tH* lttBSNR? PUUNDXALB T H E B I G G E R B L O W BvV^ ^ a THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE ^ IHOWSTWIAL HAT/OHAL VALUB 01M0NSTWKTIM6 "THBtR PROOUCT AT A TUtSA, OKLAHOMA EXPOSITlOW ACTUAL Uf OIL AT «0 »HT •W #» "•' SftOMtfRS/ BURMA A SMOWSTORM. fMCtf MAKB HAS AM MOM DUAL VOLO Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anderson and family of Wauconda visited Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseley Saturday. Many friends and relatives wil? be sorry to learn that Mrs. Jay Vasey was rushed to the Elizabeth Condell hospital in LibertyvUle Friday and Submitted to a serious operation immediately. Mrs. Lloyd Eddy, Grays Lake, spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy' Passfield recently. Mr., and Mrs. O'Brien of Chicago have moved onto the farm formerly* Occupied by George Dowell. The Volo unit of the Lake county Home Bureau met at the home of Mrs. R. Cope Wednesday. This was an all day meeting. A total of twenty "three were present at this meeting. Election of officers took place for the coming year. The next meeting will be the annual meeting of the Lake County Home Bureau, which will be heid ,.at the Wauconda Federated church, Friday, March 10. An excellent program has been selected for the annual meeting. Dinner will be served by the Wauconda Federated church. Mrs. Wendell Dickson ^ and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher wjil assist Mrs. Walter Crook on the decoration committee for the annual meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson visited Mrs. C, Dowel^'xit SlOcum's Lake on Thursday. Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, Mrs. Richard Doweli and daughter, Ada, Mrs! Geo, Scheid, Jr., and daughter, Lillian, and Mrs. Albert Hafer attended a bridal shower in honor of Miss Ilo Mae Boucher Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Boucher with Mrs. Helen Van Arh as co-hostess. The Volo Sewing Circie met at this home of Mrs. Alex Tough Tuesday. ' Mrs. Russell Magnussen, Mrs. Walter Crook and Mrs. Frank Wilson attended a board meeting of the Lake County Hom^ Bureau at Grayslake on Monday. Messrs. Thomas and Milton Doweli were callers at Pontiac, 111., Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Stoltz of Villa Park spent the ^weekend here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseiey. Volo Community Bible Church, Volo, Illinois: Church services, 10 to 10:30 a.m.; Sunday School services ,10^30 STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF McHENRY, SS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP McHENRY COUNTY. John 8. Kelter, y: Plaintiff; - Vs. Frank Meissner and Ann*. Meissner, his Wife, Marif - Tomaszewski, Leonard Um» berger and Charlotte ' Ann*.. Umberger, his Wife, Charles C. Albers, Receiver of Crag. in State Bank, an Illinois : ^ Banking Corporation, Gerald , " J. Carey, Trustee under Trust Deed dated Oct. 6, A. D., 192f and recorded in Recorder'!? * Office of McHenry County,/ ^ Illinois on the 12th day of October, A. D., 1927, in Book . 160 of Mortgages, on P&gfr. - 363, as Document 80329, and the Unknown Owner or Own* \ .. ers of Lot One (1) in Mc- •' _ Henry Country Club First, ' ; Addition, in the Southwest quarter of Section 36, Town* . ; v ship 45 North, Range 8, East:,vy*:k of the Third Principal Mer4J' \, ^ - idian, according to the Flat.",.-;. - recorded March 17, - A. D., "-•) *, 1922 in Book 4 of Plats, PagS' > ' 52, in McHenry County, Uli- . nois, • r - - "* •' '• Defendants, IN CHANCERY--GEN. NO 28634. Notice q£Publication The requisite Affidavits Having been properly filed, notice is hereby given to the said Frank Meissner and Anna Meissner, his Wife, Mary Tomaszewski, Leonard Umberger and Charlotte Anna Umberger, his Wife, Charles C. Albers, Receiver of Cragin State Bank, an Illinois Banking Corporation, Gerald J. Carey, Trustee village. Twice T o l d 11MM «f Inters* Taken Trmm iM run sf Flsfartoahs *t •• SIXTY YEARS AGO : Until further notice, we will Sell meats at thf following rates; beef steak, 8 to 10 cts., pork, & to 8 cts.; corned beef, 5 cts., and boiling beef b to 7 cts. Frett & Son. Wm. Dow has removed his Boot and Shoe./shop to Howe's block, opposite Frett and Sons' Market, where his customers can hereafter find him ready to "give them ftts'Von short notice. Mr. C. Dunbar, late of Kalamazoo Mich., has rented the Art Gallery in this village, and expected to have it Tlanfejr, Yttraiy 1«, ltt» Uaf*! 8«nu» in En4,!u.ddv "The king's swans." in England, have stayed for centuries on the Thames, though unfettered. Once a year, says a writer in the Washington Post, they are rounded up and branded on their beaks. "Swanupping," the npme of this ceremony, dates from the time when young swans were table delicacies and were termed "birds royal." No one could keep them unless he had a special license from the crown, and each keeper had his own "swanmark," somewhat like cattle brands. Swans will nest year after year in the same place unless they are disturbed or their food supply gives out. Whtn the watefy vapor in the atmosphere is condensed Into drops, these ten to the eftrth by their own weight The verjP small drops which tell slowly are called fog, mist or cloud. The large raindrops fall from 15 to 29 feet a second; smaller ones tell about 5 feet a second. Lather's Wittenberg Visitors to Luther's city of Wittenberg in Germany may see the famous theses that he nailed on the church door in 1817. The doors are of metal and the text of his protest is deeply inscribed in the metal. AUCTIONS L. H. FREEMAN, Auctioneer Phone 118 - • Hebron, 111. , ... - i Having sold the. farm and Tenant open and ready for business in a few m6ving> the undersigned will sell at w8, v ' public auction on the farm known as 10TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS 5% to 15% Discount On All Single PeruiMnt Waves Free 50c Facial with $1 op in service S T O M P A H I T O ' S Beauty and Reducing Salon Pfeane 641 - Woodstock in. 1M X-Bay DB.L. B, MURPHY Office HoimC^;^*:*."to 9 p.m. Riverside Drive -- McHenry, QL The Board of Trustees have had six the Holmes farm, located 2 miles west OJt. C. KELLER '•i*. Optometrist tedders made, 24 feet long, for the use j of Richmond an(j 5 mileg east 0f He-S permanently loeatod 111 Sic oi the corporation, two of which are hron Qn 173> on _ to be kept at the depot end of the vil- TRTHAV FEBRUARY 24 lage, two near the postoffice and two' . ' , „A , 01_ in the old town. This is a move inthe^^ncmg ai 12:30 p^m., Sharpright direction, and we hope they con- following described property, tinue the good work until we can boast J withoiit^seijc^. of some protection from fire Henry at bis summer home on Riverside Drive. Forty-six years experience testing eyes and making glasses. -- Call for Appointment -- All Kinds of Repairs -- TeL 211-R FIFTY YEARS AGO to 11:30 a.m. Evening services will be held the third Sunday in every month. Services will be held Sunday evening, Feb. 19, fit 8 o'clock, Everyone welcome. Pastor, Gerald H. Rapelje. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Raven and family of Slocum's Lake spent Sunday at the Dowell Brothers home. Mrs. Frank St. George fell Monday morning and dislocated her right WTlSt." Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Kochens of Ma Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Kochens of Maywood visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus Sunday. Many from here attended the funerar services for Mrs. George Dowell at Wauconda Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dusil, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sirovatka and Mr. J. Dusil of Berwyn spent Sunday here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. Geonge. under Trust Deed dated Oct., 6, A. D., 1927 and recorded in Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois on the 12th day of October, A. D., 1927, in Book 160 of Mortgages, on Pa^e 353, as Document 80329, and the Unknown Owner or Owners of Lot One (1) in McHenry Country Club First Addition, in the Southwest quarter of Section 36, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat recorded Marrh 17, A. D., 1922 in Book 4 of Plats* Page 52 in McHenry County, Illinois, that the above named plaintiff heretofore filed his complaint in said Court to foreclose a Trust Deed, conveying the following described Real Estate situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, to-wit: Lot One (1) in McHenry Country Club First Addition, in the Southwest quarter of Section 36, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plats recorded March 17, A. D., 1922 in Book 4 of Plats, Page 52, in McHenry County, Illinois and for other relief and that a Summons thereupon issued out of said Court against the above named defendants, returnable on the Third Monday of March, A. D., 1939, as is 42 -- Head of Livestock -- 42 33 Holstein Cows, 2 Guernsey Cows j -- This is a No. 1 herd of young cows!! They are about half Springers. Some • more have baen in only, a very short time, balance milking very good. J 6 Horses--Gray Mare, 5 years old,' wt. 1700 lbs.; Brown Gelding, 5 years! old, wt. 1700 lbs.;' Bay Gelding* 7 Wtm. Welch, who lives southeast of'years old, wt. 1400 lbs.; Gray Gelding, Will H. Mead rejoiced over the arrival of a ten pound boy last week. Miss Dora Besley, of Waukegan spent Sunday with her parents in this this village, near the Mudgett Cheese factory, will rent his farm and move to Elgin, March 1, where he intends t0 start in the milk business. The McHenry Dramatic Club are rehearsing the comedy entitled "The Heroic Dutchman," which they propose to bring out early in March. 12 years old, wt, 1400 ibs.; Black Gelding, 10 years old, wt. 1600 lbs.: Black Mare, 12 years old, wt. 1300 lbs. Holstein Bull--2 years old. Hay Loader; Silo Filler, International 14 inch; Side Delivery Hay Rake; Wagon and Rack; Silo Cart; 250 ft, Hay Rope; W)ash and Solution Tanks, with Heater. Farm Machinery , . , « , . , McCormick-Deering Milking Ma- We earn that H E. Wightman has chine with 2 Double Units 3 pails sold his cottage and grounds, at Pistaqua Bay, to J. W. Peters, of Chicago. Consideration $1,600.00 The Oliver Typewriter band will furnish music for the German fair on Saturday next. This is called one of the best bands in the land. FORTY YEARS AGO 's Repair Sho; Next Door To Hoot Noonan's :'- On U. 8.12 Radiators Repaired fttfaies and Fenders Straightened Sign Painting l Track Lettering Furniture Upholstering CHARLES RIETE^EL and Piping for 35 Cows Complete j with Combination Motor & Pump, I nearly new; Set of Breeching Har-! ness. --Feed-- 2 stacks of Soy Beans, 54 shocks of . Corn in field, 7 tons of Ear Corn in Just as we go to press, we learn,crib lg tQns of Mixed Hay in bar„. of the death of Michael Brahan, who, ^ bushelg of Barl 12 ft Silage in lived just east of this village, which & ^ gj|0> KENT & COMPANY AU Kinds of (NBUKANCI Placed with the most rettskle Coai panics Onm in aari talk it over "bent MeHcoiry S Phom 43 occurred on Tuesday night. Mr. Brahan was an old settler here. Simon Stoffel has received the appointment of postmaster at West McHenry, to succeed John Kimball, whose term of office has expired. . THIRTY YEARS AGO Mrs. H. J. Schaffer is teaching for . , . .her sister, Miss Cecelia Geary, in the by Law required and which day is Long Grove school. Miss Geary has PBUTEB STATIONERY 75 Long Sheets (6'AXIO'A) $ : > 75 Short Sheets (6'/*x7) lOO Wallet Flap Envelope* 250 Pieces all for W us yp«r>rd«r todayl the 20th day of March, A. D., 1939, and which suit is still pending. . WILL T. CONN, Clerk. WALTER G. FRENCH, McHenry, 111. Attorney for Plaintiff. (Pub. Feb, 9 - 16 and : STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF McHENRY, SS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Mc HENRY COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR THE INCORPORATION OF A FIRE PROTEC TION DISRICT, TO BE KNOWN AS "McHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT." Gen. No. 4461. Notice of First OEVearfng NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN • Terms All sums of $25.C0 and under, Cs«h. Over that amount a credit of 6 months time will be given on bankable notes satisfactory to clerk, bearing 7% interest. Positively no property removed until settled for with clerk. HOLMES BROS. ESTATE (Martin J. Stoffel) CLERKS: Hebron State Bank and Einar Bakkom v VERNON J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAW Pries Bldg. OFFICE HQ{JRS Tuesdays and JFridaya * Other Days by Appointmsat Mcflsnry . Hliaela been sick, but she has almost recovered. The snow has nearly all vanished CHARLES LEONARD. Auctioneer Having sold my farm, I will sell at | and according to present indications it Public Auction, on the farm, located will be .absolutely necessary to post-]4% mi]es east Qf McHenry, 5 miles" Pone that sleigh ride until next win- north of Wauconda, and % mile west ter- of Volo, on Route 20, on -- I Isn't it nearly time for us to again MONDAY MARCH 6 call the attention of the Chicago A' . . Northwestern officials to the fact that, Boning at 12 o clock, sharp, the S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phone 127-R McHenry Our Experience is at Tour Service in Building ; Your Wants to tha.t i.m aginary dje po,t i.s n t "filling tho followin„g d escribed property, to-wit: j n< bill" at McHenry and that we want « * real new one in its place. TWENTY YEARS AGO Head of Livestock -- 2i --Consisting of-- One Team of Black Mares, 10 and 11 years old (2600 lbs.). 24 Cows--23 Holsteins, 1 Guernsey, Most of the dairymen throughout1 10 new milkers, balance springers. this locality are now selling their milk 1 Holstein Bull, 2 years old. through the co-operative marketing Hav, Grain and Machinery company. * | 75 ton of Good Ear Corn; 162 Shocks Herman Schaefer has been added to Qf Corn in Field; 25 bu. Good Seed the force of employes at the local de- Corn: 250 bu. of Feeding Barley; 75 LV°™' Pot: He has been engaged as a freight'bu. Seed Barley, free of foul seed; Talephane No. 800 Stoffel A Reihansperger Insnrnnee aganta for all elaaass sf property in the best companies. it may concern within the territory described as follows: McHenry Township, McHenry County, Illinois; that a Petition has been filed in the office of the County Clerk of said js now jn commission. County, praying that the above desand express handler. ! 200 bu. Oats- 15 ton of Soy Bean The old metal smoke stack, which Hay; 20 ton of Shredded Stalks in has served its purpose at the local barn; 15 ton of Oat Straw in barn; VnC8T McHENRY ILLINOIS plant of the Borden Milk company, has been removed and a new brick 25 ft. of Good Silage in two silos. I F-20 McCormick-{Deering Tractor, with 2-row cultivator: 8-ft. Interna. . . , . , j . 1 W o m e n 's straw hats have made tional Tractor Duiiosct,; 2-bottom, 1m6--ii.n... cnbed territory b^ orjHinized and in-(their appearance upon the streets of. International Tractor Plow; 4-section corporated as a Fire ((^V"tect,o" D,s" j McHenry. Another sign that spring International Drag. McCormick Corn tnct, to be known as McHenry Town- :a „:_i,, , ... * • _ t t\ shin Fire Protprtiftn District:" that 'S Bmder wth con^yor; hta D» tk. undfrsiKned, H«nry L. CowllnJ C°"" Pknter' «,th bea" County Judge of McHenry County Illinois, has fixed the 13th day of March A. D-. 1939, at ten o'clock A. M-. in the room usuallv occupied by the County Court in the Courthouse at Woodstock, 111., as the time and place for the hearing of said Petition, at which time and place the undersigned, as County Judge will have evidence, statements and suggestions touching the "location »and boundaries of such proposed Fire Protection District, and shaJlfdotermine whether tihe same shall be as stated in the Petition or otherwise, and shall fix and determine said boundaries and make such other and further orders in the premises as is by law provided. DATED this 14th day of February, Jiu D. 1939. ^ ENTER: ' HENRY L. COWLIN. County Judge. (Pub. February 16) Need Rubber Stamps? Order at His Flaindealer. Named Gnlf of Pearls Whtsn Columbus discovered Trinidad in 1498 he called the bay on the western side of the island the Gulf of Pearls, because of the gems found in the oysters which had attached themselves to the trunks of the mangrove trees growing along the sho*e, with their roots in he bay. Columbus believed that when the oysters opened their "mouths" drops of dew from the trees fell into them and that these drops eventually grew into pearls. He hoped, it is recorded, to gather enough pearls to make a necklace for Queen Isabella, but moved on from Trinidad before accomplishing his quest. MONET TO LOAN I have clients who have money to lend on first mortgages on real estate and others who want to borrow money on real estate. If interested either way, I will bo glad to talk it over with yon. Joseph N. Sikes Waukegan National Bank Bldg. 4 S. Genesee St., Waukegan, IIL TEL. MAJESTIC 103 A. P. Freund Co. Excavating Contractor International All-purpose Truck Wagon and Rack; New Idea Manure Spreader; 1-horse Cultivator; Potato Hitler. DeLaval Magnetic Milker, 2 units (new); Set Back Pad Harness and Collars (new); 12 new Milk Cans, Pails and Strainer; 2 Wash Tanks; Coleman Gas Burner; Hay Fork, Rope and Pulleys (new); Electric Fence with Insulators and Posts; Grindstone; . . n , .. . _ Milk Cart; Forks, Shovels and Num-, Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane erous Other Articles . All machinery listed in this sale is practically new, part of it used only one season and none used over two seasons. Terms of Sale Ail sums of $25 and under, -Cash; Over that amount a credit of six Service ^ --Road Building---1 TeL 204-lff McHenry, 111 After neighbors complained to police that the noise annoyed them, Mrs. , Mary Sulliva»-of Boston was ordered months will be given on good bankto refrain from socking a punching a^e notes bearing 7% interest. No bag in her back yard. j property to be removed uijW settled An ordinance in a New Hampshire *or clerks J uTvnrri town states that when two automorj CLARENCE HIRONIMUS biles meet at an intersection, each First National Bank of Woodstock must wait for the other to pass. Clerking I TRETT BROTHERS CONTRACTOBp Cesient, Brick, Plaster and Stucco Work Bnilding, Moving sad Raising Telephone 625-1(4 McHENRY, ILL. INSURANCE p£55 FIRE AUTO EARL R. WALSH Presenting Reliable Companies yon need insorsMee of aay Flms 41 or tl-M Pries Bldg. . MoHanry