I * *£«&*#•*»* ^ » $ » <V» * *,« V. • .«-.••» smk • •> *• I • * ' •*'.»<«•» ^ » r * ' - , '•• '"••' *"'* -•/?•" ssl. ".-V '- <"r ^w^j--,- * . •:•"••:'• •^'-•n •;;• .;..•• ":,.-i-J- .- . - ,, . ajZ* _ J_.~~t 't . /'. • ."• : v- ... . ' r - ^ *tf ' v^-t ',J •• - = - -•• - . t • H. (- ,- - f VOLUME 64 T MDHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23,1939 Ho. 40 HFTME TOWN EIRT WRITES OF VISIT TO PALM spumes FDURIST TOWN AT FOOT OF MOUNTAIN G FORMER RESIDENT llAIIIlIllflTflll DIMTB18M0KN, DAKLLLNBTUN CHICAGO HOSPITAL •0.x. (By Maty EL <>*«).. ••• . At last our long cherished trip to Pfclm Springs is a reality. We hive heard about the wonders of this famed desert oasis from our family for years, but until yesterday it was n?erely & spot on the map we longed Mrs. Dorsana C. Smith, former Me* Henry resident, died this (Thursday?" morning at a Chicago hospital at the age of 90 years. She had been in failing health for the past number of years. Three years ago she broke her hip in a fall. Her husband, J. P. Smith, who pre ceded her in death about sixteen years ago, conducted a jewelry store in the Fete Freund building on Elm street foT many years. After his death, Mrs Smith made her home with her»daughter, Mrs. Timothy L. Kimball, 37U8 N. Kedvale avenue, in Chicago. Funeral arrangements have not yet UONS GUESTS OF LOCAL CLUB AT XEBTCHO TUESDAY • B V B U M O to see | been completed, but it is expected the We started off with a rather murky *">eral will be held Saturday, With (high fog, to you), day through miles bunat here m Woodland cemetery, *»d miles of orange groves, stopping * in Pomona, the heart of the orange country, for breakfast. Our spirits re-; vived, we drbve through miles and, miles of vineyards, which if we are to believe the signboards, are the largest in the world. We do have to; admit that it was grapevines as far| as we could see on_ either side of the LILY LAKE CASE Three guests from the Barrington Chapter of Lions International attended the McHenry club's meeting Tuesday night at Roy Clark's "Nook." The visitors were J. C. Cadwallader, sec RUTH PHALIN WEDS HARRY ANDERSON AT CHICAGO SATURDAY £ A simple ceremony at ten o'clock on Saturday, February 18, 1939, in St. Gertrude's church at Chicago, united in marriage Miss Ruth Phalin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Phalin of this city, and Mr. Barry Anderson of Chicago. Rev. Harold P. O'Gara officiated at the ceremony and Nuptial Mass The altar of the church was decorated with pink gladioli. FOUR ALDERMEN TO BE ELECTED TUESDAY,APR. 18 DEATH CAUSTES VACANCY IN SECOND WARD MRS. MJNJUE QEPPERT, 90, DIES ON FRIDAY AT ELGIN HOSPITAL _ \ Mrs. Minnie Geppert, of Egin, died Friday night, Feb. 17, in St Joseph's hospital of that city on the eve of her ninety-first birthday. She was the grandmother of Harry Anderson of Chicago, who was on Saturday married to Miss Ruth Phalin of this city. The deceased lived in Carpentersville most of her life, moving to the home of a granddaughter near Elgin about nine years ago. . Surviving are a son, Fred, of Carpentersville and three grandchildren, , .. , . , . ... Four aldermanic posts must be The bride, who entered the church JfiHed at ^ municipaI election to ^ on the arm of her father,J™p*a™:'held on Tuesday, April 1«. ing in a dusty rose, street length! . i* * j miL^ Fc»w:i3vuic wuc^ jjumuciuiunfu, dress. She wore, a wimple hat and' , „ I Mrs. Lacile Bartels of Elgin, Miss retary, R. R. Drover, treasurer, and shoes to match and a corsage of or" j^utzer Sr who^ad been elected Crystal Richards of Chicago and Har- Philip A! Connelly, a new but very chids. Her only (oniament was a!had ^ eIe4ted ry Anderson. active member of the Barrington, strand of peaVls, the gift of the groom.10I_* iuur . I Funeral services were held Tues- Chapter. Miss Harriet Bogcr, of Chicago, was j The terms of three aldermen, who day afternoon in Algonqijin with In the absence of Atty. French, lo- the bride's only attendant. She wore elected for two-year p«iods, ex-; burial there. , ~ cal president, a past-president, CfH.!&rey "with Admiralty blue accessories P»re this year. They are: Edward J.j '» • " Duker, took chaise of the meeting. and a corsape of Johanna Hill roses. Buss of the second wai^John Bolger , It was regretted that the attendance Mrs. Phalin, mother of the bride,| of the first ward and Fred Ferwerda 1 was very small in view of the inter-! w<>re a delphinium blue lace dress and of the third ward. i esting history of the Barrington Lions'a corsage of gardenias. : submitted by Lion Cadwallader and ' Harold J. Phalin, the bride's brother, TO CONVENTION ARE BEING SELECTED BT COIOOTTEKMAN IN WOODSTOCK TOINOHT Whether or not these three men will run for re-election has not been made III Hlbntn liUUIl I (supplemented by the other visiting! was best man and two ushers, James'public. |members. P' ^a^one5r an(* Howard V. Phalin,. Mayor and clerk are elected for a Not unlike McHenry, the Barring-; completed the wedding party. ^ _ | four-year term; therefore these offices INTERESTING NEARBY NEWS A fire which is believed to havei started from a defective chimney, com Election of delegates, to the Republican Judicial convention to be held at Rockford in April Will take place at the McHenry County Republican convention, at the court house in Woodstock this (Thursday) eveningy February 23. At the Rockford convention three candidates for circuit jiidge will be selected for presentation to the voters pf this judicial district. . Every Republican precinct committeeman in McHenry county is a delegate to the convention at the countyseat, each having a voting strength based on the, number of Republican votes cast in his precinct for governor at the general election in 1936. Three vacancies caused by deaths among members of the committee have been filled by appointmnt as follows: n .. . Important dates anent election for l^atedm^WM^of cha^^Kelll Tn ^ar^ to^ Decorations were in:cozens to remember are: a Tu-,th4rles E- Kel'y ,n Marengo townroad. On into the cherry country and; PifrcTiT^Jjt co^rt M^ng Tside! t"n Li°"s ,ChaPter unde'rwerit days of! A wedding | will not appear' on thi^year's ballot. Beaumont, then through the mom,- order ^ Judge Henry L. Cowlin fn f}™f attendance and pronounced mac- the Sheridan Kwrnoftte ^gewater Important Dates ^ a l p a ^= j G r a y s l a k e o n B e l v i d e r e r o a d . T h e , v 'caps. Almond trees all in bloom for villa e wag ap^ale<f to the Apellate 7^ .a splendid membership list, the white with the table centered with a March 14--Last day for filing cer-,blaze was discovered about 8:30 Fri-1,a^ ^ Vi? -«ore miles and then Banning, the|court Saturday, according to a p?e-' ^ ^ ^ °f ^nomination j day eve ningof last w^ but due to^J^ 2; ^"p Sger te "t coun-1to'quash i^Hf ^tforari Sd to». *hf ~ organ-1«f white f^sias and sweet peas. How-| Ma«h 18-L«t day of withdrawal lh7^r\^Z£ ^ ^ ^ in McH^ -1- SW JUDGE ^ORDER ""*"• I"R 7 S" V * . * ^ . 8 k p L'"S^ 2o~Fir8t (i»y :Tz | zz EST* DT^RT^ nothing but sand, sand, sapa, witn 1939( judpre Pierce held that the coun-1 origin (the remainder of the afternoon. ler to file application for ballot bv I ^ of water and otner^diiticui , of a candidate from this county for cacti, and grey sagebrush to break ty court had no juri8diction to call , 0ne of the greatest undertakings of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are having mail. *,es' lt, WaS n°.V P L SS!hf_ d much, circuit judge, will be considered. At the monotony. ven e an election in that the petition for the their club wag ^ purchage of a two-weeks' honeymoon in the south j April 15--Last, dav for absent voter Wn£fr S3?^Tnowc^nned «es?s ,eleC?n T" n + 0t s'^dby a sufficient perty for play?round purposes> uter with New Orleans and the Mardi Gras'to apply for ballot in person. ^ cept for th . pp q number of voters and that there are a jjarJj district was formed and the as their destination. For the wedding! ' ' W we could disced some pi . nQt ENOUGH resident^ in that vicinity property turned over to the park triP the bride travelled in a three- MARIAN WEINOART IS tree. Trtfr a.manTnlfcmt .uAt wrtl, j^rp^te ,s . vflW. board. A basetaU di.mondt.mU Pi«e blue tweed ..it with spring wine RB1A™ WE1HUAKL IS f crouds making ever c ansrinj pa j cage came up from the county courts and swimming pool now fur- accessories. . Upon their return they , -^tferns over e caryori an san . ; court on a petition of certiorari filed nish recreation on these grounds dur- will be at home to their friends at| , r by Atty Paul J. Beitzel of Chicago for ing the summer months. 16214 Winthrop Avenue, Chicago, | Oj*' m~es. rom ^J11" - . the people of the State of Illinois by: A roadway has also been purchased ' Thp bride is a graduate of McHenry reached Palm Springs. For the first Wm> M. Carroll for Jack Wrob- which permits travel to the park with. Community High School and also at- afternoon, February 18, in the parish Then IRZ^rin«"a Ve calT timer this flourishing town on the lengk. and Herman Bl^wn aRainst out crossing railroad tracks. It is tended Western Reserve University in house of St. Mary's church, by Rev. ^ when> - Ca"' o€S€rt II001" at tnP TOOL OX & nilp;nTy , T. . T T ^ n v t r T . r ^ w l i n o a ^Aiinfv Aio nlaM a/ 4-U^ »i..l • ^ % .n », PlavAloml Akin qua lae Kaah a»m_ D«N1 T..«U1 toward saving the buildine. | present the name of State's Attorney Contracts were let last Monday for, William M. Carroll has b^en the only the construction of the Noe bridge in one preserited as a candidate. Marengo township, tiorthwest of Mi-i Should the namcs of other candi. rengo. Successful bidder was the Bo- dates ^ presented. a discussion may BRIDE OF MR. WALTER lander Construction Co., with a price follow as to indorsement and instrue- ANDERSON SATURDAY Of I!12;2,0 1M1 5- „ •. . . c , 'tios to the delegates. A majority vote Paul Wells, Mundeletn fvreman, suf- w the members of the convention will f_ „ nopf„M , qof,, fered a fractured leg and injuries on- determine the result. the face Wednesday morning of last Voting Strength The committeemen, the precinct tiley aesert noor at y . « * Judge Hlenry L. Cowlin as county /he plan of the club to beautify this Cleveland, Ohio. She has been em- Fr. Paul Tuchlinsky, Miss Marion Ui.ilHfeJlnlo . frrmo m thAer trhouorf Mo f Wai rtbzu franrimng -re Vptr eus en-Lt *an d their voting strength. U ITutnru.iy speaKing, r^im curings i clerk ^ appeai was fijed Saturday Fall Festivals the past two years the. General Outdoor Advertising Co., and Mrs. Nick Weingart, was married a typical tourist resort town7 Smart and expensive bungalows and hotels Ben^Chelini]'intervening petitioner, vie with their less glamorous rivals, ^ the trailer and tourist camp, for your lod«rings. Attractive cafes and hote dining rooms serve the exacting, and (frug stores and lunch counters feed the so-called *hoi nolloi.' TTltra-modem and exclusive shops and five and by Atty. Irving S. Roth on behalf of provided large sums which enabled the Chicago. club to make progressive the community. route 59-A, and landed on his face. 1 Precinct' Name Fred Wagner, 47, of Woodstock. Rijey L.-A. Stockwell MOTHERS CLUB BUYS SEVERAL NEW BOOKS FOR McHENRY LIBRARY ln The groom is a graduate of Dundee | AnJeW^' ^ ^ jj^o'i >^d R, Keifey , jHigh School and holds a responsible! After the service, a wedding recep-'®" t . t ift8t gunJav afternoon n arfi npo * Percy Wright It was explained that the Barring- position in the engineering department tion for ninety friends and relatives ™ . beiiGVed to have been killed chimin* 1 W T K* ti'J ton club meets weekly. Meetings are «f the Bell & Howell Cinema Co., Chi- j was held in St. Mary - St.. Patrick ^!! " SSlII J? 1*™ 1 W J- Heat,ey started on the dot and held to a fav- caff0- I School hall orable time limit. Monthly dues arecharged, which include meals. (FR. BRUMMEL, ELGIN DIES AT HOSPITAL IN "sliorts side by side. ^ w ^ The temperature, when we arrived Was around sixtv-five degrees, but by "Kindling by the Viking train which passes Chemung 2 E. C. Chester .. . , * .. . . , through Woodstock at 5:19 but his Chemung 3 L A. Douelass ^ nayy blue nubby wool dressmaker. body was discovered by the train crew Alden Fred S. Smith suit with a dusty pink blouse was of ft 6;35 train Wlagner's body was Hartland worn by the lovely bride. Her acces- manpled g0 badly that identification Seneca Chas. Murray Wm. F. Mueller • . . The Mothers Club announces the The Barrington Chapter is a fine' tgn cent ^ 8°qYenirs an purchase of a number of new books example of what can be accomplished PnnTTVSTVP WTWiriPQAT A ! sories were of navy blue and she wore1"*"*"hiffi0^7^ Par>er^~in his clothing rnrni" r "u * ' ™ue*,cr for the local library, They are as m a emc organization The McHenry- ROCHESTER. MINNESOTA a corsage of gardenias. .was d^icult Papers in his ciotn ^ Coral C H. Ackman .... ------ ~~1--m--&--i * j . . | , ., led to identification. J Grafton 1 Frank C. Ferris Nevil Shutef. line members would 15V» TK. Rev. Fr. Frederick J. Brummel. B21. Tcounty swine _sol4?t the Grafton 2 J. S. Bond Lions have not been as active as lead-' ^ . ,« mi ikiuuiiug --Aicfw uMuitvi.. '*•„ ; members would like. The active' Fr- Frederick J. Brummel, 62 groom and onlv attendant of the bride 1 « . " "* Mon.tw.s upin theseyenties The ,Q , «A|| . „ ^ Qjig"*i-- members realize that increased tneM' i y®*rs old. pa.tor of St. Joseph'. '.. 1, . trZv ™ ~ ^ new seasonal top pnee on the Chiwo Dprr ] C. Frank Daly chief occupat.on of the re», dent, and Van Dine. bership i. neeewary to the .ureew of churel> »' Elgin the past twelve years, i crepe and .veil,™ Set Her ae! ra"'l"'t M°"d"y . • T 5°"' 2 visitors seems to be wearing the least „w. > . tue ciuh th««0 success oi unexoectedlv W«lnA«H»w " yenow jacicet. rter ac consignment was sent in by D. L. Dorr 3 ----- Wisdoms Gate -Margaret | the club. Ideas garnered from thr ^ ™neW*edIy Wednesda:^ e'.en-,^^ssories, too, were of navy blue and ghield who farms near Hebron. It Dorr 4 Grant Nolan ^heVr"Urk,f,^T„r. ot wh,te K- » w. M. Reed possible clothing and getting the most "Knights Grey. L Alone"--Richard Byrd. possible exercise. Bicycling appeared to be the favorite sport, while riding about on motor scooters, not really coming under the heading of exercise, was a close second. Riding, badminton, polo and tennis were all in the running. We don't imagine that sun B^ha'Damo! bathirg would come under exercising ,<Mortal Storm„. either, but we are willing to bet our •Cry best hat that today it is getting the club. visiting Lions will be tried in an effort Range" --- Zane to stimulate interest. M. E. Senne Harold Sah» a minor (Peas and violets. Charles Weingart, brother of the ^^t ^^s'^TcwtT without sort- Hebron' operation performed a week prior to|ru_„.u , 4tJeraging 200 pounds per head. Th»^ Greenwood Fred Wendt "Grandmother Calls it Carnal" -- COURT DECIDES HEBRON !VS waa well-known among bride, acted as best man and was the ^ >CER MUST PAY SALE! TAX AND ALSO A FINE M. D. Brooks DOUGUT"1 P"**SE" ~ UW<:TO^S3TH.ASJNJ222T- R"•B,RTHOLF Funeral services • began i party. Monday, Mr. Anderson and his bride are vember 4, 1938. J. G Wagner McHtnry 1 Earl Whiting ... Phyllis Bottome. I "Dr. Norton's Wife"--Walker. The following books have also been morning at 10:30 o'clock, mth, an of-| driving south on their wedding^trip cejved an attraotive 8ilver medal from McHenry 3 Iiynn Harrison, proprietor of a groc- "ce °' the dead At li a solemn re- and upon their return will be at home - ery store at Hebron, learned to his Qu'er" High Mass was sung. After in Richmond, where the groom will ^nfj^ft^ola^a^as^rat^rize ii . • ivuun..^ dismay that he must pay $1,290.76 noon Monday the funeral proces- manage the Paeel Bros nn.ee for , Canada, as first p iKgood going over in the so-called purchaaed and are for juveniles: I due the state of Illinois as sales tax s'on motored to Annunciatio church Paul SchwermanT ' ^ ^ I ^ **5?acu!ar: , ., i "Secret of the Rosewood Box"--L.;and an additional amount of 25 per at Marywood, near Aurora, and there ~~ " """" Our tastes running more to «thiue> _ --. ... . ^ - seenic than "seening," we drove on about nine miles to Palm Canyon on the Piute Indian reservation. Here, Orton. "Susan Beware"--E. Hunt "Rip Darcy"--Jack O'Brien. . j , , . . "Heidi Grows Up" indeed, was our 'sight we came to ^ y see.' Driving op to the rim of this unusual place we looked down into C. Diggins of Harvard has re- McHenry 2 C. J. Reihansperger i attractive silver medal from McHenry 3 Thos. P. Bolger the Chamber of Commerce at Dryden, McHenry 4 Jos. Frett in the Total McHenry Vote .. fish- Nunda 1 J J. Barnings ; fru u j • . , ~ . , ing competition for young men. The Nunda 2 W. F. Rosenthal ! The bride is a graduate of the local fish that brought the Harvard sports-: Nunda 3 H. L. Cowlin cent as penalty for failure to make a the ^ody la»d in state until 10 o'clock high school, class of *34 and before j i n a Vw,-., m , "1 Tluueessddaayv mmoorrnniinngg, nwkh«enn aonn interment v. <n.0,> c,ass OI ** »na ^""iman the medal was an 11-pound beau-1 Algonquin 1 j her marriage wa» employed at Bast's ty he ^ from Cedar 250 miles Algonquin 2 return. The case, one of considerable im-' service was performed with burial m! Variety store. CharleiT Trit- portance. waa tried in the cim.it court, Marywood cemetery. I art ihool in Chiwo?^ Newport'J""!! "f P*"» in 'l>«.*te»nquin « at Woodstock Priady. Accordinu to Father Brummel was born in Aur-! ^nicairo ana new lor«.:Uc ^ ch.ln, July 6. Algonquin 4 Judy"--Faith Baldwin. the claims of investigators, Harrison ora, 111., on May 2. 1886, the son of ARMY DESERTER FOUND Those in ' charge of th# library, h®d paid no sales tax or made a return1 Joseph and Katherine Hermrick garden of Eden ^ t|\ere. e.Y_er WM wish to announce that a goodly num-'SInce the sales tax law went into ef- Brummel. He was ordained to the "Fritzy,"* a dog owned by Melvin Voltz, Huntley farmer, has been voted one. Through the heart of the can- ^ of other new ^ not mention. yon a stream bubbled and gurgled M above are to be found in the tiover the rocks flanked on either side brary ^ by hundreds and hundreds of tall and ^y.o^T»me^r CASE or SPRING OEOVE the steep trail down into the canyon.' Green grass, desert flowers and palms,' some in clusters so close together it NEAR HARVARD SUNDAY: a certificate of award for bravery by feet in 1933. ~ j Catholic ministry June 10, 1910. |the American Human Assn., for sav- Judge Pierce ruled againtf the de-| He is survived by five brothers and Clarence Schaefer, 23 years old, son forty-three cows and several hogs, Algonquin 5 E A. Benson Martin Bohl Russell Allen Ed. Cernocky F. B. Morgan 917 177 253 415 564 408 332 201 372 Total Vote .>...11,853 McHenry township has been redistricted since the 1936 election, with when fire completely destroyed the four precincts instead of three, of by Sheriff Lester Edinger near barn on the Volts farm December 4. three, so that four committee combin- YOUTH IS CONTINUED fendnnt. In making his decision he four sisters. A brother, Joseph, died °* * Harvard farmer, was apprehend seated that the sales tax is the law in 1918. jed by Sheriff Lester Edinger neai and it should be enforced as long as: - [Harvard Sunday. He was turned over, When released from, their stalls the j ed will cast the total vote of the town it remains a law and if the public 'to authorities from Fort Sheridan cattle did not move toward safety un-. ship, either as one unit or by dividing Wayne Edward Rohr. who had been pealed, gave us the feeling of walking in a confined in the county jail since Janu-1 cave to go through them. Narrow in ary 10V was released on his own bond some spots, in others the canyon is of $500 Monday. His case has been nearly half a mile wide. We could continued for 90 days. have spent hours here but unfortun-! Rohr was taken into custody on a ately our time did not permit us to. charge that he broke into a storehouse We left reluctantly, vowing that we of the Northwestern railroad at Mawould return and explore further rengo and stole gasoline. He >« » thinks it an undesirable law, it re-l A 0£~.K mains for. the public to have it re-J AlllOIljf CtIC dlCK Birth* The Peter Justens of Woodstock announce the arrival of a son, born last with an attack of influenza. Monday where he is wanted on a til "Fritzy" charged them and nipped charge of desertion from the United their heels. States army; ! Norman Mecklenberg, 11 years old, Schaefer told Deputy Sheriff Harold Richmond farm boy, was fatally injur- Linus Newman, who has been ill Reese that he deserted the army about cd Friday morning of last week when with a heart ailment the past 'two six months ago while in camp at Camp the truck in which .he was riding with weeks, is recovering nicely. I McCoy, Wis. He- said he was ill at his father, Frank Mecklenberg, collid- Harry Conway is ill at his home. | that time and sought treatment from Led with a beer truck driven by Rov William H. Althoff has been confin- a physician outside the service in Mc-| Nelson of Antioch. The accident oc ed to bed at his home since Sunday Henry county. He did not return to curred at 8:45 at the intersection of wfcen our own H. P. arrives. i resident of Spring Grove. He was Wednesday at the Woodstock hospital. Miss Maurie Taylor and Leonard Our return trip was through Indio, brought into the county court on an Mrs- Justen was formerly Miss Grace McCracken have been absent from his camp and was reported missing. which is the heart of the desert date information charging petty larceny, farm district. This aTso was new to RESIDENT DIES AT PALATINE MONDAY COMING EVENTS Granger. The child has been named their teaching duties at the local high "William Darwin" and Is the first school because of illness. Febrnar 23 grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. D. L Peter Doherty is ill at his home. Bake Sale Ladies' AW---M E Church t^ie chest, a wound in the back, frac- Granger of this city. j Miss Ruth Reihansperger, student basement * I tured ribs and a punctured lung. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Thelen an* at Rockford College, has been confined Meeting' County Legion Council AI. Patricia Dunlap. pleasantly recalled nounce the birth of a son, born Satur- to bed at the home of her parents the! gonquin a former. Harvard girl, is taking day, February 18, at'the Woodstock past week. Her brother, Herb, is " February 24 ' Anthony Zuelsdorf, 84 years old, hospital. Mrs. Thelen was before her also ill. Home Bureau Party--W B Harrison us. We have two large date palms FATHER OP FORMER in our front yard but since the climate in Los Angeles is not hot enough to ripen them, our chief experience with dates h?d been using them as ammunition for warfare when we were children. These date palms, died at his home in Palatine Monday marriage Miss Florence Gallagher. however, were high with platforms afternoon after a few days' illness, j Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hironimus arej Misses Evelyn and Lorraine Schaef- Meeting O E^S* built around them and bags hung over He was the father of Frank Zuels- parents of a son, Robert Frank, born er were confined to bed the fore parti « ' March 7 the clusters toJceep them from rin- dorf and Mrs. Leo Zimmer, both of Thursday, February 16. 'of the week with influenza. iMeeting--Riverview Camp K N A ening too rapidly. In between the whom were former residents of this A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Conklin, who resides near the iT u,P<.k 1fi ' V ' prim tree, were row, of jrrapefruit cl£ res.aents u... ^ ^ ^ ^ c(mix Mffered a broken Mk,e „ March 1« ^ Fune^ ge^ices k0!?14®!. ^esd ay, February 2!. ,n 8 fal! chestra--High School. > 173 and a gravel road, one and a half miles west of Richmond. Norman died as h? was being carried into the office of Dr. M. M. Dickey in Richmond The boy received a crushing injury to Mrs. Signa Miller is ill at her home. ^ February 27 trees, their branches heavily laden Funeral services were held from the hospital Tuesday, February 21. Mr. in a fall on the ice near her home last with the ripe yellow fruit. We heart- Catholic church in Arlington Height? Co,lins is manager of the local A. & week. ily recommend this trio to all visitorsa.att tteenn oo"cclloocckk tthhiiss ((TThhuurrssddaayy)) 'mmorn orn-iT*e~j~pMrs in the southland. It is a sight not to ing, with burial at Barrington. be mi?sed. but it must be taken be- -- ATTENDANCE IMPROVED Mrs. A. Joanne Rulien, school nurse, Mrs. Albert Justen, had her tonsils -Mrs. Lester Sherman is ill of erysip- TRYON RE APPOINTED Janice Justen, daughter of Mr. and HEAD OF HIGHWAYS high rank as an actress. She plays the role of Janet Dexter in the popular radio serial, "Bachelor's Children." Miss Dunlap has been portraited and publicized as a screen and radio star for some time. Her picture appeared Sunday of last week in numerous newspapers throughout the United States. Twnety-four men were added to the Hebron WPA sewerage project on Monday, making a total of eighty now working. Two shifts are operating with E. Foss of Greenwood and Albert L. Tryon, county superin- Ahrens as foremen. Chet Button is f|>re May. because after that the tem- James," but Eddy fans will like it and nemtnre is liable to be one hundred so will the kids. He is In fine voice announces that attei^ance at both the removed at St. Therese hospital at1 Charles Mid twentv in the shade and no shade and sings some of your old favorites, grade and high school is very much Waukegan Wednesday. X j tendent of highways the past twenty-superintendent in charge. We ro turned through Riverside and Virginia Bruce is beautiful, but she improved. Teachers who have been Mrs. J. E. Wheeler returned home ^ve years, was reappointed to that j - -- i-- Knautifnl Santa Ana canyon consid- has little to do. absent from school because of influ-' from Victory Memorial hospital at i Tuition by the board of supervisors' • CONTEST WINNERS :<e*|ng the dav well spent and perfect, Tomorrow is our big day, thanks enza the past week have resumed their Waukcp-sn Tuesday and is recovering j ®t their meeting held at Woodstock Winners in the Valentine contest f*6m all awrles. even ^astronomically, to our editor's letter of recommenda- teaching duties. nicely from her recent illness. j last Tuesday. sponsored by the Agatha Shop last Pre-view of Week 1 tion (for which we give eternal grati- -- j Letter Page has been confined to' Previous to his appointment in 1913 week have been announced and are Our pre-view of the week is "Let tude). as we are goipg through Para- Have you tried that Grade A Milk, bed for several days. j to his present position, he served four as follows: Mary Knox had the old- ,Freedom Rire" with Nelson Eddy, mount Studios. The passing of a pasteurized and delivered by the 'Mc-j J. N. Sevier is ill it his home. j years as county surveyor, which place est valentine; Minnie Knox, the Virginia Bruce, Edward Arnold and studio's nortals being one of the most Henry Dairy? You can do so by call-1 Miss Ellen Baker, who is employed|if held by his brother, G. L. Tryon. prettiest valentine and Mrs. C. W. Lionel Barrvmore. It is a lusty tale, sought-after trips, we have been de- ing McHenry 27. 40-fp in the telephone office at Fox Lake,|Trvon is a grand nephew of the late Klontz, the most historical valentine, of thr* railroads and makes a he- luged with offers of relatives for the ;-- j is sick with influenza'at her home | Capt. Charles K. Tryon, a pioneer Those receiving honorable mention man out of our hero much as "Stand day. We have been allowed to take ^ Geno Poultry Remedies at Wattles here. TTp and F'Vht" tries to do for Robert our sister with us. "much to her de- i Drug Store. 39-tf-fp Taylor. The story smacks of same- 'isrht. «o bane on. and well be seeing i' ' ness *« the latter' opus and "Jeue. for you tomorrow. , i Subscribe for Hie Plaindealer Order ^'if Rubber Stampr at The Plailidsaler. surveyor of th:s county. Dr. Roberts' Veterinary Remedies at Wattles Drug Store. 39-tf-fp were: Mrs. Ethel Holly, Mrs. Dorothy Adams and ^Mildred Jo^a. Raad tfca Waat Ada the vote by agreement. Gill Selected in Winnebago Atty. Thomas E. Gill of Rockford finished first in the race between three candidates for the support of the Win nebago county delegates for nomination as one of the three judges of the Seventh Judicial circuit. The names of three candidates were submitted, by the Winnebago county bar to the Republican County committee, which was to select one of these three as the final choice of the county to succeed Judge Fisher, who will retire from service on the bench. The three candidates selected by the Winnebago county lawyers from among which the Republican committeemen were to make their choice were: Attorneys W. R. Dusher, Thomas E. Gill and Carlton K. Welsh. The latter is a son of the former Judge R. K. Welsh, who is well known ia Woodstock and McHenry county. Friday evenin? the committee held a meeting to select one of these three candidates. Each in turn appeared in person before the committee members and pleaded his case, after which a ballot was taken in which Gill received over 8.000 votes, a clear majority of the 15.000 votes cast in the contest (fc The committee did not select dele* - gates at the Friday ni^ht meeting, but will meet again later for that purpose, after giving the successful candidate an opportunity to express his wishes in this matter. Lake county will meet soon and a#*»-y lect its delegates, who will be instruct ed for Judge Ralph J. Dady. present sittirg judge. Boone county will also meet soon and endorse Judge William L. Pierce to succeed himself. Need Rubber 9tamps? Order at Tto Ptmiakftte. . > <t '•> * j