline Pressure 4 4 You can relax more completely in Faultless Pajamas by Wilson Brothers. The soft pliable Nobejl waist actually breathes with you witti* out noticeable waistline pressurf*. Smart novelty patterns in smooth comfortable madras add broadcloth. *1.95 .00 Ofmii Street McGEE'S McHehry, HL 5, at the local high school. Mrs. Phillips of Woodstock gave two very interesting book reviews, "The Horse and Buggy Doctor" by Arthur H. Hertzier and "Build Your Own Future" by David Seabury. Mrs. J. C. Pearson of Ringwood and Sisters Perfecta, Euberta and Lambertine of Johnsburg were guests of the afternoon. Mrs. Ethel C. Coe, county superintendent of schools, wa* also f resent at the meeting. • • • ' 35TH ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund observed their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary Sunday afternoon. All their children, with the exception of one, Harvey, who is in California, and relatives and friends were present to help celebrate the significant all-day affair. Dinner and supper were served and the guests of honor were presented with many beautiful gifts. They were married in Johnsburg by Rev. Mehring, January 27, 1904, and for the past twenty-two years have made their home on the same farm. Guests present Sunday were: their children, Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner and children, Vernon, Jimmie and Jerry, of Chicago; 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hiller and children, Richard, Charles and Dorothy Ann, of Johnsburg; the Misses Katherine and Mildred Freund of Chicago, Arnold of Chicago and Elmer, at home. Other guests present included: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Neiss of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Carryl of Chicago, Neil Carryl of Solon Mills and Misses Pearl Fauke. and Gladys Lloyd. HONORED AT SHOWER Mrs. Ernest Freund was guest of honor at a shower given by Mrs. Albert Justen at the home of Mrs. Ed Thennes Wednesday afternoon of last week. Cards famished entertainment for the afternoon, after which a delicious luncheon was served and the guest cf honor presented with many lovely gifts. Prizes in five hundred were awarded Mrs. Martha Freund, Mrs. Frances Freund and Miss Helen Freund; in bridge, Mrs. Laura Freund, Mrs. Cath eine Wagner, Mrs. Alvina Gibbs and Anna Marie Martini. ' Guests present were: Misses Ruby Carlson, Verna Freund, Helen Freund, Mrs. Mary Cook, Mrs. Joseph Wagner, Mrs. Alex Martini, Mrs. Peter Freund, Mrs. John Kilday, Mrs. Frank Masquelet, Mrs. Charles Freund, Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer, Mrs. Tony Schneider, Mrs Billy Green, Mrs: Ed Thennes, Mrs Jack McCarroll, Mrs. Geo. J. Freund Mrs. Bernard Blake, Mrs. George P Freund, Mrs; Irwin Schmitt, Mrs. A1 bert Justen, Mrs. Ernest Freund, Mrs Joseph E. Freund and Mrs. Russell Gibbs. MS HENRY DRUGO/ST Ms HENRY*ILLINOIS* VASELINE HAIR TONIC COLGATE DENTAL CREAM 18* 33* lAROt . SIZI COLGATE TOOTH POWDER IAROI I8t , SIZt °,r 33c COLGATE SHAVE CREAM Laihmr or Brusfifasa T 37* BILL SAYS I SMELL SO NICE! THAT* BECAUSE I BATHE WITH CASHMERE BOUQUET...THE LOVELY PERFUMED SOAP ftflCE GIRLS USE TO GUARD AGAINST BODY ODORS, JFOR 97* dSN IAROI HZt 23* 1-lb. Prince Albert ... 09^ / Cutex Nail Polish .. .. 31^ 50c Jergen's Lotion ... 39^1 35c Vicks Rub 27d LOVELIER SOAP WITH THE COSTLIER PERFUME*^ $1.25 Petrolag-ar 89^ 65c Bisodol 49# ASPIRIN TABLETS Bottle 100 ICE CREAM This Week's Special CHOCOLATE -- MINT ICE CREAM Distinctive X>uicki Vanilla, rich and creamy , -- inaellow, full-flavored Chocolate and Mint ice cream with a delicate, natural mint flavor. j mcsiAMi VANILLA -- 50c PROPHYLACTIC TOOTH BRUSH 25c Feenaznint 19^ Gillette Thin Blades 8 fw 19# 25c Cal Aspirin 16# 75c Ovaltine 59# $1.00 Drene Shampoo 79# Dura-Gloss Nail Polish 10# 40c TUBE LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE Both for 90c ft l.ltitf 90c * a 1 u e Valentine Candy Shaped Boxes 50c up Also See Our Beautiful Selection of Valentine Cards! JUST WHAT THE GIRLS HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THE NEW COTY COMPACT A Compressed Powder in Cake Form that is not too hard! -- --Wafer Shaped and V $1.00 :.r: 2 Boxes 39# 60c Yeast Foam , Tablets ... 43# Pablum ... 43# Dextri Maltose 63# Alarm Clocks 89# Alpen Krauter 99# Ipana Tooth Paste.. 39# 60c Rem 49# Gem Blades, 5's 29# Large Listerine ... ... » 59# STATIONERY 65 SHEETS : 24 ENVELOPES 75c to 85c Values -- Assorted Finishes 39C McKesson's S/uiShl&^A SHAVinC CR€AWI 39* j*ijitteMyl OlAlf sol TwH nerer regret irK ing la • nb* of SHAVAML It aukes iharlai • pleuara. N« brash or rabbiag aeeMMry. Year raaor will work bit ir with SHAVAML Da. LYON'S Tooth Powder 50c siie 29c (limit one) EPSOM SALTS S pounds 19c CIGARETTES Camel - Luckies Chesterfield - Old Gold Carton $1.17 Baume Bengue (Ben Gay) 75c size 43c (limit one) UP JOHN'S SUPER D Cod Liver Oil One Pint $1.19 > 0 H A K M I N TOILET TISSUE Soft as Facial Tissue 4 rolls for CASHMERE BOUQUET TALC i?sr 15« 33' COLGATE or PALM OLIVE AFTER-SHAVE LOTION WANT SIZt 33< PALM OLIVE SHAVE CREAM Latht or BrmMaas 23* r37« IAROI SIZI CHARM IS, COLO CREAM1 %-lb.... 39<» l-lb. „69rf Alka Seltzer 49^ 11.00 Zonite 79^ 5c Noxema 49# 75c Fitch Shampoo ... 59# Johnson's Wax or Glo-Coat 3 i-qt. -- 98# EXTRA HEAVY FULL PINT OIL l-lb. Cotton ..... 24# 60c Olive Tablets 39# 60c Murine 49# 40c Squibb's Dental Cream 33# 50c Mennen Shave Cream , 39# 50c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream 39# | 3 for 38# 50c Molle Shaving Cream 29# 75c Furniture Polish Johnson 48# Dyanshine 19# Teel Dentrifice 23# Listerine Tooth Paste, 2 tubes 26# 50c Calox Tooth Powder 39# 35c Freezone 21# |7fu9<Liat1oHic PURSANG Try it. See how much better you feel in two or three dtyi. Parsang bnilda RICH RED BLOOD which throws off the toxin* that make yea feel miaerable.

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