Thursday, February 16,193$ ^ rP ^ RKW •w^Sf til McHXXKY PLAIHSXALB ' t;..;?* :;t'; <R'"5 PanRvi : • ' • ANDERSONS TO MEET ARLINGTON HEIGHTS ?:4T HERE SUNDAY NIGHT '• flbe Anderson Service will put on another game Sunday, February 19th, when Arlington Height* travels to McHenry to play. Arlington has no great record but a good team. They have played strong competition all year. This game will be a conditioner for the Hampshire Legion game a week later on this floor. There will be two games. The preliminary between McHenry Merchants and Antioch at 7 p. m. JIGGS V CORNED BEEf AITOCABBAGE and «»!* ' -v, - DANCING , ~ ait -*«* Volo Tavern Saturday, Feb. 18th I. G. Schlosser, Prop. NEW tMPIRf McHENRY, ILLINOIS Sun. Mat. 3 p. m. Continuous Two Shows Nightly - Sunday Matinee at 3:00 p.m., Continuous. Sunday Prices--10-20c before 5:30 10-30c after 5:30; Monday and Week Days, 10-25c except Bargain NitesI FRIDAY (Only) v f#m Kelly -- Ann GilHs "PECK'S BAD BOY WITH THE CIRCUS" SATURDAY (Only) Franchot Tone -- Franciska Gaal "THE GIRL •' DOWNSTAIRS'1 SUNDAY -- MONDAY February 19-20 "SWEETHEARTS" Also--News and Comedy TUESDAY, February 21 Jack Oakie -- Lucille Ball (1) ' Annabel Takes a Tour' Edmund Lowe -- Helen Mack (2) 'Secrets of a Nurse' WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Fredric March - Joan Bennett Ralph Bellamy - Ann Sothern "TRADE WINDS" MILLER Hteatre Woodstock Now in Service! First R. 0. A. Photophone Sound System of its kind to be installed in Illinois. See and hear all the picture! FRIDAY ----See It Again!---- 'LITTLE WOMEN" SATURDAY -- Continuous Dionne Quintuplets 'FIVE OF A KIND' ---Added Thrill Hit "Hop-Along" Cassidy "FRONTIERSMAN" SUNDAY AND MONDAY Most Wonderful of All Technicolor Productions .... Filmed in the Bine Grass Country with ... " RICHARD GREEN LORETTA YOUNG "KENTUCKY" Also Cartoon - News and "Boase Rhythm" Act 10c-- TUESDAY -- 16c "MR. MOTTO'S taAST WARNING" -Plus 50 BKr jflwomi Wednesday and Thursday FOUB DAUGHTERS SUN. & MON„ FEB, 86 -27 "DAWN PATROL" "SO I HEAR" • [ / ' . . by . w;";~. EARL WALSH Thanks for the memories. --I-- Tuesday morning -- Valentine Day -- but no valentines in the morning mail. . > But, my dear Oswald, that was early Tuesday morning! The day was young. --I-- Here's a sample of what fallowed --B-- SCANDAL MONGER Gossip, gossip, gossip, < y , .; Scandal, news and spice Would these same friends, if they bat Enew Think YOU so very nice? A charley-horse yanked Dittburner oat for a few mintues and Stuessy took his place in the lineup. Stuessy --I-- ha/ been a great athlete in his day, but he cant walk in his pupil's shoes today. , Vale Afeams ran up 34 points in the Richmond game. Some shootin'! He also gathered in some all-important free shots in the finals. --I-- We thought Harry Conway looked better in the last game than in previous starts. He looked good. - --I-- •„ Glenn Anderson was tired (fff wt,1 route from that traveled by the other the whole team looked toed), but he two automobiles which were also carwas up in the air plenty for that ball, jying sttfdents to the Barrington High Clarence carried the fight, as usual. School that afternoon for College T)ay, Ferwerda was a starter -- makes a' a day on which high school Seniors, strong guard and has improved more: prospective: college students, may inthan a little bit. i / jterview representatives of various --jco lleges and universities. Here's news! Hebron lest a. game, j The car, traveling at about 45 miles Crystal Lake beat them Tuesday night per hour, struck a piece of ice when a-4 *1.;. on the Lake city floor 26 to 19. Kjell-; going over a hill, skidded into a.tele- . .iii-o4 U e'iitM- 16trom» the blonde guard who caused phone post and overturned. How many it** LT* * - ^^"'our team so ipuch trouble, was unable times the machine overturned, its oc to score a point. . •--S-- j were stunned by the sudden impact STUDENTS ESCAPE SERIOUS INJURIES WHEN AUTO SKIDS Six local high school students Escaped without serious injuries when the automobile in which they were riding Friday afternoon skidded off the road near Barrington, struck a telephone post and overturned. Bruce Klontz was driving the car, his father's, and his companions were Gene Justen, Harry Anderson, Barry Taxman. Richard Justen and Richardc Williams. The Klonts car took Among the Sick Meeting.--County Legion Corwctt-^Aigonquin. February 24 Home Bureau Party--W. B. Harrison. . Peter Schaefer, Sr., is seriously ill INFANT DIES AT JOHNSBURG at his home in Johnsburg. Mrs. Frank St. George of Voio Anthorty, Jr., the infant son of Mr. broke a bone m her wrist when she'and Mrs. Anthony Freund of Jonhsried man, .. : --I-- MATRIMONIAL BULLY s " Dictators may get away with ,, it in some states -- but not, . In the Matrimonial State! *,«, So' -T- "So I Hear" wasn't neglected, slkrhted Or ' forgotten when* snappy valentines were picked oute^v'^'v.^"- Jimmy Fay remembers us on'thesame day, but not with a valentine. Jim sends us a clipping on one John Paychek, who is making rapid strides in the fight game. This same John P&ychek fought in these parts a few years ago' when his name was Johnny Pacek. • Those were days when Jim, himself, was hopping from a milk route to the ring without much time for rest or training -- and doin' OK against good boys. --n-- Jim picked up a Denver Post during his travels and found the clipping on Paychek. John landed in Des Moines about a year ago and went to work, hopping bells in a Tio6el. A ypar in the professional ring had failed to bring in enough groceries. _I-- . Pinkie George, former featherfell on the ice near her home Monday burg, who was born Tuesday evening, morning. (February 14, died Wednesday morn- Dr. Floyd H. Cannon, former Mc- j ing at 3:30 o'clock. Burial took place Henry physician, is a patient at St. j in St. John's cemetery at 3 o'clock Therese hospital at Waukegan follow- j Wednesday afternoon, with Rev. Fr. ing an operation which was perform. Paul Tuchlinsky officiating at the ed Sunday evening. His son, David,! services. a different ja a]so a patient at the hospital, where i he was taken Wednesday evening. | Mrs. John Mulder, Sr., who resides south of town on the John 'Phalin farm, is nursing a broken arm. Her son, John, is recovering from an appendicitis operation performed at the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Steve Schaefer of Fox Lake, who underwent an appendectomy at St. Therese hospital at Waukegan last week, returned home Monday. Albert Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. • M t IMtMMltm 11 i -- Births Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larson o& Wonder Lake announce the birth of a daughter on Monday, February IS. Mr. and Mrs. William Hay of thif city are the proud great grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Diedrich are parents pf a daughter born at their home near Chapel Hill, Monday, Feb. 13- * - v Read the Want Ads : • . vi J. : Otto Adams of Johnsburg, is a patient> wer* ur»blc los,y ftey ^ „„ search ho»ptt«l at i of! r. • „„„ „ , , . . Beividere had some trouble downing the car against the post. They man-|_ k fo' . en" W^dstock the same night. Score;.;aged to extriwte themselves from the Michael Conway, who ha^been coh- 24 to 20. ? wreckage and walked to a neighboring t' i - --|- t ^ i. j I house, where th• ey" • w'e re' *gi ven first-aid I Cbec, austGe ho'fS ifl,ln°emses ^t hise ap^aasitn f ivaf b,lem oton tJbse Fox be Iter* Saturday .treatment, : . ~ ^ niglrt t. meet Coach Ave• TK.y !_Gene Justen suffered a_cut the Pl,i„de»ler office * " °°r h« been iii a. The Wauconda District Tournameiit ,ry Anderson a bruised arm.v The otherS escaped with slight body bruises. I In spite of the injuries, the boys 1 past week ine rv Hucuiiua i-msu ici luuouinieiii *•« "H1": Henry Weber, who had been ill the HIJui I<"^. int- iwysiK-.i fi.„. , starts next Wednesday night. We play attended the conference at the high i recovere(j eumonia, as Hebron at 8 o'clock following the school and returned home in the cars u.„ T \ v. . . . , Richmond-Grant game. . of the other McHenry-students. L Mrs. John Kmg is recovering nicely 0 fronj her recent illness and, is able to ' be up several hours each day. I Linus Newman has been confined to POINTS TO TRIM MCHS his home the past week because of ! illness. «ewh-. int -y.tfebTOn'8 undefeated basketball team! Mrs. Anna Bugner of Johnsbui^ is h,"ded 0,Ir MCHS a thorough on ,he gain, recovering from a serious' games xnis year, i oeicna, says *u„:_ Diz. We hope hfe wins twenty-five. Now that Crystal Lake has shown HEBRON ROLLS UP 61 that Hebron can be taken into camp, maybe our squad will follow suit. ' . --H-- trimming last Friday night on their home floor. „Gn ,la n says ,h .is t,rui.c k. ,le g .is "Good.. ..a si :..T.h ,e s c o r„e .w a.s 6 1 t o .3.0.. I n f o rm, a - ever.„ MMo n.te S0 .tr atton Rs ays ,he 'w• 1il1l t-, o. n f,r om He b r.o n s a;v s t h a t .n, e v. e r b e - pitch again. It*t won't be long now,! ; fore has a Hebron team roiled up - tV,of F Opening day is just around a coupie of corners. illness of many weeks' duration. Miss Nellie Doherty was absent from her teaching duties at the. public grade school Wednesday because of illness. score like that. I Charles Gibbs was ill at his home Our starting lineup with Howard j Wednesday. and Weber at the forward spots, Mo-! Miss Adelia Haplce, confined to bed AWT1VVQAW Q**P\rTf«» {Andrews at center and Gausden pair- because of illness, was absent from APIliAXUK/ri OfaAVlUIS led with Laures, was no match for tlie!^er W01"k at Bast's Variety store yes- COUNTY CHAMPS IN Hebron regulars. The score (He-; terday( Wednesday). INDEPENDENT TOURNEY bron's score) ran up fast. Our reg-l Mre. George King is ill at the home lulars came in, but were never able toj°f ^er sister, Mrs. Mike Gorski, at Anderson's Service captured the Mc.' stride. | Woodstock. SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY -- CARROTS--Fancy Californias, per bunch 5* ORANGES--Florida juice, dozen 18c SPAGHETTI or MACARONI--Centrella brand, Finest quality, 4 pk^s. ; 25c^ NOODLES--Pur© egg, 1-lb. pkg. 14d < 1 ^ -- ^ W -- • • l y, liilf I'iA ?•»; VEGETABLE SOUP--Centfella brand, 2 caiis EGGS--Fresh, dozen / :; ' ' . ... 20^ BEEF STEW--Choice, lb. . 20o FRANKFURTERS--Vette & Zuncker's best, lb. 23<* BARBIAN BROS. Riverside Drive Phone 180 |and changed his name to | There seems to be something in name. weight, was doing some promoting in|Henry County independent basketball! About all that can be said is that it lCt i tournament, Sunday night by defeat- , ^ "^ron s game all ^ way. , i ;, a y c e " ing St. Mary's of Woodstoclc 45-44 in: ' a a close overtime. j Hebron - 61 ^ I • n Anderson's advanced to the «emi-^^ l. Johnson8* i Paychek has taken opponents In "na's ^y defeating Richmond 63-35 on G. Burgett 6 ! stride. His victory, over A1 Ettore, Friday night. Captain Adams was Bietfow i Philadelphia veteran, drew many of- burning the nets with 34 points, H. j Ryan ! fers. Smart ring men see a "white Anderso^ dropped in 13, H. Conway K. Johnsoft . ;hope" in the making; , i9'- R- Anderson lead Richmond with 11 j. Kjellstrom .... j |i-- points. Bell collected 7, and the two Smith j Thanks, Jim, for the memories -- j Ehorn's 6 each. , R. Voltz , and remembering. If work ever gets] On Sunday afternoon they eliminat-j * ---- 'slack in that auditing business, come;de Arlington Furniture's in a close! : TOTALS 26 home and audit our expense account.!game 34 - 28. I. WcHenry -- I# ! The boss has us listed as a liability. H. Andenson garnered 14 points, C. F^3 He can't do that! "" 'Anderson 9; Knabusch collected 1€ D* Howard 0 Another Contribution: for Arlington. ; • Knox 1 NOTICE: Make driving a pleasure.! Now for the final game with a M. J- Weber 2 ...Use my Up-to-the-minute-road G M> finish, where the hero makes a P- - 2 map and forget that lost feel-jbasket to tie the score with seconds ^ McAndrewa teg* j to go. The finish is correct, but to ® " pick one hero would be impossible. ! This happened when the Service Leo Meyers, a patient at St. Therfse's hospital, Waukegan, since No-; V<>nilK'r. suffering from a broken leg sustained in - a fall while doing car- FT PF i nonter work, returned to his home on 2 2 Tuesday, and is able to be around on 3 1 crutches. 1 0 0 0 , Mrs. Wm. Riggs of Brighton, Wis., 3 1; 3 sister of Mrs. Wm. Tesch, is recovered ' $ O ing from an operation performed at & 0 4 the Burlington hospital, Tuesday, Feb- 0 0 0 ruary 7. ,> 0 , 0 ' l ' Miss Isabelle Simon is recovering ----j nicely from her recent illness, but is 11 still confined to her home. | Mrs. Albert Purvey is ill at her PF home. 0 Although B. Popp is taking treat- 8 ments at St. Therese hospital at Wau- 1 kegan evenings, he is at his place of . ^ business during the day. ^ "~Ti •7 "-r Phone right j>ront«r and ask for 'Tonto'. Tin.-, v-t. . 7-VII -- . • . .. 'boye defeated St. W&ry's in the cham- « xfnill611 Wh.teh.ll to Cuba to strengthen, ^ 4644 ^d.y night; pitching staff. Fifteen years in the(^ ^ ^ ^ t i* v i AA -i American League. Th*i down the Durin« the te8t half Vale A<UnMi TOTALS river. FT 2 1 0 1 2 0 • 1 2 1 0 «;• COMING EVENTS 3 Ji February 16. J Meeting---C. D. of A. February 19 -IIf you are ever looking for a story made six consecutive free throws to help the boys keep .up with the fast FREUNDSCOVER St. Mary's five. Anderson Service held ..10 10 14 book finish, don't search farther than a point lead at the first quarter the game of last Sunday evening when an<* *t Uie half. our Anderson Service boys won the tournament of Independents in St. Mary's gym by defeating Stuess Mongrams 45 to 44 in The third quarter found St. Mary's ahead 35-27. With Jiss than a minute sating Stuessy »° in the final Quarter. C. Anderson a 5-minute ov^<droPPed in two free throws to make 8,000 MILES ON Public Card Party--St. Patrick's HalL February 21 Meeting--Riverview Camp, R. N. A. Meeting--Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A. WESTERN TRIP Meetin<f--C- o. F.--St. Mary - St. Patrick school hall--8 p. m. February 23 Bake Sale--Ladies' Aid--M. E. Church basement (Continued from first page) Grass Golden Gate Bridge The route was scenic, with the time game. Ihe score 38, -4,0 ,, t hen H. . An, derso,n wA it.h ; ocean on one side and the mountains two seconds left sank a long snot to Harry Anderson was the hero in j tie th» score 40 all. that game. There can be no mis-! ©u™* the overtime Anderson Ser ^ take. Tired, aching muscles respond- j v^ce collected two baskets and one ferent sights, then crossed the new ed to a determined will and Harry f1^ throw to St. Mary a two baskets 5ri(jge into Oakiand and spent the came through. He was covered plenty to win 44-45. by an alert, aggressive Monogram! Anderson totaled 21 points, Adteam, 7 but droprpr ed seven shots in the 8mi?s CCi . Anderson u6.. : on the other. They crossed the Golden Grate bridge at about two o'clock, traveled through the city, saw the difnight at San Jose. The next day they drove to Los Angeles to the home of Mr. and Mrs. last quarter. -IThat last shot was a honey. Harry looked at the timer's table and knew there were only seconds left. He took a pass. He took a shot -- a long, looping shot. Swish! -- And the gun Adams,, f barked. The score was 40 all. We have it from Harry that he didn't see the basket in that last at-j Ferwerda, g .... tempt. He did see the back-board or G- Andenson, g bank-board. That was enough. For St. Mary's, Maier made 14 Eimer Sacks, arriving there late in the points, Dittburner and Thiede collected 10 each. H. Anderson, f C. Anderson, c Conway, c - g ., -I-- In a five minute overtime, Harry came through again with two baskets j and a free throw to win. What else I Baier, f can you ask of one guy ? -- Unless i Dittburner, he's twins! Stuessy, f , |_> " „ Huck, c .... We would like to give credit to;Thiede, g Evelyn Anderson for the tournament J Buckley, g writer-up. She has given the boys fair treatment, but we suspect that she modestly refrains from giving brother JIfipr the meati<>u he daserves. TOTALS Monogram* -- 44 -45 FG FT TP 7 13 .... • 8 21 .... 1 . ,4 •• 6 .... 1 0 2 .... 0 0 3 .,..16 15 45 KG FT TP .... 6 2 14 .... 4 2 10 .... 0 0 0 ... 8 2 6 .... 8 4 101 ... 2 o - 4 afternoon. * The following day, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Sacks, they took a boat to Catalina Island, where the famous bird sanctuary, known Larry Hiick played with his former mates from St. Mary's and showed a lot of improvement over his high school play. His size and a willingness to feed the ball to fast charging forwards played a big part in bringing his team through. --i-- --^4^ The game was a tough one ftr the Monogram boys to lose, but they didn't hesitate to give credit to the winners. • { The Monogram team showed more aggressiveness than you will find in most teams. They forged into a third period lead that looked like enough to win, but those Service boys had just enough left to come through. ^ --P-- As we talked with Dittburner (one TOTALS ..17 m N O T I C K To Sportsmen of McHenry County: There is a beautiful trophy awaiting for the best amateur trap shooter over the handicap scores. There is no entry fee. The winner of this match keeps the trophy forever. Shooters can fire the 25 targets on 16 yards any day. Sundays, Feb. 19 ad 26, between the hours of 11 a.m. and 1 p. m. only. Regulations, largest bore of gun 12 The Sacks took them on a tour of the city of Los Angeles the netft day, when they saw the home of Aimee Semple McPherson, Forest Lawn cemetery, the Rose Bowi, Curtiss Wright Airplane factory, Hollywood and Beverly Hills. The following two days they began their journey home, driving through the orange groves and vineyards of southern California, one of the latter consisting of 5,000 acres. They arrived at El Paso, Texas, Sat urday afternoon, February 4, and the , next day took a trip into Scuidad ^ Juarez, Old Mexico, where they visited the Oid Mission Guadalupe, established in 1549, the market place, the Custom House, and the bull ring. On February 6 the tourists visited the Carlsbad Cavern, entering the cave at 10 a. m. It was necessary to walk two and one-half miles to reach the bottom of it, and another twd and one-haif miles to tour the various chambers. Two hundred people visited the place that day. Dinner was served in the caves 850 feet below the ground. They also saw Jim White, the discoverer of this world's largest and most beautiful cave, and received „ CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer Owing to the death of my husband, I will sell at Public Auction, on the Anna Meyer farm. V4 mile north of McHenry, on Route 31, on * ^ > Tuesday, Feb. 28th / •---rr beginning at 1 p. m., the following: 16 HEAD LIVESTOCK Horses: Black Gelding, 10 yrs,, wtf 1650; Gray Mare, 9 vrs., wt. 1650; Gray Gelding, wi 1400; Black Gelding, wt. 1500./ : 6 Milch Cows: 3 with calf by side. Poland China Sow, with B fall piprs; Boar Pig, 400 lbs. Hay, Grain and Machinery: 20 ft. Silage; 5 tons of good Tamo Hay; 5 tons of good clean Bean Hay; 200 shocks of Fodder Corn; 127 shocks of good Ear Corn in field; Stack of Corn; Some Seed Corn; Fordson Tractor; 14-in. Tractor Plow; 2-section Drag; Corn Cultivator; Wood Wheel Wagon; Car Trailer; Piano. . Usnal Terms ~ Mrs. Edw. J. Miller West McHenry State Bank, Clerking gauge, not loaded heavier than 3 drams of powdery 1 °un^6 ,i of s^ot- his autograph. •a The next three days they continued UXOI1IO VI PV TT UV« • X • VMIIVV V* not larger than W4 chill shells. For sale on premises at JERRY'S PLACE, Wonder Lake. 30-2 ANNOUNCEMENTS FOB HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER I desire to announce that I will be a candidate for the office of highway of the best) after the game, different commissioner for McHenry township angles were discussed -- then came a!at the election to be held on Tuesday, smile and a shake of the head -- April 4. Your vote and support is "That Anderson -- that Harry And-1 solicited. " erson!" j»-8 JOB. J. "Butch" FREUND. their journey homeward through Fort Worth and Dallas, crossing the Missippi river into Illinois Thursday, February 9. The next day they saw many oil wells in this state. According to Mr. and Mrs. Freund it was good to see McHenry again aftfer an absence of four weeks. Their travels took them through many different states, cities and spots of scenic beauty, but they rate top Tionors t« their state, Illinois, and especially, McHenfy. Ike ttronfMt, iturdiast wrin*«r on the market. If accidentally overloaded, power is *uti--• tlcally dUensaccd aad. preetare released. Pour husky coil tprinr* provide uniform, damp-dryinc preeaure. ALSO-- White Porrelaia Bowi*Sbaped Tak • Doable Walk • Si«el Chau|| Construction •: AU-Whkv Flat* Don't, by all mean*, bay * washer until you see this new Model "B" Speed Queen. There is no other washer like it... none that gives you all the beauty, washing speed, snd timeproven d e p e n d a b i l i t y found in this marvelous' Speed Queen. Furthermore, Speed Queen prices for 1938 have been reduced IS on each model, making your ' choice of a Speed Queen washer all the wiser. Com tm tai «* tC Menat CAREY ELECTRIC- SHOP Green Street McHenry, lit