Spnintof, February 16,1939 * v ,v •"• " 4J" 7^'* ^ . swwro FLAIWDIATilR "v* M SLOCUOTS LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Mariett Henry and lion, Mariett, and Robert and Lyle Matthews were callers at Libertyville Saturday afternoon. '•;{Mr. and Mrs. Eari Converse were (Sailers at Barrington last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Convene and daughter, Frances, spent last Wednesday evening: at the home of Mrs. Philana Davis in honor of the birthday finniversary of Miss Frances Davis. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett visited •t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle ||itwiler at Round Lake last Tuesday Afternoon. v Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and -tons, Robert and Lyle, and Wiilard ^arrell were Sunday dinner and sup* per guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews at Forest Park. George and Miss Rosena Viebrich v|md Caroline Alfred and Irving Hefl flngleside spent Sunday evening at e home of Mr. and lbs. Ralph Wagner. • • » ': Mr. and Mrs. WiTber Cbok called on Misses Orissa Brown and Althea Cos® •it Wauconda last Tuesday afternoon. The Misses Brown and Coss left last Wednesday for a vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Mariett Henry spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Schneider in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were cailers at Deerfild last Saturday afternoon. Miss Dorothy Wagner of Mundelein and Elloy Pfannenstill of Waukegan spent last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren, Wiilard Darrell and Mrs. Harry Matthews attended the funeral of Mrs. George Dowell at Wauconda Monday afternoon. Jack Geary and son, Eugene, spent last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Wiilard Darreli and Mrs. Elmer Esping attended the card party at the Masonic hall at Crystal Lake Monday evening. This party was sponsored by Nunda Chapter O. E. S. Mrs. Espincr won first prize in bridge. Mrs. Annie Adams and son, Richard, of D|amond Lake spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. George Schneider and Bob Smith oi Chicago spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mariett Henry. They enjoyed fishing through the" ice on Slocum Lake. BETTER CLEANING ' Renew the beauty of your garments. Our Cleaning Methods will do ill Anna Howard Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing --Laundry--•-- Phone 4£ Green McHenry MI PLACE RESTAtflElANT Phone 377 JUSTEN & FREUND, Props. Green St. FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY --- FRESH PERG& The radiant /smile is characterized by white, strong t&th. ' Jtfilk ,hel(pB make. t them attractive! FIRST IN HEALTH The school girl who's leader of her class most enjoy vital good health to 'participate in so many activities. That's Why from a pint to a quirt of GRADE A MILK each day is essential to her diet prevents tiredness adds sparkle! Let us start delivery of Grade A Milk to your home now! McHENRY DAIRY -Just Phone 27- • 100 ROOMS with tol«t<1« to»1» • 100 ROOMS wiil» b«ik *2. u CONANT HOTEL COMPANY OUR SMALLTOWN GIRL TAXES IN A BROADCAST AND MANY PREVIEWS Miss Dorothy Althoff of Chicago spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff. Donald Hayes of Chicago client the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes. Vihcent Wirfs, an employe of the . . . _ - ... , . , John B.™ Mfg. Co., .t Roekford " "•*Jl""' Here we are again and we have really been cm the hop this week for we hope to not miss a thing we think you might enjoy hearing about. This week it's a broadcast, a first night and two pre-views. Seeing as how we usually get all mixed up if we don't start was recently sent to Cleveland, Ohio, to install machinery in a manufacturing plant there. His wife left Tuesday to join him. Misses Helen and Veroa Freund of and this being Friday, we wil go back to Sunday. Sunday we got our first glinipse of Bing Crosby when we took in the misses neien anu verna r reunu oi, Sucreen Guild Air Show. Jane Withers, n„L u , . , v Ll ' Chicago spent Snnd.y with their! H"*** mDd a* Y*cht c'°>> mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Freund. Boys were alap on the program, but Chicago visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Peterson, over the weekend. ^ Miss Irene Walsh of Lake Vila visited Miss Anna Frisby Sunday afternoon. Howard Ensign is visiting friends at Omaha. Nebraska. G. A. Vasey of Belvldere visited his daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Benwell, and family Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Be;n Justen spent Sunday in Chicago where they visited her Hr. and Mr.. ChMles Petenon of nothing else. Not being useBd! "tfo. •a"p?plause on his own air show, Bing appeared a bit startled at his first reception but he was in a goodly humor and put on an act for the theatre audience, as well as the ether audience. I hope you heard his fine rendition of "Smali Fry," "This" Can't Be Love" and "I Can Picture You." He even did a bit of stepping oh the sidle. Monday was the opening night of Cissie Loftus, an old-time stage star in some impersonations and impreciuncle, John Zuschnitt, who is serious- j*jort8.°* l*er former stage days. She jy jjj r was quite good and we saw a few Jos. J. Frett returned home last ™* ^e hadn't seen before, namely Thursday evening from a two weeks' j r, , 'ns®n 1 anc* *s wl*e< Melvyn visit with his daughter, Mrs; John B.i£ou?!a8' .C- Aubr^y Smythe, Beulah Dent at Toledo, Ohio. ! Bondi, and Fannie Bnee. Those whom Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Benwell spent *6 h*d„ seen beforejwere Herbert Sunday with her father, G. A. Vasey,i?vr . Conrad Nagei with Joan at Belvidere. |Fontain> who is Olivia DeHaviland's Miss Eleanor Althoff, student nurse s'8ler" , at St. Therese hospital at Waukegan, L„ f?(Ty w®.saw. pre-view of spent the wekend at her home here, j. huckleberry Finn.' To our mind this Miss Elearior Sutton of Woodstock ls most honest account of the book visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' e^er ma<*e on screen. We thought E. R. Sutton, over the weekend. jthat Mlck«y Rooney was well adapted Robert Beckenbaugh of Chicago was!to the part and the supporting cast a McHenry visitor Saturday and Sun-1 ^as fc°°d. The children wjli love it day. as as the grow-up children and it Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Justen visited should ** * bi* boost for Mickey, relatives at Kenosha, Wis., Tuesday. ! Last n«ht was the really crowning Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brefeld attend- event and I have saved the best for ed the christening of the infant daugh-! "^he title of our latest review ter of Mr. and Mrs. Renard Blum in "Wife' Husband and Friend" is the Chicago Sunday. Mrs. Brefeld acted worst mis-nomer we have seen for a as one of the sponsors for the child, time. The story, based on that who was baptized Eileen Marie. ! perfectly delightful novelette of James Miss Louise Stilling returned to Cain, which appeared in the Amer- Lake Forest College Wednesday after ican Magazine under the "title of "Two spending several days with her par- j Can Sing," is a wow. It should be big ents, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Stilling box-office, if it can be plugged by the Mrs. M. J. Walsh is spending some name- One of the cieverest new comtime with the Dr. Floyd H. Cannon edies, it's definitely for your must-see family at Waukegan, while the doctor list! The ending had the pre-view is a patient in St. Therese hospital. | audience rolling in the aisles and as Miss Genevieve Ferwerda, student I dislike reviewers who fell me the at the Lucy Flower High school in story, I'll just say that the whoe fam- Chicago, spent the weekend with her ily will like this one. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferwerda J You never can tell what you will Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cooney and sons of Woodstock were Sunday visitors in the J. B. Kelter home. Mr. and Mrs. James Powers and son, Mrs. Mae Powers, daughter, Marie, and Miss Etta Powers visited Mrs. Mary Powers and daughter, Jean, at Long Lake Sunday. Miss Emily Simon was a Chicago visitor Monday. Mrs. C. W. Goodell and Miss Ethel Jones attended the Woman's Club meeting at the M. E. Church at Woodstock Monday afternoon. Will Kelley, guest speaker, spoke on photography. draw at the pre-views in the way of Stars, bat. last night was another honey and the "biggies" were out in full force. The most exciting sight for us was Ronald Colman, for he is a great rarity and isn't seen around much. Ronnie looked very handsome and he was with his no less prepossesing pal, Warner Baxter, who is th„ co-star of the picture. The Hedy La • marr was there with Gene Markey and it's rumored that she may be Hedy La- Markey. Hedy looked very gorgeous in a black chiffon formal and a silver fox coat. (Incidentally, the only results we got our our hints about white foxes, was that we try shooting some. It's a sad world!) Joan Crawford was there with Char-, les Martin. The rumors of that affair cooling apparently groundless. But every time we see that Crawford girl, we swear she's prettier and has on a better outfit. This time it was a big black hit with a bluebird on it. Her dress was black crepe with a diamond ornament and her coat wa's silver fox You have no idea how well she looks off the screen. Norma Shearer with Gregory Ratoff. the director of the picture. Norma looked adorable with her hair up and a tiny black hat with a big pink bird on it. (Looks like a tough year for the birds.) Her dress was black and was also topped with a silver fox coat ConStance Bennett whom we had not se^n before was lovely in a long mink cape and * perky little black hat which sported a veil'completely covering her face. Connie was with Gilbert Roland and they were in a party which include ed the Daryl Zanucks, and Douglas " Fairbanks and his wife, the former Lady Ashley, and Heather Thatcher They were all seemingly delighted with the picture and Connie sang the music and did pantomine poses from the show. Marlene was there too again, ail in white, but this time she had on that long white broadcloth cape trimmed with fur and a hood. You remember this if you saw, "Knight Witjiout Armour." Anita Louise with Buddy Adler. Anita in a little brown hat with one of those funny back nets, and a brown seal coat.tCesar lUmiero with another girl and the Ritz Brothers busy talking with Jimmie Fidier. i suppose they were explaining their reasons for walking out on the Gorilla." They are back again now, but the hulabaloo has not died down yet. Not a bad haul for a small evening and we thought about you all, honest we did, for it is lots of fun. We are planning a really big surprise story for you in a week or %o, so hang on and we'll keep aeein' for you. V. MARY E. OWEN. JOHNSBURG Wm. May called on Mrs. Steve Schaefer at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, .Friday evening. v Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode entertained relatives from Wisconsin a few days this week. M r. and Mrs. Steve Freund and chil dren of Spring G'.ov* spent Friday evening in the home of Mrs. Joe iJ. Freund. ' Wm. J. Meyeis ?n<* George Wirfs motored to Madison, Wis., Friday Mi. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of Mr and Mrs. Peter F Freund. Mrs. Gertrude Williams of McHenry spent Sunday wich Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams. Mr. and Mrs. George Zomstorff of Woodstock and Mr. and Mi*. Joe King and George King were Woodstock callers Tuesday. Quite a large crowd from here attended the dance at the Jo© E. Miller tavern at Richmond Saturday evening. Mrs. George Miller of Grayslake spent Wednesday with her father, John Pitzen. Mrs. George Wirfs of McHenry vis ited with Mrs. Arthur Klein Tuesday afternoon. \ Mrs. Steve May entertained the .five hundred club Wednesday afternoon. The prizes were awarded to Mrs. Joe King, Mrs. Fred Smith and Mrs. Lea Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Weber are the parents of a baby boy born Febroarf 7. , Mr. ahd Mrs. Eddie Frett of Chicago spent Sunday in the home, of her mother, Mrs. John A. Miller . Mr. and Mrs Jake Thiei spent Sunday in Woodstock with Mr and Mrs. Mike Gorski." Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund of Chicago were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Stephen H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer, Waukegan, called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers Sunday afternoon. * : : I ". Firing Guns at Burial* The custom of firing three volleys over the grave of a deceased veteran is derived from the old Roman custom of casting earth over , the coffin, calling the dead by name three times and then saying "vale" three times. The word "vale" is the Latin word for farewell. The firing .of three volleys is saying well to the deceased. - . . .. ... . „ , Several Sundays after tSe home of Rev. F. R. Dolophin of New York City was robbed of $70, the collection plate held $70 and a note saying: "Did nt>t know you were a minister. Here it is back." .A.„- -7; n' &W '•. Eyes Examined Dr. Paul A. Schwabe OPTOMETRIST Phone: McHenry 12S-J THURSDAY A. E. Nye West McHenry Woodstock <74 MORNINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - . CENTRAL GARAGE --One of the best equipped garages in Northern Illinois-- Let us check over your car or track and we will find your trouble. Our modern equipment and expert workmen assure.you of a good job and moderately priced. * PRESTONE • ALCOHOL - WINTER OILS - GREASES Pull Line of Atlas and Goodyear Tires Electric and Acetylene Welding " - Oar Washing Phone 200-J Towing Johnsburg , NEW HOME . By ANNE CAMPBELL They are going to housekeeping at last! They have lived with his folks for years, But the difficult problem solved at last. How joyous the future appears} They are choosing their furnishings S with care, The lamps and the breakfast dishes; Each table and rug and walnut chair Must match all their secret wishes! It is just like a second honeymoon. Her eyes are like deep brown wells,r And her heart hums a happy little tune For the joy the new home foretells! ^ • We are sharing the hopes her plans arouse, And join in her happy laughter! May peace fold its wings above her house, And the same love follow after! . CYI OPI Wltk mil in tlHi Makt HiU *1151 l«* !• krifhttn old ttzhtI «jiycur RuiiiJtiil 0rat#ui his4- htadlithi Easy on the eye--easy to bvy --on Genera/Motors ttrmti (jABBY (jERTIE *'The natives of foreign countries are pretty weU fed np on American tourists." Because of embarrassment she suf- \ fers when she is unable to kneel in | church and when her husband has to | scrub floors, Mrs. Barbara Urbach j was awarded $3,250 in an Omaha, J Neb., court. She sued a merchant be- I cause she injured her knee in a fall in his store. .1 we're not trying to beat the li gun -- we'll be seeing i^uitea lot of winter before the spring buds burst.. But spring always has come -- and with it a sudden itch to get out and see the awakening world. And also --all too often--the discovery that to get the new car you want, you've got to wait! : So what? Sk) take ateps now - to meet spring halfway! Ta|c# steps to retire that slow-motion nuitnber you're driving--and replace if with a Butck bursting with newness and get-up*and-git. Put a Dynaflash straight-eight under your toe to do battle with tough winter going--get the comfort of BuiCoil Springing to float you smoothly over rough and rutt«?d roads. Get a new oiitlook for winter hori- 1 " . i\ AWIST OP THI BOKTS it this mighty fiuick DynaMsh Vi!ve», w ith a cyclone in each cylinder to sque«»re; full power.fr«=in r\cry dr >p of furl. stsons or for spotting the first flusl)^ green on the meadows in Buick's "visibility unlimited" -- as much as 412 more square inches of safety plate glass to see through. ~ Then consider also: Your present car is worth less each day as a trade-in. The risk of repair bills grows steadily greater. Old rubber'a dangerous, tired batteries a bore-*- and a bright new Buick is sound and supple all through. Besides -- Buick's prices one lower than a year ago, lower than you'd expect, lower thorn some sixes! * So why not drop in to talk it over? You'll probably want t*> get your Buick while the getting's good! ^ VALVE-IN ENOINE * BUICOtl TORQUE SPRINGING * GREATER VISIBIUTY * HANOI. SMirr TRANSMISSION * ROOMIER UNlSTEEt BODY SY FISHER * TORQUE-TUBE DRIVI * TirrOE HYDRAULIC SHAKES # CROWN SMINO ClUTCH * " CATWALK - COOLING a OPTIONAL REAR AXLE GEAR RATIOS * FLASH-WAY DIRECTION SIGNAL * SELFBANKING KNEE-ACTION FRONT SMUNOINO Front Street, West McHenry, VI kk-mmi CXEMPLAK Of ODttRAL MOTOftS VALUI Motor Sales 216 Main St., Crystal Lake, HI V