& 'V -vj- ;»,C rt<>, ,, .: * \t ,• / \*' V' »<• -v f'1 v;' r- \ * i \ ff' ; ffT*YT# ,£7i^ •/ J?# VS* ' v -^i •*-• ~ l'w 7TV .> ?', Thmday, February 16,1989 ' , »<, %j' ^ • v \ " *",v -v u. W: '/*.• following the plaring of gamea mat,. the sunt of honor ihmnmd many beautiful gifU. „y(kiests were: Misses Eva Lee Shawf J": Berda Anderson, Leta, Alice and El-%- " eanor Clark, Ethel Dimon, IJlHaifr ^ Nordin, Mary Charles and Winifra| - Benwell, Mrs. Paul Wilcox, Mrs. J» '. £y Beard, Mrs. Clayton Andersoii i Mrs. Bertha Shaw. - • • • * -i ' * MID-WEEK CLUB Mrs. Ben Diets entertained the Mid* Week Club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Prises were won by MrsT"" C. W. Klontz, Mrs. Wm. Spencer and Mrs. C. W. Goodell. Lonch was serv* ; ed and table apponitments were m» : keeping with Valentine's Day. A Guernsey cow owned by John TV Maley of East Putney, Vt., gave birth to quadruplets. *" - V I; •' 'r . «> V " ^ ' Y* f " Si. .. 3 W'* Tj.<- bocietv Notes EVENING BRIDGE CLUB The Evening Bridge Club met with Mrs. Paul' Schwerman last Thursday evening. Lunch was served following cards. Prises were won by Mrs. Signa Miller and Mrs. Mabel Johnson. • • • \ LADIES' AID Mrs. C. H. Duker entertained members of the Ladies' Aid at a Valentine party at her home last Thursday afternoon. Their next meeting will be in the church basement with lbs. D. I. (banger as hostess. E. R R ITOO^LE CLUB lWrs. W. W. Fftnna acted as hostess to members of the East River Road Pinochle club at her home last Thursday afternoon. Following the playm of cards, a <:elicious lunch was Secv» cd. Prizes were won by Mrs. Clarence Redwanz and Mrs. M. A. Sutton. Their next meeting will be yith Mrs. E. R. Sutton in two weeks. - - ENTERTAINS FRIENDS Misses Rosalyne and Ruihe Vogt PUBLIC CASED PARTY The Altar and Roaary society of St. Patrick's church is sponsoring a public card party Sunday evening, Feb. 19, in St. Patrick's hall. Mrs. Geo. Adams is chairman of the committee. • • • BAKE SALE The Ladies Aid will sponsor a bake sale in the church basement Thursday afternoon, February 23, from 1:30 to 5 o'clock. Doughnuts and coffee will be served during the afternoon at 10c. DAUGHTER BAPTIZED Rev. Paul Tuchlinsky officiated at entertained friends at their home on ^ ch'ristening of the infant daughter Sunday afternoon. Games and cards furnished entertainment, after which a delicious lunch was served. ^ „U1A,„. Guests were: Missesi Betty and^Lor- ^xed""patrida Ann." raine Thennes and Viola Brefeld of McHenry, Alice McGuire of Voioand j^Iarie Luby of Round Lake. . , of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Freund Sunday -afternoon at St: Mary's church at 2:30 o'clock. The child was bap- Sponsors were Arnold, Miller and Miss Verna Freund. SHOULDER BRACES Ya«r Health Guard «*«Long-Uf* Br«c«l Stooping should«r* •r« uiually fh« r»- sul'i ot wltt .ubitt. to. ^orractao in time.. an« .<ny o«- comi a cripple and suffer araatlr ;moairao naalth. ih* -ong-Lirk arte* sarvas > ;on*tant ramindar .o impfow standino o. sitting pottura. If ragularlv jnd >roparly worn, n shoulo soon oriacf Jha -ondition. I-, -ot ubitually jarmi -our houidar* •c slump orward, <..vv. our fitter explain the advantage ot *earin? h€ -ong-Lifa Should*. Brace. Our i run J apartment alio aaturat a complete line of: NON-SKID spoi Pad "iruuev Elastic Hoiiery Abdotnirva. supporters etc. ReasonabU J'ricev--No charge for fittinps and service. FOX RIVER VALLEY, R.N.A. _T.TVPO Mrs. Caroline Schiessle acted. as POT LUCK DINNER hostess at the third of the series of Twenty-seven fnembers and friends ^ parties sponsored by the Itoyal of the M. E. Community church were j Neighbors America at her home present at the pot-luck dinner i Friday evening. Assistant hostesses .Sunday, Feb. 12, immediately after. were; Mrs. Gertrude Thurlweil, Mr.i. tiie morning worship service. 'Cora Bassett and Mrs. Eleanor A1- A meeting of the board was held ] thp;T. Lunch was Served following this time and plans were made for THOMAS P. BOLGER Druggist 40 McHenry Neater Drape ! - WEDGLOCKE TIES '-I':' Exclusive new Wilson Brothers' construction assures easier eying. several social activities ^0 Vj* held - in the near future. . . • * ; - '. * * • • • • • CHRISTESTNG " • Thie infant son of Mr. and ' Mrs. Martin Weber of Johnsbtirgj born February 7, was christened "William Peter" at St. John's church Sunday. Sponsors were: Amelia Weber and- William Smith. Mrs. Peter Weber and daughter, Amelia, and son, Benry, were guests in the home that day. • • •• SURPRISE PARITY Robert Martin was surprised by a number of friends at his home last Thursday evening in honor of his twenty-first birthday. An enjoyable social evening was spent and cards were played. A delicious John Marz. jtti supper was served to the young at the close of the evening by Mrs. Clarence Martin, mother of the honored guest. cards. 4 ,• • ^ . Prizes in bridge were awarded to Mrs. Marie Schiessle and- Mrs. ' F«. Bienapfl; in five hundred to Mrs. Ella Gans arid .t^|n. ; ,-bunco- * : 'I <ia Kreutzer. . -.f 1 • MOTHERS' CLUB The Mothers' Club met at the home of Mrs. Harry Durland Friday-^afternoon, February 10. Assistant esses were: Mrs. Charles Pich, Mrs. Peter Doherty and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich., Business was transacted, after which a mixed chorus, composed of underclassmen of the local high school, presented four songs under the direction of Miss Margaret O'Gara. Gerald Reed, guest speaker of the afternoon, spoke on Russia. Mrs. Mabel Smith and Miss Marian Anderson and in pinochle by Mra Harold Freund and Mrs. Catherine Michelson. Guests other than mentioned were: Misses Mary Sutton, Loufae Weingart, Evelyn and Marian Anderson, Lorraine Engeln, Lucille Steffes, Adelia Hapke and Bernice "Freund,, Mrs. B H. Freund, Mrs. Gus Freund, Mrs. John Herdrich and Mrs. Arnold Anderson. FOX RIVER VALLEY, R.H.A. The next meeting of Pox River Valley Camp, R. N. A., will be Tuesday, February 21: • • • . J.I. T. CLU^ Mra. Btlward Thennes ' was frastirsi to members of her club at her home Tuesday evening, at which time the nineteenth birthday anniversary of Miss Lorrain Thennes was observed. A social evening was spent and re freshments were served. i O.JL. S. 1PRE-NUPTIAL SHOWHB" Miss Ruth Phalin of Chicago, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin of McHenry, whose marriage to Harry Anderson of Chicago will take ,, ,, it... , . , .1 place at St. Gertrude's church in that Mrs. Margaret Re.d, and .«i bridge, to it „„t s,tur<l, morni„2, Feb™,ry •in. G«r»e Lindsay. Eefre.hm.Dl. 18 w„ .f, 1 in keeping with Valentine day were1 served at the close of the games. ' This local chapter of the 0. E. S. held its regular meeting Monday evening, followed by a social hour. The prize in Chinese Checkers was given to C. W. Goodell; in five hundred to was complimented at a laneous shower given by Misses Harriet Bofwr and Chrystai Richards at the hone of her atater, lbs. James Mahoney, last Thursday evening. Bridge furnished entertainment, with prizes won by Miss Alice Carlson and Miss Ruth Phalin. Lunch was served and the prospective bride showered wi^h many iovely gifts. - • • • ENTERTAINS AT SHOWER Miss Yvonne Benwell entertained members of the O. K. Club at the home of her parents Tuesday evening at a miscellaneous shower honoring aMiss Ruth Beard of Hebron. Miss Beard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ray Beard of Hebron, wilt become the bride of Marlowe Shaw, son of Mrs. Bertha Shaw of Greenwood, on February 25. Decorations were appropriate of Valentine's Day, with corsages as favors. A buffet supper was served, ' * f PAST ORACLES Mrs. M. Stewart entertained the Past Oracles at a Valentine party at her home at Elgin Tuesday afternoon Guests were Ramyond and Chester Decorations were in keeping witli .Val- Howard, Maurice and Willys Schrein- entine's Day. er. Stanley Schaefer, Charles Brda, Business was transacted after which Robert Frisby and Wm. Bacon of this city and Ralph Bouril of Elgin. W.C.O.F. CARD PARTY Twelve tables of cards were played at the public card party given by the s^n) Mrs. G. A. Women's Catholic Order of Foresters Verena Marshall, in St. Mary - St. Patrick School hall , * a pot-luck, lunch was enjoyed. Their next meeting will be held at Algonquin March 14. Those from here who attnded were: Mrs. James Perkins, Mrs. Charles En- Hinder *nd Mrs. last Thursday evening. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. . Prizes in bridge were won by Mrs. Gei trude Ritter and Miss Frances so<;iation m Bauer; in pinochle by Mrs. Nick' school hall Freund, Mrs. Ed Buss and Mrs. Geo. J. Freund and in five hundred by Mrs. Lillian Stoffel, Mrs. John Grasser, Mrs. Anton Blake and Mrs. Charles Miliar.. ° * * •' ^TWELFTH BIRTHDAY Miss Jean Huck entertained twelvj of .her friends at a roller skating party at the local rink Friday afternoon in honor of her twelfth birthday. Lunch, including an attractively decorated birthday cake, was served to the guests by her mother, Mrs. Lawrence Huck, before six o'clock at the close of the party. The guest of honor received many lovely gifts from her little friends. # Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Huck and Lawrence Huck, Jr.. Virginia Stratton, LaVerne Hobbs. Bet.ty Kramer, Shirley Patzke, Charlene Mertes, Elmer Smith, Donald | Sayler, P. T. A. CARD PARTY Twenty-five tables of cards were played at the public card party sponsored by the Parent - Teachers' Asst. Mary - St. Patrick Sunday evening. Decorations were in keeping with Lincoln's Day. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Prizes in five hundred were won by A. P. Freund, Joe Blake, Gertrude & J us ten, Mrs. Stilling and Mrs. Ed Thompson; in pinochle, by Mrs. Jos. Stilling, Catherine Wolf and Mrs. Gloss, and in bridge, by Marie Powers. '» » • SHOWER Mrs. Richard Hester was guest of honor at a shower, given "her Friday evening by Miss Miriam Sayler. Games and cards furnished entertainment for the evening and prizes were won by Misses Lorraine Engein and Rita Martin and Mrs. Hester. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess. Guests were: Misses Lucille Steffes, Rita Freund, Rita Martin, Miriam Kennebeck, Robert Richardson, Ray Smith, Tommy Lawsen and Norman Freund. AGATHA SHOP SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY -- Regular 75c Pair Pictures to Bmbroider, stamped on linen with floss, black tan frames, *k*s --... 594 Carpet Warp in Colors to nrn-W Mats, Holders, Rugs Spool 254 Regular 39c Cream Patties pound 294 Lindsay, Hester. Adele Froehlich, Lorraine Engeln Jeanette W&::MCS- 0# Q Now you can buy a fullsize, full-quality Pontiac for so slightly more than the lowest in price you'll never miss the difference! OCNERAL MOTORS TERMS TO SUIT YOUR PUPI9K Pontiac I.E1EKII llOfOIC*' 758 K R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES flout Street West McHenry, BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Miss Bertilla Freund was pleasantly surprised by fifteen of her friends and relatives at a> patry in honor of her birthday which was held at the home of her brother, Carl J. Freund, Tuesday of last week. Cards furnished entertainment for the afternoon, after which a lovely lunch was served. The large birthday cake was made by her niece, Miss Helen Buch. She was remembered with many beautiful gifts. Prizes in cards were won by Mrs. H. E. Buch, Mrs. Bernard N. Smith and Mrs. Paul Brefeld. -- -- • • • C.O.F. Catholic Order of Foresters are planning a big attendance at the next meeting. All are requested to be present, as this will be the last meeting before the Lenten season starts. Word has just been received from Msgr. C. S. Nix that he will send up a liberal supply of deep sea fish from Florida for this meeting. The committee is planning a real treat for those who attend. So mark your calendar for February 21 and plan to attend the big C. O. F. meeting on Tuesday of next week at St Mary's Schooi Hall at 8 p. m. • 9 m DAUGHTER CHRISTENED Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Diedrich entertained a number, of relatives at I tH ir home at Lily Lake Sunday in honor of their infant daughter who was christened "Judith Elvera" at S Marys church that day. Fr. Paul Tuchlinsky officated at the ceremony. Sponsors .were: Mrs.^Jos. Diedrich and Louis Diedrich. Guests in the home were: Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Diedrich and family and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Diedrich and son of McHenry, Mrs. Ida Shober and family of Ivanhoe, Alfons Diedrich of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adams and son, Tommy, of Johnsburp MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER M iss Marian Weingart, who is to be married to Walter Anderson Feb. 18 was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower gfven by Mrs. Ralph Justen and Miss Evelyn Justen at the home of the former Monday evening. | Cards were played, after which the honored guest was presented with many lovely gifts. A delicious lunch was served at the conclusion of the evening. | Prizes in Ave hundred were won by "/Jtonuu y?\ THE M£HENRY DRUGGIST* Ms HENRY*ILLINOIS* 8 P E C I A L S It's the /RfUM in PEPSODENT TOOTH POWDER that makes your teeth 'SPM*KI.E 39* IV 8 P E C I A L 8 i 65c Pinex 54* 75c Listerine 59* 100 Bayers Aspirin ... 59* 75c Baume Bengue ._ 49* 50c Barbasol 34* 60c Scott's Emulsion 49* 35c Vick's Bub .... 27* 50c J erg-en's Lqtion 39* 60c Phillip's Faoe Creams 39* 60t ALKA' SILT1ER nnnounciiiG CIGARETTES -- Luckies, Old Golds, Camels, Chesterfields, one carton $1.17 (Ffrm«r/jr Called This fragrant white cream is purposely made to check excessive perspiration and end underarm odor. It vanishes quickiy without grease or stain. A single application is effective for days. 5uc/p~ MCf CSKAM1 ICE CREAM This Week's Special 50c Pablum .... 43* Wc Grove's Bromo : Quinine 45 24* 60c Wrisley Bath Crystals 49* 25c Feenamint 19* 25c Ex-Lax 19* 1-lb. Prince Albert Tobacco * 71* 60c Sal Hjepatica 49* CASHMERE BOUQUET TALC •'^Sf 15* • w 33* COLGATE on PALMOLIVEl AFTER-SHAVE 10TIM OIANT »Z> 33< $1.00 Miles Nervine .. 83* $1.00 Wampole's Preparation 89* 60c Lysol 43* 35c Italian Balm 29* 60c Zonite 47* 75c Castoria 59* $1.00 Rem 79c HATCHET CENTER BRICK A Hatchet Center of delicious Red Raspberry Ice in tasty, cranchy English Toffee ice cream suggests the story of Washington and the Cherry Tree -- A timely Luick Special! BEAUTIFUL SERVICE PLATES IN FULL SI2EJ Have all purchases recorded on our $2.00 Trade Cards and receive this Beautiful Plate for only 44^ . pmmmmmrnmmm-- STATIONERY 65 Sheets -- 24 Envelopes values up to $1.00 ~ If you use Stationery -- Tou Must See This! 19c HOUSEWIVES! YOU CAN'T PASS THIS UP!! A PURE VANILLA EXTRACT • THIS IS NOT AN IMITATION FLAVOR---- 4 3 ounce bottle for mwm fi • H a 1 i b u t L i v e r O i l 0*p s u l e f t box at 100 98* pl N 7 MSB Infant Suppositories 15* Dextri Maltose S3* 60c Bromo 49* $1.25 Creomulsion „... „.„$1.07 50c Calox _.... 39* 25c Carter's Pills (limit one) 11* 4 Rolls Toilet Tissue 25* 25c Anacins 19* 35c Burma Shave 29* OOUVEK OIL r/rAtimYg$T*o 72* $1.25 Kelp-A-Malt... 87* 50c Molle Shave Cream 34* Gem Blades 29* Squibb's Cod Liver oil -79* 50c Lyons' Tooth Powder ....... 31* 75c Ovaltine 59* Petrosyllium 89* PALM OLIVE SHAVE CREAM ; Lattar or BwMmi tT37« CHARMIS 10LH CREAM % lb. 39* l lb. 69 c 5 pounds Epsom Salts lQifr We treat your' prescriptions with the same scietnific care with which your doctor treats you! That's why so many doctors suggest our serviea, _ v " C i t r a t e s -- a n d-- C a r b o n a t e s ,8rOZ. bottle -- only -- . • 1 quart Johnson's Glo-Coat 98^ Woodbury Face Soap, 3 for 50c Kolynos Tooth Paste 39* 30c Cascara Quinine... 21* $1.00 Ironised Yeast59* • i- ;