$ ", * ^ i&nr Z «***,.„*». ^ , ^_, ,.- , ^ , - _ ^ , * - -.*" *' -.- ' * J • '• * ' • . '•*' 1* -* "' " v' ' h'v;\ '••r# . v?".* • Wii i- Siiti,i, iVsft.» t , 4 . f \ > - • ' ' . * »li ' ' ' ^ * -aH ^ - ' t*$* > -A. .-. *tL ' '., -j."* :t - : ' .*wt Volume 64 McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9,1939 V I - •- . ?„ j I' -*,s*:' < -4 >- '- ,,.-.»r_ 4 -,<'"• * •»• BELIEF IN 193» GROWS YEARLY COUNT* $98, FAST YEAR IN Direct relief cost McHenry county taxpayers $119,413.12 during 1938, an increase of $26,182.48 over 1937, according to figures released Monday by the Illinois Emergency Relief Com mission division of allocations and statistics! Of the total amount $98,888.12 was paid from local funds while the state S^ClM PIERCE DIES AT SPRING GROVE OF - HEART ATTACK, FEB. 4 -" Selim Pierce, 80 years old, prominent citizen and life-long: resident of Spring Grove and vicinity, with the exception of several years spent in Marinetei county, Wisconsin, diet* suddenly at his home in that village Saturday, February 4, 1939 of a heart attack. He had been in failing health for several years. Parents of the deceased, Eleantr (White) Pierce of Tioga county, New York, and Marvel N. Pierce of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, were among the early settlers of this county. They were married in the east in I 1838, coming to Burton township in { 1840 to take up a government land claim. The long perilous journey was | I No. m AN EVENT WHICH dCCURRED IN contributed $1,348 less in 1938 than|made in a covered wagon drawn by oxen, partly by way of the .Great in 1937 while the townships paid $27,- Lakes. 530.28 more in 1938 than in 1937. February was the top month in 1938 with a total of $15,384.42. March was second with $13,815.21. The amounts l>y months follow: ' Total State Local January ......$ 13,578 $ 927 $12,831 February .... 15,384 2,615 12,679 March.-'*......-.. 13,815 3,128 10,687 April ............ 9,698 3,364 6,334 May ............ 7,571 995 6,576 June «.it.«.«»«.*-' 7,858 1,231 6,627 July 7,303 1,187 6,116 August 7,600 828 6,772 September ... 7,264 1,633 5,631 October 7,667 1,556 6,111 November .. 10,648 1,889 8,759 December .... 10,841 1,182 ,.9,659 $119,413 $20,525 $98,888 Total obligations for the state in 193§ was $65,873,808, an increase of more than eight million dollars over To them were born eleven children, of whom Selim was the tenth, born February 20, 1858. His childhood was spent in that community and he received his education at Cole's school, one mile east of Spring Grove. During the early part of his life he engaged in farming, later pursuing the occupation of carpenter work and wood carving. Deceased was married to Irene Meade and to this union was born one son, Lyle. After her death ,Mr. Pierce was united in marriage to Ora Coquilette, which union was blessed'*4 with another son, Gerald. Surviving are his wife, Or^, and two sons, Lyle of Richmond and Gerald of Spring Grove. Also a sister, Mrs. May Bungard of Hebron. A brother, Silas, 89 years old, also a life-long resident of Spring Grove, COUNTY RURAL YOUTH /GROUPS TO PRESENT TALENT NIGHT MAR. 15 The McHenry County Rural Youth Federation, of which Miss Yvonne^ Benwell of West McHenry was foi:- tner secretary, announce a taient night to be held March 15 at Woodstock.i Each club of the federation will have! R part in the progragj. Parents and friends of members are to be special guests. - - • John Schuett, Woodstock president of the federation, appeared on the panel discussion at the rural youth! session of the Annual I. A. A. meeting i NO CHANGE IN PRICE OF CITY VEHICLE TAG: I. Vi ' COTOCIL IN SM6I0N MONDAY The February meeting of the cit^ council of McHenry opened with (i ^ vacant chair in the: council circle. Aid-* held „t the Stevens Hotel in Chiea,™1 5™*" J: Kr™tIf1'™as January 30. The panel discussion in-t A "wZ traded such topics as, "How Can RurJ 1,18 dpath' #1 Youth Develop More ChallenBine: ado"'ed ftr: County *W*r.m»r-, ft* -MM F T,"* • Did at ,Our Best Rural Youth Meet-; respMt j „ i his memory and the fourteen years of j t , tr• -i » 'active service to the city, the council :^ J.net K.n?ley, Alden, appearediStood >nd ^ in ^ W'th a c arinet solo on tte second An- Commander Ra, Page and Floyd nual Talent Night held last Monday' r„ni0„ / . ^ ^ night in the" Grand Ballroom of the | t " S ! ' T , V T " Stevens Hotel. Miss Kingsley is pres- ™:'" pL" >- l j ent secretary of the county Rural """ P°St h"1'1 ,n0th,'r Carr"v*1 t,,l• I ^-9* * >Here, readers, we present to you the famous "brewery gang" and tavernkeepers of 1911. The above picture was taken in front of what is now John Karls' garage on Riverside Drive. The men just finished butchering thb j Heimer, Hubert Weber, George Rothhogs which appear to the left in the|ermel, J. C. Bickler, John Thennes, photo. Only five of the fifteen men i Gus Scholt, G. C. Boley, M. L. Wirtz, are living today. I Math Baur, August Wachtel, Anton * Engeln, John Thelen holding baby, Joe Left to right: Jotm Hr Millet, Johnl Baur, and John J. Buch. 1937. Of the total, $44,524,458 was ^^ him in death December 12, spent in Cook county, and $34,657,095 in Chicago. Funeral services were held Tuesday Total obligations downstate amount-!a* ^ 'u"e.ral r h 1 0r in ' to $20,154,940.34, or only one-third mon<i' w,th bur-lal ,n Cole s Of the entire amount. The state contributed $42,204,208. Cook county received 64.9 per cent of its money from the state while downstate received 60.2 per cent contribution from the state. 416 Families on Relief JAMES BOYLE, USHER, CATHOLIC CONVENTION, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. A total of 416 families were on rerelief in December jumped from 1291 to 1660. FRIENDS URGE S. H. FREUND TO RECONSIDER *v HAD STATED HE WOULD RETIRE Since Stephen H. Freund, veteran member of the board of supervisors, announced several weeks ago that he would not be a candidate for re-election and that he intended to retire at James J. Boyle, former resident of x _ , McHenry, now of Jacksonville, Flahef in McHenry county in December (acted as uaher at the convention of the which was an increase from 329 "^Diocesan Union of Holy Name Socie- the end of his present term, friends November. The number of persons on t-eg held fit Jacksonville otl January' by the score have been urging him to 29. More than 600 Catholic men, from | reconsider his anticipated move. _ t twenty-four cities in all sections of, Supervisor Freund's announcement Tlie above figures disclose that Florida, pledged themselves at that that he was going to retire after thircare of the poor is increasing instead i yme to participate in an active cam- ty years of consecutive service as a of decreasing. - The figures above do paigrn against communism which they board member from McHenry townnot include other forms of relief, such, a ^ ^ religion an<j their shiP aroused a storm of protest from as WPA, old age assistance, blind and gauntry. 1 j his friends, who, so 8to speak, have mothers' pensions. This would sweil, jn addition to agreeing to fight com-launched » draft movement in an efthl* m°unt thousands of dollars more. J munistic attacks on their religion and fort to induce him to change his mind. The figures above also disclose that i ^ democratic principles of their gov-| Tuesday several members of the McHenry county taxpayers pay most, ernment the Holy Name men opposed; county board, including Chairman all of their own relief whue Cook;the propoSed lifting of the embargo on!John J. Filip of Algonquin, urged Mr. county and Chicago receive up to 64 armg shipments to war-torn Spain, in-j Freund to give some thought to the per cent of their relief money from i aUgurated a drive against obscene lit- request of his friends that he again the state. Many downstate counties, erature and endorsed establishment of become a candidate. mostly* Democratic control, received more than 60 per cent contributions each month from the state. The relief problem is growing with each year. ANTIOCH HIGH SCHOOL CLOSED BECAUSE OF INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC Teachers, as well as pupils, of the Antioch Township High School enjoyed an unscheduled vacation of several days the first of this week because of An outbreak of influenza. Principal L. O. Bright, one of those ill, said that eight members of the Boy Scout troops in Catholic schools. Mr. Boyle is a brother of Mis« L*>h» think it over and if his friends really Boyle and Ed Boyle of this city. LOCAL DEALERS RETURN HOME ON FRIDAY FROM HARDWARE CONVENTION Mr. Freund indicated that he might wanted him to continue as supervisor he would change his mind. He said, however, that he had hopes of giving TAG DAY SATURDAY The annual Salvation Army home service appeal tag effort, which was to have been made in McHenry last Saturday, February 4, was postpone^ to Saturday, February 11, because of the inclement weather. Local Girl Scouts, under the leadership of Mil. G. A. Stilling, will be in charge. . Everybody will be given the oppOf* tunity of buying and wearing a tag next Saturday and so help this cause in its efforts among the unfortunate in the county. INTERESTING NEARBY NEWS REPORTS DRY TREND GROWS IN ILLINOIS LIQUOR BOARD ISSUES WARNING 'Youth Federation. Yvonne Benwell and John Schuett represented the county at the Annual Rurai Youth Breakfast „ held at the Blaekstone Hotel at Chicago the latter part of last month . McHje nry coi unty .h,a s eight local ,o, r-i a.l-i zm• g a ,l arg• e sum a.t their carniva,l ganized rural youth groups in the ™ year on the Fourth of Juiy. In view of the co-operation between the Legion and the local Fire Department in past years, the council members voiced opinions in accordance with the requests Unfavorable weather conditions prevented the Legion from relast sunrmej-. The clerk was instructed to cola* municate with the State of Filing county with a membership of over two hundred. These groups meet in their local communities once or twice n- u a month. The county federation holds, '£ epar men regar ing ' I romontr fnr maroo two regular meetings each monjth.with special activities occasionally. *; SON OF LOCAL BARBER" DIES AT JEFFERSON, TAKEN FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES remedy for water ponds that staitif at the corner of Elm (State Highway 20) and Court streets. Skating Rink " ^ Attorney Walter Kelly was present,, representing the management of the WIS., LAST THURSDAY ;rol,er skatin« Complaints have t [been registered with the city council r Philip Daley, 23 years old, son of |y "^y property owners asking M. H. Daley, West McHenry barber, ^ a^°n ** takcn to J reJ?uce or ehmdied at the Forest Lawn Sanitarium disturbances and the annoyance 4 at Jefferson, Wis., last Thursday f 1?ud TT.U8'C r,n^ , Speaking morning, February 2, 1939, after an :°r hls che"t' A,.torney Kfny q c 'iliness of about a year. He had been t?.redi,ce the n®,se to/ de^,c^ ^Arthur S. Smith, cha.rman of the a patient at the sanitarium for the s,,?ered rcasonable and agreeable *0 state liquor commission, said Thurs- past eleven monthg .all. ^ day he recognized a. "growmg dry, Surviving besides his parents aVe' . Th? of the roller skatiM sentiment" m Illinois and urged local two sjsters Marcell* «nH Vivian of nnk has been <'u,te a Prol»em to officials to be vigilant for strict en- ^ WU„ aniC^eS^Lal Fai^sf «» fdrcement of the liquor, control law. and Russell of California, Richard ,andlord a"d m deriving inbmith termed the present system of and Donald of Racine and Gene of come has had to be consuioreddivided authority between local and Madison ' creational benefits, especially to youiqi state officials "cumbersome." | Funeral services were held at Ra- has also ***" considered- .cine Saturday, with burial there. On the other hand, property owners demanding consideration for their rights, cotfld not be overlooked. The The commission chairman made the . j" «e'^sing unofficial sta-1 Among those from here who attendtistics gathered by the commission ed the funerai services were: Win Miss Marjorie Kane, dtoghter of and »howing that 171 Illinois cities | sunjvan, Glenn Wattles, Wm. Kreut*-1 an8WeF no* s®e"is to rest with the Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Kane of Diamond | f.nd to^ns had voted wholly or par-|eI% Walt<ir Kreutzer, Ed Rossman and of the skating nnk. They Lake, has been named Illinois delegate !* ^ dry ln I4?08 °Ptlon elections Donald Harrison. i f certain thai they can reduce the to the national 4-H camp at Washing- "h.e s^te »<luor law became ef- c.rd of Thanks (volume of music and meet demand* 4-H club members throughout tl* fectlveJ9®4' r * i . Mr. and Mrs. M. H.' Dalfjr' wt«m T?e council. . state, including 300 boys and girla in 180 Vote Curtailment 'sincere thanks to friends for floral The council has been forced to make Lake county. The camp will be in ^ The commissmn reported that 180 offerinjfS and the many acts of kind- ?• chanpe ™ th® pavment P^vem duration from June 13 to 20. ^township and road districts and 141 nesg ghoWn them during the illness- If®1!?68- F?r 1 t P*"t year* Claude Woodruff, 45, a Cary con-^1 ChicBgo precincts had voted to cur- fand death 0f their son. * " 8»8o the licenses have been collected tractor and ex-service man, died at or stop sales of liquor within their < the Woodstock hospital Tuesday night boundaries. j A GOOD INVESTMENT of last week a few hours after hehad ^ 9°^ °^grver3 *re.Qf tbe °P'"-1--A~«-room House, lot 66x200; Can , ... . t ... . been found unconscious in the base-|IO"» "he commission chairman said, be bought NOW for $1250 Pavments no. . change at this time in \ • * i «# rr n I 44tnA (Trmvintr Av*tr ennfi'mAnt' ... . _ T " OMor fn ffivA fnom enffirionf fivma ft* in two installments, May 1 and July 15. The plan has not worked out entirely satisfactorily. Tavern owners have been Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Althoff attended the annual convention of the ment of his home by McHenry Coun-1 'uhe growing dry sentiment clearly )ike ^ Kent & Co Inc> ty Sheriff Lester Edin^er and his chief, discloses the need for strict enforce-1 . up the work which has taken consider-! deputy, Harold Reese. A light burn-|ment °f the liquor control law. able of his time over a period of. ing in an upstairs bedroom and the. "They believe the present system of years. disordered bedroom indicated Mr.' divided authority between lo£aI and It is now expected that in a few. Woodruff had apparently risen in the »***« officials is cumbersome, and that days he will give in to the demands eariy morning and had gone to the >t places too great a burden on alof his legion of backers and announce1 basement He was partly clothed.; ready overworked local officials. to the citizens of McHenry township' Mrs. Woodruff had been in Chicago for; "The Illinois statutes define the rethat if they desire him to be a candi-' several weeks and the Cary contractor sponsibility of both tate and local date for re-election he will do so. j had been living alone in the house officials. The state1, commissiafn is Although nobody has filed as yet since he was released from the Mc- limited to issuing state licenses to . , order to give them sufficient time to P prepare for the payment when applications for license renewals are presented. The plan is expeted to inept with favor with the majority of licence holders. Vehicle Licenses mnil I IAUA Tup...,,i The notice of price changes in *•». LOCAL LIONS TUESDAY; to stand the same as last year. Thin. DISTRICT GOVERNOR AND SECRETARY GUESTS OF day through Thursday of last week, faculty of fifteen" and fifty of the 260 Mr .Althoff is chairman of the board students were unable to attend school. Tir • » • i u • f > »-- j-- -- -- -- -- -- - B v- Members of the McHenry Lions the changes will not go into effect i!"<v!S Rer-„ HariWare associaron, for the position it is said that Matt Henry county jail two weeks a«ro fol- wholesalers and manufacturers, and c'u^ met in regular meeting Tuesday until next year. The change will be . ,c..Was , • a , e°r1^. ,ro1^1 , ' i Schmitt and \ Severinghaus have lowing a hearing on a drunk and dis- to retailers after they have been evening, at the Homestead Tea Room, included with general ordinance Dr. R. D. Williams, Antioch health officer, said there was no cause for of directors. where a delicious dinner was served, changes in new codification. Adjust Three prominent Lions were guests ments in payments of fees will I)*. taken out petitions. I orderly charge. An attending physi- granted a local license'. The commis- Highway Foot Popular | cian asserted Mr. Woodruff had suf- sion has direct authority over all li- That the position of road commis-1 fered with an acute kidney ailment censees except retailers, who come un-: °f evening, being Mr. Lineweber, made through the clerk's office, They left Monday morning by train sioner is popuiar js evident from the'o^d complications. j der the jurisdiction of iocal officials, i district governor and superintendent The idea of securing WPA assisfcand expected to arrive at Peoria early num^r 0f candidates seeking the post Boone county supervisors have takJ $125,000,000 Payroll I Mooseheart; District Secretary Jos. ance in street widening and laying of alarm, since patients recover in three Un the afternoon in time for the board gome townships. Down in Aigon-: cn steps to eliminate what is known "Local liquor commissions are com-'^eary Aurora, and Dr. Horner of new sewer iines has not been forgot* to four days. • ^ of directors' meeting. Trains, how-. in township least seven have in- as "Death Curve" on the state high- posed of mayors of incorporated cities, EI«in. ten, but Egineer Kasser has been utt- Waukegan, too, was hit by the epi-|ever, were delayed because of the se* dicated they will file, the same being way entering Belvidere from the west, towns and villages, and chairmen of Sec. Cleary was the. first speaker able to secure definite information demic. Of the 2,600 students enrolled w «« Q-^n « ™ - - - - -- " J . . . . ."--j 1 - at the Waukegan Township High School, 400 were absent Tuesday. Eleven teachers also remained away from their classes because of the flu. BURIAL SERVICES FOR MRS. JOS. CARR HELD AT RINGtWOOD TODAY Funeral services for Mrs. Joseph vere blizzard and it was 9:30 p. m. be- Car, Rund Emile Knaack, George where the death of three Harvard county boards. The law states local and £ave some very interesting ideas to when the project can be p«t fore Mr. and Mrs. Althoff arrived at ,guchy Elmer Petchin, Marshal Lowe, residents has taken place within a authorities are responsible for enforce-) Rhout Lionism. He was followed by through I*roperty owners in the busitheir destination. Only two members Emil Berkley and Julian Dvorak. | comparatively short time. (ment of the statutes applying to re- *he district governor, who took for ness section of Riverside Drive are of the board were present for the af-; The pogt hag been held by Hari7 The Kirwin Machine Shop at Crys- licjuor dealers. The state has no his subject, "Fundamentals of Democ- especially interested in widening tk ternoon meeting, so it was postponed Nawecki 8ince the death of William Ul L^ke> operated by C. A. Kirwin responsibility in enforcing regulations racy " Among other things Mr. Line- street before the rush of summer trafuntil late that evening. ' Wascher. He was appointed to fill the and son' ^°hert» who three years wjth respect to retailers until an ap-jweher stated in our democracy there fic is with us again. Attendance at the convention was vacancy * j a«T® invented the cylindrical grinder, hag made to the commis- must be local responsibility and local much better than anticipated. In spi* j Nunda fewnghip three candidates !fently m L ade shipment of several Of sion... 1 control and we should not let Spring- BROTHER OF MRS. EVA of the inclement weather 1,800 were .. WiiKmmit "eir machines to an English ftrm. in attendance, which is 1,000 less than last year. The exhibits were exceptionally fine are in the fveld. Arthur Wilbrandt is for election. Other The machines are made in two sizes Smith said the maintenance of the 0* Washington take away that a candidate lor re-eiecvion. uincr , , , , , lniqquuuorr iuniduuus^tiryy 'ss estimated $125,000.- responsib"il•itvyj, but •a*l"l *leva»duevr»soht.inp/ »is excandidates inciude Einar Johnson and wlJe" an order received for Q00 payroll ^ the state is dependent Pected to be competent. He enumei- j Carr, 73 years old, former resident of this year, and according to Mr. A1 Charles Buchert. It is said at least four of them from a buyer in Bir ,. .. _ , mingham, England, Mr. Kirwin and T,. . Ringwood, were held in Vicksburg, | thoff, better than in previous yenrs.! ^^or" township Peter Bo^nichson' S°" ^ \nJ°^deT' Mich., Wednesday, with burial in the! Merchandise for the exhibits at the . b j opposed for'• re-election by me^and then Ja^Jed outright. Surt- Ringwood cemetery this (Thursday) j convention is furnished and displayed vern0n Colfen ,ly' reasoned, their machine could upon rigid enforcement of the liquor ated several social and civic hazards,! which must be avoided, among them morning at 10:30 o'clock. iby the various manufacturers and in-, Qnly Qne supervi8dr contest has The deceased, a sister-in-law of;elude the latest innovations m hard- loomed up at the preSent with Super- Charles Carr of Ringwood, was born ware. ; vigor Roy J. Stewart of Dorr township in Mendon, Mich., in 1865 She suffer- Association activities for the ensu- bei op y Qsed for re.eiecti(^ by Les ed a broken hip in a farl a few days' ing year were planned and several new before her death, which dccurred Mon- officers were elected. Carl Merkle of Quincy was named president; Roger Yontz of Chrisman, vice-president and Surviving are: two sons, Roy of! A. J. Lietz of Buckley, new board Vicksburg. Mich., and Harold of Kai-I member, the balance of the board amazoo; four brothers, Charles Reid members retaining their offire. Wm, of Chicago, John of Kalamazoo, Frank| H. Althoff, board member for the past of Vicksburg and Elmer of Detroit, i eleven years, is chairman of the board nounce the arrival of an 8-lb. daugh- Also two sfsters, Mrs Lulu Benfteld icf directors, and C. G. Gilbert of Ore- . ter, born Monday morning, February of Florida and Mrs. Eila Halbert of gon has been secretary and managing 6, at the Woodstock hospital. Kalamazoo :er D. Fish. day, February 6. Her hitsband preceded her in death about a year ago. 11 «•»»»•»»»•»••« t MMftlll Births Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Douglas an- Y STATIONERY BARGAIN GUINTO DIES OF HEART ATTACK ON FEBRUARY 3 Emil Kowalske, 50 years old, brotk» Nearby Areas Dry [being wealth without work; politics er of Mrs. Eva Guinto of McHenrjp, Northern Illinois areas which have without principle; pleasure without died at his home at 657 North Avenue, voted dr by locai option since enact- conscience; reputation without char- Chicago, of a heart attack Friday not have been heard of that far from mpnt of the ininoig j^or control law acter; commerce without ethics; evening, February 3. five years ago include the following: J science without humanity, and worship Another brother, John,-Jr., 55 years Boone county--Caledonia township, j without sacrifice. old, was killed New Year's Day wh<» DeKalb county--Shabbona and De-| The district governor offered much struck by an automobile in front of home. Writing to the buyer, they stated that they would send the machines upon receipt of the purchase Hm^af^r^^letter1 wa^HreceWecf^the j Ka'h townships;'villages of Malta and ff°od advice to the members of the his home in Chicago me alter the letter wa. received, the] j^gi Lions ciub and outlined some of Surviving besides his sister, Mrs. Kirwins received word that a check on! Waterman. the Chase National Bank awaited} ^ county Wyoming township, them. And the machines were soOn °*le county-Woosung township on their way. • Stephenson county--Village of Ced- Russell Naslund of Crystal Lake[arv^e. ; ' _ , and Herbert Hanson of Ridgefield,! Whiteside counQr---VillageColregular attendants at the services at eta. the Mission church at Crystal Lake,} Winnebago county -- Seward and went home from church last Sunday Winnebago townships; villages of morning without their overcpats. And j Winnebago, Shirland, Harrison apd i n<'w kind of daylight robbery had Durand. the objectives which could be placed Guinto, are his father, John, and on the program for the betterment of brother, Adolph (Otz). the community. He has been interested Funeral services were held Tuesdafjj in the child welfare work at Moose- afternoon at the Muehlofer Funeiw heart for a number of years, first as a Home at 1485 Belmont Avenue, teacher there and later promoted to burial in St. Lucas cemetery, the office of superintendent. Lions International is composed of' N OT I, C E T. . . - ., . m 3,300 service clubs, with a member-! Albert S. Lyons, from the field ofship of 115,000, in eight different coun- of the Sl>5'al. u Board 04 trieis. / Atty. Walter G. French is Wauk. ean, will be in^ McHenry o« president of the local club, with A. E Thursday, February • , Nye as secretary. !a "»• and 4 P- m-' w,th headquarte.* •' at the postoffice. Anyone desiring ir§r formation regarding social securitgf; director of the association for the past j Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nimsgern an three years. 1 nounce the birth of a son born at the j made wit'h ^"theft" of, Convention sessions for all members j Woodstock hospital Wednesday mofn-j two coat,S( practically new, and owned | FARM BUREAU MEETINGwere held in the forenoons, at whioii ing, February 8. Mrs. Nimsgern was ( by the two young men.' A nearby j A Farm Bureau community meet- Hie Plaindealer is offering a special,time various speakers were heard in before her marriage Miss Marian! resident, while looking for the return ing wili be held at the McHenry High on printed stationery during January'discussions and debates. Afternoons: Wegener. i of her child from Sunday School notic- School, Friday evening, Feb. 10, at and February of a box of 75 long'were devoted to visits to exhibits,; Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Widhalm ofjed a large car pull- up beside the 8:15 o'clock, to which everyone is insheets, 75 short sheets and 100 envel-jwhere the newest merchandise on the Spring Grove are parents of a son church property and a short, stocky vited. A sound movie picture, "Shoul- for the year 1939 are now due. As a . _ -ft- .- opes, 250 pieces, all for $1.00. Read > market was on display. In the even-; born Saturday, Februardy 4. .1 man alight and walk leisurely into der to Shoulder," will be shown, along correction to a previous notice, prices ABSWff.lO 1«&SI W6» 5 *166w|| the church. It was noticed he wore with some comics. Several taiks will | will stand the same as last ^.ear. Csri -- " _ ^ no overcoat and he returned shortly , also be made. An interesting session owners are respectfully urged to dis- - The picture printed last week wj« nrifk ama am u nnia«« afwiwf am win/4cKini^Q . Kste Sheldon, who operateii N O T I C E * City of McHenry vehcile licenses consult with him at that time. full particulars in ad in this issue. Reuben Benient turned ing the board of directors held its, | business meetings. The convention, flock of closed on Thursday evening with MOTHERS OF McHENRY For the PROTECTION of your chickens loose in his barnyard at St. large banquet and dance, and Mr. and • CHILDREN'S HEALTH, buy GRADE j^e^er®hur£r. Ind. When the chickens Mrs. Althoff returned home Friday^ A MILK, pasteurized and delivered by failed to go to roost that night he in-1 morning. vestigated ar>d found them all stuck fast in the mud. ' •-- I Subscribe for The PtaiadMitf the McHenry Dairy. Phone 27. 38-fp Read the Wast Ada with one on his arm. Stepping into is anticipated. the car he threw it on the back seat., Mme. JOsephine Courtrelles of The city water trpek in Anderson, Lyons, France, a wealthy 80-year-oid S. C., loaded with 300 gallons of wat- j widow, has married her 40-year-old er, canf ht fite apd buraed. icoaehman. play stickers on windshieids. S8-2-fp ' CITY COUNCIL ^ of McHenry, Illinois. Need ,Mrs. "Ma's Place." Elm street restaurant. ? Order at The J Edison Hedges of Atlantic City. Hi , has trained two canaries to | "Yankee Doodle.' •V -r . - •-"'VsiiavV.