In the month which has elapsed since Congress convened it has become WA crystal clear that President Roosevelt ? has no intention of abandoning any of tfhe New Deal policies or tenden- ' cies which the voters of this country found objectionable last November. :i On the contrary, Mr. Roosevelt apaj pears determined to ignore the public sentiment registered in the November election and to continue resolutely on the course he has been pursuing. First and foremost, of course, is the New Deal ^spending policy. In both his Message to Congress and ip his Budget Message, Mr- Roosevelt plainly indicated he has no desire to curb i . i j spending. Indeed, for the. first time, . Y he abandoned in those two documents / a l l p r e t e n s e o f e v e n s e e k i n g a b a l a n c - • ed budget. On simitar occasions previously Mr. Roosevelt at least has given Hp service to the necessity of a balanced budget. Just Beonoaric Eu-WaA But now he jeers atP"a few mil* lion dollars saved here or there." He sends a ations of almost 10 biliion dollars, sum larger than has Most fishermen spell musky with a budget demanding appropri-! capital "M." A musky is the one fish! of that everybody wants to catch. One!February 15. ever been re- reason may be that when you hook a! Mr. and Mrs. Ladies interested in the Volo Bible Sunday School will meet at the home Mrs. Frank Wilson Wednesday, CONGRESSIONAL VIEWS By Congressman Chauncey W. Reed quested on any occasion in our peacetime history. The fact we are getting deeper and deeper into debt is F1CS1n k Gould and musky, you've a fight on your hands., daughter of Libertyville were Sunday Every dusky is a fighting fool. He's j SUpper guests at the home of Mr. and fighting mad when he grabs your plug Mrs. Arthur Kaiser. glossed over with, talk about such|and he pever stops fighting after he's, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Raven and indebtedness being a "Federal invest-'in the boat. You usually have to hit;family- 0f Slocum's Lake spent Sunment" and with similar economic eye-[him over the head with a dob to day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. wash coined by the group of little 'quiet hjm down. " 'Walter Burg. Congressional Sesquicentennial On January 31 the House of Representatives passed a Resoiution which provides that in commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the first Conwork begun by the Committee in th® 75th Congress. The Resolution furthj* er provides that any bills for resolutions reported by the Committee shall have a privilege status, which mean* that the bills will have legislative priority in the House. It is rumore<| that a general re-organization bill will probably be the first one brought be* fore the House. Whether or not it will „be the same kind of bill whick was defeated by file House at the last i thinkers now directing the Washing ton Administration. Wien Qongress, led by seriously- NEW IMPIRI McHENRY, ILLINOIS San. Mat. 3 p. m. Continuous FRIDAY (One Day) A Return Engagement ef "SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS' Also -- Selected Shorts ' SATURDAY Joe EL Brown -- Led CarriBo "FLIRTING WITH FATE" Also -- Comedies SUNDAY AND MONDAY" February 12 - IS Jpptet Gaynor - Doug. Fairbanks Jr. Paulette Goddard - Billie Burke Roland Young "THE YOUNG IN HEART" A Picture This Theatre Personally Recommends! Also -- News and Comedies 10c -- TUESDAY, FEB. 14 -- 20c (1) "Burn 'Em Up 0'<%xwr" (2) '4A Manifojfcemen^ber" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Lew Ayres -- Lynne Carver Lionel Barrymore "YOUNG DOCTOR KILDARE" Be the reason what it may, every; Mr. and Mrs. D. Wellmann, Graysguest we ever had in the North Coun-jlake, visited Mr. and Mrs. Herman _ try always wanted to fish for musky jDunker Saturday. ^ disturbed members of the President's j and Jack Lenhart of Park Ridge was: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield own party, undertook to do a' little!no exception to the rule. The Len- family were Woodstock (filers Sa tarjudicious paring of appropriations, i harts arrived at Moose Lake .about j day. commencing with the deficiency relief [one o'clock and Jack swallowed hisj William Wirt® was a Waukegan bill, Mr. Roosevelt set out to obstruct | lunch and made for the lake. Jack business Caller Monday. such action. Not only did he seek to j was a fisherman that knew all the1 Mrs. Edna Miller of McHenry vismarshal! public opinion against the answers. He was using a nickle-plat-• ited at the home of . Mr. and Mrs. movement, but he acquiesced in efforts led spoon as big as a dish pan that'Chas. Miller Monday. to •'put ,the heat on Senators" made , was guaranteed to get 'em but, after Mr. and Mrs. Joseph St. George of his Cabinet, the Chief Justice and the by persons in his Administration and Jack had fished two days from sun Chicago spent Sunday here at the! Associate Justices of the Supreme through W.P. A, 'rise to sun-set without a strike, he home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St!'Court *** United States, t]>e Diplo- Appointments Show Attitude {became discouraged and cussed the George. As §ignicant of the President's at-jmuskies and the lake out good and ; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and titude as his ..view toward spending) proper. • Idaughter, Ellen, spent Tuesday even- ;are the appointments he has made] Well! Jack was our guest, so we ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wiljduring the last month. If anything;agreed to get him a musky the next,liam"Hironimus in Round Lake. ,can be said with certainty about thejday and arranged to start at four p.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paddock and i November election, it is that the out-lm. Well! According to Jack, that family oi Waukegan spent Sunday jcome represented a stunning rebuke was just wasting a day and he was as! here with the former's parents, Senj to the New Deal for its administration uneasy as a fish out of water. He ator and Mrs. Ray Paddock. : of relief, particularly for the flagrant roamed around camp and fretted him-j Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wagner and [playing of politics with relief funds. 'self almost sick but eventually four Mrs. Florence Moberg of Wauconda ; Irrespective of the goodness of his p. m. arrived and with it came Charlie | were Sunday dinner guests at the I heart or his subsequent repentance, Hubbard ani John Wentland (two of | home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner. the fact remains that Harry Hopkins,|the best guides in Wisconsin). We| Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and as its administrative head, was re- had arranged with them to go along'son spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and see that Jack got his fish. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner at Slocum's Lenhart and-Charlie Hubbard were Lake. in one boat and Old Jihn. Mrs. Hoag.j Miss Emma Bacon of Fort Hill , . , , , - and the writer were in the other. Our! spent Thursday afternoon at the home ing but he encouraged, by word and destination was the Little Moose Riv-!0f Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus. •rt.'P y,ngr ?°ht'cs yith rel,ef- He er at the head of the lake which was J Mrs. Frank St.'George spent Monet f f*amp'e- .in XT som,e twenty abotit fourteen miles from camp and day with Mrs. Clyde Wright near States the people last November re- we chugged along up the lake thor- Griswold Lake. oughly enjoying the scenery. The! Mrs. Ray Paddock And Mrs. Levi shore is lined with white birches and Waite spent Tuedsay at the home of , . - „ , , .. „ !back of them is the deeper green of,Mrs. M. Rayneer, near Kenosha, Wis. kin, nrw r!"* retare Mr. Hop-; the towering pines. The sun was shin-; The Volo Home Bureau unit met at HeIZ unh i l in* bri*htly an4there was just cnouph the home of Mrs. R» Cope, near Wau- o™n him by promoting him into the | "*** " ">« eoncta, Wednesday. . water Cabinet. He makes him Secretary of] 0,d' John was handling the motor Commerce, the man whose function |and we were quite content to just l is to encourage business. Thus tjay. t,ack an(j admire the scenery. We premium w placed on actions abhor- assed a couple of boats and several rent to millions of Americans as po- islands fcIMr eventually glided into the thus enabling the Jackson Pay dinners to be carried on. It is expected that in the near future bills will be introduced in both Houses with a view to enacting legislation of a permanent gress of the United Stales under the' character which will put a rigid ban sesgk)tl cannot ^ a8Certained"at thf* Constitution begun and held at the on the solicitation of political contri- time city of New York on Wednesday the butions from government employees | Fourth of March, 1789, the two and w'^l strictly prohibit the solici-L Houses shall assemble in the Assem-i tation of votes by means of promises bly Hall of the House of Representa-: federal patronage. tives at 11 o'clock A.M. on Saturday, The Re-Organiz&tion Bill Again March 4 this fyear. The Resolution; The House recently passed provides for the appointment of a ' Committee of members of the House and Senate, which Committee is empowered to make suitable arrangements for fitting and proper exerciscs for the joint session and that invitation to attend the exercises be extended to the President and member? of COMMUNITY CHURCH Members and friends of the chi are invited to join with the Off! Board in a "pot-luck" dinner nflK§ a Reso-j Sunday, February 12. The dinner wfl| lution which provides that the select' follow immediately after the morning Committee on Government Re-organ- worship service. ' Bring food ami ization be authorized to continue the dishes. • j - H | sponsible for W. P. A. Either he was | ignorant of what was happening or j he condoned it. Actually, not only did ! Mr. Hopkins know what was happenpudiated Mr. Hopkins' administration of Federal relief. Does Mr; Roosevelt bow to the mani ' AMDfftSOtrS WOODSTOCK [ ;• vp Hieatre -- Woodstock Now in Service! First R. 0. A. Photophone Sound System of its kind to be installed in Illinois. See and hear all the picture! FRIDAY Pat O'Brien "Garden of the Moon" SATURDAY -- Continuous --2 Great Hits!-- Dick Powell i» "Hard to Get" • ,'r*-- Plus Real Western Action "BILLY THE KID RETURNS" ' SUNDAY AND MONDAY | Hear a Glorious Musical over new R. C. A. Systems* . j Jeanette MacDonald ' Nelson Ed<^- --in-- oweeineaits Added: Our Gang Comedy 10c --TUESDAY --15c Franchot Tone Franciska Gaal 'Girl Downstairs' ^ ( • ; Wednesday and Thursday • Luise Rainer At her Dramatic Best. *..; Dramatic School Coming Very Soon! f "DAWN PATROL" litically immoral. Thus credited in one field of honored in another. Hopkins Symbolizes New Deaf This much at least has been gained we shall have no more of Mr. Hop ibleZinJg "p aTidf ffo r that Sbita oVf p ProHgCree sTs! -- W eight• een- poun•d •s and t•h e If Mr. Roosevelt "had set out to do i the thing which would do most to discourage and dishearten business, he Could not have done better than name Mr. Hopkins Secretary of Commerce. This is true because Mr. Hopkins . symbolizes in hjj,personality and hIm. ?Ba ,„ld him that we were keeping a bi<r musky for him over by that big stump. Well! Jack cast close to the stthnp and the in'^New York^City." A former^SociaiujiUS' ist. . visionary whose entire life has'??0*5',. • a" a man disr mouth of the Little Moose river. Jack, endeavor I9jand Charlie fished the shore line while; our boat went on up to a snac filled' bay that was a famous musky ground. Mrs. Hoag, with her usual luck, soon hooked a small one weighing he writer had a couple of good bass when Char- ! lie and Jack arrived .They were stnl fi.fhV'ss and when Jack saw our catch he nearly had a fit. Jack was still using that big dust pan and we had a hard time getting hirti to try one of Bread Not Ordinary Food In Palestine bread is not considered ordinary food, but a special gift from Gjpd; until 1844 it was not sold, but only given or exchanged. Saint of Firearms St Barbara, virgin martyr of the Third century, is. considered the patroness of makers and users of firearms. matic Corps, Army and Navy Leaders and such other persons • as the Committee may deem it proper to invite. The Resolution also extends an invitation to the President io address the people of our nation at the joint jses< sion. Hie Radicals Don't Like It It is reported that a group of House radicals have organized to fight the proposed continuation of the Dies Committee which has been investigating un-American activities. The proposal for the continuation of this Committee and fcr^ the allocation of funds to continue its work will probably come before the House this week. Despite radical opposition it is anticipated that the proposal for the Committee's continuation will receive sufficient patriotic American votes to allow it to carry on with its splendid work. They Can Still Put the Heat on Federal Employees It is reported, that House and Senate conferees have come to a definite agreement in regard to the provisions of the $725,000,000 Deficiency Appropriation Bill for emergency relief. However, it is interesting to note that an amendment which was attached to the bill by the Senate, and which w^yld have prohibited the solicitation of contributions from any person paid with government funds or employees of state agencies paid wholly or partially out of federal funds, was considerably modified by the conferees. The modified proposal applies only to persons being paid out of relief funds TOM TELtPHOHEt.Ht WANTS WU TO TRUCK MS HOGS TOMORROW good sum m°nc^ ^ Yoo CM or equipment « ^nd Jhen. That's where ^ ^ithCa telephone has a ^»dvant^d he-s the ^ around lookinf h°^hea thiy need help. The man others can reac ^ basiness proposition telephone on the fa And a protecthat more than pay emergency. I* yoU tion, to° • * • ^ one right away» haven't a telephone, order ILLINOIS BELL TEUfHOHE C0WW* past record all" that is objectionable in the New Deal, even down to the fact that at. one time he was a regbeen spent in social work, the greatest spender of all time, guiding American business back to recovery! It would be highly humorous if It were not so tragic. And then Frank Murphy as Attor- . , ,, ,, . ney Genera",!. The p»pl.;of Michigan "!« h'"liT.lLS' thf fish jumped out of the water his eyes just stuck right out of his head. The musky was well hooked and he went places fast. Chariie tried to ke€p the boat in clear water but there were a lot of stumps and the voted Mr. Murphy out of their Governor's chair because they believed he had condoned lawlessness on the occasion of the sit-down strikes. At least that was the major issue in his campaign. So Mr. Murphy is named the chief law officer of the Federal Government, despite the fact that his exaroupd a stump and Jack's line fouled. "What do I do now?" yelled Jack, and we called back, "Ah! Teil him to go back the other way!" Jack just stood up in the boat and yelled. He cussed that musky large, wide, and handsome and, would you believe it, that fish actually turned around the perience as a practicing lawyer would j stumP an<* c,eare<* the ^ne- That not qualify him to represent a third- musky sure understood things when rate corporation. How encouraging was talked to properly. Well, that appointment must have been toj"*ac'1 landed his fifeh. It ran about the young men throughout the nation {twenty-five pounds and Jack just sa now preparing for careers as lawyers! iand looke<1 at ,lt- . , _ . • Yet in the face of a subsequent ap-< We had a.1] b®en V>° ,^U8J1. J poiritment by President Roosevelt, the; ah°ut anything but Jack s fish and in naming of Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Mur-|the meantime it had clouded over and phy shine with virtue. Bad as they started to rain. We were fourteen are, they cannot be compared with the *rom the nearest shelter and nomination of the left-wing Wisconsin,*t just poured. We rowed ashore and Progressive, Thomas R. Amlie, as a Sot under a low cedar. Mrs. Hoag put member of thei Interstate Commerce a pantasote cushion on top of her Commission. In making that appoint* i ^ead- Then it hailed and the hailment Mr. Roosevelt demonstrated he stones just bounced off that csuhion a had no regard whatever for the prea- high. We were lightly dressed ervation of our basic economic system' everybody was soaked through or the American way of life. „j and through. It hailed and rained Too Radical for LaFollettes I for about an hour and a sorrier look- Mr. Amlie is too radical for the La- in* bunch y°u never saw" !t was Follettes. They and their followers; time Mrs. Hoag ever got soaked rejected his candidacy for the Senate *n a ra'n b°t sbe was a K°oo sport at l a s t s u m m e r . A n d n o w o n d e r ! F o r i t h a t . - . . . Mr. Amlie is not only an advocate ofj Wiell! When it stopped raining we public ownership of railroads, he is dumped the water out of the boats an avowed advocate of the overthrow!and started for home. The sky was of the American economic system. He 'btack as ink. You could not see the does not believe in trying to make it j lengfth of the boat and Moose lake work--he does not think it is worth, >8 °* snags. To make matters making work. worse, there was a strong head wind * Under the course that we must fol-j and quite a little chop, We just openlow capitalism cannot be saved," he' up the motors and drove the boats declared to a Farmer Labor Political i ^or home. We knew where the snags Federation Convention, and then added: "Whether capitalism could be kept going for another period of years or not, it is not worth saving." Such is the man Mr. Roosevelt has named to have a hand in the regulation of the railroads. If he is sincere -- and none disputes that -- he will undertake from the influential post to which he has been named to do everything within his power to prevent the rehabilitation of the railroads under private ownership. He will strive to bifng about public ownership as quick* ly as possible. He will do more. He will seek to destroy the present capitalistic system of America--because, as he says, "it is not worth saving." !§ SAY-MY EICCTRK/RONER JUSTCAMYBE BEAT!" Use of Musical Tones Although there-are at least 11,000 musical tones that can be distinguished by the human ear, says Collier's Weekly, only a relative few are used in music because the scale is based on the human voice with its various limitations. were but where the boat was, was something different again. If we hit a snag it would have been just too bad, but we happened to guess right, and arrived at the camp at ten thirty. The next morning Jack missed breakfast aqd when he did not show up by ten o'clock we started out to look for him. We found him up the Little Moose river. He got up at four thirty and rowed fourteen miles just to catch another muaky. Jack's that kind of a fisherman! " -* «A Pretty Kettle of Fish* In the old days, a kettle, or "kiddle," was a fence placed in a stream to trap fish. When full, it presented a lively spectacle of leaping fish, weeds, and driftwood; pretty--but rather a mix-up. Hence it was that the saying, "a pretty kettle of fish," came to be used for any muddledup or confused state of affairs. and we use it in that sense. ^ Mesquite Tree Aided Indians The 'mesquite tree of the Ameri- When girls of a Nebraska high' can Southwest was a veritable store school complained of chilly classrooms,: for Indians who got from it an asthe principal made the ridiculou? sug-; sortment of food, medicine, fuel, gestion tfcat^ they wear more clothes|. fib**, dye and gum. ( You' 'Spare-Time" for Pleasure when you use modem Home Laundry Equipment Be done with Blue Mondays and Tedious Tuesdays! Do the entire week's wash easier and betterin double-quick time with modern Hotfte Laundry Equipment. Modern Electric Wishers, Ironers, and Water Heaters, together with plenty of g9od light, take the work out of washday. These distinct contributions to better living are easy to buy and repay you again and again with savings in time and work. Why not investigate the many fine values now being offered! %' • "Take it from me--here's the way to do home ironing! It'f SO simple ... so fast ... so easy. Why, to my way of thinking* no woman can afford to be without a modern Electric Ironer. "Just think of it! Now I can do my entire laundry...sheets* towels, fancy Jesses, even shirts -- while I am comfortably seated. No more lifting and tugging. No more aching back and tired arms. My Electric Ironer does all the work... irons, steams, presses . . . jmd gives me better finished work thaa ever before. ** What's more, there's no trick to ironing this fast, convenient Why, in no time at all, any woman can learn to do evea die largest sheets or sheerest frocks--like an expert." Yes--hundreds of women are discarding old-fashioned iron* ing methods for a modern Electric Ironer. There are so many advantages that unless you've seen one of these modern Electric Ironers in action, you can't imagine how fast, convenient, „ and easy your home ironing can be. Why not come in and ask > for a free demonstration . . . today! SEASONAL VALUES in Sectric Washer* and Ironers are now being offered at your Electric Appliance Dealers ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALERS AND PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS ,T«tephon«: Crystal Lake ' 1. •