- V ^< ^ -• , i v-;r, *• ~ , ,,, , rW, '~ . ^--V ; ,„ ^^ rv,Jl * PtftFonr TSX McHEHRT PLAUVDIALXR •f f -«, ; ts® tf» ^ PV •* M • v* £ H'-7 " '. / 'V5'.- * ••• ••• ;" Specials Friday--Saturday M E A T S Fresh Ground Beef, « for meat loaf or patties, per lb. „ 19^ Choice Round or Swiss Steak, per lb 29tf Choice Sirloin Steak, per lb. ^ _.... 29<£ • Choice Short and T-Bone Steaks, ' . per lb. 29^ Bacon Squares* . mild cure and very special, per lb. ......... 12^ G R O C E R I E S Brooms, ' a very good regular 50c value at only ... Eggs, strictly fresh, dozen _.. 19«f Mrs. Weber's Ho-Made Bread, large reg. 10c loaf at 9# Monarch Brand Coffee, steel cut, 1-lb. cans, each 26^ Fresh White Fish, fresh caught and very good, per lb. 25^ Fresh Fruits and Vegetables -- Fresh and Smoked White Fish -- Smoked - Salted and Pickled Herring Doyal Blue grocery Market J\eal D&rgains\Jood Iflierchandis West McHenry, I1L Phone 166 - Merchandise We Deliver! BABY CHICKS 2000 Super Contest Baby Chicks arrived at our plant Tuesday morning from Zeeland, Michigan. Stop in and watch the little fellows grow on o*r GOLD SEAL ALL MASH CHICK STARTER. We offer 300 of these 2-week-old Chicks for delivery on February 27th at $14-50 per 100- Baby Chicks are selling fast. We are all sold out on our 2-week-old Chicks for March 27th, April 10th and April 24th delivery. ( Don't Delay -- Order Yotg* Baby Chicks Today! McHenry County Farmers Cooperative Association Phone 29 JOHN A. BOLGER, Mgr. McHenry M:' REGNER'S GROCERY AND MARKET More Weekend Specials .• a •: We are now able to offer exceptional prices on our home-killed meats and home-made sausages.' Look over the following: lb. 19tf •lb. 18^ , 15%* ujfc 20* lb. 18* 47* Pork Loin Roast 1^. Pork Butt Roast, home style....... Pork Shoulder Roast, (5 to 6 lbs.) • Fresh Hams, half or whole • • • ' . • Fresh Side Pork Home-rendered Pure Lard, 5 lbs. for ' • {Bring your pail!) \;4'. Home-Made Pickled Pigs' Feet g lbs. 17<* Home-Made Head Cheese, lb. 18*; 3-lb. pan 50^ Fresh Ham Steaks, center cut lb. 27* 'CvV All Home-Made Sausages at Special Prices ^---- We also sell half or whole Dressed Hogs and do commercial killing of hogs and beef; also curing and smoking of hams and bacon, making sausage and rendering lard for farmers! COMPLETE UNE0F MEATS AND GROCERIES. Phone 3 < Green Street P&- DO YOU KNOW? That yon can get a generous allowance on your old tires, regardless of condition, by trading t h e m i n f o r t h e F A M O U S Tiresfotie Read the following prices on these new Firestones: GUM-DIPPED 4.50x21 4.75x19 5.25x17 5.25x18 5.50x16 5.50x17 6.00x16 6.25x16 6,00x20 30x5 Truck and Bus ,* 8.10 8.35 9.25 9.65 10.45 10.50 11.80 13.15 32x6--8-ply . 32x6--10-ply . ~ Firestone Batteries - Winter Oils *16.95 21.25 27.60 36.15 Alcohol Walter J. Freund Tire and Tube Vulcanizing, Battery Charging, Oils Good Used Tires, nearly all sizes Phope204 West McHenry Thurad&y, Febnany 16,193d> THE M'HENRY PLA1N0EALER Published every Thursday at Me* henry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. One Year ... Six Months v .........„...$2.00 ......$1.00 A. H. MOSHER Editor and Manager FUNERAL SERVICES FOR JOHN ALCHENBERGER, CHICAGO, HELD F*B. 15 John Alchenberger, well known in McHenry and vicinity, where he vis- {ited frequently, died suddenly at a [Chicago hospital Sunday afternoon, j February 12. He was 65 years old. ! Surviving are two daughters, Anna j Gross and Clara Poliock, and five (grandchildren. His wife, Alvina, pre- ; ceded him in death. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at St. Stephen Evangelical Church, with, burial iii Montrose cemetery. He Was a member of G.U.V. N. 22.- Among those from here who called at the Haidman funeral home or attended », the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. L. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freund, Mrs. Ben Stilling, daughter, Rita, and son, Elmer, and Donald Justen. Also Mr. and Mrs. William Freund and Joseph J. Schmitt, daughters, Viola and Virginia, and son, Ed, of Spring Grove. ^ ersonm FUNERAL SERVICES FOR MRS. ANDREW JESACHER HELD ON WEDNESDAY Mrs. Catherine T. Jesacher, wife of Andrew Jesacher, principal stockholder of the McHenry Brewing company and also one of its directors, died Saturday, February ll^in Chicago. Jesacher and his associates have been identified with the brewery since 1923. The deceased numbered many personal acquaintances among the people of McHenry and vicinity. She was the daughter of Barbara and the late Jacob Cremer, and sister of John C. Cremer. r Surviving besides her mother and brother are her husband, Andrew, and son, Andrew, Jr. The brewery Was closed Wednesday when employees attended the funeral, which was held at 9:30 from funeral home at 6216 N. Clark street, to St Gertrude church, with burial in St. Boniface cemetery. MISS MARIE NETT OPENS BEAUTY SHOP Miss Marie Nett is opening a beauty shop in Johnsburg and will be located on the second floor of the Jos. Hettermann gas station, which has just been constructed across the highway from the Hettermann tavern. Grand open> iftg of her shop, which she has named "Mari's Nu-Art Beauty Salon," will take place on Saturday, February 18 j She is offering a very special bargain | on permanent waves the first week. | Her place of business is modernlf decorated and equipment is of the latest. She has had considerable exper» ience since her graduation last Octoft ber 14, from the Seian's System off Beauty Culture at Chicago. FOR SALE NURSERY STOCK--A representative" of the Sherman Nursery Co. of Charles City, Iowa, is now taking orders for spring delivery. Guaranteed first quality transplanted stock. Pay when delivered. Special 55th Anniversary Sale with prices greatly reduced on orders during February. L. D. Anderson, Co. Park and Washington Sts., McHenry. "Cail 135-W. *37-4 FOR SALE!--Oliver Manure Spreader, Oliver 7 ft. Tandon Tractor Disc, Oliver 7 ft. Field Cultivator, Oliver 2-14-in. Tractor Plow. All above articles described are new. Having cancelled our dealer's contract will sacrifice at cost. Phone 613-J-2. Draper Bros. »39 FOR RENT FOR RENT--80-acre farm. Also barley and soy beans for sale. Telephone McHenry 138-M. . 39-^f WANTED WANTED TO LEASE--Gasoline setvice station in or around McHenry, Contact Valvoline Oil Co., McHenry, 111., Ed Thenens, Agent. Phone McHenry 32. •87^4 NOTICE We need four serious minded hard working salesmen with clean past ree ords to ca'il on our customers We can use ambitious men regardless of age or experience; must be willing to put in time and work hard. Permanent connection, with a real chance for ad vancement. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., Woodstock, 111. MISCELLANEOUS GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let __ dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J Smith. Phone 365 or 631-M-l. 2-tf LIVESTOCK HAULING AND DEALER-- Alfred B. Miller. Phone McHenry 261. »30 ELECTRIC WELDING--Broken parti quickly repaired^by modern electrical equipment. Phone 195. Adams Repair Shop, Pearl Street. Res. phone 134-M. - 39 Subscribe for The Plaindealer dren of Woodstock were Sunday visitors in the Peter Doherty home. Miriam Sayler visited at WaukCgan Saturday. --- | Jack Hart of Chicago spent the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schreiner spent weekend here. Wednesday in Chicago. I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schroeder of Mrs. Simon Stoffel returned home Chicago visited her parents, Mr. and Tuesday after a week's visit with he* Mrs. Jacob Steffes, Sunday. daughter, Mrs. C. C. Westfall, and Donald McCafferty of Indiana visitfamily at Chicago. ed friends here Saturday. Miss Maxine Bacon, who was em- Mr. and Mrs. Verne Roberts and ployed at Waukegan for the past two Mr. and Mrs. Harold Btomstrom and weeks, returned home Tuesday even- daughter, Barbara Joan, were dinner in®f- guests in the home of Mr. and. Mrs. •nr j ' * Mfs. Paul IBrefeld left Robert Vogt last Thursday evening. Wednesday morning for a three- Miss Marie Miller is enjoying a weeks vacation at Del-Ray Bseach, two weeks' vacation from, her work at Florida. . . , '-i Hhe Tonyan Construction company.' Mrs. Wm. Tesch is spending the gjje gpent several days last week in weekend in the home of her daughter, Chicago arid this week is visiting Mr „ • _yfm" at. Brighton, Wis. an<j Mrs. Carl Courier at Woodstock. , Mrs. Riggs is recovering-from an op-. Guests in the H. E. Durland home eration performed at the Burlington Sunday were: Misses Mary Durland hospital, Tuesday, Feb. 7. • | an(j Gertrude Zender of Clarke Col- ^ Miss Rjta Martin spent a few days lege, Iowa, and Misses Rhea Pape and the^ first of the week witii her brother, Patsy pape> George Kauss, Tom Sang Whlham, who has been ill at his home and Bill Hunter, all of Chicago. in Oak Park. ... .1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aebischer spent Miss jlita Freund spent the week- Sunday ^ her mother. Mrs. Kate end m Chicago. 'Stoffel . Dr. and Mrs. R* Aicher attended Mr. and jfc. Harry Alexander of the mid-winter 75th anniversary meet.; Hebron spent Sunday in the Robert ing of the- Chicago Dental society, Thompson home. which was held at the Stevens hotel, Mr and Mrs jacob Diedrich> daugh. this week. Gene Sayler, who has start-, ^ vendalina and Mrs. Alex Adams, ed his last semester m the Illinois College of Dentistry, also attended the convention. Mrs. Math Blake is spending the week in the hoifae of her sister, Mrs. Ferdinand Bauer, in Chicago. Mrs. Kathryn Boger of Chicago visited McHenry relatives this week. Mrs. Elmer Freund was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Mrs. H. J.' Schaffer and Mrs. John R. Knox visited relatives at Wauconda Tuesday, , Robert Knox was a business visitor at Dubuque, Iowa this week. Mrs. Harriet Love has returned to her home in Richmond after a visit with her sister, Mrs. Fred Cooley. Peter Engeln of Chicago visited relatives here several days last week. Rev. Ouimerit, Mr. and Mrs. John Roach, Miiss Pauline Kreuger and Miss Freda Anderson were callers in the home of Mrs. Mary O'Flaherty Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russeil Fyfe visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Fyfe, at Huntley Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Zoia and chiland son, Tommy, were Evanston call, era Wednesday. Miss Marie Miller and Melvin Walsh visited Mr. and Mrs. George Stenger at Waukegan Tuesday. Mrs. Minnie Schueneman and Mrs Harry Durland spent Wednesday in Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Martin of Woodstock visited in the Eber Bassett home Wednesday. Max Drogal of Dresden caught Heinrich Gerin eloping with his daughter and kept him prisoner in a large ice-box for two days. " N O T I C E A deputy collector of internal revenue will be at the McHenry, III. postoffice to assist anyone in their income tax returns on February 20 frpfla . 9 a.m. to 12 noon. ' ' *" '4 •lr-5 Residence Changes Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller moved Saturday from the Phannenstiil farm at Lily Lake to their home on Richmond and Broad streets. The Ed Thompson family moved I from the Peterson house on Fox street to the Pint house on Richmond Road. ^ ifl! "BELLO THE WORLD'S GREATEST SCIENTIFIC RXSCOVERY FOR FALLING HAIR AND DANDRUFF Tnis preparation contains no alcohol and is fully guaranteed to stop falling hair, even in its worst stage. It also reconditions and beautifies the hair. Act Today and Avoid Baldness! ^ i Sold in McHenry by: Bolgers Drug Store, Dreymiller & Kempfer Barber Shop, Albert Krause News Agency. • V BELIEVE IT OR NOTTHIS BIG 6-PASS. VICTORIA SEDAN *860 DELIVERED HERE Standard EUiuipnv't andFeJaulTaxtilncluded. (WhHt tldaeall Oru and nar ichuUhldJf) THAT'S ALL it takes to own this long, sleek new 1939 Nash full size, 117" whedbase sedan. And it's the talk of the U.S.A.! Take a 15-minute spin... see how Nash's automatic "Weather Eye"* keeps fresh summer air inside your car--even though a blizzard howls outside. Note the spacious new interior . . . the convertible bed ... the smoothness and silence of the ridel Don't wait!. Drive the new Nash--today! (* Op t ion at Eijuipm an t--Slifh t Extra Coat) B. H. FREUND MtftOR SALES Riverside Drive Phone 76-W Experience the Real Joy of Livings LL signs indicate that . . 1939 Is the Time to Build! Even now dozens of homes are being planned or arp already in process "•;©f construction. For not in many y«=>ars have conditions been more favorable. Prices are Reasonable . .. values are hiah ... and the wise home builder of today gets more for his money than ever before. New comforts ... new conveniences! . . . homes that are better planned, better built . . . modern in every respect. So why delay? Two Prize Winning Homes of 1938 in Onr Home BuiMing Contest On# of th® Six $200.0C Prize Winners Owned by. JOHN M. JOYCE, 627 Cornelia St, Joliet, QL One of the Six $200.00 Prize Winners in a Recent Some-Building and Modernization Contest* Owned by ' , JOHN ROBERTS, 719 St. Charles St., Elgin, tBi GAS ELECTRIC COMPANY. bMs:' X.